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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  January 18, 2024 8:00am-9:01am PST

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i think it shows how out of touche he is and they all are. if they believe private jets is 150 land here a day in the airport. if they really believed it, they wouldn't do it. >> dana: kerry made 48 trips lasting more than 60 hours in the first 18 months of biden's presidency. now, bill, john kerry to the rescue with the biden campaign. he is coming out of the administration to work on the campaign. >> bill: that's a stupid question. what he said, 150 flights a day land at that little airport? >> dana: i believe it. they care so much they'll use your taxpayer dollars to get to the solutions they come up with it. here is harris. >> harris: the man behind biden
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or the man president biden picked to protect the homeland is now forced to hear from the victims of the biden border crisis. they are on the hill today. we're in the final day of impeachment hearings against department of homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas. house republicans still trying to sit with mayorkas. it won't be today. his team says there was a scheduling conflict. the house gop says mayorkas is playing games with when he will appear. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." the storm of humanity at our nation's southern border has been the most disastrous onslaught of illegal immigrants ever. and costs to american lives is what's in "focus" this hour. republicans called on two moms who lost their children from the biden border crisis. they wanted them to come to capitol hill. watch their powerful testimonies. >> let's take a moment and think
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about how kala felt that day, how scared she must have been that day knowing that she was dying. kala fought for her life that day with all that she had. and in the end she lost to an individual that wasn't supposed to be allowed in the country. >> secretary mayorkas's leadership or lack there of, fentanyl is an invasion. the weapon of mass destruction has caused unimaginable numbers of deaths, unmeasurable damage to our country's families, including my own. and he couldn't even be here to face me today. what he is doing that is more important than facing me today, i don't know what that could be. >> harris: fox news national correspondent griff jenkins is on capitol hill. >> there is not a dry eye in
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this hearing. the testimony of those two grieving mothers brings home the human aspect, the real tragedy of this and taking time to step out of the committee at this moment is chairman mark green. mr. chairman, you heard the grieving testimony of these mothers and yet secretary mayorkas is not here. your thoughts. >> well, it was pretty heart rending to hear those mothers describe the murder by an ms-13 gang member basically, that one mother who lost her child to fentanyl wasn't even trying to take fentanyl. it was fentanyl-laced something else. as you said there wasn't a dry eye in the room. these people came from all over our country. miss dunn came from arizona and secretary mayorkas can't come across the city. we've asked this guy the secretary four times to come and
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talk on this topic, border security and he has refused every time. >> does it anger you that he is not here? one blaming mayorkas for the death of whener daughter. >> yeah. it apals me. the excuse given to me, he had to meet with mexican officials. this guy is prioritizing mexico over the united states of america. one of these americans came all the way from arizona to be here to testify today and he can't come across this city to tell us and explain about his policies, his violations of the law and disregard for four court orders that have said cease and desist. i has failed his oath to defend the constitution. we are talking three equal branches of government and disregarded the laws passed by congress and disregarded court orders and he can't come over and explain himself while that mother is in there sharing the story of how her child died at the hands of someone who was
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released at our southern border. just released. ms-13 gang member released into the country. it is appalling and shameful. he should be ashamed. people in their trying to justify him not being here they should be ashamed. >> you heard it there, harris, a very emotional chairman here as this hearing gets underway. now this, of course, is not the actual articles of impeachment. this is the second and final hearing against mayorkas, who is not here. send it back to you. >> harris: griff, thank you. texas has rejected the biden administration's demands to open -- reopen a public park to federal border agents. texas lieutenant governor dan patrick explained. >> we have the legal authority in the state of texas to protect our property and that's what we're doing. we want to work with the border patrol.
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most of them are good people. but i believe this is a political move by biden on down. we have dangerous evil people coming into this country and texas has had it. >> harris: the white house again accused texas of blocking federal agents from saving three illegal immigrants' lives. they drowned in the rio grande. those pesky fax don't support the claim. facts from biden's own justice department and a supreme court filing showed the three illegal immigrants died before federal agents tried getting into the area. the white house still peddling disinformation. >> the white house statement implies and says that texas officials blocked u.s. border patrol from attempting to provide emergency assistance. >> there were other migrants in the water as well. >> why wasn't that included in the statement. if that's what you were referring to. >> our statement is very much
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consistent with d.o.j. filing. >> harris: that was real. art del cueto, vice president of the national border patrol council. no doubt your agents are talking about this today. so i want to hear directly from you on the two things. the facts, and then this narrative. >> harris, the agents are frustrated. that's what it comes down to. there is so much frustration. they want to speak out and say what the problems are. you have statements coming out of the white house similar to and you remember very well you covered it very well the horse patrol guys where they came out and they made them be the villains. this is the pattern we continuously have seen from this administration is they take bits and pieces in order to bring out their narrative, their political statement. the reality doesn't really come out. it is very, very frustrating for the agents. they are doing a thankless job and continue to do that. they are out there trying to defend our nation's borders and
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they constantly see these obstacles. realistically the entire country should be thankful to governor abbott because he is the one individual. he is not just protecting texas, he is protecting the whole country. the invasion is happening through his state. >> harris: when i was down in eagle pass, where this park is, i'm familiar with the location of it. when i was down there i saw agents who were struggling to save especially the young kids trying to cross the rio grande at a high point at that point. we just had some rain, a lot of it. they are trying to come across and they are trying to save them. so this narrative also doesn't fit the facts that for months and now 2 1/2 years that's what has been happening. >> you are exactly right. we've seen it in arizona, we've seen it in parts of new mexico rick california. all over the southern and northern border. we continue to see agents out there doing the best they can, saving lives and it takes these incidents for the white house to spin it around and make them be
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the villains again or try to attack some entity of law enforcement. it is a pattern that is non-ending and it needs to stop and why i think the hearings are very important. the american public needs to know what is really happening. they need to question the people that are responsible. and at the same time there needs to be accountability. >> harris: let's move to this. vice president kamala harris says there are fixes for the border and then she lets us know why the biden administration is not implementing them. >> we want solutions. the solutions are in hand. frankly, we're in an election year and the folks who want to return donald trump to the white house would prefer to talk about a broken immigration system instead of focusing on the solutions at hand and engaging in bipartisan. >> harris: first of all, your reaction to that. >> our nation's borders have been broken the first day this administration took over office. the excuse to say it's an
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election year, she needs to have the excuse and face the individuals dying from fentanyl overdose and families continue to lose loved ones crossing into the united states illegally. that's who she needs to answer to. >> harris: the mexican officials still has those people. there you have it. let's get into this a little deeper, though, in terms of something that happened yesterday. you saw 14 democrats joining republicans for a republican-led resolution condemning the biden border crisis. and i put that out on social media late yesterday with those democrats voting with republicans and some of the responses i got back from people were really interesting saying is this a crack in the door of maybe people coming together? there is hopefulness out there. the facts don't change on the ground, just the hopefulness
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maybe. >> honestly i don't see those 14 democrats that came across. i see it as 14 individuals in a political position to make a difference and they realize that the future of our country is at stake and need to defend our nation's borders and make sure that we have a sovereign future for many years to come. and if we continue in the path we're going on now we won't have that. >> harris: art del cueto, pray for you and your men and women and our line of sovereignty on our southern and northern border, as you pointed out. thank you very much. we heard from one of the moms testifying about her autistic young daughter, kala, raped and strangled. the suspect, an illegal immigrant, with ties to ms-13. tammy will join us tomorrow on the program along with homeland committee chair congressman mark green. please tune in for that. and hear her heartrending story
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on how illegal immigration took her baby and has changed her life forever. the beautiful state of new hampshire is the current proving ground for republican presidential candidates nikki haley, ron desantis remain behind former president trump with haley reaching 36% in tracking polling that we're watching. plus vice president kamala harris is wearing out a whole favorite democrat talking point. >> i am scared as heck. we don't run away from something when we're scared, we fight back against it. they have nothing to run on. they have nothing to run on. where is the plan? >> harris: said the border czar. even some democrats are losing faith in all that talk. power panel, david avella, patrick murray next.
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>> harris: vice president kamala harris is defending her boss against critics who say president biden's age and ability make him unfit to serve another term. >> heads of various countries, allies have called literally to ask joe biden for his advice. so why are they doing it, joy? because they have nothing to run on. >> are you scared first of all what could happen if trump became, god forbid, president again and what will you do to stop the crazies? >> i am scared as heck. >> harris: wow. republicans say it is democrats who have nothing to run on. they say the biden administration, or biden campaign simply relies on cheap
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shots at political opponents. >> extreme movement america, the maga republicans led by a defeated president is trying to steal history now. >> that's trump's maga agenda. it is a plan to rip away freedoms, undermine our democracy and scratch the backs of the most powerful. >> you have the most extreme slate of maga republican candidates in history running for the republican nomination. >> harris: a leading democrat says that tactic that they are using right there could backfire. >> when people say maga, they are actually looking at people voting for trump and think scapegoating them. really? can we stop that stuff and grow up and treat other people with respect and listen to them a little bit. the negative talk about maga will hurt biden's campaign. >> j.p. morgan ceo jamie dimon making big news when he said those words. david avella and patrick murphy. great to see you both.
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i want to start with you, david. when you hear from jamie dimon, what does that speak to you about what democrats are facing? >> well, it suggests they think the president's message is off. it has been the entire administration. as far as the vice president being scared, a secure border and the cost of everyday living items coming down and extending the bipartisan tax cuts from a few years ago may be scary to her but popular amongst american voters. it may explain why this president is a 33% approval rating amongst americans because they know exact will i why they don't like what he is doing nor the messages that he or the vice president are putting out there. >> harris: i have to talk to you about the word crazies. it reminded me of deplorables. are they going down this road? it's hillary clinton's
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deplorables all over again and if democrats didn't learn their lesson the first time what would you like to tell them? >> i agree with you and agree with jim jamie dimon. people want a unifying message and want an american leader that will unite our country. so by calling deplorables and crazies, it is not helpful. i think that's why people are so sick and tired of politics. we need american leadership to move this country forward and i hope that's what 2024 will be all about. >> harris: i want to double down there. they say that republicans don't have anything to run on. when you call half the country crazy, deplorable, i would argue maybe that's an indication that having something to run on is also a huge challenge for the people pointing the fingers, ie, the democrats. >> i think 2024 will be a
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contrast, a contrast of the economy, contrast about democracy, contrast and really a battle for the soul of america. it will be nip and tuck and people have to buckle up. it will be an interesting several months in 2024. >> harris: speaking of that, david, when do you hope or forecast that republicans will put out and don't just say go to my website like many of them do. you have to put out some counter measures now on this economy and say what's broken and you would you fix it. that's include donald trump. >> harris, you have heard him say that. he has talked about securing the border. he has talked about extending the bipartisan tax cuts that were passed in his administration and talks about becoming energy independent again. he has in many interviews, he has laid out exactly where he is going to focus and why he is going to go. and let's put to rest this concern about democracy. democracy is working.
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we just had elections in virginia. we had elections in 2022. joe biden is sitting in the white house. every part of democracy that has needed to work has worked. the legal system is still in place. it is still working. these horrible messages that democrats are putting out that democracy somehow is in peril and yet their party is the one trying to take candidates off the ballot. what bigger threat to democracy is there than trying to take a candidate off the ballot? let's stop this. not only do you have the craziness of that, you also have a craziness of scary words they like to use. >> harris: yeah. all right. let's move. the major pro-desantis political action committee shifted resources to south carolina. the governor the tamping down claims he is giving up on new hampshire where he is polling in single digits. here. >> we went to south carolina knocked out a couple events and did what we planned to do in new
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hampshire. it was said as skipping new hampshire, when it wasn't. it was adding south carolina in addition to that. >> harris: nikki haley is looking for a big showing in this next primary in new hampshire hoping independents and democrats will be part of that win for her potential fly that primary. a new poll shows nikki haley is up by two points in a couple of days actually. this is a daily tracking poll. in new hampshire's primary ahead of desantis and everybody is pretty far behind president trump. she has eaten into that and now it's about 14% behind trump. so patrick, i will come to you on your take on the movement in new hampshire. >> i think clearly nikki haley has wind at her back in new hampshire. you put it on social media and want to highlight that. we're all praying for nikki haley's father. he was hospitalized, 90 years old. she left the campaign trail to be with him. our hearts and prayers are for
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her father and her family number one. number two, no doubt that it is getting closer and closer in new hampshire. the fact that desantis is now basically given up new hampshire and going to south carolina where he is doing his best but i think this is going to be closer and closer to a two-person race. after that historic win last week. let's not overstate. iowa was huge for president trump. he won by 30 points. the last republican, the biggest win was 13 points and bob dole in 1996. that's why jamie dimon is criticizing democrats saying do not take 2024 lightly. president trump is going to be a fighter and it is going to be close. >> harris: as you pointed out and what i've been saying don't call half the country bad names because you don't agree with them and that's what jamie dimon was saying. a couple people to pray for and i know donald trump has been
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saying, david, that he wanted to be at the funeral for his mother-in-law and a judge in one of the cases was trying to block that. so prayers for that family, too. there is a lot going on behind the scenes. i know because i've been with some of these families. there is always personal stuff going on while on the campaign. your last quick thoughts politically. >> absolutely. as we get ready for new hampshire and south carolina keep in mind and patrick referenced it, republicans have lost iowa and got the nomination. no one has ever lost by 30 points in iowa and went on to get the nomination. it's hard to see why nikki haley and ron desantis go on. a lot of nikki haley's support is amongst independents in new hampshire. she won't have that advantage in closed republican primaries. >> harris: five days until a pivotal contest in the race for republican nomination for president.
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both guests saying how squeaky close new hampshire. i'll be with you from new hampshire on monday and tuesday hosting with special guests including voters' voices. we love it when we meet them on the road. we've done it before in new hampshire. always spicy. i will be right there with you tomorrow as well. right here 11:00 a.m. eastern. my happy place. right now hunter biden's key ally and so-called sugar brother is on the hill. he is meeting with lawmakers to answer a host of questions on his financial relationship to the president's son. plus republicans going after president biden's handling of the iran-backed houthi terrorists. >> joe biden, one of the first thing his administration say the
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hoot's aren't that bad. >> harris: this group once again attacked another u.s.-owned ship in the red sea. south carolina congresswoman armed services committee member nancy mace is next. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) my name's cody archie. and i'm erica. cody: and we're first generation ranchers from central texas. erica: and because of tiktok, we're able to show people from all over the world where their food and fiber come from. cody: we have dorper sheep and we have beef cattle for the sole purpose of going into the food chain. we use tiktok as a tool to inform people of what we do and why we do it. there's just a plethora of knowledge and of information swapping going on there. tiktok is helping us protect this way of life for future generations.
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$2 million in back taxes for him and also took over 10% stake in hunter's llc largely controlled by china and is currently funding documentary on hunter's redemption story. plus there are more questions about hunter biden's art deals now. remember when the white house said this. >> of course he has the right to pursue an artistic career like any child of a president has the right to pursue a career. all interactions of the selling and art will be handled by a professional gallery adhering to industry standards. the gallery will not share information about buyers or prospective buyers including their identities with hunter biden or the administration. >> harris: according to testimony from the galerist that agreement was not put in place for months with the first son knowing the identities of 70% of
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the buyers. fox news contributor jonathan turley says the ethical claims of the white house proved as abstract as hunter's art pieces. independent counsel added another example of the biden family's leisurely approach to influence peddling. nancy mace is here. great to have you in "focus." your take on where we are in the case against hunter and how it fits into impeaching his dad. >> we have a series of witnesses that will be coming in on the house oversight committee to corroborate or verify some of the allegations this entire country has heard, verify the bank records we're seeing and this is all part of the impeachment inquiry. if we find out that the president was involved in this, was bribed, part of the money
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laundering scheme and bribery scheme, etc. those are grounds for impeachment and why it's really important we present all the facts to the american people so they know the truth and know that we're operating above board here. >> harris: and the endgame for all of this, for americans watching and wondering why the president's son, you laid out a little bit there. if the son is doing something untoward and illegal, using the father's name, that could make him -- brings in extortion and all sorts of things against the president and makes him vulnerable. >> let me paint the picture. when you started this interview talking about the so-called alleged ethical agreement between the white house and hunter biden and the galerist said it didn't exist initially. this white house is continually had no ethics. continually lied. every time they've been asked about hunter biden's business dealings, lied about china paying the biden family. everything that we have alleged has come true here which is why we need to get to the fullest extent of the law.
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>> harris: i want to move to this. the second u.s.-owned ship has now been attacked by houthi terrorists. and it comes after the biden administration said it redesignated the iran-backed group as global terrorists. critics are saying including congressman pat fallon who was on with me yesterday. they are saying it's a slap on the wrist compared to the stronger classification as a foreign terrorist organization which was the case under president trump. republicans explain why here. let's watch together. >> one of the first things his administration did say the houthis aren't that bad we'll play nice and play nice with iran and see what happens. now they won't make them a fern terrorist organization. the lesser designation. they could migrate to this country, which is absurd. >> i would destroy every launch sight the houthis have and destroy the militia that are attacking our troops. somehow they have a love affair
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with iran. it doesn't make any sense. >> harris: the fears of a wider war in the middle east are going. pakistan bombed iran and killed nine people in response to a deadly bombing by iran this week in pakistan that killed several people, including children. it is hard to say iran is not on the marve yeah the people it pays and trains. >> right. you can't project strength on the world stage when there is weakness in the white house. this white house has empowered terrorism, terrorists around the globe. this white house has empowered our adversaries. it was this white house that tried to give a $6 billion cash gift to iran not so long ago. and under president trump, no one dared to test his resolve. but under president biden and the white house today there is no resolve to test here which is why we're so weak on the world stage and why it is happening. it never would have happened under the former president.
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>> harris: i remember how many days you could count it by weeks before we really started to respond in any substantive way to the attacks that have been going on across much of the middle east region since october 17th. it too forever for this administration too even say look at that. maybe we should hit back in substantive way. speaking of how we've been doing things in the military. they promised a view on the vanishing secretary of austin and his secret hospitalization. watch the response to the newly released 911 call from an aide requesting a low key approach with the ambulance. >> we're conducting a review. the secretary has publicly come out and taken responsibility in terms of the need to do better in terms of transparency as it relates to his medical treatment. i will leave it there. >> harris: so this aide on the
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phone calls in and says can you just not have the sirens and you get close to the hospital and then it is recorded congresswoman. yeah, we have protocol for that and when we're in the streets we do whatever we want. we have to let the wider community know our vehicles are coming. as we get into a neighborhood we do get quieter out of respect. it wasn't specific to the secretary. the aide was asking. >> right. this is another new low for the biden administration. this isn't about lloyd austin's health. we want him to be healthy but this is about national security. who was at the wheel while he was under the knife. his aides were oh vacation. someone needs to get fired and to date no one has been held accountable for the mishap. >> harris: when you first heard this play out and you are on the house armed services committee, so your attention to what is happening with the military is very specific. what was your first reaction and do you feel like you have enough now that you know what was going
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on? >> we don't have enough now but there were bombings happening overseas. where was our leadership? if we needed to respond in any way with -- it is a serious lack of leadership. we see that everyone in the administration. look at the white house and the administration's comments this week ton houthis and redesignating them if they stop bombing. they aren't taken seriously by our adversaries around the world. >> harris: michael moore is forcing you to make an endorsement in the republican primary. first of all your thoughts on that and do you plan to make an endorsement? >> first of all you know me well. no one can push me around in any way, shape or form or back home. i'm not endorsing anybody today. i will say this, south carolina likes nikki haley but they love donald trump. i think you will see that take
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place in south carolina and when you win south carolina, i think he will crush it there, you go on to win the nomination. this is cut and dry. that's the math here. >> harris: ron desantis making his push for south carolina. you didn't mention him. wanted to give you an opportunity to. >> right. we welcome everyone in the primary in south carolina. looking at the numbers, donald trump is going to crush it when it comes to february 24th presidential primary. >> harris: congresswoman mace, i appreciate you being in "focus." >> harris: c.j. stroud praising jesus christ for his big victory but you wouldn't know that if you checked nbc's social media. critics are outraged. did they scrub that? you bet they did. outkick's charly arnolt is here. stay close.
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>> harris: house judiciary chairman jim jordan accusing the federal government of widespread surveillance of americans. he says january 6th investigators told banks to search through customers' transactions for terms typically associated with conservatives. a couple of the key words that they were looking for, maga and
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trump. fox business's hillary vaughn on capitol hill. you could catch people at the liberal networks with those. they love to say those words. >> yes, the federal government basically profiled who they thought would be a person of interest as part of their january 6th investigation that led to a surveillance scheme where investigators wanted banks to snoop on customer transactions and decide if you were a red flag. the red flags the government wanted this emotion to look out for anyone with a bank account transaction that mentioned trump or maga. someone who shops at bass pro shops, cable ellas and dick's sporting goods. customers who purchase religious books could be a sign of a home grown violent extremist. innocent people were caught up in the web of surveillance spun by the government and big banks. bank of america gave the f.b.i. voluntarily a list of customers who made transactions in d.c.
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between january 5th and seven. that data was deleted from the system. according to house judiciary chair jim jordan writing to the f.b.i. director this. when the list was later brought to the attention of the f.b.i.'s then section chief of the domestic terrorism operations section, he acted to pull the bank of america information from f.b.i. systems because the leads lacked allegations of federal criminal conduct. bank of america defending the handover of customer transactions. we followed laws. it began when the trump administration treasury department gathered major banks and shared information regarding potential criminal activity that could disrupt the upcoming inauguration. >> harris: that's a lot. that will continue to unfold. glad you are on it. thank you. president biden traveling the nation hyping what he calls the success of bidenomics. this guy is really trying to make that happen. comments in his birth state of
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pennsylvania are raising some eyebrows. >> anybody want a coffee? it's on me. they're six bucks but i'll do it anyway. >> harris: karine jean-pierre dodged the issue yesterday. >> is the president now realizing the costs americans are bearing? >> when you went to you all to the press corps, he was having a good time. >> his coffee was $6 and i'll do it anyway. >> let's not forget the trip. it was about small businesses, right? >> harris: he is a little out of touch. critics are having a field day posting that the president doesn't even like bidenomics and calling him out of touch. inflation is up by three to 4% from this time last year. and it is even higher for some grocery store staples, as we know. charly arnolt, host of out kick,
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the morning. maybe not everywhere in the country is your smoothie $6 but in every major city in the country. >> it's more than $6 in new york. sad that even joe biden is unaware of how his policies are affecting the american people. he needs to be kept in the basement. any time he gets out he does damage to his media drafted image and people constantly have to make excuses why he is saying the things he is and doing the things he is doing and quite frankly bidenomics might be the biggest bust of all time. bidenomics truly it's your namesake and it is the worst thing that happened to this country and everybody realizes it. this fact he tries to convince us otherwise they think we're idiots, right? >> harris: critics are going after comments by the new england patriots new head coach mayo. he talked about being the patriots first black coach and said this.
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>> i do see color, you can't see racism. whatever happens, black, white, disabled person, i want you to be able to go up to those people and understand those people. it goes back to whatever it is, black, white, yellow, it really doesn't matter. but it does matter so we can try to fix the problem that we all know we have. >> harris: very different take by tampa bay buccaneers head coach bowles who had this to say about race last season. >> we don't look at what color we are when we coach against each other. we know each other and have a lot of good white friends that coach in this league as well and we coach ball, we don't look at color. you guys and look like them and grew up like them means we're odd balls to begin with. the minute you guys stop making a big deal about it, everybody else will as well. >> harris: new column with this. the more people who embrace mayo's view over bowles the
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worse our country will become in the long wrong. you can fight against racism without turning everyone into racial tokens based on their skin color. but mayo's view embraced by sports media has done exactly that. the process turning sports as toxic as politics and academia. in the "washington examiner." your take. >> we need more coaches like todd bowles. he realizes the damage they are doing to the sport. the poll itization at the coach. when you look at mayo he doesn't realize it is the greatest program, the greatest organization in the nfl in history. and it's based on talent and merit. now he is trying to inject racism into the narrative. tom brady went to the super bowl and won six times. when he was looking downfield which sever should i throw who he was thinking who is black and white? no, who is in the best position to make the best catch.
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>> harris: he was trying to get the ball and first down. >> this is horrible. >> harris: if mayo doesn't win at the patriots he will find out what belichick found out. you have to continue the win. the color is green for money. critics not happy after nbc cut out of a critical part of houston texas quarterback cj stroud's post-game comments. how they interview the guys after the win. stroud praised jesus christ. here are the original remarks. >> your first playoff game and first nfl season and record setting performance. what does this moment mean? >> i want to give glory and praise to my lord and savior jesus christ, it has been amazing being in this city for as short as i've been. the love i got. i been doing it for houston, man. >> harris: you saw what they cut out. >> the very first thing he said
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and most proud of, his faith. they decided it wasn't important even though it was the most important thing to him and decided to remove it because religion is not an approved talking point of the nfl. if he were to have led they have a need for reparations or a shout out to the lbgtq community would have kept it in or highlighted it separately. >> harris: the comments in print. everything else from what i read was verbatim. those were just a few words. you will never convince me the copy was too long to leave in the jesus christ part. >> there was another earlier in the season made comments on the podium about his religion. never heard it from the media and talked about it several times. never heard about it. too conservative like the books when you look at bank statements if you found to have bought
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religious books you are being targeted by the government. >> harris: "outnumbered" after the break. to treat plaque psoriasis. it can help you get clearer skin. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts, or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. you give eye exams. i give fresh starts. better vision, healthy eyes? everybody wants that. "hero doc saves vision!" well, i— —"hero owl saves money!" get 50% off lenses when you buy designer frames at america's best. there are some things that work better together. like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. voya provides tools that help you make the right investment and benefit choices. so you can reach today's financial goals. and look forward to a more confident future. voya, well planned, well invested, well protected.
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