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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  January 19, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PST

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treatment step. >> dana: it was great to see him there and to know that he is back on the road and able to do all that. one out of five attempts. so glad they weren't successful and doing better. thank you. >> bill: we'll check out. we'll hit the road and see you on monday. am i packed? i'm doing it today. we'll see you on tuesday, we'll see you on tuesday night and see you on wednesday morning. >> dana: i'll see you on monday night, too. we'll have wonderful coverage and people you love to see in terms of panelists and the smart thoughts we got out of iowa will take them with us to new hampshire. a ton of fun. >> bill: how it turns out and the story takes a new turn and see which way it goes and gives you the best news. >> bill: i think i like the pack on the road to win. >> dana: harris is next, here she is. >> harris: president biden
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meeting with a group of mayors today. it may be bumpy. they are angry over his border crisis. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." the meeting is actually an annual event but this year, as i said, it will be different. so-called sanctuary city leaders want federal help to deal with all the illegal immigrants crossing their cities, sanctuary cities, millions of dollars. because you have to feed and shelter and provide medical care and that's what they promised. but it is not free. they say it's only a tiny fraction, of course, of what has overwhelmed border communities in border states. and they manage to do it all and they need help, too. but these are sanctuary cities. it's an election year and they blue and expect the president to capitulate. denver's mayor, mike johnston, will attend. the main public hospital in his
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city is getting crushed by illegal who need care. $10 million of unpaid services. americans have to wait in line to get the same care the illegals are getting. an emotional and heated house hearing yesterday. republicans tearing into dhs secretary mayorkas over biden's border crisis. of course, the homeland security committee set to vote on an impeachment resolution against mayorkas at the end of the month. watch this. >> it has been a dereliction of duty of the grossest proportions i've seen in my 25 years of dealing with this border. >> 27 appearances of secretary mayorkas in front of this congress not one of those times did he admit that we have lost operational control of our border. >> millions of american families crushed by financial loss and the unspeakable grief of
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unprecedented loss of american lives to drugs and violent crime. this is the legacy of secretary alejandro mayorkas. >> to prevent those crimes enforce the immigration laws on books. secretary mayorkas is willfully not doing. >> harris: you saw him. committee chairman mark green. he is in "focus" along with tammy. her daughter was raped and murdered. the suspect an illegal immigrant with a long rap sheet in his former country. first matt finn at shelby park in texas. >> right now we want to emphasize the huge change in procedure we're seeing inside this park. for years migrants have been able to freely cross into this park. they would be processed by border patrol and released to go anywhere in the united states. at this moment that is not
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happening. you could see this razor wire behind me. fencing in the distance. texas has heavily fortified this park and now they are arresting anybody who crosses into this park with criminal trespass. also the texas national guard is scheduled to install hundreds of yards of additional fencing and razor wire to bolster this park's border even more. in defiance of the lawsuit between the biden administration and texas. the federal government wants full access to this park and the ability to potentially remove razor wire as it sees fit. all of this is happening here in maverick county. we talked to a democratic candidate for county commissioner. she is also the former democratic mayor proper team of eagle pass. she gives vice president harris a negative 30 failing grade as border czar. she says she thanks governor abbott for for the filing this border. while she has compassion for asylum seekers illegal
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immigration is overwhelming her small town. >> is it fair to anybody? no, i don't think it is a fair thing for anybody. you take care of your home first before you can take care of anybody else. >> and also worth noting there is an ongoing lawsuit between the biden administration and the state of texas that sits before the supreme court. a decision could come down at any moment, harris. >> harris: matt, thank you very much. tammy's life has changed forever. her 20-year-old autistic daughter kala was raped and murdered. the suspect an illegal immigrant and member of the ms-13 gang. >> she laughed to smile and left and kept her friends close and never forgot anyone. she was kind, caring, thoughtful and funny. she loved god, she loved life and god. for me this is a safety issue
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for everyone living in the united states. this could have been anyone's daughter. i don't want any other parent to live the nightmare i'm living. i'm her voice now and i will fight with everything i have to get her story told and bring awareness of the issue at the border. if we had stricter border policies my daughter would still be alive today. >> harris: so that was tammy telling us about her daughter, an amazing young woman. she said she felt so deeply for animals in need and had hoped to work in a shelter one day. at her memorial service the family played cyndi lauper's girls just want to have fun. it is who she was and how she lived her life. the "new york post" cover today has crosses to bear spotlighting the victims of biden's border crisis. tammy is in "focus" now along with republican congressman mark green, chairman of the house
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homeland security committee. tammy, i only have the words that i love you and i pray for you. we have never met but that love reaches across to wherever you are. >> thank you. >> harris: first of all, tell me about your daughter. that part of life she was in and what happened. >> she had two jobs. she was working and just living like everyone else here, wanted to just succeed in life and she -- her and her boyfriend were renting a room in a trailer and there was another -- there was an illegal immigrant who was renting out rooms in trailers and they chose her trailer for this murderer to live in. he was only living there for five days before he brutally raped, killed and raped my daughter. she just got off the night
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shift. he broke into her room and used her phone cord and wrapped it and strangled her with it and left her on the floor like trash. >> harris: you know, congressman green as you hear that and i know you wanted alejandro mayorkas to hear it, too. he has not been at there wasn't expected to be there and he didn't show up. but there is so much more to this story. if you could just tell us the history of the suspect. >> this suspect was an ms-13 member in his home country. he had the tattoos properly reflecting and by dhs policy they were supposed to see the tattoos and pull this guy aside. they didn't. they didn't catch it. they could have easily called the country but unfortunately the cooperative agreements
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between central american countries were allowed to lapse by this administration. they weren't making those calls. and this guy got released into our country. this murderer. and clearly you see what happened. what's even i think more frustrating and tammy shared this with us yesterday, in the hearing the police released him after confirming -- charging and releasing. it is insane what is happening. >> harris: you know, tammy, tell me more about that. i was reading some of the detail that you shared in that hearing. you know quite a bit about. you had to, you had to learn about the suspect. >> yes. after we found out that he was ms-13, we were shocked. and the detectives have been really great with solving her case. they did ask ice if they could
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hold the suspect until the dna evidence came back because they didn't have the evidence until, you know, dna came back. and ice refused to. so the detectives had cps, child protective services, hold him and they told the detectives they would put him in a secure location. and the detectives later found out that he was not put in a secure location. they put him in an insecured children's home with other children and there were issues there with the suspect, the murderer. and come to find out that they picked the murderer up from the children's home without the detectives knowing and put him into a foster home. >> harris: congressman green, i
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just have to step in here. he is still illegal, right? >> yes, he is. >> harris: why does he gets the same rights in this country? why does he get that? you know what he will do? they knew what he would do. ice vetted him more than the gotaways that come across our border that might have ill intentions coming from places we know are on terror supporting nations, the list of that. and this guy gets to roam and gets put into homes where there are children? >> it's insane. in fact, this individual gets more rights than an american citizen. >> harris: why? >> an american citizen under the d.o.j. if there is a court hearing pending they report that information. they will say when the court date is. for illegals they don't even advertise or tell us the court dates for these people. it is insane. they get more rights than we do. >> harris: that court date situation is a mess, anyway. it is allowing millions of people who come here illegally
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to do exactly what the suspect did, roam the country and if he is part of a gang, doesn't he get a special designation of terror? i don't get it. >> he is supposed to. >> harris: let's make this about your daughter. let's let the last few minutes be our memory and honoring her and give you the last words, tammy. >> i am going to do everything that i can to honor kala because kala did not deserve to go down like this. and i am going to make sure that all the memories that we have, i will remember them as happy and not let her memory and our memories be shadowed by someone else's sin. >> harris: beautiful young lady taken far too soon. god bless you, tammy.
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congressman green, keep us apprised of the journey of this. we will have you back soon. >> thank you. >> harris: absolutely. the questions are piling up for fulton county, georgia district attorney fani willis accused of having affair with a special prosecutor she hired, despite the holes in his resume, to lead the election interference case against former president donald trump. arguably the biggest case of her career. she picked that guy. a judge has set a date to investigate her for their alleged romantic endeavors. plus this. >> they've been saying and doing all the publicity stunts saying they wanted to get the truth out. they wanted to speak publicly. all right, you will come in for this deposition and have an opportunity to answer questions. >> harris: hunter biden now has a date for a deposition. yep, he capitulated to the republicans after two months of stonewalling. will he answer the questions?
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>> harris: we have a date after months of wrangling and a contempt threat, hunter biden is going to sit for a closed-door deposition. house republicans will lead that meeting on february 28th. >> hunter biden will have an opportunity to defend his good name and if he pleads the fifth and refuses to answer the questions, i think the american people can assume that this family has been on the take for a long time from our enemies around the world. >> harris: hunter biden agreed to the deposition date hours after his so-called sugar
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brother, kevin morris, testified before the committee. part of the impeachment inquiry into president biden. comer said kevin morris may have loaned more than 7 million to hunter biden but not exactly clear on the terms of all that money being given to him. in his opening statement, kevin morris said my only goal was and is to help my friend and client. in this country there is no pro -- sean duffy, co-host of the bottom line on fox business and former wisconsin republican congressman great to see you. before we get started, this started out with oh, republicans leaked what was said behind closed doors to kevin morris, that's where his legal team started today. just so you know, everything from that meeting according to
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james comer will be released so we can all read it. >> by the way, whether it's a democrat house or republican house, when these behind closed doors meeting j6 or other democrat investigations the members come out and tell the media what they heard and what the evidence that was presented was. that's really not the issue. the transcript will come out and people can determine what the sugar brother was saying. so he admitted to $5 million in loans, could be up to 7 million. hunter biden doesn't have a job or income. this is the game the bidens played. they will call it a loan when really it is a gift. if you get a gift from someone to the tune of 5 million or $7 million you have to pay taxes on that. if it's a loan you don't have to pay taxes on it and why they call it a loan. a way to get around not having to pay taxes. that's the scheme. by the way, the sugar brother has made three trips to the white house, also the play that
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the bidens make which is give me money and you get access. that's what is happening with morris here, kevin morris. >> harris: i want to read the quote from his opening statement. it's critical what you said. he said i did not and do not have any expectations of receiving anything from hunter's father or the biden administration in exchange for helping hunter. he knew he was giving him money. what you are saying is the money is a gift, you have to pay taxes on that. if it's a payback, i guess a loan, then you pay it back. >> well, i think -- >> harris: he doesn't have income. >> i was not a favor i was going to get in exchange for the loan. but any loan that's made, harris, has to be repaid. or it is not a loan, it's a gift and you pay taxes on that. again, they are splitting hairs. hunter biden has no income. the sugar brother, kevin morris,
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also bought artwork from hunter biden to the tune of $875,000. this is a really murky story. and more than likely if joe biden doesn't win the election these monies will not have to be repaid until sometime after the 2024 election. this is the shady business dealings that the bidens do. i think the smell test, no one looks at it and goes this is on the up and up. we think it is a fair, honorable deal. you don't lend money to people that can't pay it back. rich people don't lend five or $7 million to people that can't pay it back. so it begs the question what are you getting in exchange for the cash that's given? >> harris: i'm picking up something else you are putting down. i thought the white house said no one knew who the identities of the art buyers were going to be. we learned of at least one. we knew there might be others yesterday because we've already heard that maybe that rule
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wasn't in place when the artwork was first being sold. we don't know all of it yet. we know with this guy and that he bought artwork. i mean, it is the lies. >> bill: this is the same administration to tell you the border is secure, or that agents with migrants -- the lies that come from this white house. >> harris: all of it is about our national security. if the son is doing things that open his dad up to extortion and make him vulnerable to political enemies, all of this is a problem for the country. the border, the lies about what hunter biden was doing and all of it. the georgia district attorney -- the georgia d.a. is investigating former president donald trump for alleged election interference and is now under investigation hearse. the judge overseeing that case against trump has ordered fani willis to appear at a televised hearing february 15th. the judge will hear evidence on her alleged romantic affair with
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special prosecutor nathan wade. he is the attorney she hired to lead the entire trump case, despite his glaring lack of resume experience. glaring. those accusations exposed through a motion by one of trump's co-defendants alleging conflict of interest and misuse of public funds. criminal defense attorney phil holloway with this. >> if these allegations are true, could lead to a whole host of things that the d.a. doesn't want to happen. she could be removed from the case, held to have a conflict of interest. the case could potentially be dismissed if it is so structurally unsound it amounts to a violation of due process. >> harris: wow, taxpayers money being spent to the tune of $650,000 for a man who fox research has found has never prosecuted a felony case. >> listen, i was a prosecutor for ten years. you want the best prosecutors
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with the most experience to take on the highest profile cases in your state in decades, if not ever. you hire wade who doesn't have the experience, you pay him more than other special prosecutors would be paid. whole thing smells to high heaven. interesting fani willis hasn't denied the sexual relationship with wade. she has called racism, she has said a number of different things. donald trump is trying to get out of the charges but never denied it. this is getting really murky and mucky as well. the problem for fani willis, if she is removed from the case she loses the stardom. she has been sung as a hero by the democrat media. they love her for going after trump. if she isn't part of the case she losses that cache she wants to stay on the case. if you have a different prosecutor who takes a fairer look at the facts, they may come to a far different conclusion than fani willis and decide this does not have merit and this will be dismissed with prejudice where it can't come back.
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fafi wants this case to go forward. i believe she has a political agenda. >> harris: as much as she talked about it previous to this case, it is a mess for her. i tell you, her career is on the line and depending on how much she bilked from taxpayers maybe her freedom is on the line. we'll watch. more alarm bells coming from democrats. a third party challenge is looking more likely if we see a trump/biden rematch. who actually loses votes to the third party? well, it is getting chippy. >> she has no chance. she has no way. >> the fact that donald trump lied is another reason why he won't debate me. >> you have biden, you have me, you have trump and haley. i'm the only one that's not running a basement campaign. >> harris: republican presidential candidates trading jabs in new hampshire ahead of tuesday's primary. the latest from the campaign
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>> harris: republican candidates attacking each other ahead of the new hampshire primary with their words, of course. >> sthe is not going to make it. she has no chance, no way. maga won't be with her. >> there are multiple instances we need to start asking donald trump the questions and stop taking what he is saying to be golden. >> we basically have four candidates between the two major parties. you have biden, you have me, you have trump, and you have haley. i'm the only one that is not running a basement campaign. >> 50% of the republicans would be lost to nicki, not to ron. >> the fact the donald trump is lying is another reason why he won't debate me. he knows i will call him out on it. >> harris: we didn't even get to the ads, the actual attack ads. oh my goodness, so many words. all right.
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well, one haley backer is putting some big pressure on her. billionaire home depot co-founder says he will see how she does tuesday before writing a fat check, quote, if she doesn't get traction in new hampshire you don't throw money down a rat hole. today's state tracking poll shows former president trump with a 17-point lead on haley. he is up two points and she is down one from wednesday. power panel now, doug collins, former republican congressman of georgia. kevin walling, former biden campaign surrogate. doug, i will start with you. we all know when you are looking at a good daily tracker and this one is, it's a good combination of polling and all of that, when you are looking at that it will change day-to-day. doug, what are you looking at for the total race ahead of tuesday? >> well, it is not changing that much. if you look at the numbers, up
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two for trump, down one for haley. the interesting thing. the polls in iowa that are very hard to judge many times but got it dead on in iowa. the numbers haven't really changed coming up into new hampshire as well. really, i think the thing that you have to look at here and we talked about it earlier in the week, there is no pathway even if there was a miracle showing in new hampshire, for nikki haley past new hampshire and no showing at all for ron desantis. it will be safe he can keep his checkbook in his pocket. >> harris: you are trying to save him money? >> i'm with doug. the polling was spot on the des moines register poll in iowa. and listen, we're four days out from the new hampshire primary. i am looking at the 40% of new hampshire voters that are undeclared or independent and seeing what they do. they delivered a victory for hillary clinton in the match-up
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against barack obama kind of a surprise victory. they delivered a victory for john mccain in 2000 when all the marbles were behind george w. bush. there could be interesting things to happen tuesday night we have to watch. >> harris: when you talk about the undeclared you also have a situation as i understand it, you know, please feel free to correct me, if you are a democrat wanting to help out one of these candidates you can declare differently but you have to have to register as something else. i think the deadline has passed in october. >> you are right. that deadline to switch party affiliation has passed. democrats only vote in democratic primaries. we aren't having one this cycle as you know. republicans are only voting in republicans. those undeclared independent folks, that 40% of voters can pick to vote either in the democratic or republican primary. >> problem with that is if you are nikki haley, you are down 25. i did the numbers this morning.
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you are down 25 in your home state of south carolina and nevada you aren't on the ballot and going into the super tuesday states which are much more conservative. i don't think the message you want to send to those voters are we'll do well in new hampshire because liberal and moderate republicans will vote for me. me going with kevin saying for biden to come into georgia having a democrat run in georgia really conservative democrat in new york. it doesn't work that way. i think that's your biggest problem. if this is a longer picture that has to happen here and i think you will see donald trump win tuesday night and as i said earlier it is already over but it will be over after tuesday night. >> i will run on the ticket with doug any day. >> harris: i have a cool hoodie with mackinac island. >> i'm cold today. >> harris: i don't know which party this hurts. president biden, former
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president trump, both of them could be looking at a rematch this november and reports keep coming of a possible third party challenge from the centrist group no labels. top democratic strategist james carville with a warning for them. >> the third party is going to get a lot of votes in 2024. i'm just telling you. it is going to get a lot unless something really changes. it is hard to see the changes. >> harris: i hoped the bleep was long enough there. the political organization no labels is asking the department of justice to investigate whether activists in both political parties are conspiring to keep the group from launching a ticket. no labels founding chairman joe lieberman says if nikki haley doesn't get the republican nomination the group could consider her as part of a unity ticket. >> i'm sure people in no labels would give that the most serious consideration. we are talking about a lot of
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people in both parties about potentially running. really none of them have said no but none of them have really said yes, i'm ready. >> harris: that's how you play politics, right? you just don't say anything. another potential no labels candidate reportedly could be democratic west virginia senator joe manchin. he visited new hampshire last week. doug, what do you make of it it? >> yeah, i have to agree it could make a difference but it will be a very specific difference. if it's joe manchin with somebody that either is not a very well-known republican or very well-known other, it really would take more away from joe biden in certain states especially in i think some of your super tuesday states and some other part. it would be joe biden's fear, i believe. now, if there was a somehow they botched together a ticket that had a stronger democrat like manchin and a stronger republican. then you get into states like utah where it could be a little
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bit of an interesting thing. there are no republicans i see that would be willing to run on the no labels ticket. >> harris: you don't think it will be haley. >> i think she thinks -- she has aspirations if this didn't work out and young enough to run again. you go to a no labels ticket with either party she is done. >> we've seen former presidents try to get their office back and always been spoilers. they never have actually elected a president and listen, you have joe biden who is one of the most bipartisan presidents we've seen in a generation. i helped found no labels back a decade ago. i don't understand why they don't get behind the most bipartisan president. joe manchin has more signing pens from biden than he has any other. >> harris: you are trying to help your guy who you were a surrogate for get into office.
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you get credit for that. >> he has more pens for bidens because he votes democrats, not bipartisan. >> harris: that's the last time i try to protect your time, kevin. you just take it away. >> we got it. >> harris: gentlemen, thank you. always fun with you both. four days until what will be a pivotal contest in the race for the republican nomination for president and "the faulkner focus" has you covered on all things new hampshire. i'll be with you from the granite state on monday and tuesday with a host of special guests, including voters' voices in live, in person from new hampshire. they will be part of the determining winner, you know it. and the reporter who questioned biden's climate czar, john kerry earlier, is now calling him out again. >> he is not the only hypocrite here. he have is just one of hundreds,
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if not thousands that dictate and preach climate alarmism. they don't actually believe what they are saying. >> harris: he really pushed kerry on his private jet setting. john kerry doesn't seem to be cutting back on taking the jets. he is still not talking about reports on the high taxpayer cost of his staff. plus more gas and another terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day for president biden. jimmy failla in "focus" next. i suffer with psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis. i was on a journey for a really long time to find some relief. cosentyx works for me. cosentyx helps real people get real relief from the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis or psoriasis. serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and an increased risk of infections, some fatal, have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. i move so much better because of cosentyx.
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>> harris: house republicans are demanding answers over reports of financial surveillance by federal investigators. of americans's bank transactions, particularly those of conservatives. it is part of a probe into the january 6th riots, so they say. in addition to terms like trump and maga, though, they were flagging any search terms among people's banking documents that included biden, antifa, kamala, retail names like dick's sporting goods, bass pro shops. look at the list of words they looked for. you would scoop up democrats at
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a liberal network putting out some of that stuff. kelly o'grady of fox business in los angeles. this feels targeted, kelly. >> harris, it is also raising a lot of questions now over what information banks are sharing and with whom. so we decided to do a little digging after this came out. when you agree to bank or get a loan you agree to share a significant amount of data. your social security number, income, sensitive information. but banks also get access to your spending habits, browsing activities. most of the time that's used to detect fraud but legally they can share it. so under the act banks can't share information that's not public but less sensitive data to marketers and advertisers, banks are required to inform you of this. you get a bank telling you why they shared the information. if you don't want information to be shared you have to opt out. sometimes you can't.
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government agencies can subpoena information they deem necessary for investigations. d.o.j. website says a federal agency may obtain financial information about you without advance notice or your consent. in most of these cases the federal agency will be required to go to court to get permission to obtain your records. we reached out for clarification and haven't heard back. security experts say government agencies have much morley -- more leeway over data collection. >> it insulates it from a lot of scrutiny as to what goes on. >> harris, the list that you mentioned at the beginning not everyone is so trusting of the government with their data. >> harris: thank you very much. let's jump into it quickly. jimmy failla host of fox news saturday night with jimmy failla. brand-new and it is shiny like a new penny.
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and fox across america. all right. so they are scooping. i'm surprised your name wasn't on that list. if you fly. >> since you invoke my name i'm thankful they didn't search some of the terms i used. i would have big problems. where are the civil libertarians on this? this is obvious aan overreach and violation of our civil liberties. they are operating in the gray area for a purpose, to target a certain group of voters. this is not an innocent bipartisan attempt at keeping us safe. this is an attempt to actually putting their focus toward republicans but probably ensnaring democrats. democrats use the word trump more than anybody. they get paid by the trump, you know? >> harris: worries, concerns about president biden's age and fitness for office seem to be growing by the day as he is asking americans to reelect him.
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the daily caller with this headline. mcdonalds, missiles and marches, biden's thursday is a gaffe real. receipts all from a single day. >> what is your message to those attending? >> march. >> are the air strikes in yemen working? >> when you say working, are they stopping the houthis? no. will they continue? yes. >> during the pandemic when schools were shut down and kids weren't able to attend school and go online. how many of you spent time in mcdonalds parking lots tapping into internet to do homework with your kids. you know how many billionaires we have in america today? 1,000. you know what their average rate -- federal tax rate is? i should walk away from this. debra ross, where is debra. i just had my picture taken with her.
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that's probably why she left. [laughter] all kidding aside. anyway, oh, she couldn't be here actually. that's not true. i got her mixed up. >> harris: the cringe on that i could smell it. >> it is progress because at least he was calling out for a living person. it is sad. that's what we did last summer when he was calling out for a deceased woman. biden should step aside for somebody younger like moses. our enemies don't pretend it is fine. they are watching what we're watching and going this man isn't well. >> harris: maybe not from them. people like david axelrod, top advisor to obama. >> he won't be the nominee. i would bet -- >> harris: tell you that it won't be him. they don't say the word age. >> it is not about age.
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98-year-old people can run marathons. he is in bad shape. you look at the car fax on him you wouldn't by it. >> harris: john kerry was confronted of his carbon footprint in davos, switzerland. >> what's the carbon footprints of these event every year that you come here? you think it's worth it? >> that's a stupid question. >> why do you think you are more important. your carbon footprint doesn't matter? >> nobody ever suggested that. don't make up stupid questions. >> the reporter is speaking out. >> it was so ironic he called it a stupid question. i think it shows how out of touch he is and how out of touch they all are. it is probably the most basic question that the average joe in america, i know in australia are asking. why are you such a hypocrite? >> harris: new report finds kerry's climate office cost taxpayers 4 1/2 million dollars
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every year and also reported that all but one of kerry's office staffers make six figure salaries. we never learn the names of any of those staffers. transparency through a cheesecloth. >> exactly. i love this reporter for doing that, though. he is putting kerry on the spot what we all know to be true. a lot of this movement is a fraud. we now it is a fraud because if you are not adhering. you are telling us this is an emergency. if your house is on fire it's an emergency. you don't say i'll get around to calling the fire department in two years. if we're in a climate emergency every day you board a private jet is exacerbating the house fire. i will give him minor credit on hypocrisy. he can't fly commercial. people confuse him with mr. ed. he is a dirt bag and it's a grift. >> harris: i want to ask this question. this guy has to have talking points. at one point i think he wanted to be the president of the united states. or just maybe famous. i don't know.
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it didn't go well for him. >> he learned in the modern washington the bureaucrats have more power than the elected officials driving all this policy. this is like his end around to president. he couldn't get elected but he can push all of this on us. >> harris: that's interesting. the unelected have so much power in our lives. that's been a thing that's been talked about all week long. >> that's what's driving a lot of people crazy. as much as we beat each other over elections the basement bureaucracy dictating national policy and policy they don't believe in but they make good money. >> harris: why does all the stuff have to happen in the basement? >> biden in the basement. i'm with you, >> harris: the basement is a great place. tv, sports on, chiefs. i should whisper like biden. congratulations on the new show. i will see you live from new hampshire on monday. now "outnumbered."
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