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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  January 19, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PST

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>> ainsley: it is the 8:00 a.m. hour of "fox and friends," friday, january 19th. >> lawrence: we are four days from the nation's first primary in new hampshire, donald trump and nikki haley are taking shots at each other. watch. she would not be able handle that possible, she has no chance. then why is he running millions of ads against me? >> steve: daniel penny's attorney just shared support he got after judge rejected his plea to dismiss the chokehold case against him. >> reality is support our client has received has been overwhelming, so many people
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notice, if you walk the streets of new york, to experience the situation. there is not always a savior like my client to step in. >> brian: that is true. dash cam video, moment a speeding driver crashed into a snow plow. the final hour of "fox and friends" starts now. your mornings are better because you are with friends. you better be dressed. >> ainsley: get dressed. ♪ ♪ >> lawrence: this year. >> ainsley: tannersville, pennsylvania. that beautiful voice belongs to toba. he said they have the best outlet maul there. they were late for thanksgiving
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because they got caught up in the stores and forgot to go to thanksgiving while shopping. >> steve: how do you do that? >> lawrence: you want to go. >> steve: the poconos. >> lawrence: i set a goal for myself, i want to learn to ski this year. it is supposed to be hard for tall people, harder fall for us. i want to snowboard, i got to learn to ski first. >> ainsley: get a good instructor. you start on the bunny slope. i'll put you with my daughter. >> lawrence: you ski ainsley earhardt? >> ainsley: i used to. not a lot, we did last year, we went to stratton, it is cute we stayed in a hotel. the slopes up here, you stay in a hotel and walk outside and get skis and the instructor grabs you, there are restaurants there. >> lawrence: i'll let you know how it goes.
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>> steve: don't start on snowboarding. >> brian: get on a lift and go to the top and work your way down. talk to people about how to ski as you go down. >> ainsley: you start with blacks, those are hardest. >> lawrence: brian is an athlete, i will take your advice. >> steve: brian, can you ski? >> brian: not yet. >> ainsley: can you ski? >> steve: yeah. my wife grew up in california and there was -- big bear mountain? she -- i have this on some authority, she might have cut some classes to go ski. so she is a fantastic skier and she's dragged me along to some of america's highest ski slopes and i've skied with her. god bless her, she's great. >> ainsley: is it like riding a bike, if i tried it again -- >> brian: no. i don't think the bike analogy
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works. when i was little, i was fine if i fell because i was legislates. >> brian: steve martin has a great joke. >> steve: when you are real little, you don't have ski poles. >> brian: steve martin has a joke, i used to listen to as if it would be different. i hop on a ski slope until the lift with a total stranger, i look at their name and act like i knew them my whole life. his name was rental. funniest line ever. that's all i got, usually my stories help. i can't -- how do you get to that story to president trump. steve, go ahead. >> steve: here is the thing, all candidates going to different places throughout new hampshire, many are rental halls. last week in iowa, there was
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pizza ranch, a chain in iowa in the midwest, if you bought a bunch of pizza, you can use for free, the gathering room in the back of pizza ranch. they are there for the primary on tuesday. the top two are nikki haley and donald trump. donald trump is -- seems to be leading in the polls, although other things suggest they are neck and neck. he, donald trump, was on with sean hannity last night and she was on last night on cnn. we put them together and they are talking about what is going to happen over next couple days. >> democrats are allowed to vote, they will vote for her, they don't want to run against me, they want to run against her. it bothers me and the governor should have done something about it. nikki haley will not make it, no chance. >> if he thinks i have no chance, why run millions of
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dollars of ads against me? do we want two 80-year-old runs? we have had independents come our way and democrats say they want to support us because they are not happy with joe biden. >> steve: here is the thing, donald trump said that new hampshire law allows democrats to vote in the republican primary. that is not true. you have to be a registered republican unless you are undeclared. last day for a democrat to change party affiliation was back in october, october 6. that is not accurate. the thing about new hampshire, so many independents and undeclared, they when they show up at polling places on tuesday, they are asked, do you want a republican ballot or democratic ballot depending on your party affiliation. if you are democrat, you get democrat, republican get
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republican, undeclared can get either. >> lawrence: nikki haley said that a lot of people -- they have, that is what the secretary of state is saying. nikki haley said that some of the people are crossing over they don't want joe biden. reporter talked to a 74-year-old manchester resident who supported joe biden both times. hillary clinton and then joe biden in 2020, unenrolled voter, votes for democrats. she said primary goal is not to ever let trump back into office again. she makes the argument some will vote in the general election. this person said they just want to keep donald trump out of office. >> ainsley: whoever wins, i think republicans will continue to support republican nominee. this is about republican versus joe biden and trump last night
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said joe biden can't put two sentences together and can't find stairs off stage, makes short speeches, he can't negotiates, he's a threat to democracy. he's incompetent, has communistsun aring the doj and fascists running the country. >> brian: you mentioned the tone after his victory etch spoo, they suppressed it, so you wouldn't know that. if you did not see the town hall, you saw a different perfect and he talked about not looking back, looking forward, i got more votes than anyone in republican history, 74 million. that pointed out in 2020. he's gone out of his way not to look back. that is good defense strategy, don't emphasize the fact you have a different view of how the last election ended. he wants to look forward and the president feels as though he is there close to getting back to
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the white house and feels like there is sereneness about him. if he wins by double digits, i don't know how nikki haley continues because if south carolina polls are correct, he is going -- has more support there. might be his strongest state period. >> lawrence: co-founder of home depot, ken langone says he will hold off on his money until he sees what happens in new hampshire. governor ron desantis moved on to south carolina more conservatives there, typically his base there. >> brian: he is not spending on ads. >> steve: his last adwas january 15th. >> ainsley: nikki haley still has several million for ads. >> steve: and she's coming up on "fox and friends." >> ainsley: ron desantis was asked if he would stay until march, he said, he has enough
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until then. >> lawrence: he wants to stay until super tuesday, does he have money to finance a race that long. >> steve: who will stay in until super tuesday, "fox and friends" will be in new hampshire, monday, tuesday and wednesday, live at a location, i will not diz close yet, we were there last time and it was fantastic. you will be at diners, three diners. >> lawrence: we will put them on the screen at the end of the show, meet us there, let your voice be heard. we want to hear from the candidates. >> brian: if you see lawrence, i will give a monologue, that means no one is there. don't make him do a monologue. >> lawrence: so true. >> ainsley: they will show up to see you. >> lawrence: weather hit them hard, i don't blame them. >> ainsley: new hampshire is a great state, so friendly. i love where we had our location last time, it looked like a ski
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lodge, there was a marching band in the parking lot. everyone staying there was woken up because we were hearing the music. >> steve: i'm hopeful about your diners, first diner we ever did was in new hampshire and we had all the candidates come out and it turned out so great. we came up with it because we didn't have another location, we did it in the diner and the boss said, do more and now we do diners all the time. >> lawrence: and people love them. one thing i learn at the diner and the iowa race, immigration is a number one issue. yesterday on capitol hill, they had a big hearing about it. it is not just people coming across the border, it is t fentanyl. one parent talked about how she lost her daughter because of the fentanyl. take a look. in my humble opinion, mr.
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mayorkas border policies is partially responsible for my daughter's death. his wide open border policy allows massive quantities of poisonous fentanyl into our country. my family is broken. my heart is broken and he couldn't even be here to face me today. whatever he's doing that is more important than facing me today, i don't know what that could be. >> brian: mayorkas didn't show up during his own impeachment hearing and didn't have a chance to hear that. i don't know if they have votes to impeach him, go through the senate after the house or you can impeach him in the house? >> lawrence: trial in the senate, if they have the votes, probably impeach him. >> steve: like for the president, you have to be found
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guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors and democrats say what is the high crime or misdemeanor? you might have a policy discussion over things we don't like what joe biden has installed on our southern border, you can't impeach somebody over that democrats say. republicans say it is a disaster, he has told different stories, he's got to go and brian, you are right, republicans, the speaker is holding on by a thread to his job and only way they have that stopgap spending bill across the finish line yesterday was a bunch of democrats voted for it. republicans, including elise stefanik, and jim jordan, both voted against the speaker. >> brian: 109 republicans. >> lawrence: it is a political process not a criminal trial. there are moderates, especially democrats seeing that immigration is suddenly becoming
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top issue. they may want to impeach. >> ainsley: not just republicans, democrats are seeing what is going on. if you are a parent, this could be any of our child. i don't want to sit in front of congress and lose the thing i love most other than jesus christ. that is heartwrenching. you spend time and energy raising your children and love them more than anything in this world. everything you do is for that child and for an illegal immigrant to come into this country and her daughter kayla just turned 20. she was looking forward to her walking down the aisle and pick out a house and have babies. tammy said her daughter was in her house, in her room and ms-13 gang member went into her child's room, strangled her with
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a cord and before that brutally raped her. she had just been 20 for a few days, her life was taken from her. that mom will never be the same. this hits home, it does. could happen to anyone. >> steve: speaks of life leads us to our next story. >> brian: thousands of pro-life activists will gather for the 51st annual march for life. >> steve: only second since the overturning of roe v. wade. we find carley shimkus live in washington. i know that catholic churches from across the northeast historically send people to march for life temperature is there today, it will be really cold, there will be snow and a lot of people. >> carley: yeah. but thankfully, steve, people are so passionate about this cause, they don't care about the snow, they will come out and stand in the snow. they have a message they want
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people to hear. that message is so powerful and positive, so many positive things that i've learned going on with pro-life movement. theme of the march this year is called with every woman for every child and the message they are sending women that are facing unexpected pregnancy is we are with you. you don't have to do this alone. i just spoke with ben watson, what a great person he is. he wants to help women feel financially stable so they don't feel they need to have an abortion. take care of the woman and she can take care of her baby. take a listen to what he had to say. time to fight for life, it is after roe there are women and children that need services, at human coalition -- prefer parent if their child was different temperature is imperative to
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move into issues of justice and economics and provide for material needs of women and children and advocate for economics as a whole while still standing firm on convictions to pro protect women and children in the womb. >> carley: this is a post-roe world. that was just the beginning of this fight, states are making it more difficult, restricting abortion access and other states making it easier. people here feel like their fight has just begun. you can see over my shoulder on the national mall, things are coming to life. this is where the rally will be. there is a bunch of keynote speakers, ben being one of them. former speaker mike johnson, as well, expecting 50,000 people here. they will have snow boots and coats on and everybody will be marching to the supreme court all throughout d.c. celebrating
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life today on this snowy friday, guys. >> steve: excellent reporting. thanks for making the trip. >> lawrence: one thing ben talked about when being interviewed by carley, men have to step up. i tell my story, my mom got pregnant with me at 16 and had me at 17 because my dad stepped up to the plate. men have to show up for their kids, bottom line. >> ainsley: you are more b balanced if you have your mom and dad. >> ainsley: awesome your mom and dad chose life. >> lawrence: i love them both for it. >> ainsley: we love them, too, they gave us you. >> lawrence: terror on the tarmac, skidding across a snowy runway and another catches fire midair after engine malfunction. >> steve: "fox and friends" exclusive, update from daniel penny's attorney.
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>> brian: we will ask nikki haley about that one if elected, that is coming up. is a spa. an office. hi! hello! a cinema. so automated. yes, the definition of a car changes... but one thing stays the same. it's a mercedes-benz. wowwww... this new charmin ultra soft smooth tear is soooo soft and soo smooth, i'm starting to get tearied away! ahhh, thank you mr. smooth bear. designed with smooth tear edges, new charmin ultra soft smooth tear has wavy perforations that tear so much better for a smooth more enjoyable go. mmmmm. huh? mom, you ok in there? i'm tear-ific!
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enjoy the go with charmin. my name is sister monica claire. because of tiktok, i've created a community where people can feel safe i try to provide a really accessible way of them learning about religion and spirituality, that's not intimidating. somebody in the comments said, i have no idea how i got on nun talk, but i'm not mad about it. i'm going to teach you how to pray. i'm going to teach you how to meditate, how to connect with a higher power, because we need that. we need strength and comfort.
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i think he's having a midlife crisis i'm not. you got us t-mobile home internet lite. after a week of streaming they knocked us down... dial up speeds. like from the 90s. great times. all i can do say is that my life is pre-- i like watching the puddles gather rain. -hey, your mom and i procreated to that song. oh, ew! i think you've said enough. why don't we just switch to xfinity like everyone else? then you would know what year it was. i know what year it is.
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>> steve: welcome back. "fox and friends" exclusive interview. new york judge this week denied daniel penny request to drop the
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charges against him for the death of a mentally ill homeless man jordan neely on city subway in may. >> brian: we heard from daniel penny's attorney thomas. >> we had chance to review transcripts of a doz know witnesses on the subway car and to the person, they used satanic, traumatizing, i thought i was going to die. it brought to life how terrorizing that was for anybody on the subway car. we think the mood in this city is very much in support of our client. so many people know what it is like if you take the subway to experience this situation. there is not always a savior like my client to step in. he's a marine, he knows what it is to serve.
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he is holding his head high, continuing with his studies. >> steve: the circumstances, he was, we were talking in the green room. after this happened, national news. it sounded like the da was not going to charge him. funny thing happened, there were protests and parades against him saying, you have to hold him accountable for murder and d.a. is charging him. this week new york city judge denied motion to dismiss because the grand jury had found there was reason to charge so the judge says they found reason, let's go to trial. >> ainsley: the grand jury always finds reason. >> lawrence: liberal d.a.s and soros funded alvin bragg used mock justice to go against him. i think a jury will be composed
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of new yorkers, all you need is one. >> brian: they have a ton of witnesses that say he was a savior. one guy with a huge rap sheet and said i think he should have let go earlier, that is the one guy. questionable whether the prosecution will put him forward. the other thing toxicology report, there was ketamine in his bloodstream and has a history of psychotic behavior. >> lawrence: i'm sorry, i don't understand -- >> brian: how we got to this place? >> ainsley: it is new york. if it was texas or south carolina, he was defending us. >> lawrence: i don't understand how they charge him with this crime and two other people restraining him and they don't get charged. >> steve: there was a parade of
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people outside the d.a.'s office saying, charge him. >> ainsley: pressure them. >> lawrence: i like to think the identity of the other people holding him down mattered and you can't have a justice system that operates that way. >> ainsley: the trial is in new york city, sophisticated courthouse, anyone will be college educated, ride the subway, know how crime is in new york city. they know if you -- if they put a bunch of women on there, they will say, we're terrified to defend ourselves. if i'm there with my baby, a lot of people take the subway, it is expensive to take ubers. >> brian: 27 after the hour, maine democrats introduce bill letting out of state minors change their gender without parent's permission. state sanctioned kidnapping,
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>> brian: quick headlines. in miami, atlas cargo plane experiencing engine trouble forced into landing. video shows plane midair with sparks flying over the left wing. in upstate new york, american airlines airplane slid off the tarmac in rochester yesterday afternoon in upstate new york. driver speeding on snowy road in new york tries to pass a semitruck and he slid head first into a snow plow. you see the car lights flying through the air. nobody hurt. most americans get less than
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seven hours per night of sleep. 70% of residents in new jersey and texas struggle to get shut eye. lack of sleep can cause heart disease and dementia. i get 10 to 12 hours so i have no issues. >> steve: that is funny. thanks. moving on. something different. state of maine looking to become a transgender safe haven allowing out of state teen children to get access to gender affirming care without tellings their parents. blocking police from -- the bill goes so far they are calling it state-sanctioned kidnapping. one critic is katrina smith, from maine. good morning. >> good morning, thank you for
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having me. >> steve: what maine is saying, okay, if you are thinking about changing your gender and you don't want to tell your parents and you want to get it done, come to maine, we'll take care of you. am i missing anything? >> no. maine is going to open the doors to this and open the door to kids who meet someone on tiktok and get the idea they need the therapy and grab a bus or someone will pick them up and bring them to maine and a parent will not do a thing about it. >> steve: let's say then they have the gender change. are they going home to mom and dad? that would be a surprise. i went to maine and this is how i spent vacation, then what happens? >> they may go home to mom and dad because they realize the mistake they made and need the
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person they love to take care of them. otherwise they will stay in the fantasy world they get involved in going through gender transition and counseling that looks for their gender dysphoria. state of maine has said come to us. i don't know how they go to school or anything. >> steve: reason this has gotten this far is because maine has super majority of democrats and this is part of their agenda in the state you are sitting in. what about the people of maine, do they think it is a good idea? >> i think they are overwhelmed with the thought of this. they know this issic maing decision for kids and pushing them to make decisions they are not ready to make. i think even democrats are thinking this is not a good idea and there is a huge outcry of
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committee members have heard a lot over the last week and they should. they put this bill up and bringing it to maine when people have not said this is what they want. >> steve: we'll see what happens, they'll take a vote on january 25th in your state, thank you for joining us live. >> thank you. >> steve: good luck. coming up, a cross-country storm is about to slam the northeast. janice dean, the weather machine, tracking it all. she is next. former president trump taking shots against nikki haley before the primary on tuesday. >> i would pardon him, last thing we need is an 80-year-old president sitting in jail because that will further divide our country. >> steve: nikki haley will be joining us live, she is next on "fox and friends" with a bunch of friends in new hampshire. (crowd cheers) sore throat got your tongue? mucinex instasoothe sore throat medicated drops. uniquely formulated for rapid relief that lasts and lasts.
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>> democrats are allowed to vote, which they will vote for her, they don't want to run against me, they want to run against her. it bothers me, the governor should not have wasted time with nikki. >> ainsley: former president trump last night not holding
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back in an interview with sean hannity saying nikki haley has no chance in the white house race. nikki haley joins us live to respond. good morning to you. >> good morning, ainsley, great to be with you. >> ainsley: what is your response to that, he says you have no chance. >> i was listening this morning, it is irresponsible for press to say that. democrats can't vote in this primary. they have not been able to change their registration for months. he says i want to cut social security, i never once said i want to cut social security. how am i not conservative? i was a teaparty governor, passed voter id, i cut taxes, passed tort reform, i went to un, cut a billion dollars. just because media says it, donald trump says it, it is wrong. start telling the truth.
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the problem with joe biden and donald trump, they think if they tell the american people something, it is the truth. american people deserve the truth. i will not do anything that is not tough on the border, i passed toughest illegal immigration bill in the country. i will be hard on china. he was not hard to china, he praised president xi after he gave us covid. stop taking what donald trump is saying to be golden. i've never said i would social sec security, he proposed a gas tax increase on americans, he put us 8 trillion in debt and our kids will never forgive us for that. it is not personal with me and donald trump, this is about saving our country. i don't want my kids to live like this. we don't need to continue to live like this.
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what does it say when we have media deciding who is moderate and conservative. what have i not done that wasn't conservative? i've been a conservative all my life. no one can mention one thing that says i'm not a conservative. i tell you, i think it is important media is responsible with what we have, we will keep telling the truth. the fact donald trump is lying, another reason he won't debate me, i will call him out on it. >> ainsley: you said last night you would pardon donald trump if he is convicted of a crime. this indicated to me, i'm still with him. i'm still friends with him and still support him. >> well, for me, it is not personal. problem with joe biden and donald trump, they take politics personal. that has gotten us in this situation where we are, the country is divided is toxic.
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politics is not personal, this is how we move the ball. it will not do anybody any good to have an 80-year-old president sitting in jail. i would pardon him so we could move on. we need a new generational leader that will not divide america and decide who is good and who is bad, who is right and wrong, take america with solutions so our kids have a counter they can be proud of. that should be the goal of all of us, moving forward, and that is not by making sure an 80-year-old president is sitting in jail. >> ainsley: we talked about something about the price of groceries. inflation and border is what we're hearing when we go to diners and i'm sure you are hearing the same thing. health advisory came out with numbers, american families spend $270.21 on grocery, more than $1000 per months, for a family of more $1200.
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i have a friend who has two boys and each eats two chicken cutlets, so she has to buy double. what is your response and i will read responses from people listening. people are paying more, mortgage payments have gone up, insurance has gone up. joe biden wants to go sit there and tell us the economy is great, nobody feels the economy is great. everybody feels the burden of the inflation, we have to get spending down. i called out republicans and democrats for wasteful spending they have done. we have to stop borrowing, paying 8% in interest and can't continue to go. two years we will spend more on interest payments than we will on defense budget. we don't want russia, iran and china -- get spending on being tra. >> ainsley: these people watching this, mo, brookeshg
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said my husband made $120 last year and we are living check to check. biden is destroying middle class. bob, $8.49 for a quart of half and half now. three years ago, same quart was $3.49. hard to afford creamer in my morning coffee along with cost of the coffee. looks like grocery stores, inflation has gotten a little better over the course of joe biden being in office. grocery store prices have not gone down. >> you can thank joe biden and donald trump for that. they add stimulus money to the system, that happened. we have to open up the middle class. rich are getting richer and poor are getting poorer. we want to eliminate federal gas and diesel tax and cut taxes on middle class and make tax cuts permanent. small business tax cuts are
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temporary and small businesses are the heartbeat of the community. focus on businesses and people getting cash into their pockets, as opposed to taking it away from them. people want government to serve the people again. >> ainsley: thank you for coming on with us, see you in new hampshire. love to have you on the show, we'll be there monday, tuesday and wednesday. wishing you all the best. >> go to nikki, we'll do this. take care. >> ainsley: thank you. coming up, green bay packers there sights set to face the 49ers. n.f.l. insider jay glazier joins us with a preview. first check in with dana perino for what is coming up. >> dana: glad to know who is playing this weekend. >> ainsley: thankfully there was a teleprompter. >> dana: i'll see you in new hampshire. thank you. trump, haley and desantis walk into a diner -- no, no joke.
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i have a political panel and this as former president calls on supreme court to rule in his favor on the colorado ballot ban. many developments including how you have to show your id to get on a plane and the migrants don't have to get their picture taken to enter the counter. slow the roll of electric vehicle our national security could be at risk and china sees upside. we end the week on a high note, we'll see you then. so mething more. that gritty feeling can't be brushed away. even a little blurry vision can distort things. and something serious may be behind those itchy eyes. up to 50% of people with graves' could develop a different condition called thyroid eye disease, which should be treated by a different doctor. see an expert. find a t-e-d eye specialist at
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>> brian: snow is falling in fed rick, maryland west of baltimore. the system that socked is the midwest brings a dusting to a few inches of snow to the cities i-95 corridor. let's check in with janice dean. >> enough to make don shovel this afternoon. i'll keep you up to date. let's look. some snow flurries happening in the new york city area. it's taken time. the rain forecast for the west coast. manchester the next couple of days. "fox & friends" will be in manchester for the primaries starting monday, tuesday and wednesday. that's a quick look at the temperatures. it will be pretty warm for new england this time of year as we get into tuesday and wednesday.
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there is the live radar. also lake-effect snow east of erie in ontario. the buffalo bills game is mostly cloudy and fans trying to shovel. the future radar for the west coast. we have a lot of moisture moving in and the potential for heavy rain as well as big snow for the mountains. and there is the green bay packers and san francisco 49ers. rain in the forecast because of that system moving inland. precipitation outlook looks like it will be wet for the south and mississippi river valley. then the area of high pressure the cold arctic high will move in over the next couple of days. but warmer air for much of the country, much of the eastern half of the country next week. brian kilmeade, it is going to snow in new york city. we won't get a lot of snow but enough to make the travel a little difficult. >> brian: thanks. now let's talk football. after the green bay packers big
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win last week the team is facing off against the top seeded san francisco 49ers. you heard about the rainy forecast. insider jay glazer here to break it down for us. 7:30 pre-game eastern time. what do you expect in this game, jay? great to see you. >> by the way, you know how much i love you. it is dark over here, man. i woke up in the dark for you, are you kidding me? >> brian: america thanks you. >> what do you get out of bed for? the brian kilmeade show. you are fun. >> brian: i'm honored. do you like the packers to pull off a second straight upset? >> i think right now look, i've talked to matt lafleur what he has done with jordan love. he taught me halfway through the season. have more confidence in him. once i had that confidence i have to open up more as a play caller and let him do some of these things that i was almost protecting him from.
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once he did that it became a jordan love different team. they've come back from injuries. matt lafleur has done a phenomenal job. coach of the year candidates has to be up there. but 49ers have a week to get healthy. they are really banged up going into the last game. they are the most physical team in the nfc. one of the most complete team. it is an uphill battle for the packers. they are capable of anything. you have to watch the game. >> brian: especially the pre-game. 7:30 eastern time. seven spots are open for coaches. most viewers bill belichick the most winning coach of all time. do you think it means he is heading to atlanta? >> i knew all along atlanta was
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talking to him. atlanta was a first guy to fire the head coach at 12:01 eastern time on blackmon. yet didn't put a slip in for anybody else to interview them. i think they're doing an old school interview. after covid these interviews got put on zoom. now you can't interview anybody in person until after the divisional round. what interviews used to be, they would span two days. first day is like ten or 12 hours. second day four hours. you want to know somebody. how much will we be partners? same thing here. i think the second interview is pointing to a good marriage. >> brian: thanks so much. check out his podcast unbreakable. >> because we've done this investigation the right way


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