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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  January 19, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PST

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can neuriva support your brain health? mary, janet, hey!! (thinking: eddie, no frasier, frank... frank?) fred! how are you?! fred... fuel up to 7 brain health indicators, including your memory. join the neuriva brain health challenge. >> [cheers and applause]. >> greg: thank you all. studio audience. i love you, america! >> [cheers and applause]. >> trace: i am trace gallagher. 11 p.m. on the east coast and 8
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o'clock here in los angeles. it their is fox news at night. tonight there and outrage over accusations that conservatives are being targeted by the federal government even having their bank accounts scanned to find out where the maga republicans shop. it's 73 hours from the first in the nation primary. votes being cast in new hampshire. not only as the former president scored a major endorsement, he is expanding his lead in the polls. brian is live in a chilly new hampshire. good evening. >> trace, it's 13 degrees here in manchester, new hampshire. south carolina senator and former presidential candidate tim scott endorsed donald trump at a rally in new hampshire. trump and former governor nikki
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haley tried to secure scott's endorsement. he shows the front runner even though he said heed not endorse in the primary. he told fox why he changed his mind. >> it's time to unite our party so our only target is firing joe biden. out country can't fake 4 more years. the best way to get rid of joe biden as president is to unite behind trump. >> i asked nikki haley about scott snubbing her despite the fact she appointed him senator. >> it's disappointing. all of the washington insiders are going towards trump. he said he wanted to drain the swamp. you won't drain the swamp that way. we are moving around. it's not about endorsements from
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elected officials. we will stay on the ball and keep doing what we are doing and moving on it. >> a new poll has trump leading haley by 17 points in new hampshire today. trump gained 2 points and haley lost a point. the two ramp up their attacks against one another. >> we can't afford to have 2 candidates in their 80s with our country in disarray and world on fire. >> we won't do the job. i had experience with her. she is not bad but she is not going to do the job. >> the new hampshire secretary of state expect record turnout on tuesday. record turnout for a republican primary, the most they have ever seen. >> trace: thank you. let's bring in washington examiner reporter gabe. instead of endorsing his fellow
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south carolina person, tim scott went for the former president trump. ron desantis thinks this is a hit for nikki haley. what do you think? >> it's interesting that tim scott endorsed former president trump after october of last year he said the former president was unelectable. this represents the extent that donald trump has a commanding lead in the republican presidential primary. ted cruz and tim scott are making a calculation in a trump administration they would want to be in the good graces of the person that could win over those who are behind. >> trace: the significant lead. i will put this up. the latest poll. you can see the numbers here. trump at 52%. up 2 points from just yesterday. you can see the momentum going that way. nikki haley yesterday at 36. today at 35. what do you make of this?
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momentum going in different directions here? >> we saw this pretty clear with the iowa caucuses. the former president trump won within 30 minutes. his race hasn't been close the whole time. we will see what happens in new hampshire on tuesday. i think trump has a sizable lead. >> trace: and those numbers, you go down the list of how long this goes. the numbers for nikki haley good enough for her to keep going on? ron desantis is not even campaigning there. good enough at 33 for her to say okay we are moving on? >> yes, i will leave that up to the political people to decide when to leave or enter the race. it will be interesting. >> trace: the "new york post" said don't be shocked if michelle obama sneaks her way
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into the 2024 race. could see, gabe? >> i have not learned any information about that. i will tell you this: president joe biden is an unpopular president. polling with a rating of 40% or under. 2 out of 3 democrats said the current president should not run again. i can't speak to whether michelle obama will enter the race but he is more popular than president biden. >> trace: thank you. alec baldwin is facing involuntary manslaughter charges over the shooting on a new mexico movie set in 2021. the actor in "rust" insists he did not pull the trigger. christina is live with this on-going saga. >> if convicted of involuntary manslaughter the hollywood star
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could serve a year and a half in prison. a grand jury indicted baldwin for his death in the role of hutchinson. hutchins. baldwin was pointing the prop gun at hutchins when it fired. killing her and injurying the director in new mexico. baldwin denied any wrongdoing. he said he pulled back the hammer but did not pull the trigger. he was initially charged with involuntary manslaughter last year in january. but april special prosecutors dropped the charges after new evidence about the prop gun. a new analysis determined that the trigger had to be pulled for the gun to fire.
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attorney's for hutchin's family said we are looking forward to the criminal trial. baldwin's attorneys told fox news they look forward to their day in court. >> trace: the far reaching effect ofs america's illegal immigrants crisis is felt from colorado to new york. there are political consequences. deadly consequences and unknown consequences. jackie is live is the new information about this. >> good evening. an illegal immigrants from el salvador had his bond set at $250,000 after crashing into a car under the influence and killed a woman and her son. he was deported 4 times. his blood alcohol level was 3 times the league limit.
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witnesses said he was driving 100 miles per hour. if convicted it will be his 6th dui. he pled guilty to a previous offense just 4 days before the fatal crash and was sentenced to work release. prosecutors wanted him in jail for a year. this comes days before voters mark their ballots in new hampshire where polls show immigration is one of the top issues. it's not just the story making headlines but news out of colorado where a denver hospital system is on the verge of collapse due to the cost of carrying for a large influx of illegal immigrants. in new york city kids were not able to attend school in person it was housing migrants. republicans in cong are demanding comments about tsa about migrants using an app to
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board flights racing significant security concerns. >> trace: thank you. fox news at night common sense department wonders if the u.s. government losts its mind. ray said he has never seen so many threats. he is worried. why are you we allowing more illegal immigrants into the country with zero vetting than ever before? not just a few more. we are talking millions more. the number of illegal immigrants turning on the terrorists watch list is up to 2,500%.
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we don't know about the got aways. illegal immigrants with fly on u.s. airlines without i.d. or a picture. if you are here legally you need photo i.d. illegally it's the honor system. something bad is bound to happen. the biden administration may be forced to take the blame unless there is a maga republican in the area. let's bring in former attorney general and law professor john. missouri senator josh hauley said this about no i.d. for illegal immigrants: this practice not only undermines the rule of law but raises significant security concerns for commercial air flight. is he right, john?
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>> i think so. the whole purpose of the tsa security system and the reason you and i wait in lines and take our clothes off and put our bags in the x-ray machine is to make sure that people who get on to airplanes have been screened. not just for the things they carry but for their identity. i was shocked when i saw that news that the tsa is allowing people who are here illegally to get on planes without any yed. -- any i.d. you can't run their names against a terrorist watch list. this is a failure of the current administration's immigration policy. >> trace: they do not have to a picture. colorado illegal immigrants deported 4 times. now allegedly drunk and killed a mother and a son.
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it's a revolving door in colorado. you as a law professor, what are your thoughts on this happening in this country? >> i think this is a terrible but predictable consequence. i am an immigrant to the country. we are a country of immigrants. that doesn't mean it should be an open border. you can vet and decide who should come in and who shouldn't come in. the last people we should allow are people who committed felonies in their home countries. we are seeing the example of it here. biden has to get control of the border but it has to be done with criteria and standard so don't just let in anybody. >> trace: this is between jack and the president. watch. >> [inaudible].
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>> trace: it's hard to hear, john. do you believe the border is secure. bidened no it's not. i have not believed that for it 10 years. is this a legal fix to this? or is this all political? >> no, there is partly legal and part political. the president is in charge of
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enforcing the laws including the immigration laws. to say it's a question of money is deflecting the blame to congress. that didn't account for biden to ending the remain in mexico policy and allowing more people in the country without any chance of being removed. >> trace: john, have a good weekend. thanks for joining us always. another major story. fox news at night is following like we have all week is the alleged targeting of conservatives by the federal government. look into the stores that maga republicans stop. kevin cork is live with disturbing information. >> what biden administration has been doing, some of which is just now being disclosed by the gop led house, is say critics
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fostering a dangerous us versus them view in the country. not just the view of the government but of the president himself. it may not seem like a big deal but in real life in an election year it could prove catastrophic for an incumbent who is under water in most national polls. imagine a world where they ask to search for terms like trump and maga combing over customer data. that is raising eyebrows and tensions in the country. the widening political gulf in the u.s., consider this. this is what is happening in maine right now. that's where a bill was introduced that would allow teenagers from other states to receive hormone treatments and surgery in maine without
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parental consent and grabs the state temporary custody of the minors. a democrat is sponsoring the bill. critics call it state sanctioned kidnapping. maine is not alone. california, new hampshire and minnesota are considering trans-tourism laws. >> trace: we will talk about that. kevin, thank you. let's bring in nicole the founder and president of parents defending education and attorney julie from los angeles county. julia. you talk about kevin. he is going over this whole list of ou conservatives say they are targeted by the federal government. we saw this at school board meetings across the country for months. the doj is going after me.
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now they are saying why are you going after people shopping at dick's sporting goods? it doesn't make any sense. it makes people feel like here we go again. they are picking a group and just going after them like they did for parents for so long. >> right, this is something we saw in the case against the department of public health in l.a. county. discovery showed federal congressional offices asking to it censor conservative speech. last night there is a mom's for liberty even in new york city. they came out to rally against this hateful group. where were they when students were displaced from their high school by migrants. >> where were these people when we had all of the anti-jewish
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protests. >> trace: you're absolutely right. what unites rich and poor parents? a common rejection of disconnected teachers unions. ivory-tower academics. why are minorities across all incomes and education levels rejecting democrats? that's a good question. we are in the political season. we talked about why is there this shift among minority groups? they are fed up is what is happening. >> they are sick of being told you are a victim. you have no chance for success at america. my grandparents met at internment camp in california and i am on your show and that's a success story. this is a slap in a face. >> trace: we talked about this.
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maine republican state. carina smith on fox and friends. imagine your child getting hormones and surgery without your consent to change gender. >> maine is opening the doors to this and opening the door to kids who meet someone on tiktok. get the idea they need this surgery or hormone replacement therapy. they will grab a bus or someone picks them up to bring them to maine. a parent can't do a thing about it. >> trace: takes parents out of the mix. >> this is totally insane. >> trace: and yet here we are. >> we are doing this in public school in california as well. we are teaching children their soul has a gender and their body might be mismatching their soul's gender. the school guides them through this psychological transition
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that leads to surgery. this is happening at states across the country. it's insane. cowardly politicians are too afraid to talk about the issue. they don't want to be called a bigot so they vote for this stuff. it's dangerous to kids. i have to talk about in california we have a group called protect kids ca. they are gathering signatures right now to get a measure on the ballot to protect kids from this ideology. >> trace: yale daily news. students walk out of class to stand with gaza? >> the fact that judges like jim said they are not hiring students from yale law school. this will accelerate and make people across lots of fields
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saying hire yale gradutes is not worth the effort. they are too much trouble. >> trace: a police officer walks into a convenience stores and happens on an armed robbery. we will speak to the officer next. air travel courtesy. do you tip your flight attendant? it's a full-blown argument on the internet. one airline said tipping is appropriate and others say it's not. let us know on x and instagram. we will show you the results and read the best responses in the night cap. we are coming right back with breaks breaking news on the opposite. to 50 years with my best friend and my soulmate. [clanking] [gasping] nooo... aya... quick, the quicker picker upper! only bounty absorbs spills like a sponge.
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and bounty is 2x more absorbent so you can use less and get the job done with one. you've got a bit of your face on your face. bounty, the quicker picker upper. and get four rolls in one with the bounty mega roll. our longest lastng roll.
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>> trace: fox news at night loves a hero cop story. check out this surveillance video of a police officer in los angeles who walked into a 7-11 in the middle of an armed robbery. christina has the rest of the story. >> this guy was awesome. i talked to him tonight. a hero. this officers jumped into action stopping a thief who had a loaded gun after the suspect held a cashier at gun point east of downtown los angeles. the suspect who is 48 years old ramon gonzales is wearing a hoodie with a mask around 8:30 wednesday night. he brandished a gun and demanded money from the cashier. seconds after the cashier loads a bag with cash, a police sergeant hernandez walks into the gas station to buy water. he said he could tell something was wrong with the store clerk
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immediately. >> i noticed the fear in his face. okay, something is wrong. then i noticed the guy's hands the bagot counter. that's -- i kept an eye on him and stopped behind him. i almost instantaneously he grabbed the bag and started running. >> the store clerk why would out he has a gun and is taking the money. hernandez jumps into action. chasing down the armed suspect and arresting him. >> any officers in my situation would react the same way. it was apprehending him to prevent the risk of harm to somebody else that was standing out there. >> officers said gonzales had a loaded handgun and $400 cash which was returned to the store.
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he was charged with robbery and carrying a concealed weapon. >> trace: let's bring in republican candidate for congress in california and the gop chair woman. i want to talk about crime affecting politics jessica. that's your field. the san diego union tribute wrote this: is california retreating from progressive ways due to concerns about crime? maybe. what is happening on a key issue feels more substantial and suggests california is no longer as blue itself -- as it used to be. do you feel that? >> crime is a huge issue in california. after a decade of radical policies that democrats championed we are seeing the effects.
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our own governor committed to releasing 76,000 prisoners and 63,000 were violent. the fbi crime statistics last year: california increased violent crimes by 13% while the rest of the nation was going down. our rate is 31% higher than the national average with violent crimes. people are waking up to it. >> trace: kate do you look at the numbers and say this is something i want to campaign on because it's starting to r resonate? >> 1,000%. i am married to a democrat and he is appalled by what governor newsom allowed in our state. all of these big stores everything is locked down. amazon is taking down businesses because of crime. >> trace: had we known he was
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a democrat we would have asked security to be here -- kidding. voters say the u.s. border is not secure. 62% of people believe that the border was not security and just 30% said it is. that's in deep blue california. talking a pendulum swing. when you see that, you think, people are tired. people see what is happening in california. they are like this can't go on. we can't do this. >> the border crisis is no longer just a red state issue. president biden and washingtons democrats made everything state in this country a border state. when you see democrat mayors in chicago and new york city that are buckling to the pressures of migrants in their city you know
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it's a huge issue. it's something that every single democrat will have to very to like our vice-president who is the border czar. this will be a huge issue in november. >> trace: when i heard it was the number 1 issue in the iowa caucus, okay that makes sense. i get it. it's conservative. then they said it's also the number 1 issue in new hampshire. that's interesting. the "l.a. times" writes the following: the divide among democrats could signal trouble for biden on the 2024 campaign trail but more so in other states than in california. that's the "l.a. times." is california not as committed to this immigration crisis as the rest of the country or the "l.a. times" got it wrong? >> i think our state is definitely committed to this crisis. i talk to veterans. the largest veterans population in the country they are sick and
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tired to being depriorized to migrants. people are dedicated to this here in our state. i don't think it matters what side of the aisle they are on. >> trace: i talked to a vet. 2.5 months to see primary care. we can't did on like this. thank you, both. the alaska door blow out story that broke on fox news at night put a renewed focus on air travel safety. we have new images of 2 more scary examples of why the issue should stay in the spotlight. on the west coast. trip across america. live look at the bridge on lake union in seattle where the sea hawks are looking for a head coach. the cardinals welcome back matt
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carpenter. and an overhead view of the beautiful frederick maryland dean -- that's enough. be extra careful with the icy roads. set your dvr and watch us any time. now, there's skyrizi. ♪ things are looking up, i've got symptom relief. ♪ ♪ control of my crohn's means everything to me. ♪ ♪ control is everything to me. ♪ feel significant symptom relief at 4 weeks with skyrizi, including less abdominal pain and fewer bowel movements. skyrizi is the first il-23 inhibitor that can deliver remission and visibly improve damage of the intestinal lining. and the majority of people experienced long-lasting remission at one year. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms,
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had a vaccine or plan to. liver problems may occur in crohn's disease. ♪ now's the time to ask your gastroenterologist how you can take control of your crohn's with skyrizi. ♪ ♪ control is everything to me. ♪ ♪ learn how abbvie could help you save. my name's cody archie. and i'm erica. cody: and we're first generation ranchers from central texas. erica: and because of tiktok, we're able to show people from all over the world where their food and fiber come from. cody: we have dorper sheep and we have beef cattle for the sole purpose of going into the food chain. we use tiktok as a tool to inform people of what we do and why we do it. there's just a plethora of knowledge and of information swapping going on there. tiktok is helping us protect this way of life for future generations.
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>> trace: new video. a cargo plane on fire and a passenger plane making an emergency landing on a high way. kevin cork is back. >> in each instance the pictures tell a harrowing tale. friday an a small passenger plane made an emergency landing on a northern virginia high way after taking off from washington
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duels airport. the aircraft was carryi ing passengers and 2 crew members. nobody was hurt. the pilot landed in the west bound lanes. it was en route to pennsylvania in which the miami, florida, a plane suffered an engine mal function. the problem forcing the pilot to make an emergency landing in miami after the aircraft was in the air less than an hour. it was on the way to puerto rico when it had sparks and flames. atlas will have an inspection. >> trace: don't want to be on that plane. new york democratic congressman bowman backing a reparations bill that would payout $330,000
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to 41 million miracles. let's -- americans. bowman wants to spend 14-trillion dollars on these reparations. you are young. what are your thoughts on this? >> well, i won't be taking policy prescriptions from somebody that doesn't the know the difference between a fire alarm and a door. having massive reparations that cost the american taxpayers billion dollars one do much. what he could do to help black americans is close the border and deal with illegal immigrants which is taking jobs away from working class black people and
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putting a strain on black neighborhood where were a lot of illegal immigrants are held. >> trace: a singer of 5 for fighting. made compelling videos dealing with current events. he released one called we are not okay. i will play a portion of this and get your response. >> ♪ ♪ ♪ i don't understand ♪ ♪ ♪ >> trace: he said its not pro-israel or pro-palestinian. do entertainers sway people? >> absolutely. some is meant to create discourse. he wants to create conversations. that's important want not only
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the creative element of expressing himself, but allowing those issues to come to the surface. stewart talked about the importance of film and how you can get through to it people. music really does the same thing. >> trace: music with the video and the pictures. it's very compelling. that's a great answer. are young voters, this israel and hamas things are young voters swayed by this? i want to read this to you. main stays of the democratic coalition appear to be leaving biden's party in drove. he loses them by 24 points in 2020. that's a massive swing of young voters and voters of color. >> yes. you are right, trace. this conflict with hamas and
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israel is having a huge exact on joe biden's favorability with young people. especially leftists. i have leftist friends and i also have conservative friends. the leftists ones never like him in the first place. they like bernie sanders. joe biden is their candidate. that's on top of the economy not doing well. young people are struggling. a lot of people laid-off in lower paying jobs want the way he failed them on his student loan fore giveness. they have to pay that. young people are disillusioned with joe biden. i don't think they will vote for trump. i think they will stay home from the polls which will help him. >> trace: alec baldwin again indicted on involuntary manslaughter. does he go to jail? this seems like a merry go around. >> i have strong opinions about this. i followed it from the start. this is a situation that needs
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to be resolved at the larger levels. safety on the set. and not be the individual who was told he had a gun that was cold. there was supposed to be no live ammunition on set. they have not established he knew that. they keep coming back. it feels political. they want a head on the chopping block. >> trace: he did a good trump impersonation. the government won't shut down at midnight. fwhou that congress passed the emergency spending bill. how they did it might drive you batty or ducky is a better phrase. here's chad pergram. >> make way for ducklings on capitol hill. the bill congress used to avert a shutdown has nothing to do with federal spending. instead congress used a duck
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bill. >> [quacking]. >> the senate took the house's duck stamp act of 2013 to fund the government requiring legislation dealing with spending take flight in the house. the senate plucked the bill and stuffed it with provisions to avoid the shutdown and flew it back to the house. >> we are about to fund the entire government of the united states as an amendment to a bill about duck hunting. that doesn't strike me has a good way to fund the government. >> it sounds daffy but that's the way they make duck soup in congress. >> trace: thank you. coming up: how much do you tip your flight attendant? that is dividing the internet. should you tip them. there is time to weigh in on x
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and airngs instagram and the night cap crew will weigh in next. recommend tylenol®. it won't irritate your stomach the way aleve® or even advil® or motrin® can. for trusted relief, trust tylenol®. awkward question. is there going to be anything... leftover? oh, absolutely. [inner monologue] my kids don't know what they want. you know who knows what she wants? me! with empower, we get all of our financial questions answered. so you don't have to worry. empower what's next.
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♪ ♪ >> trace: we are back with a nightcap crew. kevin corke, jackie ibanez,
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jessica malan patterson, and tonight's topic, tip-top flights. this week the internet was divided when one man posted on x asking how much people tip their flight attendants. many who responded to his post had never thought of it, while others tip big bucks. should we tip flight attendants? we've got to start you with this. would you tip your flight attendant? >> listen, i think under a trump economy tipping is wonderful. under bidenomics, not so much. [laughter] prices are so expensive already, and then you have the doors flying off the airplanes and lighting on fire. no thanks. >> trace: you are out. very good. julie hamel? >> i've never thought about it before, but when my kids were really little, one of them barfed a lot on airplanes and cause a lot of problems, so if i knew tipping was a thing, i would have tipped a lot. >> trace: it's not a thing. only one airline said yes and the other ones i like, what are you talking about? >> we've got a call at the airline. >> was the airline? frontier, thank you. >> it makes perfect sense. the argument that people are not
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paying their workers enough. we have to pick up the slack for that. i am all for tipping for a great job to be kind to someone, be generous if you're in that kind of mood, but this expectation, i don't know about you guys, but i tip 20% everywhere i go. i had a doctor's office asked me if i wanted to tipped minors. which i'm pretty sure is illegal. but that happened. >> trace: jessica? >> i think there is certainly an argument to be made about tip fatigue. to quote steve martin in the iconic, it's not that i'm pro-tipping, i am pro-over-tipping. when people are making the hustle, did you give them their deal. >> trace: kevin corke, i worry about not being a big tipper and when the plane goes down, you know who is t the last one out? >> [laughs] it's a really dumb at greatest sign that frontier has fallen. i grew up in denver, i can say this.
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terrible seats, and now tipping? come on, frontier. be better, and, no, i wouldn't tip. >> trace: jackie ibanez. >> i get frustrated that employers don't pay more. so we have to fork out that money or we are expected to fork that out. it's not fair. we are already paying a fortune to go on the plane and then you have to pay to go to the bathroom, pay for everything. exactly. >> trace: should we tip flight attendants? yes, x, 9%. instagram -- until they start giving out peanuts again, no to. i've already paid dearly for the flight attendants, not like tipping a low-paid waitress. jr, never. but on the other hand, they are waitresses, and rachel pierce, no, because how would you calculate a percentage to tip if there is no bill? good point. thank you all for watching "fox news @ night." i'm trace gallagher. have a good weekend and we will see back here. ned's plaque psoriasis. [camera shutter sfx]
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tomorrow. gauging how they are responding to this. that's tomorrow. "the five" is now. ♪ ♪


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