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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  January 19, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PST

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♪ >> steve: it is #:00 here in new york city on this "fox & friends" friday, january 19th. and currently we have 29 degrees here in new york city. here in studio m., it's a beautiful 72 and sunny. >> ainsley: and we have a "fox & friends" exclusive. daniel penny's attorney will join us on the marine veteran's legal strategy after a judge rejected his plea to dismiss the subway chokehold death case against him. >> lawrence: plus, four days away from the new hampshire primary, former president trump is highlighting the rise in prices as americans pay $1,000 a month on groceries.
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>> inflation known over hundreds of years. a country buster. it breaks countries. >> brian: has tipping culture gone too far? >> steve: yes. >> brian: americans starting to cut back on gratuities. that isn't a gratuitous remark. that's a fact. the second hour of "fox & friends" starts right now. just remember your mornings are better because you're with friends. please be dressed. ♪ ♪ steve all right. we got the animation and big doings because republican candidates and their surrogates are crisscrossing the state of new hampshire today to get their message out to as many voters as possible. >> lawrence: alexis mcadams is live in manchester. what is happening on the ground? >> hey, good morning. well, as you said, there are going to be a lot of action here
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on the ground with those candidates crossing the state. going to try to make a final push here. this comes as former president donald trump was on fox just hours ago telling voters that they should not look at nikki haley anymore. one thing president trump doesn't do is mince words he had a direct message for haley, watch. >> she is not going to make it. she has got no chance. no way. maga is not going to be with her. she has one obsolete poll that she likes about two months old where she was leading biden. well, those days are gone. she is not leading biden anymore. the problem is the democrats want her to run desperately so they have a lot of democrats signing up in new hampshire, but i don't think it's going to matter. >> >> this isn't the first time we have heard it interest from trump. getting support from democrats on the ground. haley told me she is feeling confident in ground game in new hampshire and believes america wants to move in a new direction
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and have a younger leader in the white house. and haley says hey, if trump is, you know, so not worried about me, then why is he spending all this money against me, watch. >> if he thinks i have no chance and no hope, why is he running millions of dollars of adds against me? >> >> so according to suffolk university boston poll which we look at every single day in new hampshire. trump 26% right now. that's two points higher than earlier this week. haley dropped one be point according to this poll sitting at 35. the daily tracking poll numbers coming out leading to the primary primary. no labels group is saying if haley doesn't end up doing well and doesn't end up being the g.o.p. nominee they want to consider her for their group. watch. >> if governor haley does not succeed in obtaining the republican nomination for president, i'm sure the people
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in no labels would give that the most serious consideration. >> and i know you will be asking her about that i'm sure when she is on "fox & friends" coming up here to see if that is something she would consider. she has events today on the ground. desantis is back in ground in the granite state and trump has a rally later tonight. we will keep you posted on what plays out here. >> alexis, i know you are a great reporter and everywhere did you go you probably say to people what do you think about voting wise on tuesday? what's the buzz on the ground there in snowy cold new hampshire? people aren't worried about the weather. interesting go to different events. yesterday at nikki haley's camp people were walking up and talking tomorrow. this you could hear them say most of them were undecided. they want to hear the final pushes and messages. that's one of the reasons they did want to possibly hear a debate. first time in 20 years that they're not having a debate
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leading up to the new hampshire primary. that's why some of these people are going to these events and trying to get a final word and message from these candidates. >> brian: i'm just wondering, too. if people are talking about how they got the heisman from the democratic party and joe biden just said yeah, i'm not going to start there the democratic party said i'm going to have it anyway and there is going to be write-in campaign people put in joe biden's campaign or gaza or some of this. do you think there is going to be some blow back on the democratic party by 9 way they treated new hampshire? >> yeah. we will have to see. some people we talked to out here on the ground are disappointed. they feel like this president turned his back on new hampshire. they think plays a very vital role in picking the president. we will have to see how that plays out here. there are some people still that no matter what goes on in the country they will still back the democratic party they say and president biden. >> brian: all right, alexis, we will see you shortfully a few days. did you see top of page 6? it says president trump has never been happier that he feels as though he is on the path to
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not only win the nomination, going back to the white house. and he feels like he is finally finally there. do you think it's premature? >> ainsley: i think he always acts like that. [laughter] >> ainsley: i think he is always happy and a good mood. >> lawrence: i do find him i went to that last speech i told you all after i won iowa. he seems calmer. >> brian: reflective? >> lawrence: keeps talking about unity. seems like is he pushing toward that general. interesting thing leading off to our next talking point what about remember the trump years and back and forth with the press. i remember this moment where is he going back and forth with a reporter about the price of oil he asked him do you know what the price of a barrel. he keeps track. yesterday he was on with sean hannity. and he took on what's happening with inflation with the country. watch. >> inflation destroyed. anybody who made a little bit
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more money even a lot more money it more than gotten eaten alive by inflation. when you look at the price increases of energy, of housing. i mean rental housing. i looked the other day it's almost up 51%. the cost of bacon quadrupled. all of these things, i mean, food costs, clothing costs, it's so much that no matter what you are making it doesn't matter. you know, inflation is known over the years, over hundreds of years it's known as a country buster. it breaks countries. it broke germany. it broke a lot of countries. we have had the worst inflation we have had in 78 years. they say 52. it's probably more than 78. it's been a disaster. all in the wrong places. i had no inflation. and i had the greatest economy ever. >> steve: is he absolutely right. the price of bacon has gone way up. over the christmas holiday, i was down in the pub publix my
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favorite grocery store down there. $10 a pound. while the administration says look, inflation is coming down. all these numbers are getting better for us, nobody feels it. look at that, porter house steak almost 30 bucks a pound. that's crazy. people are feeling it. we are going to talk a little bit about the actual price of stuff in a minute. but, yesterday, president biden was down in the research triangle area of, around raleigh for an event talking about bidenomics. which is so badly named because people think oh bidenomics, that's why i don't have any money in my pocket. but you know what? >> ainsley: wasn't a good idea. >> steve: the president is living in a dream world. he doesn't think inflation is as big and as impactful as it is on people who are buying $10 bacon. watch this. >> fewer people needing the help. that's lower than it was under the last president. wages are up. household wealth is up.
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not only for middle class americans, for latinos, for black americans are for minorities. costs are still too high. but inflation continues to fall. and mortgage rates are falling and they are going to fall more. it's all part of my economic vision. building an economy from the middle out, from the middle class out, and the bottom up. that way the poor have a shot middle class as well and wealthy still do well though they have to start paying their taxes. >> ainsley: look at the stats? the inflation might have dropped a little bit since he has been in office. if you go to the grocery store you don't see that prices haven't dropped. they are not falling when inflation falls. if you go in a grocery store you keep your prices up because they are making a lot of the money. look at this, the average family pays $270.21 per week and $1,000 per month. y'all, that's more than 12,000 a year. and then if you have a family of four, or let's say you have boys because boys eat so much,
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growing boys. >> steve: darn boys. >> ainsley: four person u.s. household spends $1,260 a month. >> steve: even more. >> brian: when the president comes out and continues to say things like things are better for you, it sounds like is he tone deaf. also reminds me of, too. do you remember george bush went to a grocery store and didn't know what a scanner was and went there out of touch. obviously george bush 41. when the president comes out and continues to speak as though he is on a different planet from the average american family but keeps saying he understands the average american family, people start distrusting you. if you look at these numbers, i don't think, lawrence, he would have written the same speech financially. your position, under president biden, 13% of the people said they are better. 41 percent said -- 43 percent said not as well. >> steve: i want to meet the 13. >> brian: before you meet the white house, if you just meet with policy adviser listen i know how you feel. i know you must be frustrated
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because unemployment is low and inflation is coming down. it's not going to resonate if you keep talking like this. yet keep pumping out the same speech. >> lawrence: here's the problem, brian. old joe biden strength used to be interacting with people. the white house doesn't take him out anymore. he gets these policies. >> brian: they don't take him out. >> ainsley: don't let him out. he. >> lawrence: he doesn't know where is he going half of the time. is he not meeting average every day people. >> ainsley: trump said that last night. he can't put two sentences together, he can't find the stairs off stage. he makes very short speeches. has to be short. can't be long. he can't negotiate. is he a threat to democracy. he is incompetent. he has communist and marxist running the doj and fascists are running the country. >> lawrence: did you catch the new phrase -- i'm glad you caught that, ainsley, the threat to democracy. trump is using that, now against joe biden instead of trying to interfere with the election with trying to get him off the
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ballot. that's the threat to democracy. i thought that was interesting. >> steve: see, lawrence, i think the limited exposure in situations like we just saw him, and, remember we heard him say smoothie 6 bucks, sure i will buy it for you and then the white house said no, he knows a smoothie is $6. i know peter doocy drove down to raleigh for yesterday's event to try to ask him some questions. but his handlers pretty much just had the big room and they had the stairs right to the podium and right back. no exposure to people because people want to ask him questions. and they want to keep him as far as away from the press as possible. going back to the health thing about the cost of groceries and we know you all know exactly what we are talking about. the warning sign. this is the worst sign for the president when it documents prices and things like that. what they did was they broke it counsel according to demographics. and steve the group that pace
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the least for groceries. they are spending $325 a week. so they are expecting that part of their base to be in lock step with them but at the same time, it's like, you know what? i remember things being cheaper before ukraine and before the pandemic. why is it so high now? because if everything is sunny, as the president is saying, why am i still paying $6 for a jar of ketchup? >> brian: democrats are panicking over the hispanic vote not just today and with those numbers, steve. but when he puts caesar chavez's bust behind him. >> steve: symbolic. >> brian: symbolic and granddaughter running his campaign who has no experience. so i think is he desperately trying to say remember us. but the hispanics are very diverse group. and they also are extremely hard-working. and they are feeling the same pain that a lot of other people
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are. they are not embracing illegal immigration. that was the school of thought in 2008. do an autopsy, republicans. find out that your tough talk on the border is alienating hispanics. in comes donald trump and says no, i don't think so. i'm building a wall and it's going to have a door on it for people legally. and everything changed. and they said well, that's never going to work. it turns out that is now the mantra. >> lawrence: ron desantis made huge gains in florida when it came down to the hispanic vote. all you have to do is sell liberty and it works for the american people. >> ainsley: let me tell you about headlines. start here in new york city. the nypd is investigating after a security guard stopped a migrant in the neck when a fight broke out at the randall's island migrant shelter. police arresting at least 18 involved in that brawl. most of those charges are still pending. the victim remains in the hospital this morning in stable condition. democratic new york congressman and squad member jamail bowman is backing a bill that would give all 42 million black
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americans hundreds of thousands in prep par rations. it might be possible for it to be paid out of five or 10 or 20 years. you could take that $333,000. >> brian: fantastic. >> ainsley: break it up into monthly checks over x amount of time there are creating ways the does not have a sponsor. meaning it can't pass. all right. to football. brian, you want to help me with this one? >> brian: i have no idea. carley is not here so i have no idea. >> brian: the buffalo bills are are once again asking fans to shovel snow out of the stadium. evidently out of people in buffalo. more winter weather expected this weekend. buffalo will be hosting the kansas city chiefs on sunday as part of the divisional nfl playoffs. but tomorrow night.
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>> ainsley: packers fresh off their win, lawrence, this your team the cowboys. you keep reading, lawrence. >> lawrence: travel to san francisco to take on the 49ers. kick-off 7:30 eastern time only on fox. >> steve: i have a suggestion to buffalo, if you want to get people to turn out to shovel out the stadium, tell people that since they are playing kansas city, taylor swift is going to come and shovel things out and they have 10,000 people with shovels. >> brian: she will probably be at the game. if anyone deserves a dome it's the people of buffalo. give them a dome. >> steve: just one other note about taylor swift. her boyfriend, travis kelce. turns out we have been mispronouncing kelce's last name. it's kelz. >> brian: really? >> steve: his father years ago got so tired saying it's kelce, it's klelz.
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>> brian: if you have a story about your tight end email us. >> ainsley: no pictures, please. no pictures. >> brian: about your tight end. >> lawrence: convicted killer. >> ainsley: get dressed. >> lawrence: getting his case picked up by the los angeles innocence project. why he claims unfair trial conviction and murder of his wife. >> ainsley: that doesn't look like him, does it? >> lawrence: no, it doesn't. >> steve: that was two years ago. plus a "fox & friends" exclusive, daniel penny's drop charges offer jordan neely's chokehold death denied by a new york judge. >> brian: thousands getting ready to march for life. that's where we see carley shimkus this morning. carley? >> carley: hi, guys. when i was preparing for this trip, i was thinking to myself oh good i will get a break from the winter weather because i would be in washington, d.c. i was wrong about that. but that's okay. i'm here for a very important reason the 51st annual march for
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life rally. the second since roe v. wade was overturned. there's a lot of exciting things going on with the pro-life movement right now. you're going to hear about all of them coming up when "fox & friends" continues. stick around. ♪ ♪ shingles. some describe it as an intense burning sensation, or an unbearable itch. this painful, blistering rash can disrupt your life for weeks and could make it hard to be there for your loved ones. shingles could also lead to serious complications that can last for years. if you're over 50, the virus that causes shingles is likely already inside you. and as you age, your risk of developing shingles increases. don't wait. ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingles today. that first time you take a step back. i made that.
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lawrence the los angeles innocence project taking up the case of the notorious convicted killer scott peterson. convicted for the wife of his wife lacy and unborn child. todd piro is here to explain. >> todd: here is name we haven't heard from in a while. scott peterson claiming he received unfair trial citing jury misconduct. pregnant wife and unborn child all the way 2002. body found miles from where scott had been fishing in berkeley. the convicted killer serving a life sentence without the possibility of parole, but this is not the first time he has tried to get a new trial. you'll recall back in 2022, he was denied a new murder trial after claiming a juror lied
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about her history of abuse impacting the panel that led to his conviction. the judge said there was no evidence to back that up. this time, the los angeles innocence project filing a motion requesting further testing on evidence found near peterson's home, including duct tape and shopping bag. they released this the innocence project represents scott peterson and investigating his claim of actual innocence. we have no further comment at this time. the organization's mission is it exonerate the wrongfully convicted. unsure if the group will be able to secure a new trial this time. they are versed in. this they know how to do this. there is a chance that if the evidence presents itself, they could get a new trial, lawrence. >> lawrence: they get a lot of donor money. i wonder if the donors would support getting someone like this out of prison. >> todd: you see the list of people they have supported in the past, it does beg the question to your point would they? i don't know. >> lawrence: thanks, todd, all right, brian, over to you.
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>> brian: let's talk war and peace. iran backed houthi rebels firing two more ballistic missiles at u.s. ships in the red sea adding to the more than 30 attacks in the region. have you been following this? well, the action comes despite airstrikes by the u.s. and our allies targeting the group in yemen. when reporters asked president biden on any progress being made by our forces, he said this: >> are the airstrikes in yemen working? >> oh, when you say working? are they stopping the houthis? no. are they going to continue? yes. >> brian: okay. here to react fox news senior strategic analyst retired four star general jack keane. general, we have been speaking that we have for the last few weeks, you have got to answer the houthi rebels. we are. why don't you think they have been effective in clearing out the red sea and stopping the attacks? >> well, because the houthi rebels have thousands of rockets and missiles and hundreds of launchers. and they have been at this for years in terms of fighting saudi
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arabia and initially uae as well. they are very practiced at war. they are very skilled at what they're doing. and they have significant depth, much as iran has supplied hamas with all the components to make thousands and thousands of rockets and missiles, and have provided the hezbollah with over 130,000 rockets and missiles, the houthis have tens of thousands. that he was the reality we are facing. what we have to do is what the president has suggested. i agree with him. let's keep it up. let's sustain it. this is a finite number of rockets and missiles for sure. and a finite number of launchers. so step one is to continue the attacks that we are doing to take the capability away. step 2 and we're obviously doing this and we have to be aggressive about it, is disrupt the flow of the replacement rockets, missiles, and other supplies from iran to yemen. all of that is going by sea.
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and we have got to intercept it and we were doing that and, sadly, it looks like we may have lost a couple of seals in doing that very same thing. we got to be aggressive about it. and the third thing, brian, and we have talked about this, the center of gravity behind all of this is iran. and we have to hold them accountable and we are not doing that maximum sanctions step one. take the money away from them that they have been able to receive as the result of this administration's pulling back from the trump sanctions. but then, number two, the irgc are the suppliers of the rockets, the missiles, they provide all the training and support for the houthis. go after their training centers, their bases, their headquarters, and their leaders. that is the third step that must be taken and that is where the administration is reluctant to step in and do that. >> brian: can we switch over to israel and action in gaza right now. we'll understand yesterday in an interview netanyahu rejected u.s. calls to scale back the
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military effort and they said -- they accuse the u.s. of trying to coerce israel into a situation that would endanger their country. how bad is the friction between the countries and how is it affecting operations in gaza? >> >> well, i think there has been -- the tension has been rising over time. this is a very comprehensive and complicated operation that the ibf has been involved in. it's going to take months to be able to do what they are seeking to do is dismantle the entire hamas network and get the leaders and destroy their entire military infrastructure. that requires systematic, deliberate clearing operations. the administration has been pushing, prime minister netanyahu to pull back from those kind of clearing operations and just focus on the leaders. that will not get the idf and the prime minister the results he wants. and what would happen as a result of that, the leaders will stay in place, the
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infrastructure will survive thousands of fighters will survive also, brian. and hamas will declare victory. and they will attack again. so that's where the tension point is. i think we should get out of the way and let the prime minister, his war cabinet set the strategy and let the idf execute it. and continue to support them. >> brian: i was -- i'm just stunned by the sophistication of those tunnels, the underground networks that exist. i think it even surprised the israelis how much weaponry was there and how deep these tunnels go. it's been fascinating because debriefing a lot of the captured hamas fighters. general, always great. thanks so much. the world is on -- the world is on edge and no better to talk to about it. appreciate it. >> yeah have a great weekend. >> brian: you too. all right, coming up over the weekend, first on saturday night, that was an empty shot. i won't show that again. first on saturday night, at 9:00 eastern time amongst migrate guests great-looking group dave
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rubin, tom kersting, piers morgan, harold ford jr. also on sunday at 3:00 eastern time going to be streaming on fox nation. the teddy and booker t. tour continues on stage. i talk about winning the war on history in a fun, entertaining way, hope to see you in person, brian to get tickets. if not, watch on the stream as you head to new hampshire, america. meanwhile coming up straight ahead, ozempic about to get more expensive. how much more it could cost? well, we will talk about it. first, a "fox & friends" exclusive. danny penny's request to drop charges over jordan neely's chokehold death is denied. his attorney will be with us, next. ♪ now i feel free to bare my skin, thanks to skyrizi. ♪(uplifting music)♪ ♪nothing is everything♪ i'm celebrating my clearer skin... my way. with skyrizi, 3 out of 4 people
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we're travelling all across america, talking to people about their hearts. how's the heart? -good. -you sure? i think so. how do you know? let me show you something. put two fingers right on those pads. look at that! that's your heart! that is pretty awesome. with kardiamobile, you can take a medical-grade ekg in just 30 seconds, from anywhere. kardiamobile is proven to detect atrial fibrillation, one of the leading causes of stroke. this year make a resolution to take care of your heart. don't wait. get kardiamobile today for just $79 at or amazon. ♪ >> steve: all right. time now for a "fox & friends"
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exclusive. a new york city judge has denied marine vet daniel penny's request to drop the charges as he faces up to 19 years behind bars for the death of a mentally ill homeless man, jordan neely on a city subway back last may. penny's lawyers say that mr. penny acted in self-defense as witnesses report neeley behaving crazily, erratically and making threats before penny restrained him. daniel penny's attorney, thomas kenneth joins us now with more. thomas, good morning to you. >> hey, steve, good morning. >> steve: we will get to what happened this week in a minute. take us back to may. because it was a story that made national headlines. >> yeah. absolutely. you know, it was interesting. i remember when this story broke, i was actually on trial in manhattan on a completely unrelated matter. and i was on a break from trial and, you know, we had a recess and i saw that we got an email danny penny. i reached out to my partner call
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this guy back quickly because i read about this in the paper today. it was getting a lot of attention and seems like a real salient issue. is he a marine. my partner steve and i are both iraq war veteran. potentially some good synergy here. >> steve: what happens was he was riding the subway and this subway performer, i think they were calling him in the local press. he went on the train and reportedly he was threatening people. danny penny stepped in because he felt like he was a threat. and that's what these video -- that's what these video images are. >> so the video image thats are and it really illuminates this case. you know, obviously we didn't have access to it right off the bat. you have to wait until you get pre-trial discovery and so forth. since the case went to the grand jury. we were served with about almost 600 pages of grand jury minutes. so we have had the opportunity to look -- because, remember, defense attorneys aren't in the grand jury. we don't participate in the process. >> steve: right. >> we had an opportunity to
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review 600 page transcript of about a dozen witnesses that were on that subway car and to the person they described neeley's conduct, you know, some of the adjectives satanic, traumatizing. passengers saying i thought i was going to die. it really brought it life how absolutely terrorizing it was for anyone on this subway car. >> steve: absolutely. that's what the story is all about. here is a marine vet who saw people being threatened, including himself. and he stepped up and he did something. and he restrained him. there is danny pen i didn't believe earlier this week. he restrained him on the ground, ultimately, mr. penny wound up dead. but the cry is. this was clearly self-defense. and i know that is your defense of mr. penny, but a judge here in new york this past week said i'm not going to buy that right now. it's going to go to trial. are you surprised? >> we're not surprised because when it really -- it's less
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about the judge and much more about the very low standard of proof in the grand jury and in the grand jury in new york. the standard of proof in a grand jury is reasonable cause. just to put that in context, steve, that's less than a police officer would need to issue us a summons on the street or make an arrest for a petty offense. it's also not a unanimous vote like you would see in a trial jury. if 12 out of 23 jurors vote for indictment, the d.a. gets an indictment. that's why they always indicted. the judge reviewing our motions really has no legal choice but to apply that same absurdly low standard and that's why a very low percentage play to ever get an indictment dismissed. >> steve: next up will be a trial in the fall? >> we're tracking right now probably an early fall date. there was some talk maybe it could be done over the summer. collectively the parties agree the summertime ♪ a great time to try to get a jury together in a month in for
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a case like this. >> steve: it will be interesting about a jury pool here in new york there are a lot of people i know they showed up when he appeared in court the other day yelling murderer. murderer. a lot of people think that danny penny murdered that guy and they want justice for him. >> look, there's always going to be the fringe out there. i mean, some of those folks that were protesting outside the courthouse, you could see them in a lot of other protests that completely unrelated to this case. the reality is that the support our client has received has been overwhelming, you know, since the judge denied the motion which didn't come as a surprise, within 24 hours after that, about $100,000 in online donations to support his legal defense fund. we think that the mood in this city and beyond is very much in support of our client because so many people know what it's like if you walk the streets of new york, if you take the subway to experience exactly the situation. >> steve: it's scary. >> not always a savior like my client to step in.
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>> steve: exactly. real quick, what is the venue to supports him. >> give, send go daniel penny legal defense fund, easy to find. >> steve: final question. how is daniel penny. >> look, no one would ever want to be in this situation, right? i mean, ronald reagan, i think donovan, a member of ronald reagan's cabinet after he was acquitted on federal charges. where do i go to get my reputation back. even if you are fully exonerated as i have no doubt our client will be. it's a harrowing experience. having said that, this is someone is he a marine. he knows what it means to serve. if there is anyone who has the mettle to deal with something like this, it's him and is he holding his head up high. is he continuing with his studies. he is doing as well as anybody possibly could under these circumstances. >> we would love to interview him when he can come by, please bring him. >> absolutely. >> thomas kenneth, thank you very much. >> steve, thank you. >> steve: good luck. coming up on this friday a cross-country storm set to slam
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cities throughout the northeast. janice tracking that winter weather, the latest one. plus, reaching a tipping point, the growing frustration over constant requests for a tip. but, first, carley shimkus is live with former nfl player ben watson down in d.c. at the 51st annual march for life. going to check in with both of them coming up next. hey, guys. ♪ ♪ oh, no! bye, bye cough. later chest congestion. hello 12 hours of relief. 12 hours?! hmmm, ok. not coughing at yoga. antiquing not coughing? not coughing at the movies?! hashtag still not coughing?! aaah. oww! mucinex dm gives you 12 hours of relief from chest congestion and any type of cough, day or night. it's not cough season. it's always comeback season. with the freestyle libre 3 system... know your glucose levels no fingersticks needed. all with the world's smallest and thinnest sensor.
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where are you from. >> indiana. >> you want to say hi to anybody at home before the snow starts. >> i do. a big shout-out to the hunting county sheriff's department and to my family in indiana. >> janice: all right. excellent. let's take a look at the maps because the snow is about to come down, my friends. we have a ground delay at laguardia right now. and you can see that snow starting to fill in to all of the airports. so the worst of it is still to come unfortunately this afternoon, this is not a huge snow storm, but it is going to cause some problems on the road and in the air. you can see how expabssive it is from the ohio valley towards the northeast this will not be a new england storm by the way. d.c. up toward new york and a little bit of connecticut and out of here this afternoon. coming at a time when people are trying to travel. it is friday.
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1 to 3 inches, a wide swathe and some pockets could get higher totals, certainly bigger amounts in the mountains and east of the great lakes. wind chill alerts for the northern plains, the central plains down towards the south yet again is our next blast of artic air moves. in that's the current national wind chill, so negative 18 in duluth. negative five in chicago. 22 is what it feels like in new york. feels like 17 in dallas. quick look at your forecast. northeast storm exits. we're going to be watching the west coast as well as this next low moves in. so coastal, california beware we could see some flooding. all right, we are going to say hi to carley. in the snow right now in d.c. for a really important event. over to you, my friend. >> carley: janice, thank you so much. i'm with ben watson. i'm so happy to be with you. former nfl player, pro-life advocate. and janice was just talking about the weather. this weather does not bother you at all. because you played for the patriots, so you are used to performing in the snow. how are you feeling today? >> i'm cold like everybody else is going to be.
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there is a reach we move to georgia. we didn't stay in new england. i don't want to be cold anymore. i'm excited about today. folk also show up, still. >> carley: talk about moving this event to july next year. people are expected to turn out for this event. 50,000 people expected at the national mall during the rally later today and you're going to be speaking at it. what is your message? >> you know, we are in a very interesting situation. i call this time the new fight for life because it's after roe but there are still women and children that need services. human coalition where i work we found that 76 abortion determine parent, child, their circumstances were different. as a movement it's important that we lean into issues of justice and lean into issues of economics. not only provide for the material needs of women and children but also economics as a whole while still standing firm on our convictions to protect people and children in the womb. >> carley: i love that message. you are making an economic argument, taking care of women, making sure that they have housing and enough money so that they feel like they don't need
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to have an abortion. when you whether you make that argument do you feel like you this are making headway. >> you see a light come on. there has been such a divide, i think, between pro-life, pro-choice, whatever you want to call it, there needs to be a divide because on certain issues we can't come together everybody believes we should stand with women. everybody believes we should stand with children having the ability to flourish, wherever they are, whatever their background is, wherever they are born. those are some areas, i think, where we can have unity with perhaps those who believe that abortion is a viable option. where wedon't we can come togetd say how can we serve women and communities and fathers and challenge them? >> carley: a lot of men shy away from this conversation. why is it so important to you? >> last time i checked a man -- half of them is in there, too. men have a vital role in this simply because of biology. but, also, when you think about
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so many socialist. just statistically, when a man is not involved, that's when we see decline in not only economic issues but in self-esteem for children. all these social things are documented. it's not my opinion. men have be to involved with this not only because ever the biology, but because when men do what men are supposed to do, you see so much flourishing in society. you see a lot of the ills that we deal with as society. they will subside if men were to challenge other men to stand up and, you know, do the things that we are called to do. >> carley: such a great message. today is a happy day. all about celebrating life and joy and hope and, like i said, this place is going to be flooded in a couple hours listening to you speak, and then everybody is going to be marching to the supreme court to celebrate the overturning of roe v. wade. a little later on. i would put on a shall with aer coat if i were you, though. you look great but. >> i knew i was coming on tv so i wanted to look good. >> carley: later on. >> tested out and see.
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i might have to put on two or three coats. >> carley: get the parka ready you have no idea how many layers i have on right now i came prepared. >> lawrence: tell my big bro ben i want to be just like him when i grow up. >> carley: how awesome is that did you hear lawrence? >> i did. >> carley: he said he wants to be just like you. lawrence, you absolutely will be, you two are the best. great men all around. >> lawrence: people are now paying more for popular weight loss drugs like ozempic and monday journo. drug makers hiking 3.5% and 4.5% respectively. the "wall street journal" reports prices are also up for 775 other brand name medications. the average hike around 4.5%. it's crazy. macy's is now the five stores and laying off 3,000 employees.
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the stores being closed are located in virginia, california, hawaii, and florida. americans are reaching a tipping point. they are starting to cut back on giving workers extra cash after constantly being asked for more at every turn. a new report from the "wall street journal" says, quote: as of november, service sector workers and non-restaurant leader and hospitality jobs made 1.28 an hour in tips on average down 7% from the $1.38 an hour they made from a year prior. >> brian: i have a couple things. number one if you are a waiter you get very low per hour because they figure you are getting tips. people should not undercompensate them. my craziest tip story -- for some reason i went to a self-checkout in the airport and it asked me for a tip. who am i tipping? at my self-checkout. >> ainsley: that's funny. >> brian: i had to flash it. i had to sit there and scan it
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and then i go who am i continuing? >> lawrence: this right here this little screen where they check you and turn it around, i feel like i'm being pressured. >> steve: they have that in this building. >> lawrence: i don't like it. >> steve: i have seen it at newark airport. what they have got in a place where can you grab and go stuff. and there is nobody there. it says you want to give your tip 15%, 18%, 25% or something like that custom. can you give them 100 percent. it's who is this tip going to? >> brian: robot? >> ainsley: i think in that situation you don't have to tip. if the person is right in front of you, give them a dollar. >> lawrence: then they get upset about the dollar, too. >> ainsley: i just feel like okay, so sean and i are reading the bible in a year. and he sent me scripture yesterday. and it says, ii corinthians 9:6 remember. this whoever spares sparingly reap sparingly. whoever reasons generously will also reap generously. just know they are working in a
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restaurant counter. they are not making a lot of money. you can spare a few dollars. >> brian: you should thank us. when you turn it around and i hit 15% to 20%. just at least at knowledge that i tipped you. >> steve: there is nobody there. voice in my head. >> ainsley: give them a little bit extra money and say god bless you. >> steve: coming up, nikki haley. ♪
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