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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  January 18, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PST

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>> greg: we're out of time. thanks to our studio audience. i'm greg gutfeld, i love you, america. ingraha m angle. ♪ ♪
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>> laura: good evening, i'm back from iowa, finally. i had fun. i did get back. the "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight. biden meeting at the white house with top congressional leaders over stalled talks on ukraine and our own border security. i'm looking forward to speaking with speaker mike johnson. he was at that meeting and is coming to "the ingraham angle" to give us details about what happened inside. first, take a load off fani, that is focus of tonight's angle. how the mighty have fallen. the media was awe-struck by fulton county da. a woman on a mission after announcing state racketeering charges against donald trump. the media described her as a -- d stone faced officers in uniform.
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her voice rang out loud and clear with a hint of swagger a smarted gutsy gee mail african-american prosecutor vs. a reckless, dangerous former president. they thought they had found their trump layer is. >> oh my god. like she blew me away. and i think about this whole part of the future of donald trump as a former president differently now. >> i know fani willis said the other night she was prepared to try the case within six months and i'm sure she is. >> she has been investigating this case for two and a half years. all of her ducks will be in a row. >> that's not all she had lined up. reports show that she had her boyfriend, nathan wade lined up to get paid a nice sum for doing her dirty work. she even sent him to the white house to check in with biden's staff, billing fulton county $2,000 on two different occasions in 2022 for his
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mystery work. wade was an interesting choice, even "the washington post" conceded, and they noted that he had scant experience in prosecuting any cases. but, when allegations of corruption about overpaying her unqualified boyfriend started trickling in, fani did what most leftists what most trained to do claim victim and cry racism. >> i appointed three special counsel as it's my right to do. paid them all the same hourly rate. they hired one black man, another super star, a great friend and a great lawyer. oh, lord, they are going to be mad when i call them out on this nonsense. first thing they say oh she is going to play the race card now. but no, isn't it them that is playings race card when they only question one?
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fani fantastic liar her lover was paid $100 more an hour than others with more experience. he was paid $100 more an hour than the experienced ricco prosecutor john floyd according to documents obtained by the daily caller foundation. facts don't bother fani. she needs divine intervention. >> why are they so surprised that a diverse team, that i assembled, your child, can accomplish extraordinary. god, wasn't it them that attacked this lawyer of impeccable credentials? the black man i chose has been a judge more than 10 years. i'm just asking, god. is it that some will never see a black man as qualified no matter his achievement? >> laura: yet, as we saw with harvard's claudine gay these racial victim ploys are losing their currency. even the daily beast know that
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fani has caused a major headache. because, if she got hefty salary for romantic partner, that's a genuine conflict of interest that would require her dismissal. and even fanny's buds at cnn can't help her. >> everyone that we have spoken to, they agree that the optics in this are just horrible some high level democrats in this state calling fani willis to step down and recuse herself from this case. >> once again, this reminds us how corrupt the corporate media are. just a few years ago "time" magazine was lauding fani willis as one of those boss ladies who is small in stature but big in presence. a commander armed, get this: with high standards. now, democrats have made a big mistake here. instead of trying to win the presidency by advancing policies that actually improve lives, they tried decided to try to destroy america, and destroy donald trump. biden flunkies are flooding our
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border with migrants and drowning trump with endless legal attacks waged by vicious, corrupt climbers. people like fani willis. but hyper political and entitled prosecutors like her, they are kind of a dime a dozen these days. and they are disliked by hardworking americans who just want someone who will call balls and strikes. and as president trump continues to barn storm the country on his way to securing the g.o.p. nomination, fani will be prepping for her deposition in a week in her paramour's divorce case. attorneys for jocelyn wade, nathan's wife, successfully subpoenaed the d.a. how is fani going to get out of this jam? claim ms. wade is a racist, too? well, it's time to take a load off, fani, and shut down this tainted prosecution. >> and that's the angle. joining us now chris landau, former law clerk for justices thomas and scalia, former ambassador to mexico. chris, what are your thoughts on the integrity of this georgia
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prosecution, given what we know about what she has done? laura, obviously these allegations against fani are serious. if you were going to break all historical norms and go after for the first time in history a former president and current leading candidate for the presidency on criminal charges, you better have your ducks in a row. you better cross all your t's and dot all you're i's. what kind of judgment does this person have who is doing this? this is the person who made this momentous decision to charge the former president and this person is allegedly hiring their secret lover and then going off on vacations funded by taxpayer dollars? >> laura: she didn't disclose any of this. not that any of that would have mattered. she didn't disclose any of this. and then she goes to this church and she says she is not playing the race card but, of course, that's exactly what she is doing. no one cares about the color of the skin of her, you know, her lover. but we do care about the fact that he is being sent to the
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white house either to deliver a message or get counsel and then get paid for it handsomely. >> we are now in the silly phase of this thing like when the academics plagiarism, no big deal. now legal experts saying well, hiring your secret lover to be a special prosecutor and going off and having that person, perhaps, coordinate with the white house? i think that's one of the most serious allegations. >> laura: we don't know to this day. kind of a very general statement on the billing record. odd thing for him to show up at the white house two different occasions in 2022. >> in a state criminal prosecution it raises very serious questions. >> laura: coordination. >> again, talk about collusion. we heard that word a lot in the last administration. is there collusion between the white house and the state prosecution in new york and georgia? i don't know. these -- you think these people would have the judgment, if you are going to go out there and
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undertake this momentous path. >> laura: unimpeachable. >> you would think. so again, i just think. >> laura: this is back firing on these people though. by the way it's alleged that nathan wade billed 24 hours of work in one day. now, you and i used to having billed. you still bill hours. i used to doing the six minute increment bills. i hated the billing records. i hated doing billing. but 24 hours in a day, is that possible, chris? >> again, listen, laura. >> laura: ha ha. >> that is certainly questionable. that's one of the things that have to get looked at. certainly this going to have to be resolved before these cases can go forward you can't go with this cloud over the prosecutor. if this is the a team they are bringing it raises a lot of questions. >> laura: jack smith and his prosecution, he supposedly is the much more professional,
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seasoned prosecutor. what's new in that case. >> one of the really important things on that front is that, again, he did not charge president trump with insurrection. there is a federal crime called insurrection. a lot of people in this country think that's what the january 6th case is about. it is not. there is no charge of insurrection in that statute. that's why the colorado and maine things are insane. but, more important, he actually charged them with this novel, untested legal theory that's now in the u.s. supreme court. again, if you are going to go after the president, the former president, the leading candidate, you better be pretty darn sure that you have a solid legal round. this is not the case to be testing the outer boundaries of the law. >> laura: and today, we know that the chevron case, which is another big administrative law case, is being considered at the supreme court for, i mean, perhaps, you know, a complete reversal. for people who aren't law geeks tell us why that is so important. >> it's very important. because as we have seen in the last several decades, the administrative state, the deep
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state in washington. >> laura: all the agencies and subagencies? >> fcc, epa, fda, all those three letter agencies have just started beings panging their power massively. and there's this doctrine in the law. again, it sounds boring. but it's very important to the way americans live that courts have been deferring to agencies the agency power. now that is being reconsidered. is that really appropriate? because these bureaucrats have massively expanded their power. >> unaccountable. >> 100 percent. our basic separation of powers and our democracy, our republican principle have broken down because now congress delegated to these agencies all this legislative power. >> laura: i was encouraged hearing parts of the audio. grab bag of legal topics: it's time for serious soul searching
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by nikki haley and ron desantis. time to step aside and endorse trump. >> laura: now, not surprising that political advice stoked almost instant backlash from both the desantis and the haley camps. but, as i tried to say last night, this is nothing personal. now, a few did more to showcase ron desantis' success than yours truly. and i meant every word. including during the bad news storm on election night at the white house on 2020. >> trump brought more people into the party and then expanded the base from those blue collar workers on out. so we'll see what happens as the night goes forward, but, to me, florida is the future for the republican party. >> laura: now my advice to them, so suspend their campaigns and unite behind trump comes from my deep concern about what the future looks like if biden manages somehow to stay in power. now, republicans need to devote every minute they have and every penny they have to stopping the ne-yo marxists who have taken
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over the democrat party. and dropping out to campaign for trump also happens to be the best thing for both of their political futures as well if they play their cards right and do it right now they will be sitting pretty for 2028 and 2032 they are both young enough. in the case of desantis he is still the most popular republican in the united states of america. now, it's always tough. after all the hard work that candidates put in to finally admit that this is not their time that's politics. political consultants, you know who you are. paid people a you can turn this around boss. don't look at the numbers. one of the few professions actually rewarded for failing in the real world americans see country disappearing. in the real g.o.p. grassroots
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they want trump. now, coming up, biden met with congressional leaders to con them into giving them more aid to ukraine while dangling a potential border security deal in front of them. but, speaker mike johnson just left that meeting and he is here to tell us what really happened and to react, next. ♪ to duckduckgo on all your devie
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♪ >> we must insist that the border be the top priority. i think we have some consensus around that table. everyone understands the urgency of that and we will continue to press for it. >> laura: that's what mike johnson took aquay from his meeting about the so-called border negotiations and the ukraine aid deal. now, many congressional republicans have been trying to tie money for ukraine for some foe border deal political win for the democrats. senate democrats, look, they have a different idea a large amount of agreement around the table we must be ukraine and must be border. there was tremendous focus on ukraine and an understanding that if we don't come to ukraine's aid, that the consequences for america around the globe would be nothing short of devastating. ♪ >> laura: joining me now for his
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first interview on the angle since becoming speaker and since coming out of that meeting is speaker of the house, mike johnson. mr. speaker, thanks so much for joining us. the president actually just got off the phone with me right before the show and he said he had spoken to you about this deal and that he is against it and he urged you to be against this deal. he was extremely, president trump was extremely adamant about that. your reaction to that given the fact that, look, he knows how to do this enforcement stuff, you don't need some new bill coming out of the senate to get the border enforced? >> yeah, president trump is not wrong. he and i have been talking about this pretty frequently. i talked to him the night before last about the same subject. we don't have the text of whatever the senate has cooked up yet. and so we have to reserve judgment, i think, to see what comes out of it. it doesn't sound good at the outset. what i told president biden at the white house today is the same thing that i have been saying to him since i was handed
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the gavel to become speaker. that is our border, our national border is national security. and we have to talk about the safety and the security and the sovereignty of america before we talk about anything else. that has to be top of mind. that's what the american people demand. that's what they deserve and that's what the house republicans are united around. that is the battle. we have got to get it done. >> laura: the republican grassroots, i think, by the reaction on social media were really encouraged by your tweets that the lankford bill is a no go and the text of that bill is written and has been written for some time and included 5,000 minimum migrants to be waive dollars into the country every day, which is 1.825 million a year. and now you said it's not the time for comprehensive immigration reform, which is really amnesty. that was really encouraging. but then at 6:03 p.m. eastern time today, mr. speaker, the hill posted a story with this title: johnson gets squeezed by
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biden's 123459 g.o.p. on ukraine and the border. your reaction to that? >> yeah, i don't know what they are talking about. we haven't seen that text yet the engaged in the negotiation on the other side we have to reserve judgment the text has not been posted yet. i'm hopeful they will come up with something meaningful. what i have said at the very beginning we have to have h.r. 2 or the functional equivalent thereof. why? it has very important provisions. we reform asylum and the broken parole process. we restore the trump era remain in mexico policy which is essential and you end catch and release. we need to rebuild the wall. there are other limits as well. some of those are essential to stop the flow. >> laura: mr. speaker, i'm sorry to interrupt, i have been doing this negotiation thing for like 30 years here long before you came here. they could do that tonight. >> exactly.
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>> laura: they don't need the lankford bill to do the lankford bill or remain. they do not want the border to be secure. because, if they did, they would have secured it over the last three years. so then you show up at the white house and they're trying to strong arm you to agree to something that has been written by schumer's staff for months. >> yeah. laura, no one is strong arming me. i looked at the president right across the table at him in the cabinet official's room. i said, mr. president, you have the authority right now to end this catastrophe. it's your actions that created it. in fact, mr. president, i told him in the meeting today, we have documented 64 instances of you taking executive actions and your agencies that created this catastrophe. mr. president, it's on you to unwind it. we don't need new laws. you could do it right now. i have cited to him, read him the legal authority on the phone thursday last week that he could take. and do you know what he said in the meeting, laura? he said we are ready to do big things on the border. hallelujah, mr. president. president biden do your job. fix the catastrophe that you created. it's unspeakable humanitarian catastrophe. and national security catastrophe. 302,000 people came over the
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borders in december alone. >> laura: they know this, mr. speaker. so, you going over to the white house today, i mean, i understand you want to show come did i with the democrats and you have a reputation wanting to work and that's great seam goals you have. your goals by all indication your goals are the democrats roots of the republican party and most americans by the way. that is not their goal. if it were their goal, they would have enforced the border. you are in negotiations with people who don't have your -- your same goals in mind. so you are just giving them fig leaf of bipartisan here or they're going to blame you if this goes south. >> lawyer, wou laura, we have tg we can do drag them screaming and kicking over the line. i only have the control of one chamber. one house of congress. we have the smallest of majority in u.s. history. quite literally this week with people out sick.
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we are doing everything we can we have to use every ounce of leverage and make them do the right thing. that's what we are trying to force. no one is twisting my arm. it's quite opposite. i'm there at the white house demanding action on behalf of the american people. the house republicans are going to stand on that ground. we have been con sis lently and we will continue to do so. >> if ukraine is absolutely has to be a priority which i'm certainly not for guess pratt to get money to ukraine. again the american people aren't for that i think it's only 41% in our fox voter analysis poll in iowa say they want to give more money to ukraine. but if you guys all want to do that. do a ukraine bill stand alone why tie that to our border. >> ukraine is leverage to get border but to your point they may indeed be broken up. we will see how it develops. the devil is going to be in the details of all these proposals. what is happening in ukraine is not acceptable. the status quo is not acceptable. we sent billions of dollars over there without any clear artic could you a little of the strategy. i have been telling the white
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house this as well. what is the strategy? what's the end game? how do we have accountability? >> laura: why are we giving any more money then? they have -- talk about failing. that's not failing upward. they are just failing. >> yeah. we have been pressing the white house every day for answers to critical questions the american people are owed and we have to know that we have to know strategy, end game. how does ukraine get out of that conflict. why aren't the critical weapons systems that have been requested and necessary to push russia back been supplied by the white house? i met with president zelenskyy in town before christmas they said they haven't gotten the weapons systems they have asked for. in other words, the white house is not even providing the assistance that is needed yet they are asking for more billions? there's a lot of work yet here to be done. i understand the frustration of the american people. we share it as well. that's the problem. >> laura: and, mr. speaker, one final question. given the fact that many in the house of representatives believe alejandro mayorkas should be impeached for failing to do his job, do you believe whatever is agreed to in this so-called
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border deal would in any way be implemented on the enforcement side by a man who is allowed our border to be open on the direction of the biden team? absolutely not. he engineered the open border. he is the one who has done that to your point, it doesn't matter what laws we have passed. if the secretary of the department of homeland security is unable or unwilling to enforce i think is he unwilling at this point. that's the difference. that he was the point. the white house and the president himself has to take executive action. he halls to do he has the authority under existing law to solve this mess. to end the catastrophe that he and his agencies, including mayorkas have created. we're going continue to cyst upon that we have been every single day. we will continue to because we owe that not american people. >> does the fact that president trump -- that he stands so strongly against this deal is that important to you? again president trump and i talked about this. we haven't seen what the bill
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is. >> laura: we know what it s it's a promise of enforcement with millions of people in the next decade coming into the country across the border. that's the deal. that's the nut shell that's the deal. >> i just told everybody at the white house, everybody sitting around that room. that we need the elements of h.r. 2. the functional equivalent thereof. i don't care what they call it. but you have to make these changes to solve the problem. the deputy secretary of border patrol, u.s. border patrol, a 33-year veteran of the agency, told us at eagle pass, two and a half weeks ago, three weeks ago. brought 64 house republicans down there. he said it's as if i'm administering an open fire hydrant. i don't need more bucketsd. i need to turn down the flow. that's what we have to do to help save the country turn down the flow. >> laura: mr. speaker, we really appreciates your joining us and we hope you stand firm i think the people of louisiana would love that joining me now ohio senator j.d. vance. senator, your reaction to what the speaker said? i mean, i think he does want what you want on the border. i think he really does want
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that. is this the way to do it? >> well, i don't think so. laura. i think the speaker, first of all, is right that we haven't seen the details of the actual proposal. >> laura: they released them on friday night and voted on monday night. >> exactly. we know what's going to be in this incorporate aened and know lack two critical provisions. first of all does nothing on parole, laura. barack obama paroled 5,000 illegal aliens oa year. joe biden is paroling close to a million per year. the proposal does nothing on parole. second, it really does nothing on fixing the asylum process in our country so you combine these two things. you are not actually addressing the border crisis. importantly, and you saw speaker johnson address this and i appreciate him for doing so. this is fundamentally about getting money for ukraine. this is a border fig leaf so that we can send another $61 billion for ukraine. i just think it's such a catastrophic abdication of leadership for republicans at the height of the significant border crisis when the american people are with us on the need to secure the border to pretend that we're securing the border
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with the one hand so we can give $61 billion to zelenskyy with the other. it's atrocious. >> laura: seems we finally have the blue city mayors. >> yes. >> laura: iin the position where they understand this is really bad. and instead you give them a political rests could you package that is meaningless. once you get that bill and we don't have the text yet. once you get that bill and there is verification -- there will be some verification nonsense in it, who is going to make them do the enforcement? who? >> well, it's effectively impossible. here's the real tell that this is not fundamentally going to secure the border is if you really wanted to, do you know how i feel about ukraine. we spent too much money over there already. but if you really wanted to use ukraine as a hook, you could tell joe biden we won't give you another dime until you get illegal border crossings to a very low number. below a 1,000, 100. the fact that
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♪ the on the table is not about border security it's about sending $61 billion to ukraine. >> laura: this what is the white house's priority before going into the meeting today to your point. >> our focus today, the president's focus today is going to be about ukraine and the importance of continuing to support ukraine as they fight against tier any and president putin's aggression that's going to be the focus. as i said the president brings people together, obviously is willing to listen to what folks have to say but that is the purpose is ukraine and those negotiations on the hill, on the senate side is going to continue. >> laura: do you actually think that there is, quote: negotiations? this thing was written months ago. the lobbyists have their goody bag of items on the border front and obviously they already know how much money they want for ukraine. this is already done. they have to sneak the text out and then you will have like, you know, what? five hours to read it. it will be 800 pages long. classic. >> this is news, laura.
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i actually agree with the white house press secretary about something. this is all about ukraine. you are exactly right about the timing here. what we have been told on the senate side is the details of this package will drop later this week. that could mean friday night. and it would be expected to vote on it a few days later. immigration law, laura, you know this better than i do is so complicated. one provision over here effects another provision over here. the idea you can do a real border security package and actually review it and amend it is insane. >> laura: you are negotiating with the people who do not believe a border is a moral thing to have. >> that's exactly right. >> laura: impolar to have a border. >> failure to recognize that and actually use our leverage, i think is, a huge mistake here, laura. >> laura: always great to see you really happy the speaker come in. important health warning. you are going to need to hear this from dr. siegel. that's next. ♪ ♪ ♪ mom! mom! every day can be extraordinary with rich,
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creamy, delicious fage total yogurt.
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>> laura: health officials warning measles may be making a comeback through two of the ph air airports. nine confirmed cases in the city. new jersey has a confirmed case, they are trying to track down how it got there and delaware said 20 to 30 people may have been exposed. joining me is dr. marc siegel. we thought the measles had been beaten in the united states. is there cause for concern here? ? well, there is cause for concern, laura if you are not vaccinated. if you are vaccinated measles or had it when you were a kid. there is almost no chance of your getting it. the problem is worldwide 9 million cases in the world
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last year. up 40%. there is a big problem in yemen, not only houthis but also measles in yemen. also in india. the problem is with travelers. and you know, we are not screening travelers. not to mention the southern border where we are not screening them at all, of course. so people are coming into the country, bringing diseases like measles, which we think is just a childhood disease but can absolutely hospitalize from you pneumonia. something we have to be concerned about. easy fix. this vaccine has been around since the 1970s. the one we are using. it's safe and extremely effective. >> laura: there has also been a surge of tuberculosis cases, dr. siegel. and many, yo you know, experts n this do link it back to the border. we very a lot of people crossing the border who are ill. we can't check vaccination records of them. students at a high school in north carolina may have been exposed to a case and just this past fall in new york. we had several cases. your thoughts on this mini
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surge? >> you know, laura, measles unbelievably easy to catch if you are just in a room with it, you camp it. t.b. is harder to catch. you think you are right it's the border that's the issue. let me tell you what the problem is. in central america people are getting partly treated for tuberculosis. that's right. partly treated. so they come in here and that breeds a resistant strain. we are seeing a huge increase. 45% to 10% of multi drug resistant tuberculosis which is extremely hard to eradicate. puts people in hospitals spreads and leads to death. that's another reason that securing the border is so important. >> laura: dr. siegel, always great to see you. thanks so much. ev graveyard in chicago? my next guest has been warning about this. marc morano know what is do you have a life insurance policy you no longer need? now you can sell your policy - even a term policy - for an immediate cash payment. call coventry
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>> laura: i did notice in iowa, the phone battery did not last a as long as it usually does. the same thing is happening to electric vehicles democrats wand you to w get. evunch owners learned the hard
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this week. >> a bunch of dead robots out here. >>g this is like three hours bein>>g out here after eight hos yesterday. not working. >> at all. it's just frozen. now i'm getting towed. >> these are unusual cold temperatures do you find this acceptable? >> no. not at all. >> laura: joining me now is marc morano, editor of climate depot. how dangerous is something like. this imagine if the biden administration's wish were reality and gas powered cars were banned and people could only be driving evs? you would have a catastrophe on your hands people stranded everywhere. i would argue this is a feature not a bug. this is part of making travel freedom of movement difficult. the more we are stuck with cars that don't work, cars that take a long time to charge, the more they think they will force us into mass transit, subways, buses and the earth will smile. this is what the idealogues of davos are pushing. this is what the biden administration is pushing.
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>> laura: the administration is saying this whole push for like range anxiety, people have range anxiety. that's all just npr in tow range anxiety in the summer in august. she had to cut off a pregnant women with her child. with an infant to charge at the charging station they were so desperate to have a feel good p.r. trip. pete buttigieg had similar problems. they can't get their own administration to have ev vehicles go well. this is akin to what we saw the old soviet union. particularly east germany with the that vanity you can only have one government approved car. the crappy east german had a waiting list 10 years. fast-forward once free europe, u.s. canada be we are emulating the same. >> laura: trump was totally right looked at auto workers this deal, whatever, they are putting you out of business. this ev thing is going to put you out of business. >> what is it trump's 2013 tweet about global warming invented to
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help china. china is now passing japan as the number one global exporter of cars. invasion of chinese cars. >> laura: we are done. we are done. >> because they have the monopoly on ev. as i say, evs dig the earth. and that's what china has a monopoly on rare earth mining. >> laura: picture of very sad charging station. this is 9:30 or so last night. and i -- leaving this restaurant with my dear friend, my dear college best friend. leaving the restaurant. look at this poor charging station. i almost felt sorry for it. look at the snow around it. just like all over the place. these charging stations locked up. i guess there was a light on it. one thing that john kerry said because he was responding to all of the people who feel like i can't have an ev because it won't take me far enough. watch. >> there has been a very, very clear policy which regrettably has been attacked by people who are engaged in high levels of disinformation. they have been trying to scare
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people about the range of vehicles. so there is range anxiety out there. >> laura: don't have that with a private jet funded by theresa heinz kerry. >> for john kerry so-to-say this is misinformation. we are seeing it real time. watch it happen to biden administration officials. now you have the spectacle because they know this is slipping, the ev mandate and solar people are catching on. al gore at the same davos meeting is saying once we achieve the political goal of net zero, which is essentially pulled out of thin air according to top u.n. scientists. the earth's temperature will stop rising almost immediately within three years. is he pulling a covid thing like wear your mask. do the lockdown. get the vaccine. everything will be better very quick. they are literally pushing this now three years and stop global warming and over never have to hear about it again according to what we hear from davos. >> laura: the gas bags are the ones that add to the temperature. thank you: kamala sets the
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terms. does the biden team measure up. hunter biden team gets busted in federal court. raymond arroyo has i'm jonathan lawson, here to tell you about life insurance through the colonial penn program. if you're age 50 to 85 and looking to buy life insurance
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>> laura: time for seen and unseen. >> laura: it's time for seen and unseen. we turn to raymond arroyo. kamala harris is out today trying to make the case for joe. >> joe: it is interesting how the vp is trying to frame this coming race, laura. i'm not sure she has the right print to put in that frame. watch. >> on this one, there is a split screen you can throw up and see. it is the choice between what is about respecting our democracy, what is about competence versus chaos. sus chaos. >> raymond: competence versus chaos. this is most recent example of
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competence from the biden white house, the start of a briefing today. >> i would like to formally begin today's call and introduce karine johnson, white house pres secretary. >> my name is karine jean-pierre, thank you for the intro. >> raymond: thank you for the re-intro. competency over chaos. if that is the standard, you decide, this is the commander-in-chief in philly this weekend at a food bank. ♪ [laughter] >> raymond: laura, there should be age restriction on all the biden events, only girls 18 and above should be allowed entry. when the president isn't -- small talk, when he is not chatting up little girls, very small talk, delivering scripted and edited trivia like this. >> president biden: it is kind
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of funny, republican candidates trying to beat donald trump. i'm still the only person that ever beat donald trump and i'm looking forward to it again for the good of this country. >> raymond: laura, why does every biden post look like a therapy session at a memory care wing? it is like the desk is too high and he can barely read the prompter. >> laura: an odd framing. i keep saying this, for all hollywood producers and all the entertainment talent trying to pull him across the finish line, you would think they could frame a shot better. make it look good, make him look good. >> raymond: you don't have anything to work with, framing will only get you so far. he can't read. he can't read. >> laura: well, joe can rest easy, kamala is hitting the trail on his behalf. >> we have to communicate what we have achieved.
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that is our big challenge. we've done a lot of good work, let people know who brung it to them. >> raymond: butchering the language does not endear language to anyone. given polling, it is clear it is not working. her overtures to kids are not faring any better. >> let me tell you something, i love gen-z. i love gen-z. >> we love you. >> for the older adults, this is a humbling thing i'm about to share with you. if someone is 18 years old today, they were born in 2005. yeah, check that out, think about that for a minute. [laughter] >> raymond: laura, voters have thunk about that.
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black voters are abandoning the ticket. >> are you going to support trump? >> no comment on that. people in our position ain't supposed to speak on their political candidates, that is what i learned and i learned everybody voting for trump. africanern ms vote democrat, what are they doing for us? i was expressing frustration. >> raymond: latest abc poll has biden down 25% among black voters because of borders and migrants in urban centers and value of the dollar, which is eroding in the inner city. >> laura: trump said, at the press event after the iowa caucus, i will work with anybody, work with democrats to restore cities and new information on hunter biden relating to lying and gun purchase case. also about the form about drug
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use. hunter dismissed from navy in 2014 for coke and in his book, he admits to drug use. federal prosecutors say they found cocaine residue on leather pouch he used to store his gun. feds are asking a judge to deny biden's efforts to dismiss the gun charges owing to this evidence. >> raymond: he says he did not use drugs, the laptop showed he used drugs, the book, and he used drugs 48 hours after purchasing the gun and now they found residue, open and closed case. >> laura: is there cocaine in any of the paintings? maybe that is why they sell for >> carley: a fox news alert. we are learning just how far the


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