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tv   The Five  FOX News  January 16, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PST

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breakfast. plan to do o ♪ ♪he >> jesse: hello, everybody.
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i'm jesse watters along with judge jeanine pirro, harold ford jr., sandra smith, and greg it's 5:00 in new york city andth this is "the five." ♪ ♪ the battle for new hampshire begins after donald trumpdo dominates in iowa.mi 31 minutes is all the time it took for the former president to presbe declared the winner of th iowa caucuses. trump breaking several records and carrying 98 out of the state 99 counties in a landslide victory. the former president says it ist time for the party to unite, and take on president biden. wan >> i don't want to be overly rough on the president, but i have to say that he is the worst president that we've had in the history of our country. and i really think this is time now for everybody, our country, to come together. i want to congratulate ron and nikki for having a good time together.
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we arekki all having a good tie together. hav >> jesse: but the runners-up aren't finished yet. ron desantis and nikki haley brushing offt their losses andff trying to argue that the t race isn't over. >> because of your support, inat spite of all of that that they threw at us, everyone againstus us, we've got our ticket punched out of iowa! >>tick o i can safely say, tonik iowa made this republican primary a two-person race. >> jesse: but not everybody is going to new hampshire. vivek ramaswamy dropping out,drp and endorsing trump. >> we are going to suspend hisei presidential campaign, and this is going to have to be -- there is no path for me to be the next president. as i've said since thee ar beginning, there are two america first candidates in this race, and earlier tonight i called donald trump to tellld t him tht i -- i congratulated him on his
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victory, and now, going forwardl he will have my full endorsement for the presidency. spew out all right, judge jeanine pirro. he watched jea all of last nigh, even stayed up until midnight to see harold ford jr. >> judge jeanine: i did. sei don't see enough of him her first of all, i thought it was huge. but he knows it was historic, 9c 99th county lost by one vote. but look, it was a landslide. so the question is, what happens now? is this it now? i really think it's amazing that nikki haley comes out, she is third, and she says it is now a two-party race and i'm only going to debate donald trump or news for nikki, biden ain't debating anybody. that's number one. number two, with ron desantis talking about how grea t it was,e dothe truth is he doesn't have a path forward because he is not -- not the skipping
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hampshire, but he's going right to south carolina. he's not spending a lot of time in new hampshire, and it makes sense, because the truth is, in new hampshire, he's at about 6%. so here's the question:the next stage in new hampshire, if nikki haley is at 29 and sheets gets chris christie's votes, thatstie brings her to 40%.40%. trump is at 43. he gets ramaswamy's votes, that brings him to 50%. and desantis is at 6.5, so trump wins. but, you know what? for people who think it is too early to call, the truth is that donald trump got more votes than the three of them combined, nikki and ramaswamy andi, ron desantis. the truth is, people in iowand i support his agenda, they felt hd is the kind of guy who works foo them and fights for people like them, and the amazing thing, too, he got a bigger percentage of college graduates than they
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did, a bigger percentage of suburban, urban. acrossf the board. and the people in iowa, it's not exactly n ioa border state, wheb immigration is the biggest issue. so this is a resounding win for trump. not just for what happenedwhat n iowa, but you say to yourself,gs those other guys don't have a chance. >> jesse: let's look forward. how long will it take for peoplt to just kind of realize what's going on? harold ford jr.? >> harold: good to be back arous table. i will say couple things, i think the judge is right. you can't underestimate this victory last night for former president trump. one, he had an organization on the ground unlike he had 7-8 years ago when he didn't win in iowa.wi this year he had an organization. y they campaigned. he didn't spend as much time as the othe thr candidates, but he had some benefits and advantages they did notates have. two, his speech after winning i thought was remarkable for him.
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it demonstrated -- i think, judge, your instinct, and others inou the republican party, far e it for mherse to try to give ade to republicans, but as someone who loves the serious business s and washing stomach watching politicians try to perform at their best, i thought him talking in a cordial ia , collegial, and conciliatory way to his opponents,is particularly after he had won a majority of the vote, i thought it was a clear sign that he understands what it means to be a presidential candidate and what it is going tond mean to bring the party together, perhaps even bring independent player lists his way. three, desantis and haley , i was surprised, he had no magnanimous nature to his speech. he basically acted ares if he hd won last night and give us a history lesson from the revolutionary war to the civil war, which i found interesting, because i like those kinds of things. but i don't know what it necessarily had to do with lasnt night. i thought he should have been more magnanimous.n he never congratulated
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president trump nor did he congratulate ms. haleymc, nor dd he think a volunteer. trump went on to thank every volunteer, in fact he brought a guy on the stage dressed as a w wall in the front row toal say thank you to him, and i think. another state senator who had supported him very early in the campaign. the only thing if you are in the haley and desantis campaign, ld lyou may not like me saying t but in that campaign you say, look, one or two of you need to stay around anotheofr week or t. if you are haley, or a candidatu to be vp? if you would not new hampshire, do you mak e a stronger case for yourself? and if by some strange chance something happens to president trump and he can't be the nominee for whatever reason, do you hang around a little bit? if you suspend your campaign, io think yopeu leave open the opportunity to be able to unsuspend it and get back in the race. without question, this was a tremendous night performer president trump. >> jesse: vivek suspended an>>d he'll join trump at a rally. also he'll be oning. "jesse watters primetime." what kind of impact do you think
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vivek and his endorsement will have? >> sandra: obviously he is doing his support to donald trump and he already had a very strong night. tru he's expected to have another strong showing in new hampshiren i think you have to look at those voters in iowa that saidta they are looking for substantiaa change, 89% want at least substantial change in how this country is run. vivek ran on that, obviously.t. he was reaching out to thoseto voters, didn't quite reachnd enough of them. but they don't like the way the country is going, the directionr it is iny ., theyth don't like the finances. but don't underestimate -- i think this is a big take away from last night -- the impact that the immigration border chaos is having on the mind of the american voter right now. they don't like what they see t happening in their cities, in their towns.happ they don't like the lawlessness they are seeing at the border. above the economy, the most pressing issues facingan thefa country today, that is pretty remarkable.ty you can start to limp those two together, the immigration chaos
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and the economy. people see the economic impact it's having on their neighborhoods and their towns,ir their businesses. all of it is sort of coming together. i mean, there were so many remarkable data points in favort of donald trump.or o i mean, when even look at foreign policy, which was number three on the list of concerns facing the country for the voter onconc the ground in iowa, foren policy, nikki haley should have nran away with that. donald trump swept that, as well. nikki haley came in at a close second, but he was winning every single one of these categories. so he had an incredibly strong showing, and even in the urban and suburban communities -- we know he is urb strong in the rui areas, but he won the largestar eashare of voters who say they live in urban and suburban communities. so he reached just about everybody. all those iowa voters who are looking for change, and change in leadership. you got to give him desantis was on the ground, tried to reach those voters.ters
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i think to your point, harold, when we were listening to that speech, he was so happy to be number two! [laughs] >> harold: you know what thatst means, it means he was first tom lose. but you still be magnanimous, you think your people. >> jesse: all right. gg? >> greg: you know, do you everhk think about when so many mightha ask you to go see the titanic, but you know how it's going to end? but you go when you sit down and you preten butd you don't know w it's going tyou o end and you at like he really surprised? i feel like that's what this is. we knew how this was going tow hoend. we knew it was going to be at. blowout. but we still had to pretend there was this anxious anticipation, and then we haveth the caucus, and what happens? we call it in 30 minutes.ll ithat's like going to see "the titanic," i'll sit down, i'mc. committed to this, in the movie breaks in 30 minutes. you already know the ending, so i watch the rest of it? that's the case, let's call the whole thing really. if you are right, and i believere
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you are, there's no path forward for these other candidates, so why don'candt the republicans do what the dems are doing and play for the general election, right? just because trump blew everybody out in iowa doesn't mean that'll happen in november. you have to think about that.. the dems are pulling out every weapon to stop or inch hitler, and i want to make sure the otheher side is doing the same regarding joe'sme atrocious .ecord and i sometimes have wondered,s all this money being spent, $300 million? for what? for a frozen night in iowa that we knew was going to end this way? and we are all so surprised, but we spent $300 million on candidate karaoke. in fact, you should actually be focusing on the big picture, like how you're going to do this after four years of hitleritis where they demean half the
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population. this is why vivek is important, because he could be a tremendous asset for trump, because trump may not have the patient'ses n stomach patient's to articulate why people with tds should listen. vivek has ben shapiro's brain, victor davis hanson's wisdom, and my looks. an hd yon's u saw how vivek hans reporters and protesters. him with trump could be like starsky and hutch, or crockett and tubbs, or laverne and shirley, sid and nancy. i'm running out. but if you turn vivek loose on tds,turn he would be the best spokesman for the message to people that are still uncomfortable with trump. the police are the same, make america great.ocra that meritocracy is necessary. america first, focus on citizenf and not foreign wars, ther, border, law and order. b i think that's the message. >> harold: what about sanford and son? [laughter]
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how could you forget? >> jesse: i was thinking vivek press secretary. >> greg: i think right now he needs somebody outng t there -- you're going to have to melt a lot of this tds. >> jesse: wellhi, i think vivek can do it. maybe the macon press secretarya it's already happening. he doesn't even knowecre it yets head, the censoring of donald trump's victory speech. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ to duckduckgo on all your devie
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> sandra: the liberal media is not too happy about donald trump's big night in iowa. and cnntlets like msnbc
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flat out refusing to air the former president's victoryfo speech after his historic win.>> >> i can't imagine why theyhi thinnkk that's a good thing. don >> donald trump declaringy wivictory with a historicallyy strong showing in the iowa caucuses. >>e io the projected winner of e iowa caucuses has just startedca giving his victory speech. of course there is a reason that we and other news organizations have generally stopped giving an unfiltered live platform to remarks by former president trump. it is not out of spite, it's noe a decision we relish. >> sandra: and when they werehi not censoring him, pundits had some very strong words for the voters who supported him. >> these are white christians. this is a stat aree that is overrepresented by white christians. >> he voted for a guy who said, "come, risk your lives for the grand wizard. come, in the snow and the sleetn because i more important than your life." >>t th trump in some ways has be
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religion for a certain section of the american electorate, especially for evangelicals. it's not aboutn se the virtue anymore, it's about the vice that he expresses. >> i think we are alump l sittig here disgusted that they would vote for someone like this. >> sandra: and has this for spin? democrats trying to make the case at the biggest victory in iowa caucus history is somehow a bad thing for the former president. >> first opresidf all, sift 50/50 four and a comment really sucks. this is not good for donald trump. i don't care how they spend it. >> 49% is not good for him, actually, in a lot of these future states. >> have the people in the party didn't vote for donald trump. i think it's telling. it tells you the weakness of donald trump. >> trump swept iowa? no, he did not. he slept 5% of the population. only 13% of registered republicans in the state of
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iowa. 13d% of the party showed up. these are small numbers and it's very important to remember thatg >> sandra: judge, seeing that you had so many clear off camera reactions to what we just heard, jump in there. what is happening? peo >> judge jeanine: i'm so tired of these people being so disgusted because 73 million people voted for donald trump. they are disgusted. that's the word they use, that we exercise our right to vote. i am disgusted that someone is angry that white evangelical christians voted for donald trump. these are people who work hard,a who have the right to vote, who have the right to vote foro ri whomever they want to, and whod the hell are you to be disgusteu by them? t you know, i'm tired of them ti censorship, i'm tired of rachel maddow saying, the projected , we are not going to air what he has to say. she cagoinn even say his name. and then you've got tapper saying we've got annt anti-immigranti- person running for president. the truth is we've got 2.5 millioo ann illegals as youn
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call them migrants all you wanti they are illegal aliens. half a million are unaccounted f a millionand r hal are got-aways. we should just be happy aboutt. it. finally, larry oh the donald saying the only reasonwi haley didn't win is because she's not a warmonger? excuse me, she was on the board fo br boeing.. these people are so hateful, and yet the united states supreme court is about to rule on the biden administration, and the fact thaminit this case -- i think it is murthy against the state of missouri because they are censoring us and suppressing free speech, andsing they say tp is hitler? the supreme court is going to decide whether o notr not they e involved not just in the suppression of the 2020 election and that laptop, which we know wbased upon people who voted th they would have changed theirwo vote, which would have allowed
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trump to win, but it was a coordinated campaign by the democrats, by the white house, by federal officials, to impacth social media, whether it'sat facebook, youtube, or x commit to make sure that our private speech ired.s censored. >> sandra: herald, is it a problem that this was an historic win for the former president in iowa last night?s that if you supported him inwh e caucuses that you couldn't even tune into those other networks to watch his victory speech? >> harold: i think it was a mistake. i don't like censoring. fox, lynn president bidende speaks, rightly so, he's thents president of the united states, you listen to the president.of you have a leading candidate on the other side, the first of the nation's voting happening, i don't get that. some of the voices be heard, some of them i know and some of m ithem i don't know, they are j wrong. this is amateur politics you are practicing i f you believe that you begin to dissect how many p
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people votedeo, how many republicans voted. donald trump is likely to be the nominee for the republican party. you're not going to beat him by saying the people who support him are bad people o r they are not good people. you're notbad going to do it bt putting him on television. you have to have a better bet message and you have to understand something sandra said at the outset, and i think grego urdid, as well. we tried to say little bit lasth night. these are everyday issues people are concerned about in this race. our politics is brokenou. as a result, our border is broken, our government is broken from the standpoint of being able to do the basic thingssame people want them to do. our schools, neighborhoods, workplaces, even places of worship, which by definition means herbal and ng i urban and ruralamericans alike. donald trump is speaking to that. it is not censoring, not not talking about it, notsupp criticizing his supporters. we need a better message. we could develop him but this is no onet the way to do it.p-ho >> sandra: jesse? >> jesse: remember in the
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'80s when the hip-hop album came out and they put "warning: explicitwa material, parental advisory" on it? it made me want to buy it.n that's what they doing, it makes you want to watch what youto m e not allowed to. we are big boys and girl, we don't need parental controlne features on a news channeled. what kind of business model is a news channel where they don't take live news? is not vere ney smart. the jake tapper cut the guy off when he starts mentioning immigration, the number one policy issue i n.n iowa. when you vote for a guy and he wins and speaks afterwards to the voters, that is like the connti tissue and democracy.yo you can't save democracy byac censoring democracy. and then rachel maddow is coming out acting like she's trying to protect the networks from lawsuits to justify the censorss "someone might say somethingay that's not true." she's like the lead hoaxer. the russian hoax, the lab leak cover-up, the laptop, all of it. and joy, it's overrepresented by
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white christians? so it? thisth is a majority white country, majority christian country. overrepresenteovd compared to te rest of the country? south carolina is overrepresented by blackrolilack christians. new york is overrepresented by atheists and california is overrepresented by hispanics. julie, read the history. these politicians have to go around to all of these diversel geographical areas and try to get a very broad coalition together., demographically, religiously broad. that's how politics works. thigioe other guy, trump had a d night? biden rigged his own primary. p biden kicked jfk jr. out of the party and then cancel new hampshire. this is a good night for donald trump. >> greg: can we put joy reid back up there? my brother-in-law, when we used to g to to 49's games, he was a
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big fan entities to paint his face gold and silver, and you can tell that she's totally in trump's camp because she is wearing his hair. that's a sign she knew he was going to win. she wanted be on the winning atthat is trump's hair. >> jesse: and clay travis' blazer. >> greg: exactly. what is always interesting is g ishow little self-examination these people do. they are like etch-a-sketch. they write these things in their little brain and create this hysteria, predict things that'll never happen, then they shake their head and it's all gone and they start over again. both sides, left and right to, traffic in apocalyptic pronouncements and, in somee is cases, demonization. but there's a key difference here. the liberal media's argument is all prediction. the right media is usually based t meon evidence. we have the crime wave, the border, the attack on science, targeting parents, the military
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white supremacy hoax, domestic terrorism, the suppression of speech. these are things you don't have todon' predict. they are right here. to theight media will say, and l they can say, "be it will do x, trump will do y." but all you've got to do is go, look at the border crisis. look at the fact that you removed punishment fromin criminals.als. look at how you lied abouthe climate to push a destructive agenda. those aren't predictions, those are facts. >> sandra: very good discussion. more coming up.g thank you. >> greg:up you're welcome. >> judge jeanine: [laughs] >> sandra: president biden taking swings at the maga movement after trump dominated iowa. ♪ ♪
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president biden revealing to americans just how empty his 2024ans campaign will be. the big guy doesn't have any new ideas. instead, hnee is doubling down n demonizing halw f the country after trump's blowout win in iowa, saying, "this election was always going to be m wase and yu against extreme magau republicans." it wass. true yesterday and it'l be true tomorrow." not to be outdone, vp kamala harris has her own delusional take on trump. >> let me just tell you this, no matter who the republican nominee is, we are winning. >> you seen the numbers. do you think donald trump at this point is a foregone conclusion? >> i don't know.w, but if it is donald trump, we have beat him before and will i beat him again. >> judge jeanine: where does she get that confidence, sandra? he's at 33 and i think she's less. >> sandra: and insulting the>> maga movement considering six in
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ten caucus-goers consider themselves -- and our fox news voter analysis, supporters of the make america great again movement, 74% backed trump. it is bold. where does she have the confidence? i don't know, make that up maybe? don't know. it's an interesting strategy. if you don't have a policy issues to tout, this is the i route you take. i think that's fair to say, ae arlot of what we see heading ino november. >> judge jeanine: greg, isn't reg,it true that it's all abouti division and creating them versus us?>> >> greg: that's a game plan. you are the devil, you will be demonized, and i think the other side needs to prepare for that and stepped out of that and go, this is what they're going to do. and asked, howe did that work r america? when you demonize half the country, we are not going to play that game. we areing to not going to do th. we actually want their votes. you're going to write them off, we want their votes.
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so we really do have to stretcho our hand out to the people that are undecided and say, look at the deeds, not the words. where there any wars underhere trump? no any. was there a border under trump?h yes. how much did eggs and unleaded cost under trump? who decriminalized crime? was it trump or was it under biden? i think it will be targeted, and our show gets targeted, everybody gets targeted, because we are witnesses tsseso these crimes, and you have to go after the witnesses and scare them to shut them up. >> judge jeanine: jesse, david axelrod says but i different messaging other than trump is a threat to democracy. what should their messaging be? >> jesse: well, you can't missa it policy, because it's been a disaster. and i'm not a democrat, so i'm not going to pretend like i c care. i liked the eggs and unleaded. that's a good name for a band. if biden is calling trump
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extreme, i would do to do that right on him and say, you are backing crt and sex changes for kids in grade school. you broke the bank, the border, and women's sports. you family's a freak show. you have solar powered leaf blowers and are putting windmills on beaches. you are extreme. it worries me because they have a lot of a money and republicans are splintering the money three ways in the primary, and trump is spending $100 million on lawyers. meanwhile, the media is like an in-kind conjuration to the democrats because they have a 24/7 attace thk situation. i've just never seen such anecti unpredictable election, because you have the oldest, most unpopular sitting president who is just sitting back and prosecuting his arrival whileria he's just laying back in an easy chair in delaware, and the media is colluding with the deep state to hatch this disinformation campaign, censorship campaign,di and now the baby boomeroo establishment inme washington, d.c., is basically, like, lettinshing everybody up n
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orgy of tyranny and corruption anuptid pretending they're savig democracy. e sameanwhile thvinge rest of te country is watching football and netflix and complain about the weather. this is the weirdest election ever. [laughter] >> judge jeanine: it's true. are you watching -- no. >> harold: what happened to jason kelce? speed when he retired. you will have to see my "one more thing." >> judge jeanine: let's go back to you. is thi s money going to do him any good? himhe's at 33%. >> harold: he's got a problem. a couple things, i like your confidence, but you said it best, you have ti lio have polif you're going to have that confidence. and we will see what happens. theyhat did beat trump once, ae will see if they can do itin again. but you can't do it again if you don't focus on some of the basics. every presidential campaign, dependinng how voters feel at te beginning of summer, which is the proverbial memorial day, how extensive is gas on memorial dav in 2024? that'll be a turning point for ay wboth campaigns.
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two, before that, if the biden administration does not get serious abouet border security, does not lay out a plan toaddr address this, you may have run out of time. this is an issue that all the polling data shows, the economy, the border, and foreign policy. i think those are combined in voters' mines around the economy and economic axelrod is right. this threat to democracy,ra cyremember, it pulls high becaue her public and think there's a threat to democracy because of a the way trump is being treated, and democrats thinbek it's a threat because of the way trump is being treated. the common denominator is trump, but is divided, so we shouldn't get too excited. democrats shouldn't get too excited about those numbers.ey finally, there's 150,000 to 250,000 voters in six states it will provide this race, provided each side ramps at their base and get their diehards to go out. we know the states. michigan, pennsylvania, georgiam arizona, amongst the four states.
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if youur are not speaking to the voters, deals independence, you're not going to speak to ithem by shutting himwh off, by censoring him, by suggesting the voter turnout was small soers we shouldn't be concerned about it. you have to have a better t message, a better plan, a bette vision for the future. whomever does that will win. whoever is in the business of censoring is not likely to enact. >> judge jeanine: that's joe biden. admit it now. [laughter] >> harold: lee beat him once... >> judge jeanine: [laughs], up okay. up next, the end of snow? the liberal "new york times" iss taking its climate change hysteria to a new level. ♪l. ♪ ♪ ♪ so, i got this app from experian. it's got everything i need to help my finances. got my fico® score, raised it instantly, i even found new ways to save. all right here. free. and fast. see all you can do with the free experian app. download it now.
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or is it creating a blizzard off confusion? "the new york times" accused of trafficking global warming hysteria. in the span of just two weeks,ai the gray lady running three stories that predicted more, less, and the end of snowes because ofs global sandra, you were talking about this before. when you look at this terminology -- >> sandra: it was global warming, and every time it was snowing or blizzarding, they t wanted to be climate change. so we are just following along. but remember, the promise of this administration, candidate joe biden promised he would be the claimant he mady.e big promises to the climate community.ity. the climate activists are on him for getting nothing done onin this! i think g wi brought thisit ups time i was on the show, we're looking at record highs in this country. he said he is bringing the end of fossil fuels.l so those are campaign promises
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that should be revisited. r he said it will be important to see where gas prices are on memorial day. well, why? wasn't the whole electric car ea revolution supposed to be here, harold? so i think there's a lot of confusion, a lot of cold weatheo out there, and i think we are all trying to manage our way through it, and we are waiting on the next name for the weather. >> harold: wha t do you think, greg? >> greg: harold, i was going to destroy you, but then he played "do you really want tore hurt me?al" and it caused me to self reflect. to hurt you. i don't want to make you cry. right now, in davos, the rich elites are partying, getting their fill of drugs and hookers, and they have two causes the claiming of the most important e ones: climate change, and no misinformation. those of their top causes., to they made misinformation the second most urgent problem because they need that issue to protect against people who are
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pointing out that there climate agenda is false. so if you accurately point out, for over a century, we havewi witnessetnd a 99% decrease in human fatalities from weather emergencies, 99%. that destroys davos' fake agenda about how climate emergencies are the number one problem. climso they need the disinforman part to protect that otherthe concern. so i was very nice totheo you, harold. >> harold: prime time, whatpr arime your thoughts about this? spewing my thoughts. okay. >> greg: that's going to be hard... [laughter] see-through don't hurt yourself! [laughs] >> jesse: it's the same thing they do with racism. climate racismge can be everywhere. it can be everything. the >> harold: watch yourself! just kidding. [laughter] >> jesse: remember, harold? see in color is racist.
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not seeing color is also racist. white flight, racist. gentrification, also racist. you libs do this constantly. remember? stripping. they say the it's demeaning butb empowering. i don't know what you want. >> harold: i've never saidt. those words. >> jesse: a philosopher once said that arguing about climate change ifus like arguing with a woman. there is no winning, and you should just ignore the woman. >> greg: who said that? >> jesse: i disagree with thatit philosopher because i win arguments with liberals all the time, like you. >> sandra: but not with women. [laughter] >> greg: who was this great philosopher? aristotle? >> jesse: one of those.>> >> greg: they didn't like women. >> jesse: famous greeks. >> harold: you say climate change, the weather, something's going on. what do you think about it? >> judge jeanine: i don't lik te think about it the way they think about it. today it's like god struck down
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"the new york times." onwn january 2nd they said snow was a thing of the past. on january 12, they say climate change contributes to thisto incredible snowfall that we are seeing. elien't know what to believe anymore. but what i can tell you is, in chicago, all the electric cars are not running because they're freezing stations and they can't get the electric cords or, or whatever they have come of the chargers, into the cars.. so all this climate nonsense is ridiculous. buy a gas fueled car and call it a day. >> harold: i'm still getting you a ev for christmas. >> judge jeanine: willi will ner drive a ev. the >> harold: the fastest. ♪ ♪ when we had a significant health scare, we needed to act quickly. because we had christian healthcare ministries. i went directly to the specialist i wanted. they took care of all our medical bills. over $60,000. joining christian healthcare ministries is one of the best decisions we've ever made.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> greg: welcome back. arnold schwarzenegger knows a a thing or two about getting jacked and how not to be a jerk while doing thke body building legend dishih out some rules on gym etiquette. >> you should never make phone calls, do social media, whatever you want to do on your iphone or ipad while you're sitting on a machine. put it back in the right place, the dumbbells, the barbells, and
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everything. this is how you do it if you want to work with somebody. excuse me, can i work in with you? >>cuse absolutely. >> greg: cank i w work in with you,rold harold? should you also share your steroids? >> harold: well, i don'tl hi recall him saying that. i don't see that in my notes. i love arnold schwarzenegger. he reminds me of some of the things we talked about ithn ters of a guy who comes to this country, has worked his tail off, he's complicated, he's, textured, he's made mistakes, he is owned up to them, he's hadea great success. if there's anything he knows, it is gym sir etiquette. so thank you, sir. >> greg: one of the things that he says is you're less likely to impregnate your made when you go to the gym. >> jesse: i like steroids santa claus, as well. but i expected the gym etiquette to be a little less basic.
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put the weights away? >> greg: some people don't! >> jesse: that's all he ut 5learned after 50 years ofpe working out? >> greg: some people don't putog them away them away. >> jesse: ng ti thought it would be wiped on the machine. w >> greg: i hate people who sweat all over the machine. u don't go to the gym. >> greg: you hav not anymore. >> jesse: you have a private gym. >> greg: his name is actually jim. and he's legal, by the way. judge, do you actually go to a gym or work out at home or go to classes? >> judge jeanine: i work out a gy wat home anord i go to cla. but the thing that bothers me, i'm pretty fast, but if somebody wants to worts tk in with me, n. i don't want you to. because then i have to clean ito up, you're going to sweat all over the place. it's my machine, giv te me 3 minutes and i'll be done. that's all i have to say. the >> greg: 3 minutes and she'll be done, sandra. >> judge jeanine: [laughs] >> sandra: i definitely don't share. i do take over if i o need a treadmill, i'll gt on the treadmill.
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he started the person until they get off. >> greg: do you ever do the "do you know who i am" thing?ng "i'm? a very important t journalist." >> sandra: i do put myself on up there. i'm computed kidding stomach , communicating on, i'm watchin. >> greg: i treat it like a pool table at a bar and i'll put moneey down on it. up at $10 down on the treadmill. totally confuses people. >> jesse: "i've got next."ne m "one more thing" is up next. ♪ ♪ . [coughing] copd isn't pretty. i'm out of breath, and often out of the picture. but this is my story. ( ♪ ) and with once-daily trelegy, it can still be beautiful. because with 3 medicines in 1 inhaler, trelegy keeps my airways open for a full 24 hours and prevents future flare-ups. trelegy also improves lung function, so i can breathe more freely all day and night.
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oh, my god. did they go and stop? . >> yeah.reg: and they'r thae saying. >> and that's your horse news. right, right.. >> jve the gravy now. you. oh, my goodness. those blue last night againstblt the bucks they blew, like, the last half of thet half o se. >> it was just a catastrophe. after 13 seasons in philly, the center jason kelce senounced his retirementt.. help us win the super bowl. seven time pro bowler, six timee first team, all-pro. >> our guys a legend. we love you, jason. and we're going to miss you.
10:00 pm
>> tonight, jesse watters, prime time, the vick deborra-lee and chriights hanson tonight at 8:00. >> excellent. janinet 8:, i'm going to miss jason kelsey. i love him. i really do. miss jasbut in any event. okay. have you ever wanted something glitzy? ou eve course, have never, but a very patient woman dedicatedgliy three weeks of her time to meticulously hand placedhand more than 2 million crystals on a bmw. she calls herself and crystal artists and invites you to rent this bedazzled car and take it yourself for a a spin. >> and god, women are so. patient. >> hey. hey, jessi. how did chris hansen find you?ee >> text message at 101 year oldy military veteran got introduced to his great great granddaughtetroducedr, blindfol. they introduce him till he canli show excitement. >> i love this. i love him. love it. thank you, sir. you too. that'st jesse it for us. >> everybody, have a great t. h >> welcome to jesse watters. prime time tonightwa


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