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tv   America Reports  FOX News  January 16, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PST

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recorded the meeting so they could show the little o one keps -- little one one day. >> they blind it woulded him, it was the professional photographer's idea to do that. >> the power of family. >> that's right. that's right. >> what a blessing. and i can't wait for her to grow up and see her great, great grandfather, for the hero he was, clearly that family is dedicated to passing those stories and memories do you. that's incredible. god bless them. millie, you are blessed, your whole family is. thank you for watching outnumber abouted. "america reports" now. >> this is the first because the big night is going to be in november when we take back our country. it's now off to new hampshire, a great place.
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>> look at the polls in new hampshire, a stone throw from donald trump. >> she's not going to win new hampshire, they never went after donald trump, they tried to beat me and they failed in beating me. >> john: the stage is set for new hampshire as former president trump says it's time for republicans to come together after his decisive victory in iowa. husband two remaining challengers say not so fast. i'm john roberts in washington, the day after. >> sandra: indeed, john, good to be with you. sandra smith in new york. this is report reports. history landslide victory in the hawkeye state last night saw the former president elect clips the 50% mark and win all but one of iowa's 99 counties. ron desantis barely beat out nikki haley for the silver. >> john: president biden called
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his predecessor the clear gop front-runner and saying this election will be you and me versus the extreme maga republicans. >> sandra: complete coverage for you now. david and richard are standing by, but first bill melugin is live on the ground in des moines, iowa. how truly dominant was former president trump's victory last night, bill? >> bill: sandra, to put it in perspective, donald trump won 98 out of 99 counties here in iowa, and in the one county that he lost, he lost it by one single vote. that was to nikki haley. after his big win, he seemed to sort of extend an olive branch, take a listen. >> i want to congratulate ron and nikki for having the good -- a good time together, i think they both actually did very well, i really do. i also want to congratulate
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vivek because he did a hell of a job. we want to come together whether it's republican or democrat or liberal or conservative. i want to make that a very big part of our message. we are going to come together. >> bill: and as for ron desantis and nikki haley, they were neck and neck pretty much all night long, eventually desantis took the second place spot coming in with 21% of the vote. he now says that has punched his ticket out of iowa to move on in the race. as for nikki haley, she came in third place with about 19% of the vote. she says this is now a two-person race implying that it's she versus trump. take a listen. >> when you look at how we are doing in new hampshire, in south carolina, and beyond, i can safely say tonight iowa made this republican primary a two-person race. >> nikki haley said only the top two from iowa go on to be
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viable. well guess what, we punched our ticket out of iowa yesterday. >> bill: and as for vivek ramaswamy, he announced he is suspending his campaign, dropping out of the race. that is after he finished fourth place with just under 8%. he announced he will now be endorsing donald trump and will actually be campaigning with him later this week in the state of new hampshire. and back out here live, that was not the only drop-out. former arkansas governor asa hutchinson announced earlier today he is suspending his campaign, last night 191 votes, 0.2% of the overall vote. >> sandra: bill melugin, thank you. >> john: see who he throws the support too. david and richard, put on the screen the results from last night's caucus. president trump with historic
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win, the very first republican to ever go past 43%, that's not what i was looking for. [laughter] i was looking for the one that showed him winning iowa with 51%. however, when we go on to new hampshire, and then we see him leading with 43.5% compared to haley, 29.5, and ron desantis with 6.5, historic win in iowa, way ahead in new hampshire but running as an incumbent, and those are not quite incumbent numbers. >> they are pretty good numbers, john. >> they are, but not quite incumbent. 50% of the electorate still wants somebody else. >> let's keep in mind that people have lost iowa and went on and won the nomination. no one has lost iowa by 30 points and went on to win the nomination. and look past south carolina and super tuesday states, donald trump has 50 to 60% lead and those are numbers that will get
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the nomination and put in position we have not seen since theodore roosevelt challenged william taft, president versus former president. >> john: agreed, i don't think there's any question whether he becomes the nominee, how does that bode going into the general election. 50% of people who played in the republican primaries want somebody else. >> i think that's a good question. almost seems to be a foregone conclusion donald trump will be the republican nominee. i think there seems to be a slight chance for nikki haley to pull this off, if she can win in new hampshire, then goes to her home state of south carolina, i think the obituary on the ron desantis campaign, if it's not written yet, they should write it as we speak. now i do think the problem for the trump campaign is also goes back to nikki haley, she's spending money beating up on donald trump and donald trump has to spend money beating up on her, it's money that won't be going to his general election coffers and also we found out yesterday the biden campaign last quarter raised $97 million.
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and all their money at this point in time will be going to attacking donald trump and reminding those 50% of voters who don't want donald trump there's another alternative out there. >> john: and joe biden reinforcing that with a tweet following trump's victory, said looks like donald trump just won iowa, clear front fronter on the other side at this point, but the election was always going to be between you and me versus extreme maga republicans. it was true yesterday, it will be true tomorrow. so, republicans are saying he's painting all of us with the same brush but independents are really the ones the message is geared toward, and how do they feel about it. >> and yet donald trump, like nikki haley and like ron desantis, all beat joe biden right now. because two-thirds of americans don't approve of the job this president has done. and that's what the white house has to worry about is that americans just don't like the direction this is going, particularly in key battle
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ground states, pennsylvania, michigan, arizona, georgia, they will decide the election and republicans are well positioned to win those states no matter who the nominee is. all beating joe biden right now. >> john: and to that point, where we test richard's ability to stand on the defensive line here, abc news ipsos poll that came out it looks really bad, at least at the moment. biden job approval, 33%, the worst ever. his mental sharpness to be president, only 28% of people said he had the mental sharpness. and is he good enough physical health to serve, only 28%. and handling of the economy, 31% approval, 56% disapproval. boy, great numbers to run for re-election. [laughter] >> no question in the biden camp and the president knows this, uphill battle, the slope is very, very high, almost a single
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digit number they have to worry about. they have to find a way to reconnect can that biden coalition he had in 2020 and i think working in his favor and also working against him seems to be what i like to call the trump running mate, the 91 indictments, the first campaign stop trump made was to a courtroom. it has benefitted the president in many ways. for many folks disillusioned by donald trump, the indictments have caused them to fall into his camp. and in iowa, 33% of republican voters saying if he's found guilty on the charges we will not vote for him, so 91, the odds of being found guilty on one, could be probable, could be likely, wait to see. >> john: 67% of people said they would vote for him. >> sure, but 33% in a general election is a ball game. >> john: but again, this is january. a long way to go. polls are meaningless on a national level. and more on this coming up with your voter analysis which you
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did such a terrific job last night. >> sandra: appreciate that, great team behind that and dig deeper into the data, charles payne will join us at the touch screen what voters on the ground were feeling in iowa, what it means to new hampshire and beyond, and one of the crucial data points i want to dig into with charles is the families and the financial situation and whether they feel like they are getting ahead or falling behind or staying steady. that is a really, really revealing indicator last night, and really good snapshot of the economy, not just in iowa, but the country. >> john: all right, we are looking forward to all of that coverage and looking ahead in the next two hours here. >> sandra: meanwhile, former president trump is, as your guest just mentioned, in a manhattan court. attending the penalty phase of the civil defamation suit by e. jean carroll. she is the author and she
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accused him of assaulting her in a department store. she was awarded $5 million. today jury selection begins in a related trial to determine how much he must pay in damages. trump has maintained his innocence all along. john. >> john: a u.s. official confirming to fox news u.s. carried out a strike against houthi targets in yemen. it destroyed four ballistic missiles in yemen. according to the u.s. official, the missiles were prepared to target vessels in the red sea and the gulf of aden. griff jenkins is live with more on this. >> look, the threats to shipping lanes in the red sea are certainly escalating and this strike by the u.s. is technically the third strike against the iran-backed houthi rebels. you will recall last thursday
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and friday the u.s. destroyed over 60 targets, 28 locations, and what specific to today's strike, the u.s. took out four iranian ballistic missiles to be used by the houthis which the defense official said presented an imminent threat to merchant and u.s. navy ships in the region, and comes in direct response to the houthi missile yesterday that struck a u.s.-owned commercial vessel which reported no casualties and only minor damage. it does not appear the u.s. retaliation is deterring the houthis from attacking the red sea. >> the yemeni armed forces consider all american and british ships and warships participating in the aggression against the country as hostile targets. the response is certainly coming and any new aggression will not pass without response and punishment. >> as we learned earlier today from centcom, the u.s. navy
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seals received a seized a shipment of weapons, all bound for houthi rebels in yemen. two seals are reported missing as they continue to find them. and all of this comes as secretary of defense austin is released from the hospital after a two-week stay. he says he will perform all duties while recovering and working from home. he is awfully busy working from home. as far as that international trade impact, john, the global shipping giant shell global says they are indefinitely suspending their operations in the red sea. >> john: not surprising they would do that, and other companies may be following suit as well. griff, thank you. >> now we are in new hampshire, we are going to continue to work really hard. we have been here 11 months, done over 75 town halls, we have been in red arrow diner before and so we are going to continue to talk to people.
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>> sandra: all eyes now on new hampshire after donald trump's dominant win in the iowa caucuses last night. so, can nikki haley and ron desantis close the gap on trump? we will have that for you next. >> john: plus, how exactly did the former president win so comfortably in iowa, based on the fox news voter and circumstance came down to two key issues. charles payne on deck to tell us what those two issues are. my name's brian hoeflinger, and because of tiktok, i have the power to educate people and hopefully save lives. when my son brian died in a drunk driving accident, i put out a video about it and try to stop young people from drinking and driving. no other family has to go through what we did. tiktok has the power to change society,
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caucuses, but first madison alworth live in manchester, new hampshire, what are the voters saying about the candidates, madison? >> john, we are hearing a lot of different things from voters. we are now down to just three, and pretty much any person that wants to make it to the white house comes here to the red arrow diner which is why we are here all day. give us a little what he is thinking, narrowing field, down to three candidates, one week away from the primary, who are you voting for on tuesday? >> trump. >> you said that with confidence. why are you voting for president trump on tuesday? >> things are out of control. price of fuel, price of housing, price of health insurance, the price of groceries, it's just out of control. and when trump was in office, people had more money left in their paycheck and he did a better job. if we were to go with biden, biden is substantially older, not as quick wit, and it isn't
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so much his age today stumbling around, what is he going to be four years from now. way too old to have somebody in office and i think trump is not perfect in any means, ok. but i think he's the best horse to ride with. people will be a lot better off. >> so new hampshire is unique because if you are registered independent you can vote in the primary. when you talk to your friends, who are you seeing that's going to be voting in the republican primary. some independent voters? >> i think so. a lot of people are going towards trump and waiting to see who else is going to be available. >> and coming off of iowa, trump pulled off one of the largest wins there that we have seen in decades. what did that do for you as a voter who is interested in him? >> it's showing what he's going to do the rest of the way through. the same thing in every other state. >> all right. >> he keep that man up seriously. he's still holding his own, he's not perfect, but he's going to leave us in better shape than we were before. >> thank you, hugh.
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not perfect, but still a top choice for many here. we have also heard from some haley supporters which makes sense, she's doing well in the state but especially coming off of iowa, a lot of support for president trump, that's what we are getting. back to you. >> john: a lot of action between now and next tuesday the 23rd. madison alworth, thank you. >> sandra: charles payne, host of making money on fox business, great to have you at the board. here we go. let's dig into the data that really mattered last night. i know you've been tweeting a lot about what you saw come out of this fox news voter analysis and this is the moment we analyzed the data so we know what could be coming with new hampshire, right. when it came to the national priority, first my question to you, were you at all surprised that when voters on the ground in iowa were asked what the most pressing issue facing the country is today, that it was not the economy, it was immigration, and of those who said immigration was the most pressing issue, nearly two-thirds of them went for donald trump, right.
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you look at those who said the economy was the priority, 53% went for donald trump. >> similarity, here is the thing. immigration should be a subcomponent of economy and jobs. i don't think it should be separated. i think immigration, look at new york city, the richest city in the world said it's going broke because of a handful of immigrants, a handful of illegal immigrants. imagine small states, small counties, small towns. they can't handle it, they could not handle it, telling the federal government for decades we can't deal with it. the federal government put up a sign, sanctuary cities and towns, don't come here. this is a subcategory of that, that's why the numbers are similar. >> sandra: such a great point and another one you were watching was family's financial situation. of those who said they were getting ahead, just 11%. economy that the current administration says is going great for everybody, bidenomics, holding steady 57%, but a big
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one, those who said they are falling behind, almost a third of iowan voters and look who they supported. 67% went for donald trump. >> charles: i'm surprised holding steady was the level it was at, i think it will fall back. this morning a manufacturing report out from new york state and the second biggest decline in business activity outside of covid in history. something bad is happening beneath the surface. these folks are feeling it now. more of these folks will feel it. when you say who can fix it, they go back to president trump, who by the way has the resume. think about how great the economy was without artificial stimulus that created 40 year high inflation. >> sandra: who can fix it, put it to iowa republican, how much change are you looking for in the way the u.s. is run. 33%, a third of iowa republicans said they are looking for total
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upheaval and most said substantial change or total upheaval. 70% supported donald trump. >> charles: a direct blow to the establishment, direct blow to the establishment, why nikki haley only got 7%. she is seen as the establishment candidate. they are comfortable, doing well, donate millions to try to dictate who will be the next president of the united states. most people don't have that luxury and say you don't identify with our pain, won't listen to our pain, we want total upheaval, if not, settle for substantial upheaval. >> sandra: really interesting. key groups as well, first time caucusgoers were a big deal to watch as well. somebody who braved the cold and got out there for the first time, 51% of those did go for donald trump, 23% for nikki haley, she took second there. >> charles: she did and i think people are motivated, particularly on the republican
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side. great for the republican party overall they can get the first time voters to come out. >> sandra: quick final thought on the white evangelicals. >> charles: for some reason, the mainstream media hates the fact that a lot of white evangelicals live in iowa, what the hell, you know. that's where they live, right. here is the point. donald trump, he doubled his -- doubled his turnout, right, from 2016. >> sandra: and desantis got the big endorsement. >> charles: even though voters have blocked per se their individual thinking and do not follow the leadership, per se, they follow their guts, and because ultimately a higher authority than the people who endorsed desantis for these folks, and for them, they think donald trump is the man. >> sandra: you look at the rest of the category, not white evangelical voters, they still went and supported donald trump 48%. >> charles: donald trump outperformed in every way
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possible. >> sandra: town hall, we'll be watching for that. >> charles: phenomenal, standing room only, sandra, i have some stuff you've never seen on financial tv before. you have to watch it. >> sandra: and you'll be in new hampshire next week. thanks so much. all right, now this. >> she gonna play the race card now, about you no guy, isn't it them who is playing the race card when they only question one. >> john: the georgia district attorney overseeing former president trump's election interference case trying to turn the tables on her critics as new allegations come to light with the reported relationship with a member of the team. are the accusations enough to throw out the case? kerri kupec urbahn next. >> sandra: and alec murdaugh back in court, pointing the
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finger at the county clerk. what she say she did merits a new trial. live to the courthouse coming up. . and a gangster's outta style. i got back to my roots... we come from a long line of cowboys. my grandfather, my great-grandfather, my aunt even rode horses. when i see all of us out here on this ranch, i see how far our legacy can go. (♪) ♪ you were always so dedicated... ♪ we worked hard to build up the shop, save for college and our retirement. but we got there, thanks to our advisor and vanguard. now i see who all that hard work was for... it was always for you. seeing you carry on our legacy— i'm so proud. at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner. setting up the future for the ones you love. that's the value of ownership.
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>> john: house republicans continue to negotiate with hunter biden's legal team to bring him in for a deposition. but now a source is telling fox news this could mean that the two house committees are backing away from their push to hold the president's son in contempt of congress. chad pergram has the breaking details from capitol hill. what are we learning, chad? >> chad: john, good afternoon. a major turn of events, house rules committee is not going to consider a resolution to hold hunter biden in contempt of congress today. original plan to prep the citation and have the house vote to hold hunter biden in contempt on thursday. but oversight committee chairman james comer is trying to work out a deal for hunter biden to testify. his attorney said the gop issued the original subpoena before the house voted to formalize the
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impeachment inquiry. some republicans are tired of getting dragged around by hunter biden. some legal experts warn caveat empore. some say it's improper to hold him in contempt even though he did not comply with the subpoena. the house could stand down on the plan to hold hunter biden in contempt this week. john. >> john: you got to wonder, is ab -- >> james comer wants to nail it down iron clad this time. >> john: abbe is a tough guy to nail down. >> sandra: alec murdaugh returning to court fighting to overturn his murder conviction in the deaths of his wife and son. he's claiming now that a county clerk tampered with the jury
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before they found him guilty. senior correspondent steve harrigan. >> it looks clear the judge wants to limit things, wanted to focus on a simple question. did any of the jurors feel pressure to turn in a guilty verdict. now we saw alec murdaugh come in in an orange jump suit, he was shackled, uncuffed during the proceedings and cuffed on the way out. keeping in mind he was convicted of murdering his 52-year-old wife maggy and his 22-year-old son paul at the family hunter biden estate. murdaugh is serving two conservative prison terms, those could be thrown out and a new trial opened up. >> sandra: steve, thank you, we'll check back in with you.
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>> john: fulton county district attorney fani willis is defending the qualifications of a special prosecutor she hired to help handle the georgia election interference case against former president trump. critics calling willis out saying she paid nathan wade $100 more an hour than a qualified member of her team. but willis, under fire for being romantically linked to wade, questions that he's being questioned because of his race. so, fani willis under fire for hiring nathan wade, paying him a lot of money and then allegedly according to a court filing, having affair with him, she was at a church on sunday, didn't say no affair but said all of the stuff is about racism. listen here. >> i appointed three special counsel, as my right to do. paid them all the same hourly rate. they only attacked one. >> john: she says she appointed
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three special counsels, paid them all the same hourly rate, and yet only one of them is being attacked. the is this race-based or just about impropriety and professional conduct? >> kerri: it's confusing what race has to do with the fact she is allegedly dating someone who is now the highest paid prosecutor in all of georgia based on the amount of hours he's billed, based on that hourly rate and then taking lavish vacations on his dime and yeah, this raises serious questions of impropriety and ethics and the like. >> john: you mentioned there a second ago he is the highest paid prosecutor in the state of georgia. >> kerri: according to our research. >> john: and billing 250 an hour, but paying another more qualified prosecutor $100 less an hour. then the whole thing about taking vacations together and all of that. i mean, how deep does this rabbit hole potentially go?
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>> kerri: sure, and maybe the salary would make sense if he had relevant experience for the job but he doesn't, what kinds of approval process when she hired the alleged partner, her boyfriend. did she disclose her relationship. these are the kinds of questions an ethics board would want to know. and nathan wade, not the first time he has run into optic issues in the past. the research team found out here at fox news, years ago holding a fundraiser for someone while he was prosecuting the person's political opponent. the judge in the case said this is a what are you thinking moment. and said the optics were "horrific." >> john: we may find out a little bit more about this relationship because nathan wade's soon to be ex-wife in divorce proceedings wants to depose fani willis. >> kerri: she issued a subpoena to willis for a deposition, i believe that deposition is scheduled for a couple weeks from now.
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now willis may move to quash that subpoena but that's where we are getting some of the information from, at least with respect to the vacations and the trips he's taking her on, and the other information from one of the defendants in the january 6th case. >> john: do you think that would remain sealed, the ex-wife would probably want it in public. >> kerri: we had the information on the vacation, some has gotten out. but it's a bad look and optics can make or break anything. see where it's headed. >> john: and the case against former president trump. what jonathan turley said. >> jonathan: this is a very serious problem for her. it may not make ultimately a huge difference in the prosecution, it may result in her removal, result in a delay, but not necessarily in the dismissal of the case against trump. >> john: so talk maybe it moves to dekalb county but not fulton, it doesn't go away. >> kerri: an attorney in this
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case, the defendant we are talking about, even the judge could file an ethics complaint with the georgia state bar and to the disciplinary body, the georgia supreme court would have the final say. also legislation in georgia that allows state lawmakers to remove prosecutors and the like. i agree with jonathan turley that it may not make a huge legal difference but it may change who is actually overseeing this case if they decide to step aside, that would be interesting, this has been her pet project bringing this rico charge, something unique to her. normally a law allied in ms13 and mob cases, so i would be curious if she was removed if the next prosecutor who would take over would be willing to go as far as she has with this. >> john: one of many cases involving the former president that we will be watching very closely. kerri, good to have you with us. sandra. >> sandra: iran and its proxies says america's confrontation with them becomes more dangerous.
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lieutenant general keith kellogg up next with the biden administration options and whether a direct attack on iran is one of them. >> john: house republicans plotting next steps with hunter biden. if he agrees to sit for a deposition and pleads the fifth, where would that lead investigators? andy mccarthy ahead on that. >> jonathan: the optics are not good for the house if hunter biden comes in and invokes the fifth, the house will look like chumps.
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that's less than 35 cents a day. your rate can never go up. it's locked in for life. call today for free information. and you'll also get this free beneficiary planner, so call now. (soft music) ♪ hello, colonial penn? >> john: health officials in virginia are warning travelers at dulles and reagan airports they may have been exposed to highly contagious measles. the virginia department of health says the warning is linked to an international traveller who was at the international arrivals at dulles
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airport between 4 and 8:00 on wednesday, january 3rd, then terminal a at reagan airport the following day between 2:30 and 6:30 in the afternoon. they added the virus can stay in the air as long as two hours after the presence of an infected person and for those who stepped foot in the airports to watch for symptoms until january 25th. sandra. >> sandra: yikes, ok. the pentagon says they have carried out an additional strike against the iranian-backed houthi rebels in yemen. latest attack targeted and destroyed four iranian-made anti-ship ballistic missiles and came in response to the houthis striking a u.s. cargo ship using a ballistic missile. lieutenant general keith kellogg, former national security adviser to mike pence and fox news contributor. the strike on the houthi rebels in yemen, where does this put everything in this moment, general, thanks for joining us
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today. >> yeah, sandra, thanks for having me. it's just the norm. we are not doing anything that's different. we made some strikes, the defense department that is already said after the major strike we had a few days ago, they still have 70% of their capacity and capability. look, we have the ability from the capacity capability in the region militarily. and you have to look at the real nation state behind this and that's iran. the question into the options that you have is go after the main state, iran, and then how do you do it? you do have an option of doing nothing and that's what we appear to be doing. but i think you extend yourself, say to this administration which is really risk averse, look, you have to up the game a little bit, you have to take a little bit of risk. if you don't do that, you will continue this pattern of them doing tit for tat, back to what we did in the last administration, moved the embassy, the american embassy from tel aviv to jerusalem. we were told by our own state department there's going to be a third intifada.
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you have to assume some risk if you try to put something back in a box and they have not been willing to do it. a couple of options, say ok, maybe you don't want to go into iran or strike iran but you have to make a point to the iranians, look at the leader of the houthis, complete cover by the u.n. when they passed a security council resolution 11-0 and the russians abstained and so did the chinese again the houthis. use that to go after the leadership of the houthis if you need to do it. iranians have put a spy ship in the red sea, well, maybe that ship needs to go to the bottom of the ocean. that's who is tracking all the ship movements to include the attack we had just recently on the gibraltar eagle, a u.s. vessel going through the red sea. so, sandra, they have to make some hard calls and they have not done it. the longer this goes, the harder
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it is to put it back in the box. i have said that until i'm blue in the face but this is an administration that is truly risk averse and when you go down this line of being risk averse, it's harder to put everything back together. >> sandra: there's no doubt it is escalating, that's for sure and the attacks ramping up. iran saying the revolutionary guard has attacked israel's spy headquarters in iraq, general. they are vowing more revenge. a statement from iran's revolutionary guard on attacking israeli spy h.q. in response to the recent atrocities of the zionist regime, one of the main mossad espionage headquarters in the region was destroyed by ballistic missiles. >> i think i would reach out to the iranians and say do not
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underestimate mossad. if they they have been aggrieved, they will come after you. the munich massacre in 1972, they finished off all the terrorists involved. netanyahu said clearly this is a munich moment for them, what you are seeing with hamas and long-term, they cause themselves their own problems. mossad is very, very good at what they do, and they are going to take revenge on anybody who is attacking their facilities. and they are using missiles to do it. they are using short range ballistic missiles, it's amazing. >> sandra: general, that was a lot, thank you for covering it, thank you. >> john: the golden state of california on the verge of becoming the first state of the nation to ban a popular sport for kids age 12 and under. those in favor say it's a safety issue. others argue it's just another
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example of the state trampling on parents' rights. >> sandra: does president biden need to let go of his bidenomics messaging? one of his former aides says he does and he needs to get out there and actually talk to the voters. kat timpf will be joining us whether she thinks it's the messaging or the policies. ♪ let it go, let it go ♪ ♪ can't hold it back anymore ♪ ♪ let it go, let it go ♪ just to see if you qualify for a home loan. yet, some lenders charge you hundreds of dollars in upfront fees just to apply. they keep your money even if they turn you down. call newday. unlike other lenders, at newday there's no upfront appraisal fee, no upfront termite inspection fee and no upfront water test fee. not $1 out of pocket. give us a call.
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>> john: well, lawmakers in california are considering a ban on tackle football for kids under the age of 12. arguing that flag football is much safer, sparking a big debate as you can imagine. a senior national correspondent is live in los angeles and william, who exactly is pushing for this and why. >> it's not supposed to be partisan, john and it came out of committee with 0 republicans. most americans are split down
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the middle when kids should start playing tackle football. some say five years old, soeths say high school, and that's the debate here. so lawmakers in six states already tried banning football for young kids, all failed, california might be the first, full assembly voting to ban tackle football for those under age 12 about 7th grade. >> 5'6", 11-year-old should not be experiencing concussive hits to the head when there is an alternative. >> repetitive head impact, regardless of severity, lay the foundation for brain injury. >> tackle football does carry a risk of head trauma but opponents argue so do other contact sports. also say it interferes with parental rights to decide what sport their child plays and robs kids especially in poor neighborhoods of opportunities. >> i'm sam, i play for virginia
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bruins and i strongly oppose this bill. >> youth tackle football is embedded in these communities and the lifeblood and it serves as a vehicle to education, opportunity, alternatives to some really negative activities. >> so washington post poll found conservatives favor tackle football, liberals do not. democrats outnumber republicans 3-1 in both the assembly and the senate, i'm told the vote could be close, likely thursday. back to you. >> john: we'll be watching that one as well. thank you, sandra. >> sandra: breaking a few moments ago, two sources confirming to fox that the big four leaders on capitol hill have been invited to the white house. this would be happening tomorrow. house speaker mike johnson, hakeem jeffries, chuck schumer, mitch mcconnell, expected to meet with the president to discuss the national security supplemental. still no words on the timing of that meeting but wanted to bring that to you as soon as we had
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it. john. >> john: see if they can break the log jam. accused serial killer charged with murdering a fourth victim. the new evidence investigators claim can tie him to her death and how they found him.
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