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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  January 15, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PST

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take about 20%. more on that as well. also want to tell you about this. embattled georgia prosecutor speaking to former president donald trump in jail possibly for the rest of when is life on charges of election interference is firing back at critics facing allegations of improper conduct. she is accused of hiring her romantic partner to help prosecute trump and 18 other defendants. that's happening. welcome to a new hour of "america's newsroom," i'm dana perino. >> bill: nice to see you. bill hemmer. >> dana: that's an amazing story, by the way. it has everything you want. >> bill: the first time she talked. intriguing on a sunday night. river center in downtown des moines. a beautiful place to hang out for several days. warm on the inside and our home here and thank the folks in des moines for being so welcoming to us over the last couple of days. today is the day and we'll get back to the caucus in a moment. for the first time now the fulton county d.a. defending the
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qualifications of the special prosecutor by the name of nathan wade along with her decision to hire him. he has made a lot of money so far. willis is accused of having ayinde fair with him in the middle of a divorce. she now claims the explosive accusations are racially motivated. jonathan serrie live in atlanta, fulton county watching the story from the beginning picks it up from there. good morning. >> good morning, bill and dana. it was the first time we heard publicly from fulton county district attorney fani willis since last week's court filing accusing her of hiring an underqualified romantic partner and paying him more than $650,000 to help her prosecute former president trump and 18 co-defendants in the georgia election tampering case. she was speaking at a sunday mlk tribute at atlanta's big bethel
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ame church. she did not address the alleged affair but described special prosecutor nathan wade as highly qualified and implied that he is being targeted because of his race. >> i appointed three special counselors in my life. paid them all the same hourly rate. they only attack one. >> the motion was filed on behalf of co-defendant michael roman a former trump campaign official seeking to disqualify willis and wade from prosecuting the georgia election case. roman's attorney issued this statement. in anybody doubts our claim that wade is inexperienced ask him how many rico cases he has handled and felonies he tried? this has nothing to do with color of his skin. the difference between him and the other two prosecutors on the case is ms. willis is not in a
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relationship with ms. cross and mr. floyd. fulton county d.a.'s office said it will formally respond to this defense motion filed last week in a court filing, which has yet to be submitted. bill and dana, back to you. >> bill: jonathon serry. more to the story. thank you for that in atlanta. >> donald trump is running for his issues and nikki haley is running for the donor issues. i'm running for your issues. the only one delivered on 100% of the promises and beaten the democrats and left time and again. we need to win as republicans. it's how you turn this country around. >> dana: ron desantis making a last-minute pitch for support in the iowa caucuses. who has the momentum heading into tonight? a great panel for you. charlie hurt, opinion editor for the washington times and fox news contributor, juan williams.
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bret baier our chief political anchor and guy benson. and my guest on perino on politics. we have a congressman in iowa talking about the importance of this state and caucus. listen. >> it's a microcosm of the entire country in iowa. what's important is you will get three tickets out of iowa. that will set the stage that iowa and new hampshire get to really set what's important for us. >> dana: charlie hurt, you have covered many iowa caucuses. what is different this time? >> we always sort of view iowa as having three tickets out of iowa. i don't know that's exactly the way it will work this time. obviously the ability of the media to sort of shape the narrative has changed a lot -- dramatically over the last couple of years. you've got a guy who is running not the incumbent but kind of the incumbent. the big question has to be
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answered, and it will be answered decisively tonight, is there room in the republican primary for a competitor or will donald trump break 50 and walk out of here? if he breaks 50 and walks out it's pretty much over. some slimming possibility that somebody could move in but to me that's the big question. >> bill: we'll watch one, two and three and see if there are three tickets in 2024. bret, you have been in iowa. give us an overall impression. >> the reverse "outnumbered" set. i like this, dana. >> dana: wait for me to tell all of you. a piece of my mind. >> i think iowa is always engaged. they like to get in the weeds of politics. you think about iowa as a state. it is 3.2 million people. of that about 180,000 caucused in 2016 with the weather what it
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is, they are hardy and will get out. it will go down 150,000 people will determine this first step. it is not just who comes in first or second. it is about momentum. if there is a balance and a surprise that person bounces someplace else. so that i think is really interesting. iowa takes it seriously. >> dana: a voter named jeff, a voter chairman thinking about trump. look at here. >> i think from the indictments to whatever there is an attack that people see as politicized it hardens that solid rapport they have and i think you are right. i think there is a sympathy and a sense of wrong. i haven't seen this the last seven cycles i've been part of. that is almost a perfect storm of passion for their candidate. >> dana: do you think the democrats have miscalculated how these indictments would go, how the reaction would be and the
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support for president trump? when we had the town hall the other night the first questioner had tears in his eyes at the opportunity to talk to mr. president. >> there is power for trump's base and clearly the case that despite all the talk of chaos last night, nikki haley saying, you know, if you go with trump you are going really backwards. we need to go to the future. none of that seems to be arguing sufficiently that it is a powerful message for iowa voters or -- i think this is one of the key differences i see in iowa this year -- is that it's the national message. trump is dominating nationally and it is impacting on iowa in a way that maybe wouldn't have been before. the people came here, spent time here and visited. desantis visited the 99 counties. everybody has been here and the national message has been all about donald trump. he is the king of republican media and i think it has had a
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real impact. >> bill: i think the whole legal question is very intriguing as we move through the court cases. a panel of voters here yesterday. eight from iowa. some supported desantis, some like nikki haley and some like nifsh correct and some donald trump. all eight of them said it doesn't matter what happens in court. they would still support trump if it came down to that guy. >> that's true of most of the republicans running for president as well in the first debate. bret and martha co-hosted it. interested to see one dynamic. nikki haley and ron desantis have been going at each other. maybe two tickets out of this state if haley comes in steak place and if desantis comes in second it could scramble things a bit. we start to see donald trump chirping about vivek ramaswamy down in the single digits. we were talking about that. i think donald trump can smell 50%. he thinks it is doable and he doesn't feel like he will pull people away from haley or
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desantis but vivek has done this junior maga thing and now trump at the last minute is saying he is not maga and if he can pull off -- peel off one or 2% it could be the difference in terms of a narrative maker or breaker for donald trump and why you saw that attack. >> dana: ron desantis will go to south carolina after iowa. >> things are not going as he had hoped. it is extraordinary to look where ron desantis is today compared to where he was when he started out. he had an interesting clip from last week where he complained about the media. he had a lot of support from conservative media from the very beginning. iowa is uniquely fashioned for kind of a nerdy guy like him. he likes to talk about policy and sit in small rooms and talk to people. he has not done it. i think that explains his collapse but also the surge of nikki haley. i would argue if he is going to
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skip and try to go to south carolina, that will tell us a lot. >> bill: we were talking to nikki haley yesterday. here is how she frames what she needs to do in iowa and where she started from. >> you know, bill, i remember when there were a dozen candidates and i was 2% in the polls and all this was still being said. every single month we have moved up. every single month we've defied everything that the political pundits have said. i walk by faith, not by sight. i'm telling you, every step of the way we're moving because we're connecting with people, because we're talking about the issues they care about. >> bill: one thing i'm trying to figure out. if you finish fourth or fifth you drop out until 2020 until joe biden said not so fast. fourth in iowa and five in north carolina and finish one in south
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carolina. >> there is this softness in the numbers. she has moved up but the des moines register folks were quick to point out and the pollster quick to point out that there is some hollowness there as far as the enthusiasm. you wonder if -- she is right. she has gone up every single time. desantis has arguably a better organization. he did the full grassley, 99 counties, went every place. and if that pays off, it will change the dynamic. right now it feels like haley has some momentum but it's really about who shows up. >> bill: just add to that marco rubio came in at 15% four years ago and he finished at 23% in the caucus. that's an eight point spread there from what the final polls said he would do and how he performed on caucus night.
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>> dana: i love our political nerds. great to have you all. we'll see you all night. great to have you all. we appreciate it. [shouting] >> bill: what the mess this was over the weekend. this is far from over. thousands of pro-palestinian supporters marched there from freedom plaza and today new headaches for the president on this issue. how will they get after it? we'll see. peter doocy live from the north lawn with reaction and more and how it plays out. nice to sigh. >> nice to see you. president biden is claiming the people funding hamas and houthis will being handled. >> people mad at the president
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are really mad. demonstrators with signs about yemen and gaza tried to top el a temporary security fence saturday night. the secret service says as a precaution some members of media and staff in proximity to pennsylvania avenue were temporarily relocated. secret service made no arrests associated with the march and no property damage to the white house or adjacent buildings. house officials are not reversing support for israel. however, they do back some subtle changes urging israel to wind down the campaign in gaza. >> the next logical phase here as they have put pressure on hamas leadership is get to lower intensity and more precise raids, less air strikes. it is time to make the transition and we've had that conversation with them. >> the next act of defiance in d.c. a potential walk-out tomorrow by administration staff and federal workers. speaker mike johnson got wind of this and says any government worker who walks off the job to
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protest u.s. support for our ally israel is ignore their responsibility and abusing the trust of taxpayers. they deserve to be fired. not much happening here on a federal holiday in washington, d.c. president biden will return from camp david and a service event in philadelphia. we hope to get some insight from him about all of this. >> bill: you are watching it. nice to see you at the white house in d.c. >> there is discussion right now about comprehensive immigration reform, border security and this can be handled right now. not enough has been done, no doubt about that. i think the president needs to do more. >> dana: illinois's democratic governor pressing president biden to get a handle on the immigration crisis. why cities far from the southern border are simply fed up. >> bill: down, down, down they go. new polling numbers spell even more trouble for president biden's re-election bid. >> dana: countdown to the
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caucuses. republican candidates battling each other and subzero temperatures. will their supporters turn out? >> our responsibility is to carry the torch and preserve the sacred fire of liberty. you will have an ability to do that monday night. i will take that torch into the remaining states and continue with this nomination battle. [♪] [♪] [♪] [♪] your skin is ever-changing, take care of it with gold bond's different formulations of 7 moisturizers and 3 vitamins. for all your skins, gold bond.
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here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. >> we will put 25,000 border patrol and ice agents on the grounld and let them do their job. go back to the remain in mexico policy so no one sets foot on u.s. soil and instead of catch and release we'll go to catch
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and deport. >> dana: big cities are is struggling to find shelter for migrants as temperatures are plunging to dangerous lows. police stations and airports are packed wall-to-wall and more migrants arrive every day. fox business is live at chicago's o'hare airport. what's happening there today? >> dana, the temperatures right now are about minus 32 with the windchills and 263 migrants sleeping at o'hare. the last check that we got from friday's city data. these people are sleeping right by the windows, right by the doors. as you can imagine it is incredibly cold and incredibly uncomfortable to be here. 15,000 migrants have a slightly better situation. they are in brick and mortar shelters. 141 people are at the landing zone where the buses enter the city through and they are now on
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what they call warming buses. the city said they plan to move those people over the weekend. those buses aren't anything special. they are normal buses not outfitted for living. people staying there are not getting resources in regards to their hygiene and they don't know where their next meal is coming from. when asked if the bus situation was acceptable chicago's mayor brandon johnson pleaded for the federal government to take action calling abbott's move inhumane. >> not acceptable for the governor to send people to the city of chicago. we're meeting the moment. this is an international crisis that requires federal intervention of which local government is subsidizing that work. never designed to do it. >> at this point, dana, i want to tell you what's happening right now. there are police here speaking to some of the migrants. an ambulance outside. seen people using a lighter to warm hands. it is a very dangerous situation. back to you.
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>> dana: thank you so much. democrats remain completely baffled as to why biden hasn't changed the policy because policy doesn't change, the process won't change. >> bill: if you look at the issues in iowa and the polling. immigration popped in september. in part it's because of what is happening in cities like chicago and new york and denver, colorado. it continues to climb. september, october, november. a lot of people talking about it here. can i show you something? the white house got to pay attention to this. they have to pay attention to this thing from abc. look at sean hannity, look at that in the flesh. abc came out with polling numbers on the president right now. this is what he is up against, right? abc news, january 4th-eight. job approval hit another low at 33%. even worse news inside the polling when you go to the handling of the economy. we talk about immigration, economy goes with it.
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inflation in the category also. approval 31%. dreadful right now. mental sharpness to serve effectively as president. the number is 28%. you throw it into the barrel and throw in a general election, 33% approval rating tough sledding to try to compete in 2024. that's kind of the floor that we've seen for the commander-in-chief. whether or not he can bounce off that will depend on a lot of things including inflation and how voters respond. watching these numbers from abc last night and they aren't good. >> dana: thank you so much. there is friction in the democratic party as president biden and campaign staffers butt heads with obama-era veterans. republican candidates make their final push with iowa voters. sean hannity is here and joins us next with all things on the 2024 race. >> focus in on the fact we're all in the middle and the right
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so call now for free information. >> with your vote we'll defeat crooked joe biden and take back our country and make america great again. since 2016, you and i have been in this battle side-by-side and together and we've been taking on the entire corrupt system in washington like no one has ever done before. >> we're live in des moines, iowa. donald trump blasting joe biden and now democrats are getting off the sidelines in iowa with the biden campaign sending surrogates there to make the case for a re-election. sean hannity is here as well. he joins us now. thanks for getting up early.
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i don't know if you sleep. >> what do you think, i sleep in? i sleep five hours a night maximum. >> bill: first iowa caucus 1996? dole, kemp? >> i don't remember. i love coming to iowa. i love the people of iowa. think about it. they provide so much food for this entire country and the world and we now know they have these really rough winters that they live through. amazing people. kind, nice. i love the fact they are engaged. they are showing up and want to hear the candidates. and they care about the country and i think joe biden made a huge mistake by taking iowa off -- >> bill: the head of the gop party in iowa want to beat the old record. don't know if they will or not but want to beat the record for that reason. they feel like democrats gave them the back of the hand. >> 20 below 0 and breaking the
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record would be amazing. >> dana: it is interesting with the biden campaign -- they didn't think president trump would be on the scene and trounce anybody on the issue of abortion. but the obama team they've picked up on this and they're worried and what they said to "politico." this is the real reason for the obama camp divide with biden. even as the biden campaign takes step to build out its team there remains anxiety amongst democrats. the president has never had to run a ground game of this magnitude. >> i read that article. before christmas obama was in the white house having lunch with joe biden and was trying to lay out for him what he did in 2012. that's his reelect year. they feel he has no organization here. i don't think they understand the magnitude of what they did to iowa and new hampshire to bypass them and go straight to
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south carolina. if maureen dowd of the "new york times" and david axelrod, van jones, all these prominent democratic names that have influence within their party are so openly critical of his re-election or even attempted re-election, something is going on that's a lot deeper. there is a lot of questions whether he will still be on that ticket in november. i can't say with certainty he will. >> dana: john kerry working on the campaign will answer the mail. >> i laugh because i think i voted for the 87 billion before i voted against it. i mean, so we have hillary clinton and you have john kerry, two presidential losers as two of your top advisors wanting to get involved in the campaign. wouldn't be my choice. >> bill: you saw the numbers they put up there. this is clinton, biden deputy campaign manager about the challenge there.
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>> i will say our campaign understands the urgency. we are rising to the occasion to meet the moment. doing what we need to do to make sure we'll win in november. that's not dictated by one poll or any given moment in time. that's dictated by putting down a plan and building an infrastructure to make sure we're competitive and victorious in november of 2024. >> bill: we mentioned poll numbers. they aren't good. you wonder put a democratic brain on for a second and who do you want to compete against? donald trump or ron desantis or nikki haley? >> i think joe biden they think -- if you look at their campaign, it is very predictable where it is going. we'll see democracy in peril. january 6th, donald trump. abortion. republicans need to be careful on this issue. it hurt them in 2022 and explained that in detail on my show. and then they'll go to the old
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playbook. you lived through the playbook in the bush white house, republicans are racist and sexist and misogynist. hitler and want dirty arab water and granny and grandpa to die. that's their plan. what they can't do. the biggest problem -- let's say it's donald trump. his big challenge will be to get the focus on joe's policies and the question of are you better off than you were four years ago? what policies has joe biden implemented that you can say are successful? farm policy, foreign, war in the middle east and europe and china on the move and china aggressively challenging the united states. talk about the borders? i don't think they want to talk about borders. bidenomics, that message did not resonate for nine months. why would it start resonating now? >> bill: he felt as if he had a sober approach to that.
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some people think if you can continue the same tone, more people will listen to you. >> it's interesting. you can watch donald trump at his rallies and i've done a number of town halls with him. i find donald trump is much better in that environment. you see a different side of him. the person donald trump that i've known for 30 years, that side is more accessible to people. he can be -- he is smart, well informed. articulate. funny, charming. was very warm to -- when somebody who ask a question after the question, thank you, ma'am, for the question. versus, say, a rally situation where you the end to just go out red meat to the base. >> dana: what a contrast with joe biden. >> one knows what day of the week it is and one doesn't. a dramatic difference.
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i was under heavy fire in 2020 daring to say he was weak, frail and cognitive mess. the reason that david axelrod and james carville and van jones and maureen dowd hitting him hard on ignoring his granddaughter in arkansas is because they see what we all see. the whole country sees the decline is significant. and they won't quite come out and say that part but i don't think 2020 hiding in the basement, covid, all that is off the table this time. >> bill: you saw the cognitive report on abc poll. >> that's not good. >> dana: i missed that. >> took four years for everyone to catch up to my show. >> dana: we'll both be on your show. >> i want everyone to know. the hemmer board used to be the hannity big board. >> bill: i don't see you standing over there. >> i'm so technologically
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deficient and can't run that board. love you guys and watch every day. thank you. >> bill: see you in 12 hours. a rare baseball card sold for big money over the weekend. you probably never seen this guy swing a bat. today's hemmer celebrity news. tom brady tops card sold for more than $150,000 at auction. it shows him in a montreal expos uniform as a catcher. he was right out of high school selected by montreal in the 18th round of the 1995 mlb draft. did you know? he chose to accept that football scholarship, play at michigan and the rest is history. for tom brady. he made a good choice. maybe he would have been a good catcher. >> dana: michael jordan played baseball. >> bill: who else was a two-sport star, hannity, go? >> beau jackson. i would say michael jordan i give him credit for his baseball
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ability than others give him. >> bill: that's good. he could hit the ball. it's hard. >> coming at 100 miles-per-hour at you. >> we like to mix this hemmer celebrity stuff with dana's sports. it all works. >> dana: we make a cake with it every day. buffalo is still digging out from a winter snowstorm and the bills are putting out the call for more help. they need people to shovel out the stadium for today's game. icy cold weather a major factor in iowa as republican voters caucus tonight. what the people are saying about the showing. >> boy, it will be cold tonight. it is supposed to be 18 below tonight. i'm going. >> i'm caucusing for nikki haley. i don't care how cold it is.
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duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today.
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>> i'm so excited about y'all being here in spite of the cold. your commitment to be participating in this process and make your voice heard. you will never have an opportunity to have your vote count in a more meaningful way than what you will have tomorrow. >> bill: all right. there you go. ron desantis making the closing argument there here in des moines. it would not be, however, check it out. it would not be an nfl playoff game if buffalo and the fans are loving it. takes off his shirt. you will see it in a moment and slides down the chute. they are taking the shovels and
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putting it on the chutes and taking it down to the turf of the field and take it out by truck. they had to postpone the game. they will play this afternoon. bills are looking for help clearing the stands this morning apparently. they were paying people $20 an hour and free food if you showed up at the stadium and did that. >> dana: memories to last a lifetime. do you think if they had the opportunity they would build a stadium with a cover? >> bill: they are going to. that's in the plan. kathleen hochul approved it. what is buffalo going to be -- >> dana: is there anything you don't know? a know it all today. >> bill: there is plenty. >> dana: former president donald trump is the commanding frontrunner leading to high expectations in iowa. is he down playing any predictions of a blow-out? >> do you think you get more than 50% in iowa? >> i don't know. we're doing very well. >> dana: it's a pleasure to be
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here with you. you have an amazing career and reputation as somebody that people can trust. iowa is such an important place. what do you think about the turnout tonight with the weather? >> this is unpredictable and we failed to include any questions about whether the weather would be determinative in terms of whether people show up. your you are own intuition. we'll see. >> bill: you have seen a lot of these caucuses, ronna mcdaniel spoke with us yesterday and talked about you have to be organized. here is the point she makes. >> i think trump's ground game is better than it was in 2016. desantis has a good ground game and nicki has a good ground game. organization will be key tomorrow. >> bill: you don't poll on that or do you to try to figure out who is best at it? >> we have some clues about it. that's in terms of people having their minds made up and
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enthusiasm going to caucus. donald trump is far superior on the enthusiasm front. 49% of his supporters who choose him, first choice say they are extremely enthusiastic. by compareson it's 23% for ron desantis. less than half what trump gets. nikki haley it is 9% saying they are extremely enthusiastic. we use it as a proxy for how committed are you to go up and show for your candidate? >> dana: nikki haley was on with us as well yesterday. she thinks it will be a two-person race after tonight. watch here. >> i think he has got a strong lead here. nobody knows what will happen tomorrow. i think everybody sees it for what it is. i saw that he fell below 50. so it always -- that's what you look for. is he falling below 50? you look at him in new hampshire and we're very close in new hampshire. i think it will be a two person race with me and trump. >> dana: your poll her
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favorability in iowa went down significantly. she said it was because of the negative ads spent against her because she was doing better. is that possible? >> they went down to a level i have not seen for a contender like this among gop caucus goers. the ratio is plus two. favorables are under 50%. there is something going on. >> dana: what are the phase/unphase for ron desantis. >> he is 60%. 58% maybe. donald trump maybe in the 6six 0s. >> bill: vivek ramaswamy. >> his numbers are better than hers. >> dana: he thinks so. >> bill: thats what happens when you go to all 99 counties twice. these were the end results for republicans in 2016. we go back eight years.
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that was the last contested primary. you see cruz beating trump by four points. marco rubio a point behind donald trump. in your last polling rubio was 15%. he got a bump of eight points in the end on caucus nights. i would say that was a surprise. so you can have surprises in iowa even with the gold standard your poll is on saturday night. >> caucuses are designed for things to happen in the room on caucus night. we had trump leading in our final poll. as you know ted cruz won. he had the superior organization. they had precinct captains organizing trying to convert ben carson supporters that his guy was about to drop out and they should come on board and make a deal with delegates. it's all the inside baseball stuff that makes iowa iowa. it happened in the room on caucus night, i think. >> dana: a pleasure to meet you in person.
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i say you eight years ago. to see you again is wonderful. you are a legend and you have so much ahead of you. thank you so much, ann. >> my pleasure. >> asking the government to rescue the hostages. to bring them home. i'm missing my brother so much. i want him home. >> bill: it's still been 100 days now and there are more than 130 people held hostage by hamas in gaza. more terror attacks in israel today. we'll bring you up to date. subzero temperatures in iowa. will the cold freeze out caucus goers? we'll be here. i think they will, too. we're at the river center in downtown des moines. stay tuned. our credit cards lately? get ready for a shock. the rate on credit cards is now over 22%.
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>> harris: so much at stakes in
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iowa for the republican candidates. they are the entire nation waiting for the new chapter of history to be written. "the faulkner focus" voters' voices are critical today and live in studio. plus even if you win iowa in the primary season, it may not help you. the georgia election fraud case against donald trump is so scandalous. the d.a. is under investigation. see you top of the hour. >> most importantly now more than ever protect our borders and protect our own citizens here in the homeland. if what happened on october 7th what happened in israel it could happen in the united states of america. >> bill: there is vivek ramaswamy from yesterday. we spoke to him earlier today and this story if light of that comment. new terror in israel. police saying one person is
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dead. several injured after two palestinians went on a series of car ramming attacks north of tel aviv. all this happening now as we mark 100 days since the hamas attacks of october 7th. 136 hostages still being held captive in gaza or as the "new york post" frames it 100 days of hell. trey yengst live in israel with more from that scene. what do you have? >> trey, if you can hear me we're live on the air north of tel aviv. trey. >> i got you now. we're in the city north of tel aviv where earlier today a terror attack took place. you can see the car behind me. it was a joint ramming and stabbing attack. one israeli woman was killed and 17 others injured. many of the casualties taking
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place at this bus stop right here. officials on the scene telling us that two palestinian suspects have been arrested. both of them from the city of hebron in the west bank. we also understand that officials are combing the area concerned that there could be other palestinian suspects nearby. earlier today former israeli prime minister bennett was at the scene and had this to say. >> they are trying to break us. i want to be as clear as possible. we're not moving. we're not going anywhere. we are here to stay and we are going to hunt down every single terrorist and we are going to win. >> hamas has taken responsibility for this terror attack just north of tel aviv. israeli officials remain on high alert. >> bill: thank you, trey yengst north of tel aviv with the latest on that. >> dana: we're here in iowa and frozen but the world turns and foreign policy and the conflicts
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happening overseas is also high on the list and the border, economy and then, of course. >> bill: sense of an unstable world. a lot of people are reflecting that. who we've spoken to here in iowa. we're about, what is it, 11:00 doing quick math for me. what are you, nine hours away? >> dana: i will be on "the five" a little bit later. we'll be here. and then we'll have special coverage and it will be awesome. bill knows all the counties. he will be there with bret and martha leading us through the special coverage tonight. >> bill: we'll tell you what you need to focus on to get ready at home for coverage later tonight. we'll be on throughout the day. live in des moines. >> dana: "the faulkner focus" is next. here is harris. >> harris: we begin with a fox news alert. caucus voters have the entire nation perched waiting for a new chapter in history being written. th


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