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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  January 17, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PST

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>> ainsley: it is the 8:00 a.m. hour of "fox and friends" on east coast it is 8:00. it is wednesday, january 17th. >> brian: minutes are the same. >> ainsley: minutes are always the same, no matter where you are in the world. >> lawrence: biden pushes for gun charges to be thrown outs, prosecutors say cocaine was found on the pouch where he kept
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his gun. >> that is unreal. >> should be. >> 49% is not great for him actually. >> trump swept iowa? he did not, these are small numbers. >> brian: biggest win in republican history in iowa. don't let me digress. repeat of 2016. >> steve: speaking of iowa, a long journey home. as lawrence and i made it back from the hawkeye state, i ran into familiar faces aulso cancelled and delayed at the airport. >> i wish i knew of a warmer state. hmm. how about sunshine state of south dakota. >> so great, why are you leaving? >> you are at the airport leaving. >> final hour of "fox and friends" starts now. remember, mornings are better
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with friends. >> steve: and heat. ♪ ♪ >> steve: new hampshire, our next stop. we just got back from iowa and ladies and gentlemen, yesterday at this time, 24 hours ago, lawrence and i got news we had been cancelled and delayed and spend all day getting back, but we made it. i was at that airport bar watching you have that beverage, i picked a bad month to observe dry january. >> lawrence: i started off doing dry january and got my travel schedule and i was like, that is changing. >> ainsley: it is going to be a
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damp january, not as much. >> lawrence: i like that, damp, not dry. >> brian: that idea is bad, my organs count on liquor every month. >> ainsley: at least you are honest. >> brian: not everyday, but it is an option. >> ainsley: unless you have a problem, i don't understand this. >> steve: they say it is better for health. they estimate 25 to 35% of americans are doing dry or damp january right now. >> brian: we tested them, they all failed, now down to 1%. talk to iowa and rearview mirror. donald trump made history, widest margin history for republicans. no republican, nonincumbent ever won iowa and new hampshire, he could do both. we'll talk about that in a moment.
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i'm amazed how people want to diminish the magnitude because turnout wasn't as great. >> lawrence: i like to learn from history, 2016, we saw the same thing. instead of the media saying what is this movement. they decided to freak out, here is a tease of that. >> trump is in some ways become religion for a certain section of the american electorate. a group of people that find trump is in some ways the second coming. >> this state is overrepresented by white christians. over my voice you hear him repeating antiimmigrant rhetoric. we and other news oergsz have stopped giving unfiltered live platform to remarks by former president trump. >> 49% is not great for him. >> trump swept iowa? he did not, these are small numbers, important to remember that. >> steve: donald trump was north
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of 50%. to the point about turnout and lawrence and i were there, it was knit bitterly cold, historic, so people did not turn out the way they had in the past. i was at 62, they were estimating 100 people would show up and caucus. the streets were slick and only the 50% showed up. there has been analysis that suggest biggest gains were in evangelicals areas and smallest move was in cities. in new hampshire, the next stop. keep in mind given the fact she's enjoyed the endorsement of the governor of new hampshire, nikki haley is surging. new poll shows nikki haley and donald trump tied 40% with
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likely republican primary voters. it does not take into consideration the number of democrats and independents who will be able to vote. it is more like a general election so nikki haley could do better than people think. next stop, south carolina, her state, trump has a gigantic lead there. >> ainsley: he does. every state is different, we don't always see the nominee win in new hampshire or south carolina. he did win with record numbers yesterday, 30 points ahead of other competitors. michael goodwin wrote headline as trump nears election, treating voters like they are stupid by the media. he talks about media coverage, here we go again, once again horrified by gop voters.
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they are furious the nightmare objection be happening again. "new york times" they do not have qualms on looking down at america. it is for voters to vote someone fit to serve. -- had to apologize underestimated trump's appeal. it will support the democrat if it is a dead raccoon or joe biden. >> brian: fas natasha:ing. >> ainsley: last time that paper endorsed a republican was 1956. >> steve: that was? >> ainsley: i wasn'ts alive then. >> steve: eisenhower? >> ainsley: it was eisenhower. >> brian: if you win a world war that gives you an advantage, i've always said that. when you win a world war -- >> ainsley: your mantra? >> brian: same old line for me. look for nikki haley to pick up
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attacks on trump. she's got a bunch offads running, you saw her tone after the iowa third place finish and saw her here interviewing on the show. she said the two 80 year old guys have to go. i think trump was magnanimous and set a different tone and nikki haley came out tough. this is her waterloo. if she gets moderates, undecides or democrats, this is her moment and a few polls had her within single digits of the president. if trump wins big here, it has to be over. >> lawrence: one challenge is with republican voters, the base of the party. there is no way ron desantis people are going to vote for nikki haley. they don't believe in that republican party. they would say it is the old republican party.
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chris christie people will. such a small fragment of the republican party and she's doing herself a disservice by claiming to be a front-runner when you have ron desantis. what people argue is most conservative governor right now, she doesn't have to debate him anymore. it is one-on-one with donald trump. i don't think that is going to work. >> steve: the republican party is like four different parties. des moines register did survey of people who went out and did caucusing, super maga who will vote for trump, there is maga persuadable. they like policies, something comes along, they might. there are moderates and anti-trumpers. the hard thing for a republican, how do you get all those people? it may not be possible. donald trump has a great big
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built-in advantage because he invented maga and super dooper maga people. >> lawrence: you have to ask yourself why so many democrats want nikki haley on the ticket? >> ainsley: they don't want biden. >> lawrence: some polls suggest it could be beneficial to the republican party to beat. a lot of people are giving her money part of the democratic party. democrats and independents switched and caucused for her when they plan to vote for a democrats. she has been having a lot of gaffes lately, i don't think she is as strong as establishment class thinks she is. yesterday on our show, she was asked after being attacked by joy reid, been a point where there was discrimination in the country and she just flubbed the line and flubbed with civil war. lucky i was on vacation,
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something a republican from south carolina with civil war started should have been able to answer. >> ainsley: brian asking is the party racist. she said we are not a racist country. there are some racist people. what should have been her response? >> lawrence: she told a story about she said we are not racist country of a time racist things happened to her. listen, we had a time in this country where racism was prevalents, we've moved forward and i live the american dream. >> brian: joy reid said republicans don't vote for brown people. her answer should be i lost not because of color of my skin, donald trump beat me by 30 points. not republican party that has to run. booker t washington was
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republican. everything flipped in the '60'ses. if you want to get into that conversation, go that direction, too. republicans don't have that h horrendous history. >> steve: i wish somebody would write books about those people to read and study more. plug for brian kilmeade's book. >> brian: what happened with the chyron, couldn't put it up? thanks. fascinating new hampshire, don't diminish the victory for trump. it doesn't mean nikki haley doesn't have a chance in new hampshire. >> steve: she has a path. if she doesn't win, though. carley. >> carley: fox news alert, two navy seals missing this morning after being lost at sea during a mission to seize weapons heading
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from iran to houthi rebels in yemen. the elite american forces went overboard near somalia. questions remain over that situation. later today, sources say biden administration is expected to redesignate houthis as global terrorist organization after lifting the label in 2021. the 911 call made before lloyd austin secret hospitalization has been released, made by one of austin's aides who asked them to be discreet when they arrived. >> 911. where is your emergency? >> yes, ma'am, my name is -- and i work for -- and i am request ing ambulance to be taken. can i ask, can the ambulance not show up with lights and sirens? we're trying to remain subtle.
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>> carley: we spoke to congressman cory mills about this situation earlier. we need someone at the helm, we cannot have a vacant position. >> carley: spent two weeks in the hospital being treated for complication from surgery for prostate cancer. he was released and will be working from home. extreme weather. steam devil rising off lake michigan, the rare phenomenon happens when freezing air causes vapor to rise from the water. cool science lesson. and problems for evs, owners had to tow their cars back home. one owner joined us earlier. five of 10 stalls were out of order. the four had vacated cars there.
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we were all using one charger and it was taking extra long to charge. >> carley: one important tip, drivers need to hit preconditioning button before they charge or there could be major problems. i don't know for sure, i don't have a tesla, that is what i'm told helps. >> steve: that is what brandon told us, when you only have 6% and no heat. >> carley: he loves his tesla. the lloyd austin story. >> brian: if you have an aide call the ambulance, can the aide call the president? he has an aide that could have informed deputy secretary of defense and not left our country vulnerable. >> ainsley: the aide works for him, it is secretary of defense responsibility and he probably told his aide don't let anyone know, tell them to turn sirens
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off. cover it up. >> brian: wasn't like nobody. if i'm the aide, i guess you can't trump secretary of defense, a four-star general. you would say, i have to tell the president, sear a super power and need someone. >> lawrence: fair point. >> carley: you could say that about a family member, too. >> brian: he is not employed by them. >> ainsley: my boss said don't tell anyone i'm in the hospital, i'm not telling anybody. >> steve: right. >> ainsley: hipaa laws and i don't want to get fired. >> brian: you work for it is country. >> ainsley: your livelihood depends on it. >> lawrence: i think brian has a point, when you have people that work for defense department loyalty rest with secretary of defense instead of president of the united states. they take orders from commander-in-chief. >> steve: whoever is on the 911
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call has gotten asked why didn't you tell us. >> brian: as hunter biden pushes for gun charges to be thrown out, prosecutors say cocaine was on the pouch used to store his weapon. >> ainsley: you acted surprised. >> brian: stunned. >> ainsley: climate protesters throwing themselves in front of senator joe manchin literally. [chanting] fossil fuels. fossil fuels. >> lawrence: he had a smile. he is here to react to that and so much more here on "fox and friends" in about 10 minutes. t . hello 12 hours of relief. 12 hours!! mucinex dm gives you 12 hours of relief from chest congestion and any cough, day or night. mucinex dm. it's comeback season. now try mucinex instasoothe sore throat medicated drops. it ain't my dad's razor, dad.
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>> ainsley: the president's son dealt another legal blow. no pun intended. >> steve: hunter's gun screen right, prosecutors found traces of cocaine on a pouch hunter biden used to store his gun, essentially his holster. >> brian: peter doocy is live at the white house. >> peter: justice department read hunter's book and found a ton of references to drug use.
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that is why the doj are opposing t the motion, the d.o.j. fbi chemist analyzed the residue and determined it to be cocaine. investigators found drugs on the pouch where the defendant had kept his gun. charges are making false statement in purchase of firearm, making false statement related to information required to be kept by a firearm dealer and one count of firearm by unlawful user of or addicted to a controlled substance. justice department hears hunter's team say he is being singled out. justice department prosecutors
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write the charges are not trumped up or for former president trump. they are the defendant's own choices and brought in spite of not because of outside noise made by politicians. hunter has been able to slow the contempt charge on capitol hill. plan was for the full house to move forward with contempt charge because he would not sit for a deposition behind closed doors. now he is apparently ready to do it. contempt vote is off for now. back to you. >> steve: since the tommic is cocaine, there is a suggestion -- >> ainsley: where am i going with this. >> steve: the snow behind you. there is suggestion after cocaine was found in the west part of the white house common area maybe it was hunter biden and secret service came out and said it is impossible to know who is came from.
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was that it? or are people still talking about who might have dropped that? >> peter: i've heard it joked about by people working at the white house, no effort to figure out whose it was. >> steve: what is was joke or is it inappropriate 1234 >> peter: they just joke it was so-and-so, i will not say the people. >> steve: the actual so-and-so. >> brian: thanks. yairn come >> ainsley: coming up, could senator joe manchin run as third-party candidate? >> i love my country too much to vote for donald trump. i love my country too much and it would be detrimental to our country. >> brian: really? we'll ask him about that and so much more. there's the senator. to learn grit, determination and problem solving. we're taking that passion and channeling it through our farm to home bedding bath, and apparel
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at red land cotton. we grow cotton in the rich red earth of north alabama. and we want our products to be made here in the usa, from the seed in the ground to the final stitch. go to red land cotton dot com and receive 20% off your order with code fox 20 i try to put my arm around any vet that i can. absolutely. at newday usa, that's what we're doing. we put our arm around the veterans. when i think of the veteran out there that needs to refi his home, he may want to purchase and we can help them and provide that financial solution for them and their families. it's a great, rewarding feeling. everybody in the company, they have that deference and that respect and that love for the veteran that makes this company so unique.
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my name's brian hoeflinger, and because of tiktok, i have the power to educate people and hopefully save lives. when my son brian died in a drunk driving accident, i put out a video about it and try to stop young people from drinking and driving. no other family has to go through what we did. tiktok has the power to change society, and i think that's where the power of tiktok lies. if you save one person, that's one more person that can change the world too. right? ♪ ♪ [typing] you were made to act spontaneously. we were made to help plan accordingly. ♪
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>> brian: president biden criticized by members of his own party. polls show him losing in almost every battleground state, latest georgia. rumors have swirled of a third party run. our next guest will meet with the president before making a decision to move him to the center. democratic senator joe manchin says he will not run for another term joins us now. great to see you. are you going to try to get on the president's schedule and move him to the center before you make a decision on your next step? >> i think no matter who your president is, for him or against him, you want him to succeed. i think president biden has been pushed too far to the left and should come back to the center or center left, that is where the economy and country is.
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not a successful person or family make any decision from the extreme and think it will exist or last. we're trying to bring it back. if i get a chance to meet, happy to meet with him. >> brian: you think the border has collapsed. your estimation, we had a leader of the president's reelection committee say donald trump did nothing at the border and the border is better under joe biden. do you think that is correct assessment? >> that is false, they are living in la-laland. it is a disaster and they know it. only thing i implore the president to do to consider this, if congress cannot come together. you have republicans that might want to shut everything down, throw any type of immigration out the window and you have democrats who might think everything is fine. it is not fine.
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it's a disaster and it is dangerous. i implore the president to declare national emergency and secure our border immediately if congress can't do something this week. >> brian: one thing is clear, you will not run for another term. you do care about the country. why wouldn't you do what ronald reagan did to gerald ford or kennedy did to carter and take a run in your own party for the nomination? >> here is the thing. the base of the party has taken extreme to the extreme and you have people on both sides, republicaned is, really center right, good people i work with everyday and center left people trying to make basically good decisions for our country that are going to be great for families and secure us. the bottom line, they are afraid to jump out and do that. i am not running again because
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you cannot fix washington inside of washington. democrat and republican party is doing well financially. you are not going to change that business model. you need to go out and we're talking to people, my daughter heather and i have americans togethers, explaining to people how to be more involved. how primaries are more opened up on vote. je gerrymandering and districts are cooked before you run. things have to change. >> brian: i hear you. you don't think you would get nomination because the party moved. congressman dean phillips thinks joe biden should be out. listen to him. good man, losing to donald trump every national poll, every battleground state, hard to recover from these numbers. we know what is going to happen. with nikki haley, it is worse.
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why would democrats walk into this delusion that is going to be a nightmare? >> brian: you believe same thing, he's about to lose? >> if you look at polls right now and we're quite a ways from november. after super tuesday see what happens in naomi campbell. i was there last week, great people, bellwether state. i wish democrats would compete more in that area. more people who are no party,a filliation, more independents registered there than democrats and republicans. we got a good taste of that and understanding it. after super tuesday when it is cleared out who is going to be the two and handicapping person you say joe biden will be nominee for democrats and donald trump will be then that will
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create decisions to be made. >> brian: then you will decide if to run. if it is a rematch, joe manchin is in and no labels would be the place. if they can get on 34 state ballots, clear 34 states, no way you won't jump in, is that correct? >> no. the clear challenge for no label and this is a great organization who has a venue, they give you venue, where democrats and republicans can sit down and work out differences. that started in 2010. only venue where you could do that. their goal is to create options and their option would be to get on 34 ballots to be serious about attracting anybody to the third party move. >> brian: if they get on the ballot and you are their nominee, do you believe you would win? >> well, i'm not going to be a
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spoiler, if there is a pathway forward, i've always been involved and competitive, i would definitely want to win and fight to win. i will not go in trying to harm or help somebody else, i want to create a different option bringing americans together. >> brian: robert rice used to work with -- james carville used expletive to describe no labels, how do you describe it? are they right? >> when you create an option, what is wrong with that? trying to protect business model of rnc and dnc, they are doing just fine, why are you afraid of competition and options and people hearing a different voice. this is not right or wrong, i don't have all answers, i can work with you to secure our
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greatest problems. you have healthcare, you have education, you have border security, a lot of things and people in west virginia are not concerned about portfolio as much as they are of business of taking care of their family. >> brian: you are not against fossil fuel, for a strong border, that got under the skin of activists. this is diner, these guys run out and jump on your suv, they were by your house boat. what was going on here? >> what happened, you have people on both sides of the aisle, environmentalists, you cannot eliminate your way to clean environment. you can innovate it. energy security, we are producing more energy and oil and gas. >> brian: who were these guys >> paid activists, same group
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that is there everywhere i go. i understand and i try to talk to them. they don't listen. we are providing more secured energy today and investing in energy of the future of tomorrow. we can walk and chew gum. we are bringing business investment. they have one goal and one goal only, they don't have a right to come in private establishments. we're invited here and there and security is good on that. i don't see them be harmful, they are disruptive. fossil and we're doing fossil cleaner than anywhere in the world, and securing pricing, staying stabilized and with that investing more than ever. bringing new technology and doing it all. >> brian: in review, to meet with the president and if he does not show you he will move
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left and super tuesday shows rematch, manchin is going to be on no label ticket? >> let's see what happens, there is a lot to go into that cake mix between now and then. super tuesday will give better indication. if no label on 34 ballots, whole other scenario. >> brian: looks like you will be in and larry hogan will be running mate or mitt romney. >> a lot of capable people. see how it tracks. it is about the country. it is about the country. i've never met a republican that hasn't been my friend and never met a democrat that has not been my friend. i'm center middle and if i can go home to west virginia and explain my vote, i'm good with it. if i can't explain it, can't force me to vote for it. >> brian: we'll come back and talk about reforming college sports, too. >> we need to talk about nil, it
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will destroy college sports as we know it. >> brian: straight ahead, happening today, marine vet accused of choking a homeless man to death will appear in court, the latest on danny penny's case next.
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i think he's having a midlife crisis i'm not. you got us t-mobile home internet lite. after a week of streaming they knocked us down... dial up speeds. like from the 90s. great times. all i can do say is that my life is pre-- i like watching the puddles gather rain. -hey, your mom and i procreated to that song. oh, ew! i think you've said enough. why don't we just switch to xfinity like everyone else? then you would know what year it was. i know what year it is.
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>> lawrence: happening today, daniel penny is set to appear in court at 10:00 a.m. eastern time. judge expected to rule on penny's request to dismiss involuntary manslaughter charges. he pleaded not guilty in june. penny said, i was scared for myself, i looked around and saw women and children. he was yelling in their faces saying threats, i couldn't sit still. penny could face up to 19 years in prison. prosecutors want him held accountable. alvin bragg saying that daniel penny is indicted for manslaughter after putting jordan neely in a choke hold until he stopped kneeling. i hope mr. neely's family is on
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path of healing as they mourn this loss. the district attorney soros did not know that mr. penny tried to resuscitate him when he saw he was lifeless, no mention of sta. >> steve: perfect summary. medical examiner rumed it homicide, it does not talk about intent it said the guy died because someone stopped him to stop living. what it will come down to, this guy made it clear, i was protecting people is intents. was the intent to kill somebody or protect people on the train? >> brian: witnesses will make or break that case. he was heading to school and trying to protect people. look at his track record, you can't touch him. i want to see the toksology
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report on the guy. >> ainsley: the guy walked on the train and yelling at the whole crew on the train car, i don't care if you die, didn't he say that. >> lawrence: don't care if you die and to that point, two other minorities on the train helped restrain him. they have not been charged. why is that? >> ainsley: there was minority lad we interviewed on the show and she said i was glad he stepped in, i felt in danger. >> brian: i know two people that know him personally and said he's a great guy and served our military. go over to carley. >> carley: thank you, so sweet, you are all great people. not so great news, new report says colon cancer is killing more young men and women than ever before, according to american cancer society 153,000 cases of colo rectal cancer
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diagnosed in 2023 and rates have increased in people younger than 55. doctors are stumped as to what is causing this spike. a california sportscaster lucky to be alive after being thrown into oncoming traffic when the rv he was traveling in hit a freeway median. incredible dash cam footage taken by a car heading in the other direction shows cardelle patrick being thrown through the window of the rv. somehow he lived to tell the tale. patrick telling reporters his wife had fallen asleep at the whole. back to you. my fine, wonderful people. >> steve: thank you. something everybody is talking about in america today when they have seen this video. a panera drive-thru employee refusing to take a mom's order because a kid is screaming in the car. >> you are going to refuse to take my order because my child was screaming?
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>> yes, i have the right to do that. come inside or place an order online. >> steve: was the worker out of line? jimmy failla on that coming up. >> lawrence: check in with dana perino for what is coming up. >> dana: i didn't know that was an option? >> brian: shouldn't be. >> dana: this could change things in my life, screaming babies, how about screaming passengers trying to get home from iowa. we are glad to be back in new york city. checking to see if anyone missed us. new hampshire center of the universe now. stakes couldn't be higher for desantis and nikki haley. and climaters go after taylor swift. see you in a few minutes at 9:00.
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my name's brian hoeflinger, and because of tiktok, i have the power to educate people and hopefully save lives. when my son brian died in a drunk driving accident, i put out a video about it and try to stop young people from drinking and driving. no other family has to go through what we did. tiktok has the power to change society, and i think that's where the power of tiktok lies. if you save one person, that's one more person that can change the world too. right? ♪
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(sigh) if you struggle with cpap... you should check out inspire. no mask. no hose. just sleep. inspire. learn more and view important safety information at
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kurd >> good morning, everyone. it's cold where you are, isn't it? look at the maps. new york city we didn't get into the 20s. 18 with a windchill feeling like six. negative 11 in cleveland and negative 12 in chicago. you get the picture. the arctic air mass is down to the south. all of this moves towards the
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central u.s., ohio valley and the northeast on friday. we won't get a lot of snow but it will cause some problems. i will be taking complaints at the fox news weather channel. over to you guys. >> stand in line. >> i'll be first in line. >> i will put a complaint box outside my office. >> la >> lawrence: a mom with a screaming kid is refused service. >> you will refuse to take my order because my child was screaming? >> yes, i have the right to do that. you can place an order online or come inside. >> what is really -- you're not going to take my order? >> yes ma'am rick that's what i'm saying. >> bret says is perfect example of a broader problem in the u.s. self-absorbed, insignificant petty people convinced of their own entitlement. >> brian: others see it like
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mary anne. i also worked in fast food. there is intense pressure to get orders processed quickly and screaming can make it difficult to get a correct. employer blames the employee for that as well. >> steve: jimmy failla is here. if jimmie was wearing with headset what would you do? >> i have to drive around with this bread so i could stop eating breed. i have a lot of empathy for the drive worker. it is hard to hear. i know the kid is hungry. if you are that concerned drive to the next drive-thru, three minutes away from a burger or piece of bread. she stopped and taped it. more about her than it was about the kid. my kid is hungry and mommy is hungry for clicks. let's feed mommy clicks. >> the customer always right?
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>> they aren't always right. she is not a customer, she is an antagonist. >> no way you can work at home depot. what about this story? >> let's watch the video. >> had people over for a big game like night and i look at all the dishes in the sick and i get this note. what a good guy. i just love that he acknowledges he left a mess in the sink and don't worry, he will take responsibility for it. but anyways, we've come so far. >> husband left a sticky note that says i've got this. >> this is embarrassing as a man to know we've set the bar so low that one guy offering to do the dishes gets a segment on the biggest morning show in america. one guy. that's where the bar is for men. one post it. >> brian: is this back to the 1950s? >> this is a boring party. when i have people i don't do the dishes, i destroy the evidence. there is a burn pile.
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>> ainsley: is she waking up in the middle of the night when she sees this? when will he get this? preparing breakfast for the kids? >> lawrence: there is no evidence to say he washed the dishes. >> ainsley: i'll get this next week. >> steve: i know that you say i got this and then there is a heart. sorry. an apology. >> brian: how do i see your special. >> just jokes is now streaming on fox nation. >> brian: if i want to watch your show on the weekends what would i do? >> fox news saturday night. a cable necessary keg party. >> brian: you talk about yourself a lot. >> the more talking, less chug is what wardrobe told me. >> steve: live from new york it's saturday night with jimmie. >> no, it was imposed on us by the regulatory agency wh


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