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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  January 19, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PST

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body, you will see an improvement. you don't actually have to focus particularly on the body size. thisfocu is not about focusing n health and not caring about your health. >> laura: data, i get that. are you someone who is in favor of all of the drugs, the two. major drugs that are being taket to lose weight? are you against those or for those? real quick. >> i understand why people do il but i would say this, if someone lived on a deserted island and never saw a human person, with a fill a need to take those drugs? working with a client, the feara is the judgment and criticism from other people. >> laura.: yeah, i get that, but if they are on a desertedlo island, they are not eating processed food and junk food so they will not worry about >> todd: hunter biden will testify before two house
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committees next month. his sugar brother. >> president biden: where is debra ross? i just had my picture taken with her. she couldn't be here actually, that is not true. i got mixed up. [indiscernible] >> carley: our commander-in-chief eating ice cream and looking for someone to remember she wasn't in the state. >> todd: buffalo bills asking volunteers to shovel snow. some people are outraged by new restrictions put in place. you're watching "fox and friends," i'm todd piro. >> carley: i'm carley shimkus live in washington.
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51st annual march for life is taking place today. i will be live at the mall where the rally is taking place temperature is a snowy day, it is coming down. 100,000 will be marching regardless of weather. >> todd: i know you are prepared. you have your jacket. two polls out of new hampshire show donald trump with a lead over nikki haley. that is not horrible for the governor. >> carley: you see ron desantis in distant third place. madeline rivera has more. >> so good to be with you. former president donald trump won twenty of the 40 delegates on monday and looking to take new hampshire. donald trump and nikki haley locked in a battle.
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-- threw hot water on her. >> she has one obsolete poll where she was leading biden. those days are gone. she is not leading biden anymore. the problem is democrats want her to run desperately, they have democrats signing up in new hampshire. i don't think it will matter. >> trump's interview with hannity was first since winning iowa on monday. moderate voters in the state are influential and independents can vote in either primary. haley is looking to play this to her advantage. in a town hall yesterday she slammed trump and president biden for their ages. >> both biden and trump would mean that our options would give
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us an 80-year-old president. we have a country in disarray and a world on fire. i am thinking what everybody else is thinking, just not saying it. our families are on the line. we need someone at the top of their game. >> to democrats, one of president biden's challengers, congressman dean phillips getting a boost from andrew ying who endorsed phillips. he said rematch between biden and trump is something no one wants. >> the man i am proud to endorse as next if the of the united states, three-term congressman den phillips. the president is 81 years old. it is tough to reinvent grandpa, he will not become a new candidate. >> there will be zero delegates at stake on the democratic side in tuesday's primary and president biden's name won't be
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on the ballot. volunteers are asking voters to write in his name. >> carley: there is this. president biden's cabinet members hosting their mexican counter parts in washington today to focus on stopping the migrant crisis. the talks will ensure implementation and develop solution to emerging challenges. >> todd: mayors from across the country will be in d.c. at the mayor's conference and border will be a top issue. >> we are a city facing a humanitarian crisis and fiscal crisis unlike anything we have seen in 25 years. that is result of what we know is influx of migrant arrivals seeking asylum. >> todd: a global politics expert and director of outreach at american ideas institute joins us now. thank you for being on the program. start on the mexico meeting,
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they are having meetings to plan future meetings and i plan they will plan another meeting. nothing is getting done. isn't this a waste of time cloaked as look to the world we're trying to do something? >> yeah, todd, you are right. this is one reason the white house administration is trying to say about the problems that will be facing the southern border and mexico and trying root cause of migration crisis. everyone knows root cause of migration crisis, we are not deterring migrants enough. there are two issues which need to be solved. one is issue of corruption and government from where migrants come. second, border needs to be secured. biden administration refused to do both things. they don't have bilateral relation from the countries where the migrants are coming and they are refusing to secure the border. during the cr bill, the house
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republicans wanted biden administration to say they are going to use the appropriation money to deter migrants, instead they wanted to take the migrants in and process migration inside. what they say they need money from the house and congress to secure the border, they mean they are going to use that money to invite migrants and process them inside. that is not securing the border and that is a root cause. >> carley: speaking of money, antony blinken and alejandro mayorkas met with president of mexico in december and he said only way he would play ball if the united states provided funding to cuba and venezuela and republicans shot back and said the mexican president making demand is sign of biden administration weakness that would never happen under former president trump. what do you think, what should
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the united states do there? >> i totally agree. when the republicans say it wouldn't have happened under former president trump, they are not making it up, it did not happen. it was the same mexican president who was there and we had stay in mexico policy which biden rescinded. there was policy before that was working fine. mexico is dependent on us on trade and a bunch of issues, on export to americans northern border, their northern border and we have the power of the purse, we can put tariffs on mexico and target cartel, even if we don't proceed to do as republican colleagues mentioned taking military steps in mexico, which might go too far. some mexicans are pro-america. there are other issues to push
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forward to put pressure on mexico and it was done on president trump. not something that is new. it has been done before and can be done again. biden administration has not been able because moment they came into power they rescinded stuck in mexico policy. >> todd: the biden administration will do nothing in response and around and around we go, complete waste of time in d.c. on this topic. we thank you. fox weather alert. american airlines plane carrying 53 passengers sliding off the runway in rochester, new york yesterday. the plane had just landed and slipped off the tarmac. passengers and crew members were helped off the plane and nobody was hurt. that region bracing for snow another winter storm in the
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northeast today. janice dean has the forecast. >> janice: carley is seeing that snow in the d.c. area. current national wind chill, next push of arctic air pushing in. negative 19, negative teens. 25 in new york is what it feels like tlchl is our storm system. couple of lows combined here. we're not talking about a block buster storm, but nuisance snow for the i-95 corridor, especially this afternoon for the drive home. live radar, snow coming down in washington, d.c. and could get three inches plus in d.c. and baltimore area and will fill in in new york and boston throughout the day today. future radar, heaviest snow coming in the afternoon. as people are ready to go home, plan for rough ride home. if you can stay home today,
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great. the storm will exit the coast by tonight and be out of here. snowfall totals, one to three in widespread area from great lakes to the northeast. some pockets could receive three to five inches, down toward philadelphia, d.c. and higher totals for mountains and great lakes, as well. here is arctic outbreak, second one plunging through sunday and warm-up next week, significant one. saturday and sunday, temperatures cold and dangerous to be outside with wind chills, you could get frost bite and hypothermia in a matter of not ms. temperatures bump up next week. been in a deep freeze and the
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forecast itself as the storm exits, focusing on west coast in southern california, heavy rain and mountain snow. carley and todd, to you. >> carley: thank you so much. there is this story that you need to know about. american ryan corbet has been wrongfully detained by the taliban and his family is begging not to give up on negotiations. his wife annaand claudia tenney join us to discuss the fight to bring him home. and my skin is so much more moisturized. see the difference with olay. "bring rings to beach wedding"? fedex presents: tall tales of true deliveries. ( ♪ ) (gasp, crowd cheering) just another day on the job. we did this for love.
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>> carley: american citizens ryan corbett and his wife annmarie and three kids left afghanistan. ryan went back to visit his staff. it has been 527 days since ryan was wrongfully detained by the taliban during that trip. his family and lawmakers are begging the biden administration to help bring him home. claudia tenney represents their
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district. annmarie, you, your husband and three kids lived in afghanistan for three years, your husband was working with ngo's and successfully got out during the withdrawal from afghanistan and went back in august of 2022 and you have not seen him since. what happened? >> he returned to afghanistan for a short trip, pay staff, offer training and he was detained. he's been held in a basement cell ever since. we have not seen him, i have spoken with him three times. >> carley: he was accused of antistate activities, which is bas baseless. you have spoken to him, what does he sound like? >> there are no official charges against him whchl he left the state, hes in perfect health, 39
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years old. he turned 40 in prison, which is awful and his health is declining. i received a picture, the qataris visited a second time and he's lost so much weight and aged like 15 years. we received a picture and it is traumatic to see him. he is not well and it is winter time there and i lived in afghanistan, winters are brutal. i'm concerned he will make it this winter. >> carley: congresswoman, what can be done? >> this family are residents of my district and we have gone public with this story. annmarie realized we needed to get ryan back with his family. we are calling for the return of ryan by the afghan and taliban
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really in control right now. we have been working with the state department and qatari government to get access to ry ryan. anna has had communication with him three times. we are asking and pleading tbidn administration and working with senators to get ryan out and back. he is wrongfully detained. it is wrong to hold a u.s. citizen for no reason. the family has been amazing. this is high-risk situation. he has been detained wrongfully and we're doing everything we can to get her back. we hope her meetings this week with the administration will provide us with ryan's safe return. >> carley: you met with antony
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blinken, you are meeting jake sullivan today. biden administration is trying to help. what is your message to them and what more do you think could be done that might not be getting done right now? >> i'm grateful, they have expressed care and concern and state department is working hard. i have a meeting with national security advisor jake sullivan this afternoon. i have to say, until now ryan is not home, this is a failure and my question is is it okay for a u.s. citizen to be wrongfully detained? no charges, just to be held wasting away in a basement cell over 17 months, is that okay? will they do everything they can to bring him home, make decisions that need to be made. that is what i plan to say to national security advisor this afternoon. this is not right to continue. >> carley: he has to come home.
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he has and there is aid going into afghanistan for humanitarian reasons. we hope this will be considered and state department will act. we are shining a light on this and anna will be my guest at the state of the union this year and it would be a dream to have ryan there with us. >> carley: that is in march, right? we will look out in the crowd and pray to see your husband alongside you at the state of the union address. you are carrying this burden by yourself because you did not want to raise attention and have him become a celebrity, you come public with this and hope that burden is disbursed among many. our hearts are with you, we pray ryan comes home. thank you for joining us this morning. >> thank you. >> carley: thousands of demonstrators flooding national
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mall in snowy washington, d.c. for 51st annual march for life and special guests planning to be in attendance, mike johnson and benjamin watson. i will be there during "fox and friends," stick around for that. >> todd: looking forward to that. is there time for michelle obama to enter the 2024 race? one "new york post" columnist thinks so and has a warning for republicans. joe concha is here to break it all down. don't go anywhere.
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>> carley: the date is set, mark your calendars. hunter biden agrees to appear before house republican for a private deposition on february 28th. >> todd: brooke singman has details. >> brooke: republicans will receive his testimony. expected to appear for a deposition on january 28th. hunter's associates are expected to testify. house oversight committee chairman james comer says
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congress has a lot of questions for hunter. listen. >> we are getting everything we wanted, we wanted hunter biden to come answer questions, we have a lot of questions. he'll have to sit down and answer specific questions about specific transactions and meetings and answer to interviews we conducted with his former associates and we'll see what level of involvement joe biden had with these schemes. >> carley: morris appeared yesterday detailing financial support including paying tax liability, buying half of hunter's art which sold for $1.5 nillion and morris paid london roberts. the loans totaling $5 million do not have to be paid back until
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2025, after the presidential election and may be forgiven. morris visited the white house while president biden was in the house. hunter biden pleaded not guilty to felony charges stemming from david weiss investigation after he failed to pay $1 million in taxes. hunter withdrew 1.6 million and paid nearly $700,000 to various women and spent $200,000 on adult entertainment. his deposition is a major victory for house republicans, remains to be seen if hunter will answer questions or plead the fifth. >> todd: i'm saying he is going to plead the fifth and wouldn't put it past him for the february 28th date to move again. speculation growing that michelle obama could jump into the 2024 race. op ed in "new york post" says
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the plans are to grab michelle for the democratic presidency choice. the obamas are nudging to force slow-motion joe to drop out. who else is there? joe concha, fox news contributor joins me live on set. cindy adams, wrote this famous institution in new york. she is often in the know. thoughts on the theory? >> joe: 93-year-old cindy adams, great to see she is still active. july, chicago, obama hometown, joe biden says he can't run for reelection anymore and drops out and then super delegates and delegates decide that michelle obama will be the nominee. look at polls, she is currentsly in 2024 most popular woman in the world.
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media will swoon over this, no one will care that the party that wants to save democracy took the right for voters to decide and allow delegates to decide instead. i say this fails fchl she is the nominee, what is michelle obama's resume? she was a lawyer, now a producer for netflix, what is her stand on tax and border? obama was deporter inef choo, democrats won't like that much. with the world on fire, china, iran, ukraine, what is her position there? all foam, no beer, all sizzle, no steak, not sure michelle obama can save this party from current conditions on the ground. >> todd: she tows the line and
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they are scared. listen. >> what will happen in this next election? i'm terrified about what could happen. our leaders matter. >> todd: do you expect that to be the media message from dems for next 10 months? >> >> joe: if it is, they lose. think of winning slogans of campaigns, shining city on a hill, ronald reagan, hope and change, barrack obama and donald trump make america great again. i'm scared and vote for us because that guy is bad ain't going to work. >> todd: howard stern ripping the n.f.l. for putting chiefs and dolphins on peacock. they are going to the well too many times, the fans will rebel. don't watch any of the games. stern has become a shell of his former self, no doubts, i agree
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on this your honor yool underlying point. >> joe: i used to idolize stern. he jumped to sirius xm and has a problem with the n.f.l. charging people to watch that. that games dolphins and chiefs, 23 million on peacock, most streamed event, this is where things are going. we will see a pay-per-view super bowl at some point. >> todd: aren't playoff games off limits? >> joe: not anymore. >> todd: do you think that is right? is it the way it goes, is it right and proper? >> joe: you have fans paying so much for cable packages or to see games live, to charge them on top of that is wrong. however, reality is this. 93 of the top 100 broadcasts
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were n.f.l. games, talking about supply and demand, demand is there. people will be angry. in the end, they can't resist. >> todd: "fox and friends first" viewers cannot resist joe concha. buffalo bills asking fans to come shovel snow, they will be paid $20 an hour. the team will not provide comp limpary food and drinks. shovellers are being asked to dress appropriately after that guy shoveled shirtless. the league has not said if the bills game is at risk on sunday. they will host the chiefs chlgs ravens and texans, lions and bucs and 49ers play the packers.
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san francisco and green bay tomorrow night 7:30 eastern time on fox. over to you. >> carley: thanks. switching gears, students at rutgers issued list of pro-palestine demands for their school and this video is catching attention. congressman cory mills will react coming up next. did you hear this? >> i have never spoken to as many people concerned about the migrant issue as i have people calling in the radio station this week really complaining about that. >> carley: charlamagne the god baffled by the amount of working class outrage over kids getting kicked out of school by migrants. cheryl casone has that story coming up next. choice hotels is a family of brands that helps you get the most for your money,
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>> carley: one of the newest elected leaders in the western world, president of argentina ruffling feathers this week at world economic forum calling out the climate elites.
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>> todd: cheryl casone has details. >> cheryl: argentina president melee calling out davos elites in a broad-ranging address to the business crowd saying their group think is dangerous to the world. watch this. >> i'm here to tell you that the western world is in danger. and it is in danger because those who are supposed to have to defend values of the west are co-opted by vision of the world that leads to socialism and thereby to poverty. >> cheryl: some calling this a truth bomb. melee platform of slashing government spending, setting social media on fire. you spoke with the rebel news chief reporter who confronted john kerry over hypocritical use of private jets as he preaches
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about carbon emission. >> he is not the only hypocrite, one of hundreds or thousands that dictate or preach climate alarmism. they don't believe in what they are saying. if they did believe that catches private jets is 150 lands here a day in the local tiny airport. if they believe that, they wouldn't do it. >> cheryl: 150 jets per day. one commentator saying why can't we get a guy like this in america, it is supposed to be our thing? good for him and that reporter. i watched that reporter yesterday, he did it on the fly going after kerry. >> carley: totally, he has guts. a lot of truth bombs dropped by several people. charlamagne the god dropping another one. >> cheryl: he says he is stunned by the wave of working class people making their voices heard about the migrant crisis in new
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york city. especially after brooklyn high school was shut down and kids told to stay home so migrants could take over their gym. >> i honestly have never spoken to as many people concerned about the migrant issue as i have over the past year. people call in the radio station this week and really complaining about that. i have never seen working class people who i interact with everyday until this past year express frustration for the migrant crisis. >> cheryl: we've heard from legal immigrants who are sick and tired of seeing them come across the border and handed a golden ticket for free on the back of regular taxpayers, which they now are. these folks did it the legal way. >> carley: thank you so much. we have a fox news alert, iran backed houthi rebels firing two
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missiles at u.s. ships in the red sea overnight, latest attack after multiple rounds targeted the group in yemen. two u.s. navy seals are missing and remember foer secretary of state mike pompeo says biden's failed policy led this this level of aggression in the middle east right now. cory mills joins me now. good morning to you. this situation in the red sea with the houthis, how does it end? >> i can tell you, one way it began was with the biden administration delisting houthi from the foreign terrorist organization fto a. look at what is fuelling and funding this. increase in oil export out of iran. we loosened sanctions on iran and allow china to go ahead and export and import iranian oil and we are funding with $10 billion to iran to continue this
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increase. it is not just houthis disrupting commerce in the red sea, we're seeing 100 plus attacks in iraq and syria, another element of iranian backed hezbollah. >> carley: you mention the houthi terror designate it was reinstated to a certain extent, there are questions if that goes far enough. listen to this. >> with this designate, houthi operatives or suspected houthi operatives can apply for visas and travel to the united states? >> i would be very -- i won't speak to that, i have to check the details. i don't think you should expect any houthi operative who apply to travel to the united states will see that visa approved to say the least. >> carley: get back in check? what do you think about that? >> they have open borders and people coming across and we give
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them a phone and sup element them with taxpayer funding and give them a court day they never show up to. this is why the battle with 107 of us voted no against this resolution, it does not fund the border. we care about the american people, that is our priority today, talk about houthi rebels, failed foreign policy. you have secretary gates of obama administration who says biden is only person that is 100% wrong on foreign policy. look at root cause, stop treating the symptoms without recognizing the disease, china and iran. >> carley: two navy seals missing off the gulf of aden, what happened to them? >> details are in rescue and we don't want to release anything to endanger recovery efforts. >> carley: this video out of rutgers, students making list of
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demands moment after school listed suspicion for holding destructive protests on campus, listen to this. >> the demands are clear, rutgers must incorporate antipalestinian -- for faculty and staff. rutgers must protect palestinian students and advocates exercising political rights. >> carley: demanding the school cut ties with israel. what do you think? >> i can tell you right now, they are trying to replicate something you saw during the terrorist videos coming out of syria and iraq in the older days. this antisemitic movement continue on campus. elise stefanik called harvard and a couple others when it came to antisemitic capabilities.
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they are saying people who are jewish cannot make certain statements on campus, they don't hold that free speech when it comes to those making antisemitic comments. this group is calling for extermination of the jewish people thchl is an issue. if i were the president, i would not fall to the demands and expel those calling for extermination of another student member. >> carley: there is a lot going on, you have your work cut out for you. to the campaign trail we go. we have not seen a lot of president biden on the campaign trail lately, maybe this is why. >> mention debra ross, where is debra? she couldn't be here actually, that is not true, i got mixed up. >> todd: where is jimmy? he could be here, first steve doocy with a look at what is coming up on "fox and friends."
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steve doocy present. >> steve: i am, sometimes i get mixed up. good to have you from d.c. coming up on friday, four days from the nation's first primary in new hampshire and former president donald trump taking shots at his main campa rival he with sean. >> i've known nikki for a long time, she would not be able to handle that position, she has no chance, no way. >> steve: nikki haley disagrees and will join us live to disagree and a "fox and friends" exclusive, daniel penny's attorney will join us. we will get the latest. ainsley speaks with parents at moms for liberty town hall after
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protesters tried to shut down the event. you can see that there. charles payne will break down the financial crisis and jack keane and ben watson will join us live from the march for life in d.c. that is why carley is in d.c. and she will join us, as well. busy three hours here on the channel you trust for morning news. carley and todd, back in a couple, you are watching the world's number one early, early news show, "fox and friends first."
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♪ >> cheers, mr. president. >> can i get a spoon? >> todd: president biden relaxing with a shake after an appearance in north carolina where he called out for a congresswoman in the crowd who was really in d.c. >> i also want to mention congressman deborah roth, where is deborah? i just had my picture taken with her. that's probably why she left. [laughter] no, all kidding aside, anyway, you can -- oh, she couldn't be here, actually. that's not true. i got mixed up. >> todd: jimmy failla joins me now, such command and strength. >> this is actually progress he was calling out for living people we have seen him do this do w. deceased congresswomen in the pass. how about the part where he goes
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i just took a picture with her. actually she is not. this isn't okay. the whole ice cream thing, that's not campaigning. like we should acknowledge this is not the nominee. is he not campaigning. taking grandpa for his ice cream is not a campaign event. and we have gone in our foreign policy from like speak softly and carry a big stick. speak i d wrongly and carry a bg spoob. my funniest clip from 2023. let's roll it again. '22. >> i want to thank all of you here, including bipartisan elected officials like representative governor senator braun, senator booker, representative jackie, are you here? where is jackie? i think she was going to be here. >> todd: that was '22. he has done some of these. i can't keep them straight. is this waked in already? do republicans have to worry these horrible poll numbers can't get worse unless he does something tremendously worse which he probably can't do.
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>> he is not going to be the nominee. trump is going to clinch the nomination on the republican side half hour if he hasn't already. he is going to go campaign next five months biden. somewhere late june pull him. expended all of that energy on the conservative side of the aisle for nothing. that man can't be president. biden 2024, is the number of public appearances he will make this year. somewhere between 20 and 24. he is not out there. >> todd: i like to try press with you jokes. here is something i came up with. a lot of these gaffes come has or about to have ice cream. could all of those issues be tied to a dairy allergy. this one was obvious. turns out biden's milkshake does not bring deborah. speaking of jokes. your book is now available on fox nation. >> special of the year. year is 1989. the reason i say that because i'm doing comedy in an era where people know the difference between a joke and hate crime. not that i'm out there being particularly provocative to be a
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troll. i'm treating the audience like adults who can process anything and understand it's our permission slip to not care. that's what stabbedup economy is. we go there. >> todd: let's go there. 15-second clip. roll it? >> just understand i'm going to say a lot of things tonight that are like legitimate going to go way too far. it's stand up comedy. it's a chance to treat each other like adults who know the difference between a joke and hate crime. do you understand? >> and we have gotten so far afield from that it's crucial that you are bringing it back. you are also bringing it back on your new show on saturday night. >> fox news saturday night wolf of wreath belfort. some guy you bill hemmingway on the show. mike, jon tapper from bar rescue. >> todd: i love him. i think you are great. you are great. "fox & friends" great. starts right now. >> all right. good morning. it's the 6:00 a.m. h


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