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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  January 19, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PST

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every body. ha ha ha ha ha. okay.. right. they use their might to spyne on the right. a new report from the houseciar you did theory committee reveals that under the guise of investigating six, the feds duked banks to do a search of transactions for indicatorsja of homegrown violent extremists. problenuary h thm is, according to congressman jim jordan, the treasury department asked the banktremistsed thes to condh using terms like trump and maga in an effort to track gun purchases. they also asked the bank tos to query terms like query terms. query like. yeah, i don't knowd the bank lis pro shops and sporting goods. >> so in other words, if you so much as bought a jockstrap,
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then you could have ended up on a federal list of domestic violent extremists. luckily, i did my own takes two of yarn. but domestic violent extremists, that's quite a mouthful right. why don't we just shorten it to what the feds really mean? republicans now, of course, they're using january 6 to justify all of this. they use it to justify everything. they're trying to cram more under that umbrella. >> then chris christie at a new beach, jersey. i don't think anyone's gotten more out of a single dat te that since meghan went home with harry. >> a little british humor. that's true. january 6 has been milk more than the octo mom. there's a callback, but in this case, the excuses are as weak as joe's stream. >> according to fox digital,
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treasury's excuses that, the searches were actually begun under urinstreamn. administratio hmm. hey, guys. i think you're already in a hole. stratione alreadintwo more shove and hunter will be able to talk to their chinese partners face to face. >> because if that's true, if t fact, treasury was using search terms like trump and maga, well, trump would still in office then they were investigating the supporters of this sitting u.s. , you know, like john kerry after botox. that's not an improvement. ou >> now our president headsr the executive branch. treasury'spren under that branc. so really they were conducting an investigation int io own bos. i mean, that's like cat investigating me. bossand no, i wasn't licking the sweat off your hair extensions. 't >> it gets worse. according to jordan bank of america also gave the fbi a list of folks who made credit carnk of amd transactione d.c. area between jan fifth mad and jan seven, 2021. and customers who hae d made ans
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historical purchase of a firearm or purchased a hotel, airbnb or airline travel within a given date. note to self always use cash when participating in an insurrection. and sleep on shannon bream couch. reportedly bank of america. all this without asking for a warrant. and they're still called bank of americah. more like bank of america. am i right? that came up with that one. now, luckily, i don'ust use that bank. i have this nigerian prince who handles all my money. his name is charles payne. >> meanwhile, bbva is doing warrantless searches on behalf the feds on search terms that are so broad, they're by definition going doi to turn ouc more innocents than targets. this is supposed to be a valid use the nation's investigative resources. just months after our cities a practically burned to the ground during the 2020 summer of brotherly love, if only they wore red hats, we'd be calling that a civil war.
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in response to these allegations of helping the fbi be o0 summf claims, they were ag on instructions from treasury. now, is it me or is this entire affair starting to sound bankr as a fruit loop? >> old school lawmen call this self-supporting investigation. a self licking ice cream cone, which is also the secret service codename for joe bidenon . but another term for it coule ds be unethical, perhaps even biden illegal. it would be like if trump asked planned parenthood for all the records on women who had abortions or people who bought electric cars or people with iq under 70. because in fact, when fbi steve jensen saw this info, he reportedly ordered it purged from fbi systems because the leads left allegations of federal criminal conduct. >> that might be the understatement of year. right behind the view induces vomiting. so let's ask the fbi a question you guys are investigating
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anyone who had a previous gun purchase and who traveleted to d.c. before the inauguration. up so did the name on terror ever come up. now, i should clarify, i mean,in the hunter and not the noun hunter. >> or else hunter. happily arrey guy instead. r., yeah, it's donald trump jr on the right. so according to fox digital, the fbi has declined comment, nt which is fed speak for let's f get past november 5th to see if we have to retire. but i don't think no comment is going to cus gepastt it thist this feels like one of those things that, you know, like warts and joy. >> reid, they just don't go away. so i said a picture of joy. >> reid in the meantime, in the mean time. there are lessons here for those of us who might disagree with the administration. if you so much as buy a wiffle ball at pay cash. u if you eat at barrel, wear for
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a disguise. if you ever stood for the national anthem. watc theh your back.k an >> and for god's sake, make sure your tax returns are perfect. >> or maybe it's time to start living your life under the radaor livr. >> assume that identity. that safe registered democrat. declar thae yourself non-binary. >> send a donation or two to planned parenthood. >> or just change your name to biden. ur you won't even have to payta. taxes, but you will have to pay 10% to daddy. get. he's the only guy who looks and smells like a cashewnight's and his now, you know, tour starts in february. comedian naughton. he always reminds us why the founding fathers were right. host piers uncensored on fox nation, piers morgan. greg: a and she's been eating well
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since most birds flew south. "new york times" bestsellingmpf. and bushes contributor got h to add. he trims his beard with a flock of sheep. >> "new york times" best selling author, comedian flo and nwa world champion james, a noted legal scholar. o thank you, greg. behind these revelations thout the doj using thesu finde search terms, utterly disturbing. do you worry about the feds looking at your search terms in your private transactions? rh no, because i always just putn what i'm doing on the actual venmo, like i'll say bag of coke for the white house, facebook or things like that. >> yes. so what are they going to do? get mememo? >> that's what you should do. just put ridiculous things. you mentione.d warts. >> i mean, who hasn't had a few cases of those? yes, i them off amazon.m on oh, don't laugh. they're delicious.
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>> is this crazy? is this what happens? when you brand half the population. i mean, i'm starting to not it'st the government, but i don't like to feel that way. but it's disgusting and it's disgusting and whoever that fbi agent was that actually got rid got r, he didsuperviso the right thing. >> but it's not surprising. it it's disgusting. yeahrising . >> you know, piers, we usually see this kind of complet e overstep and abuse of power in your country. >> wel l well, we had a greatof example of this. i wish i could come here like i i normally do and take the supercilious, high moral ground t. se but we had a case involving nigel farage, you might be familiar with him. a big conservative figure u.k in the u.k. and he was banking with the queen's bank by royal appointment to bankers in the u.k. and suddenly his account got deleted. ccount gdon. and he asked why wasn't told? eventually tol, the reasons whyt leaked out. it turned out it wasn't fort fo the reasons they said, whicht was he hadn't hit a certain credit level and so on.
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it was because he wasge nigel farage, a conservative with conservative views. therefore he was obviously a racist, blah blah, blah, blaho blah. and he won that case. and the boss of the bankss a. actually had to resign in a huge scandal. so it's not just a problemt a here, it's a problem everywhere. and the the common threa edf is banks know everything about all of it. if you think about everything, l do on a daily basis, pretty much all of it funnels through your have the feds here and banks in england are behavinge ans in in the way that they are. it's a pretty shocking invasion of ourasio lives and probably wa more than we realize. >> yeah, that's why i keep my money in one of theresa's socks. $80 million cash. all right. you can gloat.this i >> gloat. i was going to gloat. so this wheu s is what happens you assume the government can be trusted in the area tr they alliance. so the glenn greenwald's and the julian assange is of the world were right all along.
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>> sooner or later, it wase >>e back to american n citizen, of course. >> so i'm not surprised by thion because there's no fourth amendment when it comes to financial records. the federah amendm l government basically did away with that decades ago with a very predictable justificatio n of abuse of foreign bank accounts. right. they alwayion ofs say there's ts evil foreign other they need to protect you from. and really they use that power against you. law enforcemen sayt really needm a warrant to access your financial records. look, you can look u this.p thek secrecy act. you look up third partyto doctrine. basically, the justification is you can expect privacy because you've givenk that information to a third party, meaning the bank, like trieon tthird d going through le without having a bank account, right? yeah, but that's why i'm a libertarian. >> that's that's why i can't vote for either major party because they don't take the fourth amendment seriously. you can't just say, okay, you know what? >> but we're only using it for this and then get upset when done to your side. >> you should be upset when it's done to anyone. and they're always goingendment it for political reasons. they're always going to do that. so you just can't give them
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that power in.ons.hem that >> the first place when they start saying, you know, security, safety those kindsy tr of things, that's when you need to think, okay, what are they trying to make me afrai d g of? and what do they gain if they win because of a hote thelt >> this is what is really going on. i thank you for the freenk applause. i neves for banks after the bevy hillbillies that mr. drysdale. oh, awful man mr. drysdale tyrus, what do you think of my advice about just changing your identity? a liberal so people just stop tracking you? doesn't work well in terms of parenthood doesn't work. >> they still find you. maybe. maybe you shouldn't do a national popular tv show like there's so many tigers. this is a very common name>> we're forgetting one thing. i hate the grouping. the government. the government. no, no. the problem with the government is that people run a dirty.
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who decide that they're saviors and martyrs and they more than the taxpayers do. >> that's the problem in america, becausd knowe your o was great because somebody did something wronamerg to, a conservative. and then what did they do? they went to this thing called couro vative at and it was law. and then the bad person lostd ps his job and probably was financially responsible. we haven'ts job! there yet in america. we're just as the part. we just robbed the conservativ e and say, well, what are we going to do? and that's it. cons the thing. u don' you don't need to have fbi to check out what mag is buying because we all pretty much buy the same thing. buyhe shmm. bunch of water, ammunition for g rifle, buckshot, birdshot. mm-hmm . rifl >> diet coke for those who are trying their true a d camouflage hats and a ton of american flags. it's not hard to find out. and that's it. i love about pro shop..
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i will go into bass pro shopat just to look at the alligators. >> yeah. like i'm just in there having a good time. it's a great. if you've never been to a bass pro shop and they're not marketing, although i will take endorsement, but it is a great plac bute. you don't feel like taking the kids on an adventure. brinurphem to a bass pro sho and let them go around and see all the stuff. it's a great time. but again, this it goes back to carousel, right? but again, we need to stop saying governmen sto t and staru calling these people by their name because that's the only way you stop it. e behd >> bad people hide behind fbi say the name of the son of a . >> he's doing this because then we know where he is. yeah. all righen wt. oh, yeah. well, cities crumble wil, populations crumble. >> the first to document covid's origin exposing human trafficking on the border and central from its source for to tell the truth, we've been censored, monetized and attacked. we've been jailed in china, in hong kong. we've been tortured in atlanta, tied to a chair and bloodied in and online.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ . it's a scary future ahead when b all of these cities will be.
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>> a new study predicts thousands of american cities will become ghost towns by thees year 2100 as young adults move oft of rural towns and into the suburbs, leaving aging populations behind. lance of on the bright side, the balance of nature will be available on every street corner. scientists used existing population trends for the past two decades to model out what the future will hold. na at and like madonna, after standing too close to a space heaterer, it's not looking good. >> almost half of nearly 30,000 cities will experience a population decline citie betwn 12 and 23%, which will bring unprecedented challenges. due to a dwindling tax base, they could lose basic services like transitey could, water, electricity and internet access, which could result s in every american's worst nightmare. no access to could, but not all cities would fare as poorly as others. poorer, smaller cities in the northeast and midwest are more likely to experience population
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than western southern regions. in fact, the only ones who won't be leavingonly northeastern cities like new york are the rats. >> meanwhile, washington, d.c. would experience non, d.c.o of e at all, which is great news for their number one industry car jacking. , is >> piers, isn't the answer here that maybe cities are no longer? necessary? >> i mean, i've got to say, i quite like the idea of a ghost town. new york. it's the people that always annoy me in york. so a nice ghost in new york has. a nice feel to it. and the problem is, by the time it's a ghost town, i'll be 133. so my general around the ghostli town might be limited, and i don't know. >> there's a serious e is a to this isn't this long running debate about whether we're e about overpopulate fated or underpopulated. elon musk has been going against a lot frantic civic opinion for quite a while, needng actually, we need to have a lot more people. and this is why because
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the trends he spotted with his massive brain. ultimately we get toy. about 200 and then it will start to go south very quickly. and it's going to be a huge problem because if you think about that number of people nume being from cities, the pressure then on infrastructure, on basic stuff peopl, water, electricity, all the particulars even take for granted that allto to crumble. so there is an apocalyptice element to this. >> we should not be disregarding that we can disregard a cat because we'll all be dead alreadreg: we who cares? i'll be well. my hea d be in a tank with nutrients, feeding it, right? yeah. yeahnutrient i did promise i woe sure that happened. yes. you know what?d i wouldn't mind. how?th the decline of the city. if i would get a discoune cithe. >> yes, but it's the opposite. you're paying the amountount i i pay in taxes. you would think that at the very least, i wouldn't have tito pay such careful not
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attention and make sure i don't step in. >> yeah, right. you should actually have a lower risk of getting knifed. yeah lower, i think that. i mean, listen, i don't knowhave why people still live here that don't, like, have to live here for work or for some other reason. people. it's like, oh, the big sporting city. it's like i ge ct,ity. i guess e if you're young, but it's. everything is so expensive i. and if something costs a lot, i at least want to be having fun. are >> that is true.g we are paying for the misery. tyrus,e you get to leave. you get to go back to your home and a i won't mention louisiana. >> okay, we are stuck here.. you do not spend more than one moment in this city. >> you can't get me 6 seconds longer than i have to be. it's true. they've trielongern i haved. re greg's like, there's going to be cakes and pies and prizens at the party friday night, ifid you could just pass thaye. so i. when you hear studies this,it
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by the time it gets out to us, which means our governmentr govn officials, employees, especially the new woke american govt, i think sometime s you can connect things. i think their answer to the people mass exodus from big cities is illegal immigrants. yeah, they'll just guatemalans. th'll just keep bringing people in. they just. we have a human population problem. the placese a that can't susta a lot of people have more than they can deal with and the places tha that are supposed to have a lot of people are getting jacked, robbed and . so they're all leaving so the cities will die. and that's because leavi of lack of morality, lack of good law, of enforcementting jobs that create create situations where you want to have the story. i came to new york with a nickel in my and a heart full of hope. the next stories in me. and then i was and beaten and took from that nickel. and i'm leaving it. and then ten years later i i'm now running this. i now have this, but we don't get that anymore in america, at least right now, because it costs so much just to maintainth
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like poor cat going to have work for another network just to make sure that she can get all his medication. that's why i have four kids and i pick a favorite. yeah. you know, likes and i pick do t new clothes this month? so they like audition for my love all the time because times are tough. i , notking for fox news fox. but i think that we just all because of sag, you know, this is a news network no matteris i how funny you are, how many specials you are, how many wonderful books your household name, they don'the follow the same rules as after and sag. sorules as you know, that's whyh grass on the weekends in louisiana gym. ? >> one of the great are you love new york? newi believe you live near onee the great things about this story is we finally can live the life we saw in all these apocalyptic movies like escape from new york. we can run. >> we could be the bad guys.ovi. i know gether. but i drive around the lincoln tunnel and they just don't i dre stand there anymore. g] so many things.
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yes, so many good times that i think that i think the cityaway never going to go away. you're always giving me this. and you look at a thrive. city, san francisco. i mean, it's just beautiful. e o so nice to just watch someone shoot heroin outside a barbershop. yeahot heroin. come here to times square. where else can a nice family come to be assaulted where by a cartel member dressed like tickle me elmo? >> there is something here where there's always going to be the trade off of crime. it has gotten a lot wors thee, but it's never going to cease to exist. i mean, in the seventies, it was times square. , it was 42nd times street. it was way more violent in the eighties than it is now. >> so, you know, it does, awa but the cities are never going to go away. yeahhere i all right.d well, there's a happy note from our friend jim.p coming up, why maps perplexstuf the femalefed ? yeah. oh, stuffed up again. so congested, you need some exhaling from.ahhhhh
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some years. the food in your nose, something in mansfield was not edible. >> which is how this say. it does take a lot. oh, yeah. they can do more than two. yeah. the job of times now is i excise i nine. welcome. good chick science topic. why jack's better than jail when trying to find that hill. a new study from the universityl of illinois find.s that men are better with directions than women. true. if christopher columbuhas was a woman, he would have discovered antarctica. >> but the reason, much likerean my amazing six pack abs, may surprise you. >> previouslyou.y, theories m suggested evolution played a part in man's spatial awareness that is hunters.
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they had to venture far from home while women stayed closer home as gatherers of shoes. sexes would say right. >> but this new research claims it comes down to simply how kidso ho raised that societt encourages boys to play outside more than girls, allowing them to develop navigation skills from a youngy more tha age. s al in other words, these pointy heads are now claiming it's cultural not biological,p i which is their way of once again claiming, biology doesn'th matter and that everything is the fault of evil. male patriarchiny but we know that's garbage, really. did parents actually say, hey billy, go outside and play, but your body stay inside and fire u go outsidp that easye oven? it was a reversey bake where i . the fact is, they were hoping to find a different result tn that women were better than many directions, but when they didn't, they had a thenn t shift to blaming a male dominated societfted ty. >> but in science, it's important to retest any theoryportant retest a.
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>> so we did just that. okay, kat, tyrus, your taske to find the office kitchen, you just go down that way, make a left, go down the and make a right. okay? all right. >> okay. ? kat yeah, i'm on my way. i should be there in. just a minute. where really at? i got caught up. >> okay. in the kitchen. time out. walked for miles. no, that's not weird. >> i think we're ready for our cop movie now. yeahar, yeah, yeah. >> dad, are you a stereotypical woman when it comes to directions? okay, i'm a stereotype, okay? sowoman with dir i outside more,
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i did only boy things as a child, but my space awareness is so bad that i don't think i can place it on my gender. i thin ak it might be like a disability of some kind. actually, i used when i worked i worked at the ruby tuesday in the mall that my childhood grew up there and i took a different parking lot exit ouexitt and i just kept going ai wound up i was in like i a boatin wasg town. befor i realized that i actually had gone i was still looking for my old t high school and i was like that. i saw the boat. sohe boa i was like, no.! so i don't. i think that's like i probably a disability. i and i hate to i am the same way i, have no sense of direction. i get lost doing a crossword puzzle. . that's how bad i am. tire so blow a hole through this researc ah thish? u we >> no, because if you were cla in my clan, we would have killed and eaten you. >> listen, this is what happens when scientists are afraid of the woku.e like i was. i was a little concerned. i wasn't sure how you would go with it, but you kind of batted at it. he wanted to say what anybody t
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who. it's a natural thing for male species of anything. once they become of age, they want to go forth and get moay from what momh an and becae diddling them, you get cross-eyed. babies. sorrd y, kentucky. >> so your natural urge is to get away. >> yeah you know and it's you see it in any and if you want to takeo ge people of and gender is out of it lines drive out who the males get the out you're when you're 18 you always hear them say as sy son's 18, his is out out. we need to learn how to be a man. tto bno one says that when their daughter is 18, kick her out so she can learn how to be a womanthe up on a pole tryg to go to college. >> that's so. so that's the thing. but they're so afraid of the c woke that he just can't say it is there are different crazywoke anre i'm going to say it there are crazy there are differences between men and wome n the wayare we think, the way we're designed. we all have purposes now. gned. havour has changed where n down. we don't need them as much w.
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they're still there. and certainly that's why when someone breaks into the house, the bigger, stronger man is supposed to go beat them up ,not look at his wife. >> and don't hold your turn. you know? yo yeah. you know, jay, before you gotu marriegomarried,d, if it wasn'tw who were lost in town, you would never get lucky. >> greg first of all, i would like to thank tara for explaining why i'm cross-eyed, but i don't know if it's biological. i really don't know the answer. it could be that men we also spen mend lot of time focusing on directions because we always get losttions. looking for the and being cute and beingsh that soto cute. >> but yeah, it is a hunters and gatherers. i mean, you're, you know, you kind of there are differences in the biological things. i just don't know enoughe w about like, was i a kid that i find things now because my directional sense, so i don't know if it's in
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my biology or not. i don't know.biolog my first answer was that just men are smarter, women are just dumb. but i guess i know why i didn't say, oh, you say that it outtern scratching that thought that iyh would never play because i was about say the same thing. >> i thought, wow, that's really stupid. yeah, i here's what isis the point of this research? >> you think there was a nichepf initial point to it or what? well, unfortunately today i is one of the days of the weeks when i identify as a womana , i'm actually here as peer. zena. so i'm really offended by this.e but tomorrow i'm back to being a guy again and i'll be fine with it. ing ain ani'm either i don't bee a word of it, but it's funny and i didn't it past my femalemy staff today and said, look, i think there's a lot of merit to this. an ironic thing happened. i found that a load of office chairs flew straight in my headw . incredibly accurate mys. ational skill so. so i don't think it really works.
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i think it's one of those things. it's a bit like when you have a satnav in youre car and you can have a male voice oru ha you're going to have a femalvee but where you can have an american voice or a british voice. >> and ir fema for an american , and then i do the opposite of everything. >> she for tells me and i find o from a to b really? m that's funny. yeah. i was going to ask z female members of my staff about this, but they were too busy moppinggf or sexist would say. . i'm glad we all learned something there. exist >> sexism existss for a reason >> sexism existss for a reason >> coming up, did a cook spit on scalps in the swiss alps? uny >> i bought the >> i bought the i bought the team.h. i put it on the chase freedom unlimited car and i'm a cash back on a few other things too, starting with the sound system. all right. from deedon't think so!p cash b,
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cop in their face. >> our video of the dadey comesc to us from the world economic forum or west wher le took a break from caviar and to discuss climate changhoesuppi and how it will affect supplies of caviar and and amazonian tribal chief closed the session in interesting fashion. >> roll it, rikk i, i am i wantt to i want my women to know my own life. why should i show? oh, i remember after a stranger
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in, a headdress kisses you and rub spit on your face, put on your masks yo. you know, it's a good thing we. didn't just experience a global pandemic. otherwise, that kind of behavior would be a responste ball. but i haven't seen a performance this compelling. >> i watched jesse watters try to open a revolving door shortly after the indigenous bad.f, her plea to heal the planet. >> she did what every climate change activist dio heald hoppea private jet which pulverized several flocks of endangered you know, what tires do you think this was all a prank? she was just saying how far she can go. she never could have done worsel things. no, that would be good. yeah. they tood bek this poor woman hr who were out here probably without pay. th she's goingpay. to come to ts great thing and talk about the needs of the amazon. wee to do a little ceremony for us. then she did the ceremony and this is the partsh she like wanted to speak and tell
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people why she was there. they're like, no, we're good and all that. we really got that. >> apparently the safe word for everybody that weekend was, yeah, so. >> so again they just do this. yeah. and they all said, oh, lookreat what i did. look what i did. i took the breath from a nativ e american from amazon like and then i'lhel guarantee you 15 of them tried to order her from amazon that check their search [ history. fbhing].i. yeah. it's like all of those guys that came here for the cocainemi and the were like, this isn't >>e blow i had in mind here is this the answer to the climate crisis? >> this is the questioe quesn everybody. does anybody know what she >> g lly sai >> no. n so we just know that nowo. forever as the coughinbeg lady. yeah, it may have been, for all we know, spreading ebola and committing murder. >> nobody has any idea in the
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world what she was there for or what message she was actually impart to the world. so like a lot of these things, it may have seemed a good idea at the tim e it's completely and utterly pointless. it is pointlesit'ss and has made a mockery of this poor woman where presumably back in amazonn rainforest, that kind of thing is a tribal ritual thing. l nobody would laugh at it. it would be taken very seriously. instead, she's on comedy showsia from here to london to sydney, and i thind edk on every level is ridiculous that we should send one of our gender studies majors to the amazon to return w favor. >> jim would you think that was ruth buzzi? i mean, it esn't th looked liket looked like something from gilligan's island. >> yea>> ilookedh, exactly. i think you sound like my wife out the passenger window. weren't the driver. . you know, it's just. it's silly and it's fun fun watching all these people who are uncomfortable with it pretend that they're watchin no yeah, nobody likes that. thbody wants their head held.
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and, you know, and the red, the red stuff, i mean,n that that awful. >> i've seen that in the mirror after a few days and you know, we know, you know, they're all covid mask warriors. all yeah, exactly. people that were bright people not wearing a mask. and there they all are literallout coviy being expd on or by some stranger. maybe this is greta stromberg, his replacement. >> i'm she's getting i don't bue y anymore. >> do you got. yeah. i saw this woman in the amazonso . yeah. get her carry already got her. yeah. you know, so i just it just occurred to me that i wonder if jeff bezos is there and the amazon lady could have done that to the amazon owner. i love yeah, she's like the ultimate girlboss. are yol u. she's like a religious leader. i get it. i'm listening okay. what do you what does it matter here? becauserson on te every single n on that stage is there because they're a very a very powerful
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person. right. and you're way more powerful than a powerful. if you can walk up to a powerful person, go in their face and like, not only do they allow her to do it ,but they sit there like, yes, thank you. >> yeah, thank you mostl pers powerful person all for them. >> yeaonh, it is funny because those people go there for ego inflation. >> you know, they go there because they're rich, but they can't flaunt their so they use it. this is a vehicle to advertise their virtue and but it still allows them to proclaim their wealth and status. >> and then this lady comes in and spits in their face. i wonder if that's even part of it or if she's just improv that. >>actly. she was having a great setat and it would be great if she'd gone off script. yeah, but nobody was expected to get the rehearsal. she never did that. i saw her and she goes, watch this. yeah, yeah, yeah. er that's actually what she said at the beginning. i want a contest that. i get tos
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on a bunch of whitpie people and she will be booked every signaling. sorry, piers. liberal party this christmassh she'll be at. yeah. she breathes on me and me wiy eb were just open and everything but i'm on full alert now. and my new name is ocelot. >> all right. up next, the state tried to embrace tourists from space. so it's now off to new hampshire. all eyes on new hampshire fore r the first in the nation presidential primary. our campaign is the last, best hope. i am going to get the done for this country. our critical vote will impact the gop and what it means for the race ahead. sometimes being a little controversial is good. i will not let you down. america deserves better. special coverage of the new hampshire primary democracy 24 right here on fox news. >> what does it take to get
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train dawgs learn a story in five words. >> five words. kentucky asks alia to visit. all right, here's a localo tourism agency beamed up a message to space targeting alien lifeform ss. they sent pictures of lexington and the molecular structures of bourbon and dopa mean,
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what would you send ahead of meghan markle? >> i would definitely send meghan markle. because apparently it takes 40 years to get the messag defil to the aliens. yeah. and 40 years for them to send it back if they want it. 8 so that's an 80 year get out get of meghan free card, sir. >> it's actually a it's a fine idea. we used to put i, didn't we, in little bottles of. yes. and whatever. les. but it's the 80 year gap is the problem. yeah. but you're not going to get any pleasureyo yourself from what yu do here because none of us will be around for the return. should aroun be aliens. ack. >> you send anything back. that's the flaw. but it's a ide a. you >> yeah. jim, some say you look like an alien. greg, i find that hurtfu ien.l. i do, this is this is awkward. i don't know what to do now. if >> wouldn't it be great if 80 years from now, nobody saw it coming and they attacked and killed everyone on the planet becausy attae they didn't like lexington,
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kentucky, or meghan markle where we come from? bourbon is an insult. yeah [la. should have been a zima. send zimn a back.. people are moaning about zima. what do you think? what do you think about? >> this. lexington is a beautiful city. i've been there. mi but it's.ngton it's on my list, siso i. okay, so i hate it becausese of what the. i don't know. the kentucky spokesperson who ever described you saying, i'm glad that you liked our quirky ad, nothing gets me more than people who describe themselves as quirky. they're the most boring people on earth. yeah. it's like a really, really le who de themse hot girl who post the picture like. and they get a silly face of support pretty. shut up. you've never had a problem in your life face.. uh. uh. all right, iri s, what wouldhat wo you send? uhul, i can't say that you might
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watch the nighhat. nothing. nothing. this has nothing not to do with sending stuff up. mm-hmm. they searched the wrong kentucky. >> the aliens violated the wrong dude. they did. a little searches. you know, the aliens like to do this with the probes and all they, right they picked the wrong dude in kentucky. he's like, we don't get itge back yet. send them bourbon and drugs. and when they show up, it's oun rg turn to check them. so this is a big trap. and he will waitill wa 80 yearsr them to come back. hopefully a little tipsy with open mind. >> yeah, it's interesting. i keep thinking we should send w to them that throw us, throw them off. we don't have to. they've been here.t have yeah, they were here for a little short time, and then a they met us. yeah. and if we can't eat it and then we kill it, who wants to live in that neighborhood? >> that's true. you can go. thacked upnd they packed up thee and said, keep the temples. we're ou at. and they ain't been back since. and any time anything flies by,
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they'll get a check. >> don't do it. >> i'd send a picture of the same thing. >>ould sen to send to other peo, and they'd want to know, what is this small thing ? barely clears the knuckles and thumbs up. right? yeah. he's talking a doorknob. >> gre don't go away.g: we'll be right back. >> every night it's the same thing. after dinner, you start soaking, scrubbing and scraping the stovetop. it's a nightmare. well, now you can wake up to a clean, green kitchen every day with no bars, just light on stove top protector. that stops all the methods they start. sauces are rinsed and sayonara are gone in seconds. sticky messes are no challenge
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