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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  January 16, 2024 10:00pm-11:01pm PST

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tonight at 8:00. >> excellent. janinet 8:, i'm going to miss jason kelsey. i love him. i really do. miss jasbut in any event. okay. have you ever wanted something glitzy? ou eve course, have never, but a very patient woman dedicatedgliy three weeks of her time to meticulously hand placedhand more than 2 million crystals on a bmw. she calls herself and crystal artists and invites you to rent this bedazzled car and take it yourself for a a spin. >> and god, women are so. patient. >> hey. hey, jessi. how did chris hansen find you?ee >> text message at 101 year oldy military veteran got introduced to his great great granddaughtetroducedr, blindfol. they introduce him till he canli show excitement. >> i love this. i love him. love it. thank you, sir. you too. that'st jesse it for us. >> everybody, have a great t. h >> welcome to jesse watters. prime time tonightwa.
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>> we want to thank the great people of iowa who are going to come together. >> it's going to happen soon to his remarksto . ai >> tonight will not air here live censoring democracy to save democracy. democrthat's a new one.join the vix joins prime time. it? think it's worth it? peasants pay for your crimes.ha that's a stupid question. there's no such thing as a a stupidd question, john. just stupi d answers. we got a bunch of dead robots out here, ted. where the global warming go? biden'>>s e vs freeze. >> plus chris hansen's back. there's something you need to iw. >> i'm chris hansen. a >> a win for voters, a loss for lawyers. that's l the headline from iowad
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democracy is a decided in thee courtroom. >> it's decided by you, the voter. fothe r the first time in years, the will of the people was crystal clear.ican americans deliver the message without interference from partisan, judgesm and prosecutors. we wrestle democracy awa y from the courts and put it back in the hands of we, the people in a historic shellacking. donald trump went home. the unequivocal winner. 98 out of 99 counties beating desantis and haley combined a 30 point blowout and cracking 50%, doublincombinedg his 2016pz performance. turning out new voters. and making major inroads with evangelicals and college grads. >> here was donald trump after his big win. watch. and i really roads think this ie now for everybody. >> our countryt is, to come together. >> we want to come together, whether it's republica an on or democrat or liberal or conservative. that would be so nicconservative
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could come together and straighten out the world and straightenighten out the prs and straighten out all of the death and destructio andn that we're witnessing, that's practically never been like this. it's just so important.o we're going to rebuild our cities and we'll work with the democratsrebuild d we t and i want to congratulate ron and nikki for having a good a good time together. ogether. >> that's the racist insurrectionist is going to seal team six as enemies. i don't think so. the republicaninsurr partydonalt is nominating donald trump and these are the reasons why. illea the top issue at stake in iowa, illegal immigratioation ann ande economy, both issues the border hawk, businessman dominates against republicans and against biden. biden's delivered a hot heaping plate of chaos. plate ofone third of republicane want a complete and total upheavalrs in washington. you want donald trump to return to washington and finishthe jo the job. >> the job you believe he was
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unfairly prevented from finishing in? >> biden legitimat e win in 2020. yeah. so, yes. 30% here. no, 66%. can we just pause for a second? i want to say something. about two thirds of iowa republican caucus goers believev that the president of the united states right nothw is a fake. >> not fake. he was sworn.: not in. but msnbc needs to come to grips with the fact that they got caught. last election, the spooks lied about the lab, leak, the laptop and the letter. this changed votes. plus, a harvesting epidemis anc with the wonders of the world. >> and this year, it'll be lawyers interfering.d >>la but so far, the indictments have backfired on the democrats because they never understood you, the voter. they actually don't want to understand you. they want to hate you from a warm manhattan studio for threatening their power. ths. e e are white christian this is a state that is overrepresented, overrepresentechristd by white
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christians. >> what do they get out of supporting donald trump because he keeps losiny g they see themselves as the rightful inheritors of this countrs y. and trump has promised to give it back to thetrumm. >> all the things that we think about, about electability,thinga about, you know, what are people gaming out or none of that matters. >> whe of than you believe that god has given you this country, i that it is yours, and that everyone who is not a white conservative christian is a iss a fraudulent american. >> iowa feeds joy reid three square meals a day, and she called them racist white christians. joy should read history. jo was admitted to the union as a free state and was the first state in the union to desegregate their schools. they're christian in iowa, just like you areeir scho, joy. >> and they don't like illegal immigration because it drives down't lik wages and drives uptv government spending. it doesn't make them racis ut. e it makes them good at math. remember how trump joked
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about caucusing before you die? well, the media found anotherho hoax. watch. he voted for a guy who said, comeax.>> risk your lives for the grand wizard. come in the snowr life and the , because i am more important than your life. iowa hit a nerve with the press because this morning they woke up knowing biden is not capable of debatinprg trump and the medr is calling him the grand wizard, attacking you and moving the goalposts. >> mass censorship is next. >> last night, cnn dumped out of trump's victory speech when he mentioned the border. watch donald trump declaring victory with ann historicallysph strong showing in the iowa caucuses. >> if thes.e numbers holde bi the biggest victory for a non-incumbent president in the modern era, for this contest, a relatively subdueided speech is these things go soe far, although here he isis right now unde mr under my voic. you hear him repeating his anti-immigrant rhetoric. >> immigration was the top issue in iowa, but cnn doesn't
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think you should hear from the man who won campaigning on the top issuet rom the . if trump's language is so offensive, it and it will turn voters off. that's what cnn want s right now. >> the real reason cnn censoring trump is becausee real they know he'll win votes campaigning against illegal immigration. msnbc didn't even take the speech at all. t takethey preemptively censore. >> therere is ia reason that we and other news organizations have generally stopped giving an unfilterengd live platform to remarks by former president trump, but is not out of spite. it is not a decision that we relisha deci, but there is a cot to us as a news organization of knowingly broadcasting untrue things that our sense trump's rated r and if you knowno you're not old enough, you can't watch. now you and i have kids. we know that doesn't work, maet us pretending lik she's protecting the network when she broadcasts more hoaxes than scooby do o and working on a business model as a news channel that doesn't take liven?
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news. dr drag queenags twerking in front of kids faces is fine, but msnbc needs to protect mp you from hearing trump say build the wall. is the media going to censor trump's convention speech? censoare they going to dump our of his inaugural address? yo save democracyth by censoring it and the censorship campaign is only one leg of the stool. >> the deep state disinformation campaigns begun. british intelligence says trump's a national security threat. >> but i think it's important. but i'm no thr t a politician. you have to add a political threat, which i'm worried about, which is trump's. - i thought reelection, which i think for the uk's national security, is problematic. >> mi6, the same crew who crooked paid to launch the collusion lie is interfering with another election. see, the democrats, like when british intel interferes s like in our
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elections, just not russianin untitel.l third leg of the stoom obama is going to make it rain . >> we need your help to ensure joe's leadership continuesr si to guide us forward. we know the other side won't rest we can't either. >> your donation will help give joe and kamala campaign the resources it needs. >> let's needs be can chip in n. >> let's secure a brighter future together. secu biden doesn't even remember making that videre historyo, bu doesn't matter. they just need to drag him across the finismberng thah lino he can hand kamala the keys to the white house nexint year. and the only one who can stop them is you. sto here to react now, former forme presidential candidate vivek ramaswamy. >> sr o, vivek, do you want to e vice president? well, look, i want to serve this country in whatever wayco i cauntrn, jesse, but that's why i've in this race and since the first place. the thing you were just talkinga
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about now, this is what the american revolution was fought for. >> to say that we, the people, create a government that's accountable to us, that weus settle our differences, whatever our differences may be, we set settle them through free d speech and open debate in the public square ine. and every citizen gets a voice and vote that counts. and what happens with the modern left is they're basically skeptical of that vision. modethey think we, the people, cannot be trusted to decide who we actually vote for, hence certain states removing donald trump from the ballot. t bewe, the people, cannot evenh hear from our elected leaders or prospective elected leadersem ,hence the efforts to silence them or censor them. and so i do think we live in a kind of 1776 moment right now. and for my part, i did run in this race. i started at 0%. i finished around zed 8% in the iowa caucus yesterday. but we, the people of this countrfinishy, apparently sent r a clear message. and so that's why last night i stepped out of the race, he endorsed donald trump. and i do think that's the right move for the republican part yl to make at this point. >> yeah, i think maybe people are going to be able
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to say in your footstepsfollow n soon, because this thing is almost a runaway train that can't be stopped. you were up just now in new hampshire. the official endorsement. we'rale seeing it right there up on the screen. what did the former president tell fortell you when you guys were backstage? look, we had a great conversation. i actually prefer to talk about policy rather than politics, jesse. and so we talked about a number of issues backstage, which i've actually championed in this race that i do think would be beneficial to the america first movement for president trump to takt e on.. and i think he was very amenable to many of them opposition to a central bank, digital currency, talking about certain pardons that i think we need on day one. julian assange included on that list. and so i'm not a politicia neen i'm a businessman, but i'm also somebody who cares about the details of policy and commitments. and so we had some great conversations backstage about that before i went on stage. and i think that you guys may have seeeen n some of the rallyh that we had, and the response was overwhelmingad. and i think it's very clear who the republican primary electorate is saying that they wantea to be their nominee.
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i ran to be that person. they sent me a very positive nra messagn,e. but the very positive message they sent to all of us is that donaldssp need trump needs to be the nominee of this party. and i think ron desantis i thy wouldale actually at this point do this country and this party a servic ae by stepping aside to make sure that we're focused on not only nominating donald trump, but getting this country back and reviving those notrump an ideals. ary and i think we do live in thatnd 1776 moment right now. >> we need to win.y you're calling on nikki haley and rond ta santos to drop out right now. i am that. i do think that would be healthy for this country. and i think that, you know and what? especially ron desantis, at least of the two of them, will have an important role to plahem t y in the future of s country and leading this nation. i do believe that. but thati thini think that the right thing to do right now is the people of this country, throughroughh the iowa caucus. it's the most grassroots process i've seen. i personally did over 390 events, build great relationships and goodwill, but the message they sent was clear. i think it's time to actually make sure we elect the right,
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president. put america first, tak e the america first agenda to the next level. and you know what? america first. it's not evet agn about trump. i it didn't start in 2016, right?0 it16 started in 1776. right. and so donald trump will be the right person to take this forward for the next 40 years. but we need to start laying down the foundatioe thn for this to live another 250 years. all right. and then some. and i do thinkit i that is the right next step for us to take, which is why i proudly ladorsed donaly oudly d trump lt night. >> well, you ran a very healthyt and hearty campaign. we have a lot of respect forve you there. we're always very impressed. ctthe way you articulatedno your policy prescriptions. >> and now you have a low you ht more time to play tennis with your shirt off. so enjoy your shirt on in the winter. all right. thanks. well, the president of the united states and we're not pres. d his up just call it a snow day. >> the first to document covid's origin, exposing human trafficking on the border
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>> two, 321, three two, one. >> last night, iowans went out in -20 degree weather to make their voices heard. you know, take ke their part in representative government, but the people who run the governmente don't have the same grit. a few inches of snow shut down d.c. today. >> service members around the world perform in extreme weather conditions. >> they get the job done. our military is made up of some pretty tough people. but the same can't be said about the d.c. disc jockeys. >> they had a snowey had a day . they didn't have to work. don't half of these people work remotely anyway? but this whole thing could have been an excuse by the government to save face from a massive federal worker walkout in support of palestine peter doocy is here with the latest. peter jesse, in a way,ocy ha president biden got bailed outen by nature today because there's all these employees, federal
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employees at 22 agencies. according to the group al-monitor b tracked down a grop called feds united for peace. ed fall these workers were threatening to walk out today of their offices because they were trying to protest president biden's support of israe pl, continued support of israel. but the federal government closed. elyou can't walk out of a job that isn't open that day. not we have no reason to think that it won't be rescheduled th can do that without fear of retribution. their line is. the supreme court has repeatedly held that people do not surrender their first amendment rights by accepting public employmen t. but if a federal worker organizes a protest, it is important to maket clear tht the participants are doing so on their own time and notthei in their official capacities. there is an opposing view, though, that walking out of a federal job is illegal federal. >> the federal law is verye fede clear. if you're a federaral l employe, you can't strike. and brian, i have to say,
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you know, someon someoe who wor in the government for more years than i care to say there' is no one who works in te government for any length of time and doesn't have any number of policies that theyy intensely disagree with. >> striking is not an option under federal law. >> it's a crime. and there's no day in d.c. peter messed u: p a lot of people'spep plans, not just the ones that wanted to walk out to protest the >> the white house briefing in person was canceledn person,o they moved it on a conference call. and at one point, right off the too p, the operator from a vendor from a third party got the name of the star of the show wrong. he called out. he introduced karrine johnson, and the press secretary quickly corrected him to say her name is karine jean-pierre. >> that was binder, as we call her. >> now, peter, if se you're working remotely and you stage a walkou: if y wt, do yout leave your house or do you come in to work and then walk out of work?
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it depends on just how much how you want to get the neighbors talking. >> exactly. all right, peter, good. stay war warm. se >> last night, trump closed out the iowa caucus with a record blowoutus w, then flew to new york for a court hearing, then zipped up to new hampshir e for a rally. joe biden's last 24 hours not as eventful. the president called latee at 10:00 in the morning and we're not really sure what he did all day. biden dr. jill biden is campaigning for president while joe biden a rests comfortably at the white house senior center. >>e actually, joe's been h campaigning for president more than her husband. typical dude, make your wife do the busy work while you rest and watch football. it's notork, right. rig >> it's just not right. yesterday, this joe biden's bid so-called event.
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>> biden was there for 20 minutes, then left. can you feel the excitement? .over the last 25 days, joe's had just four real public eventsd fo. yesterday, he picked up a few bag of apples at a food bank app in phillley. there he is. i mean, no one's even talking to the president os f the unitedod states. and he's not really talking to anybody eithey r. >> on friday, the crowd called him a loser and then he weirdead out a woman in a coffee shop outside of philly. last week, he got heckled at a black church in south carolina and two weeks ago, he called h himself george washington and you guessed it, a town outside of philly. before that, he disappeared for two weeks. >> the president just hit rock botto f m at 33% approval.m to put it in perspective, trump was more popular after6 an
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january 6th, and so was george w bush when the iraq war went gbush sideways. >> a majority of women voted for biden last election,de but now women realize they're in a toxic relationship and only 31% of women approve of the job. pe% joe is doing. and the people campaigning for c joe bideampan, let's just sayy they need work. >> look, my mom's 88, still d living on the farm, drives herself. folkhersels are able to do this. >> by the way, if the president? can't campaign, where's kamala? well, kamala's back on the colleg, kamala oe tour when the people are in the stands watching you , be they parentss or or students or kids. people you're lifting them up. when people are out here saying, oh are sayin, anything ! or they say all of the thingss that they say in response to the game. you're lifting them uprespon wia sense of joy about being a part of a community, and we needwe
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that in our country to know aloe we're not in this alone and that we're all in it in and that we're a community of people. >> so inspirin peoplg. david axelrod saw this and saida the biden campaign needs to get it together. >> the president and his campaign>> the need to get intor and they need a message messa and they need a message that is that takes in not just democracy, but the day to day concerns that people have and they need prosecute it every single day through every single surrogate. >> that's what winning campaigns do. deborah leigh joins me now. deborah, how old are you? 23. all right. hoe i canung enough wher legitimately ask you that question without sounding offensive. >> you're young. the 23 year old friends, are they feeling this? .your youi don't surround myself with people who feel joe biden, honestly, because you have to be crazy and his approvaly ratings show it. but everything he's done or peoplack of things that he's done is just on line with themsk past four years. it seems like the theme of his
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administratione theme is how mn we get away with before the american people realize our defens awae secretary was jt hospitalized while our troops in the middle east are being shot at by iraitalizedn and iran backed terror groups and nobody knew about it. it doesn't even seem that jo ew aboute biden knew about it. and if he thinks that he can get away with another basement campaign, hhe's severely overestimating the love weapon on the democratic side of the aisle and by the mainstream media. >> and this reminds me reminds m of president wilson way before me or you ever came close to touching thisclose a long te ago, who had a literal stroke when he was the sitting united states s president and his wife took over and ran the presidency. behind the closed doorr ans. s and nobody knew about it until after the fact. well, i got news for sleepy joe. this isis 2024. e ha we have twitter. we have peter doocy asking a tough and he's not goingt to get away with this again. so he needs to step up and get past her very own stupid son of a . >> so jill biden run the country and they'd probably keep that from us, honestly. lvey go for will say. oh, absolutely. they are probably listening to this like, you know what,, ga
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that's a great idea. and we really just a are suffering. this feels like 2020 all over again. donald trump's on the campaign p trail throwing punches sometime on her own side, but throwing punches nonetheless. and joe biden's just like, canot i have more chocolate chip ice cream? >> i think he was kidding on drinking hot chocolate all day, putting his feet up, not watching footbalchnol as hea looks like he has a stroke every single time he talks, even when he's note me h talkin, he's walking upstairs. he's just standing there. there's nothing he's the typef u of guy that you run away from at a bar and you need to take a hot shower jusn t i mean, you're thinking of hunter every day as a snow day for hunter biden. >> oh, absolutely. and speaking of i from that video, i think someone must have got into nancy supply becaus e she is just offly the wall. >> crazy. oh, those gamecocks looked like they'd never seen anything like that. deborah, thank you very much. we appreciat seene it. >> thank you for having meprimet on again. prime time producers have justis debunked the democrats latest hoax, and it is too bad becauset it was a good one.
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biden's in the mexican standoffo with the texas governor greg abbott. >> abbotffitt his national guard to take control of a border junction. the texas troops booted biden's border patrol and now it's a constitutional mess. >> but before this case goes to court, biden is trying to dirty up the defendant. ladies and gentlemen, we now introduce to you yet another hoax. lastroduce, three migrants tragy drowned, two children and a woman. >> they'd still be alive today if biden had announced. >> come one, come all and handed everybody bus tickets and iphones. but the white house says thr the three migrants drowned because abbott's texas troops wouldn't let the feds swim in and save them. would nand then they launderede through the media. watch. this is what greg abbott wants. >> i mean, he has been talkingm, about how texas done everything except shoot these migrants. and it almost sounded as if you were out lamenting. >> so he let them drop.
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this one's on the governor. i meane ., it's his his his troopers, his forces are preventing federal, hicemenf officials, law enforcement from saving a life or lives in this case. >> these are families. i ame are mothers, children. i just i it's i a wherally just disgusted with where we have landed here:h . >> but the story was a texas wasn't holdingora themk back from rescuing the migrants. they'd already drowned. fromthey'd been dead for an hour tragically, texas wasn't blocking biden's lifeguards from making a save. it was all made up. >> but if you watched msnbc, you'd think abbott waslifeguartn dunking migrants in the river. >> reporterss wa are just now repeating what the government tells them. >> that's not what we do res are juepeatings. this is like the whipping hoax to point out. rememberdo when the white house castigated their own agents for whipping migrants on horseback? >> never happened. and biden never apologized . and he's not going to apologize for this either. once their hoax is blow up,
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they're on to the next one. but the damage is done. reporters should just do what i do. i assumene the government'she lying. and then i work back from ther l . >> tomi lahren and outkick host, i. this is one of then is more egregious aoutkic hoaxes, t it? >> tomi? hoax >> yeah, it certainly is. and i also can't keep track of the narrative her ke. >> now, the biden administration wants border patrol to don ad their job. r that's funny, because usually they're trying to hinder their ability to actually do their jobs. but when i started thinking about this and this hoaxo thei,e they got me really angry because i also remember atr bacn a time in 2022 when a texas national guardsman by the name of bishop evans died saving sav two migrants. and when asked about it, bindeia 1.0 circled back. jen psaki said it was texas his fault for havingxas' the national guard there. so when a national guardsman saves live nationa s and loses their own in the process, then it's texas's fault. ess, iand then when texas sends the national guard to try
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to secure the border, then border send, patrol isn't able o their job. so once again, this administrationthis can't decide who's the good guy, who's the bad guy. the buck certainly doesn't stopa with them. they pass around the buck like it's a hot potato and they don't careis whose lives or whot careers or the morale of our guardsmen or our border patrol agents they destroy in the process because it simply does not matter to them. >> and joe biden is on vacation and he's always on vacation. >> binder 1.0. bindd not thought of that one, but we're going to have to maybe recycle that. tomm, wey. you know what a great way to keep migrants alive is not open the border.alive, i mean, that right there wouldbr have saved these three people's lives. theseright.n ther well, you know, when there are snow days, we've had snow days here in nashville for the last couple snowe of days. we closed things down because it's not safe to travel. well, guess nos what? maybe we need to have a giant snow day on our southern border and our northern border, quiteel frankly, and say it's not safe to travel here. please stay home.
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psa, you're welcome to use that one, too, jesse. jesse.all right, tomi lahren twg me lines, just what i need. >> thanks, jus you. >> well, biden's evenings freez are freezing. we got a bunch of dead robotsinn oucht here, ted, that these guys are the best. that's the only job. >> i'm here. >> i'm here. we're in this togetherdy would.. one chicago. check your local listings. beca something, and she would just walk right past them. walk right past them. >> she didn'ir. talking to her. i just could not hear. i just could not hear. i was hesitant the hearing aids because of my short hair, but nobody eveadn sees them. i'm nearly invisible. i'm nearly invisible. hearing aids are just one reason we've been the brand leader for over 75 years. ment... did here for the first time, i could hear everything. try miracle ear hearing aids with no commitment.
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and see how much you can save their auctions going on right now. >> so what are you waiting for might now. >> global macro managers are huddling up in davos, switzerlane id, for the world economic forum to powwow about how to control how our lis for profit. >> we've seen some truly orwellian ideas floated at the f forum in years past. >> there's been a lot of talkn of brain transparency. >> the idea is that you stick sensors onto your head soency. your boss can track your focussa all in the name of mental healthk your productivity, of cl they've also been talkinkingg about technology that wouldn fo track your carbon footprint. devee're developing through technology an ability for consumerogs to, measure their on carbon footprint. where are they traveling? how arcarbone they traveling? what are they eating? what are they consuming on the platform? so individual carbon footprint
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tracke r. >> climate czar john kerry, who's set to retirfoe in the coming weeks, is at this year's summit, of course. >> aftere of flying around on his family's old private jet, the flying squirrel and flying and forth all over the world, kerry is demanding you lower your own carbon footprint. but if you ask him about his. that's a stupid question.tupi >> what's the carbon footprint of these events? every single. year that you come here, think it's worth it? y peasants pay for your crimes. y? >> that's a stupid question. is it? is it really>>t is? done we're done. we are done no w. grab me. what do you think? you're more important. youyour footprint doesn't matt. >> but everybody else around the world suggested that. >> nobody ever suggested that. don't make up stupid questions.. being here suggests a stupid question of being here every t single year. >> and doing this suggests that.
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and i have done a huge amount. listen, noug -w, why is john kerry climate militant even in davos when he said he was going to step down from czar duties and save biden's reelection campaign is biden's reelection campaign? at the world economic forum, probably everywhere in americaew is called do what i do. >>d, up long sleeve, shirt, vesv shell jacket. vest, but if you really want to stay j warm, don't drive a teslacket.a the freezing temps are zapping the juice out of electric cars ,leaving drivers stranded in chicago. a little colvers ared weather td a supercharging station into an expensive junkyard. junk oh, we got a bunch of dead robots out here, ted. dead teslas packed the parking lot of this tesla supercharging station in oak brook. a scene mirrored at otherions a supercharging stations around the chicago area. >> yearoicagh.
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this is crazy. this is a disaster. >> you. tempe with temperatures falling into the negativera double digits, these charging ports have stopped charging, leavingr many tesla owners stranded here in long lines since sunday. >> oh, it's a tesla graveyard. if you bought an electric car, you're praying for global warming. armingnow, if you want to buydo electric, do your thing. i don't care. n'.but know what you're getting yourself into. i like reliability reliabi. i know there's a gas station around the bend and i knownd my car won't turn into an icicle. kevin, some rock owns frozen electric audi. >> kevin what happened to the audins. well, really, the the audi ran out of charge becausera the chargers were operating correctly. when i was up in chicago returning from a much needed vacation , which obviouslyen didn't end well when i got back. so the car fine.e, w
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we did get a charged i was ablek to pick it up tonight and get it back home. edndgot but i think this reallys down to the charging systems and the infrastructure and less on the vehiclevehicless and mor are we ready for, you know, this this consumer adoption >> j, you know, mar y or may not be ahead of us? >> i guess we'll see. so, kev, you're drivin: you argd back vacation. >> much needed. and you pull in to thi.ll intset charging station to get your audi ev juiced upr and the whole place is a snowball s and nothing. what do you think at that? second? >>d and, i was frustrate you know, quite honestly, it wasn't the first time it's happened. me it' you know, there's been many times where a number of the charging stations are an operator s or credit card readet aren't working o cr just some or them are malfunctioning for different reasons.
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but, you know, it's something hs that really has to get worked out because it's -- it's ansue n ongoing issue. and it's not just whend not is it's -- it's also when it's warm. so there's a lot of question was around the infrastructure that that we're going to havtree to figure out and get fixed. >> so when you're trading in your atv for something, an internal combustion. yeah, well, i have another car,e okay? and it's: it's nice thingt you have a bumper sticker that says on your tesla. sar car works. d my other. yeah. you can say that the othery th l car works. i do however, love the audi, , h i love the ev. the experience is great with that car. this is just one of thosgreaet, setbacks that, you know, i think unfortunately is not going to bode well for, you know, the manufacturers of evsers of and like i said, we have to get it figured out if we're goin gg to we're going
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to continue with consumer adoption and even intod the commercial segment, which i actually work in. gment,and really does. you know, it has me verybe concerned about that, too. >> kevin lucey, to, this happenr again with your electric car. you justic a walk around the sie of the road, stick your thumb up. >> i'll pick you u ip. you seem like, okay, sounds good, jesse. thanks for having me. thanoundk you. >> well, chris hansen is back and he's here next. >> we had to take our old gas heating and radiant heat. that was a really, really huge project. who has the time as a toddler, mom? i do not. i was so overwhelmed because i started contacting people on the p.a. to be able to see contractors that are licensed and real people review, to work
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yes, it's ready everywhere you look. beautiful people. oh, my gosh. oh, my gosh. i've thank what do you think? mommy'iends.s going to steal the show, right, sister weeping the show, right, sister weeping expression. my sisters, my friends. just so everyone it's strong. >> i don't steal. yeah, they streams attack your friends and steal their coins. >> play now all eyes on new hampshire for the first in the nation presidential primary. how the critical vote will impact the gop field and what it means for the race ahead. special coverage of the new hampshire primary democracy 24 right here on fox news. legendary journalist hansen has spent decades getting inside the minds of>> criminals thanksiminals to shows like catch a predator and takedownshow now streaming on true will. >> he made us realize just how easy it is for predators to lure kids online. >> and he' es done.
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>> in march, hansen busted a 61t year old family doctor who was allegedledy caught soliciting from what he thought was a 15d. year old girl. but it was actually a decoy. dr. parminder jaz walsh showedoe up at a house with $200 oreos, soda and wine coolers. it's always wine coolers here. >> hey, how are you? >> you have a cigarette over there. take your hands outckets. your pockets. do you know how old she is? she told . me, 19. she told you how old? 19. she told you 15?d you well, no. i've see15.n the chats. you >> she told you 15. right. and then was, you know, just to go and see her just to come in here and have. >> no, no that's not what you said in the chat. the doctor was caugho? t charged
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and thrown in jail. >> astoundingly, months later, jazz ht hall agreed to sit down lateh with chris hansen again on his show, take down with chris hansen. nobody sits down with chris hansenen. twice, at least not willingly. but this guy did n. mself. and he tried to explain himself. listen. what was listen your motivation when you left your doctor's office to go meet this person to get? medical? >> liza, you know, the fact that she was under age, did that create more of a drive forv you to fulfille this fantasy? s >> no, no, as i said before, i'm. i don't believe child or child predator. i'm not a child predator. t a pe you're not a . i'm not a yet. i have no interest in children yet. >> i admit i had. a problem with the addiction. i don't know what i wasn thinking. what the heck? i did want to get upaddiction. g that far in my life. >> what did i do? >> so was justice served?>> how long did jesse spend in the
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county jail? >> three o r four there for: the jazz. well, post ihe postet is $170,0d and was on his way. monda his formal sentencing hearing is now set for monday, but his but ells he's pleading guilty to using a computer to commit a crime and assault and battery. >> they also told us he'lld batt be added to era registry, complete 200 hours of community nervice and be put on probatio . now, his lawyer gave us a state statement saying dr.mea charles wall made a terrible mistake and he's paid a heavy price. true characters. o when someone who makes a mistake takes responsibility for their actions without excusema . chris hansen is the host. of takedown with chris >> first of all, this guy wasse so aggressive. i've never seen any one ofthese these guys physically grablly codecograby. i was shot.rn jesse. i'm around the corner and i don't have a full picture, but i have a monitor there. >> and when i see him do this, m that's when i come out to confront him, because we can't let this let go on any
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further. >> i mean, it could have gotten really ugly, reall couldeny. id when he sa t down with you, did you believe what he was saying? i did. >> and here's why. the investigators from the genesee sheriff's department goes team went through his phone. >> they lookedcounty sff's dep o evidence of other contacts with underage targets, victims.s and they didn't find that. but the importan.t about john,au as well as the interview, is that he talks about his addiction to and how it snowballed into this need to fulfill and have with whomever he could find online. this person he knew, the decoy, said 15. that was clear.regard and i can tell you thisle regardless of what his intent was, not been there and a had 15-year-old girl had been there ,there would have been sexual contact. >> have you found through yoxu that onlineon is propelling sexual predatorsur commit crimes? >> very much so. and this is the case with dr. john oswald. nos ch so. w, i think that he is a guy who can be rehabilitate. ntensi
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he is committed to intensive therapy. if he doesn'vet do what the cout tells him to do, he's facing prison time. he's on probatio compa n now and he's on this non published sex offender registry which is available to law enforcement and his parole. >> how did he finagltoaw enfore a nonpublic registry deal? no someone who, in the eyes of the court and in the eyes of law enforcemene coue he touched that sheriff's department employeat sherie. the lawyer has to go to the court and to the sheriffs . the sheriff has to go to that employee and said, are you okay with thiemployre you os plea ban agreement? >> and if he does one thing out of line, i guarantee you he'll face, it seems a little soft. es me. chris, a lot of you see a lot of these cases being pled down. they get probation. i mean, this guy waset he was tk about to take down a 15 year girl. >> and that's horrible. and that's why we do. investigations, jesse. but in this case, when you consider. the reality of whs
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he is, what he has and hasn'te done in his past, and the fact p that, you knowas, the prosecutos in this county and many others are overwhelmed, it should be a true justice situation, i think. >> and we'd like to tell everybody at 7-eleven, ie toellf you see anybody buying wine coolers and oreos and cars, 911. yeah, that's like the wine coolers. ne coolethey you know, it was pt of his fantasy, the oreos, because she had braces. >> oh, god, i wish she hadn't said that. now, now he should be in jailchi for more than four days. chris hansen, thank you very much. >> thank you. i'tters winterthank yo didn't wt to have to do this. >> i've been reading a lot n. thrillers written by meveingo i thought all the best thrillers were written by men. . apparently, i was wrong. i've never read a thrillernt to. written by a woman. >> not that i didn't want to,t e not because i thought women couldn'tcaus good thrillers.
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i just never saw myself gettings involved with elf gea main charr in a thriller who was a woman. boa y, was i mistaken and sexis. >> this book, first lie, winss" probably one of the best thrillers i've ever read. i'm not even finished it, but ihat. wanted to do an endorsement before i even finished the boo k amazi . it's amazing. not as amazing as my boongkou hv get it together, which you have to preorder right now. amazon, get it together. i've got chapters in there about people that want to empty the prisons. >> i got stuff about equal sexuels. it's incredible. we do want text. they they don't want me to do the text because the texts are so outrageous and it'stetexu all about chris hansen. chr i'm watersand and this is myth


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