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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  January 14, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PST

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the d.c. police department thoughs has vowed to investigate and hold accountable anyone involved in what they call illegal and destructive behavior at the event. the metropolitan police department, this comes from the chief here, has long supported safe demonstrations. however, violence, destructive behavior and criminal activities are not tolerated. this morning crews were seen washing graffiti off of the statue at lafayette park, that's across from the white house, so, of course, they're doing damage repair there as well. that wasn't directly to the white house though. remember back in november pro-palestinian protesters used paint to vandalize white house fencing, they also attempted to climb the wrought ire gate back in november. this time secret service brought in that secondary fencing to keep demonstrators further back, bill. bill: alex are, thanks, al sand dray ya of live in d.c. and it may not be over. tayeday no, and it happened on the tonth day of the captivity
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of the -- hundredth day of the captivity of the hostages, and i'll tell you what, 1968 democratic convention in chicago, there was a lot of protests. this is protests against the biden administration, so i think that the democrats, secret service, everyone needs to be on alert for what could happen next. bill: we'll watch that. we'll wait to see whether or not there's another chapter to that in washington either today or coming up this week. that's one hour down, dana. ♪ dana: it is taye caucus crunch time -- iowa caucus crunch time. of it's freezing cold, but the candidates are are out in full force making their final pitch to voters. welcome to a brand new hour of america's newsroom, i'm dana perino. good morning. bill: hello to you. short night. [laughter] right on. i'm bill hemmer. the weather could have a major impact on turnout, so we think. we don't know. the wind chill getting as low as -45, that's cold enough to really cause a lot of health problems, right? iowans are taking it seriously as well. dana: the candidates want their supporters to bundle up and show
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up. 40 delegates are up for grabs. it is certainly one of the most influential prizes. aishah hasnie is here in des moines. she has more. hi, aishah. >> reporter: hi, guys, good to see you here in des moines. and, yes, that weather really ate up a lot of that critical campaign face to face time for these candidates which is why all four, the top four, are on the campaign trail hitting the ground hard and shaking those hands. that includes former president trump. he had to cancel three rallies over the weekend. he is out on the trail today taking the stage at a rally in indianola any moment now. he met earlier today with a bunch of volunteers. governor ron desantis also holding a campaign event in dubuque right now. he canceled an event in sioux city, but he will be in in cedar rapids and an kenney later toda. vivek ramaswamy is about to speak in ames, he's got a full schedule as a well.
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this on the heels of a brand new des moines register poll that has former president trump remaining the front-runner with a commanding lead of 48%. the big change, guys, of course, is former south carolina governor nikki haley edging out florida governor ron desantis for that second place. here's desantis reacting on "fox news sunday" today. if. >> we've got large numbers of iowans that have committed to caucus for us that are going to show up, you know? they just kind of roll their eyes at these polls because the idea that you're going to be able to poll a caucus, much less a caucus at -20, good luck doing that. our folks are motivated. they're going, they're on a mission. >> reporter: yeah, guys, motivated, motivation and enthusiasm, it really does matter out here. and the same poll shows troubling signs for enthusiasm for nikki haley, just 9% of folks that would caucus for her are extremely enthusiastic while 23% are extremely enthusiastic for desantis.
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that's up from december. >> i'm not worried. look, i'm not a political pollster, i'm not going to worry about the numbers. what i am going to say is the momentum and the energy on the ground is strong. we feel it. we know that this is moving in the right direction. >> reporter: so it might be a decision that some folks know that they've already made, they're going out there tonight, might be a last minute decision for other focus. we will see. we know that, of course, the roads still here in des moines don't look that great. you wonder about how those county roads look like in those rural areas. guys? tayeday aishah, you look great out there in your carhart. bill: four-wheel drive, that's what we call it. nikki haley could see a surge in if support from democrats tomorrow night. some iowa democrats and independents planning to crash the caucuses and become republicans for a day to vote for her. iowa allows day-of party registration, and democrats are
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not holding presidential caucuses this year, so it could be there was one estimate last night that said maybe about 3% of democrats could make up for turnout monday night. you got something there? dana: well, this was the poll i was waiting for, came out last night, independents and democrats make up half of haley's support. 39 percent independent and 11 percent democrat. she thinks that's not a problem for her even though desantis is hitting her on it. watch. >> i will take support from anybody that will bring it my way. people when want to see a new conservative leader and heed the name -- leave the names of biden and trump in the past, those are the people we're trying to target. finish if. dana: so there you have it. let's see what happens as it comes, you know, analysts see this path for nikki haley to upset the front-runner, donald trump. his lead has been commanding and enduring, but there are some people who think maybe there's a shot for other people. let's bring in shannon bream. i don't know if she's necessarily one of them.
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she's talked to a lot of people, and politico said, yeah, don't take this for granted. it says don't be so certain trump has the nomination locked up. here's a path for a nikki haley upset. your thoughts. >> there is a very narrow way. she has a strong showing here, and i think it's so interesting what you guys were digging into, democrats and independents may show up for her and she heads into new hampshire with the wind at her back, chris christie's folks have dropped out, do they come to her? most of them, that's probably her option, we could have a race on our hands. that's a lot of ifs. you guys know what the weather's like here, you've got to be motivated to get out tomorrow night. if you think you're going to change your party registration for one night when it's -30, i don't know. bill: good point. and if it is 3% of all caucus goers who choose to do what we're describing here, what is the impact on a front-runner who's got a 20, 25, even a 30-point advantage? enter yeah. and, you know, she's -- we talked about this looking inside
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the numbers in that des moines register poll about the enthusiasm gap. when you look at those who say they're supporting president trump, they're at 49% extremely motivated, hers, 9%. our fox polling shows if you look to who promises to show up on caucus night, desantis leads both -- tayeday i wanted to ask you about that because this is a little in the weeds, so bear with us, america -- >> we love this. dana: okay. so desantis had a political consultant named jeff roe. he was with the desantis campaign until about four weeks ago, he had tone that leadup work, and i think that there might be something to the desantis turnout. feels like there could be something there. >> anecdotally, guys, we're here on the ground, and he is having people show up to the point where they're having to bring in extra chairs, he's having sellout crowds, they're packing out the rooms that he's doing, and these venues and this weather, there has to be people
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still interested because you've got to make effort to get out right now. an ec i coatally, it feels like -- anecdote atly, it feels like it may not be an exact match for the polls. bill: he and trump will battle for these the rural counties, the evangelical vote. they're either going to flit split it, or trump's going to go up 2 to 1 on monday night. you asked both desantis and haley a about expectations. >> monday is going to be the pivot point where now that people start to actually vote, i think it's going to really help change the landscape. >> what we've said is we just want to come out of iowa looking strong. we want to come out of new hampshire strong, south carolina strong. bill: okay. look,ing if e were a candidate, i'd say that too. >> you know everybody's managing expectations right now too, and we're hearing it from the trump team as well because they don't want people thinking, oh, you're up by 30 or 40, i'm not taking my 90-year-old out.
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these rural roads that may not be as easy to pass as des moines, they're all starting to manage expectations because this latest poll, as you mentioned, "the des moines register," it's under 50%. today want a blowout going into new hampshire on monday, but everybody's sort of now couching what their expectations are. dana: what about vivek ramaswamy? i think that the first-time voter, day caucus-goer, that had been going towards trump. but vivek and his wife was just saying they have been seeing a momentum there that might not be captured by "the des moines register". >> i don't know that there's a huge youth vote here in iowa or that will turn out in these conditions, but he's definitely tapped into something that you guys probably hear it too, i hear it all the time, i'm so interested in him, i'm following him on tiktok, i like a lot of what he he has to say. so there's something there. and it also makes me wonder why president trump wasted the time in going after him in the last 24-48 hours. tayeday well, maybe --
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>> does he want that percentage no matter how small it is? bill: that little bump. maybe that sent a signal. dana: we'll she she -- see you on "special report." bill: thank you, shannon. right on. shannon bream, thanks. we can go back in time. what we were showing you last are hour, we were showing you bob dole was the republican who won by the largest margin. but george w. bush wasn't far behind, right, year 2000. and this is kind of what he said to the folks of iowa, that he would not forget them. >> i will never forget that it all started right here. [cheers and applause] and to the people of new hampshire, i'm on by way. [cheers and applause] dana: so i barely remember that. i do remember that and, of course, iowa was such an important state for him. when he went to new hampshire, you know that story, he didn't do as well in new hampshire, in fact, got smoked. so it was a race to south carolina after that. bill: just so viewers know at
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home, eight days before new hampshire holds its primary. there'll be a lot of talk back and forth. weather wise, i'm just looking at this going back to 1984, it was never below 0, dana. not one time. [laughter] and now we're going to be well bro it. we'll see whether or not that's a factor. could be, may not be. dana: okay. so this major and final poll in iowa shows r.n. desantis slipping into -- ron desantis slipping into third place, so now he's trying to secure support ahead of tomorrow's caucus, and we will talk to his campaign manager. bill also speaking of weather, dangerous temperatures could impact the turnouts. everybody's got the projections, we'll see which one is right in the end as the candidates make a final pitch today, but that brutal weather is not holding back the caucus goers either, as you're about to hear. >> looks like we're going to have maybe single-digit temperatures on caucus day, but the roads should be clear. we will be there. we will show up. ♪ ♪
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dana: welcome back to iowa. hey, guys, donald trump giving remarks to a team trump iowa commit to caucus rally. he's in indianola are, iowa, and i'm sure bill knows exactly where that is, he can show you on the billboard. some of these vent ises got canceled or moved or delayed yesterday. the candidates out in force today. president trump giving remarks right now. if any news breaks, we will be sure to bring it to you. >> nikki haley early on had a good poll, it was fake, but she had a good poll where she was up
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on biden, but she hasn't had that since. she's getting killed by biden. she's losing everywhere -- >> haley's running for the donors' issues. i'm running for your issues, your families' issues and for this country. >> nikki haley will not be my vice president and will not come anywhere near my administration. bill: here you go, caucus eve here in des moines. this is going to to be our location for tomorrow night. we're going to watch all 99 counties. you will be in very good hands to see these counties turn different shades based on the outcome from the caucus sites. it's going to be an exciting night, who knows how it's going to go. but this is what the local newspaper, the des moines register, put out their final poll, long considered the gold standard here in iowa. trump down 3 points from the previous poll at 48%. nikki haley, up 4 points to 20%. ron desantis, bit of a downgrade, 3 points to 16%, and vivek ramaswamy jumps in a month up to 8%. we'll see whether or not this is true in the end after monday night if.
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now, there's a lot of stuff on this board, okay? if i want you to just concentrate on what is in yellow and what is in blue. "the des moines register" said how would you describe your enthusiasm, is it extremely or is it very enthusiastic? on this screen, donald trump among those the category is right about 90. that's really good. i mean, it's a strong performance based on the polling done by "the des moines register". you see desantis has about a half of that, and then this was a bit of a concern in the polling for nikki haley, about 9% extremely enthusiastic, 30 very. so we'll see how this plays out on monday night if. the other thing i want to look at right here, evangelicals. for years, this was the talk of the entire state. some say is, yes, it's less importance now. we don't know that to be the case. we'll find how in the exit polling come monday night. but among evangelicals, hook where donald trump is, and eight years ago he was well behind ted cruz. now he's at 51%.
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ron desantis at 22 and noun the line are haley and ramaswamy, 12 and 8% respectively. maybe you expect this on monday night, maybe it all changes. that's why you caucus, that's why you vote, dana, and we'll find out soon enough. dana: indeed. and the candidates are out there the in force. trump was in indianola, but right now desantis is about to be on stage in dubuque, iowa. that'll be something that he kicks off -- will not kick off his day, sorry, the day is continuing on. and we have james upmeyer, ron desantis' campaign manager. one of the things i mentioned before is one of the previous consultants, jeff roe, who had helped ted cruz organize a iowa and get to victory in 2016, he was helping the desantis campaign for a long time. do you feel like that setup and the organization, the ground game can and the strategy is on your side? >> absolutely. the ground game was built begin, you know, six plus months ago. it's too late. if you don't have a ground game
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today in these subzero temperatures -- dana: frozen ground game. >> that's right. so the operation there, it's there. we're going to see it work tomorrow night. we've got county chairs in all the 99 counties, we have about 1600 precinct captains, several hundred people coming into the state. the majority of the state legislature down in florida excited to come support their governor, talk directly to -- can. dana: i'm sure they're pretty cold. i do want to ask you because a lot of the rural county support is where with ron desantis is strong, trump's strong as well, but have you heard from any of them about concerns about this additional complication to getting the caucus done with the weather? >> yeah. well, while many candidates were with canceling events the last couple of days, ron desantis trudged through the snow, he's gotten out there, he's crossed the state. we see a lot of -- dana: even his mom was knocking on doors. >> yeah, she was out there. dana: a mother's love, there's not like it. bill: react to this, this is david axlerod talking about so much of this is an expectations
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game, and he makes a bit of a prediction if the performance on monday night doesn't go your way. >> i think if he finishes third after investing unfold tens and tens and tens of millions of dollars in iowa, i think that he will be on his way back toal has sea -- tallahassee rather than new hampshire. bill: he's already said he's going to south carolina first before new hampshire, what do you think about that read from -- whether it's axelrod or another republican doing that. >> ron desantis isn't going anywhere. he's going to be in south carolina tuesday morning and enroute to new hampshire where he has several event planned next week. listen, i think the expectations are high for trump and haley. trump's projected to win by 30, 40 points and in many polls haley, she's spent more than any other candidate here in iowa, over $40 million, largely attacking ron desantis, she's got hundreds of afp people she's moving into the state, chris sununu is predicting a strong second for her, but, look, the polling is what it is.
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about 4040% of her -- 40% of her support is coming from independents and democrats, many who are not going to vote in an iowa caucus. i think it's second or bust for her here, and donald trump, he's got to perform. if he gets less than half the vote, more people voting against him than for him -- for him, i think that's setting um doom down the road. bill: desantis and haley have been kind of beating even other up. how do you gauge that? >> listen, you know, it's amazing, politicians will change their opinions here and there. that's happened since the test of time. but it's been amazing how nikki haley will lie directly to a camera and say i never said that when it's on camera three, four times. so i think it's been important to expose her to the people of iowa as a who she is, not a true conservative. she is more of a liberal, and that's not the type of -- dana: she pushed back and had the desantis lies -- can i can't remember the exact web site although she cede it --
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said it in times in that debate. in a way, they agree on a big number of issues. what's happened, it's interesting, is9 that the country continues to lose support, both parties, republicans walking away, democrats walking away, and now you have 43% of people in a gallup poll this week say aing they are independent. doesn't ron desantis need to win some of that independent vote? >> yes, and i think he will do so when they see he's a, you know, he exercises fiscal constraint. he's vetoed billions of appropriations in florida. he's made florida the number one state economy. he's helped families through universal school choice, record-setting family tax relief. he kept the state open when fauci and trump and the federal government wanted to close it down. he's proven time and again he will do what he says. he's delivered on 100% of his promises. and when, you know, people's wallets are getting, you know, hard and they need help at the gas pump, he's a results-oriented guy, and that's what's going to drive people to the polls so, yes, i do think he's going to --
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bill: james, thank you for your time. we've been asking a lot of people this question as an exit question, what have the people of iowa taught you -- talked to you or spoken with you about with how they feel america is right now? >> yeah, i would say the people of iowa, they're desperate. they're hurting. they believe that this election is the most important of their lives, and if we don't get it right, they're going to leave this country worse off for their grandkids. bill: we hear that a lot. seems like every four years we hear that. >> yeah, i think this one's new. i mean, or i'm sensing real despair. but they see ron desantis as somebody who's fought the left time and again. and unlike others, he wins. that red wave, it happened in florida. he killed off the teachers union. he fired the soros prosecutors. he beat the left and prevented china from buying land in the state. he's beaten the left time and again. dana: where will you be tomorrow night? >> i'll be all over the state, but we'll be send -- ending here
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in des moines and be in south carolina bright and early tuesday morning. bill: see you along the way. >> thanks for having me. bill: in a moment here, a restaurant in downtown des moines is serving a menu inspired by the republican candidates. zombie burger's cooking up meatball ron, a nod to the former president's nickname for the florida governor. there's also the ramaswamy spaghetti, when eminem rapped to an -- vivek rapped to an eminem song. remember when we started to meet vivek about a year or two ago, and he was like, guys, it's, like cake. dana: yeah, vivek like cake. yeah, it's the best way to understand it. it's confusing because the surgeon general is vivek, but it's still the same. any wisconsin -- anyway, we've got it now. and we have this for you too. >> the most important things to
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myself are the pro-life movemen- >> the border is so important. it's squeezing a lot of, i think, lower income people out of jobs. >> the big thing that i like about haley is she's come out strongly in support of supporting the ukraine conflict. dana: with just hours to go before the first in the nation caucuses, iowa voters are making tear priorities known. some of them are going to join us next to tell us where they stand. ♪ >> i think the party, the energy's on our side that we're having primaries, the democrats aren't. here iowans are engaged. new hampshire voters are going to be engaged. southbound and nevada, we're energizing them now for november. ♪ ♪ ♪ here's to... one year bolder. ♪ ♪boost♪
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nutrition for now.
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dana: want to get you back to this, so president trump is in indianola, iowa, and he is speaking there.
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there are some protesters that have just shown up. they were escorted out. you've seen this a little bit happening. the candidates handled it well. but these candidates want to be the disruptive, and president trump continuing on. he's in indianola while vivek ramaswamy is in ames, iowa. they're speaking at the same time, and ron desantis about to get started in dubuque. everybody's firing on all cylinders. bill: two of of the three are pretty close to us, actually, not far. okay, check it out -- ♪ ♪ >> it's going to be -15, but i'm going to be out there, and i want you to go out there. >> nasty this weekend. i'm asking you to tell 10 people who couldn't be here, tell them about a what we talked about. open their eyes ooh too. to make sure we don't fall through their trap. bring them out on monday night. >> i was shocked at how many people were willing to come given how much snow's on the ground, but i'm going to use
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every minute i can to win votes. >> we're going to defeat joe biden, and it all starts right here in iowa, 7 p.m.. it's martin luther king day. bill: yes, it is. time to bundle up and show up. candidates making their final pitch to voters before the bitterly cold iowa caucus. want to bring in a panel of eight caucus goers or with us here in des moines. welcome. good afternoon to all of you. you braved the cold. does anyone here think the issue's going to be -- weather's going to be an issue? >> no. >> absolutely not. bill: i love it. who here is undecided? oh, wait a minute. i don't know if they told -- [laughter] dana: that's what's interesting, actually, because that poll came out yesterday, people might say they're undecided. dawn o'connor, tell us who you are looking to caucus for tomorrow night. sounds like you're going to show up. >> i will be at our local precinct caucus, and so i am caucusing for nikki haley
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tomorrow night p. i got to meet all of them in person in north iowa when they were there doing their stumping, and i came away and said, you know what? nikki's the one i'm going to support -- can. dana: what was the main issue for you? >> i think border security is a big issue. i liked what she had to say about it. i don't know how we say our borders are secure with what device owning -- going on down there. and the drug trade and fentanyl. anybody that says that's a secure border needs to have a serious conversation with themselves. bill: and you've run for office a couple of times. >> i have a couple of times, and i lost by five votes one year. bill: in front of you is keith hunter, and you're going for trump. >> i am. bill: what's the difference for you? >> we only get one vote. if we got more than one vote, we'd be democrats. [laughter] for me, he's been on the job, he knows the lay of the land in
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washington. there's going to be a huge learning curve for anybody else. bill: have you met most of them? >> i've met all of them. i'm with faith and freedom coalition. we've had candidate forums all over the state. bill: did you ever waver from trump? >> initially, i flirted with desantis and ramaswamy, but my big question on trump originally was how is he going to flip pennsylvania, michigan, wisconsin, and thankfully joe biden's taken care of that for ugh. dana: we'll have a lot more to talk about when it comes to the general. whitney, you are leaning firmly desantis, and tell us why. >> i am not leaning desantis, i am desantis. [laughter] you know, governor desantis is the most proven candidate right now that we have. i trust what we says. he says what he's going to do, and he's the only candidate with a backbone who is willing to be up front and be honest with his people. dana: what's the number win issue for you? >> life. i am a -- i used to say i was
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pro-life, but i am life from womb to tomb, and so is desantis. bill: okay. shelley fits, great looking sweater. you got two of those? i'll buy it off you. you were leaning trump, and you, too, believe right to life is a big issue. >> that's right. bill: how how did you feel about donald trump eight years ago? what do you remember? >> eight a years ago i wasn't sure of him. i knew he was a businessman, very accomplished, but i wasn't able to trust him on all the issues because he was unknown. he has four years' experience now of being in the presidency. which, you know, all these other candidates are great people, very accomplished in their fields. i love all of 'em, i've post hosted some at my home, and i've considered all of them. but we're not comparing apples to apples in this election. donald trump has done
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everything. he said he was going to do. and he has four years experience of being president. and while all these other candidates, you know, i'm sure they would be great, it would be a 4-year learning curve for them. and what we've seen in the last three years with the biden administration, it has been horrific. horrific. and i'm not sure even we can last one more year. dana: tim, you're a banker. you are for haley. why? >> i think you've got to look at the electability in the general election. and i think president trump did a lot of great things four years ago. i think a lot of the policies that he pursued would be pursued by desantis and haley, the others, but i think that she has a better chance of getting the independent voter, moderate democrats, moderate republicans. i don't think the far right going to vote for joe biden because they're mad that president trump didn't win the nomination, so i feel like she has the best chance. bill: i know there are two more
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gentlemen to your left here, but ladies first. up here in the front, a.j. kelly. you're a stay at home mom. you raised four kids? dana: good for you. bill: teach them at home in. >> no, no, they go to school, but i just stay at home with them. bill: okay, i was going to say, a big job there. your first choice is vivek ramaswamy. >> yes. bill: how did he win you over? >> you know what? every time i watch him talk, i agree with every single thing he says, it's unbelievable. i can't believe there's a candidate like him. bill: give me an example. what does he say that you say, yeah, right on. >> okay. he wants education to be not controlled by the federal government, he wants it to be at a state level, and he wants to expand school choice which is something that iowa currently has right now. and it's fantastic. and that, education is probably one of my top issues. and to be able to foresee a country that has school choice options at all the, in all the
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states would be huge to me. bill: okay. dana: jeremy, you've been on our show before, it's good to see you. how do you think the turnout's going to be tomorrow night? i know you know the state very well. who are you voting for? >> i think the turnout will be just fine. we're iowans, we're used to snow and cold. that's nothing few new for us. i'm definitely desantis, because i think about everything that's been said here, and, you know, if we didn't know any of these candidates, we were just going to craft our own perfect presidential candidate, it'd be somebody between 40-65 probably, someone who's been in the military and someone -- i know this is a novel if idea, but they've actually done what they said they were going to do, and that's desantis. you know, donald trump said he was going to build a wall, have mexico pay for it. he didn't do that. he didn't fire fauci, he could have done that. he could have done a lot of things, and desantis has proved he's done 10 100% of wha- bill: so you're from northwest iowa, right?
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>> i am. with. bill: that's the most conservative part of the state. you guys pick winners. on the national level, not so hot, but in front of you is clifford carey, and and you are all in on donald trump. >> all in. bill how come? >> it's going to be my third privilege to vote for the president, donald trump, in the general election. and donald trump, or you know, when he was president, we had a secure border, we had the strongest economy in history, we were secure in the world. all of those things have fallen apart. and he will do it again. dana: well, you're a great group of folks, and you're going to be here for another block. we're going to have more, and they'll be with us after the caucus again, same group, so get to know them. bill: thanks for being here. stand by, okay in your work's not over just yet. thame tank and former president trump, he's splitting his time between the campaign trail and the courtroom. will the legal drama affect how iowans vote? this as our special coverage continues. we'll be right back.
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♪ >> what i can say about iowans is that the you can ask me who i might vote for today and i might tell you, but when i go to caucus night or into the election booth to vote, that could change. dana: so exciting times here in iowa. it's almost time for the caucus, and we want to bring back our excellent panel because it's very interesting to hook at -- look and see what president trump is dealing with on the legal front. whitedny, i know you are going for -- whitney, i know you are going for desantis, but how do you feel about the legal problems? >> i really hate when the judicial system gets weaponized, if i think it's a waste of our time because when it's all said and done, i doubt he's going to be convicted of anything. and some statements are going a little overboard with kicking him off the a ballot, and there hasn't been any conviction. bill: keith, you're a trump supporter, unbending in your
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support for him. >> i am. bill: you went to a town hall the other night, what do you think about all the legal stuff? >> on the one hand, it's aggravating, but on the other hand, it's probably the greatest earned media because every time somebody brings up something like that, his support goes up another 2%. so i think whatever they're doing is backfiring. bill: do you agree with whitney that the he won't be convicted? >> i do. bill: what if he is? >> well, we'll cross that bridge when i come to it. there's a lot of legal challenges. dana: does it bother you at all that he hasn't been able to be in iowa as much as he might have liked because he's been in courtrooms? >> it bothers me, but he's made enough effort to be, he's constantly courting the iowa vote. he's on whatever, you know, his family members are here. matter of fact, donald jr. and kimberly are out in my community right now, my little suburb right this minute. and so he's either been here or his family members have been
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here. and, you know, it hasn't bothered me, you know, that he's not here. some of the other candidates have not spent the time in iowa that they should have probably, but he's been plenty -- bill: shelley, what do you think about that? would a conviction change your mind? >> that's hypothetical. he hasn't been convicted of anything. and i think it's very telling that the biden administration has weaponized the doj. all of it, it's just terrible what they've done to him. and i think truth is being revealed every day about the administration. dana: tim, one of the things nikki haley, who you're sport supporting, has said is chaos follows president trump wherever or you go. you talk about electability and the general election. a lot of republicans don't necessarily think that way, right? they vote with their heart or gut. biden is vulnerable, and she's shown that she's on the polling side of things it's good. but the lawsuits and the chaos
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that she's talking about, has that actually helped him? >> gave him more pub are listy, not that he probably needed it. i think the timing of the lawsuits and the, you know, all drama, it's pretty suspect. dana: yeah. >> and i think donald trump sometimes is his worst enemy, some of the chaos he generates. it's back to electability, i'm not sure he can get enough of the independents this time around to win. and so that's why i'm going with nikki haley. bill: jeremy? >> that's why i love desantis. i think he converted 700,000 independents and democrats into republicans in the state of florida, and that's really what we need. so, to me, he's the donald trump with all the execute cushion only would want the crazy and without the lawsuits. and so that's what i love about him. dana: what about vivek and sort of bringing in new voters? trump has a lot of new voters as well, but the new voter angle, the youth with. i know a community like des moines is growing with leaps and bounds. >> i actually think vivek is in
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a position that trump was in, you know, when he first ran. when he first ran for office in 2016 at the iowa caucus, i think ted cruz won -- dana: he did. >> but a lot of people were, like, trump? really? president? and however many month later, he won the election. so, i mean, i think it's anybody's game at this point, and somebody who doesn't have the political background like trump didn't at that stage -- dana: you think that vivek has a bright future regardless of what happens tomorrow night? >> absolutely. bill: don, i just want to complete9 the segment on what your view is if you were to get a conviction or all the -- i mean, he's in iowa, he's many new york city, okay? he's in iowa, soon he'll be in palm beach or atlanta, georgia. >> number one, everything they're doing to trump right now i really feel is taking the decision away from us as the american people, okay? number one. the elite few that are doing this whether it be the
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democrats, the left, the justict of it. we, as citizens, get the right to say who we get to vote for, not the supreme court of colorado or anybody else. they need to stay out of that -- bill: so when he says this is election interference -- >> i do believe it is. let us make that the decision can. i'm going to vote for whoever the republican nominee is. if yes, i'm caucusing for nikki haley, and i believe that's important. but you know what? stay out of it, guys. this is not your decision, this is ours. bill: got it. ing thameday there's agreement. thank you so much. we'll see you on tuesday. bill: good luck. dana: thank you so much for being here. bill: bundle up and give us some advice. [laughter] more coming up from our special edition from des moines right after the break. >> the polls mean nothing in iowa. it's a caucus. as it should be. and we're the last remaining bastion of true democracy in america. ♪
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dana: right now in iowa at ron desantis is holding a campaign events. he is in dubuque iowa. what side of the state is that? bill: that's on mississippi river that's a great history in dubuque. you will find out tomorrow night. dana: right looking forward to that ron desantis on the campaign trail. bill: to postpone a football game wildcard matchup between the pittsburgh steelers and the buffalo bills, a b "fox weatherr correspondent katy hearn is live in hamburg, new york. katy, what is up with the lake effect snow? >> what this question because he was going on here? we have got a lot of excitement. in hamburg, new york were close to orchard park lehi park stadium is. people are hoping to go out and shovel out from the stadium
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today but they might have to wait until tomorrow. we still have a travel ban impacting most of erie county right now. and you can see why visibility has dramatically gone down. it's hard to make it out that ts the road right next to me. we are a good distance away from it. it's hard to keep up with the snow. we have a plow trucks making every hour. unfortunately really strong winds as fast as 60 miles per hour. if a lot of lake effect snow bands impacting us right now. we also have a power cruise staging across the state getting ready to respond to any outages. we have more than 10,000 customers without power right now. bill: katy, hang tough. when they predicted that i thought you've got to be kidding me too cancel a football game? but they were right. it was necessary. dana: all right take care out there. >> it's white as far as the eye
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can see. thank you. dana: we are in iowa she is in new york the weather is bad. harris faulkner has a very interesting hours 10:00 p.m. called iowa and focus that's 10:00 p.m. eastern that show will be tonight. bill: are back in the newsroom at 9:00 a.m. special coverage at 10:00 p.m. at night so join us as the results roll in. i love the voter panel. >> they are great. we did that in wisconsin. we think things through. i appreciate it thank you for watching us today but we'll see you tomorrow morning. bill: good to be with you partner we are about too go outside how's it going to go? have a great day america. we will see you tomorrow. i am shannon bream fox to send us live in des moines for just hours away for the first vote cast on the road two-dimensional presidential election the iowa caucuses. ♪


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