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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  January 16, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PST

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>> carley: voters have spoken and donald trump is winner of the republican iowa caucus by a landslide. former president is 20 delegates closer to clenching the republican nomination and ron desantis edges past nikki haley and vivek ramaswamy suspending his campaign and endorsing trump after finishing fourth. >> we will put america first and make american great again. iowa, we love you. go buy larger tractors and more land, don't worry about it. this is the first because the big night will be in november when we take back our country and truly we do make our country great again. >> we have our marching orders. marching orders to do all we can to preserve what george washington called sacred fire of
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liberty, same fire that burned in philadelphia in 1776 when our founding fathers signed declaration of independence. >> when you look at how we're doing, in new hampshire, in south carolina, and beyond. [cheering] >> i can safely say tonight iowa made this republican primary a two-person race. [cheering] >> we're going to do our part going forward to make sure that america first lives on, make sure donald trump is successful as the next president of the united states, make sure it is not some other puppet. >> carley: the candidates have spoken, you are watching "fox and friends first" on tuesday after iowa caucus day. i'm carley shimkus. >> todd: it is on. i'm todd piro. the top three candidates looking ahead to primary election in new
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hampshire next week with the clear front-runner donald trump. alexis is standing by, but first we will speak with brooke singman. >> brooke: donald trump is honord and invigorated and called his opponents great competition. trump will take 40 delegates and ron desantis with 8 delegates followed by nikki haley who takes 7 and vivek ramaswamy took 3. former president ending the night with an emotional speech. >> i want to thank my incredible wife, first lady, former and maybe future. more important than melania, i want to thank her incredible, beautiful mother who passed away
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a few days ago, she is so proud of us and i want to say to her, you are special, one was the most special people i have ever known. >> brooke: massive victory could be due to evangelicals, 59% supported him. he now looks to new hampshire. >> it is now off to new hampshire, a great place we won last time and won both times and we love it. people are great the twuth is people in our country are great. we are a nation in decline. we are going to turn it around so fast, it will happen fast. >> brooke: and vivek ramaswamy making an announcement. >> we are going to suspend this presidential campaign and this is going to have to be there is
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new path for me to be the next president absent things we don't want to see happen in this country. i called donald trump to tell him that i congratulate him on victory and now going forward he will have my full endorsement for the presidency. >> carley: thank you so much. alexis mcadams in in new hampshire, where nikki haley is hoping to make some gains. >> alexis: there is snow behind me in the granite state. trump, desantis and haley will be here later tonight. nikki haley is gaining steam on
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the ground in new hampshire and here is what she had to say. >> trump and biden both lack vision for our country's future. both are consumed by the past, by investigation, by vendettas and grievances. america deserves better. >> alexis: race for second place was watched closely. with 99% of precentralses reporting, desantis beating out nikki haley. as we know, desantis went all in on iowa, spending time and money, hitting all 99 counties and had the backing of the governor, but he was second behind trump. >> because of your support in
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spite all they threw at us, everyone against us, we have our ticket punched out of iowa. >> alexis: vivek ramaswamy s suspended his campaign and will support donald trump and plans to be in new hampshire campaigning with the former president. next contest is here in new hampshire and polls show gop race here closer than it was in iowa. latest polls show trump leading with 39%. former south carolina governor nikki haley close second with 32%, a 12-point jump from november. voters in new hampshire say it is about connecting on a personal level. watch. >> it is a small area so they don't have anywhere to go. they look them directly in the
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eye, able to have tough conversations and the customers do a great job vetting them. >> alexis: all three candidates are going to be in new hampshire later tonight. governor desantis going from iowa to south carolina because his team says he wants to send a strong message to nikki haley and home state he will not let her win. keep close eye on that. >> carley: going to south carolina first and new hampshire later in the day. thank you so much. bring in pollster justin wallace to talk about this. you say iowa matterses in terms of proportion of outcome. what does this tell you? >> good morning. it tells you that trump has a massive and indisputable lead. when closest challenger and desantis and haley close, but
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trump beat them 2-to-1. folks saying, iowa if you look at past primaries it only foretold two out of seven being the nominee. when you exit that and clearly over two to one proportion, huge win going into new hampshire and hard to dispute trump's position at this point. >> todd: we all said trump was on the ballot, this is first time trump has been on a ballot albeit caucus being a different style since prosecution started and marc thiessen weighed in last night. listen. >> marc: this was first time trump supporters had a chance to step up and that is what they did in iowa.
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it is absolutely historic victory for donald trump. >> todd: crucial point that needs to be driven home. did democrats overplay their hand or waking up this morning regretting the fact they overplayed their hand with trump prosecutions? >> they have to be. it has been shown time and time again specifically with trump that when you condemn him or try to legally bar him from some sort of process without legal process being complete. he has not been convicted, american voters view that with distaste and republican voters are not buying it. he is only getting stronger on part of democratic legislature and judges and process in general. >> carley: we should talk about the candidate who dropped out, vivek ramaswamy. he was seen as trump-like and
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maybe that is why he didn't do as well as he had hoped. his votes are up for grabs, is that good news for donald trump? >> yeah, he owns those. you can't out-trump trump and trump dominates the ballot. vivek ramaswamy's votes definitely gr to trump no doubt. >> carley: bring in dr. ben carson. good morning, thank you for joining us. great to see you. you have been here before. you did the iowa caucus in 2016 and that year donald trump did not win. this year he did by historic margins. what is your reaction to last night's results? >> people had a chance to get to know donald trump. in 2016 evangelicals were
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skeptical of him and this time they are on the bandwagon. they saw what he did and appointments he made and saws the fact he attended march for life. he is a known quantity and our country is in position where almost anybody who is watching is concerned. and they know that they have somebody who can do something about it as opposed to somebody who might be able to do something about it. people have flooded to his side. >> carley: trump won almost every demographic last night by double digit margin including evangelical votes. second place ron desantis 18%, despite fact he got endoendorse
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of bob -- ran right of donald trump with the six-week ban and evangelical voters flocked to donald trump. they did. they saw what kind of person he is. it is not what he says because sometimes he says things a little on the inflammatory side. it is what he does. that makes all the difference in the world. prosecution and persecution he's undergoing is unfair and they will be the victims if this is continued. if we allow the left to use the justice system to eliminate their fierce opponent, we won't be america anymore. they are smarter than people give them credit for. >> carley: general election will
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be here before you know it. "wall street journal" has op ed and they say the iowa caucus results reveal weakness for donald trump. they write mrs. haley speaks to mr. trump's weakness if the general election. independents can vote and mrs. haley is attracting voters that will be crucial and decisive in november. they are saying donald trump is popular with conservatives in the primary, but might not be with swing voters, what do you think about that? >> you are unlikely to have anybody that is popular with everybody. recognize the fact democrats and independents can change on night of caucus and create mischief
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and confusion could be part of the problem. key thing here is margin of victory is significant and shows enthusiasm of the people. i was in iowa and it is, this is enthusiasm that will get people to come out in 30-degree below weather. that is not going away. >> carley: you have strong supporters. donald trump says he feels invigerated and he is honored after winning the 2024 iowa caucuses. we appreciate it. good to see you. have a great day. iowa republicans want a candidate who can win in november and if it is a 2020 rematch, is trump the guy to get that done? >> todd: we're breaking down voter analysis with tomi lahren right after this.
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>> janice: we are still talking
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about the potential for deadly wind chill and winter storm active from south toward northeast current wind chills, we've been talking about wind chills. look at dallas negative 2. negative 14 in amarillo, negative 4 in tennessee. wind chill alert from border of canada down toward much of the state of texas and toward florida and upward toward the appalachians. negative 47 in wyoming. you get the picture. cold caucus in iowa. live radar, potential for snowy, icy conditions toward mid-atlantic and northeast. here is top snow report.
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ark arkansas six inches. snow on the ground in southern states more than new york city. winter weather alert from mid-atlantic to northeast, snow happening now and mixing. sleet and freezing rain concerning for i-95 corridor. be careful heading into work. snow still to come. not a whole bunch of snow, but we are excited we broke that streak. here is streak we have broken in baltimore and philadelphia and new york. bye-bye. >> carley: bye-bye. >> janice: we did it. >> todd: yea for us. >> janice: i would have liked more snow. we have a few chances. >> carley: make that snow angel on fox square. i'm rooting for you. >> todd: thank you. former president donald trump earning dominant victory in iowa
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with 51% of the vote. fox voter analysis reveals we want a leader that is mentally fit and can win the general election in november. outkick host tomi lahren joins us. fact it is 82% of people want somebody to beat president biden and fact donald trump won iowa by 30 points tell me people think donald trump will beat biden even though pundits may not always agree. what say you? >> tomi: i don't know why it is not 100%. why vote for someone you don't think could win the general election. i hope everybody wants somebody
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who is mentally and physically able to do the job and has great policies. this tells me that folks in iowa and i'm from south dakota, i get it, like people back home in south dakota, they love donald trump. they are reminiscing about a time before covid, before 2020 when donald trump was their president and they saw the economy working and border being enforced. they are thirsting for that time again and given how weak the current president is, they believe donald trump can do it again. he shocked the globe in 2016. no one thought he could beat hillary clinton. people are seeing that, they want revenge and want their country back. decisive victory for donald
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trump in iowa. i don't think all states will be that way. republicans look at the field, it is now or never, we have got to galvanize around donald trump, we cannot reelect joe bi biden, which i don't think it will be joe. >> todd: you have repeatedly said that. president biden is fundraising off donald trump's victory. he is the clear front-runner. this election was going to be you and me versus extreme maga republicans. do you think your hypothesis and prophecy will hold true that biden will be out in light of the fact donald trump has a big lead in new hampshire and lead in the poll in every other state
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is pretty big at this point. >> tomi: i think the current white house is hoping donald trump will be the nominee and seeing the polls and see donald trump likely will be the republican nominee and that is who they want to run against. beyond just four indictments, media has been preparing for return of donald trump since before he ran. they are preparing and ready to take on donald trump fchl they were thrown a curve ball and had a different candidate like ron desantis or nikki haley, they would be scrambling. they are not prepared to take on another candidate. they are ready for donald trump. we can't fall into the same trap. be ready for the democratic nominee. we can't talk about how bad joe biden is and how mentally or physically unfit he is.
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talk about democrats policies and how they are failing america. if we do that, it does not matter, we will set ourselves up to be in a good spot. defeating democrat and liberal policies. >> todd: iowa republicans say number one issue is immigration, even before the economy. 8% the spread there. >> carley: political power panel will talk about the migrant crisis and how it could shape the rest of the race. migrant cr shape the rest of the race.
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(dogs barking) - hey, we're here to get you. (whimpering) - it's okay. - don't be scared. - let's go. - that's a good job. - can i see him? - this is our home - and this is our room. >> todd: if you are just waking up, a huge night for donald trump in iowa. republican caucus goers gave him 51% of the vote. the former president 20 delegates closer to clenching
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the republican nomination. ron desantis edged past nikki haley by two points. vivek ramaswamy is dropping out of the race and backing donald trump. bring in the panel. good morning to you all. big night and a lot to talk about the iowa caucuses and where this is going. tudor, one state down, 49 to go. with this margin of victory for donald trump, he has it in the bag. what do you think? >> tudor: look at enthusiasm, i think this is showing that trump supporters come out and add to the republican base like no other. he is in a strong position. we are seeing the country rally around him today. i see people going, this is amazing, he is winning on the border issue. this is going to be a big year and democrats are shaking in
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their boots right now. lawsuits have not worked, they are recall clating and going what did we do. 2016 trump is back. >> carley: donald trump victory speech was interesting, he congratulated his opponenting saying ron desantis and nikki haley did well and that vivek ramaswamy did well coming in. what is behind that? >> i think it is a smart strategy temperature is time for the party to come together. i have not gone for this people need to drop out to be loyal to donald trump. it is ridiculous argument. after seeing the numbers, this is stunning victory for donald trump and i don't see this going any other way for candidates. now is time to come together and focus on beating joe biden or
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whoever democrats decide to run. >> carley: tudor mentioned immigration, 41% of caucus goers say most important issue is immigration followed by economy. what does this mean for the rest of the race? >> it means it is a subject we need to continue to speak about and harp on. reason being, it is issue impacting everyone, all americans directly or indirectly. whether you are the mom that has to sit home because there are not enough room at schools due to migrants. or you have migrants sleeping in front of your business door. as relates to jobs and watching how migrants are being treated and healthcare and government
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assi assistance. these are conversations we need to have. more we connect to compassionate messaging, we have a shot. >> carley: we have not hit the first primary election. donald trump and joe biden are talking about general election. let's talk about that. it seems like joe biden's argument is that donald trump is a dictator. he is focusing on him being bad for democracy. donald trump argument is joe biden is a bad president. out of the two arguments, which wins out? >> joe biden is a bad president, we are seeing that and feeling it. democrats in chicago are looking at mayor johnson and saying why are you accepting this as
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sanctuary city. we know president trump is not a dictator and he did not start wars. joe biden is an embarrassment. they are concerned about what this means going forward. you see them having beepel like bashear start a pac. they don't know what to do about it. >> carley: thank you for joining us to talk about the results. have a great day. happening today, hundreds of federal employees xeshthed to walk off the job. we'll tell you why. >> todd: look ahead to new hampshire and south carolina with former presidential candidate larry elder. keep it here on "fox and friends first." i love your dress. oh thanks! i splurged a little because liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, right?
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senator joni ernst writing there should be no place for terrorist sympathizers agamericans are held captive, they should be fired immediately. feds united for peace organized this strike. >> carley: interesting. there is this, cheryl, prominent democrat begging biden administration to scram bidenomics, is that right? >> cheryl: this is former biden campaign aide. simon sanders has strong words to push to make bidenomics happen.
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she says voters are not going to get bidenomics, let it go. you can give folks numbers but data doesn't move people, stories move people. she is advisor to vice president kamala harris before moving to a tv career. the economy is number one issue. 32% say they are falling behind with finances. 57% things are steady. 11% say they are getting ahead. one donor said whoever came up with bidenomics has no place in the world of advertising. >> todd: you heard simon sanders and jen psaki coming out, they are not happy with joe and it shows. thank you. >> as of this moment, we are going to suspend this presidential campaign. earlier tonight i called donald trump to tell him that i
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congratulate him on his victory and going forward he will have my full endorsement for pro-israel densy. >> todd: vivek ramaswamy dropping out and desantis edging out haley by a couple points and pressure is on. larry elder, 2024 presidential candidate and radio host join me now. you had to make the difficult decision to drop out of a primary. bring us inside mind of haley and desantis after their finishes last night? >> the night could not have gone better for donald trump. he came close to maga grassley. t vivek ramaswamy's voteings will likely go to donald trump. he ran as america first guy with
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fresh legs. voters wanted the guy with old legs. as far as desantis and nikki haley, people underestimate the debates they had. people feel desantis won by substantial margin. i suspect that hurt nikki haley in primary, she was expected to finish second and finished third and desantis finished second. going into new hampshire, i think donald trump is rubbing his hands together short of both of them dropping out, both of them staying in and chewing each other up. in new hampshire, nikki haley has a decent shot. independents and democrats can vote in that primary. chris christie has dropped out, nikki haley has a shot there. south carolina, her home state, polls show her getting crushed.
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it could not have gone better for donald trump. >> todd: 98 out of 99. kellyanne conway was on the fair last night details effort candidates have put in. what was the purpose ever this exercise particularly if you are desantis? he's been a great governor, but he's been a resident of iowa. his campaign and super pac spent nine figures. people who didn't run this time, a lot of censorships and people like mike pompeo did the wise thing. you can support the party and wait until 2028. >> todd: what is the point going forward if you are haley and
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desantis? i will hypothesize here. trump seemed gracious in his speech last night, much different from when he was attacking both. do you think desantis and/or haley drop out as vp play even though every pundit and their mother have said neither of those will be vp. >> hard to say. trump suggested people on the debate stage will never be vp. donald trump jr. said haley would be a disaster of epic proportion. my feel is it is likely not going to be nikki haley. regarding desantis, they are both from the state of florida. i think it will be a female. not sure. if i were donald trump, that is his achilles heel.
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i would do something about that. regarding the campaign, dropping out is hard to do. you are on the road and you have con consultants whispering in your ear. they can stay in a long while if they want to. asa hutchinson got 1/10th of 1 percent, you can keep going. >> todd: it is tough after you put in all that effort, the decision has to be made for the good of the party and nation, as well. thank you for your insight, we appreciate it. there is us and the main-stream media. here is their coverage of trump's victory last night. >> you hear him repeating a
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antiimmigrant rhetoric. >> we have stopped giving unfiltered live platform to donald trump. >> todd: joe concha here next. >> carley: sure he'll have thoughts about that coverage. check in with lawrence live in iowa with a look what is coming up on "fox and friends." >> lawrence: good morning. live at breakfast club in des moines. people of iowa sent a message yesterday. i attended the victory rally, what i heard and saw, we'll talk about that coming up. always, nikki haley will join us and talk about her plan and path to victory. she'll be on with brian later in the show. also, what do people of iowa think about what is next in this race? new hampshire coming up, south carolina and then super tuesday.
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anti-immigrant rhetoric. >> the projected winner of the iowa caucuses has just started giving his victory speech. we will let you know if there is any news made in a speech. if there is a reason and other news organizations have generally stopped giving unfiltered live platform to remarks by former president trump. >> that was cnn cutting away from donald trump's iowa victory speech after he mentioned the border crisis. over at msnbc they didn't air his speech at all. >> fox news contributor and columnist are to the messenger joe concha joins us now. joe, if and when trump becomes the nominee of one of the two major parties of our republic, mind you, how long can they keep this up deliberate attempt to prevent their viewers from hearing from him, you know, democracy and all? >> todd, they will keep this up all the way until election day. let's be clear without any ambiguity. msnbc is not a news
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organization. cnn is not a news organization. these are not journalists. these are activists. plain and simple. they think by airing donald trump's victory speech lye it will hurt their viewer's sensitivity so badly the safe spaces will collapse. you have to love the way by the way with jake tapper, anchor jake tapper scare quotes describe trump's perspective that he is attacking legal immigrants to this country. trump's argument is to the illegal migrants entering this country some of which are on the fbi terror watch list. many of which are not seeking asylum. and are exhausting budgets in major american cities to a breaking point where education, sanitation, police budgets in places like new york city are being slashed for those who are here as citizens legally. so this is merely a preview of what we are going to see over the next 10 month from cnn, msnbc, and other news organizations. again, you can't call them that leading up to the election. active effort to get joe biden reelected and active effort to
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keep donald trump from winning the presidency again, carley. >> carley: you could hear a little bit of what he said but the whole thing was we're going to seal the border because right now we have an invasion of millions of people that are coming into our country. i can't imagine why they would think that's a good thing so that's whatten msnbc and cnn didn't want voters to hear. our nams shows immigration is the most important issue to iowa voters. donald trump was addressing something that a majority of voters that just voted in the iowa caucus care about. >> it is amazing, right? you have rachel maddow saying we don't allow lies to be aired on our network the same network for three years insisted that donald trump was an agent of the kremlin and was installed into the white house. there you see it on your screen exactly. immigration is a number one issue. the border is a top issue. along with inflation and the economy. and if those are the top two issues, guys, joe biden or whoever the democratic nominee
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is has a serious, serious problem despite the fact the media will protect their viewers from hearing about this as much as possible. if those are your top two issues, then donald trump is your next president. >> joe, desantis beating a lot of pundits' expectation by beating haley for second place. but, his team has an issue put media calling iowa so early for trump. it is absolutely outrageous that the media would participate in election interference by calling the race before tens of thousands of iowans, even had a chance to vote. the media is in the tank for trump and this is the most egregious example yet. joe, is thought mark of a fighter or is it whining in the sense that those caucus goers brave like 30-degree below zero wind chills. they are probably going to vote no matter what. >> precisely, todd. when you are a candidate and lose by 30 points and that's what ron desantis looks like he is going to lose by. i'm not sure you have much standing in saying the race was
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called too early. ron desantis put major time and money and resources until winning iowa and defeated by more than four touchdowns. the governor who has a solid record to run on as far as the way he has run florida over the last four years has a real problem as far as winning this nomination because he is about to get smoked again in new hampshire. is he skipping new hampshire. after iowa is he going right to south carolina. that appears to be his last stand. nikki haley obviously has an advantage there. that's her home state. donald trump is winning by huge numbers in that state. he should drop out. save face, think about another run in 202 will. the campaign says the governor is going to continue to fight. this is likely not going to end well for ron desantis who had a will the of high hopes going into this primary, guys. >> carley: donald trump gets 20 delegates. ron desantis gets #. nikki haley gets 7. vivek gets 3. joe, thank you so much for joining us. "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ >> good morning, edy


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