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tv   The Five  FOX News  January 17, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PST

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border, is that more and more democrats are sharing that right now and thinking it is a potent political issue for republicans. they would love to take that away from them. >> well, i think this is going to be a potent issue heading into 2024. i just got back at iowa, where i spent a lot of time on the ground talking to republicans, and when i asked them about what their concerns are, iowa, you know, isn't exactly close to the border, and yet that is something that came up again and again when i was talking to voters. they think this is going to be an important issue for them when they go to the polls. >> neil: the number one issue. i was there, too. i remember, meridith, is how cold it was. meridith mcgraw, political reporter on those events there. they are talking, that's promising. they are not saying overly nasty things about each other, that's kind of promising. we'll see. here's "the five." ♪ ♪ >> jeanine: hello, everyone.
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i'm judge jeanine pirro come along with harold ford jr., jesse watters, dana perino, and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." ♪ ♪ the white house is doubling down on a new border hoax. two years after falsely accusing border agents of whipping migrants, the administration is now falsely claiming texas governor greg abbott for the tragic drowning deaths of three migrants. last week, a mother and two children drowned in the rio grande while attempting to cross the border. the white house not waiting for the facts, instead blasting out a statement that claims that texas officials "blocked border agents" from attempting a rescue by shutting down a part of a public park. and of course, the liberal media ate up every word. >> in texas, the republican
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governor prevents federal officials from trying to rescue a woman and her two children from drowning. trying to cross a river in texas. >> agents were physically barred from texas authorities from entering the area. >> she has been talking about texas has done everything except -- it almost sounds -- so he let them drown. >> preventing federal officials, law enforcement, from saving a life or lives come in this case. >> these are families. these are mothers, children. i -- i am actually just disgusted with where we have landed here. >> jeanine: but it was all they live. border patrol was never blocked from saving them. biden's own department of justice confirming the three migrants drowned one hour before border patrol even arrived at the gate to inform texas. texas officials are asking the biden administration to correct the record about the migrant
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drownings, but the white house is standing by the smear. >> our statement is an system with doj's final income as the doj filing side, there is an ongoing emergency situation that border patrol was blocked from accessing. >> why wasn't that included in the statement, that is what -- >> our statement is very much consistent with doj filing. anything else specific you want to know about that, i would certainly refer you to the doj. >> jeanine: all right. jesse, the white house is lying here, like they've lied about withgate a couple years ago, and they get away with it and there are no consequences. and most of the print media won't even write a correction. >> jesse: no, they recycle the propaganda, that's the game. there are so many hoaxes just in the last couple of weeks. remember dictator andre 1, the seal team six assassination squad, mar-a-lago's only
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$18 million, talking to hunter's clients about the weather? trump want the economy to crash? that's the last couple of weeks off the top of my head. now you have these people were drowning, and abbott blocked biden's lifeguards from a rescue. we are going to face, judge, such a torrent of disinformation this election year, it is going to be a struggle, and as they recycle the propaganda, they all tell us in the media, don't do your own research. member phil bump, "washington post," the guy that scrambled out of the podcast when he didn't know what the heck he was talking about with the laptop? he just prints this piece today, doing your own research is a good way to end up being wrong. now, this guy is a journalist who believes everything the government tells him and then writes it all down. philip bump is always wrong. because he never does his research. now, as a journalist, i am constantly issuing clarifications when i get new
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information, like if something is said by harold or jessica, and then in a commercial break we find out they are wrong, next block, i issue a clarification. for the sake of the show. because we don't want any disinformation out here. if biden, judge, really wanted to secure the border and stop the deaths, he would stop the asylum craziness. he would stop handing out free iphones, bus tickets, and assign them to everybody in the third world, what they want to do -- and this is not me saying this, this is the democrats saying this -- they want people to pick their crops, they want people to have babies, and they want to turn texas blue. again, not me saying that, that's them. why are they attacking greg abbott? because he's in a wheelchair? that's probably why they are doing this. ableists. >> jeanine: harold, doesn't having an open border and automatic catch and release with a bus, a plane, and a very available and at your service, doesn't that end up promoting illegal immigration and the
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deadly consequences that we are seeing here? >> harold: it's good to be here. two things. one, it does all those things. i was pleased to see, i think the most important for me, there's no excuse for when things -- you can get things wrong, when you're confronted with the facts, you should say the truth, just like i think about texas, the horrible thing that happened in texas, one of the things nothing to do with politics, as the shooting at that school and they didn't get the facts right at first, they kept telling things and you and i were talking about that with uvalde, texas. the white house should be candid about what they got right and what they didn't get right. i hope you don't have to correct me on this. what i am most concerned about in the coming hour, is it looks as if republicans and democrats met at the white house in the last hour, at the republican leadership in the house came out and they generally speak, i think, sometimes politicians do come in superlatives. they didn't this time. they came out, we stood our ground, they didn't say anything negative. than the democrats came out and said something similar.
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if we want these things to stop, if we want a different policy, all of the things we talk at this table, it has to be our elected officials to come around the proverbial table at the white house and congress and get something done. so i am encouraged about what they've done. there is a guy, though, got my blood boiling earlier, does not have the right to be around the table and congress, congressman from texas named congressman nils, i hope i am pronouncing his name correctly. he was quoted a few days ago saying, let me tell you, i'm not willing to do too damn much right now to help democrats and joe biden's dismal approval ratings. why would i? sarah, you got elected to congress. any democrat that utters this nonsense or republican, judge, you can all you want to come i don't think this is what people in politics should be doing. i hope he comes to the table with republican friends and democrat friends come and democrats who make equally asinine comments like we saw, at the beginning of the show, you have to call balls and strikes everywhere. we want answers to our border, congress has to act and the
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president has to act, hopefully they will. >> jeanine: are you saying no democrat ever said he was going to criticize and stop donald trump from doing everything he could do during the donald trump years? come on, don't act like it is just one side and not the other. >> harold: judge, not only am i not saying that, and criticizing democrats. i criticized karine jean-pierre. i call balls and strikes. i think we all should. >> jeanine: dana, 18% approval rating biden has on immigration. all he's got to do is enforce the law. he doesn't need congress. when iowa was 40% immigration is the biggest issue, how much trouble is he end? >> dana: there was an informal poll taking among republican congress yesterday, the number one with the economy. democrats. kamala harris was named the border czar 1,029 days ago. she goes on, going to talk about that, this is not an issue that she is ever asked about or has to deal with.
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it is the main issue driving their approval numbers down and everything else is coming down along with that. of course, immigration being the big issue, as well. the only thing you have to do at the white house is acknowledged there is a problem to try to fix it. why did you run for congress, anyway? they have incentivized their migrants to come, and that is being helped also by blue state governors like governor newsom, who says free health care is hee for you, as well. you start to read some of these stories about how there are migrants standing outside in this cold with no coats. i have family that is helping in denver, colorado, at nonprofits trying to figure out a way, how can we get them some warm enough clothes because they care about the human condition. and the biden administration is so willing to lie about their own citizens, you think about, texas state patrol, border patrol, the state folks that they were accusing of letting these people die, they are american taxpaying citizens. and you think about governor abbott, he has put up with so much, especially being
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attacked because he is in a wheelchair -- >> jesse: too much. >> dana: too far. i would say these poll numbers, 18%, imagine trying to get it to 30%, that would be, like come a little drop in the bucket, but they are not willing to do anything. if i were the white house, i would have said, our bad, sorry, got bad information, and then you can move on. now they won't be able to. >> jeanine: and they won't. go ahead, greg p at >> greg: if i didn't know any better i would think the white house has a low opinion of americans who actually every day try to save the lives that are put at risk . i go back and i listen to this story and it is obviously we go through a lot of these stories, but he reminds me that the two most consequential words of the last eight years was fake news. because i think -- you can't listen to these stories again the same way. when you hear them, you hear them differently. when i see the montage feigning outrage, i know they don't care
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that msnbc, crew of clowns, they don't care about those victims, right? those are just products for their script. and they are grateful that they've got it and they can create a script around it. the good news is i don't think the lie can travel around the world before the truth comes out. i think right now, we have an educated public that can see this. even though it seems like the dems have higher jussie smollett as a campaign advisor because every single one of their stories is a hoax. it is a hate crime hoax. and if you accuse somebody of a crime, that has some kind of racial component, wouldn't the hoax also be a hate crime? what about the people that are accused of this stuff? what about the whip-gate guys? they never got a formal apology peer review could conceivably ruin people's lives by saying those three people died on your watch, that could ruin somebody's life. why is there no punishment for
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that? i don't get it. but these stories repeat themselves because, like you said, there is no disincentive. you rely on the media to amplify the story while bearing the debunking, so these scumbags that msnbc can destroy a person's life, call them a murderer, but when they are exposed, they don't even make a retraction, or if they do come it is days away or on page 23, b7, or whatever, yet if any of us said anything, anything for any politician, republican said anything that would be slightly problematic, they would ruin you in an instant. they would ruin you in an instant. this case, they said some really horrible things. i'm heartened, though, that this isn't going to fly anymore this year. you look at x's community note, see how quickly people respond, i couldn't watch that montage, no one is taking that seriously, no one believes that. >> jesse: the only reason it traveled so quickly is because it blew up over the weekend. because they would have asked them the next day at the
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white house briefing. >> dana: also shifty schiff fundraiser off it immediately. >> jeanine: very good. coming up, the biden reelection campaign continues to be a total disaster. democrats are now mocking joe as bigfoot and kamala is running to her safe space on "the view." ♪ ♪ i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks.
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>> greg: president biden is so absent from the campaign trail and from his own mind that democrats are starting to mock him, calling him bigfoot. the big guy's top dems challenger launching this
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political ad that pokes fun at the president for ducking the democratic primary race. >> i thought i was good at hiding, so i asked around. have you seen joe? i mean, how can you have tens of thousands of people looking for you all the time and not one person find you? i've looked for him everywhere, even the democratic primary debate, no joe. >> greg: and while the white house keeps biden locked up in the cellar, the white house is now banking on kamala to be able to put more than two words together. the vp sharing her deep thoughts with the ladies of "the view." >> what are you going to do to stop the crazies? >> i am scared as heck. we should all be scared. but as we know, and certainly this is a table of very powerful women, we don't run away from something when we are scared. we fight back against it. >> that's right. >> we've done a lot of good work. we need to let people know who brung it to them.
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there is a split screen you can show up and see periods wing to be the choice between what is ar democracy, competence versus chaos. >> greg: dana, biden gets compared to bigfoot and kamala gets to see bigfoot up close at "the"the view." >> dana: i couldn't see. a couple of things. there is yet again, kamala harris makeover, she's going to come out and have a new full-court press. they decided to go with the abc contingent, got to spend a whole day with her yesterday and she got the whole treatment online, podcast, nightly news, and of course, "the view." hated that she said "i'm scared to death." you are the vice president of the united states saying i'm scared? we are going to win, we are fine, where is the confidence? she tries to back that off. then she talks about chaos. what's interesting is in iowa, and i know they don't care about
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these people, in iowa, 35% of the republicans who voted said they want disruption in the country, so they are not looking for the stability that the biden administration says they are going to continue on for another eight years. last point on dean phillips, the guy running against biden. this creates an interesting pain .4 biden come a little bit, in new hampshire because biden's name is not on the ballot. dean phillips name is on the ballot and many other democrats are running about primary, and biden is nowhere to be found. you can write his name in, they're trying to do that, it spending $4 million i think to try to write in biden's name on the ballot. it doesn't exude confidence. >> greg: not at all. harold, do you know why he is called bigfoot? >> harold: i do not. >> greg: he's got big feet. you know, what do you think of dean phillips, anyway? i love screwdrivers. >> harold: if you are going to run against somebody in a primary, especially -- [laughter] especially the president party,
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i would not be running commercials of bigfoot, i would be contrasting with him. i think it is funny, but you have to be serious if you are running. people run for a lesser office be get a chuckle but the president of your own party, you got to do it. if i were the president, i would go to new hampshire. i can't pay for a day or so, mmake clear to democrats was at stake. kamala harris, it amazes me, dana has talked about this, you can't get the three or four bullet points down. you have to be able to say, our campaign is going to be about touting how we have invested, build innovative things, medicines to chips to cars to ensuring that america is a leader, we are going to make it where every woman does not have to fear health care choices and talking about them, we are going to make sure we cut taxes for those -- these are the basic things. i don't know how you are not able to articulate and rattle
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off these points one by one by one by one and then talk about this and the other stuff. as we said in iowa, you talk about threats to democracies, it cuts both ways. republicans say you are attacking donald trump's, republic know mike democrats think of it as saying you should attack donald trump. this is not on the level kind of number here, so i think the economy and border security will continue to be the foremost issues on voters' minds. at the white house on the president on congress are able to address some of those issues it will not only help the country but it will help the party, help his party in the process that i think even help republicans, as well be at >> jeanine: judge, dean phillips, kamala, you pick. >> jeanine: well, i agree with dana. i think kamala, maybe she has had some media training, there is something different about her now, but what amazes me is she is kind of like jill when jill says he has more energy than anybody i know. she says joe biden can see around corners. really?
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couldn't see around the corners with the baby formula disaster? couldn't see around the corner with afghanistan. couldn't see around the corner with the classified documents that he had for 20 years that he wasn't even supposed to take out of the skiff? the whole idea she is scared, says we should all be scared, she is the vice president of the united states. we've got your back, we've got you, this is america, the biden administration's working for you. instead, they just watch your numbers go lower and lower. you know what, 18% on immigration and now he wants to deal with it, now the nine months before the election, now they want to deal with ed? we had the biggest month in history last month. i mean, americans all over consider themselves part of a border state when they are not. and then she says the media is against us, are you kidding? the media is carrying their water. the media is carrying their stories bear we just did it in
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the last block, they won't even cort it when they get something wrong. finally, this idea she says republicans have nothing to run against joe biden except his age. well, 74% of americans think you shouldn't run because of his age, so nothing she says is a saving or helping them. >> greg: jesse, what do you have to say about this topic? >> jesse: i think the biden campaign is getting a face-lift. i think kamala might be the new face of the campaign. biden is probably going to let obama take the reins of the campaign. and it's because he is shy and can't walk or talk or campaign, every time he goes out there he fixed jogs, does events, call him, doesn't even deliver a speech. disappears for a few days and pops up and screams democracy and goes back to delaware and tides. i'm kicking myself i didn't think of the bigfoot analogy. that is a sticky analogy. an honest press would gobble that up and run with it. these people make their living
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on content, on conflict, on buzz, and the bigfoot thing, it's beautiful. i was going to say the white house is like the bermuda triangle, joe disappears into it and you don't see them for a week. these are the kind of things if you were covering a campaign, you would put right out there. but they are covering up a campaign and that is why it is. >> greg: all righty, then. ahead, criminals are coming for your underpants. walmart and target are locking up boxers and socks. ♪ ♪ let the weight of the day. fall away, give your cares and worries over to god. blessed are the poor in spirit for the patient. for lent this year instead of chocolate,
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♪ ♪ >> dana: crime is getting so bad in our nation's capital, drivers are now wishing for a snowstorm to stop carjackings. right now washington, d.c., is
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getting devastated by a dramatic spike in robberies and vehicle theft and it has this woman praying for a blizzard to stop the bad guys. >> we need at least 10-15 inches. >> oh, come on. >> it will slow people down. just think, carjackings will probably go to zero because they can't run. >> dana: and america's shoplifting epidemic is getting even more insane. walmart and target have begun locking up underwear and socks, and i don't know what greg is going to do with that information. yesterday, a friend of mine was at, like, a walmart or cvs in d.c., security guards tackle a guy, as they are tackling him -- because he was shoplifting -- a gun falls out of his pocket and everybody just kept shopping. this is just what the world we live in. >> greg: why isn't cvs locking up their guns? by the way, i'm forced to go commando now. >> dana: good to know. >> greg: just with my socks. so what is left to steal? it makes you think, what are they not locking up?
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like chia pets, greeting cards, brian kilmeade's book? at some point if there is no commerce and not going to be any community in cities will die, the people who pretend to care about low income neighborhoods, they minority populations, ushered in the destruction and they get their underwear off amazon. it's sad you've got to rely on the weather to fight crime. what's next, hope that a new pandemic will come along and reduce immigration? or maybe a more potent form of fentanyl will solve the homeless crisis? is this how they solve problem's, hoping nature takes its course? makes you think, doesn't it? don't do that, jesse. >> dana: d.c. attorney brian schwab, judge, he is busy doing things that have nothing to do with protecting the city, that's why people want a snowstorm. >> jeanine: i'm reading this and i think it is amazing. one of the recommendations the d.c. council public safety
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committee will vote on today, one of the mayor's request, give the metropolitan police the authority to declare drug-free zones. so what? it's a drug free zone, are you going to make an arrest? okay, make an arrest, they're going to let him out in a minute. it doesn't matter. it's all talk. it's like when gavin newsom came up with something, i forget what it was, last week he wanted to expand the penalties for those profiting on retail theft and auto burglary. that's great. i'm glad you are talking in your mouth is moving, but nothing is changing as a result of this. you need to change the bail laws. you need to be able to keep them in and you need to prosecute them. until criminals realize there are consequences, nothing is going to change. the answer to your question, greg, as to what they are not locking up, they are not locking up suits and ties because nobody is working, nobody wants them. >> dana: you know what else they're not locking up, jesse? the criminals. >> jesse: that's right. they turned cvs into one big vending machine.
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just go in there, put a quarter income it all comes out. journalists have no clue because they just work from home and order everything off amazon and these people have no careers. they have worked in media their whole lives. there never run a business. they have never had customers. they don't understand what it does when people steal. now in d.c. if you're under 18 and get caught carjacking, they want to prosecute use of the gangsters make every 16 and 17-year-old kid steal cars. and then they chop it and then they sell off the catalytic converter because it's like $3,000 on the street because it has -- and then they have a challenge. go on tiktok and now it is a game if you can steal a kia, steal it, joyride it, and leave it, that is what it has come down to. >> dana: harold, for the staff that work at these places, like what they are having to go through. not only can they not work at a retail store normally commit after veal customers who get mad, because i wish you could
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put in a quarter and get your product. the walmarts and targets and all other businesses that go with them, it's a lot of jobs, people have to move farther away to get things they need and that is when you end up with deserts, retail deserts. >> jesse: underwear deserts. >> harold: you see it a lot in the communities we focus on, cities we focus on, and i agree with the judge's outlining of things. if you could imagine congress, i would hope bipartisan effort here, if they passed a crime bill that gave more money to cities to hire and train more police officers, gave more money to buy the kind of equipment and ammunition and artillery they need to be able to protect communities, give them more money to help perhaps a provide summer jobs to help kids do certain things come all conditioned on one thing, you get cashless bail in your city. a whole pot of money, the whole sum of money out there for you to do these things if you are
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willing to do what we believe is a huge driver of the increase, and accelerant increase of crime. it's hard to take serious, someone saying we are going to declare a drug-free zone. you can't just say no to crime. you actually have to act on it. i do think there have to be other things you give communities, people and opportunities to be able to say yes to. you have to, when people break the law, there have to be consequences. this was not a partisan issue, 10, 15, 20 years ago. for some set of reasons, it has become one, and the real losers are the people that want to buy underwear. [laughter] are the people who want -- seriously, safe neighborhoods, their kids walk to school every day and walk home from school every day and are concerned about the safety in their neighborhood. they should be creative in politics. they should be aggressive in politics. they should be assertive and give money to the communities that are doing the right thing and incentivize communities that are not doing the right thing to do the right thing. >> dana: you know, it's interesting because biden lives there, pays no attention to the
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city at all but in his victory speech the other night in iowa, president trump brought it up, we are going to fix the city i'm going to make it more beautiful, make it this place we all want it to be and be proud of it. >> greg: if anything joe biden should really care about underwear. >> dana: if anything, i had come a student loan rebellion, millions of borrowers are just flat out refusing to pay back their loans. i didn't know you could do that. it is her ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> jesse: joe biden's student debt bribe is still causing chaos. despite the supreme court telling him no, the administration has so far forgiven a whopping $130 billion
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in student debt, billion. but even that simply not good enough for the loan-dodging brats. one in ten delinquent student loan borrowers are refusing to pay in the hopes that it puts pressure on the government to cancel them. and this -- because joy behar, she is lashing out at gen z for acting like the economy left them behind. >> they feel left behind by the economy and also see everybody trying not -- >> get a job. >> no, they have to work multiple jobs -- >> there is a million job openings in this country. >> they have also lived through a pandemic, they have lived through the worst of times. i am raising two gen zers. >> boo-hoo. >> i want to defend them a little bit. >> kind of makes you like joy behar for a second. >> greg: that will never happen. i think bigfoot expresses exactly the problem of so many entitled aging elites. i got mine, what's your problem? the problem is not everybody can be as talented as beautiful as
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joy behar, not everyone can have the glorious ability to shine on a glorious vehicle like "the view." when i hear joy behar, i hear the dying gasp of a malicious, self-centered generation. i'll be dead soon, so why worry? she is no different than what joe biden would show that ambivalence when people would be complaining about things going on periods like it is not a big deal whether it was crime or inflation or the borders. i have seen it all. i get the sense, it's not my problem anymore. it's there is. i'll be gone soon. >> jesse: or they could just vote them out. dana perino, why don't we banded together, not pay our mortgage in the hopes the banks cancel them. >> dana: i was thinking about what if you are young work out in the country and you've got an f-150 because you were starting a business, like a plumbing business, should they get a pass? should they get to band together and not pay? >> greg: same price, roughly $250 a month.
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>> dana: there you go. biden keeps saying they will not have to pay their loans and that is why they are not paying them, because he is basically trying to bribe them and they are going to get pushed back by the supreme court or they are going to just lose because it's amazing to watch. the democrats just completely abandoned blue-collar workers. it's a weird political inversion that we have gone through in the last 30 years. it is shocking to me because it is so clearly unfair to all these people who worked really hard and paid back their loans or decided not to go to school. the biden administration has created the system that the young people believe if they read you hard enough, then the biden administration will eventually cave to your demands and that is why they protested and almost broke down the gates of the white house on saturday night because of the support for israel. >> jesse: may be they are planning on having all of the blue-collar workers disappear, harold, and being replaced with robots. i am directing this question at you specifically. >> greg: [laughs] >> harold: so i feel like joy behar does on this.
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i think the only thing that's going to happen -- if you have gone to college and you don't pay your student loans off, here's what is meant to happen. banding together is not going to cause the administration to do anything more. you are going to have bad credit. you are not going to be able to buy a home or lease a car, not being able to buy a car, bad credit will follow you in a terrible way. you have a college education, one would think someone talked you that in some sense along the way. >> greg: she was not railing against college forgiveness or loan forgiveness. she was talking about getting a job. >> harold: a job and pay back -- my interpretation, i thought sunny was saying, raising gen zers, it is understandable, should get a job, i hope -- that is -- those are the kinds of -- we have a generation of americans today who have an over abundance of the traits that don't help your problem solve. they are self-important. they have a shaky grasp of the
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facts. sometimes an unforgivable meanness towards people. that doesn't position you well to do well in life. gave them a sense of entitlement. we have been teaching people better, look, we may give you a break on something, dana you made the point about plumbers and electricians, engineers in that regard, may need more teachers, medical professionals come i don't mind framing at that way, but if your numbers are right and i think they are, $130 billion, $140 billion of loan forgiveness come off to a good start and if we believe we need more, two things have to happen: identify the areas in which you are going to reduce loan payments or forgive them, and two, congress, hold a hearing, bringing these college presidents and ask them, why have cost gone up so much? what our kids getting for it? and what can the country look forward to getting these next round of increases that you seem to be planning? >> jesse: we know how well the college presidents conduct themselves of these congressional hearings. >> jeanine: yes, they have a mind of their own.
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you know, these kids had the ultimate sense of entitlement. they really don't care about their credit. one was quoted in this package that we got saying, what are you going to do? ruin my credit so i can't buy the house i couldn't buy anyway? you know, the house of my dreams. but you know, this is all on joe biden. okay? because what joe biden did -- it is. in august of 2022, he made the decision, you know, i need to get the young people so i am going to forgive $20,000 of the pell grants, $10,000 on the other grants, august or june of 2023, supreme court comes down and says, you don't have the authority to do that. you can't forgive student loans. and almost immediately, the biden administration comes out and they say, what we are going to do is give you a year, you don't have to worry about anything, we will give your off-ramp and maybe in october of 2024 you can start paying again and in the meantime, they got all these little programs where jesse's right, it's $132 billion
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that we have paid for these brats so they can keep their fun money budget. that's what this is all about. they don't want to get a job. and joe biden is so convinced that he has great unemployment and record which is due to the covid jobs coming back, you know, he should be able to say, get a job, i made it so that you can get a job. but no. he is just selling himself and they are just salvage. and i don't buy, my kids were in a pandemic, it was so hard. they stayed home. they didn't have to go to school. and they did whatever they wanted to do. >> jesse: fund money budget. >> jeanine: yes. >> greg: got to stop calling it loan forgiveness. is not theirs to forgive. it is taxpayer money. you lose this battle when you hand over the language. >> jesse: and you can forgive on my behalf. >> greg: yes. >> jesse: i'm not complicit in the forgiveness. "the fastest" is up next. ♪ ♪
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was throwing a temper tantrum. she was told she could put her order in online. judge come is that fair? >> jeanine: it's more than fair. have you ever worked in a restaurant? i worked in a restaurant, behind a counter come at a dairy, you have a screaming kid, you cannot hear the mother, and let me tell you something, if panera takes any action against this kid, for saying, do me a favor, i can hear you, the kid is screaming, go online and order a come in with the kid them if they take action against him, he should let us know. >> harold: jesse, is this child-ist of these people? >> jesse: i may have once or twice in a public place, perhaps on a plane of jesse jr. screams -- [laughter] not that he can't breathe, but just -- >> harold: just enough. >> jesse: and then i will place my order. >> harold: dp, thoughts on this? >> dana: i think he was right. i think he could have said, i'm sorry, i can hear you, if you will pull over and send it online, i will personally bring it out to you so you don't have to get out of the car. that would have been a nice
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thing to do. then give them -- >> harold: greg, what are your thoughts? >> greg: i did an open air had a drive through. i thought it was the purpose of meeting someone for a coffee, break up in public so someone doesn't cry, or there is a stranger who is meeting you there to blackmail you with photos they got off the internet. because if you ever go into panera, it is all of these people sitting awkwardly at tables. never anybody going, hey, is a very strange place, panera. >> jesse: very weird vibe. >> jeanine: that's right. >> jesse: the most insightful thing you have said in months. i'm serious. >> greg: don't you ever go by panera, something is off in there? >> jesse: the vibe is off. >> harold: i'm in the minority, i think that he was wrong. "one more thing."
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♪ ♪ >> judge jeanine: time now for "one more thing." dana. >> dana: i haven't done it in a while. ♪ ♪ >> dana: okay. here's some corny jokes. what can fall from great heights and not get hurt? >> jesse: acorn. >> dana: there is a winter theme. it's snow. very good. what do you call a snowman having a temper tantrum. >> jesse: meltdown. >> judge jeanine: wow. >> dana: what did the icy road say to the car? >> harold: don't slip. >> judge jeanine: slide? >> dana: you want to go for a spin? that's close. what is a snowman's favorite cake topping? >> jesse: icing. >> dana: what kind of photos do they take in the north poll?
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>> harold: nap shot. polaroid. >> greg: via show tonight. we have a show tonight. k.t., kat timpf. we will find out what k.t. stands for. greg's sexy sloth news. we had a horse yesterday. behold the sloth. [jazz music] [laughter] >> greg: that's a luna eating whsweet potato. >> dana: that's not sexy at all. >> greg: should have been in slow motion. >> dana: it is in slow motion. it's a sloth. >> greg: slower motion. see you tonight, luna. you better wait up and wear that thing i like. >> judge jeanine: okay. it's time for >> judge jeanine: fabulous fashion advice. everybody knows i'm all about style and this girl definitely has style. check out this funky new hairdo
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she created using nothing but the elements. i call it the medusa. >> wow. >> judge jeanine: okay. harold? >> harold: the tampa bay buccaneers are headed to the detroit to play the lions in a dome. listen to a question the reporter asked. >> acclimate the team to not only indoor but perform in those kind of frigid temperatures should you face them in detroit? >> you do know we play indoors, right? we have a dome. we only have to be outside 20 seconds getting off the bus going into the thing. so we will be okay. >> harold: only played in a dome couple decades. maybe the reporter will study harder. greg will get into this thing tonight. >> jesse: do you link gossip and learning about people's dysfunctional lives and what makes people tick. buy my book. it's on amazon. >> greg: tricked us. >> bret: judge one time, could you play the


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