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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  January 16, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PST

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is not doing too well. we are laughed at all over the world. it's not going to happen for long. i do worry about 10 more months with these people as they can do a lot of damage. what he they're doing to our country is very sad. we were the first candidate ever to get more than 52% of the vote. we now have our eyes on a very special place. do you know what that place is? new hampshire. [cheers] i know that new hampshire will never let us down. >> bret: former president donald trump in new hampshire. it is streaming live on if you want to check it out there. we wanted to dip n new hampshire as he arrived a little late. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight, fair, balanced and unafraid. we will see you tomorrow. busy week. ingraham angle is now. ♪ >> laura: good evening, everyone. i'm laura ingraham. this is "the ingraham angle."
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still in des moines tonight. we're going to go straight to new hampshire where there is big news vivek ramaswamy and president trump. >> let it happen. we can not let it continue. we're going down and we can not let it continue. last night, i was honored to receive the endorsement of a man who has become a true leader and earned the admiration of so many patriots. i have been a friend of his, even though we were competing against each other. but i was a friend of his and we got along and he was saying he is a great president. i kept saying why is he running? he keeps calling me a great president. [laughter] >> he is a fantastic guy. very smart guy. he has some tremendous ideas and is he young and got some young ideas, too. that's a good thing. so he has a big, beautiful, bright future ahead. vivek ramaswamy. [cheers]
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[cheers and applause] >> let's do, this guys. good to see you. it's good to be back to new hampshire. we miss you guys. we're going to make this happen and you guys know this well. you know this man. you know why we are here. patriots across the state. we are in the middle of a war in this country. that's what this is. it's not a war between black and white. it's not between democrat and republican, even in a deeper sense. it's between the permanent state and the everyday citizen. between those of us who ve united states of america and a fringe minority who hates this country and what we stand for. and right now we need a commander-in-chief who will lead us to victory in this war. [cheers] >> that's what we need in this country. [applause] you got to know you are in a war to win one.
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you can't win one if you are asleep at the switch, have your head stuck in the sand like most republicans. i think that's going to require somebody who isn't bought and paid for. a businessman. not a politician. anybody heard of that? [cheers] >> that's why i was in this race. but i will tell you, the people of iowa spoke loud and clear last night. and i'm a big believer that we, the people, create a government that is accountability to us, not the other way around. that we, the people, choose who leads this country and so we heard, we the people last night, and that is why last evening i met my friend here, we met in person.i told him that i would endorse donald j. trump for president of the united states and do everything in my power to lead us to victory in this war. it is a 1776 moment right now. that's where we live right now. and you want to know what does it mean to be a republican today? it means we believe in the ideals of 1776.
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ideals like freedom and merit and the pursuit of excellence that you get ahead in this country thought on the color of your skin but on the content of your character and your contributions end affirmative action. end dei. we are done with the nonsense, send it back home. it means you believe in the rule of law. and i say this as the kid of legal immigrants to this country. that means your first act of entering this country cannot break the law and that is why we need to use our military to secure our own southern border in this country. that's what it means to stand for the rule of law in the united states of america. [applause] it means the people we elect to run the government needs to be the ones who actually run the government not the shadow government in the deep state that runs the show today. this man is going to get in there this time around and actually shut down that deep state. not messing around this time
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anymore. that's how we win this war in this country. and the way we're actually going to do this in the long run and win in this time around, is with elections. we need to secure in this country for the long run. you want to know what needs to happen in this country? single day voting on election day as a national holiday with paper ballots. government issued i.d. to match the voter file. and english a as a sole lang twhage appears on a ballot and i'm confident this man will be the one to get us there and this is how we get our country back. not black or white, it's deeper than that. these are the ideals of the american revolution. and you know what? we do have some enemies that we need to defeat on the other side. but we have challenges to address in our own party right here at home. so you know what? if you want somebody who is going to fist to use your social media account. you want to use a driver's
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license to do it, have the right to use the internet, this man is not your man. there's another candidate in this race who will do that for you. it's nikki haley. [crowd boos] you want to cut social security? you want to cut medicare, you want to cut veterans benefits so we can fork over more money to ukraine so some can buy a bigger house, vote for nikki haley, not this man right here. but if you want to actually put an agenda that puts americans first, to say that the moral obligation of your leaders is to the citizens of this country, not another one, there's not a better choice left in this race than this man right here. and that is why i am asking you to do the right thing as new hampshire and to vote for donald j. trump as your next president. because we're not working with a lot of time here. if our kids are in high school before we get this right, we don't have a country left. that's what it means. we have been celebrating our diversity and our differences for so long that we forgot all
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of the ways that we are the same as americans. bound by that common set of ideals that set this country into motion. we believe those ideals still exist. this man is going to be your next president to revive them e pluribus unum frommible, one. from many one. we are doing it by speaking the truth at every step of the way. there are two genders in this country. [cheers] >> period. that is the truth. fossil fuels are a requirement for human prosperity. drill, frac, burn coal, and embrace nuclear energy. reverse racism isn't racism. an open border is not a border. parents determine the education of their children. the nuclear family is the greatest form of governance known to mankind.
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capitalism lifts us up from poverty. there are three branches of government in the united states not four. and the u.s. constitution is the strongest and greatest guarantor of freedom in human history that is the truth. [applause] we fight for the truth. >> laura: joining us now is ari fleischer, former white house press secretary. fox news contributor and chris bedford, senior fellow at the common sense society. vivek is on fire there. ari, this was an interesting moment up in new hampshire. vivek ramaswamy was on the angle last night and he, you know, he was pledging to move on and no matter what happened in iowa, he was going to go on at new hampshire. but, of course, he goes on to new hampshire to endorse donald trump. thoughts, ari? >> yeah, i don't think vivek knows how to say anything other than strongly. so whatever he does, he does it strongly, says it strongly. even if he stays he is staying in and he says is he staying out he did both strongly. i'm just not a believer that
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endorsements on the presidential level really mean a whole lot. i think it's obvious that vivek's followers, the people ha voted for him the 8% in iowa are going to be for donald trump. they don't need their candidate to say be for donald trump. it's just who they are endorsements are ballyhooed overrated. logical moment for vivek and a good moment for president trump. >> laura: and, chris, vivek ramaswamy is an interesting character because he, of course, came out of nowhere. no one knew who he was. he had written a book about woke corporate america. he came from more of a democrat tradition, you know, got a soros fellowship, and, yet, he really was an articulate force for populist conserving ideals on the campaign trail. so does this matter? does this give any boost of youth support to president trump? every point counts. >> there was a lot of skepticism over vivek and there still is
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here and around d.c. i will tell you when i hear his ideas and the things he was saying on the debate stage, i thought it was pretty wild to see a major candidate for a major party speaking as honestly as he was. the kind of thing that catapulted trump to success in the first place. i also notice that both for me and other journalists and reporters that if you wrote an article or did an interview or did a podcast with vivek, it didn't matter really which outlet you did it on they would explode online because the enthusiasm from him among this base of supporters that were very active in the online, what was real, and donald trump in recent polls has actually been tying with democrats for young men 18 to 24. which is impressive for the republicans of the modern era. and if someone like vivek can help bring those people, in then that will be helpful to trump in the long haul. >> laura: ari, i had enormous fun this morning, forget trying to get out of iowa, okay, that wasn't fun, i had enormous fun
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watching the reaction from the media to trump's -- just unreal margin of vic trim last night. including over there on mess nbc. >> we can all sit here and, you know, put sackcloth and ashes go on about donald trump getting 451% of the vote. got to say for people who actually want to win general elections, that's not good news. >> laura: wait a second, ari, winning by is it historic margin now that's a bad thing. okay. >> you know, their analysis so empty headed. they assume that the 49% who did not vote for donald trump in iowa will vote for somebody else. that's just not the case. as we just pointed out. vivek's followers are going to vote for donald trump. significant portion of ron desantis' followers. the majority are going to vote for donald trump. in fact, one of the secrets of new hampshire is nikki haley says it's a two-person race. she actually wants it to be a three-person race because if
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desantis dropped out, more than half his voters would go to donald trump. so, trump got 51% against those opponents but if there were no opponents in there trump would have gotten probably 70%, if not higher. i just can't believe those people get paid to go on the air and say things that have no fact, no analysis, just to deceive the msnbc viewers who are already deceived because they are watching msnbc. >> laura: yeah, they are still thinking that next indictment, right, is going to take down trump. they have been hearing for years that as long as we get trump legally, he is finished, okay. so if you are the regular viewer on msnbc, just disappointed every day. gentlemen, great to see both of you. thank you so much. now, i have to say this is a perfect follow-on given vivek's endorsement. this is my advice to the last three and that's the focus of tonight's angle. ♪ >> laura: all right, after what we witnessed in iowa last night. it's time for everyone to start living in the real world. now, donald trump won the
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caucuses by historic margins, sorry joe scarborough. despite being far outspent in advertising, despite the media onslaught against him. despite being indicted four times and having to split time between courtrooms and campaign trail, he did it. and at 77 years old. he is the energizer candidate. last night, after giving his victory speech, he left des moines around 11 p.m. central time. he flew back to new york and then was in court again today. and then, he flew to new hampshire to do the event that you just saw. now, look, unless something unthinkable happens, donald trump is going to be the nominee of the republican party. and the party is more unified now but behind him and his policies than at any time since the reagan years or maybe, maybe right after 9/11. now, this is not spin, it's the truth. if beating joe biden is really their goal, then it's time for some serious soul searching by
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nikki haley and ron desantis. now, let's start with desantis. he out performed last night. he beat nikki haley's war chest, so he has a lot to be proud of as a candidate on the trail, he worked his butt off. people his or her get how young he is so with, what three more years as florida's governor, he can build an even greater track record of success in that very important state. so, a future in the republican party for him could be really bright. but, he is simply not going to be president this time around. i know it's hard to hear. he worked really hard for it. it's not happening. trump is simply too powerful and has endured too much. voters are not going to turn their backs on him at this point. and every day that ron desantis stays on the campaign trail criticizing trump, is a day that hurts ron desantis' political future. he doesn't gain anything from it. that's for sure. and trump, he's not hurt by it at all. so it's time to step aside and endorse trump. waiting for south carolina is a colossal waste of time, a waste
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of money, and frankly, it's a waste of your future political capital. and as for nikki haley, well, my advice is this: stop listening to your high priced campaign consultants who are telling you what they think you want to hear. now, i know these people, and i'm telling you, they fly around on their private planes on the money that they make from these candidates, and they tell their clients to repeat silly lines. when she said this one, it was a silly line. >> i can safely say tonight iowa made this republican primary a two-person race. [cheers] >> laura: now, the numbers showed haley getting about 19% of the caucus votes. but what i wanted to say last night when i was on with bret and martha and i forgot in the excitement of the moment, was the real percentage of republican support she received is even lower. because at the three preticket caucuses that i attended,
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democrats turned out in huge numbers to support her. one of the caucus temporary chairs told me that it was about half the people in the caucuses where i was were actually democrats. so these people hate trump. they want to stop him by any means necessary. they know that nikki haley, to them at least, is the most similar to biden in the republican field on issues from dei to trade and the border. >> let's keep in mind these people that are wanting to come here, they want to come for a better life, too. they have kids, too. they have a heart, too. >> laura: now, i'm not sure why nikki haley thought that getting endorsements from people like chris sununu or larry hogan was going to help, you know, both are never trumpers, and neither are respected by grassroots republicans, period, end of story. so, if she wants a future in the republican party, haley needs to tune out the never trumpers. not embrace them. and then she needs to go to her
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donors, and this will be a toughy, and say to them, this: look, the party has moved on. it's not 2003 anymore. and we have to move on with it: the only alternative for her, at least is, to simply retreat from politics all together. because long after trump retires, this is going to remain a conservative populist party. we're not going back. look at the voter analysis survey that fox did before the caucuses. it was amazing. immigration remains the top issue. even here in iowa. and on ukraine, only 42% thought we should keep funding the war effort there. on foreign policy and general respondents were leaning far more toward the maga agenda than the old guard intervention nist, that was clear. every day nikki haley spends on the campaign trail beating the old establishment horse or criticizing trump, she is just further destroying her chances
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of being influential voice and republican politics in the future. so, if she dropped out today, if she came to terms with the fact that the g.o.p. is a populist party, if she started vigorously campaigning for trump, she could, perhaps, rebuild some of the trust that she has lost among the g.o.p. base. i'm not saying this is going to be easy. maybe it won't even be possible. and it would take time. could maybe take years. but it's the only way. now, if all she wants to do for her future to be invited to sit on corporate boards or be a panelist at davos every year, she can go the liz cheney adam kinzinger route. both are useful idiots for the left and hated by the right. again, nothing personal, but haley is going to be humiliated in her home state of south carolina. best to avoid that just ask jeb bush. and, finally, for president trump, my advice is simple. you have run a very smart
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campaign. you never back down. but now the focus should almost exclusively shift to the general election. to beat biden, you're going to need 270 electoral votes. so i think a strategy of no state left behind should be your sole focus now. the numbers coming out of georgia today were stunning, very encouraging. a new atlanta journal constitution poll has trump up 8 points on biden, that is amazing. but, look, we also know the democrats are going to stop at nothing. they see this train coming down the track. and they want to derail it. and if they can, they are going to game the system or, yeah, maybe even cheat. after all they say trump is hitler so, they have to stop him. they have to. so does the rnc or do outside groups have a republican mail-in ballot strategy? do they have a get out the vote strategy that's going to be able to come peetz with the biden turnout machine? because i can tell you this:
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the jeffrey catsenberg, zuckerberg crew, they are going to be spending huge money, again, in urban and suburban areas to levitate the biden campaign to victory. this is the real challenge donald trump faces along with the constant lawfare attacks to take him off the ballot. his republican competition will be dropping out soon enough. now, we were in the audience some of the anglers at trump's victory speech last night, and i couldn't help but notice, first of all, the fake media was in a bad mood behind us as we were howling laughing it was so funny. he was pretty gracious about wanting to work with democrats to clean up our great city. >> we're going to rebuild our cities and we will work with the democrats to do it. i will be glad to work with the people in new york. we are going to work with the people of chicago and l.a. we are going to rebuild our cities. and we are going to make them safe. and gave our police officers immunity. >> laura: that's what people want to hear. suburban women like hearing
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those kinds of things. so do the young people. keep it up. hispanics, and working class african-american voters, they don't support what is happening to this country. few people really do. so keep making overtures to those groups. it's working. campaigns are bubbles where fantasy stories of possible success are told to candidates like asa hutchinson and chris christie. neither ever had a chance, a snowball's chance in hell of winning. the consultants and political hacks, they have made enough money over the years to give bad advice. it's time to follow the people. their advice is a lot better. most of the republican voters are saying one word. trump. and that's the angle. up next, what the media's coverage of trump last night really tells us, and it's hysterical. stay there. ♪
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>> at this point in the evening, the projected winner of the iowa caucuses has just started giving his victory speech. we will keep an eye on that. if there is a reason that we and other news organizations have generally stopped giving an unfiltered live platform to remarks by former president trump. it is not out of spite. it is not a decision that we
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relish. >> trump declaring vic twri historically strong showing in the iowa caucuses. relatively subdued speech as these things go so far although here he is right now under my voice. you hear him repeating his anti-immigrant rhetoric. >> laura: trying to silence the g.o.p. frontrunner after he won the first major test of the 2024 election. okay. you can't make this up. this is from the pro-democracy crowd. so my question tonight is what happens in the general election? are we only going to hear from biden when they roll him out? joining me now victor davis hanson, hoover institution senior fellow. victor, i was in that room when trump was speaking last night. and if they bothered to listen to him, he was actually saying i want to work with democrats to save the cities. i will work with anybody to save -- these are great cities. they don't want to hear that because what does that do, victor? >> well, you know, i think they
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think that had the more they have the biased coverage and the more they spread falsehoods about trump they're like straws on the proverbial trump camel back they can finally overwhelm him. in fact, as you have seen the last year or two, the opposite is true. the more they lie and they do not apologize and they do not correct the record and the more they are found out, the less credibility they have and the more popularity donald trump had in the primary. i think that's going to extend to the general election. they can't stop. they have a trump fix. they are like an addict. and they know it's not helping them bus but they can't stop it. they are addicted to it. they will continue what you saw last night all through the next year. and i think what little credibility they have left will be shot and it's going to help donald trump. you know, i think we forget that without these media people, the whole january 6th armed insurrection or most of the lies about the origins of covid and social distancing and masking or
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the circumstances of george floyd's death and the rioting that happened, not to mention disinformation on the laptop of russian collusion. all of that wouldn't have had any residence. they fabricated, constructed, exaggerated all of that yet, it didn't destroy donald trump. he has the most amazing political come back in american political history. i think that's partly because of the news media's bias. >> laura: how do you not cover this? again, they keep backing up and running faster into a brick wall, they kind of tiptoed toward the wall and bump their head and back up. now they are running at full speed and at some point they are going to knock themselves out, victor. and it's just -- i mean, i don't know who they think is voting. these are real americans who are really supporting trump. so i guess it just confirm what is everyone thinks that these people literally hate, despise the caucus voters goers in iowa.
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they despise them because they are racist. they are too white, they are this or that they hate them. >> well, they do. we have known that for a long time. look at the vocabulary they used clingers from obama. chumps and drags from biden, deplorables, irredeemables. and lately people like chris matthews have been warning us about the dangerous rural people. they have always despised. now they have a new narrative that trump is a dictator. he is going to have revenge, retribution that shows they are really scared that nobody is listening to their lies anymore. it's counter productive. and now all they can say is trump might get elected and he might do this and. they might do what we would do if we were in his position and suffered from us. so it's a projection, it reflects weakness, not strength. i think they have had it. i don't think they have much credibility. they are losing the independent. they are losing minority voters because of the lying and falsity. >> laura: all right. victor. we appreciate it. thank you so much.
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and, coming up: a protester was physically removed from one of the caucus sites after doing. this. >> how can a black man stand here and talk about racist. lawyer the target of his attacks congressman wesley hunt is here to tell us what really happened. stay there. ♪ charlotte! charl! every day can be extraordinary with rich, creamy, delicious fage total yogurt. israel is under attack. the war against israel began with the murder of hundreds of precious children. in this orphanage bomb shelter, we're praying for god's help, praying to avino malkino, our father, our king. countless israelis are enduring the devastating anguish of lost loved ones. thousands of rockets have forced over a hundred thousand israelis
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to become refugees in their own homeland. israeli families are in crisis. the international fellowship of christians and jews is on the ground, reaching jewish people of all ages. children, mothers, the elderly, even holocaust survivors. but we can't do it without you. your gift of $45 will make sure that the people of israel have mobile bomb shelters, emergency supplies, and the hot, nutritious meals that they so desperately need. our teams are working on the ground, often at great risk to themselves. they're delivering meals to the elderly and families who are living in bomb shelters. this would be an incredibly important time for all of the friends of the international fellowship of christians and jews to stand with our friends in israel. let them know that we are not only praying for the peace of jerusalem,
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but we're also praying and acting in their interest because we believe it's what god would have us do. i simply can't stress enough the urgency of this situation. it's more dire than ever before. this is your moment. this is your opportunity to make a life-saving difference. it's your prayers and gifts that give hope to the people of israel. call, scan, or visit our website now to make your life-saving donation.
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♪ speak last night at one of the iowa caucus sites a great defender of democracy couldn't take it anymore. >> we watch president trump to go through indictment after indictment and witch-hunt after witch-hunt. he still stays loyal to this country. >> how can a black man stand here and racist. [shouting]
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>> how can a black man do this on martin luther king day? [shouting] >> how can you turn your back. >> laura: joining me now is a man you just saw get rudely interrupted. republican congressman wesley hunt. congressman, thanks for joining us. are there any democrats left in america who actually believe in free speech and what are they exactly afraid of here? >> >> apparently not. yesterday was the martin luther king's birthday and i'm a living, breathing manifestation of martin luther king's dream. i'm a congressman in a white majority district that president trump would have won by 25 points and won by 30 points in this district and do you know why? biews i'm literally being judged not by the color of my skin but by the content of my character. and that drives the left absolutely crazy because they're constantly trying to divide this country based on racial and ideological lies. and president trump has been very supportive of me for the past few years.
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that's why i was there for him to support him and give him my 100 percent backing because what i know is that this is not a b. race, religion, color and creed. people get up in the morning, read some tweets, apply for 2.5% mortgage rate and go on about their day being a happy, fun, loving american. and do you know what? that's gone. and we know that president trump can bring that back regardless of what you look like. that drives the left mad. >> laura: what did you think of joy reid over at msnbc -- we don't have to play the soundbite. she basically said this is all about racism and the fact that white evangelicals are the predominant force in the republican party in iowa. that's why trump had this big victory and to that you say? >> that is absolutely intellectually lazy and as somebody who that has s. a direct descendent of slave, great grandfather here i am standing before you today in iowa caucusing for president trump.
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call me a racist? by the way that was a majority white crowd, i could really care less of what they look like. we shared american ideals. we want our country back. we w asecure border. we want our economy back. we want to be able to live without hyper inflation. that is it. and those issues have no race, religion, color or creed. and whenever you dog whistle in that way, it is assumed that every republican is racist. what are you going to say to somebody like me not only get elected this year but as long as i want to run in this seat i know that i will have the support of the people of the rest of the district 38 and they don't care how i look. >> laura: yeah! i just want to get up and cheer. congressman, i saw you for a blink last night. it's good to have you on. thanks so much for joining us. you survived. all right, i' lived covid dictas the beginning of ultimate push for power and control by the left. i'm going to explain it and who
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better to join us than rand paul, next. ♪
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>> laura: the establishment rings their hands befuddled by the public's dramatic loss of faith in america's once most
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respected institutions. now, invariably they blame donald trump for sowing his seeds of doubt. he and his maga poison thinking from fbi to the cdc. >> i'm a politician, i know. i'm listen together science. where a mask. socially distance. >> if the unvaccinated get vaccinated they will protect themselves and other unvaccinated people around them. if they do not, states with low vaccination rates may see those rates go up. >> laura: of course, these frauds all need to look in the mirror. they are solely to blame because they are the ones who just made stuff up to scare people and to control people. how many times did some annoying liberal woman chastise you at the grocery store checkout line or at the airport check-in counter, social distancing, please.
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>> remember those annoying stickers? they are still there well, as the angle told you back in 2020, these rules, rules about masks, rules about social distancing were not based in science at all. years later in testimony on capitol hill. tony fauci, the man responsible for it all has begun admitting what we knew all along that there was no date driven evidence to support these rules. but we were supposed to blame trump for all of this? those same fraudulent scare tactics used to mandate evs. a lot of them are frozen in iowa this week. and of course they want to outlaw gas stoves. you will have to fight me for mine. they want to ban meat and force you to eat grasshoppers and ban natural grass lawns, can't have those. the left wants to control you, monitor you, and chip away at your freedoms for your own good. joining me now kentucky senator
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rand paul. senator, they have been telling us that democracy is in danger if trump gets in. but how would you describe what they have been doing to us? >> democracy is in danger because you realize, laura, you can't have democracy unless it's filtered through rachel maddow. we can't let donald trump speak to the people. bee all means democracy will only survive if is he channeled and filtered by rachel maddow. to listen to the ridiculous nature of these people, whoever day blather on about democracy is going to be defeated and we are going to lose democracy and then the next breath they come out and say but we must ban donald trump from being on the ballot because god forbid the american people they cannot let them have a choice and let them vote for him. so, it is a bizarre notion and they have these convoluted ways of saying well, we need an electoral process for supporting democracy which involves sometimes limiting people who are against democracy from being
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on the ballot. they are so alleged they can't even really conceive how ludicrous the things are they are saying we discussed the fake social distancing rules put in to place. tyrants running around wagging fingers and yelling at people. tony fauci essentially admitting that that was just based in nothing. what should the consequences be for him for all of the covid fraud that was perpetrated on the american people? >> everything they blame the right on, vaccine hesitancy, not trusting government officials, the locals of trust in government, i told them over and over again and i still continue to tell them it is at their feet. it's not at those of us who said well maybe we should examine individually whether older people might benefit from the vaccine versus younger people who might not need it whether younger people need to be vaccinated again. maybe people don't need three or four vaccines if they have
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already been infected. none of these were answered. the more they came out with things more believable like your 6 mobled needs three vaccines or 12-year-old needs three vaccines even if they have had covid. none of the studies included variable whether they had covid. they would do the large studies booster to know booster and they couldn't show it stopped transmission because it doesn't. and for kids and teenagers and young people they couldn't show that it reduced hospitalization or death because it didn't. because these kids were rarely going to the hospital, so then they came up with they said well, if we vaccinate your kids three times they make antibodies. no proof of anything. >> laura: yeah, senator, they were lying. and the lying had real consequences for children, their mental health, their education, for business, for our faith. not being able to go to houses of worship. i mean, that's fundamental american freedoms, and i will ask you again, what should the consequences be for anthony
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fauci? >> jail. i have sent two referrals to the department of justice. he lied to congress which is a felony. several folks from the trump administration. were accused of lying to congress and carted off to jail with fbi agents all over their property, host yanking them out of their house early in the morning. we have two tiers of justice here. depends on whether you were a supporter of donald trump or supporter of big government, you know, the centralized government. but anthony fauci did lie to congress. we know that from his own words. >> not because i say he lies. but his private emails say he was lying virtually everything he said in private contradicted what he was saying in public. he was fairly honest in private. in private he said masks don't work. in public he wore three masks. in private he admitted that there was such a thing as natural immunity gained from getting the infection. in public not going to measure that it's unpredictable. >> laura: yeah, on our show he said that several times.
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so, i kept trying to push him on natural immunity. no, no. that's -- that is not really a thing. all right. senator. you have been fantastic on this. thanks so much. all right. when we come back. you've heard about this tragic situation with migrants drowning crossing the rio grande. lt. governor dan patrick from texas will be with us. whose fault is this? stay with us.
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>> this is what greg abbott wants, he's been talking about how texas has done everything except shoot the migrants. he let them drown. >> this is on the troopers, preventing law enforcement from saving a life. we are becoming fwhum to plight of people. where is your humanity? >> laura: where is the humanity? sweetheart, how about where are your facts?
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biden's doj and msnbc blaming texas for the tragic deaths of three migrants crossing the rio grande after blocking border patrol from coming into the area. doj own filing cuts the narrative reading january 12, mexican officials advised of two migrants in distress. mexican officials advise three migrants had drown at 8:00 p.m. in the same area. according to their own account, it happened an hour after anyone was alerted to it. it is still texas's fault. texas lieutenant governor dan patrick joining me now. this administration is giving green light to cartels and to migrants to come, untold number of deaths and tragedies, but it is your guys fault. lie after lie after lie.
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first of all, those bodies were passed when those border patrol showed up, number one. number two, we have military stationed along that area. had anyone been struggling, they would have gone into save them. one month ago, the fbi came down with civil rights report we somehow were taking our boats on the rio grande and running over people. they came and looked at video all night long. we were in the boats saving people. the fbi apologized the next day. remember when we were whipping people? lie after lie after lie. every person that drowns, every woman, child, every man and every woman raped coming across is at the hands of joe biden. he is telling you, go in, they can't save you, so what.
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he doesn't care who dies across that river. >> laura: the migrants are collateral damage to the left. they don't care there is child migrant labor being exploited across the united states. lord knows how many have been brutalized. there is an expose on that. american people are collateral damage and migrants themselves are collateral damage for ultimate goal of what, what do they want? >> their goal is eight million come insofar and they want to register them and their children to vote thinking they are playing the long game and will be able to take over america with these people. that is their long-term goal. they don't care who dies. we lost a national guardsman trying to save xhn.
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that is why donald trump won last night, number one issue is the border. we need the wall and the wire. we need boys in the river and we can close the border down on day one when donald trump becomes next president and i believe he will. even blue state mayors know what a disaster this is. biden does not care if democrats are crying for help, he is a puppet and the masters are saying get these people in this country and we will take over 15 or 20 years from now, whoever dies so be it. >> laura: collateral damage. thank you. that is it for tonight, we'll be back in washington tomorrow. it was a fun day. i'll tell you about it later. up next jesse watters. >> jesse: welcome to "jesse watters primetime." tonight -- >> we want to th


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