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tv   FOX News Sunday  FOX News  January 14, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PST

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have a great day america. we will see you tomorrow. i am shannon bream fox to send us live in des moines for just hours away for the first vote cast on the road two-dimensional presidential election the iowa caucuses. ♪ x iowa it sets the stage it
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sets the direction on where we're going to go over. >> i'm going full speed ahead i believe are going to see a massive surprise on monday progress candidates make their final pictures across the hawkeye state the odds on favorite confidence about his chances for. >> i hope holes showing me leading by a tremendous amount and no hampshire allotted iowa periowapark floss republican ket ron desantis and nikki haley how they plan to overcome those numbers before time runs out. meanwhile serious speculation grows about a third party thirdy shakeup in the race for the white house. >> the people there tell me i'm going to vote for the democrat because i'm a democrat i'm going to vote for republican about who it is. that is bull crab. >> will watch the senator fresh off a trip to new hampshire where these honor off eight no labels ticket. >> they do not have any facts they do not have any evidence against us. >> include the former president new york civil fraud trial. >> is provide you regret
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involving a data in your business? hunter biden's bold visit to house committee hearing while defying a capitol hill subpoena. >> excuse me hunter apparently you are afraid of my words for. >> are send a panel wasted on the biggest legal cases tangled up in the 2024 presidential election. >> we are on the ground the voters themselves to give you an inside look at the iowa caucuses. >> people need a change in this country. i think they're going to be out there to support per. >> all right now on "fox news sunday." ♪. shannon: hello from des moines. a very special iowa caucuses edition of "fox news sunday." all of the major gop candidates are meeting with likely caucus voters today include the front runner donald trump. there is a brand-new pull out from the "des moines register" that shows the state of the race here in iowa going into a caucus daypart in a moment we will get reaction to it and mu and much m
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nikki haley and ron desantis. first of fox news congressional correspondent i share with those poll numbers we were refreshing and refreshing screens last night we've got news. >> shannon, good morning to you yes let's first get to this "des moines register" poll. former president trump are made in the front runner with a commanding lead of 48%. the big change though former south coletta governor nikki haley is now edging out florida governor desantis for second place. the story here in iowa is the weather. the blizzard blizzard a critical campaign time over the weekend including three trump rallies that had to be canceled. and now historically low temperatures for caucus night could complicate turnout and some parts of the state. >> i am asking for your vote on monday night protects a countdown to the eye with a caucus is all gop hopefuls are crisscrossing the state. >> i am running for your issues progress flooding the airwaves.
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>> we have to leave behind the chaos and drama of the past for. >> wanting big endorsements by. >> ron desantis is going to win the iowa caucus. >> to make a final pitch to caucus goers. >> we are 1% and f one that perd for trump for caucus requests i am a vivek ramaswamy caucus or pre- >> number two is a success at the massive win for ron desantis if he is number two projects i'm absolutely going to caucus for nikki haley. i decided that the first time i saw her speak. shannon: at the race that seems all but decided progress we are going to have a great victory. >> the question now will islands turn out a surprise and up and at the entire primary? that will come down to turn out. >> though it does with the turnout is going to be. obviously with the weather could mean it's a lesser. >> below negative temperatures may keep folks home monday is forecasted to be the coldest caucus night ever. >> it feels like it's going to hurt probably all of the candidates progress for president trump strength is in a rural iowa former south carolina
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governor both support in and around des moines. everyone keep even the faraway front runner now trying to get out the vote. >> do not stay home, please. >> and shannon, interestingly enough a president biden is trying to take advantage of the national spotlight on iowa right now sending in heavyweights like movie mogul katzenberg was cochairing the biden campaign and illinois governor pritzker for counter programming but this is really about the republicans. shannon: thank you so much will see later in the show for joining us now republican presidential candidate nikki haley bred good to see them again governor. ambassador whichever you choose pre- progress thank you welcome to iowa. shannon: let's talk about the new poll before it's a policy of scotch in second place that matches the poll that came out a couple days ago. you guys have carefully manage expectations here. do you feel the second place a strong poll showing now is a
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target on your back? does it give you higher expectations if you don't hit second-place is going to be seen as a loss leaving here? what's we've always had a target on our back because we are at the one moving up everyone else is moving down that's a great thing but the real poll you know is on caucus day what we have said is we want to come out the pilot looking strong an when to come out of new hampshire strong when to come out of south carolina strong this is continuing state by state and trying to get every single boat that we can. we are not going to stop until the very last second period. shannon: let's talk about inside the des moines poll there's bous information but enthusiasm. 49% of the said they are an extremely enthusiastic. when the same questions put to eatakethis your support is 9% sd they were enthusiastic we pulled about your definitely going to show up you fall behind desantis and trump. given the weather situation here in the issues about enthusiasm do you worry it could impact how you finish? >> i'm not worried i'm not a political pollster mark when you were about the numbers. what i am going to say is the
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momentum and the energy on the ground is strong. we feel it. we know this is moving in the right direction to be the only numbers that matter are the ones were going up and everyone else went down. that shows we are doing the right thing. think islands will decide intensity tomorrow. we are excited tomorrow is the day it is go time. we are going to keep crisscrossing the state. we've done that for days ever going to keep doing it. i think the intensity will show tomorrow. shannon: let's talk about some of the issues you would have to convert right away if you were to become president. taiwan has elections this weekend and they chose -- make the person seen the most u.s. friendly the one china did not want. xes puts it this way the chinese government is likely to ratchet up its pressure campaign against taiwan. a response of the politician. beijing is called a separatist through and through. president biden was asked about the election yesterday, here's what he said. [inaudible]
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hard to hear but you can see we do not support independent. first fold do you think this will increase tensions with china and how to deal the taiwan issue is president? or so a big blow to china without question. they have bethey've been intimih drones. misinformation try to change the results people of taiwan show they would to continue living the way they are living that is the key. america should always support democracy and freedom. i think that is why we will continue to support taiwan. shannon: and a backlog of orders we talk about a lot on the show weaponry, all kinds of things. back orders to tie want what would you do as president to signal wheat seo, we know the threat you are facing were going to make sure you get what you ordered from us. >> verse about look at the system. the problem happening is the department of defense placed too many we need to go clean it out.
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even in our department of defense they have got too many programs they don't need to have their not mission focus we need to look at modernizing. first take care of us. modernize make sure we are focused not only on the old wars like the general are eight cyber, space, hypersonic missiles, submarines those are things we do focus on going forward. once we take care of us our goal is to make sure they get what they need not just from us but from the alliance. we are making sure all of our partners who love democracy and freedom they are all pulling their weight this does not have to be u.s. only for this has to be a team effort. there are a lot of democracies that want to see title and continue to be free. quotes go to israel. while you were at the un as our investment you back the two state solution here's what politico said at that time it said u.s. ambassador nikki haley says united states actually supports a two state solution to the israeli-palestinian conflict. and anyone who thanks it doesn't is in error.
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that was the trump administration position but what a haley administration be given the advance of october 7 and beyond? >> you have to look at october 7 to see those people beheaded and those babies burned alive in the girls raped and their naked bodies drug to the streets of gaza what did they say? death to israel death to america what we need to know israel is a bright spot in a tough neighborhood. we need to make sure they have whatever they need whenever they need it we need to make sure we eliminate hamas money to do whatever it takes to bring the hostages home. in order to do that we need to let israel do what they need to do to be safe. this is a problem i have invited. he goes instead to support something but then he wants to control it for that is not what you do. allow them to make the decisions they want to make. what is really snow than i could have terrace on the border. what israel needs to know is they will no longer be a threat coming out of gaza. that is what they are trying to do we need to support not control its happening in israel for.
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>> two state solution, zuni scenario? >> what i saw at the united nations is not that israel did not wanted two state solution the palestinians and only two state solution. every agreement put on the table the palestinians rejected right off the bat they are not serious of it are two state solution they were a one state solution want to eliminate israel and they don't israel to exist you've got to look at this realitrealities nonpolitical scenarios. this is a fact that palestinians don't want israel to exist. israel has come to the table more times than they need too. at the end of the date look what happened on october 7 israel need to defend and protect their people in every way possible. shannon: let's talk about a domestic issue we talked about this it got a social security reform anyone who looked to the actuarial tables and estimates of that has happened. you talked about younger people in the front end of the system are probably going to face a later retirement age. here's my former boss said about where you were on this. >> nikki haley wants to cut
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social security and medicare. nikki haley wanted to raise the age from 65 to 74. >> have not put a number on it, will you? what's the age? ask for spiexpress was not telle truth and it cracks me up because he is actually reported as saying he wanted to raise it to 70. i have never said i wanted to raise anybody's. what i have said it social security is going to go bankrupt in 10 years. medicare is going to go bankrupt in eights. everyone of the candidates a saying theyissaying they're noto touch it. if you say you're not going to touch of that means you're going to leave office and everybody's going to have at least a 23% benefits. what get in front of it. so what we should do is america should keep our promises but people should not live in fear. we will go to those like my kids and their 20s were going to raise the retirement age to reflect life expectancy for you instead of a cost-of-living increase plus to increases based on inflation so it is more accurate bright limit benefits on the mega- wealthy they do not
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want the checks anyway. and let's expand it medicare advantage plans but seniors love the competition and it's good for them. when we do that we'll see what we are dealing with you do not have to take from people but you don't deny like the rest of the opponents are doing that is a mistake focus later retirement age potential is part of that? what's for those in their 20s is what we want to do. everybody that is paid in that has been a promise their promises should be kept we do not need to touch theirs for. >> quickly we talk about how tough the campaign trail is for you are doing i in a very unique way your spouse is deployed while you're doing this. how is he? what would his rule be if he became president? >> thank you for asking he is like my right arm. he is missing but this is what military families do every day. i am no different we did not know he was going to get deployed but we are so proud of him. when i am awake he is asleep when he is awake i am asleep. thank god for him and that military men and women we get the facetime about once a week.
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i text him and he response when i am sleeping and he text me up and it is vice versa. but i will tell you is when i watch him on those 230 soldiers pick up their two duffel bags of belongings to go to a country they had never been, all in the name of protecting america. they are willing to sacrifice their lives and their families because they still believe in the sixth amazing experiment that is america. if they are willing to act sacrifice for us there shouldn't we be willing to fight for america here? we have a country to say. i am doing this and michael is doing this we are both ring our own service because we do not want our kids to live this way. we cannot keep going down the path the country's going on. the chaos is uncontrollable. you do not defeat democratic des of the republican chaos. we got to make sure were not a country in disarray a world on fire got the former years of chaos we won't survive it put that's why we've got to put these names abide in trump in the past and look forward with
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new solutions in the future so that our kids will have a better life. shannon: art thanks to you and all the military families out there we will see you out there in the next 24 hours as we try to close the deal for. >> provokes thanks so much it's fun. shannon: are public and presidential candidate nikki haley,has to you but we do speak to the candidate this morning for the governor desantis moments ago from davenport, iowa. here's our interview. shannon: government wok welcomek to "fox news sunday" want to get the policy but let's start with what you've got to get through the roadmap to get you to the place were you can set policy of got a new pull up this morning from the "des moines register" that has you in third place. where do you need to finish on monday? what is your internal assessment of what you need going into new hampshire to consider this a success customer to be viable for voters those who you want to support you moving forward. >> but got a great path going forward. it got an unbelievable
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organization. we are committed to caucus for us that are going to show up. they just rolled her eyes at these polls because the idea that you are going to be able to pull a caucus to love a caucus at negative 20 good luck doing that. we have worked very hard over the last six months of their all 99 counties to build the organization, to get people at their doors committed. and so we are looking forward to it. we have done at the right way and historically we have the energy on the ground, which we do put any of it done all 99 counties of the organization that is what you need to do to do wellin a caucus. but particularly in these conditions are set every excuse in the world for someone to say maybe i'm not going to our folks are motivated they're going there on a mission we have got people from all over the country that have come in the middle of a blizzard to iowa just to make phone calls for us. to knock on doors until iowans why they want to see me be the republican president next
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candidate. was on the ground is special for us were going to bring it all the way in for monday is going to be good tuesday were going to in both south carolina and new hampshire and then of course the balance of the week and new hampshire we have a debate scheduled on thursday don't know if anyone else has accepted the debate that i have accepted it. >> do you need to finish second here in iowa? >> we are going to do well and i think -- look i appreciate being the underdog. i like how people have tried to say so i do better in the situations and i think i have a record of doing well as the underdog. but we are going to do well and we look forward to going to the next contest. obviously new hampshire has 20 delegates. iowa has a 40, cell phone is a big deal nevada has a caucus i am participating donald trump's participated nikki haley is not in participating she will win zero delegates in nevada the holt name of the game is to win a majority of the delegate so we are competing for every delegate
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we can. shannon: us talk about the board at something you've been involved with as a governor floored and something you would have to meet a with started dressing as president of the united states. in texas the governor there is gotten national guardsmen block at u.s. border patrol agents and structures of the rio grande. texas governor abbott has said this texas has the legal authority to control ingress and egress into any geographic location in the state. overnight there was word of three people reportedly drowned their and the federal authorities said they were blocked from state officials from helping pic. texas authorities that happen on the mexican side of the river they did go out to look at assist they did not s do not sey in trouble but it exacerbates and highlights tensions there at the border. would you, as president, would you as governor put national guardsmen and women now in this place where they are at odds with th federal border patrol agents? >> i have already done it but we supported texas to the hilt. i think they have every right to defend their border but here's
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the great thing about this with me being president's not going to be an issue because i am going to empower states and localities to enforce federal immigration law. we have this crazy thing were somehow the federal government says it is their sole providence to enforce immigration law under the supremacy clause of the constitution. yet they say states cannot enforce it and be faithful to the law because the federal government does not want to enforce a lot makes no sense we are going to have all hands on deck i have worke work at border sheriffs just as governor of florida in places like arizona and texas. their communities are getting overrun for the state of texas. all states and localities will be empowered to enforce federal law that includes at the border but also includes the interior of our country but if you have criminal aliens state and local need to be working with federal so we can deport the people. we need to work to make sure were deporting illegal aliens in particular the eight mil then come and under bite it will be working together were going to hold century states in century
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city's accountable. were not going to let them thumb their nose at immigration law but all texas is trying to do is to be faithful to the law while joe biden is not enforcing the law. shannon: governor you know the supreme court when arizona considered this years ago did know the feds have supremacy when it comes immigration issues and i know there's going to back and forth maybe this ends up back there with the supreme court. but they've been clear on that and the mean time of the board is sure your critical yesterday you said you're sick of republicans you see what they're doing right now in washington with the senators during border agreement which is basically caving on everything to the democrats. we talked to the eight negotiators center at lankford and others about what is going on they do not have text that we do not have a contours of this. what is your criticism about what we do know about what's coming together and how in the world would you as president put together something to pass this senate and house which has a very different vision and a small gop majority forgetting something down the border. >> the first, you are right
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about arizona versus the u.s. this current court would absently reevaluate that i think it would also be a different posture because the federal government we would not be suing a state we would be supporting estate. on this i got the details i think it was on a fox report they are going to give it work permits for illegal aliens they are greenlining more -- make an increase in immigration under some of these things i' michael wait a minute leave at 8 million people, illegally. i have been traveling around too these early states. i have done town halls. i've taken questions day after day. i have not had one voter, republican voter tell me that is the type of thing they want to see. they went to see the border taken care of yes there are certain things you want to work with congress on. a lot of what can be done can be done to the executive branch with somebody he wants to be faithful to executing on the border. but to do a quad say amnesty to essentially green light to
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pretty much large numbers of people coming in as if that is something we are going to acce accept. putting more money into process illegal aliens that is not the way you're going to stop this border crisis. shannon: are right we are just hours away now from getting to the actual first votes in this primary caucus season in hindsight is there anything you would change about the way you launched or you run your campaign to this point? >> i will tell you we have worked harder than anybody. think if you look at what we have done just look over the last couple months. we have been everywhere doing town halls i'm in the early states getting endorsed by people like governor reynolds, winning these debates not just in republicans but against a democrat like gavin newsom. so we have been working hard. we have been doing a great job i think monday is going to be the pivot point now people start to actually vote i think it's going to help change the landscape in terms of some of the narratives that have been there. there's not been a candidate
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that has worked hard and there's not a kennett putting more work and i think particularly here in iowa, iowa and noticed that they care about that you are not entitled to be nominated you don't do swoop in and get coordinated you got to earn it d we have earned it. shannon: stay warm will stay out there in the next 24 hours as this finally gets to the votes. governor, thank you. >> thank you. shannon: snow, wind, subzero temperatures started to freeze turn out and turn its caucuses. we are going to bring in the sunday panel on how enthusiasm for each of these candidates will match up against the bitter cold for loss of tomorrow's forecast is caucus scores prepared to embrace the elements to get out there and make their
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dog food in the fridge? it's not dog food. it's freshpet. real meat. real veggies. real weird. he was bad luck anyway.
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shannon: i wa those fns and deas scream on caucus night 2004. former democratic presidential candidate howard dean came in third and i with that enthusiastic could be heard around the country for years to come are still talking about it. boxes chief meteorologist jen five joined us on the conditions for this year's carcasses. >> i was wondering if i was going to scream like that to make this happen but i tell you what it is really cold out there there's a lot of snow. factors will bit of wind and it feels like minus 39. live video from yesterday in des moines if a lot of snow out on the roads. we are going to be talking about some dangerous conditions on the
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roads. and this is why. anywhere you see the purple is over a foot of snow on the ground we had two storms that went through this week and dropped a lot of snow for the second one behind it ushered in all of the really cold air that's where the problems are with us snow not going anywhere with the cold air. we are going to watch injury dangerous conditions on the road for this is what it feels like right now the state of iowa. forty-eight below zero is what it feels like right there in storm lake pretty g purdue get . i will so maybe one of the bright side today is worse than tomorrow. tomorrow we see a bit of an improvement. right now we have temperatures of minus 30's and my in his 40s, go throughout the night tonight another cool one but go to do tomorrow morning we are minus 27 is a feels like temperature des moines and by tomorrow night we are talking to temperatures ttemperatures thatn maybe minus 20's. i know it sounds awful. maybe it's a little bit better but it would have been worse had it been today you get the idea it's still going to be cold and
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dangerous. for those going out to caucus give yourself extra time pack extra blankets in the cards you just in case anything were to happen an accident or anything in your car but also amount to make sure your car starts on time there will be batteries of mine own to start in the morning as well. >> looking forward to negative 27 thank you for the ray of hope. rick reichmuth reported for the "fox weather" center time for the syndicate fox news chief political analyst brit hume one william senior political analyst former bush white house adviser karl radvisorkarl rove and fox s congressional correspondent aishah hasnie. you all made it to the frozen tundra to be here. but tomorrow is about enthusiasm organization turnout. both nikki and ron's we talk to them this morning they do beard on where they have to finish but what are they have to do coming out of iowa? >> for most of it's a matter of survival going on to new hampshire with some prospects there. according to the latest polling desantis who is basically been running for president of iowa for years so it is in danger of
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tumbling into third place. that would not give him much going into the next state of new hampshire were he is not strong to begin with. that could be a big development coming that's worth keeping an eye on he has good organization everybody believes that that's been what it takes but the days are over when you can put a good organization into iowa and steal a march on your competitor because everybody is it i would now and that's been true for some time. shannon: car will be dug into the numbers the enthusiasm gap is in desantis favor do you think there any surprises tomorrow or the "des moines register" poll is accurate? what was always a surprise read marco rubio and 2016 was a surprise third period santorum was a surprise winner in 2012. fred thompson came in third in 2008 and beat out john mccain who was a front runner for the nomination. there will always be a surprise and there will be a surprising and tomorrow night. but i think britt is absolutely
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right about desantis have the best organization is super packed in a pretty good job of building the firmament if you would forget out to vote operation. the question is now the super back has been sidelined are they going to build execute question at the polling show seasons are the only ways going to end up in second is it that organization delivers and of his 99 county the full grassley the full chuck grassley coverage of the state pays off. shannon: everyone is looking ahead to new hampshire we've got to get through what's happening here with chris christie dropping out there's a lot of speculation that impact in new hampshire abc news has this segment months ago advisors close to desantis fretted about a nightmare scenario that chris christie would drop out before the new hampshire primary so juan, what about the psychological impact on that on voters here deciding if it were to bundle up and go out if they think he's going get cream to new hampshire? >> let's be clear christie never had much support in iowa. >> double digits you could give them 10 points. no and iowa.
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>> you are correct definitely not here. the impact on voters here tomorrow i think will be fairly negligible. looking at the "des moines register" poll that you cited earlier today i think i would have to create a trio of consensus here because for me the facts trump remains in a distant lead is the big news. trump is dominating and iowa. it looks to me he is the story. now he is somewhat below 50 at 49 and i think a good night for trump is he has to be more than 50 and i think he wants desantis in second period a bad night for trump less than 50 nikki haley in second period and that goes to your point that because if she is there as a challenger going into new hampshire where again the governor has endorsed her it's a different body in terms of the electorate. i think she has more of a chan chance. now we have not seen chris
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christie endorser. but i don't see his voters would go to trump trump i think theyd go to her. shannon: sounds like he's not going to do an endorsement there but we have been here on the ground you have been at a lot of these events. some of this anecdotally it seems like a different feel that what the numbers are telling us what is your sense on the ground? >> think though whether it's going to disrupt turn it's all about turnout when he think about how many islands exist and on top about register republican. and then on top of the people who are actually going to go out and caucus is a very small number that's going to decide what happens monday night. i think every campus probably worriedly start to see over the beacon for president trump starts to tweet some attacks against vivek ramaswamy the possible maga votes he might be taking away from the former president he's obviously been trying to tell everybody don't look at the polls, get out there and make sure you don't get too cocky and don't get too confident with this because i need you that tells you a lot i think the former president has the most to lose here if he comes out it does not match
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those polls they have questions going to new hampshire. what. >> was go to the other side of the island i would to save the on capitol hill your congressional correspondent we have the show with hunter biden showing up now as folks are out there saying if you issue a new subpoena we will actually show up at. >> the question now is over the legality. everyone is questioning whether or not with the oversight committee did was legal obviously german comber believes it was. they are going to hold a vote no matter what on contempt and that middle of the week i think wednesday or thursday with the fox hill team is looking at. then it goes to the d.o.j. what i want to underline here is these stunts that hunter biden is a polling he might think it's helping us documentary or whatever's going on with the camera that's following him around, it is uniting the republicans every single time he does this. obviously this is the thing that pushed over the bite impeachment inquiry. they really have the votes and he came up the first time on capitol hill and did his speech it really united republicans to
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pass the impeachment inquiry. it is going to go through then he goes the d.o.j. and puts more scrutiny on the d.o.j. as to what they do next. shannon: at d.o.j. do anything with sf hunter is held in contempt because now they're turning say will show up if you give us a new subpoena. >> it's all a ploy he's playing for time. this strategy of defying a congressional committee in this way has worked exactly once in my memory and that was oliver north who is a top reagan aid he was summoned to testify before the iran contra committee 1987 he stalled and stalled an and eventualadventured had it takent a deposition which is what hunter biden is demanding but that committee had an expiration date. he stalled long enough so they did not have time to do both. that worked. that is not true of this committee. i've read a lot of stuff about the legal strategy involved in what he's trying to do and i can't figure it out. it seems to me that it is crazy.
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shannon: folks think they documentary it may have something of the shenanigans panel don't go far we've got a lot more to talk about coming up here in iowa. but up next west virginia senator joe manchin joined to strjointdistress off a visit tow hampshire. that is raising eyebrows and speculation is a family making a decision about a potential third party run? i will ask him again why are force factor vitamins so popular at walmart? force factor uses the highest quality ingredients to deliver powerful, healthy results from delicious and convenient supplements. that's why friends and family recommend force factor. rush to walmart and unleash your potential with force factor.
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>> on me just have not a
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candidate less at that very, very clear right now. i am here truly as a concerned citizen because i seen up close and personal. >> democratic west virginia senator joe manchin speaking to diners and it new hampshire it friday saying he is not a presidential candidate right now. speculation is running hot he could run as a third-party candidate senator manchin joins us now from washington. welcome back senator progress coulgood to be with you stay wa. listen we are doing our best year you've been and cold territory to a quick trip up to new hampshire but by the lake near times reporting on that describes you as quote being known for a love of the spotlight that stands out even among u.s. senators. so how much of this is about staying in the public eye now they are not going to run pure senate seat again but seriously testing the waters were third-party run? >> was shannon with everything anyone is independent enough but with their conscience be able to go home explain it is looked upon and thinking here we are trying to grab the spotlight. it just seems to be on you because they do not have any
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control over you. i've always been that independent voice. i try to represent my state of west virginia and basically keep my pledge to the constitution which i've taken to a polling ug and defend the constitution. i am going to be very independent and look at both sides trying to find what's best for america. shannon: okay let's afford it with america's a time to make your intentions known? >> let's just say i was invited to the college in new hampshiree which i think is a historically and very independent bellwether state. when you have over 40% of the electoral's in that state that it registered as no party affiliation it is kind of hard to get an idea of where they're going to control that was the best place for me too have a conversation and find out what they are thinking what they're looking for they feel homeless and helpless they don't believe the democratic are the republican party as of today that have gone to the extremes really represent who they are and they are looking for that we had a good dialogue. americans together is what we
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are proposing and my daughter heather and i have been working on that. she is been the force of this and trying to give a voice to the voiceless. the people who don't have a voice. shannon: of the voices in new hampshire going to the accounts i read were urging her to run for president print so can you give us a timeline? we are late in the game at 2024 what's the timing for a decision? >> for any third party attempts it will define itself by say super tuesday if there's going to be any movement whatsoever note labels people are good friends of mine i think the world of them i been working with them for many, many years they gave a venue for disgruntled democrats and republicans that felt they were not being heard and they wanted to work together and that is what i have been a part of. note labels is americans together trying to give a voice for those people and how they are able to participate whether it be on primary, changing the primary process, to a majority so more people have an opportunity to participate.
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and also breaking down the horrific gerrymandering we have and we have about three and 80 or 390 districts in america -- met congressional districts out of 4:30 five the arctic cooked. people want a change they do not want the business model in washington. shannon: there are people in your party who do not think the third-party run is a good idea many of them have expressed they think is going to hurt president biden asked us come together former speaker nancy pelosi said this, i think our democracy is at risk i think it note labels is a perilous to our democracy. i say that without any hesitation. at what point would you make the decision a third-party run is powerless to democracy? >> i have never been a spoiler nor will i ever be in a spoiler on any election if i'm involved i'm involved to win but to be a spoiler for the sake of during the election one way or the other i would never do and that is not how or what i would ever make a decision about. so we will just see where we are
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at that point in time right now both parties seem to have a hard time for a. >> what is the point in time? >> you start looking after super tuesday to find it with the lay of the land is going to be a lot can change in the next two months so let's wait and see. >> let me ask you about one specific policy pulling out in washington right now they're trying to get to a border deal sentiment negotiators are working on the clock on that. you have advocated for work permits for people who are here illegally. that seems to be one of the issues are having crunch times on. your gop colleague mike lee said this is how that tends to play out when you're giving up permits. next we will give you little slip of paper that says one day you'll be called up for an immigration hearing, i can't tell you when that will happen but it may be a decade or more. maybe 12 years for that matter before you get it. in the meantime have fun and by the way it was in short order if you wiyou will receive a work p. shannon: over the migration policy institute a senior fellow
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says during those years when this is happening you can get workforce authorization so the backlog becomes a magnet so why support a policy that's clearly drawing millions of people here illegally every year? >> janet let's make it very clear for so mike is a friend of mine we have a lot of good conversations. but here is where we are. this is most dangero the most ds situations a crisis at the border. anyone who tells you different is wrong and misleading you, i have been there it is a crisis is dangerous for our country. it must be stopped and shut down. we have a tremendous amount of people who have been turned loose in this country don't you think if we can shut it down and stop is going on on the border, forget about trying to attract more here, they are not going to get in. shannon: they are getting and that's the problem. they think they can get a work permit once they get here that will be attractive to them it's a journey for them to get here. that's what i have said it shut the border down. stop the boar border paroles ths what i would be for, stop that
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from coming in. stop the illegals are coming across illegally. stop that. what you have here is we adjudicate to those people who have been cut loose let's start gathering that up and adjudicating to find out if they qualify for the asylum of the claim. they should build to work and pay for themselves while they are here until they make a decision whether they are supposed to be here legally or not or be exported back out and reported back out. that's all we are saying just common sense. shannon: art cent or et cetera u take that up with mike lee. we'll take that up to now and super choose if he got a thing to tell us let us know but. >> i think every thing basically work itself out would just have to see. the people want something different. they want us to be normal they want us to make common sense, work together americans working together is working together requested that something different as you l is you let uw pretender thanks. so a major review under weight to defense secretary lloyd austin's secret hospitalization at walter reed our panels back
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to break down one of washington's strangest mysteries putting the white why are force factor vitamins so popular at walmart? force factor uses the highest quality ingredients to deliver powerful, healthy results from delicious and convenient supplements. that's why friends and family recommend force factor. rush to walmart and unleash your potential with force factor.
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>> were not going to track the gps cord it's on so to todd's ae palm and were not planting a microchip of their neck like a poodle they check in every day e know where they are. and i leave it at that. shannon: unless you don't know they are in the hospital white house national security council spokesman john kirby on thursday doubling down on support for defense secretary lloyd austin after the pentagon chief first captive hospitalization secret from the public. at even the president premier back now with our panel. i mean what you been at western for long time. a cabinet secretary and i see you in the commander-in-chief does not know for days this is
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such an odd story big. >> it is he made a mistake. let's just be blunt. there is a little bit of washington navelgazing about this because on one level he has admitted he made a mistake. everyone in the administration is that he made a mistake is now being reviewed an internal review by the defense department for having made a mistake. but, i will say this. i think the men and your audience the older men and your audience might relate the secretary is a very private person and he has had prostate cancer and he thought he could handle this quietly over the holidays. did not happen, got an infection had to be taken back to the hospital and remains in the hospital. so the mistake was he thought he could deal with this quickly and quietly, not happening. the white house is now sending a message saying he was able to order one of the attacks on the houthis from the hospital. they are signaling their support for him. but shannon, in all honesty i
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will see where his health stance in a few weeks that may determine whether he remains. shannon: is one thing to tells publipublicly courses on the god want to keep quiet but the president? what you don't tell the president of the myspace fo for month io prostate cancer and you don't tell the white house chief of staff or the president of the united states you are in icu at walter reed or days. your number two who is in charge of the defense department is vacationing on a beach in puerto rico. this is a disaster i am with david french columnist for the "new york times." the guy who was in charge of the chain of command of the u.s. department of defense violated the rules of chain of command he did not tell his commander-in-chief what was going on and he held a vital job it's time for them to go. shannon: have a little little e david french columns that he should resign or be fired dropping out of the chain of command for medical issue handing over responsibility to his deputy without notifying the commander-in-chief is so obviously and dramatically improper it does not take an expert in military matters to
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explain the problem. >> is exactly right. the white house is standing by him will they face pressure? >> it makes the president look like not only with the secretary of defense out of touch it also makes it looks like the present was out to lunch on the whole thing did not know what was going on in his own administration. did not know where his defense secretary it was. i have had the kind of infection lloyd austin and in most cases to get around o antibiotics and you're done with it. obviously this was much more serious in this particular case. we are speculating about that because we still would not any kind of briefing about what was wrong with the prognosis or any of the rest of it. other than knowing he had prostate cancer and got an infection is all we know an he s still in the hospital. shannon: less a check is still this is in good condition we wish him all the best and opposite quick recovery. but also in washington we got news over the last 48 hours or so it looks like a resolution
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deals coming together. so once again we are kicking the can now into march. work will be halfway through the fiscal year because speaker johnson is offering up the ladder to see her once again with march 1 and march 8 we can be talking about this again here soon. leader schumer said this going to beat text coming out later today. there's widespread discontent among house republicans and that is a big problem for the speaker. i caught up with chip right here at iowa who stumping for ron desantis and he said he would not take motion to vacate the speaker off the table. i do not think he's actually can pull the trigger on that. but it is being talked about. warren davidson said electing johnson was the worst decision at worst a vote he has ever taken in his four years of being in congress. the question is will they attach something to this cr perhaps a fiscal cut or something like
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that to make johnson look a little better but here we are again just kicking the can again this is not what they were elected for. this is not what they won the majority of thi this was not the mandate. shannon: 10 seconds per. >> they have a microscopic little majority and the power on backbenchers hundred more normal circumstances would first have no power. alright how do you really feel? [laughter] panel thank you very much we'll see you next sunday. tomorrow i would kicks off the 24 elections with the caucuses are very different then primaries held in most states and hears fruit different for gop versus dampe temperate cap t and expert joins me too explain exactly how these caucuses work
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♪ shannon: it's been one of the most popular sites tonight for the candidates who know when every vote counts, if you show up somewhere that you have a thousand or more voters, it's a good bet you may sway some folking s. that was me back in to 16. how does this gop caucus work monday night? i went out in the blizzard to talk to an expert who says you really shouldn't have to wait long to know who the winner is
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come monday night. >> well, first of all, iowans have very hearty souls. shannon: despite a forecast that doesn't get out of negative digits on caucus day, rachel payne caufield says people take pride in setting the pace in a presidential election year. >> we're accustomed the bad weather. we'll dig ourselves out of snow banks if we immediate to. shannon: from school gyms to church auditor auditoriums, more than 1600 precincts, there will be some party business and many most paces representatives will give one final pitch. in bigger caucus gatherings, the candidates themselves will often show up. i've covered these in the past where if you're at one of the bigger ones, the candidates try to get there themselves. and it's so interesting to watch the reaction of the crowd, because it's very telling when somebody walks in, the buzz or the boos or whatever it is when they come through the door. [laughter] >> you don't want to send your candidate to a precinct caucus
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where they're going to get booed, primarily because all of these are open to observers, so cameras will be in the room while this is happening. shannon: and then it's finally time. everyone gets a piece of pape if per, and after nearly a year of campaign visits, it is time to make a choice. okay, so people aren't marking a ballot, there aren't machines reading this, they're writing names on a blank sheet of paper which is then counted by hand, and we could know within an hour in. >> yes. because all of these are local level caucus meetings, right? so each caucus site, and there are about 1700 of them across the state of iowa, each caucus site is actually a fairly small number of people. shannon: a local chair or volunteer tallies the vote and sends them to headquarters for the official announcement. it's simple, except when it isn't. democrats still disagree about who won their 2020 caucuses here. two different methods were used to tally the results giving both pete buttigieg and bernie sanders the ability to argue that they had won.
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this time around democrats will complete their presidential preference polls solely by mail because of this debate by the dnc over the order in which states will go. iowa's results for democrats will be announced march soth. and a heads up -- march 10th. our coverage continues next week, the new hampshire primary will take place january 23rd. "fox news sunday" will be on the road again live from bedford, new hampshire, next sunday is. that's it for today. thank you for joining us. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪


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