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tv   The Five  FOX News  January 17, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PST

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kind of promising. we'll see. here's "the five." ♪ ♪ ♪ >> judge jeanine: hello everyone, i'm judge jeanine
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pirro along with harold ford jr., jesse watters, dana perino, and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five" ♪ >> judge jeanine: the white house is doubling down on a new border hoax. two years after falsely accusing border agents of whipping migrants, the administration is now falsely claiming texas governor greg abbott for the tragic drowning deaths of three migrants. last week a mother and her two children drowned in the rio grande while attempting to cross the border. the white house not waiting for the facts instead blasting out a statement that claims that texas officials, quote, blocked border agents from attempting a rescue by shutting down a part of a public park. and, of course, the liberal media ate up every word. >> in texas, the republican governor prevents federal
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officials from trying to rescue a woman and her two children who drowned trying to cross a river in texas. >> agents were physically barred by texas authorities from entering the area. >> he has been talking about how texas has done everything except shoot these migrants and it almost sounds as though he was lamenting so he let them drown. his troopers are preventing federal officials, law enforcement from saving a life or lives in this case. >> into is are families, these are mothers, children. i just, i am actually just disgusted with where we have landed here. >> judge jeanine: but it was all a lie. border patrol was never blocked from saving them. biden's own department of justice confirming the three migrants drowned one hour before border patrol even arrived at the gate to inform texas. and texas officials are asking the biden administration to correct the record about the
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migrant drownings but the white house is standing by this smear. >> our statement is consistent with doj's filing, as the doj filing said, there was an ongoing emergency situation that border patrol was blocked from accessing. >> there were other migrants in the water. >> then why twenty included in the statement that that's what you were referring to. >> our statement is very much consistent with doj filing, anything else specific you want to know about that i would certainly refer you to doj. >> judge jeanine: all right. jesse, the white house is lying here, like they've lied about whip-gate a couple years along and they get away with it and there are no consequences. and most of the print media won't even write a correction. >> jesse: no, they recycle the propaganda that's the game. so many hoaxes just in the last couple weeks. remember dictator on day one, the seal team six assassination squad, mar-a-lago's only
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$18 million. biden only talks to hunter's clients about the weather? trump wants the economy to crash. i mean, that's just the last couple weeks off the top of my head. now you have that these people were drowning and avid blocked biden's life guards from a rescue. e are going to face such a respect to of disinformation this election year it's going to be a struggle and as they recycle the propaganda they tell us in the media don't do your own research. remember phil bump the guy who skrafrngd out of the bod cast when he didn't know what he was talking about about the laptop. he prints this today, doing your own research is a good way to end up bealing wrong. now this goo i's a journalist who believes everything the government tells them and then writes it all down. philip bump is always wrong because he never does his research. now, as a journalist i am constantly issuing clarifications, when i get new
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information like if something is said by harold or jessica and in the commercial break we find out we're wrong, i next block issue a clarification for the sake of the show because we don't want any disinformation out here. if biden, judge, really wanted to secure the border and stuff, the desks, he would stop the asylum craze countriness, stop hang out free iphones, bus tickets and asylum to everybody in the third world. what they want to do and this is not me saying, this is the democrats saying it, they want people to pick the crops, they want to have people to have babies and they want to turn texas again blue. and why are they attacking greg abbott? because he's in a wheelchair? that's probably why, ableists. >> judge jeanine: harold doesn't having an open border automatic catch and release with a bus plane and ferry available and at your service.
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doesn't that promote illegal immigration and the deadly consequences we're seeing here >> harold: it's good to be here. one it does all those things. i was pleased to see and most important thing for me, there's no excuse -- you can get things wrong but when confronted with the facts you should state the truth. texas, most horrible thing that happened in texas, nothing to do with politics it was the shooting that happened at that school. and they didn't get the facts right at first in uvalde texas. white house should be candid about what they did and didn't get wright. what i'm most concerned about in the coming hours, looks as if republicans and democrats met at the white house in the last hour and republican leadership came out and then generally speak i think sometimes politicians did in superlatives. not this time we stood our ground and shared with the president what they wanted, and they didn't say anything negative back. the democrats came out and said
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something similar. if we want these things to stop, if we want a different policy all the things we talked about at this table it has to be the officials that come around the table and the white house. i'm impressed with what they've got done. there was a guy who will got my blood boiling, who doesn't deserve to be in congress, congressman from texas congressman nells quoting i'm not willing to do too damn much right now to help a democrat and help joe biden's dismal approval ray. i will not help the dems try to improve this man's approval ratings. sir you were elected to congress. any democrat or republican should be doing, they should always be trying to solve problems. and i hope he gets together with his republican and democrat friends equally from the democrats side as we showed at the beginning.
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we want answers to the border the president has to act and they will. >> judge jeanine: harold are you saying no democrat ever said he was going to criticize and stop donald trump trow from doing everything he could during the donald trump rules? come on don't act like it's just one side and not the other. judge not only am i not saying that i'm criticizing democrats, i criticized karine jean-pierre, i call balls and strikes and i think we all should. >> judge jeanine: dana 18% approval rating biden has on immigration. all he has to do is enforce the law. he doesn't need congress. and when i's 40% immigration is the biggest issue, how much trouble is he in? >> also there was an informal pole taken among the republican con gregs number one is the border more than the economy, and they're not alone the democrats are joining in that. one thing to point to kamala harris was named the boardr boarder czar 1029 days ago. this is not an issue she's ever
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asked about or has to deal with and it is the main issue driving their approval numbers down and everything else is coming down along with that, immigration being a big issue well. only thing at the white house is acknowledge there's a problem and try to fix it. why did you run for congress anyway. but they have incentivized the migrants to come and that is being helped also by blue state governors like governor newsom who says okay free healthcare is with you as well and you start to hear stories about there's a migrant standing outside with no coats. i have a family helping in denver colorado at non-profits trying to figure out a way how can we get warm enough clothes because they care about the human condition and the biden administration is so willing to lie about their own citizens. you think about, texas state patrol or border patrol, the state folks there that they were accusing of letting these people die they're american tax paying citizens. and you think about governor abbott he's put up with so much
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especially being attacked because he's in a wheelchair. >> jesse: it's too much for me. >> that's too far. anyway i would say these poll numbers, 18%, imagine trying to even get it to 30%. that would be just like a little drop in the bucket but they're not willing to do anything. if i were the white house i would have said our bad, sorry, got bad information and then move on. now they won't be able to. >> judge jeanine: nope, and they won't. go ahead greg. >> greg: yeah if i didn't know any better i think the white house has a pretty low opinions of americans who actually every day try to save the lives that are put at risk by the white house. so i go back and i listen to this story and it's obviously we go through a lot of these stories. but it reminds me that the two most consequential words of the last eight years was fake news. because i think that -- you can't listen to these stories again the same way. when you hear them you hear them differently: when i see the montage of them feigning
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outrage. i know they don't care. msnbc they don't care about those victims they are just product for the script and they're grateful they got it and can create a script around it. the good news is i don't think the lie can travel around the world before the truth comes out. i think right now we have an educated public that can see this, even though it seems like the dems have had hired jussie smollett as a campaign advisor, because every single one of their stories is a hoax. it's a hate crime hoax and if you accuse somebody as a crime that has some sort of racial component wouldn't the hoax also be a hate crime? wouldn't about the people accused of this stuff? what about the whip gate guys? they never got a formal apology. i mean you could conceivably ruin people's lives by saying -- those three people died on use you are watch, that could ruin somebody's life. why is there no punishment for
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that? i don't get it. but these stories repeat themselves because there's no disinsent i have. you recommend on the media to amplify the story while banning the debunking, these excuse me jags at msnbc can destroy a person's life, called them and if area' exposed they don't make a retracks or if they do it's days away or page 127-b 7 or whatever. if any of us said anything, any politician, slightly problematic, they would ruin you in an sin instant bes in this case i say really horrible things i'm happy this isn't going to fly, you look at x's communities notices and how quickly people respond. i couldn't watch that montage thinking no one's taking that seriously. no one believes that. >> jesse: the only reason it traveled so quickly was because it blew up over the weekend because they would have asked
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him the next day. >> also shifty shift fund raised off of it immediately. >> of course. all right coming up the biden campaign continues to answer. they're now mocking joe as big foot and kamala heading to our safe space. ♪
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ushgs irks president biden is so absent from the campaign trail and from his own mind that the democrats are starting to mock him calling him big foot t big guy's top dem challenger
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laurening this political add that makes fun of the president from ducking the democratic primary race. >> i thought i was good at hiding so i asked around. have you seen joe? how can you have tens of thousands of people looking for you all the time and not one person finds you? i'd looked for him everywhere, even the democratic primary debate. no joe. >> greg: and while the white house keeps biden locked up in the cellar the white house is now banking on cam a la to put more than two words together. the veep sharing her deep thoughts with the lady of the view. >> what are you going to do to stop the crazies? >> i am scared as heck. we should all be scared. >> yeah. uh-huh. >> but as we know, and certainly this is a table of very powerful women, we don't runway from something when we're scared we fight back against it. >> uh-huh. >> that's right. >> we've done a lot of good work, we need to let people know who brung it to them. there's a split screen you can
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throw up and see and it's going to be the choice between what business respecting our democracy, what is about competent versus chaos. >> greg: dana, interesting, so biden gets compared to big foot and kamala gets to see big foot up close at view. >> dana: really i didn't see? >> greg: right next to big foot. >> dana: i couldn't see big foot. a couple of things. the new -- there's another yet get kamala harris makeover and she's going to come out and she's going to have another full court press they decided to go with the abc contingent they spent the whole day with her she got the full treatment, online, the podcast, the nightly news and of course the view. i hated that she said i'm scared to death. you're the vice-president of the united states, saying i'm scared we're going to win it's going to be fine. where's the confidence? and then she tries to back that off. then she talks about chaos. what's interesting in iowa, and
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you know they don't care about these people but in iowa 35% of the republicans who voted said they want disruption in the country. so they're not looking for the stability that the biden administration says they can continue on for eight years. and dean phillips the guy running against biden, this creates an interesting pain point for biden a little in new hampshire because his name is not on the ballot. dean fill ops and many or democrats running in that primary and biden is nowhere to be found. you can write your name in, they had to spend like four million to get him to write his name in on the ballot. it doesn't exude confidence. >> greg: not at all. harold do you know why he's called big foot? >> harold: i do not. >> greg: big feet. what do you think of dean phillips, i love the screwdrivers >> harold: you think if you're going to run against especially in the primaries, especially the
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president in your own party i wouldn't be running commercials with big foot i would be contrasting myself with him, whatever -- i think we've run for office you'd get a chuckle but in your own party as the president you have to do that. if i were the president i would go to new hampshire and campaign for a day or so and make sure to democrats clear what's at steak. two with kamala harris it it amazes me and dana talked, you can't get the three or four bullet point down. our campaign is going to be about touting how we've invested more of them to build innovative things from medicine to chips top cars to ensuring america's a leader. we're going to have to make sure every man woman and doctor doesn't have to fear healthcare choices and cut it for those earning less than. these are basic.
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i don't know how you're not able to articulate and ramp off these points, one by one by one by one. when you talk about the threats to democracy, it cuts both ways, republicans thing you're attacking donald trump and democrats think of it as you should attack donald trump. this is not an on the level number here. i think the economy and border security will be the foremost issues on their minds and if the white house and congress was able to a address those ice, not only will it help his country it will help the party in the products. and republicans as well >> judge jeanine: judge, dean phils, you pick. >> i i there's something different about her now but what amazes me is she's kind of like jill when jill says he's got more energy than anybody i know. she says joe biden can see around corners. really?
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couldn't see around the corners with the baby formula disaster, couldn't see around the corner with afghanistan, couldn't see around the corner with the classified documents he had for 20 years that he wasn't even supposed to take out of the scif. and the whole idea that she's scared and she said, we should all be scared. she is the vice-president of the united states she shouldn't be saying -- we've got your back, we've got you. this is america, the biden administration is working for you. ned, i even if, they just watched her numbers go lower and lower. you know what? he has 18% on immigration and now he want to deal with it, now they want to deal with it, he had the biggest month in history last month, americans all over consider themselves part of a border state when they're not, and then she says, the media is against us. are you kidding? the media's carrying their water. the media's carrying their stories. we just did it in the last block, they won't even correct
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it when they get something along. and finally this idea that she said republicans have nothing to rupp against joe biden xaept for his age. >> 74% of americans thing he shouldn't run because of age. >> greg: jesse what do you to say about the topic. >> jesse: i think the biden campaign is getting a face lift and i think kamala might be the new face of the campaign. biden probably is going to let obama take the reigns of the campaign and it's because he's shy, he can't walk, talk or kambin. every time he goes out he fake jogs, he does event then called him and he doesn't eat. he disappears for a couple days pops up and screams democracy and goes back to delaware and hides. i'm kicking myself, i didn't think, of the big foot analogy. that is a sticky analogy, an honest press would gobble that up and make fun of it.
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these people make their living on conflict and context. it's beautiful. i would like to say the white house is like the bermuda triangle, joe goes near it and you don't see him again for a week. these are the kind of things if you were covering for a campaign you would put right out there but they're covering up a campaign and that's why it's say sin, hey criminals are coming for your under pants. walmart and target on fox.
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getting devastated by a dramatic spike in robberies and vehicle thefts and it has this woman praying for a blizzard to stop the bad guys. >> we need at least 10-15 inches. >> oh, come on. >> it will slow people down. just think, carjackings will probably go to zero because they can't run >> dana: america's shoplifting epidemic is getting even more insane, walmart and target have begun locking up underwear and socks and i don't know what greg's going to do with that information. yesterday a friend of mine was at like a wal-mart, or cvs in dc, security guards tackle a guy. as they're tackling him because he was shoplifting a gun falls out of his pocket. >> wow. >> dana: and everybody just kept shopping. this is the word we live in. >> greg: why isn't cvs locking up their guns? by the way i'm forced to go command 0 now so ets it's just for my stocks. so what's left to steal?
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what are they not locking up, shi a pets, brian kilmeade's book. people who pretend to care about low income neighborhoods in minority populations ushered in this destruction and they'll be fine because they get their under wear on amazon. what's next hope a new pandemic will come along and reduce immigration or a form of fentanyl logical help solve the homeless crisis. is this how democrats solve their problems let nature take its course makes you think? don't do that jesse. >> dana: dc attorney brian sha wal be judge has been busy doing things that doesn't protect the city that's why they want a snow storm. >> judge jeanine: one of the recommendations of the dc conway
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public safety committee they'll vote on today give the metropolitan police authority to declare drug free zones. so what it's a drug free zone, are you going to make an arrest okay you make an arrest they let him out in a minute. doesn't matter. it's all talk. like when gavin newsom came up with something, i forget what it was, where last week he wanted to expand the penalties for those profiting on retail theft on auto burglary. that's great i'm glad you're talking and your mouth is moving but nothing is changing as a result of this. you need to change the bail laws, you need to be able to keep them in and prosecute them. until criminals realize there are consequences nothing's going to change. and the answer to your question as to what they're not locking up they're not lock up suits and ties because nobody's working nobody wants them. >> dana: you know what else they're not locking up? the criminals. >> jesse: that's right. they turned cvs into one big
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vending machine. you just go there see it put a quarter and it all comes out. journalists have no clue because they do everything from home. they order everything from amazon they have no careers, they've worked in media their whole lives, never run a business or had customers they don't understand what it does when people steal. in d.c. if you're under 18 and get caught car jacking they won't from you so the gangs make every 16 and 17-year-old kid steal chars then they chop it and sell off the cad lit i can converter which is like three grand on the streets and then a kia challenge, you go on tik tok to see if you can steal a kia, steal it joyride it and leave it. that's what it's come down to. >> dana: harold i do always view -- i know you all do, but for the staff that work at these places, like what they're having to go go to, not only can they not work at a retail story
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normally but customers that get mad where i wish you could put in a quarter and get your product but you can't. neighborhoods losing their wal-marts and targets and all the other businesses that go with them is a lot of jobs and people end up with it. that's how you end up with deserts. >> and you see it in a lot of the communities that we focus on, a lot of of the outlining of things. if you imagine if congress bipartisan effort here, if they pass the crime bill that give them more money to cities that -- to hire and train more police officers, gave more money to buy the kind of equipment and ammunition and artillery you may need to protect communities. give them more money to help even perhaps provide summer jobs for some of these kids if these kids do certain things. all conditioned on one thing you end cash list bail from the last thing. if you're willing to do what you
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believe is a huge driver of the increases and an accelerator of the time of the crime. it's hard to -- someone says you're going to create a drug free zone. you can't say no to crime you have to act on it. other things you give the community and people but you have to when you have to break the law there used to be consequence requests. as greg always said this was not partisan 10-15 20 years ago, but for some reason, they've become one. and the real losers are the people who want to buy it every everywhere, their kids walk to schoolr day and walk home to school every day and are concerned about the safety in their neighborhoods. >> they should be creative in politics, be aggressive and insert i have and give to the communities that are doing the right thing and incentivize communities not doing the right thing to do the right thing.
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>> jesse:. >> dana: it's interesting because biden lives there. but in his victory speech he said we're going to fix the city make it more beautiful and be the place we all want it to and to be proud of it. >> yeah, if anything indeed. ahead of a student loan rebellion millions of dollars are flat-out refusing to pay back your lon. s her ♪ ♪ disrupts my skin, night and day. despite treatment, it's still not under control. but now i have rinvoq. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that reduces the itch and helps clear the rash of eczema—fast. some rinvoq patients felt significant itch relief as early as 2 days. some achieved dramatic skin clearance as early as 2 weeks.
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i feel so much better these days, and i have golo to thank for that. ♪ >> jesse: joe biden's student debt bribe is still causing chaos. despite the supreme court telling him no, the administration has so far forgiven a whooping $130 billion
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in student debt. billion. but even that, simply not good enough for the loan dodging brats. 1-10 are refusing to pay on hope it puts pressure on the government to cancel them. and this has to sting because joy behar is lashing out on gen-z for acting like the competent left them behind. >> they feel left behind by the economy and they feel like -- from oh, please get a job. >> no they have to work multiple jobs. >> there's a million job openings in this country. get a job. >> they've also lived through a pandemic, and the worst of jobs. i'm racing two general zers. >> boo oh. >> jesse: almost makes you like her ithat will never happen. big foot is so many aging elites i have mine what's your problem. the be proper is not everybody
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can be as talented and beautiful as joy bay heart not everyone can be on an intelligent vehicle like the view. but here's the deal. when i hear joe behar i hear the dying malicious self-serving generation. i'll be dead so so why worry. she's no different when joe biden would show that ambivalence when people would be complaining about things going on. it's like not a big deal, whether crime or inflation or the boardr. i really get the sense it's not may problem anymore it's theirs. he'll be gone soon. >> uh-huh. >> dana perino why don't we bannedy together and not pay our mortgages in the hopes the banks cancel them. >> dana: what if you're out there in the country and you got an f-150 because you're starting a plumbing business, should they get a pass and not pay. >> it's the same price too, roughly 250 a month.
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>> jesse: biden keeps saying he doesn't want to have to pass her loans, they're trying to bribe them and they're goat to get pushed back by the supreme court or they're just going to lose. it's amazing to watch the democrats completely abandon blue collar workers. a weird political a version in the last several years. it's shocking to me because it's unfair to all these people who worked hard to pay back their. the biden administration created a system the young people believe if they rage hard enough then the biden administration will eventually cave to your demands and that's why they protested and almost broke down the gates of the white house on saturday night because of support of israel. >> greg: maybe they're planning on having the blue collar workers disappear and being replaced by robots and i'm dressing that at infa measure
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schall. i think the onning thing that's going to happen, if you've gone to college and you don't pay your student loans off, the banning together will not cause them to do anymore. you need bad increase, you're not going to be able to buy or lease a car, bad credit will follow you in a terrible way and if you have a college education one would have said they talked you about that in some sense or somewhere along the way. >> she wasn't railing against lone forgiveness. >> right but she was saying they should get a job and pay back -- my interpretation. i thought sonny was saying she raises again zers and they've gone through a tough time. and the other person said it's enjoyable. >> we have a generalration of americans today who have an a over abundance of the straight,
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hacky grasp rep the facts and sometimes unforgivable meanness for some people. that doesn't position you well to do well in life and then a sense of entitlement. we okay. we may give you a break on something, we made the point of about plumbers, traditions engineers i don't know mind framing it that way, about you if your numbers are right and i think they are, 130, $140 billion of lone forgive necessary, two things have to happen, i had the areas where you're going to reduce loan payments or forgive them and congress hold bringing the college presidents in and ask them why have costs gone up so much what are they getting for it and what can the country get after the next round of increases. >> jesse: we know how well the
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college preps act. >> judge jeanine: these kids have an ultimate sense of entitlement. they don't wear about their credit and one was packaged, what are you going do ruin my credit? i couldn't reasonable it. i couldn't buy it anyway. was all on joe biden, okay, because what joe biden did in august of 2022, he made the decision, you know, i need to get the young people so i'm going to give -- forgive $20,000 in the approximately grants, $10,000 in the 0 other grants august or june of 2023 supreme court comes down and says you don't have the authority to do that you can't know give student loan and almost immediately the biden administration comes out and says we're going to give you a year, you don't have to worry about anything that will take at least a half hour and then in october 2024 you can start paying again and in the meantime they have all these little programs where jesse's right it's $132 billion that we have
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paid for these brats so they can keep their fun money budget. that's what this is about. they don't want a job. joe biden is so convinced that he has great unemployment record which is cue to the covid jobs coming back, you know, he should be able to say, get a job, i made it so that you could get a jobment but, no, so, you know, he's just selling himself, and they're just selfish and i don't buy, my kids were in a pam democratic. no, they stayed home didn't have to go to school and did whatever they wanted to. >> jesse: fun money budget. >> judge jeanine: yes. >> you have to stop calling it loan forgiveness. it's taxpayer money. you looks this battle when you hang over the language. >> yeah. >> yep. >> and you can't forgive on my behalf i'm not complicit. "the fastest" is up next. ♪ ♪
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♪ >> harold: welcome back. >> a mom claims a panera bread drive through employee wouldn't take they are order because her
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child was taking a temper tantrum she was told however she on could put her order in on line. is that fair. >> judge jeanine: it's mosh fair. have you ever worked in a restaurant. i've worked in a restaurant behind the counter in a dairy. you have a screaming kid you can't hear the mother. and if take nair a takes any action against the kids for saying do me a favor i can't hear your kid's screaming order on line or come in with the kid. if they take action against him he should let us know >> harold: jesse is this childist of these people? >> jesse: i may have once or twice in a public place perhaps, perhaps on a plane, if jesse junior screams. [laughter] >> jesse: not that he can't breathe but -- and then he'll plays enough. vp do you have thoughts on this. >> i think he was right but i think he could have said i'm sorry i can't hear you i'll
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personally bring it out to you so you don't have to get out of the car that would be nice and then we could give him a bonus too. >> harold: degree for example your thoughts. >> greg: i didn't know panera had a drive through. i thought the purpose was to meet someone for coffee who needs a job or breakup in public so someone doesn't care or a stranger meeting you there to blackmail you with photos they got off the internet. if you ever go into panera it's all these people sitting awkwardly like hey, everyone's like this, it's a very strange place panera. >> jesse: it's a weird vibe. >> greg: very weird vibe. >> judge jeanine: he's right. >> jesse: that is the most insightful thing you've said in months. [laughter] >> jesse: i'm serious. >> greg: don't you ever walk by panera and go what is going on in there? >> jesse: yes. the vibe is off >> harold: i'm in the minority i think he was wrong to do that. one more thing. one more thing. ♪ k that he was
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the first in the nation presidential primary. how the critical vote will impact the gop field and what it means for the race ahead. special coverage of the new hampshire primary democracy 24 right here on fox news and it's time now for one more thing. dana, dive for this. haven't done it in a while. okay. here's some corny jokes. what can fall from great heights and not get hurt? acorn, there's a theme. there's a winter theme. there's a snowflake. no, thanks. very good. what do you call a snowman? having a temper tantrum? meltdown. very good. wow. what did i see? road say to the car? don't slip. slap side slide. you want to go for a spin? oh, that's close. what is a snowman? favorite cake topping icing. wow. just. >> jesse, what kind of photos do they take in the north pole ? >> snapshots.
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yeah, very good. all right, greg, we got a show tonight. >> jamie lasalle. katie mcfarland. kat timpf tire is going to find out what katie stands for. >> let's do this. greg's slaw. >> no, not that we had yesterday. behold the slaw. >> he's. is that. >> that's a loon eating sweet potato. that's not at all. >> well, the worst ones better would have been in slow motion by us. >> think the lotion? it's a lot. no, it should have been in slow motion. >> anyway. let's see it tonight. i look nice and a better way to wear that thing. >> i like it. yeah. okay. it's time for. >> okay. fabulous fashion. everybody knows i'm all
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about style, and this girl definitely has style. >> check out this funky new we are doing she created using nothing but the elements. i call it the medusa. >> wow. >> oc herald. the tampa bay buccaneers are headed to detroit to play the lions in a dome to this. >> listen to this question. >> a reporter asked the tampa bay buccaneers that acclimate the team to not only endure, but perform in those kind of frigid temperatures. should you face them in detroit? you do know we play indoors right in the other. don't we have to be outside for 20 seconds, getting off the bus, going into the thing. so we'll be okay. >> they've only played the dome for a couple of decades now. the reporter will stay a little harder and greg will get into this more tonight. >> jesse, do you like gossip? yes. do you like learning about dysfunctional people's personal lives? >> yes. and what makes people tick will buy my book, get it together, preorder it. right. right. nicegrea. welcome to jesse watters, prime


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