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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  January 19, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PST

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>> as far as what comes next, there are disagreements between jerusalem and washington. netanyahu is rejecting u.s. calls to establish a palestinian state after the war. earlier this week the white house called for israel to lower the intensity in gaza. what we're seeing on the northern front of israel, the idf is fielding attacks from two separate areas not only from hezbollah in lebanon but last night the idf said it struck military equipment from the syrian army. dana. >> dana: alex hogan, thank you for bringing us that interview. >> the federal government must take responsibility and lead on this humanitarian crisis instead of leaving it for cities and localities to handle. >> we need the federal government to lean in and provide more financial assistance. our cities have reached a point where we're either close to
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capacity or nearly out of room. >> they don't have the federal support they need to be able to have resources to help them integrate successfully into their new lives. >> dana: u.s. mayors begging for the migrant crisis before their meeting at the white house. members of president biden's cabinet sit down with a delegation from mexico. both meetings are looking at the growing border disaster. i'm dana perino. good to have you here. >> bill: it's friday. >> dana: do you know the mayors are defending biden, though? >> bill: on this, yeah. they were, anyway. >> dana: yeah. they are the ones going to the white house. >> bill: it's friday, be in new hampshire this weekend. u.s. mayors looking for federal aid with a record number of migrants flooding into the country. impact is being felt in cities and towns across the country. you have lawmakers in washington seeking a border deal with the biden white house but some major sticking points remain. how do they get there? do they get there?
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gillian turner, north lawn. snow on the ground today in washington. looks great, gillian, good morning to you. >> good morning, bill and dana. the co-chair of president biden's re-election campaign says forget the border. they're thinking about huge sweeping change for the country ahead of 2024. take a listen. >> for the past 50 years, presidents have been talking about trying to rebuild the country. none were able to do it. joe biden basically said if you elect me i will bring people together and when we do things together we can do big things. >> republicans say biden's plan to rebuild the country whats a fatal flaw. it neglects securing the southern border. >> we need a wall. we need more border patrol agents, we need physical barriers, technological ba barriers. we have to close the southern border. this president has shown no interest in it. our border is national security. we need to talk about the safety
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and security and sovereignty of america before we talk about anything else. >> these major differences are not ham purring the ongoing negotiations between the house and capitol hill according to president biden. >> president biden: i don't think we have any sticking points. >> fox news voter analysis shows 41% of gop voters believe immigration is the top issue facing the country right now. secretary of state blinken is meeting with members of mexico's cabinet here in washington about the border. they will continue discussions that blinken and secretary mayorkas kicked off last month in mexico city. the border is also the top agenda item on that mayors' meeting. mayors from around the world are convening in washington at the white house for their annual winter meeting. they are going to focus on how illegal immigration is now impacting their cities. >> bill: in a big way, too.
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they have a lot to say. see whether or not they get a sympathetic voice. thank you, gillian turner at the white house. >> dana: texas troopers started arresting migrants entering the u.s. illegally at a park in eagle pass, texas, taking them into custody in a growing border battle between texas and the biden administration. paul mauro is a fox news contributor. we talk about the border a lot. apparently we're not the only ones. charlamagne tha god says he has never had this many calls. >> i have never spoken to as many people concerned about the migrant issue as i have, you know, over the past year. people will call into the radio station just this week really, really complaining about that. so i've never seen, you know, working class people who i interact with every day until this past year really, really, really express their frustration for the migrants. >> dana: so will that ratchet up the pressure enough for the
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white house to pay attention? >> clearly this is why it has become the acknowledged number one issue in the election this year for president, right? they can no longer ignore it because it seeped onto the ground level. you see the fraying in the obama coalition. you lose young people, people of color, latinos, all moving away from democratic party. this is one of the issues. dana, there is an old saying it's easy to be a holy man on a mountain. easy to be a progressive in the penthouse. when it is hitting main street, when people are walking over the migrants in the street. when they step over bodies and seeing social services being impacted and five academy classes canceled by the mayor for the nypd. he is saying he doesn't have the money. he has to give $12 billion over the next three years to the migrant crisis. when you are having things like that people feel it. you vote what you feel. that's why the economy is always a big issue. it comes home to people.
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it's not happening someplace on the border where most people don't live. as a result they feel it and that's what he is talking about. >> bill: when you look at the back and forth between d.o.j. and the state of texas. what is in the language for the migrant drownings? >> it's becoming a real stressor on our constitutional fabric because it is becoming a real states versus federal issue. in texas what they are doing is in selby in the park, they are arresting single males and females for trespass on a state charge. families to border patrol. they take people with trespass and hand them over. what was gained is they are trying to get the word back to venezuela and other areas of central and south america, don't come here because it is not going to be an easy ride. it is all they have because realistically they've tried everything. at the end of the day, the federal government, it's their charge to handle the border.
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i have never seen such an irresponsible policy. i'm wracking my brains. i've seen an administration abdicate the safety of 33 and 40 million people for some notional political gain blowing up in their faces because it is poorly throat through. it is merely go against trump. they undid remain in mexico. they stopped enforcing their southern border. mexico stopped letting people transit because we were saying you have to keep them in mexico. mexico didn't want them, either. >> dana: dave rubin posted this yesterday. snap this pic, the state of absolute insanity happening at the airports. i'm in the pre-tsa lines where migrants don't need an i.d. to get to security and their choice whether they want their picture taken. there is a plan to destroy america. here are these bullets from tsa saying you notify the tsa officer you are a migrant.
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officer will take a photo optional. how does that impact safety? >> you and i couldn't get back into america without a photo i.d. we let them in. it's astounding. ground level, all right? cops often work off of when they are doing an investigation you are working off what you know about the person. look at priors, where they lived, associates, etc. one of the things you do when they get arrested is you look at who they call. make phone calls, that gets recorded. they call a co-conspirator. saying they caught me. better get out of here. when you know something about the person it's what you do. this person we don't know who they are, where they came from and it is coming out now that venezuela is doing what castro did in the 1980s. emptying his prisons, his mental institutions and to show you where this goes, a couple of years after that we had a guy right in st. patrick's cathedral, former mental patient in cuba in the church stabbed somebody to death.
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>> bill: let's not go there, huh? let's keep away from there. >> dana: great to sigh, have a good weekend. >> bill: meanwhile want to get you the fulton county, georgia. is case against donald trump? is it possible this case falls apart? the d.a. is fani willis in the hot seat over an alleged affair with a special prosecutor she hired to take the lead in the case against donald trump. a judge is calling for her to respond to a misconduct hearing taking place next month. this took a strange turn, steve. good morning. >> certainly right. it is ugly and could get uglier soon. right now the d.a., who is in charge of prosecuting trump, is under the microscope herself. she has been accused without any evidence presented so far of hiring her lover and paying him over $650,000 as a prosecutor
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and some misused the funds to go on vacation. the judge set a hearing for february 15th. a hearing where all the dirty laundry could come out on television and could lead to a range of options for the trump trial, including throwing out the case entirely. >> if these allegations are true, could lead to a whole host of things that the d.a. doesn't want to happen. she could be removed from the case, she could be held to have a conflict of interest. the case could potentially be dismissed if it is structurely unsound it amounts to a violation of due process. >> another complication here, the prosecutor hired nathan wade in a bitter divorce fight and his wife has subpoenaed the d.a. willis. so far willis has confirmed or denied any romantic relationship with her prosecutor. back to you. >> bill: let's see what way this twists and turns. >> dana: the border looking like a revolving door.
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this illegal immigrant charged with killing a mother and son in a drunk driving crash. the tragic details ahead. plus did you catch this? >> the democrats are supporting her because she is easy to beat. the democrats are funding most of her campaign and they are doing it because they want to run against -- they don't want anymore of trump. >> bill: the gloves coming off. first primary right around the corner. is this do or die for donald trump's rivals to stop his momentum? >> dana: speaking of new hampshire they rank highest in percentage of residents with student debt. how might that affect tuesday's primary? veterans have earned a lot of va benefits with their service, but the va home loan benefit is a big one. by using your benefit at newday you can borrow up to 100% of your home's value and take out an average of $70,000. use that money to pay off high rate debt and get back on your feet financially.
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>> bill: want to share this with you. nikki haley is back on the road in manchester, new hampshire with an event. she has a listening session taking place at a school in
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manchester. the southern part of the state, where we'll be very soon. >> dana: i would love to go to a listen session. >> bill: do you have the questions? >> dana: see what people are talking about. this is what is on our minds. student loan forgiveness is seen as a top issue in new hampshire. the state has the highest percentage of people with student debt and voters are sounding off whether the government should forgive it. biden thinks so. madisonal worth is in new hampshire with more. >> we have the pulse of voters on the ground as the biden administration announced the cancellation of an additional $5 billion in student loan debt four days before the new hampshire primary. the moves raising eyebrows. >> college has long been seen as the way to secure a more prosperous future. with rising tuition costs, many students say they are graduating with more of a debt burden. >> i paid those loans off. >> this republican graduated
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with $33,000 of debt. he worked hard to now be debt free. >> no one else should be responsible for the loans i take working class people. >> some new hampshire voters are grateful for the forgiveness efforts. >> i wasn't able to pay my loans back and went in default and holding me back from going to college again. this helped me out with my credit as well. >> mary jane is far from alone. new hampshire is the state with the highest percentage of residents with student loan debt. the average debt here is $47,000. there are other options. less owns and operates a trade school. he says his graduates aren't happy. >> the highest level of frustration are from recent graduates of trade programs now in the trades saying i paid my own way. >> students like mason choose these trade programs to avoid the student debt predicament. >> why would i spent four years at a college and come out with hundreds of thousands of debt
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where i could go four year plumbing school and the most it will be is like 4,000. it is like a no-brainer for me. >> college loan forgiveness is one issue that all gop candidates agree upon. they are all against any sort of bail-out. it will be curious to see how it impacts young voter turnout on tuesday. >> dana: it's an interesting story. thank you for bringing it to us. >> instead of talking waste his time with nikki. she has no chance, no way. maga won't be with her. the problem is the democrats want her to run desperately so they have a lot of democrats signing up in new hampshire but i don't think it will matter. >> bill: there you have former president trump talking with sean last night setting his sights on nikki haley. hoping to upstage her former boss on tuesday. shannon bream host of "fox news sunday" with us now. i assume you are in new hampshire. good morning, shannon, nice to see you. here is how haley responded to
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trump's comments from the town hall in cnn last night. >> i think if he thinks i have no chance, then i have no hope, why is he running millions of dollars of ads against me? if he thinks i had no chance and no hope, why when i served in his cabinet did he say i was tough the, best u.n. ambassador he ever had and no one could move me. he gave me all this praise until i decided to run against him. >> bill: so you got that and i want to share the polling. daily tracking poll suffolk university. trump 52 as of now. nikki haley 35. ron desantis way back at 6%. shannon, you are there, what are you hearing and how do you assess it? go? >> you got a little chunk of undecided voters here and some of them may be from the chris christie camp. the fallout of him getting out of the race. do they go over to the haley camp? we'll see. you know here in new hampshire the biggest group of voters is undeclared and that means they can vote in either the democrat
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or republican primary here. we saw in iowa all of us on the ground getting the voter analysis back that there were democrats and independents who showed up for nikki haley. president trump has said that should tell you something. they want her in the general so they can beat her. he has said he doesn't like the system. people can cross over and do voting the way they can. interesting to see how it impacts things on tuesday. it is such a big block of voters up for grabs. >> dana: what do you think happened with ron desantis in new hampshire? >> dana, you didn't feel like they just didn't invest the time, money, ground game here. they were so focused on iowa that new hampshire felt like an after thought in the desantis camp. he has done some events here. here and back to south carolina where they think they have a much better chance. we've heard him say he will do nevada as well. he is willing to go to the contests where he thinks he can pick up delegates and they must
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have made the assessment new hampshire wasn't one of those places for them. >> bill: is there much talk on the democratic side how the dnc changed everything? you have a history in new hampshire where state law says we do the first primary. except now. what a lot of viewers need to understand there will be a primary for the democrats on tuesday. it will be a write-in campaign of sorts. how will it turn out? maybe reflect on the commander-in-chief? >> there is definitely some frustration here. new hampshire doesn't want to lose that prime spot as the chief first primary in the country. but because of the scrambling with the dnc and the way the calendar has changed, they are holding what is essentially viewed as an unsanctioned primary. you are right, president biden's name isn't on the ballot. there is a write in effort underway. folks saying don't forget write in biden because they are worried about the psychological impact of people who aren't following this that closely get
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a headline that says the incumbent president didn't win his party's primary that would be an embarrassment for the white house and not good optics. they hope to avoid that with a write in campaign. >> dana: what are you cooking up for "fox news sunday"? >> we have three members of congress who are surrogates for haley, trump and desantis but we'll talk to them about the campaign trail and the final push but also shenanigans in washington. they got another financial band-aid done but the border deal they are haggling over while their approval rating is 19%. >> dana: you will have j.d. vance and trump surrogate on. see you there. we'll be there monday, tuesday, wednesday, our show here and then you will be on the billboard, i will be on the panel watching you on the billboard. >> bill: we shall swap analysis throughout the night. one note here thinking of our buddy, allen. one year since his death. allen was our friend, colleague,
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our brother in arms and he would be there in new hampshire and be on with us. we think about him in heaven and sending strength to his wife, rachel, and his two kids especially this time of year. so doesn't feel like he is gone, i will tell you. >> dana: a tough loss. he certainly left a great legacy here at fox news and thank him for that and wish to best to them. thank you. >> bill: so now as we move on, the united states finds itself at war with the houthi rebels, dana. how will that work out? >> dana: even president biden isn't really sure. he says that the actions the u.s. military is taken has not stopped the rebels as fears of a wider war intensify. two fans are suing madonna over her brooklyn show last month. how they say she killed the thrill at the concert. ♪
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>> dana: an illegal immigrant from haiti accused of sexually assaulting a disabled person in september of last year is now out of jail despite efforts by ice to detain him. he was arrested last week but a local court ignored the detainer issue by ice despite the claims of rape and assault. boston field officer slammed the move disturbingly and despite our filing an immigration detainer this individual was released back into the community by the criminal court. ice detainer requests are frequently ignored due to boston's sanctuary city laws. >> bill: this looking more like an open border . illegal im grant accused of killing a mother and son while driving drunk. he was deported multiple times before his latest arrest. we're live in denver. >> good morning, bill. four times -- four times ice
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officials tell fox news they deported the suspect and if convicted in this deadly crash, it will be his sixth dui. in a bond hearing yesterday the judge agreed to a $250,000 cash bond. witnesses say he was driving about 100 miles-an-hour when he slammed into the car the couple was driving. they both died. toxicology reports show blood alcohol was three times the legal limit. he was first removed in the country in 2009. he has been in and out of jail in the u.s. four days before the deadly accident he pled guilty to a previous dui offense. according to court documents boulder county judge sentenced him to probation and work release. even as prosecutors requested a year in jail. in a statement to fox news the
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d.a.'s office says the prosecutor correctly believed the defendant was a danger to the community. instead, the judge ordered 365 days of work release. the court allowed the defendant to wait out of custody for a bed in the work release program over the office's objection. the subject has been previously removed and has no regard for immigration law as part of his routine operations. ice targets and arrests non-citizens who commit crimes and other individuals who have violated our nation's immigration laws. bill, look at this. this is the colorado bureau of investigation's list of this person's appearances and arrests in addition to duis, reckless driving, child abuse, domestic violence and failure to appear in court. he is next scheduled to appear in court on march 12th. we'll be following this. >> bill: what a loss that is, too. did not have to be that way. thank you, in denver, colorado. >> dana: tension rising in the
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red sea as the u.s. trades strikes with the houthis. u.s. and british forces launched a fresh attack in yemen yesterday. every en president biden admits it hasn't done much. >> are the air strikes in yemen working? >> president biden: when you say working are they stopping the houthis? no. will they continue? yes. >> dana: we have a colonel joining me now. sabrina singh here. >> we don't seek war, we don't think we are at war. we don't want to see a regional war. >> dana: all of that might be true but the houthis backed by iran have other ideas, it seems. your thoughts. >> we don't want a war. we may not think we're at a war. we may not say we're in war, we are in a low-grade war. we're firing at them, they are firing at us. they are hitting commercial
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vessels, we're striking back. that's a war of some kind. we've got to recognize it and we have to hit this at the source. the source is not the houthis. the source is iran. >> dana: you think we should strike inside iran? >> what we're doing now is not working. we are are hitting the houthis, a group that wants to get hit. you look at some of the houthi messaging here and dell gram and messaging in the region promoting this as they brought the united states into war. they brought commercial shipping, global commerce, to its knees. they are fighting on behalf of the palestinians. they are gaining a lot of support. every time we strike inside of yemen three gaining a lot of support. they are gaining a lot of stature. they are gaining a lot of praise inside yemen. this issue of the palestinians, this has never been an issue the houthis care about. houthis, shia group that wants control of yemen, palestinians
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largely sunni, so the houthis are hijacking this a little bit and every time we strike inside yemen, we know they can replenish these rockets, drones, missiles, we know they can replenish everything we're hitting and they just gain support. it supports their messaging. >> dana: it's interesting. we can show you the map, of course. one of the reasons it's a big deal is because of global commerce and that tracks right back to the kitchen tables of moms and dads everywhere and people all over the world rely on this waterway in order to get goods through. in order to avoid war, you have to be willing to do what's necessary to prevent one. the "wall street journal" reported over the weekend that the strike that we've done so far have only hit 15% of the yemen capacity. do we better intelligence or stronger? also the designation of the houthis as a terrorist
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organization. does that change things and help prevent a wider conflict? >> the redestination had to happen. it doesn't really change anything. it is a half measure. so they were redesignated on one terror list but they were not designated as an fto, foreign terror organization. so biden didn't go -- president biden didn't go the entire way. complicated subject. so that really doesn't matter towards this. i've been advocating since december a strike on iran to really stop this. iran doesn't care about the houthis. we hit those capabilities. we hit those drone facilities even if the strikes had better intelligence, you know, iran is going to flush those things back into yemen. just like they've been doing for nine years. the saudis will tell you. the saudis thought they could
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make quick work of the houthis. they have been at war with them for coming up on a decade. the saudis have struck the houthis more than 25,000 time. iran just flushes back the rockets, missiles and drones. >> dana: big problem indeed. colonel, great to have you. we'll stay in touch. >> bill: thank you, sir. ♪ >> bill: name the song. i can't. >> dana: madonna. >> bill: bingo. she made a couple fans so angry they're taking her to court. two men from new york are suing because her concert started late. according to the lawsuit the advertised start time was 8:30. she didn't come out until 10:45. the fans say they had a hard time getting home and had to get up early the next day. also suing live nation and
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barkley center in brooklyn, new york. we'll follow this case and see if the judge thinks it's ridiculous as it sounds. >> dana: if you did that to me i would be mad, too. >> bill: what, are you going to sue? >> dana: no. >> bill: however, if they can prove that they got off and went to work the next day early would give props to them. >> dana: they better have gone to work. we need to check on that. check the badge swipe. >> bill: we'll watch that case. >> i call this time the new fight for life. it is after roe but still women and children that need services, so as a movement, it's imperative we lean into issues of justice and economics. >> dana: the annual march for life in d.c. is today. they're gearing up for an election year where abortion looms large as an issue. a lot of young people have no interest in driving and what it could mean for the economy. let's talk to these two characters coming up here. brian and tom.
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>> bill: dramatic video southern california. a suspect robbing a seven lev when a pool is officer strolls in behind him. how about that timing? the clerk gets the attention. officer chases the suspect away. police arrest him and they also return the $4 hundred that he stole. he picked the wrong joint at the wrong time. >> dana: sure did. thank goodness for that police officer. 51st annual march for life taking place in washington today. both sides in the nation's capital point to abortion as a top election issue in 2024. fitting with the tradition, it is a cold, snowy day there mark. a lot of warm hearts.
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>> dana, it sure is. good morning. we'll look to see whether or not the wicked winter weather has any impact on the crowd showing up on national mall later on for this 51st annual march for life rally which draws thousands of pro-life activists to the nation's capital. as you were referenceings abortion expected to playoff a big issue going into the november campaign with both sides eager to talk about what is happening on the state level. for this group, though rick that's coming out here, they want to talk about some of the resources that they want to offer to women who may be considering abortion that people may not know that they have access to. >> while the false narrative persists that pro-life americans are just about the babies until birth. the real story is what you will hear today. we're for women and babies fully humanly flourishing. >> the group will march to the u.s. supreme court but of course it's the courts that gave the abortion activists the biggest surprise two years ago when it set the issue back to the
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individual states to decide. since then we have seen democrats campaign heavily on efforts to curb a woman's right to choose. >> this anti-choice activists who will descend on washington on january 19th should know that they are a shrinking minority in america. every year they are shrinking and have less and less weight with the american people. >> president biden was asked about this year's event and he says he is aware it is happening in his backyard. reporters asked him what is your message to the people showing up here and he simply said march. for those who brave the snow they will hear from a handful of speaker including house speaker mike johnson. the crowd now coming out. it is cold and snowy this morning. >> dana: looks great. thank you, mark. >> bill: house republicans meanwhile pressing for answers over allegations of financial snooping by the feds. it may sound like something out of 1984.
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it is a facts of life out of washington. >> it's a big business now. we've all become complacent. it has a big brother tone to it but it happens every single day. if you have 10 million names in your credit card file, you can be sure that somebody is scraping that data to find people that live in miami, that make over $250,000, that are involved in real estate. that's just an example that happens every day. >> bill: brian brenberg and tom shillue. this question goes to you, brine as a financial guy. searching for trump, maga and now searching for kamala and antifa. o'leary saying it happens all the time. >> you are using data for marketing purposes. you need due process court order to give this private financial information over. it is not just like maga or
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trump. it is where you are shopping. if you are going to bass pro shops or cabaella's. you could be on the list if you have fishing supplies. >> dana: where are you shopping the most? >> garage sales in cash. i do use electronic. we were looking at our notes beforehand. the note of all my payments just because. just because. i want to keep it general. on venmo. >> so you have teenagers. there is another story i want to do. we touched on this a bit. changing even on the business side of things. gen z aren't interested in driving. they don't need to, don't want to. shunning the whole thing. >> can't believe it. i asked my daughter. she drives to school now. she fought for a space and she
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has a space at her high school. she drives the school. how do you like driving to school? i can't eat my breakfast on the way to school. >> dana: she is holding the steering wheel with both hands. >> i said there are no red lights? >> teenagers with driver's license in 1997, 43%. 2023 dropped to 25%. >> dana: amazing. >> bill: is that uber or what is it? >> it's like how you can be with people. in 1997, if you wanted to be with someone, you had to drive there. you go to the video store parking lot or the mall parking lot and a bunch of cars would be there and sit around and do whatever. you don't have to be with people anymore to be with people. that changes. >> dana: you could play a video game and everybody in the same room. >> you can be on social media. the point is we value face-to-face interaction so much
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less and the car is the means to the face-to-face interactions. that's a biggest driver here is cultural. >> you are smart, brian. >> i drove a lot. 97 was my heyday for driving. i drove to the prom. we double dated to the prom in my friend's car he bought for $4 hundred. we washed the side of the car that was going to face the girl's house. that's how little time we had to get together. >> dana: is this changing also the way the car manufacturers are thinking about things? an average new and used car price, new car right now $48,000. used car 26,000. is that an issue? >> you can't afford it. car manufacturers have a problem. cars were america. they relied on increasing demographics of people wanting cars. that is all changing now. they have to figure out where do we sell these things? the answer will have to be higher priced cars to higher
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priced clients or to fleets like uber. that is a completely different ballgame. >> dana: do your girls want electric vehicles or do they care? >> they could get used to an electric vehicle. we have a standard shift. i taught agnes how to drive a standard. >> dana: that way it can't be stolen and friends can't drive it. i have friends that is the kind of car they give their kids. >> my daughter will be embarrassed she was part of this segment. >> dana: no, she isn't. >> bill: this here is the novel idea using psych dell -- psychedelics to help treat people with ptsd. will it work?
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>> harris: texas is going all out to protect america's open border. governor abbott not giving an inch to the biden administration
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demands. unreal cowardice from the homeland secretary mayorkas. he did not show up to face two mothers whose children were killed, one of them raped, by illegal immigrants. one of those moms, tammy, joins me. also congressman mark green, sean duffy, jimmy failla, "the faulkner focus" top of the hour. >> bill: here is what's going on there. teenagers in a texas town are caught on a doorbell camera participating in a new viral challenge called door knock. they are being encouraged to bang on people's doors in the middle of the night to scare them. police say it could turn deadly. this has been a tradition for decades. we're now seeing it on camera. guilty as charged as a teenager, we did it, too.
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>> dana: they know about it and why they're wearing a mask. >> be careful and stay away from dana's house. peter will get you. >> dana: u.s. lawmakers are making a bipartisan push to study psychedelics for ptsd in veterans. the defense bill will back that research. griff jenkins has the details. pretty exciting for some of these patients to think it might help them. >> it is for the entire veteran and active duty service community, good morning. most people hear psychedelic and think of hippies. doctors treating veterans for ptsd has found something different. dan crenshaw is leading the bill that allows service members to be in clinical studies. >> nothing is working. you can put people on a million
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prescriptions and pretend we can read somebody's mind and understand when they are on the verge of suicide but we can't. there is excitement about the potential for this. >> with more than 17 veterans dying by suicide every day something else has to be done. now the drugs we're talking about mdma known as ecstasy, magic mushrooms, also a very heavy one and dmt, a sergeant came back from iraq and attempted six suicide attempts. mdna therapy helped him overcome it and he travels to ukraine providing humanitarian support. >> this is no longer theory. this is no longer a conversation. these are real tangible actual results. >> the va is 100% behind it as
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well calling it a promising treatment step. >> dana: it was great to see him there and to know that he is back on the road and able to do all that. one out of five attempts. so glad they weren't successful and doing better. thank you. >> bill: we'll check out. we'll hit the road and see you on monday. am i packed? i'm doing it today. we'll see you on tuesday, we'll see you on tuesday night and see you on wednesday morning. >> dana: i'll see you on monday night, too. we'll have wonderful coverage and people you love to see in terms of panelists and the smart thoughts we got out of iowa will take them with us to new hampshire. a ton of fun. >> bill: how it turns out and the story takes a new turn and see which way it goes and gives you the best news. >> bill: i think i like the pack on the road to win. >> dana: harris is next, here she is. >> harris: president biden


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