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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  January 13, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PST

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jimmy they let america's your tv rescue dog. give me a forever home, i will be happy every day, and that is all, and thank you for watching inaugural episode "fox news" saturday and said your tv for 10:00 p.m. eastern every saturday fox's don't forget to salt follows on social and it for an saturday night preorder my book cancel culture i know me for the on january 30, 2000, and i hear you betty called them come as you result we will see you all about next week, girlfriend and i am your man and main man goodbye from new york city be a republican, mia democrats, just jones be a. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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greg: you hear the music. thank you so. all right, use, well, that was amazing. i wish i smoke it is friday so you know what that means less welcome to nice guess, you may recognize him come from hism feature an average white guyfr magazine, hamas a fox and friends, todd hi row. sue and. [applause] & f [applause] thanks former, comes freshly squeezed, serious 6m morgan ortega's. [applause]f "t [applause] and it is been 12 years since she tested positive for food,os new york timesit best-selling authore fo, contributor prayed. [applause]aumpf!
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back at the great barrier getsan his liver, new york times is selling author and comedian world champion pirate. [applause] and before we get to some new stories on us do this. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> great time left over. >> 's leftovers were army did j jokes that we diokd not use this week and that's always is myk. first time reading them that's on the sock, will put joe back in meatgrinder entertainment of hot dogs. here we go, fingers crossed, during a house committee speech of a democrat congress moment accuse the former presidentpa donald trump on wednesday ofnt inciting an erection. [applause]d [applause] >> something that she is never been guilty of, herself. [applause]rsel [applause]
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>> that was terrible and chris christie enough that he'sri dropping out of ths e gop,ut presidential race, and he said it was difficult to support us platform. [applause] [applause] [laughter] >> so the workers who designedho the debate d stage. [applause]wow. >> and like many politicians who drop out, kristi said that he is looking forward to taking some time off and spend more time with his family. >> that according to a report, kamala harris has created her own scented candle and just like her, gives liz every night. l [applause]it >> she's drunk. [laughter] [laughter] >> talking three is in thea dr t of paramount pictures in this next installment, maverick will take on his biggest bow yet, an enlarged [laughter]
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[laughter]osta >> will all get there. and the girls high school basketball game was canceled after the players hurled anti-semitic slurs against the jewish opponents. i knew that talkinr jeg right, d the jewish basketball player. [laughter] [laughter] in oklahoma, 13 -year-old islaho believed it to be the first person to ever beat the videogame, tetris that's incredible and what i was his age, as being something else.ts >> this is where we are going.] >> i don't know what that means in the faa issued a safety update after alaska airlines winter blowout, morning, the parents, but does old and secure to babies on their laps and airlines clarify, there will be an upgrade fee if your coach anh maybe ends up in first class.
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[laughter]in >> and the ready and related soaring aviation from, claims that is developed a jet fuelrm c made entirely from human loop. that means that i finally soldhe some soccer, all of my boxes ofe loopr .te the city council going ir]n st. paul minnesota, will now be, made up entirely of women. first order of business, newew drapes. [laughter] [laughter] >> nobody is safe nobody's. the company in the uk, has created bananas that never turnt brown. that's right now bananas are racist. [applause] [applause] >> in this week, rocket wasis launched in the space with thein intention of releasing that remains of 330 people, including george washington, jfk, and joe
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biden. [laughter] [laughter]udingashi [applause] [applause] [applause] >> and a horse claim,. >> oh no. >> i know hey i'm not proud of this reports lane, jeffrey epstein, trying to stop a rumoru that he once invited stephen hawking come into the island for conference which led to his legend, aged orgy, which seems like a ridiculous rumor, so the kids rarely eat their vegetables and that is the worst, the worst joke that i ever heard. and i am firing ducey for sending that joke. >> it is true though and kids
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hate vegetables, with a hack c1r reversal eventts over thousand migrants who have displacedov studentser brooklyn high school but the downside is that the students missed in person classes left side, the landscaping was amazing. that is so racist, that is terrible racist joke. his toys night and not on the show. episode of you, will be goldberg's and that she believes that if you trump trump windsmp 2024 from a government ofn journalist and gay people. there goes bravo. >> that the housewives. greg: according to researchers only in a bargain public, getting to horrific consequences. seek of this why aleadm so heal, said one man. [laughter] [laughter] about. [applause] >> in a remake of the blog,
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that's in the works, and hollywood is already scouting for the main star. >> about. [applause] >> finally, the relationshiprt expert address the real reasons why your partner will not have with you, maybe caused by lack n of fitness, wealth or if youay look like this. >> i knew that was coming. >> rebecca back. >> i knew that was coming. >> will yes and out to the news. espn is in a jam, because they ran me ceiling scam, and out, there in the hall of fame, when he comes to using bogus names,os this the word story and according to a report from the athletic you, espn has admitted to operating a scam, going backc decades of using fake names ofsf people who do not exist, to obtain more than 30 emmys there on air talent.
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all right here's my question, what if fox think about and this is well here is how we would note according to rules some of the academy, on air tellingta coming can win individual imagee but not as part of the staff they show subsequent this welcome espn concern, fake names and any submissions, but the guys of associate producers never those of youprod and awarf an associate y hazardous, my laundry. [laughter]: [laughter] >> but if the one kevin pennington, they re- engrave the awards give them to: air t personalities who actually did nohe t win.! i know, what is the earlier is what for the fake names used mee and made upcoming is like were barely trying to hide it is so late was course it was lee corrigan kirk was henry and dirk coward and samantha potter, was
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steep under. well not only did she give a game they also resigned her somebody get riley gaines on. te phone.on as these espn calls are riley green.gree [laughter] [laughter] >> in the report notes, that there waports no evidence that l on-air talent was aware of the scam, espn returned the statuteu to thern we go toem the espn talent, whot other statue ns return. [inaudible]. [laughter] [laughter] >> but the big question is why e in the heck did he do this one person involved in the espnve every submission process said that you have to remember comeoe those personalities are so important,t th they have which is a shame, for tv
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personalities and gives them aba bad name because not all of usl have egos and i do not come here to do the show everything a dayy so they can win some fancy statute, and needed me, i ready have you know nobel peace prize. [applause] [applause] >> and mr. universe trophy. and missus universe. i won that on my own.n in an mbmya defensive player of. the year. my back seriously, the accusation of cheating, could a come at a worse time for you is espn that were just finished ao tribute, to the most honest athletes of all time is armstrong. very farms, and the east germans women's swim team. and yes remain front of them back then. todd, this is pretty amazing and you offer one emmy.
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todd: i have not. >> do you ever wish you had. todd: i actually applied in thet lives we actually have tuao appl selfly and payroll fee in order when the emmy so my conclusion come there is noeads way in hec, that the on-air talent did not know about this game edit for no other reason people in this business they talk and it is a small business and so if you see sportscaster x, devastation, when the work, you know what you've done your research and you have been pondering the t amazing you know thehe one that award so randomly when beckywh shows up in your mail, is that you won the war, you know it is not yours and the second.oh greg, you ran the names, one thing you did i mention aboutth those names,in those are all adt film star names. [laughter] [laughter] dirk coward, kirk udry, chris felton, corky, and steve ponder. okay that's an amazing fact that
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i love you for that c1 i also want to know, how do you know w this. [laughter] [laughter] [applause] back. greg: that makes his whole stort worthwhile. todd: i'm glad they can make it about me intentionally.t it always seems tome have on the show. hillary: that's not a rhetoricae question, how did yostu know th. >> anybody remembers and women's names. [laughter]: men' and who remembers the guys name. >> i did you greg: i need to todded: i believe in knowing, being well rounded knowing all aspects of the entertainment world and i need to know theknow competition case one of thesee individuals know to beon the anchor "fox news" and so when it comes to research, you say your pretty banal. [laughter][l
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affect to you when we gotta move on. >> no no, stay here pretty. [laughter] [laughter] >> i will my time and see vanessa greatest segment ever. e todd: they are yielding your time to you to be about me the poor addiction that you just made up. >> what you did kind of put it out there c1 12 organ come up i, 2002 coming when you're message was title, did you really. t aughter] [laughter] did you really way with thewo daviuls.t so >> c5 ahead with hearing thingsu becausche we spent so much times a culture of giving a participation trophies sounds like the next national evolutiot participation trophies and you're just like reading this is a big even to everybody i don't know listen, is ever going to use me for being sporty spice but that you are not supposed tu cheat like you would think espn would know that. vee >> will that veer away from sports they screw up in this adjusting to reporting what is on the field. cass, and so short, please emmye
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were improperly obtained and ist like the media equivalent ofaint stolen valor is a member of the media and very to a veteran, this must be doubly offensive. kat: exactly, this makes aat little since i remember i talked while i was actually worriedwa that i was stupid even though we all know that's not true. [laughter] >> and couldn't stand it. kat: with you women infant whenm you knewmy me for 13 years thisr will not a single one of these people was likely, that was, uninvited to the ceremony. [laughter]"w [laughter] and simile was just like having me enemy of anybody,body congratulations i would be starr laughing, it just shows up at y your house andou also, on tv right, you win an award was they first thing you're goingou to d, you going to google yourself tou see what other peoplrse are say about it and we are all insufferable at least i can admit but i'm single one a of theseno googlet themselves and the liso not a single one of them is w
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likely, what i likase to going o the ceremony and pictures ofd ha myself taken and not single onei of the people and literally the most narcissistic profession that there is being on airstic,s i thought rest, the questionti pretty i aonm not buying that f> a second. greg: you think tyra. >> yes, i am buyin wg it, becau> what they did was, support the does not going tv. it is the team that part of the team was like the producers hurting for putting up with her arrogant was a split in the face of the producers, we have to make sure the low-grade years"w gets a trophy as well predicthy you're not ended for the individual one, is the one for the team but all emmys are bleep bleep and have to pay. any have to pay. so you have the greatest number one late-night show, but the l host is chief,. [laughter] [laughter] you do not get enemy do you know what i am saying. listen forget that thi?s is the guy who offered me, 20 bucks to break a protest because i was
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black printed so without any prices came out, he was likeme well, we don't anita.s good on integrity. >> tyra story i have tickets fol all of us to the adult video from. feeling like you know the guy with the directors, like your role coming it was like will yoa were probably edit in a younger time in youryo life which are n- action part like you were the one pizza delivery guy theizza portal, visiting the pizza from and they close the door. [laughter]they >> i was in the list. morgan: it makes it is becauseas one of the group of people is getting off work at 6:00 o'clock in theat o morning. greg: we have to move on. g thote maximum talking to the bak because the countries at stake. [applause]ake. [applause] ♪
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here's to... one year bolder. ♪ ♪boost♪ nutrition for now. (christina) with verizon business unlimited, i get 5g, truly unlimited data, and unlimited hotspot data. so, no matter what, i'm running this kitchen. (vo) make the switch. it's your business. it's your verizon. if you have chronic kidney disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you'd rather be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪
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>> introducing the cuts held town halls. no town, no house, but the world's hottest moderator. an injection of political insight you can get anywhere else with no venting music or graphics. wait, turn that back on! it's the gutfeld town-list hall-lis sue control use ofof okay, and welcome, to part to our vertebral greg gutfeld will once again were joined by fanstr including thy e cheer squad froa northern state community college. ♪ ♪ ♪there ♪ >> yes, and really exciting baca again force our friends from these are state correctional facility. [laughter]
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>> greg gutfeld greg gutfeld sug and tonight's guest knows how to shake things up, especially when he sticks it to the media. >> just by show of hands, who here, is willing to admit, thei trump russia collision hoax, was indeed incorrectly reported that means for the media and why not and why would that be inappropriate and by show of hands, literacy was that wuhan lab, the likely origin of the it is everybody agree that the t hunterhe laptop story was indeed accurately reported not russian information. >> sue and yes let's talk aboutl flipping the script,ip but whats this subsection with raising their hands my back was thus
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given the please look back, to be presidential candidate, vivek ramaswamy and we have a great question so let's get right to it, any us, and covid-19 alikeor unit flock would selective is her general president candidate, will you agree, to a vp selection. >> fully appreciate that in talking to you from a gasou station in iowa we pulled over w so just provide some contexte pu here right now so all the campaign events. driving around in a blizzard. [laughter] and so i would address thei wa elephant in the room there. vivek: i'm at a gas station. greg: okay can you give me aof 2-liter bottle of fans a. [laughter] vivek: i was always a dr pepperl guy, but wwae will bring it back
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next time to the studio you knon from the truth is, you did address bozeman's question i think all independent opinionsn which is has historically disqualified feature for vice president, but when comes mywhen ability to lead this country, i think i'm best position to do ih from the front and i do thinkon that we needt. a leader with fr. legs i think the next generatiox come to reach the nextd generation of americans, thi was to take america first agenda to the next level. but also reunite this country in the process and i think it is possible to do both of those things at the same time i don't think securing the southernn' border using hert rosary on the border, questioning a large numbers of federal agencies, i don't think that's a left-wing a brained idea nothing is an american idea for some of my policies are sufficiently, last year say unconventional of the what i do not think that i candt do that in the number two seat i expected i hope that i ask you to help me to come from the next president of the united states e
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sue and i just wondering theited people of working or thank you so your crazy, and who is this t guy, who's a guide i'll six. [laughter] [laughter] running for president. [laughter] [laughter]ent? and who did you get did he get of the nearby mental hospital. [laughter] and so n thial hs a great quest, and he's he asked how we free the protesters stop this insanee persecution, and we put greg his press secretary in this you know, good job you know but this talk about jan what would you do. >> as i said this on the onlywh candidate to make this pledge day one in office, i will pardoi every peaceful protesters thatht day. because that is the righdat thig to do for this country i will go further he's by case, an understanding of those who allegedly violently charged coming to understand the factscu actually match up in the due process rights denied, andheld anybody was held two different center the rule of law, will ge
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a part of because how webe actually have to stand for one standard rule of law in thishe r country and siva and burned this country outcome in cities across this nation for year, and you peaceful protesters on that day the lights of own shortages headed megaphone did not enter the capitol yelled 1776, ended up serving in person, is not america julio something there76 are some mor,"e facts and stillt yet to com'se to light here i kh you're not supposed to talk about that but i thank you so the hard truth is our questions about capitol police officers and let people intbouto the capp i don't thinlek that entrapment ever should be the basis of capitol always somebody and in' don't think that it s appropriae t same person that's. what i'm going to stand for his next president. [applause] [applause] greg: great point. [applause] [applause]. greg: from alabama my home, if you become president, when there weather first think you will doy to improve the schoooul systems are education system of whatscho would you do. vivek: will soon i have to start
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of this level of basics but even when i was in iowa over the last week of school shooting herek, when they got upset and this iso top of mind,ot shut down the department of education putn three armethd security guards every school all across this country and so it was you knowwu our schools are at least safeur and protected for our children. he's actually focusing on achievement, the teachers unionh in the public schools and schood choice actually levels and notel just the private schools, publie schools in those same areas ine. the teachers unions if you haveh them that theyen can then compee with a private schools teacherss who do w the best job as measurs by the achievement of the s students, actually make more money than they domone today so brings of marriage into thet commonto compensation of the thg up there to get treatment and susan let's get rid of thetion indoctrination this website abou've t when reform formative education about how get in there and i will shut it down and return $80 million, the parents and teachers definitely school district in private school opportunities throughout thisea country that'sns what it means o best actor actually set for an
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educational student his dues rather than evidence of teacher unioabn bureaucrats that's how . will lead. greg: [applause] [applause] about 40 seconds left, ands le related to the viewer us, you and welcome our military i woull you do that. [applause] [applause]yes. secret clean house of the pentagon and into ddi, any of the boxes that they checkey hispanic american black american white american, no limit any al of that is one box of you join the military, it is america and that's what unites the people in the military under a common purpose and here's the other thing, and think you in the military, anybody who lost their position in the military becausn they refuse to take that covid-19 vaccine will have their position reinstated with back pay times one and a half and we have up to clean up a militarysc respected young limited andan serve this what means you have a real commander in chief.f greg: thank you vivek ramaswamy
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for doing this a tt the gas station and you came on a full tank and you did a great job and next, handshakes. [laughter] that was great. ♪to my astonishment.♪ ♪my doc gave me a script i got it done without a delay.♪ ♪i screened with cologuard and did it my way.♪ cologuard is a one-of-a-kind way to screen for colon cancer that's effective and non-invasive. it's for people 45 plus at average risk, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider for cologuard. ♪i did it my way!♪
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and 5.00% apy on savings to put toward those future plans. there's a lot of banking options out there. but one is not like the others. ♪ ♪ [applause] ♪ ♪ sue and chewed you shake the hand of the one wearing your wedding banned, today's big of the week about comes to us from ron desantis, was photographed shaking his wife okay ccn, thish week's republicaann debate. it happened during the commercial break is probably would've seen it had not been for the new york times, who wrote an entire article aboutti it. [laughter]cle abgh and thente dedicated 545 words,5 doing to b we exact, the main my entered count every single one, and negative the meat locker give credit to her come in like a purpose like bullies on
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shaking as was over the is inn thise same room. [laughter]some [laughter] [applause] [applause] >> hello space and political couples can have different levels of intimacy, casey, shakes her husband's answe r while doctor jill changes herji husband'lls chris christie cante be like his wife's hand every time she hadti and of course, there's the candidates agree their husbands, e it i s infected white hazmatit suit. >> a backup back. greg: morgan have you ever shaken the hand of your husbandd morgan: i think so maybe what i met them and desantis isme knuckling his wife other. [laughter] "mo so it's a positive one i things probably just in the moment it is going by and thinking shaking the governors and eddie just got moment but it is a little m while bless hioms heart. [laughter] >> will do this defense, he was
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standing up and he maybe shoulde about her kissing psyllium or get a hug or and so if he's a, great governor, doesn't matter that he has respondedma ttuncomfortable to have the car ride home about that was uncomfortable. [laughter] >> you shook my hand, i am your wife more like well like that was a bad moment and i havend never shaking hands with ms y we and was elizabeth like she was a so sure becaus be she goal googe doctore s of the just know it ah like welinl you're like yes it i would be like bye-bye well is my money and you would be like will find and then like well she is even when she is welcome sheth still ends up beineng right ando do not shaket hands with your wife if yoru have any sense and especially, in public, because you're white hear about all the other ghettos is that wife thatd they held their handats when thy walked they do not shake handsak and about your buddy not your pal, who's the - you did not want to see kissing your wife that's what i want to know. [laughter] [laughter]
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[applause] [applause]use] >> you are so right and i would say all ofso the house yes. greg: cat, you don't politics especially in the campaigning the hardest thing is acumen right and so was easy like will never met with a hot dog. [laughter] and then throwing a baseball will is like youitt cannot beat well is like will suspend their humanity.? kat: will my mind something just cross my mind i don't know if i should share. >> were not easier to support action. kat: maybe never like this doinw this thing were theyer were pretending that he did not know the they do not know each other. - [laughter] [laughter]th [laughter] >> you will love that todd a little role-playing. >> yes yes. kat: well maybe you're pretending like you are pretty om?" and where are you from. [laughter]reg: >> that might be true. [laughter] but how are you doing there meet you later. >> will you know i would be
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great npr. [laughter]be gre >> and they say will maybe i'lle see you later, the hotel and there the barn i saw you on the campaign in the front row hey this or things fresh america. [laughter] h [laughter] a >> i believe that was 2020 movie, sorry dirk howard. [laughter] [laughter] known as the iowa caucus. [laughter] [laughter] >> there was a heckuva run and probably her solo on monday. g onou have a heckuva meetin monday. [laughter] aa greg: but what is in this one. [laughter] you know he's kind of the opposite of easy-going and it ig kind of unfair because a lot of a great leader. reporter: tv, they were not tha easy-going and you know is because well is highly competenh you know here's the deal. >> i think we saw the beer testi
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on ath grab a beer with him and into a ball off or eight years that is something really wealth for the country so when it comeo to finding a leader come i don'y really care about the beer test this point, i just want to country, this livable so i thini this is much as to do about nothing a muscle the same church different view oaln this one cas well but micah poor movie like role-play think. p >> i didn't say it hador be a film. [laughter]od >> okay like my wife andd: i doy this thing my kids l and i do it as well like. [laughter] d [laughter] stop stop stop get the mind is out ofe the gutter grade i was shake my wife see that was shaka my kids and like to do in the dugout's was a thing we don't maybe this is an inside jokein betweesin them the benefit of te delta ronnie ronnie seaman allo right, listen there shall week. [laughter] while we are still here. while he still here. [laughter] and coming up, print is on for e feet, they cannot be beat.
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>> ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪>> ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> clinical back. greg: welcome back, to greg'sh animals friend is always, yoguu guessed as part of an exam an v exciting animal video sure tore receive over. >> olives take well redecorating my house this weekend, water changes, so following take some of the god new plans and stuffte like that and the promise to bee with all oirf the colors he mounted it was like runnings season starting right there weli have a fight about the breakoutt and you know if sit a bunch of them and then there was one mike received getting all the cool colors is rome i have read some of those might missing was iuse believe in mixing of the races.
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[laughter]g i'm not cut back. >> and so by the time all that it will be one color until i skin an amazing. [laughter] [laughter] >> c1 oh my.oh >> it is wonder why are flowerpots in the water, that's because they use them to lay eggs in so that is why they are there. h like yes.muc [laughter] [laughter] >> c6 i don't even get it so i don't even either well you know what. kat: why would la and egg. [laughter] greg: what is yours? animal. kat: okay, this cutie will do that. [laughter] we have a character when you disagree because i do stuff like that all of the time like buddy when you doing within they look at you like when you mean back., >> is so inappropriate.dn >> he looks like he just't met t that life is meaningless. [laughter]fe i >> or set dropped and he wantedu to shoghw everybody.
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[laughter] >> is like will yes, what are you looking at see what it seems like he's auditioning for one of todd's movies. [laughter] [applause] r on[applause] >> that was chris felton. [laughter]reg: greg: there is a name for that and more again. morgan: 's voice i video of this houston darling little pony, and he or she come i don't likelo getting her confidence toko jump down numerous horses and she runs a little money and chiefs of this made me think of her p this also made me think of joe biden is like him when he try to go down the stairs of air forcef one, yes you did as back. [applause] c1 i'm always wondering how is morgan going to make some rede meat out osof this one and how n i tie this into joe biden c5 i i do try to be funny and it is
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hard sue and that was good okay] todd but your animal video iyour have to god that is good. >> okay it is just an animal this is alive and going thest reigning is stuffed animal and wanted for those of you note know this out greg and i greet each other when we see each other when you michelle, to be real for a moment, i'm really impressed by the coming of the stuffed animal and it did not even flinch the entire time byed the life he wanted stuff they want to say ford. [laughter] [laughter]'m g >> i'm glad you asked dirk howard and already can go above with the names anymore. i just can't. kat: squeeze all of the jews of that was. greg: we do have to move on anda of excellent alls outer space of excellent alls outer space silica ford in your face. [applause] [applause]
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i don' mt think that anybody ovr the outcome of the space might stink.nt kat: now, i want to know who the first person to bring it up and of all of the astros because if you like that if your space you probably feel a lot of pressure do not complain. [laughter] it was a first one to be likeo will kind of sucks about his messier. >> yes was like his was to bese brave and self. >> yes you are supposed to bd e like repoll sue in hoboken, there's a lot of dark matter and spacing could be loop. morgan: will maybe his intelligent life you know security clearance from longtime son might know about indians seu what'v you never us anything abt aliens be back with a real wello i'm legitimately leaguute thinka think thlle real and although io know it will go to space exam,vy sensitive to smells like i couldn't do it and i even before like well going to hear me compare verse 20 like ten times i don't know, i just don't likei smells and i cannoket do it sue and will that was a great story
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morgan. [laughter] m[l sweet i will think he will thein aliens areg coming here so we do not have to worry about greg: will todd 11. new york cig some of them every glaucoma smells like tramp and coldyo garbage anrkd so well where we giving, the space. >> yeah yeah and to guess one, she said this would something for the astros, be on the astros because if you read the article, is sai bd to smells the variousa pland s they have something to e stock, i feel so bad for the site is who got to sign that tha best schools andss get the best degrees and you get the greatest, the grace that you can come on your first day there an the likear will build on your le support about 20000 what your heinous smells like like no w well. greg: everybody. [applause] [applause] sita the list. greg: is always back there okay
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so tyrus, this is that it doesn't not tell you about humanity like when nobody with her moving summer, and every think whether it is like bakersfield california, new jersey, then everything about how so it'ornii might smell thet there, they say will this place stinks. >> avoid some everybody because were juss plt getting more dump. [laughter] b [laughter]ec and if smell something in outere space, you are dead, you can't breathing you freeze and you exploded. [laughter] nobody else know bleeping clue what is smells like in outer space and all they know is that when they get back over there sue smell. [laughter] because if you don't have't oxygen, you can't not smell any thing. [laughter] and i losing my mind. [applause] [applause] >> it is like epidemic m like somebody on board mars whasot about you, though because i'm kind of addicted to water and oxygen and heat, like thoset. things and they come up with ale self and spacing small no, yes
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ox because is that she wanted turned you inside out i think the blessing that you would as a member they ar e having a horrible death, we scream and n nobody hears, because there iso no oxygen and space that you cannot smell it at there's noer fire either is space.>> greg: you the ozon ge smells bitter is mopey. >> they are ignorant bleep bleep. [applause]re back. [laughter] [laughter] greg: wow you know, it is funnyh >> underwater itou is tough toto brink of a look and i didn't gon to harvard university of phoenix, in the nude figure that out c1 and this is an argument f count for female astros becauser they say that ison smells likeay bird foo id is so they would be used to them for being in the kitchen. >> a this would say that. kat: i thought you did wrong like you suggest women are bad at cooking c1 will no no, that
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there in the kitchen. [laughter] we know you i just think that ts was a teachable moment about hot apeople can be sexist. [laughter] kat: well okay hr. >> 1200 well done sue and i think we learned the baked, will be very powerful but equal force and that todd likes poor and don't go away, we will be right back. >> i backup back. ♪ ♪boost♪ nutrition for now. (christina) with verizon business unlimited, i get 5g, truly unlimited data, and unlimited hotspot data.
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>> greg: out greg: thank you, québec. viv >> and vivek ramaswamy entero lovely studio audience, i a greg gutfeld and i love you america. [applause] [applause] . ♪ >> hello, i am cheryl along with charlie hurt, katie pavlich and joe concha and welcome


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