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tv   The Five  FOX News  January 19, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PST

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tomorrow. gauging how they are responding to this. that's tomorrow. "the five" is now. ♪ ♪
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>> judge jeanine: hello, everyoneju.dg i'm judge jeanine pirro along with piers morgan, charlie hurt, martha maccallum, and tyrus. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five."calland ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ are you ready for the rematch? we are just four days away from the nation's first presidential primary in new hampshire. but it looks like the general election is already getting g started. both. joe biden and donald trump oe bare ramping up the trash ta. >> my predecessors like to say america is a failing nation. in my face, bless me, father, for he has sinned. come on. [laughter] on.a failing nation? g naby the way, you hear that he wants to see the stock market crash? you know i? he doesn't want to be the next herbert i told him, he's already hoover. >> he can't put two sentences together. he can't find the stairs off the
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stage, which, there are a lot of them up there, believe me. they are all over the place. you can't find his way off the stage when he makes a very short speech, and it has to be short, because it can't be long. >> judge jeanine: trump isn't the only onep taking shots at biden. listen to what andrew yang had to say about president biden, while endorsing democratic presidential challenger and congressman deanal c phillips. d >> a lot of americans have madea up their minds about this president, and this economy, ann telling him it's better is not a working strategy.rkin the second thing is that thehe president's 81 years old. it's going to be tough to reinvent grandpa. he's not going to become a new candidate. >> judge jeanine: that grandpa line has got to sting, becausei, it's true. joe biden act like a grandpa all the time. the big guy was just drinking at triple thick milkshake and searchinbig for a congresswoman who wasn't even in theress room.
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>> i got vanilla ice cream, chocolate syrup. can i get a spoon? >> i also want to mention congressman deborah ross. where is deborah?or i just had my picture taken with her.ctur oh, she couldn't be here, actually. that's not. true, i got it mixei up. >> judge jeanine: and whilerl joe lookies weak, trump looks stronger than ever. senator tim scott will be endorsing trump later tonighet t a rally in concord, new hampshire, and scott just dropped this tease. >> oh, man. i'm so excited for the announcement tonight. just tune in, pay attention, listen closely, and let's talk about four more years. >> judge jeanine: okay, martha. i'll start with you.: ma joe biden is criticizing donald trump for saying that we are a failed nation, when the truth is thefail economy is in e tank, inflation is out of control, we've got immigration no gott just overrunning citiesa towns, and villages, but
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bankrupting hospitals, and crime is out of control without any solution in sight. >> martha: i think back to president trump's inaugural address, when he talked abouk tl the things that were reallyer hurting in the country. e and he used the word "carnage" at points. i think, then, people understood the country was headed in a direction that was scary,ca troublesome.bles then we had for years and thensh we had to deal with it appears that the current president is not ingesting the feeling of the country. so yes, i think if you ask a lot off people, and i think it's evident in many of the polls, that people are very concernedre the country is failing, fallinga ilbehind, that our great cities t what they once were. that we are worried about the fact that ou r children aren't educated. you can graduate from high school in this countryed barely able to read. so he fails often to meet the moment of where people are in the country, and i think, if he could speak to people in a way that reached them and had thatad
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kind of bill clinton "i feel your pain" -- people believe whed him when thh said that, that he understood what was going on around their dinner table. he's at 33%. that is an abysmal approval number. what happens in a head-to-head trump-biden i think is anybody'y guess. that's an interesting match up once againtch . we will see what the swing state polls look like. the they look good for trump right now but yoodu have to wonder if there will be a thiryod party wo kind of throws a wrench intoo so some of the ballots on these numbers. we will see what happens. >> judge jeanine: all right, piers. trump says that joe biden can't put two sentences together, that he doesn't know which way to stage.f what do people in europe think of joe biden and the fact thatth he's got these issues? >> piers: i'm in the official liberal chair tonight, but i've got nothing. [laughs] let's be clear. i think democrats are walking us
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into a ludicrous situation. two-thirds of democrats think he is too old. two-thirds of his own party think he is too old to run again. insisting on doing it. obviously. nobody wants to give up the most the world.hece in wi get that. but joe biden, to me, is a dead man walking. do if the democrats don't wake up fast to the reality of their candidate, the incumbent, there barely-a liflye president againt a resurgent donald trump whot just had the biggest win at the iowa caucus in republican history and who, by the way, when he became president, didn't even win in if that doesn't ring massive alarm bells, i don't know it does. of course the dynamic is so different to 2020. because when joe biden ranat against trump then, it, was off the back of a ruinous pandemic which had ruined all of trump's calculations, and would have been incredibly difficult foren ianybody, actually, to win at y end of.
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incredibly difficult. and bideann ran as the anti-trup candidate. he can't do that now. he has to ru n on his own record. as martha said, 33%, is it? i don't think any incumbent president inink history has won c with thawit approval rating at this stage. to me, the democrats have to wake up. will they? will they get n a new candidate in? maybe it's too late.ate. they've done it twice before, where they've had incumbent democrat presidents, since world war ii, who have stepped aside. i think they should do that. otherwise, i've got to say, i did not think i'd be saying this t tha year a i really didn't. i thought trump was done. budot then whenen you think 91uh criminal charges, he has to be done. it's a bit like king kong on top of the building. the more they plunge into histh back, the more powerful he got. i have known trump now a long time, and my god, that guy has got resilience. he tim has got a wind behind his gait which is to me he thinks t
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he's going to win, and honestly i expect we will be here in november. if joe biden is up against him, trump wins. >> judge jeanine: you know, tyrus, if biden thinks trump is the next herbert hoover, he, doesn'het understand numbers, because his numbers on themb economy are 30% where trump's was always 50 or over. >> tyrus: i would have loved for someone to follow up, because there's no follow-upe questions anymore, "honow so?w how is he herbert hoover?" abo and he'd be like, "i don't want to talk about vacuums right has now." he has absolutely no clue what's going on. >> judge jeanine: [laughs] >> tyrus: take the polls out of it. americans, we are looked at as o cowardice nation right now. we don't respect women, we had tmourning women in the senate talking about their children.en taour representatives didn't evn show up. they were attacked. at the status g there's no reason to give up power, because he is not ini power. andrew, who rei respect, you cat
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reinvent grandpa because bec hes not grandpa. he doesn't even claim his own no grandchildren. there's no reason -- these are not democrats. i have no problem losing an election -- everything might nog go my way, but they are democrats. this is socialism, and progressivism, using an elderly man who can't remember what day of the week it is as theirs as puppet. that's why he only has -- he can't put two sentences together? he puts three or four together, that's thethre problem. he's just a puppet, and there's no way in blue hell they're w going to give that up, because they're giving stuff that, even in the 50 years he's been in government, he's never been this far. but he has no clue what' s going on. and they're not going to run against trump. there will be no debates, because he's not going to debate with a criminal. i said it over and over again, they're going to use all the stuff they set u ap to not debate him. they will ru to n on what they k is going to get them tte htho t finish line. m is the american
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people do not like being known as cowards, even with what's going on in the middle east. if england didn't do something,g lathen we did it. but when we are lifted to something, we don't do it. we blow up empty buildings. and that's the and the economy, it doesn't matter.. americans don't feel good aboutr this country right now, period. >> judge jeanine: all right, charlie. martha brought up the issue of no labels, and the possibility of a third party candidate. how -- do you think that's going to have been? >> charlie: i think we willrl probably see something likiee tt happen, whether it is them or some other third party candidate. what kind of interesting about it, if you do see that, what is the third party candidate going toto do? they are going to try to run on entirely trump's agenda, because at the winning agenda.g ag if you take the personality out donald trump wins thisby election wit -h 60-70% of the vote. everybody agrees with w donald trump on all thite issue. some unsolicited advice forjo joe biden, don't gete into a
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trash talking contest withrump donald trump. nobody fares well in. those things with donald trump, especially not you, joe biden. it's not going to end well. when joe biden talks about howsn trump is trashing the country and saystr we are a failed nati. no, he's not. lhat's like the politica version of the human shields. you say he's attacking american people? .ou know, he's not he is saying you are a failure. and you know what?know you are a failure.[lau when he talks about the economy and how trump wants economy to fail, no, he's predicting theom economy y is in shambles, as you point out, martha. and they are completely disconnected from that. you can look at the stock market and say the stock market is setting new records, and that's a classic mistake, politicianse who are going to lose always make. "the stock market is doing great." great if youg can't afford groceries, and people are complaining about ito it can all be tied directly,
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directly to your policies. >> judge jeanine: that's right. all right, coming up, a shocking update on alec baldwin's "rust" thece hollywood actor could be headed tama.o prison.on .♪ ♪ directv sports central brings your games stats and scores together and now you can get it without a satellite. one more reason to finally get rid of cable. but getting rid of the cable guy... ...might not be as easy. oh yeah, touchback! visit for up to $200 reward card. here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost.
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♪ ♪ckin >> charlie: a shocking new twist in the fatal "rust" movie set shooting. alec baldwin could go to jail now that a grand jury in gra new mexico has indicted the actor on involuntary manslaughter charges, in the death of cinematographer halyna hutchinsof, who died after the
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actor's prop gun fired a live round of ammunition on the film set. it's a dramatic turn of events. just months ago, those chargeshg were dismissed. dis baldwin has stood by the claim that he did not actually pull the trigger. >> i let go ofof the t hammer oe gun, and the gun goes off. i let go of the hammer of the gun, the gun goes off. that was the moment the gun went off, yeah. >> it wasn't in the script for the trigger to be pulled. >> the trigger wasn't pulled. i didn't pull the trigger. >>neve you never pulled the tri? >> no, i would never point a gun at anyone and pulled the trigger. that's a training i have. you never point a gun at somebody and pull the trigger. >> charlie: baldwin's lawyersy say they will fight the new charges in court, but what changed?or apparently special prosecutorssn at a new analysis of the john demott gun used and concluded the trigger had to havr hae been told or depressed. judge jeanine, everybody looks bad in this case, obviously. and the fact the case was off and back on again.
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what is your take on this? >> judge jeanine: well, alec baldwin was indicted based upon evidence.e he's now under indictment, twodi counts octf involuntaryvo lumanslaughter, which basically means that he willfully disregarded the situation andge tthe damage that could happen. and he says, look, i cocked thee gun, or i pulled the hammer. i woulhe td never pull the trigr because that's the training i had. according to the fbi, that's a lie, and every cop i've ever i'v worked with and spoken to, it's a lie. first of all, the hammer is cocked, and unless you pull theo trigger, the round is not goingg to come out of the gun, all right? but there was only one person he was pointing the gun at halyna hutchins, only one person whose hand was on, pulled the hammer heback, an hd had to pull thetr trigger.ig so what happened is they took this gun and they decided that they were going to do everything
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they can to see if there wasg ta way the gun would actually shoot the round, that live round that should never have been in the gun in the first place, and the only way they could have thatal happen is ifly you actually pull the trigger. he is lying, according to the fbi, when he says he didn't pull the trigger. but th e truth is they have to actually take a mallet to thatet tgun to get the gun to actuall. so unless they did that testing with the actual gun, which has now been basically destroyed,um which is the argument ofen the defense will use, as amy prosecutor, my response to thatr is you've got to use that gun,n. you can't use another gun. you have to try to figure out what makeswh this gun shoot. and it's jusn sht like dna. if you have dna in a criminal case, you only have one bit of it, you got to call tht ofe defe in d if you're going to destroy the dna and analyze it because there's no other way to do it. >> charlie: tyrus, you are comfortable around guns, you know gun sprayed one thing that annoys me about this case, they talk about a prop gun.
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it was not a prop gun, it was an actual gun, it turns out. but this argumen argt they makee were just filmin jg a shoot, soi pointed a loaded gun at somebody and it went off," if you are a hunter and your excuse to the police after you shot somebody was, "we were just playing around, pulling the trigger, pointing loaded guns at oneon another,e " you would go to jail fo tr that. i've never understood thisus excuse.: dick >> tyrus: dick cheney would probably argue that. [laughter] listen, i know he would never do this for me, but that's not what i'm about. gun smith, gunsmith, gunsmith.oe i've done movies were actually had to hold guns. when a gunsmith gives you the gun, they open it, they show it, they say it's either hot or ocold.ld. hot means it has links in it, cold means there's nothing i non it. once they hand you that gun, their reputation, their job is to hand you a safe gun. he said to him it's a hot gun -- here's the deal, actors
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fiddle. they sit there, he pulls the hammer back.hamm but one of the golden rules is you neveof tr put your finger -u keeppull it on the side. but the director goes, "it doesn't look real." he puts his finger in there and pulls he hisr back, it doesn't e much to pull a trigger. he 1000% pulled the trigger. but that's not the issue. he could've pulled the trigger t times. this is iss what happens with ey hires, nepotism. unqualified person, how did the live rounds get in there? that's a question. somebody was having target practice the night before, didn't clean or check the guns, and a dirty gun was handed to alec saying it was clean. e only argument there was that he, because he was producer and director, went out and grabbed the gun himself, didn't check it, wasn't hot, and fired it. like i said, i'm not the judge, but then you have motive andan it's all on him. dbut it goes back to the
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gunsmith. >> charlie: i think you're i thbeing generous. if that guy was taught how tingo hunt, he would be taught there's no such thing as a safe gun. therune is such a thing as safea >> martha: but they are creating a scene in a movie with a gun. the custody of the ammunition, the night before, there have been these stories that they were outside. hannah gutierrez-reed was inehe charge of these guns. i want to know step-by-step what happened. how did that livo knp whe roundp in that gun that ended up on the table? there are so many witnesses to all of this, witnesses to what w happened the night before, a lo of people who were in that room who saw. do they know for a fact andng wher we they willing when he sad this gun is cold, you can use this gun now? if you are an actor and told to pullto the trigger and point it you do have toyo rely on the people around you. he's the producer of the movie, that he created an unsafe film set and somehow they got their hands on those guns the night before and they were
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messing around, then i can see his partial sensibility. >> piers: if he's lyingso sniveling little rat who is alsr spent the next two years after he killed this woman, not deliberately -- he didn't murder her. he definitely fired the gun and pulled the trigger. i don't profess to be the world's greatest gun expert. i think americans know that. but i do think he did that and he pulled the trigger and he killed her.r. he's responsible for her deathr in thahet action, but he's alwaa said, in all these self-serving interviews, "i'm not responsible, i don't feel guilty." reallyun? really? a young woman on a movieich set -- by the way, he wasn't just an actor, he was producer of this film.ns responsible,et actually, for the safety on set, as well, like all the producers. they were already having a lot of issues with safety. that he must have been aware about.'t he wasn't, he should be. acso he's negligent as aglig producer --
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>> tyrus: murderen she wrote, whoever put the bullet iern the gun -- >> charlie: we know he's responsible for the equity hiring. >> tyrus: i have a sneaking suspicion he did. >> piers: most actors i've me thato have said to they think he is responsible and they wouldn't have done what he did, which is go like that and pull the trigger. whoeveonsir told you, you don'te that chance. >> martha: in what was a rehearsal. >> judge jeanine: but the amazing thing is they have hadpr obproblems with guns on that set and shootings and live rounds on the set. he had notice, he was in charge. of the production, he should not have relied on anyone. his finger should have been nowhere near where that trigger was. for him to come outrr wat and sy someone is responsible but not me, it is just a sad commentary of his inability -- >> piers: the constant instagram victimhood tour.
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>> tyrus: bruce li's son wasl. killed in the making of "the crow." they should be so easy to proveh >> charlie: no gun is a safe gun so remember that. it pays to havminge a sugar bro. getting grilled by republicans. find out what he believed the mike revealed, next. ♪ ♪
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i love your dress. oh thanks! i splurged a little because liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, right? i've been telling everyone. baby: liberty. did you hear that? ty just said her first word. can you say “mama”? baby: liberty. can you say “auntie”? baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> martha: hunter biden legal drama reaching a bit of a tipping point today, republican. getting a chance to grill kevin morris. he is the hotshot lawyer from hollywood, the so-called sugarrw brother making it rain for the first son.
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maurice reportedly paying at least $5 million in hunter's tat bills, housing, legal fees, according to a report he told house investigators he had v isvisited the white house three times while bankrollinwhitg the first family. he's also paying hunter's ex-wife and the mother of his young out-of-wedlock daughter. morris denies there is any political motivation for any of this, saying in part, "i do not and did not have any expectations for receivingiv anything from hunter'sin fatherd the biden administration. my only goal wastion and is to p my friend and client." meanwhile hunter is ending his t months of defiance after finally agreeing to a private depositioh behind closed doors with house republicans pray tha hreput will happen on to berry 28th. it's a major shift after he was seen pulling to political science, one of which where he showed up for hie ofs deposition only to blow it off and bash the investigation. >> there is no fairness or decency in what these republicans are doing.av
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theye have lied, over and overr about every aspect of mype personal and professional life, soal a much so that their livese become the false facts believed by too many people. >> martha: remember that? then he showed up at the other hearing, and when it got heated in there and people said things he didn't like, he got up and walked out. im wand he was with him? kevin morris. janine, i'm going to start with you on this. this is his friend. i would love to know -- maybe i actuallyaybe don't want to knowt the inside of this relationship -- months after they met in 2019, he started paying off all his bills, and i just see aall pattern here of befriending, bilking, dumping, and then getting angry. ho w long does it take beforepi these two starngt scrapping at eachh other and kevin morris starts telling different stories? >> judge jeanine: i don't know. hat i do know. jea they're talking about maybe
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almost $7 million. ti havehe to make a comment.r for hunter biden talking about the republicans not having any decency, for this guide even have the word "decency" coming out of his mouth when we have seen every part of his body we don't want to see is really stunning. >> tyrus: the gall o gf that man.alug >> judge jeanine: not the balls, the gall of that man. [laughter] here's the thing. i don't really care about kevin morris. th boute only thing i care about, he's a lawyer, for the people who write "south park."ed he purchased hunter's stake in a china-backed investment during joe biden's first year, allowing the first family to claim that theyar, ng had it divested thems m thof any connection to communt chinese money.mone so he dies or gets his share an, then he gives the money. that's a problem for me. other than that, i could care less about this guide. >> martha: charlie, i'm intrigued. why is this guy doing all this? why is he trying to clear the decks for hunter biden command he's buying his artwork after
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they only knew each other for a few months. >> charlie: any time as you are defending a sugar brother ie politics, you are losing badly. what is really strange about>> this, this might be the least terrible scandal that the biden family faces. i love his statement talking about how he had no expectation of something in return, which reminds us of all thminde other areas where hunter biden wasecti collecting money from china, ukraine, mexico, all these different places. and they're saying, of course w there's no expectation. yes, there wasatio. it kind of makes you wonderr whether or not -- it'sor almost like the white house wants to talk about this, because they don't want to talk about theseso other things where joe biden is completely involved in it. and then of course you have the y has team that sent joe biden out to go speak today at a high school. unfortunately they picked hunteh high school.
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the entire time she talking, she is standing behind "hunterodiu high." maybe the white house. >> piers: i can't get past the art. i agree with you, i don't really care about this guy, morris, except he paid $850,000, $300,000 in cash and the rest and lindsay didn't expect to gef back, to hunter biden for his art. now, my mother has a degree in fine art that shine got in her 60s. this is hunter biden's art. i would probably pay possibly at my local flea market $10, maybe $15. mado you know how much it goes for? between $200,000 and $500,000 apiece, some of the stuff, for utter garbage. >> charlie: if you could get f that for $10, you would buy it? >> piers: where would you put it? a is obviously not ave properwh
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artist, any d yet why is he payg off his loans? why is he doing all this stuff? obviously he is doing it forl politicaacl access. he met hunter biden at a biden fund-raiser. he'sr been to the white house three times and met joe biden. this guy is a hollywood hotshot, he smokes his bongs, he goes to see "south park" because he works for them, and he meets with the president. that's what he's doinghe >> tyrus: this is a lovett story. we are all adults here. there is no such thing -- >> martha: he went along with him to the hearing! >> tyrus: there's no such thing as a sugar it's s a sugar daddy and it's a love story. this is how mark, we all haveve tissues and tears in her eyes. let's call iurt what it is. every guy who's made the mistakt of putting a stripper through college and never gets anything back and knows that sometimes love is one-sided. that's all this is.mi it's just a loveke affair.
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just call it what it is. >> charlie: who is the stripper in the situation? >> t>> tyrus: hunter. [laughter] >> charlie: clearly. >> martha: thanks for>> clarifying. >> judge jeanine: a man with no decency. >> tyrus: we don't kno tyrw thad to be becausnee nothing else is goingo make a: no man spend money like that. >> martha: friendship is a beautiful thing. a beautiful friendship. all right, coming up next,ng shocking video shows flamesfl amshooting out of an airplane ad forcing an emergency landing. this is not good. we are going to show you where this happened, straight ahead. ♪ ♪ahea my name's brian hoeflinger, and because of tiktok, i have the power to educate people and hopefully save lives. when my son brian died in a drunk driving accident, i put out a video about it and try to stop young people from drinking and driving. no other family has to go through what we did. tiktok has the power to change society, and i think that's where the power of tiktok lies. if you save one person, that's one more person
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♪ ♪ >> piers: welcome back. time for -- >> oh, my god, it's on fire. oh, my god! i'm sorry.
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it's on fire! mom! >> piers: shocking new video vshowing flames shooting out of thing e engine of a boeing 747 o plane taking off from miami airport last night. the pilot makingiami an emergenn landing minutes later, and nobody, incredibly, was hurt. a softball sized hole was founder the engine, adding too the growing list of scary airplane incident. authorities investigating the cause of an emergency landing, likely no injuries there, either. and who could forget the doorr goplug that got blown out of an alaska airlines flight earlier month, which also was a boeing plane. speaking of some of the flying back tmeono england on a boeing-engined plane tomorrow, i think i'll sit this one out. what's going on with our airways? >> judge jeanine: bowing hisajor head told major equipment events in the last 12 years, and then they had two events with the off, and then one last night, and ina bo japan boeing had a problem where five people were killed. so my nevew mantra was, if it's
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boeing, i ain't going. >> piers: i like it. very good. titus? >> tyrus: if you're thinking about becoming a poet, let me know. as a guy who flies every week,vy but i am paying attention to everything. but it goes back to that, we had the pandemic, the workforce crumbled, and they came back tha with that wonderful thing ofqu diversity hires. instead of hiring the best and brightest, now you're hiringw yopeople who are the first to pt a door on a plane and come i'lle be honest with you, i don't want them. i've said in a million times, the color of your skin is irrelevant. competent, knows the skills to get a knows the job.t.comps if that's a 60-year-old white man who is so white he looks like the cloud but he can put a plane together, i love you, baby. >> charlie: give me silly sullenberger any day. >> piers: martha? >> martha: it goes back to this issue of liwe've been a country that prid ourselves on a strong work ethic, being efficient, getting- everything right a.hi aingr travel is this amazing
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invention, and i think things arnke sloppy. you feel it every timehi you gon a plane. you basically feel like you're on a crosstown bus. if you get there in one piece -- i just plan that is going to be a delay. it's like, theg other day i cae back from iowa, 4-5 hours waiting to take off. it's just part of travel. but thankfully nobody was injured. >> charlie: this is not a 737 macs that had these problems, it was a 747. but to your point, tyrus, thank god the pilot was not a dei higher. he knew how to fly the plane and he landed and no one got hurt.>j >> judge jeanine: thank god for pete buttigieg, huh? >> charlie: that's not what i was thinking, but that's ath goe point. >> judge jeaninea.: if they ey hhaven't figured out there'sa problem with boeing planes,le they've got a problem. >> piers: let's go to the boeing engine of music, madonna. concertgoers are suing madonna after her performance began two hours late in new york city. te i hard time i had a
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getting home and had to get upra early for work the next day. personally, martha, i would pay a million dollars in our for madonna not to turn up and sings in front of me. i think she is a ludicrous relic of what she used to be, so i don't understand what they're doing there in the first place. >> martha: i don't mean to be mean , but i'm trying to figure out who's going to madonna concert anymore, honestly.ere i think there is something to be said for aging gracefully, or understanding -- she was always kind of evolving and doing the next thing, and i feel like thaa kind of ended at some point and now she's trying to revert ando do the samthe thing she always d did, so i feel bad for her.he thessee people about the ticket. >> piers: if we were a second late on a live show, all would l hebreak loose. >> tyrus: we would be the >> piers: the fact that he's rolling up late -- >> tyrus: that used to be
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cool. al l the great bands would always be late. but th e show was so great that. people didn't care. but now it's like -- to be fair her face needs two hours to get there before she does. so it's not fair.. it's scary, i wouldn't want to go to her concert. buconct this is what happens whn people get in his lifestyle and can't let it go. i don'lit understand why no onen grows old gracefully. i'm letting the grayd roll, why not? charlie is letting it go, you are letting it go. t>> piershe: judge, the madonna verdict? >> judge jeanine: if it's two ho hours and 50 minutes later angie comes out at 10:45 p.m. when she supposed to come out at 8:30, ih would sue, too. bro but in brooklyn they couldn't get transportation home, they had toet work the next day. that's jus t rude. i seen her years ago, and i agree with martha. ryyou have to grow old graceful. you can look healthy, you cantr
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try to look hiy p and young and all that and take care of yourself, but she's ridiculous. >> piers: charlie, i think, like me, you have grown old verr what's your thought on that? >> charlie: getting old stinks but it beats the alternative. b she ought toea embrace it. when she lost me was when she did this thing where she was drinking out of the dog bowl. >> judge jeanine: i missedne: that. >> charlie : you are lucky. >> tyruse lu: it's not her faul, though, because her face is so t tight -- it's hia medical thing. >> piers: next, it is fan mail friday. not something i'm used to, soai i'l m looking forward to this. ♪ ♪ providing for your family is a top priority. but what happens when you need affordable health care? christian health care ministries could save you up to 40% today. as a member, you can choose your provider without network restrictions. sign up at your convenience with our anytime enrollment.
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♪ ♪ >> tyrus: do that again! you don't have to be rich, judge, but when you do prints like that, i'm all good. it's fan mail friday. tyrus b round. judge, we are starting with you. number one, did you cut class during high school? >> judge jeanine: ever, i was a goodhighr. girl. >> tyrus: i believe it. piers? >> piers: i don't even know what that question means. [laughter] >> tyrus: very english of you. did you skip your education to hang out with blokes?wi
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>> piers: absolutely not. i put the yards in. >> tyrus: i skipped french. class. o f the >> martha: of course. >> judge jeanine: really, martha lot? >> martha: i mean, not a lot! s.a couple times.>> t>> tyrus: what current trend,t judge, is going to look ridiculous in ten years?e >> judge jeanine: the thick eyebrows women have..k, t they have these thick eyebrows, they're going to look like ava gardner from "mommy dearest." >> piers: identifying as gender-fluid. >> charlie: walking around with her nose in your phone. >> martha: i like that >> tyrusar: nonbinary. >> tyrus: what are you self-taught at, judge? >> judge jeanine: i don't wanto to tell you. >> tyrus: sarcasm. [laughter] >> piers: what have i taught myself? rs: how to be a very annoying b, and a very good at it. t >> tyrus: anyrd that's hard to do because, as you know, brits are annoying. >> charlie: i didn't learn
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everything in school. >> martha: i agree.. >> tyrus: for me it was fatherhood. fatherhood was the answer. >> martha: that's a good one because everyone irings self-tat at that. >> tyrus: this is going to be great. the menu at youroo house whenk you cook dinner? o >> judge jeanine: it depends on the season,ways but there's always hummus and babaganoush, and i can make meatballs. >> tyrus: for those who don'tn h know, the judge can throw down. >> piers: eyed twist spaghetti morganese, which is a twist on bolognese come with fine french wine. my father gave me two bits of advice in always deplete to police officers, and buy the bestce french wine you can afford. excellent advice for anybody. >> charlie: steaks. >> martha: i love to make m pancakesar on sunday morning and has to be 100% real maple syrup warmed up and poured over the top with blueberries. >> tyrus: veal parm in myhat house. what's your favorite part of
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having a snow day? >> judge jeanine: well, if i don'>> jt have to go to work, jt wrapping myself up in a blanket with my four dog watching a movie. >> tyrus: there you go. >> piers: i was walking in some guy thought i was harrison ford. that became my favorite snow dah day. >> charlie: go driving andac checcik out all the accidents. >> martha: i'm crazy about snow. put on the fireplace, got side and go cross-country skiing, watch the dogs in the snow all day.ow ba>> tyrus: snowball fighting with my i'dsm undefeated. "one more thing" is up next. >> judge jeanine: wow, that was good! ♪ ♪ directv sports central brings your games stats and scores together and now you can get it without a satellite. one more reason to finally get rid of cable. but getting rid of the cable guy... ...might not be as easy. oh yeah, touchback! visit for up to $200 reward card.
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down low. the unexpected can happen to any of us. that's why selectquote makes it easy to get the life insurance coverage you need to protect your family for less than a dollar a day. selectquote from me a $500,000 policy for only $16 a month. we could help you save more than 50% on life insurance. visit selectquote .com. we shop, you save. >> when news breaks around the world. israel is reporting more combat casualties. diplomats are trying to find a political solution. and here at home, this is a critical hot spot for illegal immigration. >> all eyes are now on new hampshire fox news channel. america is watching. >> it's time now for one more thing piers. well, this is actually quite fun because it's not even you library book return to a library in the u.k., 44 years past its due date. now, one of the clues was it
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was called great prime ministers by john whittle. imagine back on june the 30th, 1979. and of course, we've had nine prime ministers since. and it would be very, very hard to actually have a book these days called great british prime ministers. so we're delighted to see some vintage history returns. remind us of the great days when we actually did have great prime ministers. >> how much was that? how much? i was so thrilled to get it. but you bet they were. you to say. probably 12 bucks. >> yeah. all right. a local arkansas man known as the neighborhood cowboy put his lasso skills to the test yesterday. he received a call from a neighbor asking for help getting a stranded tarp off a frozen pond. thanks to the cowboy, the calf is back home and safe with its mother saying sliding right along all it's a baby. oh, okay, martha. okay. so a big career milestone for a doctor who kind of took it
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to an interesting place. >> he's been working the emergency room for 40 years. he's so excited that he's retiring. and so we wish him well. this is dr. phil masters sending us inside to skate around the e.r. for a while. he and his wife are going to move to spain for a year to learn the language and embrace spanish culture. so, karen, is that how we got around in the e.r. or is that right? well, no, we got excited to be retiring right out of here. oh, i love that. all right, tyrus. all right. all right. officer raises a kid in a sledding competition. hernando, mississippi officer couldn't pass up the opportunity for a sled race ,but the race had a clear winner from the get go. after one kid got off to a running start. he was arrested later for cheating, leaving the kid headed catch up. managed to pass officer on the icy because a police officer doing stuff. community meaning more stuff like that. and for more stuff you want to check out, you check out my comedy tour coming up in february. i'm also out in california,
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just about sold out in connecticut, massachusetts. more dates will be added. and of course, if you want a good read, check out my new book, nuff said, available everywhere. it is a take home. >> all right. so before you do that, don't miss this weekend on sunday night, 7 p.m., the big weekend show, we've got guy benson, marlon kayleigh mcenany and myself live in new hampshire. now for this one more thing. who needs triple-a when you've got an amish neighbor, a guy who's got his suv stuck in a cell back in tennessee. so cars and trucks passing without stopping to help. but an amish neighbor brought his horses out and decided to pull it out the old fashioned way. >> and that's what we call amish horsepower. >> oh, yeah. very good old fashioned horseback. i guess the police should have been arrested for speeding. yeah, i agree. mak all right, everybody. that's it for us.e have a great night and enjoyjesa the weeken


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