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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  January 17, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PST

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use. hunter dismissed from navy in 2014 for coke and in his book, he admits to drug use. federal prosecutors say they found cocaine residue on leather pouch he used to store his gun. feds are asking a judge to deny biden's efforts to dismiss the gun charges owing to this evidence. >> raymond: he says he did not use drugs, the laptop showed he used drugs, the book, and he used drugs 48 hours after purchasing the gun and now they found residue, open and closed case. >> laura: is there cocaine in any of the paintings? maybe that is why they sell for that much. >> raymond: on the blow paintings. >> laura: it is great to be back home. jesse watters next. >> jesse: welcome to "jesse
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watters primetime." tone -- >> i'm scared as heck, which is why i'm traveling our country. >> jesse: kamala takes the reigns of the biden campaign. what could go wrong? two navy seals disappear in the gulf. why is there a cover-up? >> they have been trying to scare people about the range of vehicles, there is range anxiety out there. >> jesse: kerry accuses trump of electric car disinformation. >> we're all looking for a plug-in, does anybody have a plug-in? >> jesse: plus -- >> you could own -- ♪ >> jesse: throughout ancient history, expression of approve comes in different shapes and
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sizes. roman era, toga flapping, flap their togas up and down. coliseums grew, so did need to be louder, so came clapping. clap became consequential, romans hired cadillacers to clap during their political speeches and performances. louder the clap, higher someone is standing. from then on, politicians inserted applause lines to their speeches. some more successful than others. prepared to act in national security interest of the country to get back in the business of creating a more peaceful world. please clap. [applause] >> jesse: you can't garner applause, you can't win a crowd. politics is about winning over the crowd, especially an election year. we're 10 months from an election
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and democrat nominee for president is walking into rooms in silence. [applause] >> jesse: so how are the democrats going to cam bane for president if their nominee can't make any noise? they are going to give the campaign a facelift. kamala is the new face of the biden campaign. >> can't change the president's age, what is your plan to try and change this perception? how do you do that? >> the reality of it is and i spend a lot of time with president biden, oval office, situation room and other places. he is extraordinarily smarts, he
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has the ability to see around the corner in terms of what might be challenges we face as a nation or globally. >> it doesn't seem that is getting out and resonating with americans and your supporters. >> you are here in south carolina, you saw every room we went in, numbers are there applauding loudly. they are applauding for me and for joe biden. >> jesse: biden sees around corners like stevie wonder, he missed hamas attack, inflation crisis, the reporter asked, are you sure voters think joe is up for the job? kamala said, they applaud for me and joe. we told you last night the obamas are taking reigns of the biden campaign and ripping bubble wrap off kamala and sending her on the road. there is no question, we got to be on the road. last two weeks, i've been to georgia. i've been to nevada.
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i've been to north carolina, south carolina twice. first two weeks of this year, i will be out on the road. we have to earn the reelect and communicate what we have achieved, that is a big challenge. we have done a lot of good work, let people know who brung it to them. >> jesse: two weeks, she's been to twice as many battlegrounds as biden. biden is transitioning, pronoubs are changing, this is now the harris-biden ticket, they don't have another choice. the president has not been seen in public in three days. we thought they would pull the switcheroo. how was kamala's debut at top of the ticket? >> i'm scared as heck, which is why i'm traveling our country.
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an old saying, there are two ways to run for office. either without an opponent or scared so on all points, yes, we should all be scared. >> jesse: the woman of the primetime staff when they watched kamala, saying she was scared cringed. kamala's running to be first female commander-in-chief and ladies of primetime did not think i'm scared as heck sent the right message. did kamala even prepare for this interview? this is how she framed the election. listen. we've got 10 months to go until the election and increasingly and you have seen it even just this week. we are all starting to narrow in on what the selection will mean. it is the choice between what is about respecting our democracy, what is about competence versus chaos. >> jesse: kamala harris running on issue of competence.
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moms couldn't get baby formula, migrants passing out in sleeping bags airports. the economy was recovering and they ran it into the ground. >> why is everything so damn expensive? four years ago, my rent was $1200 a month in a luxury apartment complex and it is now $2100, not even including utilities. i went to the grocery store yesterday and got three bags of chips, ground turkey and vegetables and it was $67. what? three years ago my electric bill was averaging $45. now it is averaging $125. you go and get a tank of gas once a week and you're dropping $70. guy can't even buy a can of dip
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for less than $8. $8 for a can of dip! what the -- is going on? >> jesse: i'll tell you what is going on, wall street wants trump back. the street's mouth piece, jamie diamond, j.p. morgan is long maga. >> take a step back, be honest, he is right about nato, right about immigration, he grew the economy well. tax reform worked, right about some of china. he was not wrong about critical issues and that is why they are voting for him. people should be more respectful of fellow citizens and ask the why. this negative talk about maga is going to hurt biden's election campaign. >> biden may have bailed out wall streets, wall street will not bail him out. smart money sees around corners, biden doesn't. biden policies have been a
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disaster for america. he doesn't respect us enough to defend them. democrats are running ads against biden, calling him big foot. >> i challenged myself to find president biden in this season. have you seen joe? i mean, how can you have tens of thousands of people looking for you all the time and not one person find you? >> jesse: the harris big foot ticket now. please clap. dana lash joins me. this is quick, i didn't think this would happen so early. harris is president and biden back to being vp. >> dana: happy new year and thanks for having me, i'm struggling between being terrified and greatly amused. i cringed when she said she was
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scared. a strong woman -- stop with the woman, strong candidate. like the nikki haley. i'm tired of people going, i'm a woman. strong candidate would be confident and say, i got this, we're prepared and wouldn't campaign out of their basement. biden mia, i've seen stories on ufos and shadow monsters than i've seen joe biden. i don't know what he's doing, we don't know how he feels. but kamala harris selling this, word salad, i can't tell you a single accomplishment she is done. is she border czarring? do we know? she is a hood ornament. a box checking, we got a womanhood ornament and all they can say and that is not much. >> jesse: he's big foot now and democrats taking shots, how can he coast through this campaign at this level of energy, dana.
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we have not seen him in a couple days, last week we didn't for three. 10 day stretch you never saw or heard from him. can he win like this? >> dana: no, he can't, going out and explaining why butter costs $7 is important and they act like policies and everything people are suffering from, they acts like this was something done to them instead of policies they implemented and did to everyone else. when she says, remember who brung it. he will remember who brung it when we go and fill up cars and pay utilities and pay electricity and everything is sky high. we will remember who brung it. she will rue the day she said that, people will remember in november temperature is about economy, stupid, they never learned that lesson from within their own party. he cannot win by hiding there is
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reckoning coming, he has to answer. >> jesse: $7 for butter, imported irish butter? >> no, the one they took the indian off the butter. >> land owe lakes. they kept the land. >> dana, "good day new york" to see you. >> thank you. jeru >> jesse: fani willis lover boy nathan wade might be hardest working person in america. he billed 24 hours in a single day. that means nathan was working all day and all night on fani willis's case. what would lover boy be working on past midnight? he would not be billing fani willis, no, burning midnight oil at the office. loverboy billed $700 grand, is he making more than the lawyers
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not sleeping? is he more qualified than they are? or is he working harder? let's ask fani. >> i appointed three special counsel, paid them the same hourly rate, they only attack one. >> jesse: false, you are paying loverboy more and he is billing $100 more an hour. what are the loverboy's credentials anyway? >> god, wasn't it them -- some will never see a black man as qualified no matter his achievements? what more can one achieve? >> jesse: race card will not get you out of this one. we found loverboy's resume. impeccable? not a word i would use to describe his credentials. highest profile cases involve car accidents.
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loverboy represented a lady rearended by a beer truck. he tried to get her 300 grand, case dismissed. he's a piranha in small claims court. he represented a store who claimed a customer owed them $11,000 for speakers and he won. nathan wade helped 3 people get their name changed >> best work is paternity cases. if you are not the father call 1-80's0-loverboy and your child support payments will disappear faster than hunter's. black ken starr, he doesn't have starr's ethics. nathan wade admitted to destroying documents in a previous case. maybe fani is right, maybe her lover is perfectly qualified for
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the trump case. ahead, joe biden just sent two navy seals on a nightmare mission and now they are missing. can neuriva support your brain health? mary, janet, hey!! (thinking: eddie, no frasier, frank... frank?) fred! how are you?! fred... fuel up to 7 brain health indicators, including your memory. join the neuriva brain health challenge. so... - we're engaged! - we're engaged! congrats carol! your youngest finally popped the question. but now, you're really going to have to get those new dentures. after all, you need a smile that matches the moment. so this might be a good time to mention that aspen dental can create natural looking dentures in no time. just for you! and that comes with $0 down plus 0% interest if paid in full in 18 months.
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>> jesse: the navy seals are tip of the spear for u.s. military. deploy them anywhere in the world, jungles, deserts, mountains, they execute with lethal precision, they are america's most valuable human assets and now two of them are missing. it occurred during a covert operation at the arabian sea to intercept weapons iran was delivering to yemen. yemen been lobbying rocket at us. one seal slipped from a ladder
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while attempting to board an enemy ship. the second dove in to help him and both were swept away. neither has been publicly identified. rescue missions are underway, americans left wondering where is biden's mideast strategy taking us? we were leaving the mideast and now there is a proxy march. when reporters asked the white house today what was going on, they turned their backs, watch. >> thanks, everyone. >> talk about the missing seals? >> all right. you want to reset us. >> can you update us on the follow-on from the seal mission? >> in terms of when you say update? >> jesse: primetime understands risk of military operations, men die and that is a somber reality. why not level with us and cover
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it up instead? makes us not trust you. seems like wee throttling toward a deadly confrontation with iran when we had them pinned back. >> iran was broke, iran was broke. i said to china, if you buy oil from iran, you are not dealing here. they dropped italy, france, all buying from iran, iran would give out billions of dollars to terrorists, they had no money. >> jesse: biden drove up price of oil, created economic boom in iran, handed them billions and elite soldiers are disappearing cleaning up his mess. u.s. navy still jonathan gilliam joins us now. what were they doing in that raid? >> jonathan: a vbss is visit, board, search and seizure equivalent of a traffic stop in
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the middle of the ocean by law enforcement and serving a search warrant on a felon and all in high seas. this is a very dangerous mission because you don't know what you are facing when you go there. they are using intelligence too look at different types of boats, large boats, small vessel or ship and climbing up this thing about 20 to 30 feet on a small ladder that is made out of cords and metal and you can climb on the side of this and execute a search and seizure. the interesting thing about this is what you were just saying there is that these are reactionary missions that seals are being put on and it is not proactive. none of this stuff should be floating through this gulf and the way joe biden and allies, not just joe biden, other
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leftist allies, verbiage they use, response when they do attack, singular responses, that is why we are in this. just like afghanistan and everything else the biden administration has been involved with, two things occur to us. trump was right every time and also everything is reactive, nothing is proactive and it puts our service members in real dangerous circumstances. in this case, two individuals are missing. >> jesse: you are right, we should not have been in this situation to begin with. why won't the biden administration level up and explain what is going on? >> jonathan: same thing when it comes to israel or the ukraine or what happened in afghanistan. the biden administration is filled with nonoperators, not war fighters, not really good politicians, as you have shown with kamala harris and the way joe biden and his administration turns their back when asked
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about these things. they don't even politic correctly. reality is these individuals don't want to get in a fight because their only goal is to make money to gain power and get re-elected. they are not interested in fighting. in this case, if truth came out, you would see they are guilty of giving money and access to iran and iran funds all these proxy wars. this is no different than iraq and afghanistan, we were involved in fights with a specific enemy, this time iran is throwing money and equipment and tactics and training to other groups who do fighting for them. >> jesse: thanks for explaining that to us, very insightful and thank you for your service. hope these two guys -- >> god bless those men. >> jesse: hope it is made right. thank you. what is going on in davos.
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way. cirkul, available at walmart and ♪ >> jesse: the most powerful people in the world are meeting in davos switzerland for the world economic forum. they cook up crazy ideas to get rich, make our lives miserable. check on today, shall we? [speaking foreign language] [blowing sounds] >> jesse: okay.
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[blowing sounds] [applause] >> jesse: that is chief potani from the amazon rain forest and she performed the ceremony to hear the voice of the forest. now davos green washed they can get back to pilligeaging. john kerry, biden's climate czar convinced joe to plow billions into electric cars. evs and cold weather don't mix. >> the battery has been dying constantly and for the past four days we've charged in like seven times. >> yeah. >> yeah.
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>> come on. >> past few days, the weather has been in the negative, negative 10, negative 12, negative all negatives. i can't even charge my vehicle, y'all. then you got all these cars right here waiting and these chargers is broke. >> jesse: kerries don't believe any of that, evs run smooth, that is disinformation. there has been a clear policy which regrettably has been attacked by people engaged in high levels of disinformation, trying to scare people about the range of vehicles, range anxiety out there. >> jesse: range anxiety? people are getting anxiety because their cars are running out of juice when it is below zero, not because of disinformation. it is merely observation. >> they want mandatory electric
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cars, the cars go for like two hours. everybody will be looking for a plug-in. does anybody have a plug-in? i've been driving for an hour and 51 minutes. >> jesse: don't stop uber from electrifying. we are totally committed to electrification of our fleet. u.s., canada, europe, 24 all over the world. >> jesse: if you need a ride to the airport in winter, call a cab. michael shellenberger. before we get into evs, were you blessed by the amzonian tribal chief when she performed that ritual ceremony? >> i felt the forest in my heart, jesse. >> jesse: did they bring her up there to say we love the indigenous americans who live in the rain forest, now let's go tear it all down? >> yeah, look, i don't think it
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is exaggeration to say the world economic forum has 18 civilization agenda. it is the most essential resource of society has to be cheap. you see it across the board and they want to make food and energy expensive, cost of energy expensive. global elites looking to keep ordinary people down. >> jesse: now disinformation, mayorkisal, if you say people are anxious about their cars not working properly, don't you see? >> i was going to say, i think it is lived experience. i thought they cared about lived experience. lived experience of people in cold weather. electric cars are a luxury, a second or third car for people like john kerry, working people can't deep on them, they are more expensive.
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speaking of disinformation, "new york times" promise and john kerry promise electric cars have lower cost of repairs, it is higher, that is why hertz is selling off many of the electric cars. it turned out to be disinformation, misinformation. >> jesse: how is hert z dumping their evs and uber is electrifying them? >> uber is not buying the cars, they are saying we will make our workers buy more expensive cars and very more expensive repairs, i don't think it is honest like everything else on this topic. >> jesse: always a work-around. thank you and i hope you are getting home from the studio in a gas-powered vehicle, it could be chilly. wild brawl breaking out between
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a blood thirsty barrista. and the barristahas been fired, primetime is impressed with her athleticism. >> you can walk away and i'll get your stuff. >> i need my stuff. >> get out. >> get -- >> jesse: okay, it started over espresso shots, police report says barrista arguing over espresso. her manager tried to restrain her and kick her out and then this happened. >> somebody call 911. whoa. >> jesse: primetime does not condone violences against women, how does a man defend himself in a situation like this? she keeps going and fakes him out. watch.
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>> get my stuff. >> you will get your stuff. >> get my stuff. give me my -- >> call the police. >> call the police. >> get off of me. >> jesse: she wiped out, but she got her jacket, we reached out to the police who say they are investigating. did the male barristas handle it appropriately? ahead, major primetime victory, gavin newsom is watching.
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>> jesse: back with a primetime victory. last week we told you how the same democrats who say sex changes for kids are safe are trying to ban tackle football for kids under 12 because of
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safety. take a look. >> jesse: 12-year-old can't play football, but can get a sex change. pee wee is too dangerous, but you can cut off your pee-pee. california is a great place for kids, step over needles, but don't play football, you might get hurt. governor gavin newsom wised up and sacked the ban. newsom's team e-mailed us and said they saw our show and wanted to be sure we saw his statement. i will not ban youth football, i am concerned about health and safety of young athletes, a ban is not the answer. good job. now if only all democrat politicians watched primetime, we could get it together. to the pewes, you're welcome,
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put the pads on. when migrants came to sanctuary cities, democrats rolled out red carpet, filled with popcorn machines, xboxes and boasted about illegals they let in. remember? >> protect our immigrants during the covid immigrant state they provided service for the city. >> we have a responsibility to make sure that families who are seeking love and support here in the city of chicago and throughout the state of illinois, that they are not just welcomed, they are serviced. >> jesse: house guests can only stay for so long before getting on your nerves. migrants are causing trouble in communities forced to take them in. turning their children into banditos to steal. and canvassing neighborhoods
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going door to door to panhandle, using biden phones as translaters and asking for food and cash. migrants asimulated quickly and adopting running the traffic, faking getting hit by a car to extort the driver for money. maybe lover boy can take care of that case. people have had it in chicago. 70% of people say focusing on housing migrants is hurting american citizens. in new york, eric adams issued curfew for migrants. >> still get thousands of migrants coming here and we want to give clear message on what is expected overwhelming number of people there want to take the next step in the american dream, you have minority we want to give clarity to, you can't come into our system and be disruptive. >> jesse: the whole country is suffering and they know who to
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blame. just 18% of americans approve of biden's handling of the border, lowest rating for immigration any president in two decades. raymond has had migrants show up at his door to panhandle. he joins us now. is it knock-knock, let me have dinero? what does it look like? >> they are ringing doorbells, my girlfriend answered and they stuck a government-paid phone and it said, can i have money. she turned them away. there were little children with them. they went to marine park during the christmas holiday at night and neighbors were concerned and scared. they were asking for food and money. this week they stole one woman's laundry in front of her house. they are getting free metro
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cards, they go to the shopping center and rob stores and panhandle in the streets. it is madness. >> jesse: we feel bad for anybody that can't put food on the table for young children. this is enough. we have enough panhandlers that are american citizens. the city is full temperature is full. there is no jobs. i thought they were coming here to work. no jobs here? >> no, there is nothing available. 1700 migrants at floyd bennett with nothing to do. they are freezing to death and they have to leave their bunker to wash up and take care of their needs. the children are not being schooled, it is horrifying and will get worse. >> jesse: are you giving them money? does that encourage more panhandling? >> no, it doesn't make a difference, they will not stop.
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i don't see an end to the situation, i don't. >> jesse: do you blame mayor eric adams, he is handling the wave biden let in. >> he is. he has asked federal government for help. democratic mayor went to democratic president 10 times and shown the door 10 times. >> jesse: and now they will probably indict him. you don't mess with the big guy. you get indicted. >> no, it is a sorry, sad situation. >> jesse: no relation just to clarify. thank you so much. >> you're welcome. >> jesse: guys, women are testing us, we told you, there is an orange challenge, what you need to know.
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let's do watters cooler. let's bring in fox news contributor jim concha. women are always finding ways to test us and now they are using origins. watch. >> i really want an orange right now. go get me it. i really wanted, but i hate peeling it. you're not going to peel it for me? >> as if i don't do enough. >> seriously? you can't [ bleep ] peel this orange for me? a good boyfriend would peel this form a. do something for me that i am perfectly capable of. >> the orange theory is if a man won't peel your orange, he is not the man for you. would you peel your woman's orange. >> i am a happily married man. i live by one hard and fast rule. a happy wife is a happy life. there are certain hills you die
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on. i got this orange from the fox greenroom. it's been there since march 2021. let's see how long it takes for me to peel this sucker. i will say about 12 seconds or so. it does get into your nails a little bit. this isn't going well. >> that is in a beautiful peel. >> this is not going well. >> you just made orange juice. you are saying the thought was there? >> this is from 2021. oh my god. that is horrible. >> we will have to take you to see dr. siegel. president biden called it at 10:00 a.m. yesterday. they got 2 inches of snow in d.c. no one wants to work when it's snowing. no one wants to really work at all anymore, i guess. but i got in. one boss in nebraska made it impossible for his staff to play hooky. he drove to each one of their homes, picked them up and drove them to work himself.
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how sinister is that? >> you don't agree with this? >> stay out of my life. i don't want my boss, who i love, showing up at my house when it snows. i would do this. >> i would be the worst boss ever. it would be like gordon geiger meets bill lumbar. i'm running a his and his. that doesn't look like a lot of snow. you will call in sick for that and say there is too much snow for that? you are coming. if you are not, find somewhere else to work. >> you don't think it's creepy that your boss shows up in your driveway and tells you to get in? it's probably a successful business. >> that is hard-core. >> how successful? >> good point. he probably has a high turnover rate. >> as long as he's going to work and not taking them somewhere else. that's kidnapping. my assistant johnny thinks its acceptable to take all of the snack options from the flight attendant. he calls it the works. on his flight home from iowa this week the stewardess asked
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him which snack he would like and then he said one of each. she gave them to him. and when she came back around later he asked for another round and he got them. is this acceptable behavior in civilized society? >> i am shocked like this. johnny is as then as sarah jessica parker. where does his appetite come from? >> once he is 30 he cannot do that anymore. >> these are also from the greenroom. expiration date 2017. >> these are trump arrow snacks. >> what do you think these cost to produce? pennies on the dollar. if they cost $100 to check your bags i'm share the airline can afford this. if he wants to treat this like an all-you-can-eat buffet. >> it's not a buffet. there are other people on the plane. there is a limited amount of to snore these snacks. >> how many are a national celebrity that johnny is. he will take over for you. >> when you are a celebrity they
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will let you do it? >> rules for me and not for john a. gale meant go clean yourself off. you have oranges all over. >> but he is married. do you guys like gossip? do you like hearing about people's personal lives and what makes them tick, what tease them off and how they got to where they got in life? you will love my new book. get it together explores all of the intricacies of some of the most radical people in this country. eco- sexual, people that want to empty the prisons, people that want to open the borders, people that want to legalize all drugs. blm activists. i go in hard on these people and they tell me everything. it's alarming, but insightful. you can get it now. dave from peachtree city, georgia. joe biden is no big foot. i have seen bigfoot twice and that's twice as many times as i have seen joe the last week.
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a bigfoot sighting? sorry, that was hunter. glenn from fort myers, florida. the amazing tribal chief should be bite and's new press secretary. that was some impressive hot air being blown. binder better look for another job. james, buford, georgia. did anybody call out the woman for wearing red face? we are going to have to call that guy from deadspin. matt from kansas. here's an idea. use all the frozen dead teslas and build the border wall. trace from michigan. maybe your eagle should hire the barista. she has got some moves. we need help on the "d" line for sure. marianne from long island. i was surprised. you read thrillers? i thought you would be more of a history buff. i read everything, babe. remember i am watters and this is my world.


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