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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  January 16, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PST

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heart attack, stroke, and gi tears occurred. people 50 and older with a heart disease risk factor have an increased risk of death. serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. done settling? ask your rheumatologist for rinvoq. and take back what's yours. abbvie could help you save. my name's cody archie. and i'm erica. cody: and we're first generation ranchers from central texas. erica: and because of tiktok, we're able to show people from all over the world where their food and fiber come from. cody: we have dorper sheep and we have beef cattle for the sole purpose of going into the food chain. we use tiktok as a tool to inform people of what we do and why we do it. there's just a plethora of knowledge and of information swapping going on there. tiktok is helping us protect this way of life for future generations. >> steve: good morning, everybody, it's':01 on the east coast on this tuesday morning.
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it's 6:01 here in des moines, iowa on this tuesday, january 16th. meanwhile, former president donald trump scored an historic win in last night's caucuses here in iowa, as the rest of the g.o.p. field looks to what's next. >> we're going to come together. it's going to happen soon, too. this is the third time we have won. but this is the biggest win. >> we have got our ticket punched out of iowa. >> we are going to continue on. we are going to make you proud. and we are off to new hampshire. >> we are going to suspend this presidential campaign. >> ended his campaign supporting president trump. plus a bad omen for bidenomics. a realtor revealing how much americans actually have to make to be able to afford a house now is $100,000 the new middle class? i hate to say it i think it's actually 120. just three years ago you could achieve the same life for $70,000. it nearly doubled in just three years.
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>> brian: wow, that's not good. meanwhile the bad weather cancels more than 1,000 flights already today. watch this. tesla owners cannot escape the travel nightmare think about this as you get ev. chicago area ev owners are forced to ditch their cars because they won't charge in the cold. lawrence? >> lawrence: it's crazy. the second hour of "fox & friends" starts right now and, remember, mornings are better with friends. ♪ ♪ >> brian: there you go. iowa, we barely knew you. all eyes on new hampshire after former president donald trump won big last night. candidates are now getting ready for the granite state primary next week. >> ainsley: onto the next one, right?
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>> brian: yes. >> ainsley: alexis mcadams is there with the latest for us. snowing there? >> right. forget about iowa, rather. all eyes on new hampshire. as you can see behind me, guys, it is snowing here but a lot warmer in new hampshire where those candidates are now heading here. we will see trump, desantis and nikki haley all on the ground later tonight. now, we know nikki haley has been gaining lots of steam, right? , including here in the granite state. donald trump said last night he is not worried about it because he has won in new hampshire and he thinks he can do it again. watch. this so it's now off to new hampshire. a great place. we won it last time. and we won it both times. and we love it. the people are great. >> it was not a surprise that trump absolutely crushed in iowa, right? but it was the race for second place that was watched very closely. desantis edging out haley there. the florida governor sitting just above 21% this morning with haley at 19%. the duo spent big money in the hawkeye state. desantis went to all 99
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counties. he had the backing of the iowa governor who is super popular there and evangelical church community but still a distant second behind donald trump. >> i can tell you because of your support, in spite of all of that that they threw at us. everyone against us, we've got our ticket punched out of iowa. >> trump and biden both lack a vision for our country's future because both are consumed by the past. by investigations, by vendettas, by grievances. america deserves better. >> so here in new hampshire some polls show the g.o.p. race could be much closer than it was in iowa. take a look there that latest poll out last week that shows trump leading among likely primary voters with 39%. former south carolina governor nikki haley a close second place with 32%. that's a 12 point jump though from november. she has really been climbing here. voters in new hampshire say it's all about connecting with the voters on a personal level.
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>> you know, it's a small area so they don't really have anywhere to go. they look them directly in the eyes, are able to have these tough conversations and the customers -- do a great job at vetting them. >> now, just last night. another big announcement, vivek ramaswamy suspending his presidential campaign saying he just didn't see a path for him to go forward. is he throwing all his support behind donald trump. he didn't say much bad about trump on the campaign trail last several months. he says he is not done on the trail. he will be at an event either later tonight or this coming week with the former president. back to you. steve alexis, we are headed to new hampshire. i'm just curious, it's 10 degrees below zero here in des moines. what's the temperature in bedford? >> yeah, it's a lot warmer here if you can believe it, right? it's 22 degrees. can you bring your swimsuit and leave long underwear behind. >> steve: 22? >> i know.
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>> steve: that's a 30-degree swing. fantastic, we can leave the long johns at home. thank you very much. you know, given the fact that there is so much snow here in iowa and so much bad weather and stuff like that, donald trump did not have -- i was thinking about it this morning, he didn't have a landslide it was so cold. he had an avalanche. the question is going forward for nikki haley, who looked like she was the buzziest candidate going into last night. you know, her path now kind of narrows because she was hoping for some sort of an upset to become firmly number two. she finished number three. it was a squeaker like that. but had she done better here in iowa, ainsley, the big donors were lined up to pump money into her because next stop is new hampshire where, with the backing of governor sununu, and the fact that anybody can vote in that primary, it looks like she could do a lot better than she did here in iowa.
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>> ainsley: number two there in new hampshire because she is attractive, appealing to the moderates, to even some democrats who choose her over joe biden. and in new hampshire, in the country's first primary, the moderates and the democrats can also participate in this. so she might gather some of their votes. many are saying her voters are different than donald trump. donald trump might get those never -- the maga, the extreme to the right. but last night he had his speech was very invigorating office positive. he gave nikki haley, it ron desantis. he remembered his mother-in-law who just passed away. she says she cooks for barron and that's why he is so tall. he looked up to the sky and said almost a prayer to her and thanked her husband for being so supportive of the family. he had the a.g.
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happened about 10:30, 10:40. the a.g. supported him. governor kim reynolds did not. he said come on over here brenda byrd. thank you for standing up against the pack and she said thank you, glad to do it. we need you. he also talked about how bad our country is right now with the middle east and the cob flicks. the attacks on israel. he talked about the border. the terrorists. you had touched on this earlier. we have seen a change in why people are going to the polls. it used to be the economy. that's still number two. in iowa, people went to the caucuses because they are so tired of an open border. >> brian: lawrence? >> lawrence: it's so true it. goes back to the general question. i asked these candidates all the time when i'm on the road and not only frustrates them but frustrates their campaign staff as well. how are you going to connect with the voter out here? the trump voter, the people that are essentially the base of the republican party? and it's a question that
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frustrates them so often but it is issues like the border, like the economy, that they remember the trump years. and it seems to me that the candidates now, you know, they complain about us. they complain about the media coverage, they do more interviews than donald trump. they show up to the debates. but donald trump shows up for the people that are going to cast their vote. so the question still remains, what are going to be the issues? what are they going to change up going into the next race in new hampshire and then south carolina? i'm not saying they have to change their overall message because they would be frauds if they did that but they're going to have to -- if they want to stay in the race, they are going to have to change up the way that they deliver that message and they keep making the argument of electability. that's not working with these folks. it's not -- it can't be just electability. what are you going to do to benefit their life better than donald trump?
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electability is out of the window. and if your argument is that he's going to be prosecuted, he may not be on the ballot, trump voters double down. and they say if they're going to do that, that means they are taking my vote away. i just find with nikki haley, ron desantis, even though they both have records to run on, there is a tone deafness to the people that are going to be casting votes. yesterday was not a surprise. i have been saying it for months now, even when desantis first decided he was going to run. i'm not hearing it. i'm not hearing it from the american people. guess what i'm going to say the same thing this morning, steve. i'm not -- and brian, and ainsley, i'm still not hearing ron desantis, nikki haley, vivek has decided to crop out in this race. >> brian: listen, nikki haley is going to be on in about an hour and 10 minutes. so if you have great question for her friends at, we talked to her yesterday. talked to her saturday. we want to get your take on this. one thing that they are saying is, the one hit on donald trump,
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after the midterms a lot of his candidates did not do well, court cases loomed. he might win the primary but can he win the general? and now that question is diminishing because in almost every poll, two or three points is he beating joe biden between 7 and 17 nikki haley wins. so, just looking on what matters to people who voted, the voter analysis on families' financial situation right now. and this is joe biden takes some notes. 11% say they are getting ahead under this bidenomics. 57% they said they are holding steady. circle, this 32% are falling behind. here's the thing. the president of the united states for the first time in modern memory he can say this is my track record, joe biden this is your track record, let's have at it. freddie smith this orlando realtor, i don't love tiktok but this was on tiktok, he said this about what his math says the average middle class person needs to buy a home and just wonder if this is affordable for you, watch.
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>> $100,000 the new middle class, i hate to say it, but i think it's actually 1240. hear me out on this. i think a staple of the middle class is to own a home. in order to own a home you need to make $120,000 if you carry a debt to carry 375, $400,000 house average home in america. three years ago you could achieve the same life for $70,000. it nearly doubled in just three years. and that's why we continue to talk about this because no one has ever seen this kind of a shift this quickly. >> lawrence: unbelievable. >> steve: he makes a really good point. here on the ground in iowa. that's what i hear from my relatives. a couple of my cousins are going to show up this morning to watch the show. and, you know, they have got to work today. they had to work yesterday because a lot of people simply cannot make ends meet. a lot of people watching right now might actually have two or three different jobs just to get ahead because people have fallen behind. i know the administration puts out numbers and they say, look,
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the numbers are better. the problem is people don't feel it. and on the ground -- lawrence, you and i were watching tv last night in the lobby for a little while. if you watcher tv here in des moines over the last couple of weeks, you just saw ad after ad placed by trump super pac. what they essentially did were two things. one, they painted ron desantis as the world's worst person and a suck-up. that's the way one ever his ads run the other ad is talking about how the economy was during trump and how it was during biden. and i think so many people are like, you know, you got a point. i could afford more gas. i could afford more groceries during trump. and trump has made it very clear. he is promising to bring us back to those old days. so, if he gets the nomination, if he is elected, you know, he has got to do that. he has said on the first day he is going to drill. undoubtedly that's going to bring down some prices as we know it, ainsley.
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>> ainsley: can i just see the two of you together in the hotel lobby watching tv. >> brian: until the games came on. [laughter] >> steve: and the caucuses. >> ainsley: i'm sure everybody in the hotel works at fox news you are all gathering together and wanted to watch it together. all right. so, biden needs to be worried. when you look at these numbers, when you see how well donald trump is doing. when you see how he is attacked financially, when he is in court every single week this entire year and he is still doing so well. they have to be worried. they have to think, gosh, our plan didn't work. you have former joe biden aide symone sanders towns send a host at another channel. a former biden campaign aid. she also was an adviser to vice president kamala harris. she even says to joe biden, you need to ditch bidenomics. listen to this. >> lawrence: yeah. >> ainsley: it's a quote, let me read what she said: they are not going to get bidenomics. let it go. how about you just make sure that they know what you're going
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to do and what did you. when is the last time you saw joe biden in a town hall taking questions from the american people? joe biden needs to campaign like joe biden knows how to campaign when people see him and more intimate setting they stop thinking about oh, how old is he? they start listening to what he is look this joe biden when he as runs four years ago it was a different joe biden. >> brian: absolutely there is a reason why there is no press conference or unscripted moments. even the stuff he yells out with a chopper blaring gets him in controversy. are you for taiwan independence? no. well, what does that mean? no? do you mean that they -- you are against their democratic results that you saw? you know, are you for what is going on with war? i talked to netanyahu, one word answers. his interactions, he has such a quick temper, he tends to below up blow up on people that
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disagree with him that's what people are trying to shield. what an insult. people on your own team giving you advice. >> lawrence: i know. >> brian: axelrod, obamas, symone sanders, jen psaki all telling him what to do because his staffer and his team is not strong. they are not offensive. they don't like their candidate but they have raised a ton of money. $117 million. >> lawrence: you got to remember also, brian, these were some of the people that are now commentators were pushed out of the white house. you know, symone sanders wanted the press secretary job. she had been advising the administration to change course. then they put her over in kamala harris' account. and the vice president wasn't listening to her. the biden administration they have two problems they are dealing with. they are dealing with young and old. you know, that's my generation that are getting ready to buy their first house, and they just can't do it. so he is getting hit right there. and if it's reflective diners go to and talking with people the more seasoned crowd that are about to retire, they are saying
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they may have to go back to work. so, there is no messaging that can you do too undo that. you have to make it better. they keep saying bidenomics. bidenomics, if we could just message. this there is no message to this. people's circumstances are terrible right now. the president would do him some goodbye simply acknowledging and saying look, i'm going to work harder to fix it. instead, is he denying it all together, steve. >> steve: that's absolutely right. all it will take and it was just mentioned a moment ago by brian, you know, this is why he doesn't take questions from people at town halls oftentimes or do a press conference because it's just going to take one guy named joe. like joe the plumber; mr. president, i can't afford to put gas in my car and food on my table, how are you going to fix it because you screwed me over the last three years. it's a question like that that ultimately could undo him and become an ad and run ad nauseam
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and lawrence and i would see that in the lobby of the hotel and next thing you know we are talking about it on tv. >> ainsley: find joe biden in the basement of that hotel. worked for him last time. maybe that's the strategy this time, too. >> brian: can't be. >> ainsley: come up, the latest victim of america's crime crisis. a grandfather shot and killed on new york city subway after trying to stop a flight. >> steve: plus, old man winter canceling at least a thousand flights today. the artic blast, the latest one slamming the country. we will show you the maps. >> brian: today pro-palestinian plan to stage a mass walkout. is that legal that insubordination? andy mccarthy says no and he's next. hopefully he will say more than that. ♪ caught in a crowd ♪ i can't walk out. >> steve: i can't walk out ♪ because i love you too much baby
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with the largest fastest reliable network. give your business a head start in 2024 with this great offer. plus, ask how to get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. >> carley: we're back with a few head libraries, the family of a young grandfather is now speaking out after he was reportedly shot to death on a brooklyn subway train on sunday. sources telling the "new york
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post" that he was breaking up a fight before he was hit by two bullets. the family of the 45-year-old still heart broken from the loss saying quote he died helping someone. that's him. he always intervened. he always wanted peace. we are baffled. he was on his way home to his family. at this time no arrests have been made. happening today, alex murdaugh is back in court for a status conference. this is the next step in his attempt to receive a new trial to overturn his murder conviction. the judge will meet with the defense and prosecution ahead of the may hearing later this month. that's when the judge will decide if murdaugh will receive a new trial. and tesla drivers in chicago having a rough time charging their cars as the windy city faces freezing temperatures this week. drivers seen here pushing their evs to charging stations one calling the car quote a bunch of dead robots. experts say cold weather can
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impact charging speeds. saying batteries need to be at optimal temperatures to charge quicker. everything needs to be perfect, brian, in order for the cars to work. over to you. >> brian: let alone the line sometimes that do work you wonder if your car is going to be able to do that have to push it. let's see they have a few bugs in them. thanks so much, carley. >> carley: you are welcome. >> brian: today in washington, hundreds of president biden's administration employees are expected to walk out in protest of the president's support of israel. the strike comes after weekend full of pro-palestinian protests right outside the white house. so are federal staffers even allowed to walk off the job? what kind of precedent does this says when you disagree with somebody's policies? let's ask fox news contributor. fox news contributor andy mccarthy. are they allowed to do this? >> not by law. the federal law is very clear. if you are a federal employee you can't strike. brian, i have to say, you know, someone who worked in the government for more years than i care to say.
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there's no one who works in the government for any length of time and doesn't have any number of policies that they intensely disagree with. striking is not an option under federal law. it's a crime. >> brian: feds united for peace. they organize this strike to mark 100 days. they say they make it adown a moment of silence. does it matter if one is loud and one is in memoriam? >> no, it matters weather they y are at work or not. i would point out the substantial amount of the voting public which is when you get in the demographics are overwhelmingly pro-israel and not that craze about the government. i point those things out because federal -- the general federal statute of limitation on crimes is five years. so, even if biden is too weak to take action against these staffers, this is a crime, it can be punished from the time it
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occurs until 2029. january 202 #. i think it would be smart for whether it's donald trump or whoever the republican nominee ends up being, this ought to be a campaign issue. any government employee who strikes should be prosecuted. >> brian: can you imagine this though, you hire people, give them the opportunity of a lifetime, excuse me, i disagree with you on this. i'm walking out on you, boss. by the way i will be back in the afternoon i can't wait to plan the christmas party. house speaker mike johnson who says any government worker who walks off the job to support for ally israel abusing the trust of taxpayers. they deserve to be fired. oversight committee comer working to ensure each federal agency initiates appropriate disciplinary action. why is the president not upset with his own staffers? >> because the base of the democratic party is captured by a lunatic fringe is -- i'm not going to say pro-palestinian, they are pro-hamas.
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all of this started on october 7th. we have seen a steady stream of this ever since obviously intimidated by the base of his party but it is what it is. yesterday they cancer hospital sloan kettering in support of hamas and palestinian movement. it is nuts. andy, i'm with you hopefully the president is watching you right now and will fire all of them. coming up straight ahead. as president trump scores historic win in the hawkeye state all candidates looking toward new hampshire. we have a double diner. lawrence is has breakfast with friends in akenny, and madison alworth is live in manchester. exclamation point.
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♪ limu emu & doug ♪ ( bell ringing) customize and save with libberty bibberty. liberty bushumal. libtreally blubatoo. mark that one. that was nice! i think you're supposed to stand over there. oh am i? thank you. so, a couple more? we'll just...we'll rip. we'll go quick. libu smeebo. libu bribu. limu bibu...and me. doug: he's an emu! only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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>> going to come together. it's going to happen soon, too. this is the third time we have won. but this is the biggest win. >> we have got our ticket punched out of iowa. >> we're going to continue on. we're gonna make you proud and we're off to new hampshire. >> we are going to suspend this presidential campaign. >> lawrence: hey, we are live in -- >> ainsley: all right. trump wins big in iowa as all the candidates now look to new hampshire. we have a double diner this morning. two for one. getting the pulse of the people. lawrence is in iowa and madison alworth is in manchester, new hampshire.
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lawrence, we will start with you. >> lawrence: hey, my friend. we are in ankeny at the breakfast club. if you are in the area, come get you hot chocolate. let's go talk with some folks. you guys didn't go to the caucus yesterday. and you are undecided. >> right. >> lawrence: what's the number one issue you feel is facing the country. >> the economy. >> lawrence: why the economy? >> everybody is hurting right now. need to get it straightened out. >> lawrence: you are just looking at the candidate right now and make a decision later. >> yeah. >> lawrence: what about you, sir, you are indict decided as well. what else the issue for you. >> i agree with him, the economy. >> lawrence: what do you want to see from a potential president? >> just a boost, i mean, just need a boost. >> lawrence: a boost. someone that's going to stop the bleeding, hey? >> um-huh. >> lawrence: thank you, sir. you were at the caucus yesterday, and you supported desantis, why? >> i feel like is he more central. trump is polarized and, man, just got a fight against him
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there are some things that trump has done in the past that i'm all for. i think he goes in there and really demands for some change to happen. but some bad decisions during covid and, yeah, i just feel like desantis is a little more centered and he has proven himself down in florida, especially during the covid. >> lawrence: do you feel like desantis still has a shot in this race? >> >> i don't know. i mean, there is big huge trump support out there. i think he does. he just has to get the word out there. he has just got to stick to what he has been saying and stick to his points. and just mean what he says. if he has done it in florida, i feel like he can do it for our country. >> lawrence: thank you so much. >> you bet. >> lawrence: one last gentleman i want to speak to we talked earlier. you didn't make it to the caucus yesterday. you had father's duties. who do you think is going to win this overall election? >> i think trump is. because i think the more the democrats try to make it so that he can't win the more they will push him to win. >> lawrence: you say you are not
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really a trump supporter but you see the writing on the wall? >> that's what it seems like to me. i just think the others are too worried about fighting each other than trying to come together and beating him. >> lawrence: something to say about that. we have heard that from a lot of people that we talk to is, you know, they may not necessarily support the former president but they see the crowds. they see the people. they see their friends and having conversations with them and they realize even though they have a different view. they see that. will madison al alworth is in w hampshire having breakfast with friends. >> yeah, lawrence. from iowa to new hampshire this is the next focus. we are at the red arrow. this san establishment that is very important when it comes to the presidential election. they have their wall of fame here. have nikki haley, desantis, trump here. every candidate that wants to be president comes through this diner.
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so, we wanted to come here this morning and talk to voters. we found chris who is with the chairman of the g.o.p. here in new hampshire. you can't talk candidates but you can talk issues. what are you hearing from g.o.p. voters in new hampshire? what matters to them this cycle? >> >> the economy is always at the top. but surprisingly, the out-of-control border is very, very important to at love people that could actually surpass the economy as the number one issue. >> something that i cover in new york and i have been down to the border. it is fascinating because we are so far from the southern border here. but, do you have some northern crossings that come into new hampshire. so why is illegal immigration such a big issue for a small state like new hampshire. >> even though we don't have a lot of migrants visible here, it impacts the economy. we're spending a lot of money on it, security is also a big problem. we don't know if there are terrorists that are come in. and the fentanyl problem, a lot of the drugs coming across the southern border do impact us here. we have a very high rate, unfortunately, of drug overdoses.
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and so you put all that together, and the fact that it could be fixed by a president makes penal say wow, this is an issue we could do something about. just that joe biden doesn't want to do anything about it. >> chris, thank you so much. obviously the fentanyl issue. we know the border. not just the crossings of people but also of drugs. i have also been able to meet corey and his professor here. this is super cool. corey is in the state for a month volunteering with the campaign ahead of this. so you can't vote in new hampshire but you have been talking to a lot of voters. let's start first. which campaign are you volunteering with. >> i'm volunteering with the trump campaign. >> okay. so after a big win last night, how are you feeling now about him and will you be voting for him in your own primary and then ultimately general election, potentially. >> absolutely. i do plan to vote for him in the primary in the general election. we are feeling very good going into new hampshire especially after vivek's endorsement of trump last night. >> so we saw a strong ground game in iowa. tell me what going on here in new hampshire. what are you doing and what has the reception been for voters
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here on the ground. >> i have been door-knocking a lot in new hampshire. that's the main thing i have been doing on the campaign. a lookout of mixed reaction and a lot of strong support and strong opposition, too. which -- ha ha. >> that happens in the granite state. iowa has really turned red which we saw last night. trump really pushing that granite state much more purple. a lot going to be hang here. thank you, i will send it back to you guys, ainsley back in new york. it's been a fun morning in new hampshire and we are just getting started. >> ainsley: doing a great job. fun to hear from the folks who watch us every morning we love them. thank you so much madison and lawrence. coming up, hulk hogan a hero, saving a teenager trapped during a car crash. the rescue still ahead. brutal winter weather san selling at least 1,000 flights today. janice dean on that artic blast. interesting strategy out of team biden. >> i'm ou auto graphing. campaign store get your own yard
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sign now. >> ainsley: will it work? we are asking karl rove next with his whiteboard. ♪
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>> brian: back with a winter storm alert. many americans facing below
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freezing temperatures this morning as deadly artic blast covers major cities with snow. travelers already seeing thousands of flight delays and cancellations. let's check in with senior meteorologist janice dean for our fox weather forecast. janice? >> janice: hello, brian. we beat the snowless snow streak here in new york city. 1.4 inches in central park. let's take a look at it. there it is. we had 701 days without measurable snow, almost two years. and we broke the record snowless streak for baltimore, philadelphia, and now new york city. so it's over but how much more snow are we going to get? well, along the coast it's going to get with snow and freezing rain and maybe some sleet and out of here by this evening. our next chance for snow will be on friday. so stay tuned for that across the country, the current wind chills still frigid, dangerously cold across the northern plains, the central plains. and it feels like, you know, single digits in texas.
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we have wind chill alerts all along the gulf coast into florida. so wind chill advisories for tens of millions of folks. i think over 100 million have some sort of frozen advisory and then you see that storm system exiting the northeast. the new one moving in the northwest, that's the one we're going to watch over the next couple of days. watch the next seven days so we have got this one moving in on friday. one behind it in the northwest. and that's going to kind of ramp up for tuesday, you know, as we're getting ready for new hampshire. so, that's going to be very interesting, steve doocy. storm after storm after storm. at least it's keeping me in business. >> steve: knocking me out of business. i just got an alert my flight has been canceled. i might be living here in iowa again. >> janice: oh my friend, i apologize. >> steve: that's okay. all right, j.d., thank you very much. >> janice: see you soon. >> steve: maybe. we'll see. the results are in and donald trump are in-and donald trump
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won by a landslide, actually an avalanche. time for the general. >> i think this is time for everybody -- y our country to ce together. this is the first because the big night is going to be in november when we take back our country and truly we do make our country great again. >> steve: somebody who is watching at the time on tv karl rove joins us right now live. good morning to you. >> good to be here. incidentally in case you get stuck here, here is breakfast for tomorrow morning, a dozen eggs from iv. there you go. >> steve: not a dozen. >> don't put all your eggs in my basket is what that is saying. >> steve: thanks to bidenomics. it's now a dozen. >> that's what i could afford. looking at the numbers. we have been talking -- the projections were. sounds like the polls got the big number right. i was at precinct 62 in des moines and they were expecting 100 and only 50 turned out. >> yeah. think about this. this is the lowest turnout since
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2,000. 187,000 people 8 years ago. 127,000 -- 127,000 in 2012. 119,000 in 2008. now, maybe part of it was the weather. big part of it was the weather. but, it -- it was a -- the enthusiasm didn't show itself in terms of a bigger turnout. 40% less than we had 8 years ago. >> steve: if you are one of the donors who gave ron desantis' super pac a lot of money over the last year or so -- and, keep in mind, a year ago, ron desantis was beating donald trump in the polls, the hypothetical polls. are those donors saying, you know, they messed up the campaign or was it just donald trump is so powerful right now? >> i think it's a combination of both. last night ron desantis' super pac had spent to build this grassroots organization. you talk to trump campaign and haley campaign, they both say he had the best organization because of that super pac. it gave him second place.
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if he had not had that get out the vote operation that put him in second place by a couple of thousand votes we could have had nikki haley second place and different story last night. incidentally, you know -- and i know it wasn't your fault. it was kilmeade who cut my budget for a whiteboard. they said here is your whiteboard i said no this is what you get when did you go to the laundry and get your shirts folded. it was all kilmeade. they told me you weren't responsible. think about this. donald trump got 56,260 votes last night. 8 years ago he got 45,429. so he got about 10,800 votes this time than he got 8 years ago. that's 109 votes more per county in iowa. so it was a great victory but it was a great victory largely because the field was smaller and he was stronger as a result of being the former president. he struck a conciliatory tone last night. that was really smart. because, to win in november, particularly if the democrats wise up and don't -- and replace
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joe biden on the ticket, is he going to need every republican joining with him. >> steve: your point about the ron desantis structure here on the ground getting out the vote. the person they had speak in our precinct that i was watching last night was very good. very effective. >> give him the due susie and chris, running the trump campaign. they put together a darn good get out the vote operation as well. relying upon these 22 rallies that he had near the end. starting in september they brought in the new guy to run the grassroots effort. and it showed last night. because of it kept him above, without it he probably wouldn't have gotten above 50%. >> steve: okay, so the white house is waking up today. they're looking at these results. i know that a lot of joe biden's inner circle being told by friends, hey, you got to step on the gas. we got an image of joe biden apparently signing big head posters as a souvenir.
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what do you think they are thinking about this big historic win for trump? >> yeah. well, i would be looking, if i were them at the polls that showed joe biden consistently losing to donald trump and the reality of that is that he is losing because the american people are concluding he's not up to the job. three quarters of the american people, including 7 out of every 10 democrats think is he too old and two thirds of the american people think he lacks the mental acuity to be the president of the united states. nothing that he does in the next 10 and a half months is going to change that so, it is shocking to me that his wife and his sister who plays a big role in his political life have said to him go out on high note. announce you are not running again. >> steve: let's see what happens. karl thank you very much. thanks for the eggs. >> good luck getting home, man. >> steve: thanks very much. could be out on -- let's see out on 80. >> i wouldn't do that because it's really, really cold out there. >> steve: all right. carley, a lot of flight cancellations and speaking ever
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cold, let's talk about iceland. >> carley: let's go international for a moment, steve. ice land's president says his country is battling, quote, tremendous forces of nature. yeah, just look at that lava continues to force evacuations across the southwestern portion of the country, iceland is facing its second volcano eruption in just a month. officials there say they don't know how long this eruption will last. and hulk hogan reportedly rescuing a 17-year-old girl from a car that flipped over near tampa over the weekend. pictures from the scene shoat hulkster done ago nwo shirt. hogan's wife posting on facebook quote i truly admire my husband hulk hogan and buddy string springing into action puncturing the girl's airbag and getting her out of the car. thank god she wasn't injured. >> jason kelsey hanging up the
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cleats after the team was eliminated from the nfl playoffs last night. according to reports from espn. the super bowl champion told his teammates last night he was emotional leaving the field hugging long timeline coach, kelce is considering doing just that. >> brian: thinking about not coming back this season. 14 years in the nfl. brutal position podcast don't beat up enevery day. wearing eye black. doing a laundry commercial i don't know what product. but a product i might buy, what is it? >> tide. >> brian: tide pods. >> ainsley: wife thinking about it last several years. always decides in march. depend on how his body feels. she wants him to stay young so he can be on the floor with three children.
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>> brian: he already got to a super bowl. nikki haley is wasting no time after iowa. she joins us live from new hampshire. what is her game plan to win the first primary? we'll talk about it in a moment. can you make the imp music loudr it changes how you eat, how you feel, and how you enjoy life. it changes your smile and how others smile at you. clearchoice network doctors have changed over 100,000 lives with dental implants, and they can change yours, too. because a clearchoice day changes every day. schedule a free consultation. (sigh) (snoring) if you struggle with cpap... you should check out inspire. honey?
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