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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  January 16, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PST

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last night, number one issue is the border. we need the wall and the wire. we need boys in the river and we can close the border down on day one when donald trump becomes next president and i believe he will. even blue state mayors know what a disaster this is. biden does not care if democrats are crying for help, he is a puppet and the masters are saying get these people in this country and we will take over 15 or 20 years from now, whoever dies so be it. >> laura: collateral damage. thank you. that is it for tonight, we'll be back in washington tomorrow. it was a fun day. i'll tell you about it later. up next jesse watters. >> jesse: welcome to "jesse watters primetime." tonight -- >> we want to thank the great
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people of iowa. come together, it will happen soon, too. >> his remarks will not air here live. >> censoring democracy to save democracy. that is a new one. vivek joins primetime. >> think it is worth it? peasants pay for your crime? >> that is a stupid question. >> no such thing as stupid question, john, just stupid answers. >> a bunch of dead robots out here. >> jesse: where did global warming go? biden's ev freeze. plus, chris hanson is back. >> there is something you need to know. i'm chris hanson. ♪ >> jesse: a win for voters, a loss for lawyers, the headline
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from iowa. democracy is not decided in the courtroom, it is decided by you, the voter. first time in years the will of the people was clear. americans delivered a message without interference from partisan judges and prosecutors. it is back in the hands of "we the people" in historic shellacking donald trump went home winner 98 out of 99 counties, beating desantis and haley combined. a blow out doubling his 2016 pchlsz. turning out new voters and making end roads with evangelicals and college grads. here is donald trump. >> it is time for our country to come together, come together whether republican or democrat or liberal or conservative, so nice if we could come together
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and straighten out the world and straighten out the problem and the death and destruction we are witnessing. it is so important to rebuild and we will work with democrats to do it. congratulations to ron and nikki for having a good time together. >> jesse: that is the racist insurrectionist? i don't think so. republican party nominating donald trump and these are reasons why. top issue at stake in iowa. illegal immigration and the economy. both issues the border hawk business man dominates against republicans and biden. biden delivered hot heaping plate of chaos. one-third of republican voters want upheaval in washington. you want donald trump to return to washington and finish the job. the job you believe he was unfairly prevented from
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finishing. >> did biden legitimately win in 2020? >> yes, 30% here, no 66%. two-thirds of iowa caucus goers believe the president of the united states right now is a fake. >> jesse: not fake, he was sworn in. msnbc need to come to grip with the fact they got caught. the laptop and the letter, this changed votes and harvesting epidemic with wandas of the world and lawyers interfering and it backfired on democrats, they never understood you, the voter, they want to hate you from a warm manhattan studio for threatening their power. these are white christians, this state is overrepresented by
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white christians. they see themselves as rightful inheriters of this country and trump promised to give it back to them. all the things about electability and what are people gaining, none of that matters when you believe god has given you this country, that it is yours and everyone who is not a white conservative christian is a fraudulent american. >> jesse: iowa feeds joy reid three meals per day. joy should read history. iowa was admitted as free state and first state to desegregate their schools, they are christian in iowa. just like you are, joy. they don't like illegal immigration, it drives up government spending, it does not make them racist, it makes them good at math.
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caucus before you die, media found another hoax. >> voted for guy that said come risk your life for the grandpa wizard, come in the rain and snow, i am more important than your life. >> jesse: iowa hit a nerve with the press, biden is not capable of debating trump. the media is calling him the grand wizard. last night cnn dumped out of the victory speech. >> if numbers hold, the biggest victory for nonincumbent president, relatively subdued speech, here he is now under my voice. you hear him repeating his antiimmigrant rhetoric. >> jesse: immigration top issue in iowa.
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cnn doesn't think you should hear from the man who won campaigning on the top issue? if it is offensive, air it and it will turn voters off. the real reason cnn is censoring trump. msnbc did not take the speech, they censored. >> there is a reason we and other news organizations have stopped giving unfiltered live platform to remarks by former president trump. not out of spite, not a decision we relish, there is cost to us of knowingly broadcasting untrue things. >> jesse: trump is rated r, not old enough, you can't watch. maddow is pretending she is protecting the network. what kind of business model doesn't take live news? drag queens, twerking in front
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of kids faces is okay, protect you from hearing trump say build the wall. will the media censor trump's convention speech and inaugural address? you can't save democracy by censoring it. and the censorship campaign is one leg of the stool, deep state disinformation campaign has begun. british intelligence says trump is national security threat. it is important, i'm not a politician, you have to add a political threat, which i'm worried about, which is trump. >> i thought -- >> reelection. which i think for the u.k. national security is problematic. >> jesse: mi-6 is interfering with another election. democrats like when british intel interfere, not russian
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intel. third leg of the stool, obama will make it rain. we need your help to ensure joe's leadership continues to guide us forward. we know the other side won't rest, we can't either. your donation will help give joe and kamala's campaign the resources it needs. >> president biden: let's make history again, chip in now, secure history together. >> jesse: biden doesn't remember making that video. they need to drag him across the finish line so he can hand kamala the keys. only one who can stop him is you. here to react is former presidential candidate vivek ramaswamy. vivek, do you want to be vice president? >> look, i want to serve this country whatever way i can. i am in this race in the first place. this is what the american
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revolution was fought for. we the people create a government accountable to us. we settle differences through free speech and open debate in public square and every citizen gets a voice and vote that counts. what happens with modern left, they are skeptical and think we the people cannot be trusted. we the people cannot hear from elected leaders, and i think we live in a 1776 moment right now. i started zero percent and finished eight percent yesterday. we the people sent a clear message, so i stepped out of the race and endorsed donald trump. >> jesse: i think people will follow in your footsteps soon,
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this is almost a run away train. you were up in new hampshire. official endorsement up on the screen, what did the former president tell you when you were backstage? >> we had a great conversation. i prefer to talk about policy rather than politics, we talked about a number of issues backstage. i've championed that i think would be beneficial to america first movement for president trump to take on. opposition to central bank digital currency, certain pardons we need julian asange, is one. we had great conversation backstage before i went on stage and you may have seen the rally we had and response was overwhelming temperature is clear who the electorate want to
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be the nominee. i ran, they sent a positive message that donald trump needs to be nominee of this party and i think ron desantis and nikki haley would do this country and this party a service by stepping aside and make sure we focus on nominating donald trump and i think we live in that 1776 moment now and we need to win. >> jesse: you are calling on nikki haley and ron desantis to drop out right now? >> i am, i think that would be healthy for this country and especially ron desantis of the two of them will have important role in future of this country, i believe that. i think the right thing now is people of this country through iowa caucus most grasroots process i have seen. i did 390 events, the message is clear, elect right president,
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put america first, take america first agenda to next level. it did not start in 2016, it started in 1776. donald trump is the right person to take this forward. i think it is the right next step to take which is why i proudly endorsed donald trump lasts night. >> jesse: you ran a healthy and hearty campaign, we have respect for you vivek. now you have more time to play tennis with your shirt off, enjoy it. >> shirt on in winter. >> jesse: thanks, vivek. president of the united states just called a snow day, and we're not making this up.
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>> jesse: iowa ans went out to make their voices heard, take part in representative government. a few inches of snow shuts down d.c. today. service members perform in extreme weather and get the job done. military made up of tough people. same can't be said about the d.c. desk jockeys. they had a snow day today. they did not have to work. don't half these people work remotely anyway? could have been an excuse to save face from a massive federal worker walkout in support of palestine. peter doocy has the latest. >> peter: president biden got bailed out by mother nature
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today. a group called feds united for peace, workers were threatening to walk out protesting president biden's continued support of israel. the federal government closed. you can't walk out of a job that is not open today. if it is rescheduled alcu s they can do that without fear of retribution. if a federal worker organizing protest, it is important to make clear per tis pants do so in their own time. there is opposing view that walking out of a federal job is illegal. >> the federal law is clear, if you are federal employee, you can't strike. brian, someone who worked in the
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government for more years than i care to say, no one works in the government and doesn't have any number of policies they disagree with. striking is not an option, under federal law it is a crime. >> peter: snow day in d.c. messed up people's plans. white house briefing in person was cancelled, moved to conference call and the operator from a third party vendor got the name of the star of the show called. he introduced karine johnson. it was corrected to karine jean-pierre. >> jesse: if you are working remotely and stage a walkout, do you leave your house or come in and walk out of work?
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>> peter: probably depends how much you want the neighbors talking. >> jesse: stay warm, peter. last night trump closed out iowa caucus with a record blowout, flew to new york for a court hearing and to new hampshire for a rally. joe biden last 24 hours not eventful. president called lid at 10:00 in the morning. not sure what he did all day. dr. jill biden campaigning while joe biden rested at the white house senior center. jill has been campaigning more than her husband. typical dude, make your wife do the busy work, not right, just not right. yesterday this was joe biden's so-called event. [applause]
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>> jesse: biden was there for 20 minutes, then left. can you feel the excitement? joe has had four real public events, he picked up apples at a food bank in philly. no one is talking to the president of the united states and he's not talking to anybody either. on friday, the crowd called him a loser and he weirded out a woman at a coffee shop. last week he got heckled at a church and he called himself george washington in a town outside of philly. before that he disappeared for two weeks. hit rock bottom at 33% approval. trump was more popular after
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january 6 and so was george w bush when the iraq war went sideways. majority of women voted for biden last election now 31% approve of the job joe is doing. people campaigning for joe biden, they need work. >> look, my mom is 88 living on the farm and drives herself. folks are able to do this. >> jesse: if the president can't campaign, where is kamala? well, kamala is back on the college tour. >> when the people are in these stands watching you, be they parents or students or kids, you are lifting them up. people are saying, ah, yeah, or all of the things they say in response to the game, lifting them up with a sense of joy about being part of a community and we need that in our country.
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we are not in this alone, we're in it together. we're a community of people. >> jesse: so inspiring. david axelrod saw this and said biden campaign needs to get it together. >> the president and his campaign need to get in gear and they need a message and they need a message that takes not just democracy but day-to-day concerns people have and prosecute it everyday through every surrogate, that is what winning campaigns do. >> jesse: debra lee joins me now. how old are snu >> 23. >> jesse: i can ask that without sounding offensive. are your young friends feeling this? >> i don't surround myself by people that like joe biden. it seems like theme of his
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administration is how much can we get away with. our defense secretary was hospitalized while our troops are being shot at and nobody knew about it. it doesn't seem joe biden knew about it. if he thinks he can get away with another basement campaign. this reminds me of president wilson before me or you came close to touching this earth, who had a stroke while he was a sitting president and his wife took over and nobody knew about it until after the fact. news for sleepy joe, this is 2024, we have twitter, we have peter doocy and he will not get away with this again. >> jesse: nothing gets past him. jill biden could run the counter and they could keep it from us? >> absolutely, they are probably lvenling to this like, you know what, great idea and we are
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suffering like 2020 all over again. donald trump is throwing punches and joe biden is like, can i have more chocolate chip ice cream? he was drinking hot chocolate, not watching football. he looks like he has a stroke every time he talks. he is walking upstairs, standing there, nothing. he is the type of guy you run from at a bar. take a hot shower. >> jesse: speaking of hunter, everyday is snow day for hunter biden. >> kamala must have got into nancy's supply. >> jesse: gamecocks have never seen anything like that. we appreciate it. primetime producers debunked latest hooks and too bad, it was a good one. when moderate to severe ulcerative colitis takes you off course. put it in check with rinvoq, a once-daily pill.
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>> jesse: rights now biden is in a mexican standoff with texas governor greg abbott. texas troops booted biden border patrol and it is a constitutional mess. biden is trying to dirty up the defendant. we introduce another hoax. last week three migrants tragically drown, the white house says the three migrants drown because abbott's texas troops would not let troops save them. they laundered the lie through the media, watch. >> everything but shoot migrants. >> he let them drown. >> this is on the governor. his troopers, his forces
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preventing law enforcement from saving a life or lives in this case. >> these are families, mothers, children. i am actual ly disgusted with where we have landed here. >> jesse: the story a hoax, texas was not holding them back from rescuing migrants, they had already drown, they had been dead for an hour tragically. texas was not blocking biden's lifeguards, it was made up. you would think texas was dunking migrants in the river. reporters are just repeating, that is not what we do. like the whooping hoax 2.0. white house castigated their agents for whipping migrants, it never happened and biden never
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apologized. they are on to the next hoax, damage is done. reporters should do what i do, i assume the government is lying and work back from there. tomi lahren is an outkick host. this is a hoax. >> tomi: i can't keep track of the narrative. biden administration wants border patrol to do their job? they usually try to hinder their ability to do their job. it got me angry, i remember at a time in 2022 when texas national guardsman named bishop evans died while saving two migrants. jen psaki said it was texas's fault for having the national guard there. when they lose their own in the process, it is texas's fault, when texas sends national guard,
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border patrol is not able to do their job. this administration can't decide who is good guy, bad guy. buck does not stop with them. they pass it around like it is a hot potato, they don't care moral of guardsmen or border patrol. it does not matter to them and joe biden is on vacation. >> jesse: he's always on vacation. binder 1.0, we will recycle that. great way to keep migrants alive, not open the border, that would have saved these three lives. >> tomi: when there are snow days, you close things down because it is not safe to travel. have a giant snow day at the border and say it is not safe to travel here, please stay home. psa, welcome to use that, jesse.
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>> jesse: tomi lahren feeding me lines, just what i need. thank you. biden's ev's are freezing. >> a bunch of dead robots out here. >> dead robots. [laughter]
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>> jesse: right now global micromanagers are huddling in switzerland for the world economic forum to powwow how to control our lives for profit. we have seen ideas floated in the past, talk of brain transparency. stick sensors on your head and your boss can track your focus. they have aulsz been talking about technology that would track your carbon footprint. developing through technology ability for consumers to measure their carbon footprint, where are they traveling? what are they eating and consuming on the platform in individual carbon footprint
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tracker? >> jesse: climate czar john kerry is at the summit this year demanding you lower your carbon footprint. if you ask him about his, that is stupid question. >> what is carbon footprint every year you come here, do you think it is worth it, peasant pay for you? >> that is stupid question. >> we are done. we are done now. >> you can't grab me. why do you think you are more important your carbon footprint does not matter. nobody suggested that. >> being here suggests that. you being here and doing that suggests that. >> i have done a huge amount --
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>> listen. please. >> jesse: why is john kerry the militant in davos. he is going to save biden's economic campaign. is it at the summit? probably. everywhere in america is cold, do what i do. layer up, long sleeve shirt, vest, shell, jacket. if you want to stay warm, don't drive tesla, drivers are stranded in chicago, an expensive junkyard. we have dead robots out here. >> dead teslas in oakbrook, scene mirrors at other charging stations around the chicago area. >> this is crazy, a disaster.
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with temperatures falling into negative double digits, the ports have stopped charging. >> jesse: tesla graveyard, you are praying for global warming. you want to buy electric, do your thing, i don't care. know what you are getting yourself into. i like reliability. i know there is a gas station around the bend and my car won't turn into an ice sickle. kevin owns an audi. what happened? >> the audi ran out because chargers were operating correctly when i was returning from a vacation which did not end well whennin got back. the car is fine, we did get it
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charged and i picked it up and got it back home. i think it comes down to the charging system and infrastructure and less on the vehicles and more just are we ready for this consumer adoption that may or may not be ahead of us, we'll see. >> jesse: you are driving back from vacation, much needed. you pull into this charging station to get your ev juiced up and the place is a snowball and nothing works. what did you think at that second? >> well, i was frustrated and honestly, this is not the first time it's happened. many times where a number of charging stations are not operational, either credit card readers not working or malfunctioning for different reasons.
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it is something that has to get worked out, it is an ongoing issue and not just when it is cold, it is when it is warm. a lot of questions around infrastructure that we're going to have to figure out and get fixed. >> jesse: when you are trading in your ev for something internal combustion? >> yeah. well, i have another car. >> jesse: okay. >> a nice engine. >> jesse: bumper sticker that says my other car works. yeah, you could say the other car works. i do love the,audi, the ev experience is great, this is a setback that is not going to bode well for manufacturers of ev's and we have to get it figured out if we're going to continue with consumer adoption
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and into the commercial segment, which i actually work in and really does -- it has me concerned about that segment. >> jesse: i would be, too. if this happens with your electric car again, you just walk around the side of the road, stick your thumb up, i will pick you up. nice guy. >> sounds good. thank you. >> jesse: chris hanson is back and he says here next. i think i changed my mind about these glasses. yeah, it happens. that's why visionworks gives you 100 days to change your mind. it's simple. anything else i can help you with? like what? visionworks. see the difference.
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♪ ♪ >> jesse: legendary journalist chris hansen has spent decades getting inside the minds of criminals thanks to shows like "catch a predator" and "take down." he made us see how easy it was for predators to lurk.
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he's knocked on. in march, hansen posited 61-year-old family doctor who was allegedly caught soliciting sex from what he thought was a 15-year-old girl. he was actually a decoy. the doctor showed up a house with $200, oreos, soda, and wine coolers. it's always wine coolers. >> how are you? have a seat right over there. take your hands out of your pockets. you know how old she is? she told you how old? >> 19. >> she told you 15. i've seen the chats. she told you 15. >> just to come and see her. >> and have sex? >> no. >> no? that's not what you said. >> sean: the doctor was caught, charge, and thrown in
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jail. astonishingly once later he agreed to sit down with chris hansen. nobody sets out with chris hansen twice. at least not willingly. this guy did any tried to explain himself. listen. >> what was your motivation when you left doctor's office to go meet this person? >> to get my release. think of the fact that she was underage, to that create more of a drive for you to fulfill this fantasy? >> no, no. as i said before, i'm not a child predator. >> you're not a pedophile? >> i'm not a pedophile. i've no interest in children. yet, i admit i have a problem with porn addiction. >> jesse: was justice served? >> how long did you spend in the county jail?
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>> three or four days. >> jesse: he posted his $170,000 bond and was on his w way. his formal sentencing is monday but his lawyer tells us he's pleading guilty to using computer to commit a crime and assault and battery. he also told us he would be added to a nonpublic sex registry, complete 200 hours of community service, input on probation. his lawyer gave us a statement saying the doctor made a terrible mistake and he has paid a heavy price. true character is when someone who makes a mistake takes responsibly for their actions without excuse. chris hansen is the host of "takedown with chris hansen." this guy was so aggressive. i've never seen anyone of these guys physically grab a decoy. >> i was shocked, i'm around the corner and i don't have a full picture but i will monitor and when i see them do this, that's when i come out to confront him because we can't let this go on.
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>> jesse: it could have gotten really ugly really fast. when he sent out with you, did you believe what he was saying? >> i did, and here's why. the investigators from the county sheriff's department went through his phone. they looked specifically for evidence of other contacts with other age targets, victims. they didn't find mad. the important thing about the interview is he talks about this addiction to porn and now it snowballs with the need. this person, he knew that the decoys had 15. that was clear. regardless of what his intent was, have we not been there and a 15-year-old girl had been there, there would have been sexual contact or sexual assault. >> jesse: have you found in your investigation that online pornography is propelling sexual predators to commit crimes? >> very much so. this is the case with the do doctor.
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i think he's a guy who can be rehabilitated. he is committed to intensive therapy. if he doesn't do with the court tells them to do companies facing prison time. he's on probation now. he's on this nonpublished sex offender registry which is available to law enforcement. >> jesse: how do you finagle a nonpublic sex registry deal? >> you have to be someone who in the eyes of the court and law enforcement remember, he touched that sheriff's department employee. so the lawyer has to go to the court and the sheriff. the sheriff has to go to that employee and say are you okay with this plea-bargaining. if he does one thing out of line, i guarantee -- >> jesse: it seems a little soft to me. you see a lot of these cases that they have pled down. they get probation. this guy was thinking he was about to take down a 15-year-old girl. >> i agree. and that's horrible. that's why we do these investigations. but in this case when you
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consider the reality of who he is, what he has and hasn't done in his past and the fact that the prosecutors in this county and many others are overwhelmed, it should be a true justice situation i think. >> jesse: we'd like to tell everybody at 7-eleven, if you see anybody buying wine coolers and oreos, call 911. [laughs] what's with the wine coolers? >> it was part of his fantasy, the oreos. because she had braces. >> jesse: oh, god. i wish you hadn't said that. now he should definitely be in jail for more than four days. chris hansen, thank you very much. >> jesse, thank you very much. >> jesse: watters window. didn't want to have to do this. i've been reading a lot of thrillers written by men. i thought all the best thrillers were written by men. apparently i was wrong. i have never read a thriller written by a woman. not that i didn't want to. not because i thought women couldn't write good thrillers.
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i just never saw myself getting involved with the main character in a thriller who was a woman. boy, was i mistaken. and sexist. this book "first lie wins" probably one of the best thrillers i've ever read. i'm not even finished with that. i wanted to do an endorsement. it's amazing. not as amazing as my book. what you have to preorder right now. amazon. "get it together." i've got chapters in there about people who want to empty the prisons. i've got stuff about eco-s eco-sexuals. it's incredible. can we do one text? they don't want me to do the texts because the texts are so outrageous and it's all about chris hansen. always remember. i'm watters. and this is my world. ♪ ♪


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