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tv   Hannity  FOX News  January 17, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PST

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week. a bigfoot t sighting. oh, now, sorry. that was hunter glenn from fort myers, florida. >> the amazing tribal chiefs fli should be biden's press secretary. that was some impressive air being blown. binder better look for another job. >> james buford, georgia. did anybodjames, georgy call oue in davos for wearing a red facde ? yeah. we're going to have to call that guy from deadspin. th.matt from kansas. >> here's an idea.e use all the frozen dead teslas and build the border wall trace from michigan. maybe your eagles should. she ha >> the barista. she's got some moves. yeah. we need helps got so on the d l, that is for sure. >> marianne from long island. hs >> jesse, i was surprised you read thrillers. i thought you'd be more of a historyou woulore ofy ee read everything there. always remember. i'm watterrys, and this is my
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world. >> and welcome to hannity. an alarming new report from the house judiciary committee in 21. believe it or not, your federal government began asking banks to sift through private transactions from millionsamerin of and search for terms like trump and maga. which so which banks voluntarily handed over that information? and what did the doj do with it? >> now, the house judiciary committee chairman, jim jordanhr ,will join us with more onwe this whole wesleyan and frankly, dangerous breach of personal privacy. needless to say, the 2024 election cannot happen soon enough. now, thankfullely, are just six days away from the new hampshire primary. x daysaway fronow, one importane many other primaries, the granite staty e allows independents and democrats who register as independentspend to participate in the republican racentsrticipate. over 4000 democrats, by the way, they're now independentmoc
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they're going to want to vote. it looks like thos, e voteits wl are being directed towards former ambassador nikki haley. l beshe is performing well amonl those two groups. expectations are high, but as of tonight, donald trump maintains a large lead in the state of new hampshire. according to the latest boston globe, suffolk university poll.s trump is up by 16. the assumption our sitting poll just came out. trump up by 13. nop p w all the republican candidates, including trump, they are outperformincandidat g biden inhe the general election, especially true in the key battlegroundgene like michigan,i arizona and nevada. nogaw, a rare moment of clarity from the vice president that the vice president harris. >> let's take a look. are you scared? first of all, what could happen if trump ever became, god forbid, president again? ai? and what are you going to do t to stop the crazies? i am scared as heck, whichur cou
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is why i'm traveling our country. you knownt., is an old saying that there are only two ways to run for offico ways te eitheo without an opponent or scared. so on aled.l of those points, y, we should all be scared now. but as we know and certainly this is a table of vertainlyy w we don't run away from something when we're scared. >> we fight back against i figh maybe you should be scared about the unvetted 10 million illegal immigrants that your administrationil allowing into the country. maybe you should be scared about war in europe and threatst against nato's allies. maybe you should be scaredin the about war in the middle east m as you pressure to give up their fight against radical terroristsir that took place there. thate is. they should be running scared. the biden-harris ticket now has two colossal hurdles to overcome. first, joe biden well, we all know it's very obvious. it's ver a ky clear he's just nt
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mentally competent. and every datally america is oln president keeps getting worse right before our eyeg s. he needs help walking. he needs help talking. hthe first lady reportedly not only helping him out stage h left of stage right, but also helping him with his daily schedule. el dailyedule.he gets up late, d early, takes more vacations than any president in b the modern era. we barely see him in public, holds almostm in noitical political rallies, rarely conducts press conferences or shows up for a serious interview. for e anme oo to delawar awful lot, spends more time on vacation than any other president, as i said, in thehe modern era. naturally, most people seemle sa to view biden as president in namem w biden only. and this brings us to the second hurdle to reelection. whoeve r is running the show at 1600 pennsylvania avenue. they're doing a terrible job. are you better off than you were four years ago? their decision making is historicallfotheir y bad.
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their policies result in one crisis after another. t in onethe american people youn all see personally feel this rolling disaster every single daing disay. ion. every time you fill up at your gas station, every time you buy grocerie you bs, every time youo out to eat, every time everb. er grubhu you feel the impact of biden inflation. every time you look for new house, a new car, or pay rent or open a credit card bill. you know the burden of biden nomics and every singlow the bee you see illegal immigrants pouring into our country, unvetted illegal , enjoying taxpayer funded housing, transportation as education and health care, you should feel betrayed because they're noandshould ft g the laws. he's not upholding his oath for our constitution. d no and now a new palpable fear of world war three. as violence and carnage overseas, it gets worse, worseyo and worse. and you don't have to be a magua super to realize america is simply not bette realizer under.
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there's not a single thing i can point to that is, oh, they implemented a policy that successfully i can't thinkn of one. the chairman, the ceo of jp morgan chasek of, jamie dimon.a, definitely not a conservative. he previouslony donated to democrats, was closely linked to former obama insider,t . but now even jamie dimon has a stark warning fonow evenrook t biden campaign. >> take a look at this. if you just take a ste this. p back, be honest. he's kind of right about nato, kind of right wing immigration . he grew the economy quite well. none of our taxe s for him worked. >> he was right about some of china. i don't like what he did. idi said china virus. he made me. i don't like how hid thinge sais in mexico i don't like. but he wasn't wrong about these thiticalbut he. and that's why they voted for him. the democrats have done a pretty good joe dprettyb with deplorables tugging on their bibles and their beer and theiry guns. i mean, really, you could just stop that stuff and actually grow?
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up and treat other people to respect and listen to a little bit. and i do think the economyat will affect and i think there's this negative talkive ta about a is going to hurt biden's electoral campaign. >> it democracy in peril. >> january 6, trump is evil. by the way, president trump was right. notice that diamond made thosesn remarks on cnbc. he didn't even get pushbacnbc.k now it is increasingly difficult for the media mob b g. the heavy liftin joe biden. but make no mistake, they will try their bestma. and according to a recent study, he look at this from syracuse, only 3.4% of quote, journal. most of them are not. journalists claim to be republicans. the othelist, claimed tor 6% arr rooting against trump or actively working in conjunction with the democratic. they are there and are an extension of the press office of the dnc and joe biden. they just don't hate donalden.d trump. they also despise anysp american that supportsise an him
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and everyone that doesn't buy into their twisted worldview. bh and right on cue, you got both fake news. a and c, refusing to take god forbid. we hear from the historic w winner of iowa and hearin his speech in full. senator marco rubio responded on an saying, quote us mediasing refusing to carry trump's speech live last night. a historic iowa victory is exactly how undemocratic regimes abroad use state run media to try to delegitimize, dismiss, discredit their political opposition. democrats, the mob and the medil a no longer care about facts. they don't care about logic. the only thing they seem to care about is narrative and power. . and as george orwell famously wrote, quote, whatever the party holds to be the trute truth h is the truth. you know, it is impossible to see reality except looking through the eyes of the part
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y. it was reaction. florida senator marco rubio saw the senator greabio is wt to hae you back. you know, you're pointing out something that is deep and profound. and i think this poll echoes what you're saying , the fact that they can't even allow the largest margin of victory in the iowa caucus was 12.8%. that was bob dole and 1988. donald trump wins by a whopping 30 points and they can't even carry his speech. >> i don't even know what to say to that. what their audience is going to melt if they hear him? chah, it's not about bias anymore. there's always been liberal bias in the media for human beingsaracters a e medi are biased. they're partisan and they're not just partisan likethey a exn openly partisan. they're now extending that to not just attack trump as a candidatdit toe, a formersidet president and future president, but also to attack preside peop follow them. just in the last 48 hours, we've had multipleth people gooe
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on the air on other networks and talk about things like, well, in iowa, the problemk abos is these are all white christians or their attitude about the followers of. trump is these are dumb, stupid, uneducated people that cated pe better or worse.s, big >> they're haters, they're bigots. and soot it's what's what's really changed is not just the partisan tone of the coveragesan tonerage., but now o to say, we're not going to carry his speech, we're not we wg to letry his you hear whae has to say, we'll interpret it and we'll put out the snippets i we want you to hear.ono no but we've made the decision to no longer carry it. you know, you pu carry it up.a my message a moment ago from what i put up next, this this how state run media is used by authoritarian governmenty authors to delegiti, to discredit, to basically make people believe that ther basican alternative but to the regime and to their rule. >> and that's how it's destroying the rutroyin the media in this country. noah, it's why at this point, you know no , no one believes anything they see or hear anymore. >> you know, i declarehere any a was dead in 2007. boy, i had no idea how right i was you know, you talked about, for example, the work, the things that you accomplished and achieved when
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donald trump was in the whit e expanding child tax credits, tough sanctions on regimesin in cuba, venezuela, you know, now we have people showing up at our border. unvetted by joe biden, allowed into this country, you know, hundreds from iran hundreds from syria, thousands from egypt, thousands from sy from afghanistan, 12,000 from russia, 1200, 26,000 from china. these are our top geopolitical these are countries that have ties to terrorist groupse that. get into this country unvetted. you know, what are the odds? you knowthnted, cells have been invited in unvetted by joe biden. joi say they're they're pretty u high.have yeah. when you have six, seven, 8 million people coming into a country, all o coming f a sudn within two year period, three year period, these are not there' two o s got to bee and some percentage of them that are going to come here and commit crimes or worse, m, the like.tiveco >> look, we're in a mess. we now have to act of war goingu in the world, both of which threaten to sucker thin and andt
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potential third one in the asian pacific region with taiwan and china. >> w potentie have a country wha a growing number of americans will tell you a majority of americans nowowing nu say their standard of living is worse than their parents and they no longer believe tevee in america. as a country where everyone has a chance to get ahead, we have all a our majorwe have institutions, the universities, our schools, the media, the healthns care experts.oken all of it's broken. all of it's lost its credibility, all because t of their own actions. it's going to take some big actions, controversial actionsuf ,actions to get this thingright. right. and that starts at the border. theit's going to be easy to fix this border thing. we're going to have to do somethin have tofactg about thet that we have five, six, seven, 8 million people that have come in here over the last three years under joe biden. >> there's going to have to be deportations at a level we've. never seen before. that's not anything we've ever done before. but we'r's notre going to have this is going to be hard. and the one thing i know about donaldhae thing trump, h going to let some special interest come in and stop it. he's not going to leinnd t bureaucrats stand in the way and he's not going to care how much he's smeared in the mainstreamhe way. wilow muc med. >> he's going to get it i saw him do it, and we need hav that again.
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we're going to have to make some tough, uncomfortable choices. uncomfortas the person . i know he gets elected. he'll do these thing electeds yn use. >> you say that and you were once an opponent. he's a fierc oncee opponent. o i saw a side of him and i'veeei been seeing a sidea of him. >> and he's you know, that maybe we haven' t seen before. i thought he was very gracious in his speec h in iowa the other night towards his opponents. s. that's been a criticism of his. now, in his defense, beou know, there's never been a guy persecuted more than this guy starting froenhauy startm the de came down the escalator with melania, you know, metoodil lately being, you know, calledy a racist, etc.. moving on to can you imagine donald trump with the nuclear code mp wits? th it seems like the media is living back circa 2016, thinking that if they say democracy in parallel and not talk about january 6th ad nauseum, you know, say trump is evil, that that will win them the election if joe bideno a
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can't point to a single policy success, doesn't that lose hime the election? >> and do you even thinkhi biden makes it to november? >> well, i think he intends to make it to november. that's okay. he's going to be the nominee of the democrats. and that's somethingth dramatic happens here. but i'll say this. he has nothing to point to. what's he goin t tog argue that the economy is better off, that america is safer, that america'sr off anthat ame r in the world, that the border is secure? world the only thing that they have to focus on is they talkthd about joe six nonstop and that trump somehow is going to become some sort of a to if he's elected.y thin that's the only thing they have to run on. people aren't buying this stuff. you know, trump was president once and there weren't jail filled with political prisoners. there weren't mass executions or any these ridiculouere wereco that they talk about. at the end of the day, this is about the future of our countr is y and it is in a messo and we have to fix it. and if we don't fix it, we don't win this election, whichhi is what i think you saw. president trump's message the other nighnk t is. look, there's still some elections. people can stay. and i'm not here to tell p out.y to droi'm not here to tl
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what i'm saying is he's goingne to be the nominee of the republican party. e ofhe gives us the best chancei to win. and he better win becausn e he . the one that will fix this. if he doesn't fix this. on'ti don't know if four years m now, we'll be able to. >> that's how bad things have gotten. unfortunatele y and 34 trillion in debt. senator, i don't know how you t. get out of that. and that's not going to be easy for him. you know, we're done with bidewn $1000000000000 to $1000000000000 a year to service the debt before you before you a penny in social security defense, any program. >> scary,. senator rubio, great to have you as always. thank you, sir. all right. herehave now with more, a formen senior adviser to president trump, stephen miller, fox news contributor, charlie. all right. leart witht with iowa latest polls out of new hampshire. the thing i worry about,ou n steve millerew in new hampshire is they have this open primary provision that people can switch affiliations, they can democrat can vote, saydepend they're independent, switch their affiliatioenn, vote in the republican primary and at
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least 4000 up to now have done h that. okayave do . trump is leading in most polls by double digits. >> does that have a big impact on this race on tuesday ? well, it really is quite amazing, sean, that theres stil is still the ability of democrats to determinl the the outcome of a presidential primary in new hampshire e. but republican voters deeply resentha the other party trying to determine their nominee, trying to switch over and vote for nikki haley over donald trump. >> i believe there will be a massump. i of backlash effect to this effort to court democrat voters interfere in the primary. and ultimately that backlash effect theprimar will drive president trump's numbers even higher, particularly f afterafth that massive historic win in iowa. twic histe aliens ever happen in america before. he has to unify the partyat inc behind him. you heard that incredible presentation from senator rubiro
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about why he's endorsing president trump. and i expect that his numbers in new hampshiret tr in the weeks ahead are just going to keep going. are the days ahead, i should >>y, are going to keep goingep p and up. >> yeah. and i want to get your you i war take on this, charlie, because they want to extend out the republican primary as long as possible in the hopes that republicansn th, you know, spend all this money going after each other. i just don't like the system. >> i mean, even governor sununui ,who supported nikki haley, fine for him, even he acknowledgengd to neil cavuto in an interview that, you know, he doesn't like this either, and that the idea that some of these people would tryy to muddy the waters and playn games like this in his state and then have every intention. of voting for the democrat, they have no business being in the republican primary ey have in. >> well, certainly every republican is trying to keep this going. needs to be aware that the longer be it keeps going.longer you know, the longer we
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have this internal fight, as opposed to donald trump turning his focus on onn n fighting joe biden and getting joe biden out of the white house. >> but i ou think it's really interesting here. >> you know, we saw the by democrats and this is an ode along, you know, a tactic that both parties have tried over the years where you have h democrats, you know, savvy democrat voters in iowdeaticipa participate in the republican caucuses, tryinteeput to sow chaos in the other party. >> but this is what sorthe partl i think a lot of people have sort of glossed over is usually or always when that happens, the democrats trying to get the weakest candidate elected, which i think is really interesting here. and we're going to see it again in new hampshire, wherhee play in the republican primary or the republican caucu rs in an effort to get the weakest candidate in to get thet the nomination. >> and in this case, that's nikki halenominationy. >> and i think it's really
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interesting that democrats seem thate a better grasp of the real truth here, which is donald trump is the most formidable candidated trump whd face donald trump. a joe biden in november. secute he can prosecute the case against joe biden better than anybod tt joy. and democrats are terrified of facing donald trump, not only because it's going to be four more years of donald mof donao becauserealiz they realize he is the most formidable candidate. and so that's why they're getting in and trying to cross over and supporting crosi haley primary. >> that's why they're saying, oh, democracy in that's one of their big fear tactics. but yet they're thg fear tace pg that's trying to keep donald trump off ballots in states. how ironic. and they're the ones that want to pile on mor are thet toe chay as possible. and weaponize our justice system. i mean, it's a joke. i'll give you the last woronized quickly, both of you, starting with steve. >> this election is absolutely a referendum on the survival
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of american democracy. but the grim reapefr fory, american democracy, by the way, is looking more and more like the grim reaper visually looki. is joe biden, the democratic party is using the legal systemr to try to imprison president trump, to tryesiden to bankrupt president trump, to try to take away the voicest e of the american people, to censure, to blacklist, to banish to jail. b >> it is fascism. it is authoritarianism. ifen jai you want to save american democracy in 2024, then you're onlyamerican hope and prayer. it's to vote for donald trump. you know , they can't run on one thing, charlie, providing better offff than than you were four years ago. yeah. charlie yeah, exactly. and stephen is exactly right about this. if democrats get away with these tacticsocrats and wis election doing this, they will never use any other tactics win to win an election. >> they can' at run on a positie record because they don't have one, right? it really is that simple.
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so it's goinlly isg to be negat, negative the entire time to scaree people, the usualhey' tactics, and that's all they're going to want to talre gk about. and joe will probably hide in the basement. i don't know which basement, delaware of the white house. they'll be in some basement. all right. thank you both will be ime base when we come back. a disturbing new report, this will blow you away, revealinw rg how your federal government gotwas asking banks to repor on you, the american people. house judiciary committeeittee chairman jim jordan will explain next. and we have chn will expa huge programming announcement coming up straight ahead. >> stay with uup, straights us. your skin is ever changing. take care of it.l yo with goldman'sur s healing formulations of seven moisturizers and three vitamins for all, your skin's cold bond a must in your medicine cabinet call coming on that calms
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with more confidence. learn more at reset smile .com. >> all right. turning now to a very disturbing report fromrdan jim jordan. now, get this. apparently federal investigator
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s were asking bankss to search the personal transactions of individual americans for terms like trump and maga. banks were also asking to u.s. to use merchant category codes to identifo usey potentiallycios suspicious transactions. and whatctions transactions did treasury think were so suspicious? smal suspicil arms, sporting recreational goods. in other. words, if you go to stores like dick's sporting goods and bassoi shop, by the way, i got th boots for iowa at sporting goods. an thank god for instacart. if you are law abiding american who legally purchased a gun after 2021, your bought you needed to be monitored. now sources are tellino beg fox news digital tonight that the impetus for this veryxn serious invasion of privacy was, of course, none other thanh january 6. now, these revelations should scare every single american. we want to talk about privacy, constitutional rights, or do
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you want to live in an orwellian nightmare? >> nightmare with big brother? and by the way. so should biden's wide open borders, which, by the way, continue to have real consequences as americansack. are fighting back, the family of a 20-year-old woman who was strangled to death by an illegal immigranto who turned out to be an ms.s no 13 gang member, is now suing the biden administration, sayingw suine bi that she woulde boday if joe biden enforced our nation's border laws. here is the latest on all heres house, judiciaryy co committee chairman jim jordan. chaist toow, it just so happenmt went to sporting goods orders,d from theerm bullets. was when i was headed to iowa, where i sa saww and the wind chw was 20 below zero. >> and i'm glad that they hady a great, great boots, great traction. boots,i'm happy i went there. i want to understand this. tell me what they did here. >> do we not have privacy
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anymore in america? >> is this nots a constitutionl violation? unreasonable search and seizure? yeaheasonabl. >> now, in the last year, sam, we've exposed the censorship where you had big government, big, big media, big academia working to censor americans. now weemiaking have financiale surveillance where it's big government working with big bank s, big corporations to surveil, to spy on americans. >> and s too it was big banks looking and searching private transactions, using key terms at the suggestion of the federal to find out what you're buying, what you're spending your moneyare buyi on. scary stuff. all it looks like without any warrant, withoutthat looik any process. they undertook this as a wayth to identifey uy domestic violent extremism. >> and here here's here's what it sounds a lot like. remember that that memorandum in richmonrememberd about, pro-l catholics are extremists because they go to churcemist bd they're pro-life, and they talk about, you know, protecting him. that'st exactly what thesewe
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documents sound up like. we're right on the frontn th eda of this. >> we'll see how it all progresses. but it's scary stuff. it's financialll it surveillance of the american people. >> all right. let's talk about so your committee and the oversight committek abe went forward with a contempt violation against hunter biden.t hunter's attorney, abbe lowell, wa s seeking a new subpoena. you argued, i think rightly so ,that you we already gave you a subpoena. you ca n comply with that one. however, it seems that negotiations are ongoing. initially, both you and james colmer said, no, we're not going to give you a special accommodation. it seems now that you're open to one. why do i suspect i know kevin morris going in tomorrow? the $6 billion million dollar m sugaillionr. do you have any assurance from abbe lowell that hunter biden won't be pleading the fifth the whole time if you, in fact, give that special concession?
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>> well, we've had a good conversations. our chief counsel on the committeeoonversati has d good conversations with mr. wall to counsel for hunter biden. biden isieve hunter going to come in. that's what we want and want his testimony. whether he exercises one ofr hee his privileges under our constitution is up to him and his counsel and whatxevilegs he decides to do. but we do expect him to come in. we're pinning down a dat down aa but we've also gotve kevin morris. tomorrow, we've got eric schwerin, rob walke msr, pe mervin yan. >> we've got all these people coming in i cn the next. two weeks. and then we want to talk to jim biden and then we will also talk and to hunter biden. >> we just got to get that dayo. done. but we do we do. >> he is coming. and that's what we said in committee last week when we marked up the contemptmittee cont resolution, we said we're going to pass out of committee. >> if hunter biden wants to curifnte and he wants to come in and we can get the testimony from him, all the bettertestimo >> and that's the negotiation we're in now. we think he's coming, which in nk is for our investigation, our impeachment inquiry, as we >>ve forwardigation . you know, joe biden seems to lie a lot. we know he lied wheniden see sat once did i ever speak to hunter, my brother or anybody for that matteo r, about their foreign business
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deals. then he lied to the american people for yearbusiness saying the borders are closed and the border is secure. >> everybody around him liedosed about that. now we know that he also lie d. we were told that there was, the in fact, are wn ethics agreement where they would never know who the people were that were purchasing hunter biden'es. now, the art dealer gave a deposition and inon that deposition, james cornwell confirmed this. es comered we now learned that, in fact, he said no. hunter demanded to know who the buyers were. and in fact, joe biden got. and he also is talking to thert art dealer deale. am like, i'm like, wow. is the arrogance wow is that hi that they're getting money from all these countries? no experiencale. and joe, taking officialjo actions as vice president thatts helps his son get paid for no experience. >> yeah. and the gallerieperiences told h george burgess, the galleries told us that that was the only contrac t had with any
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artist he did business with. the only contract he had with ted con that provision was hunter biden to know. and we know that 70% of the art purchased in the las t two and a half years totaling $1.5 million. >> we know 70% of that camecoupe from a couple of of purchasers o who happened to be biden donorss donors to the president's campaign. so tomorrow we're talking with kevin morri to thcampaignst $875,000 worth of art fromabou huntert $8 biden. >> hunter biden obviously knew who that guy was. he was with him last week when he w came into the oversight committee. so we're talking to him tomorrow. committee. some some important information that will help us answer the questions we have as we movswerionse forwardr impeachment inquiry. well, apparentlyove forw, he waf the big purchasers of hunter's art on on the top of the $5thath million that had been previously reporteadreviousld. >> well, joe biden be called in. would you believe that yourde committees will subpoena joe biden at the end of this? er >> we're going to move through the key players that we think we need to get to in this impeachmenett inquiry, as we said, kevin morris tomorrow, next week, eric shaw and rob walker. biden
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we will talk to them then. we want to talk to jill biden and then hunter biden. we think all that' s to happen and then i think we make a decision. >> do we move forward with actual articles of impeachment? >> as i've said many times, john, and you know, the evidence, i thinth k wempelling have thus far is already pretty darn compelling. >> but it's important we do this. it's imp we ethe right way, do facts, get the evidence, talk to the keyth people. that's what we're doing on the judiciary committee. on o's what mr. colmerjuy commig on oversight. and of course, we had the whistleblowers come to the ways and means committeeht . all right, congressman jim jordan, house judiciary committemeane chairman, thank y, sir. we appreciate your time, as always. coming up, hunter biden mighyout even more legal trouble than we thought. also, a bi than g update on one of the states that trying to remove donald trump froe tryl ballot. we'll check in with gregg jarrett, alan dershowitz, and then laterl , we have a big announcement. >> stay with us.
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america is listening. right? you know, the ballot ban m in state of maine. while former president donald trump's bafon is on pause tonigt after he appealed the unilateral decisioer hn, maine's left-wing secretary of state. meanwhile, hunter biden's lega l troubles, they continue to mount. the doj filing admittingtre lapp that hunter's laptop wow is in fact, real while writing i in a recent court filing that the fbi quote, came into possessio n of the defendant's apple macbook pro, which he ha ook pro d left at a computer store. in other words, exactly what we have been reportinin, exg for y. it was never, ever, ever russian disinformation. that a >> but knowing that and knowing that they had corroborated it, nond later than march of 2020, r why didn't the fbich, when asked directly by twitter and facebook whether it's realwe or not, whether the laptop was real? why they answer?swer because remember, for months leading up to th?e 2020 election
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,the presidential election, the fbtion, thi, they were meetf months weekly with big tecorhwan specifically warning them to be on the lookout for disinformationg campaign.aign that might be about joe and hunter biden. then, lo and behold, the new york post breaks that story. he posthey know that it's a real laptop. they ask, is thi sdisinf disinformation? they didn't get an answer. wow. theyand hunter is getting desperate, lashing out at the two irs whistleblowersirs wh that exposed his now defunct sweetheart deal. he is suind g the irs for damages. but guess what? his own daddy's doj just moved to dismiss the case. tos has learneder a that hunter's sugar brother, as we talked about earlier, the la entertainments wetalked , movin morris, will sit for an interview with houseinvest impeachment investigators tomorrow. that story broken by john solomon. s tomorrowattoryhere now with ar harvard law professor alan dershowitherez and fox newa
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legal analyst gregg jarrett. greg, i want to i wantlyg jarret with you. you know, listen to the democrats. they can't run on their record. one of their big talking pointst beyond trump is evil. rump ijanuary 6. , ja the republicans are racist and sexistnu6th, narrative thaty always use. is democracy in peril democracy in peril? how ironic comin g the people that are trying to put take tha donald trump off the ballot so people can't vote for him and be trying to litigate him off the ballot and tie him up for an entire election year and keep himtion yea court.ig not out on the campaign trail. a little hypocritical. wouldn't you say? >> oh, it absolutely is. >> and, you know, the maine sec secretary of statereta who yeard for her 15 minutes of fame is a perfect example. it was inevitable the state would halt her unilateraldecisi
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because the u.s. supreme courton will now decide, whetherats ar biden democrats are contorting the 14th amendment to kick the opponent off the ballot. you know, the high court hearinballot.earing ig is in th. >> tsarnaev should be ins. unanimous. mendme >> the 14th amendment doesn't apply to the president. to te is excludedy by deliberate omission. >> and second of all, him guilty of insurrection without a charge or triarrectionl. >> my goodness, his right to do without a charge is protected by that amendment is being violated in the most punitivineh way. >> and finally, the 14th amendment. that's not self-executine g. >> section five says congress c has the poweonr to enforce it.. >> it did.ifie it codified insurrection. and yet nod th one, includingd h trump, has ever been charged with it. so i it was a farce to begin with. know, professor, i want to getts your thoughts on the 14th amendment, but i want to go back to thise 14th fbi issue. they spend months in the leadto2
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up to 2020, the presidential election meeting with big tech meg, big tech that they may be victims of a disinformation campaign. and ite may be about joe and hunter biden. bingo. the they knew rudy giuliani hadn a copy. his attorney had a copy of the hunter biden laptop. they knew it. they knew it would be leaked. so they're warning big techey a thenre w they verify its authenticity in march of 2020. and then big tech that they're meeting with weekly as a direct questiong wi. o is this real or is this disinformation? they refusr is ie to give the t. now, to me, that woulderence be defined as election interference. to me, they shouldn't have been meeting with big. been tech anywaye was unless there was a specific reason to meet with thata . >> no, i agree with that. i think the only good is the justice department finally seems to be doing the rightst thing. it's coming out against hunter biden. it's opposin hunter ig lawsuit about thelaws whistleblowers. it's admittinguit that the laptp
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is real. now, i'd like to seet th the justic e come in and say this whole process, one second they did. they're living it now, but the>e in the fall of 2020 and they were they were they were the ones warning big tech weekly. and when big tech asked for verification, they knew the truth, refused to tell them the truth. that t theo me is deep stateinvv involvement. that should never happen in this countrement thaty. >> that is not the role of the fbi. i agre. e with you. but i want to look at the bright side. and the bright side is se ht o far in two cases now, the justice department has said we're going to go againstpresid the president's son. now, i'm askinenson.g the justit department to do the right thing, to read the 14th amendment,hid read the way. any reasonable person should per read it and goinsog to and filee an amicus brief in the supreme court and say, no, no, no, a presidential candidateal
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must be allowed to run. >> all right. i love your right sidelo.. this had the ability to change an election result. if america believes there's polls that have borne this out,w that harris laptop was real, they would voted differently. that's how much interferencencet that caused. >> and that's why we have to stop the election interference going on now. what we see and i wrote whata wa book about it called get trump, which is not my title. it's based on letitia james's campaign promise. the goal is to interfere with the electio is hn, to try to get some down and dirty convictions, knowing that some downty convim will reversed on appeal. but the reversals will occur only after the electionthese and these efforts, particularly in new york, which is the worstt in terms of legal responsibility to actually, he s but also the cases in florida and fulton countfulton cy are ne intended to be the effect theses election interference voters are going to be getting
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the wrong impression are goi ifs they're convictions, if the convictions are ultimately reversed on appealed, voters should be making decisions based on me. desed on the wants a plane to gs coming election. no way donald trump can get a fair hearing in new york, d.c., or fulton county, georgia. i don't believe so. n't belibut he can win on appea. but that would be post-election yet again. all righthat wout. anyway, thanks to both of you, professor. thank you. gregg jarrett, thank essor an. when we come back. oh, you know that hard hitting news show, the vieting neww with joyless baker. anyway, high in her ivory towets ,baker mocking youngcking americans struggling in biden'yn terrible economy. we got the tape later on, a big announcement. om announcemdon't want to miss. straight ahead, there are some things that work better together, like your workplace benefits and retirement savings
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>> all right, so the 2024 election is heating upec and americantion is are livid about the economy. rightly so. many are struggling to afforonod bare necessities like groceries. some people even dippingoceries. the credit card accounts with high interest rates. new york postets witd reportingo that the bureau of labor statistics found that rktinga $0 grocery bill in 2019. yeah, it's a whopping 125 car prices are through the roof . you want to know how bad car prices are? i'll give you the numbers on it, because it's staggering p . it is now up 30% for new car. prices used. car prices are up a whopping 38% going through the roof, half american households can't afford to buy a new car despit e. these terrible statistics. well, yesterday, the ever so hard hittingerday th show the vt with joyless bay haag. d tothey admitted to having zerg empathy for young people struggling to make ends meet to mak. look. >> take a look.s ge this generation in defense
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of gen znera, they're not hittiy the milestones the way every generation before them did there. owning homesneration did bef a . this is what, 45% of peopletwee between ages 18 to 29 stillwith live with their parents. they feel left behind by the the ot age economy and they also see everybody trying to not age. so please get a jo ob now. to but they know they have to have a job. multiplethere's a million jobs,e job openings in this country. so whatever jois countb, peopleo live through a pandemic, they've lived through the worst of times. ani'm two gen z or so. oh, i want to just defend them a little bit. >> here is reaction. fox news contributor tammy bruce, co-host of the big money show on fox business. good to greenberg good to see you both. tammy, start with you. .have kids living with mom and dad, half of them. i was out of the house, young. i was broke. i live paycheck to paychecs bro. a lot of years. wasn't fun, but the cost cars, , insurance, car repairs is out, out of sightr repair for the foe young kids. new caw r prices up 30%.
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used cars prices up 38%. god f and tammy, god forbid they want to buy a homort toe with these interest rates. you can't afford one. right. t s youand biden inflation on ey item you buy, every store you go to. saw o look, i think what we saw kno on the view, i mean, we know the numbers are we know how difficult it is. what we saw on the viediffic w was a fascinating display of of lack of empathy, of selfishness, of a dynamic wherselfishne is just kd of this disgust with people who are struggling. th peoplyou know, we did want tn out of the house. that was the main thing we wanted to do. but the fact of the matter is homes now, it's i don't think joe buhari's t think example hashow mu to worry about how much gas is going into her cachr and whether or not she canr. have protein on the plate for dinner. they might think that's some weird fantasy, but that is the reality for manat'sy americans right now. they are so disconnected with the reality of th.disconnee american lifestyle and the style of beinge styl, you know,
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being able to have a budget and just go get a josaysb, you know, are the wages are also getting depressed. de if you arey g on welfare and you are having food stamps, you are making to some degree more money than you would taking a minimum wage job in this country. so you can't even afford unles.s you're working two and three jobs. it's a remarkable disconnection. >> she might as well have said, she, because cak that's what we're looking at this point. >> i wish thought of that line.c that's probably the perfect, perfect way to describescribe the arrogance. i feel sorry for these trroganc. you know what? it's the american dream. is thaeam whic t much harder. rem but it doesn't need to remain this way. that's why the election o in november of this year matters. they have consequences. >> well, and gen z. is breakingg the cardinal rule, right? you're not supposed to ask questions. you're not supposed to care about liketions. building wealth,g a getting a home, buying a car. >> you're just to ask for lon
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the handouts from the left as long as you're doing that. ou are djoy bejar is just fine,f you want to actually have some financial independenceave some k away from the government a little bit. little the comes.t down on you. you need to get a job. what gen zu need t? it's good if you want to buyby a a home. you want to afford groceries. home and you're thinking the rf now ask yourself who really wants to help you do that? who wants to give you the opportunity? i s not joy,ou it' very hard. this was a very revealing on the view, because you can see what these guys expect from the young voters. >> and if they don't get what they expect,t what t they're of. >> yeah, well, you know, and i don't know what options are going to have, tammy. >> i mean, interest rates are highinterest and a sale of preexisting have come to ame to standstill. new home construction is basically ended and there'str a housing shortage. they have about a minute left.i.
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you get the last minute. they. >> and this is it's it's -- it's also the parents, right. so they're living in theiring ir parent's home. the parents remember when you could actually live paree au life, when you could work hard l for a livingivin and get what yu needed to get those. those parents maybe were intendins may beg on selling thm and maybe retiring or movingd elsewhermaybe. now they can't do that. so the gen-z are watching their parents reflect back andlm tell them this is bad. this is nos bad.t. it has to be. none of us expected this, right? so thiiss not right. so i think the good news is, is that those parents should influencte those young people who still haven't moved out of the house about what's possiblese. good t all right, tammy, good to seebe you. ryan rambergrg, thank you ascomb well. when we come back. wow. i think i'm impactinack,g gavin newsom on one issue. he sounds like me and i mighsot actually agree with him. we'll get to that. and also our big announcement straight ahead. so you were telling me this battle to pass gets us into
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12:00 am
i never actually thought i'd see the day when gavin newsotumk kind of sounded like me. >> but the california governor is now claiming will veto a proposed bill that will ban youth tackle footballin in california, saying that he will ensure parentthat hs the fm to decide which sports their children plahy. have b i think i've been rubbing ofeef on the governor. ment. all right. now to our big announcement, a programming announcement. formerfp president donald trump, he will join us tomorrow. his very first interview since his historic win in iowa. tomorrow night, set dvr at 9 p.m. right here on fox. please always set your dvr so s you never, ever, ever, eveo yor miss an episode of hannity. unfortunately, that's all the time w.'s alle have left. remember, produce any time. all the time. every time. news anm had an inco. thank you for being with us. not your heartbeat. troublthank ing us.e. >> greg gutfeld is next to put a smile on your face