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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  January 18, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PST

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what can i put down as your profession? thief! actress. she means actress. thief! [silence] dice dreams, attack your friends and steal their coins. play now. >> lawrence: all right. it's the 7:00 a.m. hour of "fox & friends" on the east on
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thursday, january the 18th. >> steve: all right. here's where we are starting. border backlash, more than a dozen democrats now speaking out against top democrat joe biden's border policies. what's that about? well, one democrat is turning the table on republicans in the meantime, calling on them to push to remove the statue of liberty. what? >> ainsley: brian, that's when you say ugh! >> brian: ugh! >> ainsley: ron desantis moving campaign workers to south carolina but insists he is not done making his case in new hampshire. >> we went to south carolina and knocked out a couple of events and did what we planned to do in new hampshire. that was caricature to skipping new hampshire when it wasn't. >> brian: no, it shows he is fighting another day regardless of how new hampshire comes out. and he'll be back after being detained. while arnold schwarzenegger was held by customs for hours at munich airport according to some
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located in germany. the second hour of "fox & friends" starts right now. and, remember, mornings are better with friends. get dressed. ♪ ♪ >> steve: happening today, mornings are better with news. and this is the news. more than a dozen democrats joining their republican colleagues in denouncing president biden's border policies that allows what you are looking at to happen. >> lawrence: but the white house is still trying to blame the g.o.p. for the crisis. >> ainsley: okay. peter doocy is live in reilly, north carolina, where biden is set to talk about bidenomics today. hey, peter. >> peter: good morning. and house democrats have been very good at sticking together and preventing other house democrats from breaking with republicans, that is at least until now. because 14 house democrats have signed on to a resolution with republicans that specifically
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says it was written denouncing the biden administration's open border policies. >> i think democrats need to own the fact that immigration is at a crisis level in this country. it's an economic crisis. it's a humanitarian crisis. it is a national security emergency. and we need to address it as such. the only way to do that is a bipartisan path forward. >> lawrence: these democrats, joining republicans, including the one you just heard, may undercut the white house's longstanding position that republicans are in the wrong on immigration because they voted down president biden's immigration legislation. >> why are you repeating this false claim that republicans voted to reduce the number of border patrol agents? >> we don't believe it's a false claim. our statements were very direct here last year. house g.o.p. voted -- voted and
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not only did they vote for it, but they touted. they touted their limit save grow act. this would have forced the elimination of 2,000 border patrol agents. >> will the administration then amend its separate statement that implied that texas officials were responsible for the deaths of three migrants? >> our statement is con sis 20 doj's filing as the doj filing said there was an ongoing emergency situation that border patrol was blocked from accessing. >> peter: president biden still hasn't hosted any events at the white house that we can attend this year; so, to get in front of him, we had to drive to raleigh where he plans to talk bidenomics which represents half of the biden re-election strategy right now. it seems like it is about 50% bidenomics, 50% trump. back to you. >> brian: hey, peter, this is pretty amazing. this is about the drowning death
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of two illegal immigrants and they blamed it on texas officials. proven not to be true. and they don't feel compelled to straighten out the record? >> peter: well, it's one of those things once you get into the details that is the case. but, they are in such tricky situation at the white house because republicans insist that the border legislation get attached to what the house sees as more urgent in ukraine, the ukraine money and israel money. they had this meeting yesterday. it doesn't sound like anything is coming out of it, at least soon. and so, it is a strategy that they have gone with, which is just to blame everything bad that is happening down there on the other side. >> steve: absolutely. peter, the reason they are in north carolina is because donald trump won north carolina in 2020 by just a little bit. and they would like to turn it blue again. but, as you said, he is going to
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be talking about bidenomics. buff the message seems a little tone deaf, ultimately what they are going to tout is the fact that they are bringing high speed internet to rural areas of north carolina that is great for 20,000 north koreans. 2,000 north carolinaens. the reps of america is struggling to play the light bill there are several universities here. very built up. a very nice part of the east coast. very nice part of north carolina. but it's not the rural place that would be impacted by the new high speed internet. but they got to talk about something, right? and it seems like they don't want to talk about anything at the white house that might remind people that president biden owns all these policies that at the moment polls show are not particularly popular with anybody, including people in his own party.
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so they're getting out on the road. and, again, got to talk about something. and so it's going to be bidenomics. >> steve: changing the subject. >> brian: 33% approval. thanks, peter. >> lawrence: i'm so furious what is happening at texas and the border and this is whip gate all over. that unit i was with last week on the border was the unit that rescues the migrants when they are drowning in the water. and i asked them straight up, whether a is the policy? they said the moment they see them drowning in there, they pick them up and put them in the boat. the suggestion that they would just allow children to drown is just absolutely insane. and the notion that the border patrol that is there doing the rescuing, that's not true either. they are not there on the ground. they are processing. it's texas dps and the military that rescue those children. then turn them over to border patrol. >> ainsley: they apprehended 11,000 per day some days in december. how can they be blamed for someone who is trying to cross the border.
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>> lawrence: it's ridiculous. >> ainsley: and doesn't make it. >> brian: the homeland security put out they watched them drown. bill melugin says that did not happen. put it out. they just let it go. what do you mean let it go? you just blamed texas national guard for letting these people drown. that is not true. it's not going to just fade away. >> ainsley: speaker johnson and chuck schumer they go in and meet with the president. the president wants $61.4 billion for ukraine and speaker johnson and all the republicans are saying they are threatening to shut down the government if money is not secured for border. they want tighter security down on our border. they are saying remember our country, too. we are giving all this money to ukraine and all this money to israel. many say that's fine. but you also have to spend money to make sure our own country is safe. >> brian: here's the thing -- first off, here's mike johnson on the tenure and the meeting it's high stakes and it is a standoff. listen. >> no one is strong arming me. '8" looked at the president right across the table in the
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cabinet officials room. i said, mr. president, you have the authority right now to end this catastrophe. it's your actions that created it. in fact, mr. president, i told him in a meeting today, we have documented 64 instances of you taking executive actions and your agencies that created this catastrophe. mr. president, it's on you to unwind it. we don't need new laws. you can do it right now. i have cited to him, read him the legal authority on the phone on thursday of last week that he could take. and do you know what he said in the meeting, laura? we're ready to do big things on the border. hallelujah, mr. president. president biden, do your job. fix the catastrophe that you have created. it's unspeakable humanitarian catastrophe, a national security catastrophe. 302,000 people came over the border -- >> brian: h.r. 2 is what the house wants. senator lankford is not giving them h.r. 2. but is he giving them a lot reportedly but not enough. if you have the parole system stand and asylum system stand. forget about money for now. if you let that system stand, nothing changes. >> lawrence: a lot of people -- i'm so sorry, ainsley. they are worried about this
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schumer-lankford bill. >> brian: lankford-murphy really. >> lawrence: exactly. 5,000 migrant as day allowed in the u.s. 35,000 a week. they would give 50,000 new green cards. i hope they're prepared to face the republican base because they are not going to go for this. and then he says immediate work permits for every illegal alien released from the custody. doesn't sound like conservative approach sounds like am else in city to me. >> ainsley: mike johnson talked about ukraine. we need end game here and we need you to be tougher and stand up to vladimir putin. >> steve: here, the thing about h.r. 2, which is -- that's what all the republicans from the house passed. no chance in the u.s. senate. over the weekend, reportedly, speaker johnson told his caucus, you know what? we are not actually going to get anything done on the border until donald trump is reelected president. meanwhile, you got some house republicans who say they won't support anything because it ultimately would help joe biden
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get reelected. and mike johnson, once again, is hanging by a threat. we talked about this about a week ago. i heard yesterday from people inside the room with top republicans, there are two members of congress right now who do not like what he's doing. and they are ready to vote to vacate the speaker do you know who might actually save the speaker? democrats. if he goes ahead and lives up to his deal with senate democrats on spending, a lot of democrats are going to protect him from his own right wing. so, you know, he is standing up for what he believes in. but at the same time, he is, you know, is he horse trading. is he trying to get something done. but there are some republicans who don't like it at all they are ready to say get out. some democrats could keep him in the job. >> brian: these republicans, they are in a different world. they are living in idealistic world where they get everything they want. even though they basically got two seat advantage.
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steve scalise, right? >> steve: a new one is out. >> brian: which one? >> steve: medical. >> brian: really? i didn't know that congressman maxwell frost. you talk about a guy that's tone deaf. he is look at the need to crack down on the border and saying that we don't like immigrants in this country, especially republicans. listen. >> to my colleagues on the other side of the aisle. let's be honest with immigrants who deserve better than what you're offering them don't welcome immigrants if you plan to reject them. if you keep pushing your big got h.r. 2 bill, then also pass this bill. i have taken the liberty of drafting it for you. it removes the statue of liberty our largest symbol that tells people to come here. this is who you are. removing the fabric of america. so, i want to know which republican who supports and voted for h.r. 2 will introduce this bill. >> do you know the interesting thing? >> steve: great stage craft.
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>> lawrence: all his props he has no idea about. it was gifted from france after the civil war. black americans came to the country came forced to the country and still took three constitutional amendments to get the rights of all americans. now you want to willfully just give it to people that crossed the border illegally and take the symbol of liberty away. makes no sense. >> steve: if they take it. >> brian: if you want to control the border, you don't believe in welcoming your huddled masses. by the way is that a.i.? >> steve: no. >> ainsley: it's still there the image of it. >> steve: the assistant dropped it, diminished it. here's the thing. if they get rid of the statue of liberty. think about it, what would brian talk about in the commercial? [laughter] >> ainsley: one guy says this. one says there's only one party in this country that wants to tear down statues, and it's not the republicans. >> brian: who said that? >> ainsley: this was a journalist mark hemmingway.
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>> brian: nice. 100 percent. last time i was at the white house, they had a noose around andrew jackson statue pull it down. >> ainsley: what would they do with the statue of liberty? it's massive. >> steve: theme park. >> brian: that museum the statue of the base is unbelievable. >> ainsley: my daughter's class went this year a field trip she was looking for last names. >> brian: take me next time. i'm in a class dad. >> ainsley: they don't accept volunteers anymore. i have great schedule i could go on all the trips but i don't -- >> brian: i'm not safe to travel with children? >> lawrence: startling rise in colon cancer killing young people more than ever. a doctor joins us about the warning signs. that's next. >> ainsley: investigation underway after the feds asked banks to search and filter its customers' transactions if they had terms like trump or maga. jason chaffetz on that. >> steve: and listen to this. one couple heading to their honeymoon celebrating this huge
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-hey, your mom and i procreated to that song. oh, ew! i think you've said enough. why don't we just switch to xfinity like everyone else? then you would know what year it was. i know what year it is.
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>> carley: we are back with a fox news alert. in an act of retaliation pakistan claims they have struck terrorist hideouts inside iran. iranian state tv says several people were killed and u.s. forces striking about a dozen houthi missile launch strikes in yemen overnight. it marks the fourth round of strikes in just a week. that action coming after the iran-backed terrorist group hit a second u.s. flag cargo ship in the red sea. since november 19th, there have been 34 houthi attacks in the region. a shark experience at an atlantis resort in the bahamas is now closed after 10-year-old boy from maryland was bitten in the leg by a shark. the child was airlifted back to maryland last night. he is in serious but stable
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condition. blue adventures, the company that operates that excursion says it is cooperating with the investigation. a south jersey mall is promising to strictly enforce parental chaperone policy for minors to curb misbehavior. children and teens under 18 years old to be accompanied by an adult during evening weekend hours. the policy was put in place in the spring after hundreds of young people looted stores in nearby philadelphia. so, do you think the mall is making the right decision by getting stricter. email your thoughts at we will read some of them later in the show. lawrence, over to you. >> lawrence: i love, this carley. the mall is not a take day care. >> ainsley: you are right. it's not. probably curb shoplifting as well. that's the goal. >> lawrence: thanks, carry new report by the american cancer
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society colorectal cancer killing more people under the age of 50 than ever before. dr. alli chan joins us now. so, dorkt; what is causing this? doing different than predecessors that is causing this? >> hey, lawrence. thank you so much for having me. yes, i do believe it's likely related to lifestyle changes among the younger generation. especially seeing the dramatic increase among colorectal cancer for those under the age of 50. it used to be such that colorectal cancer was the number four leading cause of cancer related death. now it's the number one leading cause for men under 50 and number two for women under 50 there are risk factors related to colorectal cancer some of them modifiable, none of them
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not. >> lawrence: something we are eating differently? are we partying a little bit too more. are we taking things that we shouldn't be taking? what is it? >> absolutely. yeah. you are spot on, lawrence. so those are the modifiable risk factors things like obesity. having a sedentary lifestyle. all more increase in the younger generation. there are things like diet, avoiding diets that are high in processed foods and red meats tend to -- those types of foods can contribute to colorectal cancer. and it's also important to avoid excess tobacco and alcohol. >> lawrence: us young people do like it drink so that could be a factor. doc, what about the screenings? what age since it's happening so soon now, what age should we start to screen? >> our current guidelines say that the age for initial screening for colorectal cancer is 45. but that's for average risk
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patients. now, it's very important to know your family history. so namely if there is a family history of colorectal cancer or any high risk colon polyps. and if there are any predisposing conditions such as inflammatory bowel diseases or her red tore limp syndrome. not only the risk for colorectal and other cancers as well. >> i'm 31. i'm getting close to that early age. would it be a great time to get screened? i'm trying to avoid as long as possible. i have to be honest. should i schedule an appointment after this interview? >> best recommendation would be to know your family history. if you have any family history of colorectal cancer absolutely see your gastro enterology just look out for g.i. symptoms any
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rectal bleeding, anemia, unintentional weight loss. changes in bowel habits or abdominal pain. maybe it's time to see my gastroenterology just. >> lawrence: doc, have you scared me a little bit. you have also given me the tools to be successful. i know a lot of the people are taking this information in this morning. thank you so much for joining us. >> hey, thank you, lawrence. >> lawrence: appreciate it. coming up, with just days until the primary, desantis defends pulling away from the granite state. >> we went to south carolina, knocked out a couple of events and did what we planned to do in new hampshire. that was somehow caricatured as skipping new hampshire when it wasn't. >> lawrence: a live report on that next. feds serving for maga and trump to look for what they are calling domestic terrorists. jason chaffetz has some thoughts on that and he is sounding off straight ahead. ♪ r flare added a 25th hour to the day, businesses are wondering "what should we do with it?" i'm thinking company wide power nap.
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>> steve: all right. we're half past the hour. talk politics. republican presidential candidate ron desantis of florida is expected to be back in new hampshire tomorrow alexis mcadams got a chance to speak with him yesterday and she joins us from snowy manchester. >> we did have a chance to sit down with the florida governor in last sit down interview before he hit the road to stop at home just to basically sleep in his own bed for one night in florida before he comes back here to the granite state and hits the road again, really trying to gain support here on the ground. but he says it's not true that he is skipping new hampshire in any way and has still put in plenty of time it. says it doesn't matter what the polls say because nikki haley isn't going to beat donald
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trump. watch. >> are you surprised that nikki haley is doing so well in new hampshire? >> she is not doing that well, trust me. she got media attention and scrutiny. she cannot beat donald trump in new hampshire she definitely can't beat him in her home state of south carolina. >> so, that is on the bus down never back down super pac bus with desantis. tells me plans to return on friday for a series of town halls and then will campaign over the weekend in south carolina. this comes as the pro-desantis super pac tells me they have laid off some staff. wouldn't say how many. moved other members from iowa to south carolina which they say was always part of the plan. nikki haley was out stumping last night to a crowd of about 300 people. can you see it here. she made no mention of skipping the debate this week and says she already forgot about desantis. >> it's a two person race here in new hampshire. it's a two person race in south carolina. we are focused on trump. that's all we are focused on.
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desantis, i forgot about him the second he left new hampshire. >> former president trump focused his attacks on nikki haley last night in his rally in portsmouth. he warned voters that her support is coming from democrats. >> as you probably know, nikki haley is counting on democrats. [boos] >> think about that. they want to run against her. they are putting a lot of democrats. they don't want to run against me. >> what do new hampshire voters care about? they tell us the border, including the northern border which they say has lots of problems and flow of fentanyl into the country and their pocketbooks. they say things are costing more and more at the grocery store every single day. as for the polls that we have been talking about that show nikki haley gaining steam on donald trump i checked in with governor sununu. just who connects with him on the ground. back to you. >> steve: alexis, ron desantis' best shot at winning a primary
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or a caucus was in iowa. which was earlier in the week. so now, nikki haley, according to those polls, she is doing very well there when i was in iowa. every commercial was about how -- was from a trump, one of his aligned super pacs about how ron desantis was the world's worst person. there in new hampshire are all the ads dedicated to nikki haley, world worst person? >> that's right. yeah. you definitely see a lot of attack ads here when you turn on the local tv channels and people here in the community are noticing that, too. they say things are definitely heating up here as they see those attack ads. specifically stay focused at nikki haley as she continues to surge here in the state. just about an hour or so i will check in with her so i will ask her about that. >> steve: all right, great. alexis, thank you very much. a live report from manchester. >> thanks. >> steve: brian, let's talk more. >> brian: on those polls real quick.
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anslem since iowa has trump up 7, 452-38 over haley. five days to go until we get to that primary in new hampshire, our next guest, a republican, who served in congress for a decade says while he is optimistic, he is also realistic. and, get this, democrats are doing all the right things to win in november. here to explain why he believes they have an advantage, even though he is not happy about it, you wouldn't think, jason chaffetz. jason, i was sphridz see this column from you. tell me what you think the other side is doing. >> well, it's not good enough to be right on all the issues. even though the issues seem to be going the republicans way and the economy is failing and everything else. democrats have a ground game that sun like anything else lonk unions, they get out the vote. the rules, the laws they changed in the states on how we vote, when we vote, the way we vote. and republicans complained about it they didn't galvanize and
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leverage and turn an organization to get out the vote they used abortion, they used legalizizing marijuana ballot initiatives get uninterested voters to get out to the polls to get out to the polls. i think the democrats have a massive advantage in that regard. >> brian: you also said the key is show that you care about the people. speak from the heart and show you are going to make their lives better. you think the republicans get too caught up in the numbers for example employment participation rate or the red sea, 15% of all commerce goes through there. people glaze over when you hit those stats. i'm tired of ceding we care more to democrats. republicans need to speak from the heart. they need to explain why they believe what they believe. share that passion. share their personal beliefs, the candidates that do that, they excel.
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they do really, really well remember, it's not just donald trump or somebody who is on the ballot here. you have 435 house races. you have a third of the united states senate. you have governors races. you have up and down the ballot, tons of races. so, republicans, as a whole, you got speak from your heart. and explain to people why you believe. if they know that you care more than your opponent. they are going to vote for you. >> brian: if you look at the president right now, the former president, you know, he is up in all those battle ground states. is he doing those things? >> yeah. you know, donald trump has the unique way of communicating. he does talk from his party hea. talk to blue collar workers like nobody we have seen it before. he does it with a smile on his face and jokes around with things. he does tell you that, hey, i'm here to fight. i'm here to fight for you. and that is an effective communications tool. >> brian: you are great at investigating and i know you are doing some of that with heritage. yesterday, jim jordan told us
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about what he discovered the treasury department during the last couple of years really since january 6th, i should say, start investigating banks. and went up to banks and saying to them hey, would you do me a favor? i need to get in there and start looking at any key words like maga, like trump, other key words that might be standing out. also, anything on zelle. they also said wanted to dick's sporting goods, cabela's and bass pro shops and find out who is buying what. what does this tell you? >> people often ask me what the deep state is, these are deep state spies in action. you are taking suspicionless sus americans and qualifying them based on their political beliefs based on credit card transactions. banks and credit unions. trying to essentially score people to look at them these are the give us the whole universe of people like myself. i go to c can a cabela's, i buy
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ammunition and guns there so suddenly i'm on a watch list with the federal government? this is so fundamentally totally wrong to its core. people say what does it matter? we got to root out the terrorists? no. in america you have the right to privacy. you should not have your federal government coming after you because you shop at cabela's. or you buy a maga hat. that is not the way we do things in the united states of america. that is deep state at its worst. >> brian: also looked at the purchase of books including religious texts and subscriptions and media containing extremist views. they wanted to find out they say who was involved in january 6th and commonalities there. this has got to be disturbing, too. if we just found this out now, what else are they doing? these seem to be the tactics we use to take down hezbollah's presence in the u.s. al-qaeda's presence overseas. are we turning that expertise on our own people? >> yeah. you have to have articulable
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suspicion to go after an individual. you don't put a dragnet out there and say oh, let's take all of my political opponents and put them in a bucket here so i know exactly what they're doing and how they're doing. transactions that they are doing. you are oblivious to it, but it's happening. jim jordan is on it and it's the right thing to do. get after it, and expose it and shut down. >> brian: banks went along with it especially bank of america. i can't wait to find out more. jason chaffetz, thanks so much. read his column. it's a big warning to republicans. thanks so much. >> thanks, brian. >> brian: gisele and tom brady's conflicting parenting styles. the reason arnold schwarzenegger was detained at munich airport and putting your life on hold for a moment like this. [shouting] give it back, it's mine. > >> brian: ainsley and carley
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before i started playing basketball, i was kind of quiet. i wasn't really that confident or outgoing. but now, with basketball, i feel like a leader. yo, cayden! sport for good means to me that i'll be able to give back to my family and my community. goals can be accomplished, dreams can be accomplished, but dreams are just dreams if you don't go out and try to achieve them. learn more about sport for good at >> brian: in the middle of a big show but a big day right here on the channel. a lot going on. first up, the u.s. conference of mayors will be taking place
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today. these mayors have one theme. something in common. illegal immigrants are changing the texture of their community and costing a lot. and that goes right back to the president of the united states. let's see if he is going to be all ears, because right now, in new york, especially, and even in chicago, they feel as though the federal government has given them the heisman. also, when it comes to apple watches, looks like some technology, as it relates to the heart, is going to be banned. more on that later. i know it's going to effect me and possibly steve. and then no labels. yesterday we had joe manchin on. and he talked about after super tuesday possibly joining no labels and maybe being at the head of that ticket. he said they got to get on 34 ballots. right now they are on 1. what could they unveil a little bit later? they also have a lot of critics. and if the leadership is going to be there, that means connecticut senator jerome will be one of them. is he one of the co-founders. make sure you look into that. that has everything to do with the 2024 police say a fight
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escalated with both sides drawing guns in the middle of the street. one person was found dead at the scene, three others were taken to the hospital where a second person has already died. meanwhile here in new york daniel penny the marine vet accused of choking a homeless man to death on a new york subway last year appeared in court yesterday. a judge rejected his motion to dismiss the charges. earlier we spoke with a criminal defense attorney who says the evidence is in penny's favor. >> there is no indicia. there is not a shred of evidence that this was racially motivated in any way, shape, or form. he was trying to neutralize a threat. there was a mother and child hiding behind a stroller. jordan neely was saying he is going to go to rikers island. somebody is going to die today. >> steve: meanwhile, mr. penny insists he acted in self-defense. he will return to court on marc.
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we will bring you an update. and finally, a happy couple going on their honeymoon to jamaica after the husband literally wrapped up a fight for his life. and his wife secretly slipped a note to the flight attendant asking her to make a special announcement that the love of her life, after years of treatment, is finally cancer-free. >> a young man on the flight today named josh was delegated can with stage four cancer in june of 2020. in and out of the hospital for years. he fought for his life and now is cancer free. and on his way to his honeymoon in jamaica. [cheers] >> needless to say, the man was speechless. and that is just fantastic. right, janice dean? >> janice: what an amazing story. i hope he was okay with that announcement. >> steve: i think he was surprised. and the whole plane just burst into applause. >> janice: i love good news stories like that.
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it's cold outside. back to you. no, i'm kidding. i have always wanted to say that it's cold outside back to you. that's really the story, right? across the country, has been for the last couple of weeks, let's take a look at the temperatures. thus the current national wind chill and we have wind chill alerts and freeze warnings all along the gulf coast. birmingham, alabama, toward the florida panhandle, tallahassee you have a hard freeze warning. extended length of time with below sphreetion temperatures. artic outbreak. another one on the way after this area of low pressure moves across the northeast coast on friday slipping in towards the weekend. so we'll keep an eye on that because those wind chills are not going away. after that by the way. we will bring those temperatures up. travelers the good news. here is your forecast today. energy moving into the northwest. that continues and then our storm system that's gathering strength over the ohio valley in towards the great lakes and the neefts two areas of low pressure actually going to combine and that could give us some pretty good snowfall totals for d.c., philadelphia, up to new york.
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this is our latest snowfall map see the light blue. that's 3 to 5 inches. some areas 5 to 8 inches all comes tonight into tomorrow for the new york city area a lot of people asking, this it's going to come during the daytime hours it. could cause problems in the afternoon commute. all right, ainsley and carley. over to you. >> this is fun. we love doing this segment he together. next time you have to come in do and it with us. it's time for fox and trends. carley and i are breaking down this week's latest trending topics, carley? >> carley: huge headlines out of the royal palace this week. the principal sells of wales kate middleton sidelined from public appearances until easter following planned stomach surgery. that's one thing. the other thing is king charles is having some treatment for an enlarged prostate, right? >> ainsley: kate middleton we don't know much. we know she had difficulty in three meg nancys. she had that condition a.g. where women are nauseous and
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vomit. >> carley: really severe morning sickness. >> ainsley: we don't know if it has something to do with that. this has been a planned abdominal surgery. going to be in the hospital for 10 to 14 days. she is not going to participate in public duties until after easter. this is serious. >> carley: kensington palace says the surgery was successful and expected to remain in hospital. that's how the british stay not the. she is unlikely to return to public duties until after easter like ainsley just said. >> ainsley: all right. let's talk gisele bundchen and tom brady apparently they have two different ways to parent. she was interviewed by harper's vicious. she talked about how she grew up in a simple life and she wants to instill those qualities in her children. >> yeah. exactly right. i can't believe it's been about a year since they got divorced. she is talking about how, you know, having two households for her kids makes it difficult to parent, which i'm sure a lot of people who have gone through this can relate to. she says the way you make your
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room. the way you organize and make your bed is the way you are going to do your life. sometimes i get push back, especially because now they are in diff two different homes ando different ways. i owe it to my kids because the way my mom taught me. i don't think it's attacking tom brady at all. saying listen the kids are going back and forth. two different parenting styles. maybe you don't have to make your bed with tom brady but do you with me. >> ainsley: mom, i don't want to make my bed. >> and maybe whether they were under the same roof it was one set of rules. >> ainsley: nobody knows what it is like to live with a man that is not clean and make his bed, that's going to be difficult on a marriage. moms out there teach your boys, and your girls, to be clean and make your beds. know lou to do laundry. >> carley: my husband makes the best bed. like a work of art every time i enter a room. chef. >> does he do the dishes and do the laundry. >> he does. he's a keeper. >> ainsley: talk about arnold schwarzenegger mentioned this
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earlier in the show weighs detained at the airport. >> detained for the strangest reason because he had unregistered luxury watch he was going to plan to auction it, i guess. >> ainsley: he has -- he was planning to auction it at this event. he has the arnold schwarzenegger climate initiative. and he was detained for three hours at the airport. go through customs. fill out of one of those forms. did you buy anything at the last country he said he wasn't given a form. then he says he was going to pay taxes on the watch. >> carley: yeah. >> the credit card machine wasn't working. the customs people brought over a credit card machine. he paid the taxes. they are going to auction off the watch. >> carley: what are these people thinking? he is arnold schwarzenegger. one of the most recognizable penal in the world. yeah. so do you want to read his spokesperson's statement? because they are not happy that this happened: >> ainsley: he got to can you cs and told him he was randomly selected to be searched. during the search he answered every single question the customs officer asked. to say he didn't declare anything was 100 percent false.
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tawas -- watch. expensive. >> carley: the munich customs office released a statement because everybody is up in arms. they say we have initiated criminal tax proceedings the watch registered because it is an import. i'm sure this was just an oversight and ended up three hour waste of arnold schwarzenegger's time for an awatch he was going to auction off. >> it's for a good cause. you love this story? >> i do. there is this tiktok trend and the question is would you give up your whole entire life in you got a letter from hog warts saying you can be a wizard? watch these responses. >> would you give up your whole life if you got a letter from hog warts you can never see your parents. >> i love you and i will miss you. >> if i got a letter from hog warts, deuces. >> you thought i was joke. >> only one thing to do.
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that's to let my mom know that i'm not coming home for christmas. >> carley: i love the person who packed up the suitcase and said i'm out. >> ainsley: with the cape on. what do you do? >> carley: i would obviously not leave my family. but i would just want them -- i wish i got the letter and i could still see them. >> ainsley: what if they could go with you. >> carley: yes, exactly. so magical and i think hayden would love this. it's innocent magic and good lessons and it's cozy and sweet. it's a great thing to watch during the holidays. >> ainsley: you read all the books. >> carley: i read all the books and watched all the movies. >> ainsley: i'm saying right here at fox. coming up, mr. wonderful goes to washington. while kevin o'leary says is he standing up to the government on behalf of all small businesses. he's going to join us live, next. ♪ three free passes ♪ for me and two of my buddies
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>> ainsley: it is the 8:00 a.m. hour of "fox and friends" on the east coast. today is


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