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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  January 16, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PST

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my name is sister monica claire. because of tiktok, i've created a community where people can feel safe asking questions about spirituality. i try to provide a really accessible way of them learning about religion and spirituality, that's not intimidating. somebody in the comments said, i have no idea how i got on nun talk, but i'm not mad about it. i'm going to teach you how to pray. i'm going to teach you how to meditate, how to connect with a higher power, because we need that. we need strength and comfort.
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>> hello, everyone, this is "outnumbered," i'm kayleigh mcenany here with my co-host emily compagno and harris faulkner. also joining is leslie marshall and doug collins. we begin with historic night in iowa. donald trump scored historic win in last night's iowa caucuses, breaking records and carrying 98 of the state's 99 counties and one vote from carrying all 99. with 99% of the vote end donald trump clenched 51% of the vote, ron desantis with 21%, beating nikki haley who came in third with 19%. vivek ramaswamy suspended his
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presidential campaign and endorsed trump. trump took to the stage after his big win. >> it is time for our country to come together, we want to come together, republican or democrat or liberal, conservative. congratulate ron and nikki for having a good time together. they both did well. we'll seal up the border. [cheering] >> right now we have an invasion. we can't have that tissuing is not sustainable. it is horrible. i don't want to be overly rough on the president, but i have to say he is the worst president we've had in the history of our country. he's destroying our country. people in our country are great, all great. they want our country to come back. they want america to be great again. it is very simple, maga, make america great again.
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and america first. america first is very important part of maga. >> kayleigh: all eyes on new hampshire for remaining candidates, primary is one week away and all three candidates are headed there today. poll shows trump leading with 39% and haley right behind him with 32%. great victory speech, president trump thanked several people and i really liked the tone. the decisive win of president trump. making history meant 12.8% margin and he crushed it with 30-point margin. he swept nearly all 99 counties. he needs to jump over 50%, said the media and he did. >> harris: we saw good numbers
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at caucus sites, people came out in the cold and predicted weather and numbers were not what they were in prior years, big years. even with all of that, he got a lion share of the votes, 51%. all the people talking about ron desantis did this and spent money, that may be why he came in second place. nikki haley came in later but made up with millions in ads and maybe came in distant to ron desantis in third. what is the road ahead for either of them at this point? that is what voters will key in on. they will look at new hampshire, more independent and more liberal, if not leaning. more moderate among
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conservatives. how do they do in that state? i'll be watching for that, that will be a difference. >> kayleigh: pull up numbers, real clear politics, doug. do math with viewers. trump 43.9, haley 29.3, chris christie no longer in it. if you add chris christie and haley, chris christie voters will go for haley, get you to 40. she's in the race, but vivek dropped out and most of his voters vote trump and you get trump to nearly 50%. desantis support would go to trump. >> doug: i would have to agree with you. in football season, everybody watching football. kansas city won. life is good. >> harris: i'm wearing red.
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>> doug: monday night football, don meredith would start singing turn out the light, the party is over. the party is over. nikki haley won with democratic crossovers who will vote democrats in november to win one county, so really a sweep. the haley and desantis camp have to look at numbers, there is no path. it is close in new hampshire or maybe she somehow remarkably pulls off an upset, which i don't think. where does she go from there? she will lose her home state. super tuesday complete wipeout, nevada caucus, won't win that. this is donald trump's and message he spoke last night, in this mode and speaking to the people, he is attractive to candidates and people will come to him. this is the move forward. it is not bad, we've had a
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competitive time. look at money be ing spent. frm ron desantis, $300 million and this is as good as it gets, it is a problem. >> kayleigh: nikki haley's team would say we're looking at new hampshire, we could pull this off. you are staring down a hard path thereafter, home state in particular where trump has a commanding lead. emily, we hear economy, economy, but immigration, 41% of caucus goers said immigration and it harkens back to 2016, you had donald trump saying build the wall, bringing up immigration and here we go in 2024. >> emily: his victory speech he said he will seal the border. talk about why. as recently as sunday the iowa chair said i think immigration is paramount, it is not going
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away. majority of iowa ans felt immigration was top over economy. i watched other networks this morning and they seemed to tie that in with ugly frankly approach, an ugly mindset that had to do with skin tone temperature is nothing to do with that. talk to iowans, quality of life and priority. 8 of 10 trump voters, number one reason they voted for him, he fights for people like me. when you contrast that with migrants getting free housing in maine, iowans seeing record hom homelessness. think about drugs, there is spike in overdose deaths last year. issues many people phrase as being contained on southern border have spread and iowans see that and see eagle pass
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spends 21 grand per day on migrant emergencies, their emergencies are getting strained also because of drugs flooding in and infrastructure train and the like. nothing to do with skin color and the sooner main-stream media and democrats see this, sooner they see it is about what americans feel like is about them and trump nailed that for them. >> kayleigh: communities from joy reid, must have been something special in her drinking water last night, we'll have those later in the show. get into next block, his response to this, what worries me is passionate enthusiastic base that went out in bone-chilling temperatures. biden base, i don't know, they are weaker, more tepid, do they show up? >> i think they do, in 2020 and
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this is not 2020 all over. doug thinks it is 2016 all over again. i agree with what harris and doug said, my governor, gavin newsom, said to ron desantis, you will drop out and support trump. that will happen after new hampshire, he was helping trump by staying in the game and not giving nikki haley number two. number two is not number one and i think we need to give props to donald trump. everybody came out with the weather. >> kayleigh: do you think the biden base will turn out? >> i do. what happened in 2020 and it is happening now, one, you have it between this guy and this guy, green and red, democrat and know are. that could be 45% or more of voters on both sides. that sliver matters to them, for
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some immigration, for some economy. >> harris: no, for both it is the economy. it is almost like really close and the economy is always there. especially if it is not working for you. >> kayleigh: yep. >> harris: border is driving it. >> kayleigh: first presidential contest over, next is tuesday. president biden wasting no time warning about trump and his maga agenda after the historic win in iowa. that is next. introducing ned's plaque psoriasis. he thinks his flaky, red patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. it can help you get clearer skin. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts, or weight loss.
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>> harris: this is doug collins theme song. president biden trying to seize on donald trump's big win in iowa last 92it rallying his base against the maga agenda. biden took to social media. looks like donald trump won iowa, he is clear front-runner, put here is the thing, this election was going to be you and me versus extreme maga republicans. if you're with us, chip in now. he whispers that part. ahead of trump's win in iowa, biden-harris campaign revealed they have $117 million cash on hand touting it as historic haul, which sends clear message that team biden-harris coalition knows the stakes of this election and is ready to win this november. leslie, big thing with donald trump has been what he could do
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without all the big cash. >> leslie: yeah. it is a haul, there is enthusiasm, check writing enthusiastic factor. where we are and there are polls that show they are not happy with the economy, even though the economy is going well with jobs added last month. you have november, almost a year ago, voters know it will get better, they will feel it then. it is the economy for most voters regardless of political party. it is great they have the money, i'm not going to lie, i don't like low numbers and numbers will come up. i said in 2016, i was worried when i saw the crowds and numbers and said it was possible he would win. it is possible he wins again and my party needs to be aware of
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that. just saying maga extremist is not enough. >> harris: are you worried about numbers this time? >> yes. >> harris: people show up and come out for him. >> leslie: i'm worried about numbers now, i'll see when it is the two of them. >> harris: economy part simone sanders with biden team had this to say about biden message to voters. they are not going to get bidenomics, let it go. make sure they know what you are going to do and what you did. seems so basic, doug. >> doug: it does. i love how that tweet was worded. my kids make fun of me. looks like you just won iowa, really? who woke him up and told him. he won iowa. turnout yesterday, 60% new
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voters went to trump, he is your honor itting people out. look at the message here. if trump is nominee then all they'll talk about is maga republicans and all this. notice what he said, you and me against all the maga republicans. >> harris: what does that mean? >> doug: you are a maga republican, bad for society, scourge of the earth, you don't think like us. that is what he's talking about. basically saying we're going to bring doom and gloom to this campaign. >> harris: emily, if there is 75 million of them and some of the people of color and disenchanted muslim vote, what happens if those people sit home?
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biden need 100% of his base to show up with 75 million backers. >> emily: right. that fear and writing on the wall is why they brought out barack obama and michelle and kerry climbed down to help. they are trying to get their base back. "wall street journal" today brilliant, they are clear-eyed, president biden and democrats claim to loathe trump, they made this possible. i'm quoting biden's failing presidency and diminished their original argument that trump can't win again. they can't keep repeating the maga extremist argument, it did not work then and won't work against a failing presidency. president biden's main claim is denying mr. trump a second term could midwife his return to the
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oval office. that is brilliant. it is not just trump's prowess that brings him back to office, it is on biden's weak, feeble shoulders. >> harris: think about what americans are considering that is different from now and four years ago. >> kayleigh: a lot is different. failing economy and low as jimmy carter and worse in some polls. what leslie said is importance. there are pieces across politico about how the obama team is disenchanted with the biden team and need to course correct. team biden, when it comes down to a two-person race, we have this. trump versus biden, give voters a choice and they will choose biden. their theory maga extremist
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speech before midterm worked. we don't have senator oz we have senator john fetterman, that is their argument. one caveat they are not calculating is base suppression. former colleague sent me a picture of a poster outside the dnc, picture of joe and it said -- election speech last week in the church and gaza protesters stood up. they are underestimate be problem with the base and i don't know the choice maga or non-maga is enough. >> harris: what if the president does tap vice president like nikki haley. that might be why pritzger is saying they are all maga. desantis, haley, everybody. move on. president bye says he has a
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strong message for iran. leslie, where is that message for the american people? he needs several strong messages. they don't seem deterred, iranians. new attack from iran and paid proxies terrorists marking major escalation with iran next.
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spy headquarters near the u.s. consulate is northern iraq. so much for that message, mr. president. congressman, i read this in jest, it is appalling the president has no deterrence behind his words. this is nothing to laugh about. >> doug: we talk about immigration and economy. i want to get back to what will override this. that is what we're seeing in middle east and the debacle of afghanistan, problem with ukraine and foreign affairs. occasionally foreign affairs raise their head, jimmy carter, we saw that come in. biden is weak, immigration is terrible, this is a problem, too. when you go at it over 130 times and iran is backing this, don't put in houthi, hezbollah, it is iran funding it and not
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suffering consequence from losing lives or cutting off economic sanctions. they are not doing it, everybody takes it as united states will not do anything. this will play in heavily. it is sad to see our shrinking on the national stage when international stage when you have other countries not willing to join in coalition in the red sea, they don't want to be under u.s. command, that is a problem we have not seen before. >> emily: just sticking to our words, why can't this administration do that? >> leslie: doug is right, i agree on sanctions, that was done during the obama years. it can't be the united states doing this in vacuum. we have an international communities, we have the u.k. and saudis and yemeni people have been victims for eight years of these strikes and they are hurting.
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i believe united states and international communities, we need to empower financially with weaponry, etcetera, yemeni military to fight the houthis. it may help regarding international shipping, it is not long-term solution. >> harris: why can't saudi arabia do that? >> they are having peace talks now. >> harris: exactly, why don't people take palestinians? arab nations can take them. don't put it all on us. we are not going to carry every nato nation on our back. there are things we could be doing and conversations we need to have to involve the military. we need to not not know where our military leader is. >> emily: the president's words
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carry no weight, i want to read a message we should carry weight with and that is houthi spokesman who said yemeni rebel group would target american vessels. the ship does not have to be heading to -- it is enough it is american. >> kayleigh: president biden said this, i've delivered the message to iran, they know not to do anything. really? well, they did this again and again. they saw action iran did when he unfreeze six million and delisted houthis. they got the message loud and clear, do what you want without consequence. and politico talked about striking the houthis and biden had plans drawn up for a strike
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and chose not to go with it. he waited until january. it took more than a week to put it in action and they say this reflects diplomatic preference, no that is weakness of a president, we saw it in afghanistan and then russia and now in middle east. >> emily: congress people protested that and called that an atrocities, talking about pramila jayapal. >> doug: obama wouldn't allow it. if you touch us, you get in trouble. >> emily: ugly attacks on christian voters, that is next. i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks.
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♪ >> kayleigh: 2024 election just started and american voters are being attacked after trump's win last night. media showed utter disdain for voters who supported him. >> many of them feel that they have been the victim of same kind of stuff in life for whatever reason they join this cult. >> if we're worried about rise of auth or tearianism and fascismism and democracy falling to authoritarian and potentially fascist form of government, the
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leader is part of that equation. >> these are white christians. this state is overrepresented by white christians. >> evangelical americans is what trumpism is now. it is a group of people that find trump is in some ways the second coming. >> kayleigh: doug, i encourage everyone to read full comments, they are even worse. did these people not see how basket of deplorations worked out? >> doug: i don't think they care. they are racism. we can say something and they would try to ban us from "outnumbered" rest of the year. this group, and joy reid has been racistos many occasions and
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msnbc does not care. has rachel maddow ever looked up definition of fascist? it is just something she likes to throw out. this is amazing, i thought you added, not subtracted. they could care less about people who vote republican. this is not just about trump, all republicans and conservatives we don't like or agree with. >> kayleigh: and joy reid got worse. watch this one. >> 81% of those people agree with donald trump that immigrants are poisoning the blood of this country. that means 81% of the republican primary electorate believe nikki haley has poisoned blood and is poisoning the blood of the united states.
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so that as roadblock for nikki haley is impossible. >> it is the elephant in the room, she is a brown lady that has to try to win in a party that is deeply antiimmigrant and accepts the notion you can say immigrants are poisoning the blood of the country. >> kayleigh: i mean, harris? >> harris: this is the point when you have to really question what the goal is. is it to make sure electorate is informed and ready to go vote or is it to spew hate? i can't answer that for them. i can't for her. for the woman talking there, joy are reid. this was missed opportunity by nikki haley. she needed to get that slavery question right, own that and remind everybody who abe lincoln
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was and the war started in her state as a brown young girl and woman. she could have owned that moment and maybe that moment she can get back and go forward, but to have somebody talk about you that way as if you are worth nothing is not acceptable and a presidential candidate at that. let me say this, times in moo i life where a person who was on the left side of the political aisle made me feel less than outnumber the other way around. military brat. to have the president have a second term, joe biden said if you did not vote for him, you other than not black. called out a staff member a boy at a public event and that happened more than once, the president perpetrated that more than once.
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those things don't leave you missing your memory. i am not going to forget that. i think that if she's attacking presidential candidates maybe remind people. i don't want to focus on the negative that does not take us forward. >> kayleigh: esly, call ing cultists, they did not let donald trump speak, they muzzled him. >> the projected winner of the iowa caucuses started giving a victory speech, we will keep an eye on that as it happens, there is a reason we and other news organizations have stopped giving unfiltered live platform to remarks by former president trump. his remarks will not air here live. >> donald trump declaring victory with historically strong showing in the iowa caucuses if numbers hold, here he is now under my voice.
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you hear him repeating his antiimmigrant rhetoric saying they believe the lie. >> kayleigh: he can't speak, he represents half the people and can't speak. element >> leslie: you should report the news, if joe biden is talking, you should cover it, i understand -- every network is a business and you have ratings and advertising, if you are making that decision because we're into it and we don't see good trends, cut away, that is one thing. put out information and let american people make the decision. >> kayleigh: instead of jame tapper saying under my voice, giving antiimmigrant rhetoric. let the people hear and make the decision. >> they can say that to their
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two viewers, which is for them to decide what they want to listen to. networks like ours that show everything prove choice is important. who is surprised brie this racist commentary? a reverend that said whitney houston's music is not black enough. this is a human that says based on color of your skin indicates privilege and whole set of values and nothing will change and they are talking about presidential candidate that was vilified for her name being white washed as assumption when it is on her birth certificate indian. no one will be good enough for people on the left that remain in the gop because we don't fit their boxes. over eight out of 10 people who
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voted for trump in historic annihilation in iowa said it is because he fights for people like me and the me is million things and it is left that seems to put it in one type. >> kayleigh: doug, "new york times" had to essentially apologize to readers in 2016, they did not learn lessons, they said donald trump is unworthy, facing criminal trials and as former president and third presidential bid intensified campaign to undermine the rule of law and mischaracterize his dictator joke. >> doug: look at unworthy pulitzer prize on -- to learn and i have several degrees, some may disagree and not think i am
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the brightest person in world, science is about learning and creative thought, when you tell the country you are wrong because of what you believe, this is the part our country needs to work on there. >> kayleigh: they never learn their lesson and should return those pulitzer prizes, by the way. cold hard truth about electric vehicles with freezing temperatures making it nearly impossible to power up their cars. she found it. the feeling of finding the psoriasis treatment she's been looking for. she found sotyktu, a once—daily pill for moderate—to—severe plaque psoriasis... for the chance at clear or almost clear skin. it's like the feeling of finding that outfit psoriasis tried to hide from you. or finding your swimsuit is ready for primetime.
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and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. >> donald trump in a new york courtroom today. how myriad court calendar affect the primaries or is it all but over? we have you covered. what is future of the case against trump in georgia? are the -- the same time iran ignoring president biden's don't warnings. all that plus charles payne and
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kat timpf at the top of the hour. >> emily: tesla owners might be having second thoughts about electric cars. ev batteries need to warm up to accept a fast charge and charging stations are filling up with frozen teslas. owners desperately trying to get a charge. a lot of snow cones around, leslie. >> leslie: i lived in chicago, buffalo, cleveland, i'm from boston, i live in los angeles. i know cold. i can tell you this, as a kid, i remember the battery is dead because it is cold. we didn't have a garage at my house. this can happen with gas
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vehicles, not just electric vehicles. weather can affect gas and electric and that does happen. >> emily: she is right, you know that because you drove a '70 hevelle. and there is no way around the charge for the tesla vehicle and our gas engine vehicles you get around it and run the engine. >> doug: we actually talked about this before. we have now a plug-in hybrid, i'm not opposed to new technology. there has been a push in california and other places within 10 years you will have all electric vehicles and pushing it on people and like teens, when you say push, i will push away. this is a problem they have not fixed. >> emily: we remember when secretary of transportation talked about what might be
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happening with electric vehicles, we have that and we'll play it for harris. >> i don't know a lot of people who think americans will still be driving that old technology that combustion technology. >> americans like it. >> big question is -- >> you are not going to meet a loof people that go back after they have gone electric, that tells you something. >> harris: we might have, i only know how he talks and doesn't know fossil fuel it takes to power a grid is above 50% and above 60 and 70%. last summer when it got hot, ev drivers were told, don't plug them in, we have to keep people alive with ac. don't get too comfortable, we don't have enough power for that either. it is fossil fuel.
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unless he fixes that, i can't imagine it will get better soon. >> emily: both extreme temperatures. >> kayleigh: energy secretary tried to drive across the country and had issues. joe biden says all electric by twenty30. more biden pushes it, less people want it. desires for ev's from 49% in 2022 with a 20-point drop, keep pushing people away. >> harris: push their cars. >> emily: in the chicago area, tesla group got smaller. more "outnumbered" in just a moment.
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101-year-old world war ii veteran tearing up as he meets his newborn great, great granddaughter for the first time. >> what in the world are you doing? you've got that kiss ready, oh, my goodness alive. oh, goodness. goodness, oh. oh, baby. >> harris: he's got that touch. you hear that baby quiet right down, right? served in the army air corps from 1942 to 1945. his great, great granddaughter, her name is millie and they
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recorded the meeting so they could show the little o one keps -- little one one day. >> they blind it woulded him, it was the professional photographer's idea to do that. >> the power of family. >> that's right. that's right. >> what a blessing. and i can't wait for her to grow up and see her great, great grandfather, for the hero he was, clearly that family is dedicated to passing those stories and memories do you. that's incredible. god bless them. millie, you are blessed, your whole family is. thank you for watching outnumber abouted. "america reports" now. >> this is the first because the big night is going to be in november when we take back our country. it's now off to new hampshire, a great


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