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tv   America Reports  FOX News  January 16, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PST

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stiff or uncontrollable muscle movements which may be life threatening or permanent. these aren't all the serious side effects. caplyta can help you let in the lyte™. ask your doctor about caplyta find savings and support at >> we thank you for your support. you helped us get a ticket punched out of the hawkeye state. >> so it's now off to new hampshire, a great place we won it last time and won it both times, we love it. >> thank you, iowa, we are go g to make you proud. >> sandra: full speed ahead to new hampshire, with just three republican candidates still standing. hello, welcome everyone, sandra smith in new york. it's hard to believe we plowed through hour one there, john. >> john: and right through the iowa caucuses and now a week today it's new hampshire. john roberts in washington, and
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this is "america reports". vivek ramaswamy and asa hutchinson dropping out of the race after donald trump's historic win in iowa and now it's up to desantis and haley to improve they have a path forward. she has made an aggressive play for new hampshire, republicans tend to be more moderate and independents play an out sized role. >> sandra: the number 2 and 3 candidates from last night trying to close the gap with the former president. alexis mcadams is live in bedford, new hampshire, on to the next one, alexis. what is the latest polling telling us on the ground there as we do see the snowflakes coming down. >> hi, sandra and john. yeah, it's a snowy day here in new hampshire, but the temperatures are much warmer than what the candidates were dealing with in iowa. all eyes are now on the granite state and the polling numbers, the latest ones, sandra, show it could be a much tighter race here in new hampshire than it was in iowa. that's because they have
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different issues at the top of mind. nikki haley says she has done a great job here in the granite state and thinks she's going to beat donald trump. listen. >> iowa was very good to us, but now new hampshire will continue what goes on and set the tone in my sweet home state of south carolina. it's a marathon, not a sprint. >> we are now just one week, if you can believe it, out from the first of the nation primary. former president trump, ron desantis and nikki haley on the ground campaigning in new hampshire. really trying to gain support here. desantis stopping in south carolina to send a message to nikki haley, telling her i'm not backing down, slamming her in her own home state. watch. >> came after me, they never went after donald trump with one red cent during that whole time. it was all about trying to beat me. and they failed in beating me.
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>> the polls, though, show the gop race is tightening in this state. if you look at this poll from last week, before chris christie and vivek ramaswamy dropping out, haley 32%, 12 point jump from november alone. trump confident he's going to win in new hampshire because he said he's done it before and he'll do it again. >> all over the world they are laughing at us and they want our country to come back, they want america, you know, they want us to be great again. it's very simple. maga, make america great again. >> so voters that we have talked to on the ground say they are not closely analyzing the iowa caucus members, but what matters in their state, they tell me it's the economy and immigration. not just the southern border, also the northern border that's had lots of issues. >> sandra: alexis in new hampshire, thank you so much. see you soon. >> john: the biden campaign
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trying to cash in on the results of the iowa caucuses, pitting the president against "extreme maga republicans" in a fundraising post on x. white house correspondent peter doocy live on the north lawn. snowy north lawn, we should point out. >> peter: kamala harris says they beat trump once and they can beat him again. >> you've seen the numbers, you know, do you think donald trump at this point is a foregone conclusion? >> i don't know, but look, if it is donald trump, we beat him before and we'll beat him again. >> peter: the president a little more measured, he writes looks like donald trump just won iowa, he's the clear front-runner on the other side, but here is the thing. this election was always going to be you and me versus extreme maga republicans. true yesterday and it will be true tomorrow. his senior adviser at the campaign in wilmington adds while most of the republicans have not yet announced
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fundraising numbers, we fully expect to lap them several times. the theme here is white house officials want all republicans up and down the ballots in november tied to trump. even though he's got a ways to go until he's officially biden's opponent. >> you have seen in the last 5 or 6 months every candidate for the presidency on the republican side racing over to the extreme maga side of the party that donald trump clearly owns. the republican party that used to be a really great part of the american political system is dead. donald trump owns the maga right. >> peter: none of the messaging will be done by the president today because roughly four inches of snow here in washington, d.c., closed down basically the entire federal government, including most offices here at the white house. john. >> john: closed down the federal government but you and i managed to make it in, peter. not quite sure how that works. peter doocy for us.
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thank you, peter. sandra. >> sandra: bring in our panel, jason chaffetz, and mark penn, i want to get this in here, ron desantis just said this, he's in south carolina, he's clearly trying to hit haley as not conservative in her home state. listen to this, i'll get your reaction. >> i just find it crazy that i seem to be the only republican presidential candidate that can give a straightforward answer to the question of can a man become a woman. and the answer to that question is no. donald trump has hemmed and hawed bit. nikki haley gave a ridiculous word salad yesterday or two days ago when she was asked about that. >> sandra: the team says that's getting a lot of attention online. what was your response to that tactic. >> look, i don't think desantis running as a cultural conservative has helped him so
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far. and i continue to be surprised that nikki haley and desantis are fighting each other instead of donald trump and consequently the biggest surprise out of iowa was that there were no surprises. and that it sort of came in the way all the polls show. polls were absolutely accurate and i don't know whether there's going to be a surprise in new hampshire. but if they keep fighting each other, probably not. >> sandra: here is the average right now, real clear politics in new hampshire, great to have you here, trump at 43.5%, christie 11.3, voter analysis when it comes to this question was really interesting, to mark's point, came in as expected but some of the response to look forward and perhaps analyze new hampshire, but asked the question, how much change would you like to see in how the country is run. those who want substantial change, 56%, that number is a
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third, 33% who want to see complete and total upheaval. it's no wonder someone like former president trump came out on top. >> i think it's the full political spectrum. 89% of the people saying they want substantial change, that's a huge number. government is not working for people. i tend to think this election is about safety, safety in your wallet, safety in the streets, safety at home, safety on the border, overseas, but government is not working for people. and democrats main tenet is they want more government, big government, government can offer all the solutions but government is not working for people and so that's why i think democrats are -- have a real up hill battle. >> sandra: mark, perhaps you can offer your analysis of the evangelical vote. a lot of discussion about that today across networks. folks news border analysis among iowa caucusgoers when it came to
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this group of voters, trump dominated, 55% supported the former president. desantis, who got the big evangelical endorsement in the state, got 24%, haley 13%. but this is what's happening on another network, the discussion on evangelical voters. listen to this. >> he's playing the people that want the spectacle. many of them feel that they have been the victim of the same kinds of stuff in life for whatever reason, they joined this cult. >> these are white christians, this is a state that is overrepresented by white christians that are going to participate in the caucuses. >> evangelical america is behind donald trump and that sort of gets to the roots of what trump is now, and it is very much a group of people that find that trump is in some ways a second coming. >> sandra: you know, this could -- this could easily be 2015. i went down a rabbit hole the
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other day, what was that quote, robert jeffers back in 2015, he wrote this piece on the bewilderment as to why the evangelical voter was supporting donald trump, he said no evangelical i know is expecting trump to lead our nation in a spiritual revival. but seven years of barack obama have drastically lowered the threshold of spiritual expectations. evangelicals have other president. no longer do they require their president to be one of them. evangelicals will settle for someone who doesn't hate them like the current occupant of the oval office appears to. and mark, that could potentially more true today. >> look, i think donald trump in 2015 and 16 was the outsider candidate and he didn't get the really deep conservative republican vote. what's interesting now in donald trump 2.0 is he comes back as much more of a cultural
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conservative, at least in terms of his voters, they do want to see donald trump back in the white house, they think that they had better religious freedom under trump than what they are seeing under president biden and so i don't think it's really a big surprise he's got the evangelical vote, that he won iowa, it's a much more conservative place, he's running as a much more conservative candidate. the question is, can he make a switch to new hampshire, it's a much more moderate state. that's not going to be based on evangelical vote, it's going to be based on a lot of independent voters, and if he can pull it off there, then that says he's got a broader reach and if he can't, then he's going to be in trouble. >> sandra: i have to get jason's response to the media outrage over the support from evangelicals, this cult they reference there, a state overrun by white evangelicals, talking about donald trump and support among the group and does to
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mark's point appear to be growing. >> go ahead, democrats. demonnize people who go to church, believe in jesus christ and love their country. you keep doing that and you are going to be the minority party in perpetuity because that is not going to win you votes. >> sandra: really interesting analysis. what a night, on to new hampshire. thanks to both of you for joining us. appreciate the discussion. all right. john, i'm sure you remember the quote as well, we had it up on .com during the 2016 election and we are not looking for somebody just like anymore, we are just looking for somebody who doesn't hate us and that showed up with the voters last night. >> john: yeah, people don't necessarily want somebody who agrees with everything that they think, but they do want somebody who cares about the issues that they care about. so -- we'll see if that wins the day in november, it's a long time between now and then. american forces intercepting iran-made ballistic missiles
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they say were heading to resupply the houthi rebels. >> sandra: the seizure comes as pentagon launches another retaliatory strike against the terror group. but is it going toward a wider conflict. >> make some hard calls and they haven't done it. the longer it goes, the harder to put it back in the box. but i'm also a mother of four. and as entrepreneurs, we weigh the cost of every decision. medical bills are no longer a worry for our family. so i can focus on my calling and our family. joining christian health care ministries was one of the best decisions we ever made. we're the blair family, and this is our chm story. choose your doctor without network restrictions. all at an affordable price. enroll anytime at when you stay at a vrbo the host doesn't stay with you.
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♪ ♪ join the millions of people taking back♪ ♪eir privacy ♪ ♪ >> sandra: jury selection is complete, this just in, nine jurors and no alternates chosen in the trial to determine how much former president donald trump must pay in damages in the
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suit by e. jean carroll. she accused him of sexual assaulting her in a department store in 1990s. trump has maintained his innocence all through it. john. >> john: we should point out donald trump has been seated in the courtroom behind jean carroll, so providing some interesting optics in the courtroom there. john kirby moments ago addressing today's retaliatory strike against the houthi rebels. listen here. >> we fully anticipated when we launched that on friday night that the houthis would probably conduct some retaliatory strikes. i think it's too soon to call it a trend that would lead us to believe that we didn't have a good effect with those strikes. we believed we did have a good effect with those strikes. >> john: america's confrontation with iran and proxies is growing
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wider and more dangerous despite the biden administration repeated warnings to knock it off. a former centcom spokesperson. the u.s. has been attacking and trying to degrade the houthi's capability to fire missiles and drones yet does not seem to be having much of a deterrent effect. >> it's not having much of an effect, really the nexus for all this, for the houthis, for the shia proxy groups in iraq and syria, nexus is iran which is feeding munitions, rockets and drones into the houthis in yemen, to have the kind of effect we want to have we've got to strike iran, we've got to strike the heart of this thing and you know, really that's not an escalatory strike, we can send the message we need to
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send, john. >> john: in terms of targets we could hit in iran, 1980s, ronald reagan hit some oil platforms also used by the irgc as observational platforms to direct attacks and other things against oil tankers coming down the persian gulf. what do you think we could hit in terms of iranian targets that would not ignite a wider conflict? >> is the iranians have irgc bases in the south largely empty, you could strike those. iranian vessels, ships in the gulf you could strike, arabian oil refineries, so you've got a series of targets and u.s. central commands has submitted the targets to the pentagon through the white house and been disapproved many times. you could strike will not ignite a war but will send a message
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and inflict pain. that's what you have to do here, john, inflict pain on iran and get them to back down. >> john: in terms of the message the u.s. is sending to iran, president biden articulated that to a degree on friday, what's the message to iran. >> i've delivered the message to iran, they know not to do anything. >> john: that had 0 impact. >> message sent, message received, unfortunately it's the wrong message. you know, look, john, i've been coming on here and talking to you for weeks about this now, and really what iran wants to see is does this administration, does this country have the will to hit, to strike a blow in something that iran really cares
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about. until then, iran is really subcontracting the fighting to the houthis and the shia proxy groups. it's a low grade war they would love to carry out. bleed us out, push the saudis around, bleed out israel, they would love to continue that war for as long as they can. we just can't let them. we've got to go up, we've got to push up in terms of weight, in terms of violence, violence and pain we are going to inflict on iran. >> john: and now maybe it has resulted in more u.s. casualties, two navy seals missing after mounting an operation off the coast of somalia to interdict missile parts and other weapons transferred from iran to the houthis. one fell off a boarding ladder trying to get up to this ship on thursday night, another one jumped in the water to try to
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save his buddy, and both of them went under the waves. they have been searching for them ever since but so far, no sign of them. >> and our thoughts are with those navy seals and their battle buddies. i know yours are, our prayers are with them and their families, and this is just almost a bizarre incident that happened, but you know, you are operating at high speed, you are operating at night, you are operating a covert operation and sometimes things just go wrong, john. you know, we just really hope for the best here. >> john: yeah, we are praying for them that they will be found alive. colonel joe baccino, thanks for talking to us. >> thanks for having me. >> sandra: suspected gilgo beach serial killer rex heuermann appearing in court as prosecutors bring a stunning now charge. reaction from a victim's family next. plus this. >> john: down on the dream.
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new fox voter analysis revealing a stunning percentage of americans saying they are falling behind financially. is bidenomics to blame. sitting down with kat timpf who has a few thoughts about that. >> something bad is happening beneath the surface. these folks are feeling it. who can fix it, they go back to president trump who by the way has the resume'. clerer
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the goal post is the housing market. millennials are the pinched generation, college essentially stopped working for most, debt filed up and the old american dream died and we got left holding the bag. >> sandra: that's just depressing. fox news analyst kat timpf on that. my college education is not worth anything, at the same time, paying for the policy mistakes, mortgage rates are going up, can't own a home. not good news for the millennial generation. >> i'm a millennial and i don't own a home. it would be kind of a dumb decision financially to do that and rent is crazy, because i live in new york, i think there are even people my age who are having jobs that should provide them more opportunity in terms of living situations than what they have, a lot of them are not only renting, but living with roommates and that kind of thing. i think that we all kind of envisioned our futures being a lot different than they are now,
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and if you are doing what your parents are doing, say, that does not mean you are going to be able to have the same life as your parents had because housing is a main thing being so, so, so expensive. >> yeah, there's apparently some spokes people from the biden administration, democrats out there talking about other news outlets sort of passing on the message that they should be ditching this whole bidenomics thing, simone sanders saying they are not going to get it, not going to get bidenomics. she was biden's campaign aide in 2020. let it go, she says.abt you jus they know what you are going to do and what you did. the data does not move people, stories move people. when was the last time you saw joe biden do a rope line. when's the last time you saw joe biden at a town hall taking questions from the american people. well, he might not like what they have to ask. >> that's absolutely true and i think it's true data does not
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move people. what moves people is stories yes, but also just looking around at their own lives and the lives of maybe people that they are close to and saying no data that you can give me can make me happier about my situation or feel better about the fact i'm not where i thought i would be. i thought it would be better for biden to have conversations but most people honest with themselves, is he capable of that. >> sandra: that's an interesting analysis. as far as the financial situation, we asked iowa voters as they cast their support for their candidate last night what describes your family's financial situation, are you getting ahead, 11% said that the case for them, the smallest group, those holding steady, charles payne said the number was even 57%. but a third of iowa republican voters said they feel their family's financial situation is falling behind. maybe this is why. there's record credit card debt.
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$1.08 trillion, the latest according to the federal reserve. people are sitting on mountains of debt. that does not feel good. surely that's showing up in their disappointment with the economic policies. >> yeah, and i think there's a lot of people who this applies to who feel like i'm spending so much money just to live a very basic life, i'm not going out and doing anything extravagant, not going out to eat all the time, not going on big vacations and i still feel behind. you don't have to be out there having that much fun to find being alive very, very expensive. >> sandra: it's just about everywhere on social media now, you scroll through and people are complaining about the price of everything, you know. our generation likes to travel, you go to a hotel -- you can barely make it through a vacation, right. and that's what's happening, the credit card debt is mounting. look like you have a thought. >> no way that you can use any numbers to argue anyone out of noticing what they see. >> sandra: 100% the case. great to see you, thanks so much. see you tonight.
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>> john: one last thought, i think she's probably got a million. suspected gilgo beach killer rex heuermann in court, a fourth murder charge for the killing of a 25-year-old woman found in 2010. heuermann entering a not guilty plea as he remains behind bars without bail. c.b., last summer the suspect was charged with three killings. what was the delay with the charges that were brought today? >> hi, john. prosecutors say they were waiting for more evidence, results of dna testing which they say now links rex heuermann to the death of maureen barnes. they also say they have been able to confirm that heuermann's family was out of town at the time of the killing, this is a pattern we have seen with other victims in this case. we also learned in court today, prosecutors say heuermann tracked his wife's hair to where
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she was found buried, her body bound with three belts. >> for the purposes of the superseding indictment, the hair that was found on brainerd barnes, found on the buckle of the belt that secured her lower body. >> her daughter speaking out through tears, she was only seven years old when her mom was reported missing. >> i remember she read to me every night and now i can no longer remember the sound of her voice. i wish she was here today but she was taken from us. >> heuermann is charged in deaths of four women, initially four. prosecutors say the women were working as escorts. their remains were dumped close to one another off ocean parkway, about 45 miles east of new york city more than a decade ago. heuermann maintains his innocence and has pleaded not guilty to all the murder charges against him. this morning his defense
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attorney tried to dispute the latest dna evidence in the case. >> this morning was the first time, and this is 13 plus years that miraculously nuclear dna testing and results have come forward. there has been testimony, there has been lab reports that consistently said it was incapable of having nuclear dna testing. >> and heuermann's next court hearing is set for february 6th. john. >> john: c.b. cotton in riverhead, long island. thank you. sandra. >> sandra: former president trump celebrating his blowout win in iowa and then heading straight to a federal courtroom to attend jury selection in a civil defamation case filed against him by e. jean carroll. >> john: complicated schedule for appearances for the former president trump. andy mccarthy here to break it down next.
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>> john: former president trump pushing full steam ahead to new hampshire after historic showing of support in iowa. as much as his calendar is stacked with campaign events, it's also full of court dates. earlier this hour, the jury was selected in his trial for defamation damages brought by e. jean carroll, all in the wake of trump losing his top defense lawyer. let's bring in fox news contributor, former assistant u.s. attorney. andy mccarthy. seems if the former president is not on the campaign trail he's in the courtroom. >> sure does, john, and you know, the e. jean carroll case, part two, obviously we had the trial last year, part one, this as you mentioned is just on damages. but it's going to remind people
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of what those allegations were back then and as we are in the trial, we are waiting any minute for a ruling from the judge in the civil fraud case in new york where the new york attorney general is trying to disgorge trump of $370 million and put him out of business. we are waiting for the d.c. circuit to decide the immunity issue that was argued last week and we are waiting for another court on the section 3 of the 14th amendment and that's before we get to the next run of trials. >> john: yeah, in terms of the trials, let me put up on the screen what the docket looks like. e. jean carroll defamation damages case currently ongoing, and march 4th start date for the 2020 election trial brought by jack smith, then the stormy daniels case by alvin bragg,
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march 25th, and mar-a-lago, may 20th, set to start there and the georgia election with fani willis, don't know when it's going to happen, but some time. you wrote in the national review in a column, we have never seen anything like 2024 promised collision of electoral politics and high stakes trials. i hope we don't see anything like it again. but what effect do you think that this is going to have on politics and the legal system? >> well, i think you are going to get a steady thrum, it's beginning today with e. jean carroll, every day will remind the public of what the allegations are in these cases. where the democrats timed the indictment so that they could be, you know, at this point during the primaries and then be tried as you were going to the run-up of the election. i don't know how many of these cases will get tried.
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it looks like the march 4th date is in doubt because the supreme court will decide an important issue about obstruction that's key to that case, even though the supremes will be looking at it in a different case. that could affect the march 4th date. i don't know the march 25th date on alvin bragg's case was very real or he's tripping over himself to get that case to trial, but that's going to remind people of a number of tawdry allegations. nobody thinks the may 20th day on mar-a-lago is real, but extensive pretrial proceedings in that case which again are going to remind people what the allegations are recklessness with national security information and obstruction of a grand jury. this is what people are going to be hearing about every single day. >> john: on the subject of tawdry investigations, we
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understand that fani willis will answer questions about a romantic relationship with someone she hired in court papers filed soon. and she has been subpoenaed for a deposition by nathan wade's soon to be ex-wife in that case. what might we learn here, andy? >> well, it really is -- it's going to be -- it's so 2024, isn't it. but i think the main allegation here, you know, to take the alleged sexual liaison as far out of it as you can, is that she represented to fulton county that she needed money to address the backlog of covid cases in the office, and then she tapped into that money to pay an awful lot, the county money to pay an awful lot to this guy nathan wade who doesn't really seem to have the kind of background that you would want for a special
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counsel in an rico case but she paid him goo-gobs of money and then she went on vacations with that guy and that stuff. lawless if apparently under georgia law if she appointed him as a special counsel without getting approval from the county and then he didn't file his oath of office with the court before he started acting on the case, a lot there that could actually impact whether the initiation of the case was proper. >> john: i think a lot more to come on that particular front. andy mccarthy, always great to see you. appreciate it. >> sandra: a showdown at our southern border and the clock ticking on a warning from the biden administration to texas. the consequences the lone star state could be facing for not letting border agents back into a public park. much more hydrat.
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park with this growing dispute. >> the battle over this park intensified last week when texas put up additional razor wire and kicked out federal border patrol agents. texas argues in part that it can just do a better job deterring migrants than the federal government here. there's more additional razor wire and fencing put up and the park. the dispute is more heated after henry cuellar tweeted a fiery allegation that texas is to blame for the drowning death in this area of a migrant mother and two children on friday, alleging texas blocked border patrol from rescuing them. dhs released a statement backing that claim. the texas military department strongly denies the allegation saying mexican authorities handled the drownings. the white house weighed in on the unconfirmed allegation, writing, on friday night a woman and two children drown near eagle pass and texas blocked u.s. border patrol.
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department of homeland security confirms what the texas military says actually happened. drownings at 8:00 p.m. and mexican authorities handled the incident and did not even alert the u.s. until one hour after the migrants died. dhs writing in a new filing, mexican officials informed border patrol, three migrants, one woman and two children had drown approximately 8:00 p.m. in the same area. aside from the three migrants that drown, dhs claims it was blocked in assisting a rescue of two other migrants that lived in the area. the biden administration warned texas has until tomorrow to allow federal agents back in the park. we'll keep you updated. >> sandra: matt finn, thank you. >> john: immigration is a big issue for people across the country, iowa is a long way from the border but take a look at some of the top issues for voters in the iowa caucuses yesterday, according to the fox news voter analysis, we find something very curious here. asked what the top issue was, 7%
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said foreign policy, 33% said the economy, which we think is top issue for a lot of people. look at this. in iowa, that far from the border, 41% of people said immigration was their top issue. as to who people voted for based on this being their top issue, 59% said that they voted for donald trump because of their concerns about immigration. there's a split here as well, quite a big one, do immigrants in the u.s. today do more to help the country, 22%, do they do more to hurt the country, 74% overwhelmingly, which probably is one of the big reasons why donald trump did so well in the caucuses last night. and for people who think this immigrants in the u.s. do more to help the country, they voted for the plurality, nikki haley. see how it translates into new hampshire where immigration is obviously a big deal but not a lot of people, maybe 35, 36% are worried about immigration on the northern border. so, take this information going forward, we'll see how it plays
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out in new hampshire a week from today. >> sandra: john, here i am talking to larry, he's walking on set. that is -- that was a fascinating development and as far as immigration ranking over the economy. >> john: i thought that was interesting, yeah, if we take a look, back here and pull that screen up again, look at that, 41% said immigration was their top concern. and yet democrats seem to be ignoring to a large degree what's happening on our southern border. clearly people in iowa are not. >> sandra: and charles said he lumps the two together because immigration is having such a big impact on our economy and you look at how far down the list the third issue is, foreign policy in the single digits. love that. thanks, john. >> john: you bet. >> sandra: it could be one of the biggest legal catches of the year. the supreme court set to hear arguments tomorrow in two cases where fishermen accuse the feds of going too far with regulations.
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>> sandra: the supreme court set to take on a pair of cases tomorrow from family-owned fishing companies who say government powers are taking a big bite of their bottom line. lydia hu is live from the docks in cape may, new jersey. she's got that story for us and what is happening. >> hey there, sandra. for the past 50 years, the federal government last required fishing vessels like this one carry on board an observer. that is a person that takes notes about what fish are being caught, how much and from where. the fishermen tell me they have no problems with the observer. but the federal government told the fishermen you have to pay $700 per day for that observer and the fishermen say that is a bridge too far. we're talking about fishing for
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herring. vessels can set out in to the open waters for upwards of a week looking for fish. sometimes they come back with nothing. that means no money. so i asked, is it possible that they would still be on the hook to pay for that observer? listen her>>hat's not a possibi. that's a probability in some trips. that's a given. there's not every trips you catch. >> so now the fishermen sued and the u.s. supreme court will hear oral arguments on a pair of cases tomorrow. those cases challenge a 40--year-old doctrine called the chevron doctrine. it gives federal agencies authority to interpret law and enforce policy. lawyers for the government said we need the expertise of agency officials for efficiency. the fishermen questioned, did they need an expert to tell them to pay for the observers? they is a no. that's overreach.
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now we can hear from the supreme court on this issue by june. sandra, back to you. >> sandra: that will be interesting to watch. lydia hu, thank you. i can remember during the obama administration just like lydia is there standing on some of these fishing vessels reporting on these stories of overregulation in the fishing industry and how they feel constrained by the red tape to the point that it's impossible for them to do their jobs. >> did you see douglas kennedy's piece about the speed limits for fishing boats as well? >> yes. >> john: the federal government is putting the screws to people that live a difficult lifestyle. >> sandra: john, great to be with you. i'm going to join the crew on "the five" tonight. >> john: great. >> sandra: all right. saad go to be with you. thanks for joining us. i'm sandra smith. >> john: i'm john roberts. set your dvr and never miss an episode of "america reports." "the story" with martha starts right now. >> sandra: i think it's trace. >> john: i guess


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