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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  January 19, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PST

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in connecticut, massachusetts. more dates will be added. and of course, if you want a good read, check out my new book, nuff said, available everywhere. it is a take home. >> all right. so before you do that, don't miss this weekend on sunday night, 7 p.m., the big weekend show, we've got guy benson, marlon kayleigh mcenany and myself live in new hampshire. now for this one more thing. who needs triple-a when you've got an amish neighbor, a guy who's got his suv stuck in a cell back in tennessee. so cars and trucks passing without stopping to help. but an amish neighbor brought his horses out and decided to pull it out the old fashioned way. >> and that's what we call amish horsepower. >> oh, yeah. very good old fashioned horseback. i guess the police should have been arrested for speeding. yeah, i agree. mak all right, everybody. that's it for us.e have a great night and enjoyjesa ♪ave a great night and enjoyjesa
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>> welcome to a special edition of jesse waters prime time. i'm will cain in for jesse.'re looking now at a le shot of a trump rally in concord, new hampshire, ham where we expect senator tim scott to endorseps the formering yos president. and we're going to bring you those comments live when they happen. liven theybut in the meantime, n nothing a politician loves more than a phot lovo op, whethr it's michael dukakis with a tank helmet or john kerry in ar spacesuit. democrats in particular will go out of their way for a few camera clicks to cover up their failures in policyr have a that is, until they have a mess that is undeniable on their hands. undeniaand we're ten months awc the election. and joe biden has a messy bordertion and j crisis with hit fingerprints all over it. after trump's big win in iowa, the cnn's and msnbc eyes of the world simply can't ignore this problem of illegal immigration. and this may come as a surprise to democratsof . lik the voters don't like hundreds of thousands of unchecked illegals jus of thout walking into count our country. so biden's trying to smackry
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the cameras away and sayis everything is fine and he's getting what seems like a little bit of help. last montha a littit, the bidenm jetted off to mexico city, and in just three weeks,s been there's been an entire 180, according to reports out of mexico. mexico'smexico, mexi getting toh on illegal immigration. journalist todd benjamin cites reports that say mexican law enforcement has been roundinexig up illegal immigrants near the border and been shipping them by bus and airplane as farp away from biden's open borderla as possible. mexico stopping their migrant filled freight trains known as the best this. other reports say mexico bulldozed a migrant camp just along the border. anthony blinken is calling it progressiorder a. i >> i think we've made greatea progress just in the space of the three weeks since that meeting. and we look forwards to reviewing that today, as well as looking at additional steping ats that a take together to advance the goal that we both share
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of reducing the unprecedented irregular migration surge. why now? why didn't w e have this w progress two years ago? and why is it that only in an election year are the mexicansn in the white house all of a sudden breaking new ground on illegalelr y are al immigrate coincidence? or are the mexicans getting cog out of it while getting mexico does? >> the sweeping democrats seem to be working on the opticoes, like blaming republicans for biden's mess? >>laming it's not a sincere attempts no to do something about what's going on at the bordera . it is to cause chaos and to cha tank. ifos they can, president joe biden's reelection. this is not a negotiatio n. king this is a hostage taking. it's extortion. republican extors are choosinged to hold ukraine funding hostage in exchangine for cruel, unworkable and permanent policyn changes on immigration. these are not good faith immigration talks. this continues to be a hostage taki taking and republicans are holding foreign aid hostagne
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to extract extreme immigration measurest extrem that will not e the problem. >> i don't know about you, but perminov changes to our policy on illegal immigration. sounds prett immy good.republ but here we have democrats blaming republicans. then, of course, that sets i oft up so joe biden can come in and pretend like he's not only not o the problem, that is, in fact, the solution. and that's what he did today. biden admitted, though, that the biden is the border bie at the border. he border why do you money how many more? >> so he said it's been>> he a problem for ten years.pres but biden has beenidye president for three yeararsificn and before that, a significant
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percentage of those ten years he was vict ose president put biden says it's not his fault. and actuallyt , he's the he's the a one who's trying to find a solution. i solution. >> i think i would hope, god willing and a quick not i right in my grandpop would say, you know, the question is for the speakee r and house republicans, are they ready to act as well? they had to choose whether they want to solve a problem or keep weaponize initiatives, inse score political points against the president. i'm ready to solve the problem prreallyy to solve the problem . >> i really am. massive changes and i mean it sincerely. nom. onm. on day one, biden used executive orders to rip open the border wall. the goal has always been open border.s. >> in fact, joe biden says it himself. i love how he's turned on. bid and biden. biden is for free and openens border. tear down everything that would come. no restrictions. well, i used to be a bipartisan in this country. there should be one again. i made clear from the very beginning the system is brokenn
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. it's not the system. it's the people who undid the system. sy it'e and when you carve out holes er ante and cut up razor wire, you're the problem. locities are being overrun with illegals. and if it's not crowded, airports in chicago, it's overpacked. hospitals and denver policels and denver officers are literally on high speed migrant chases, dropping out and going back northbound, northbound vehicle becameon disabled, built up and nowund. coming up, putting up a guard wearing a black shirt, bluejeans, black one. yeah, there's a driver. biden if biden serious about the border wire states like texas having to take a t matters intoi their own hands in texas right now it's a mexicanr
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standoff between biden and governor greg abbott after texacastans took matters into their own hands, kicking up border controlo and taking over a sector near the border. se a restnear the border. and biden is not. maybe biden has realized thibide but he's been the root causeal of all of these problems. in but he knows open borders don't play well in an election year, so he wants to wipe his hands, clean it, pretend likean he's hard at wors k. iden but if biden thinks the american people can't sniff out a phonany, then november is going to bring a wake up call for him. -ustephen miller is a former trp adviser to president trump and a founder of america first legal and he joins me now. stephen, the results in aican republican caucus granted in a republican caucus, but the results in iowa showed that this was along with the economs was, wy, a top issue for voters. do you think that's finally being recognized by the biden administration? well, i think it clearly b is being recognized by thes.
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biden administration, by democrats in congress in terms of changes you're seeinin termsf chthatg, , that this is going to be the number one issue for millions and millions of voters this election, but their actions are unchanged because their objective remains i the same, which is mass illegal immigration. joe biden could end this border nightmare tomorrow with a one sentence executive order that simply read, i direct all officers in my government to restore every immigration policy that was in place. the last day donald trump was in office, that one sentence executive order would end this whole crisis. or he could go to the doj crisi and say, every court case where texas and other states are suing us becausese our enforcement is too lax. simply agree to do the veryg su thing that we are being sued to do. and the bordered crisis would go away. but in every case, they fight to keed bup the border open agar states and our court systems and againss ant republicanss. in congress. and they fight every single da
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ynd they fight every single da to maintain the policy of mass al maintain the policy of mass all across the united states of america, the including for the first time in history of single adulme it men. not even barack obama on his worst day in office, voluntarily released one single adult male in thebide united states. >> biden is releasing millions. n isstephen, we're in an electin year. in december, there was this meeting in mexico city with thei biden administration and mexican diplomats. thn bureaucracy.omats. and now here we are in january. and border encounters have dropped by almost two thirds. what is happening? any time you see a change in enforcement posture in mexico, the smugglers, the cartels, the coyotesartels are always going to take a wait and see approach. but thingss will always return to the normal baseline. every time, as we've seen now
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for three years, there's an even subtle change in policy. rf there's a brief pause and a there's a brief pause and a and then once people discover yet again, the biden policony is catch and resettle, everything returns to the astronomical baseline every single time because the whole world knows if you get to that border, you get in. if you get to a port of entrt it you get in. if you fly to mexico city and walko the rest the way to the border, you get in any way. you try it. it ends in entry intod the united states. and as long as that is biden's policyst., it won't matter what mexico does, excepthat on the margins. and that, unfortunately, is the situation we are in today is th and in the images that will be displayed across cnll n or a msnbc or the new york times of a cleaned up problem during an electiocleanen year, at least momentarily. stephen miller, always great to see you. thank you. tonight, we're getting an inside look at what it's like to be a migrant in america. no thanks to the mainstreamaril. media, but an investigative
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video creator who posts his work onlins like to bee. nick shirley went down to thehi border by himself to see what's goinmself g on.self >> i'm here by myself at the u.s. border with mexico. and behind me s.e we have hundrs of immigrants are coming to the country right as you arehe watching this video. >> nick then went up to new york countrys and sat down wits and talked to them. talkd to ourd then. border by our president, then getting shut down by cartels on their way up. >> i don't keep that guy. >>o. don't keep that guy. in a community you can go to. okay. if i go. i wasn't there when they saw the scene in the imposing when they will come in. they are not. but i can one by hand. >> it was, you know, the idea to the cartel? yeah. they will get by that area and turn around us on the border and carry on cigarettes out and abando sn
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no blood. and there's literally. i'm watching blood. they can watchy payer. and later on down your drain. >> so once they're here, a lot of these migrants get free food, hotel rooms and phones, courtesy of the taxpayer. >> if you didn't commit, i don't understand, you know, what is in it. there's a, you know, a war zone, isn't it? i thought you said they may just get on the things. you got these crazy that get in here and screw childcare on thursday night in the process of immigration, they don't come on until ethanol. yeah, but they are opposed. so that they don't interact with the team. >> see they a you and other migrants aren't so lucky. other migrants aren't so lucky. >> they're sleeping on the streets and stealing food they put here so they know i will. then reappear. i know, i know they'll give me away. i mean, garcia in minnesota. see, you have to give me a lot of detail. and with trump on that, we'll all have more. but i don't give a little
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18 zero zero comment for killing the north. and but i don't know april callo me i'm angelica latimer round them and didn't do enough a lot of them only tell them in the nicktem only tell them in the didn't look at it well we were told by democrats we need migrants to pick our vegetables, to make our beds and serve as food. but here, migrants saying there are no jobs. nick shirley, who took those videos, has talked to more migrants and every politician in washington combined. and he joins us now. >> nick, thanks for being with us. it's pretty fascinating what you learn specifically. most recently, it seems, what you learned at thedevere ae us end of the journey, what you learned here in new york d ofy what. tell me what they said about their experience in new york. >> yeah, all the new yorkers, the migrants are there. they're unhapp they are y. they're they're not happy with what's going on. they're freezing out in the street freezing ou s. t th there are some that are getting free food freedom, but the majority of them are beingty stuck in streets, getting processed in lines, and they're starving and liks rving.e they w in the videos, they're willing to ride and steal just to surviveilb an . thurviveilb an >> what's the difference in the in the migrant who gets to stay
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in a hotel for seven months and gets a free phone and a cold versus s the migrant that s sitting under a banner or in a door threshhold on the streets of new york and wondering where he's going to eat next. how did different migrants or heat and i assumeillegants or that means the ones that are seeking asylum or the ones who have just snuck in.g how do they end up in these in, different situations? whe it all depends on if they have a kid or not. and it also is just luck of ther draw. there's many men that were in that hotel that were getting pregnante were thehotel, a as w and there's many, many the shelters are sleeping on the streets. brotherssheltersare sleeping. ha so a lot of it has to depend on if you have a kid or not. but the majority is just luckk - and it's just luck. it's something to see you put. a you made it so that we could see it with those videos.nk and thanks for speaking directly to the illegal immigrants. fothe migrants, the entirety of this entire is thisim of this entire is thisim >> thank you, thank you. all right. k you. thankhunter biden, sugar, bought his way into the white
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house. plus, bombshell bank records blow up the loverboy case against trump. >> my frequent heartburn had me taking an acid after an acid all day long. e and do but with prilosec ot one day. lots heartburn for a all 24 hours for one and done heartburn relief prilosec otc. >> one pill a day. 24 hours. zero heartburn. right now, someone could be listed as the owner of your home and stealing thousands of dollars of your hard earned equity. anybody who owns property should worry about home title theft. there's no other crime that is so easy. so quick and so lucrative. your home, your equity and your peace of mind can all be stolen in one fell swoop by home title thieves like matthew cox. nobody thinks that i can take their house. nobody thinks that. believe it or not, a single page document is all it takes to transfer proof of ownership out of your name. people think, what? there's a whole huge process.
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one choice of online sellers. go to ship station ecomdash. >> try and get two months free . >> i'm not sure if you'v>> ie'mu noticed, but joe biden can tim have a hard time getting his point across. sometimee gettins. >> you brought israelis s and palestinians togetheomr at g political level within the year and sure, america as a nation, can we defin ae the single word for the two. >> my younger sister used to be three years younger than me. now she's 23 years younger.. there's not a single solitary biden man that is younger than t biden. womahan but every once in a
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while, he tells us a perfecthout story without even trying. yesterday, whileeven biden comis in south carolina, he stopped by a fast food restaurant for a milkshake and some selfies. >> if you look over his shoulder, you can see o the cost of a value meal. $7 in $0.69. now, here's the thing. he went to the same chaine chai three years ago, and the costar of that same values ago meal ws $5.99. it's almost 30% more expensive now. and if that doesn' now.t sum updoesn' by nomics, i don't know what does. joe doesn't notice the price hike, but why would he?does. the average american does, ? and they're ready to let him know at the polls in november. so it's no wondee average ameriy globalists in davos are worried about the 2024 election. davos they think, by the way, a trump victory is a lock and they're not happy about it. not one bit. turn victos out globalists don'e an america first agenda. the world's plutocracy america forgotten how trump slapped
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down tariffs on china and pulled out of the paris accordhe s, force nato countries to pay their fair share and went heavy on american y d went heavy on american energy independence. trump disrupted the global hegemonion ec, so they're alreay working to trump proof their economies. >> david a number of a numberecn of leadersom have expressed concern of what donald trump in the white house means for fragmentinrump and wg fashion, r foreign policy. foreegn policy. rest of the world can trump proof their economies? ec >> if somebody has a way to dott that, and i think they should patent it and probably sell it to somebod pro iy else. remember when foreign intelligence agencies and our ow n teamed up to devise a nicet little dossier in 2016? who's to say you don'tr in 201 have another insurance policy h coming down the pike? in the meantime, they're making the green energyinsuranc industo big to fail. but the gulf. i'd love to follow up on thatnke question, i think. i think the bestes defense, if
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that's the way we're going to look at it, is is attack really the investment that we badly need for the transition towardattacks a greener economy. it will cost no less than 620 billion per year to actually move the green transition further into t the hope of a clean energy environment and a serious reduction of our co2 emission. and it will costof hundred and 0 billion per year as well to develop the digitalization that we need. >> you heard her rally attac k. you heard her rally attac spend trillions of dollars now before it's too late. onheritage foundation economist and substack columnist peter saint ange joins found us. >> peter, great to see you this evening. can those global elites trump proof their economy? >> you know, they cannot. and it the is glorious to see the communists in davos are afraid. they know this entire thing. is unraveling. k
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they've got, you know, every institution out there that they've capture t therdey've capture with crony money. they've got, for the most part, a lapdog m media to trygas to gaslight all this stuff. none of it's workingght all . e their enemy number one is, you know, he just won a historic win in iowa just the the other day. they are absolutel othery afrai >> you know, peter, the global hegemony, the elite agendae seems a little bit like feder the united states federal budget. it only really goes in one direction. it seems to marcal itreally gh forward in an ever larger presence in our lives. so large i'm curious what the knights, donald trump or maybe their enemy number two, javier melli in argentina. car --n people like the preside of argentina or donald trump do something to rol donl back that ever growing presence from the world economic forumt ever? >> i think they absolutely can. you know, the way that outfits like the wef have really they the wef have really these institutions with money, but they needed governmentrnment
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to really force that. okay. they needed the thallye thumbgon of government on the scale to to to really capture all those organizations. now, we saw that in covid. i don't think we even understoodthat in good how thoi captured the universities. i mean, really just all of bee civil society had been. and it happened by that combinatioand n of moneyand and government. the thing is, at this pointhe t their censorship didn't work. the censorship industrial complensorship.x failed. elon musk had a heck of a lotto to do with that. it didn' do with t work.o >> it's not sticking. people do not believe the unicor n in the front hallsgarbag and all the rest of this garbage that they're peddling. so hey ar at that point they know that elections are coming. there's going to be backlash o at they're going to lose the government. so at that point now it's money versus that no truth.. i'll take that one any day.o ge they are going to get chased out of this. you know, florida, just thist th week, they banned ai in all of the entire state systems what of universities. that kind of thing is what's
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coming next. these guys are going to ge twiped uys are going to ge wiped out from their positions in policy. the president of argentina gave a full throated speech in support of capitalism free we markets earlier this week in davos. i would have loved to hear some of the grumblingd re and response from davos after that speech. spm peter, a great deal of your speech this evening. >> thank you. than>> thankk you.biden' >> hunter biden, sugar brother, had close had a closedr brothe h interview with multiple house committees yesterday. we're finding ououees t lots tw more about his twisted financial relationship with huntencia r, the sugar brother. kevin morris is a hollywoodye biden morris is a hollywoodye 2019 at a joe biden fundraiser. mo19 at a joe biden fundraiser. morris loaned hunter at least $5 million since then to pay his taxes. child support gave himr br some walking around money. the sugar brothers said, you don't needr said to pay that backe until after the election. who knows? maybe he'l l forgive the loan. morris also paid hunter nearly $1,000,000 for his art. he must be a connoisseur.
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so is this just a generousrous sugar brother? a maybe we know who donated half a million dollars to democrats, but that wasn't enough to get him an invitation to the whitemn house. the sugar brother didn't get to go to the white house until he became beste st buds with hunter and started making loans. then he got a privatthen hgoe tr of the white house, invited to a wedding on the south lawn and even weddingh lawn a went tl picnic. >> it seems like the sugar brother is aikr t the whiteha house more than joe. and today we're finding oujoe.t that hunter agreed to be deposed by the house next month. but wey will see if he shows uh >> and we're waiting. ott' senator tim scott's endorsement of donald trump fo r plus,t. trump fo new charges against honey, honey, nyquil, severe honey, powerful cold and flu relief with a dreamy honey tast e. nyquil, honey, the nighttime, sniffling, sneezing, coughing,
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begin their game to a title, while jordan love and the packers look to shut the word thank you very critical a lot of the packers niners saturday at 730 eastern on fox monday team and the weekly series covers pop culture's biggest stories. there was any repercussions revealing hollywood secrets as only tmz can. it's changed the way i see everything tmz investigates on monday at nine eight central on fox. it has been nothing. see here, move on. all of that has changed. what's really going on with the ufo situation? are we alone in the universe? >> no, they're coming here. the plot thickens. newly released credit card statement show that dea fani willis loverboy nathan way . nathan wade. well, he whisked her away reh getaways after sheway
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appointed him a special counsel in georgia's case against donald trump. today, nathan wade's estranged wife submitted documents in their divorce proceedings that show willis travele cumentw with wade at least twice while the trump probe was underwayin that's not a good look. even sandy would admit that.lo in facokt, back in 2022, when hr her predecessor was accused of harassing a staffer, shestaff, s said this i certainly will not be choosing people to date that work under me. let me just say that citizen med are really, really concerned about is it you chose to havet h inappropriate contact with employees? i mean, there's nothing that i ca n say on it other than itcting, is distracting. it is certainly inappropriat an, for the number one law enforcement officer in this state. >> and it just it really a realy saddens me. and it would be very unfortunate if the taxpaye a irf of this community have to pay for any of those lawsuits. >> the mansuits. she's talking about was found innocent last month. but that take from, will it age
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like milk? these explosive bank records come as former president slamseo the civil fraud case againstrmer him in a new deposition video that was released this afternoon. i'm going to explain to you, th because you don't have a case, you should drop this caswas e. n it's a shame that somebody that sends such a bio gr and convention center in new york, so many things i did to listenne to it. you have it in the website and then have thousands of people in hersands ofe emplo? and now i have to come and just send them. it's up to you. to comi have to come after doing all of that and pay massive taxe, s, state taxes and city taxes. and now i have to come in hereen ,justify myself. you have crowds of people waiting in the street. ace. >> it's a disgrace. now, we're only four days away from the new hampshirey fours ay and trump is leading nikki haley by double digits. the latest suffolk poll hastrum trump ahead by 16 points and for assault on the wound, trump to a surprising endorsement. >> oh man, i'm so excited for the announcement tonight.
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just tune in. pay attention. listen closely , and let's talk about four more years. senator tim scott is expected to endorse donald trump atally some point during tonight's rally in new hampshire. this endorsement is a direct shot at nikki haley, who appointed scott to the senate in 2012. her campaign told axios, quote, interesting that trump's lining up with all the washington insiders whenints he claimed he wanted to drain the swamp with the fellows. they're going to do with the w fellows are going to do. nikki didn't seem all that flustered by the news. m staying on the attack at events in new hampshire this afternoo n . >> deserve better than what you've got. aft biden and trump both distracted with investigations. most distracte distrd with other things. >> the part about how to make abicanr. hets uut how to make the scott endorsement ratchets up the vp trauma, though christie normally stefanik,d ote vivek ramaswamy and j.d. vance are all rumored to brse o on the potential list of picks. and now that tim scott is putting on his magad no hat,
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is he the latest contender for vp? former senior adviser to the senate judiciary committee, gary gentry, joins us now. >> hey, gary, do you thinkhink t that tim scott is a realistic pick for vicims e president? j >> okay. well, thanks for having me. i think it's just if you takeus a step back or the whole reasone that we're talking about who the vice president is going to be this early is becausar eo be this early is becausar primary is over with. you just. donald trump just torched ron desantiss ov by 30 points in a historic victory. he's going to beat nikki haley histe digits and she has noley path that in south carolina is winning by 39 points against nikki haley there. and tim scott is very talentedtr ,as is a number of others contenders that you mentioned. therthate. he has broad appeal, but he, under president trump, is going to be the one who makes thisrumm decision here. he's going to lock down this nomination. de.ination. n thist, that's a third candidate, along with the vaguer and doug burgum who have endorsed and were previously in the races . not to mention donald trump has both florida senators around desantis, santos home state,
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rubio and tim and rick scott have endorsed donald trump. s that obviously in south carolina now, tim scott and linsey graham and nikki's haley state have endorsed donald trump. so he's consolidating support. s enit's good that you mentioned he has been mentioned frequently recently. doug burgum as well for vice president. >> you know, garrett, it's it seems to be easier to see the shortcomings or the mismatche that a lot of these candidates represent, comparing them up with donald trump than actually finding out what they offer to donald trump. that's harder. actyou know, whether or not you're looking at vache or doug burgum or tim scott or findy offem. sure iscott or i'm not sure if you're sitting in the seat of donald trump. it's eas sittingy to see what o particular individual adds c to the campaign for presidency. foyeah, absolutely. presidency. >> i i wf i'm president trump he and i was giving you advice, i'd say that's numbeim advicr o. the first thing you need to look for is a loyalty, right? someone who is notright?. pence, essentially. number two, i think you need someone who is a pit bull who can go out to the mainstream media, defend you, talk about th america firsteric agenda and not back down.
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fiendai think the third thing you want is someone who can navigate capitol hill and knows how to work that world, because essentially you're going to want someonworld bee essenteo can reverse all of joe biden's disastrous policien s and work to get things back in control, securing the border, lowerin ses taxes, fixing inflation, fixing all these other crises that joe biden has created. number four. i think you want someone essentialle crisy who the old, will you remember that said to do no harm is the vicebut if president. right. but if you can add something of benefit, you know, being able yan s to help with suburban voters, you know, broaden the appeal, those typeth of things. but the other day, president trump's very good at this type of thingy trump y t . >> and so he will make that decision. i have full faith that i'll do a great job there. yeah, we'll see those four points? i'm not sure yet where they point seer to which particular individual for vice president, but great analysis. >> great. great to see you tonight. thank you. thanks. well, take care. thanalecinndictealec baldwin in, this time on involuntary manslaughter charges in connection to the 2021 shooting on the set of the
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movie rust, where he fatally shot cinematographer hailey hutchinsatally s. e >> fox news correspondent christina coleman has the latest. apher.jeremy will, yes, if convicted of involuntary manslaughter, the hollywood star manslau could serve up to year and a half in prison. under new mexico lawmexico. icte a grand jury indicted baldwin of the fourth degree felony for his rolen of in the death of cinematographer helena hutchins. more than two years after shes a was fatally shot during a rehearsal for the low budgetst western film rust. baldwin was both. an actora in the movie and a co-producer of the film. baldwin was pointing the gune pr at hutchins when it fired,op killing the 42 year old and injuring director joel souz e a in october of 2021 in new mexico. edly d now, baldwin has repeatedly denied any wrongdoing. he says he pulleanwrongdoid bac hammer but did not pull the trigger. he was initially2 charged with involuntary manslaughter for hutchins death last year in january three. but last april, special prosecutors dropped the charge e
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after getting new evidence indicating the gun had been modifiedg th before it was delivered to set. however, a new analysi ss by ballistics and forensic experts determined the trigger had to be pulled the for the gun to fire. in a statement, attorneys for hutchins familin ar y said in pr quote, we are looking forward to the criminal trial, which will determined to the if he shoulde conv be convicted for the untimely death of helenice a. and tonight, baldwin's attorneys told fox news that they look forward to their day in court will. all right. thank you. thank >> so planes are catchingso fire midair. where's mayor pete? hey, sore throat. got your tongue? mucinex instituted sore throat, medicated drops, uniquely formulated for rapid relief. >> that last of us. >> yet mucinex instituted its comeback season. beautiful and healthy looking nice. it shouldn't be a compromise.
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the biggest issue is flying. it used to be delays or having l to take your shoes off or your belt at tsa. or maybe you sat next to aa sc screaming baby. and that's. i mean, i guess unless you're bill hemmerreaming unlese you jump in and you save the day. save thn on your tv without seeing chaos in the cockpit. in th are dropping like flies. i thought i'd seen itht all when the alaska airliner lost a door 16,000 feet in the air last week. buek.
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lit up the sky last night when it burst into flames mid-air. >> oh, my god. that's on fire midair. . at's on fire midair. oh, my god. >>, my god. >> the bomb inspectors sized hole near the engine. then just this morningenthen jua made an emergency landing smack dab in the middle of a virginia highway. >>e of virgini the cause of tha is still under investigation. and those are justill unde the m that made it off the ground in new york. bound flight from england was minuteand was s away from takeon a passenger, a passenger, noticed the plane' s wing wasn't fully bolted in before fasteners were. e the atlantic flight said the eight hour delay was not a huge compromise that the planur dela but they made passengers change planes anyway. and then anywa there's the man force in india who was forced to join to. ndia who was forced to join he got locked in a bathroom. the crew couldn't get him out. so cou they slid him.
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this ransom note under the door says, sir, w, theye tried our bt to open the door. however, we could not do not panidoorc. . we're landing in a few minutes, so please close the commode. the li minutd, and sit on itclo and secure yourself. as soon as the door is opethmmop the main door is open, engineers will. come on. don't panienthgineers c. there's one person who's not panic. and that's our transportation secretary, pet ande goodrich. >> the idea of being in a planee wherg.e during flight, a door blows out or catches fire, it's terrifying. can you assure americans that boeing aircraft are safeyou ass well, what i can tell you is that no plane is authorized or allowed to fly by the faa untiel the faa is satisfied that it meets every safety condition that it needs to. and if that ever comes into question, then it doesn't fly. but every time i get on anery time i get airliner, which i do every few days, i know that i am kepts hed safe. >> he's not in over his head at all. althe though, clearly notcrossi crossing their t's, dotting the i's. ngbut it's good, i guess,
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that mayor pete feels good. he spent his day meeting that the media is, quote, honoring leadership in theonorin arts. at a conference of mayors. because who needs aircraft whegn you can do arts and crafts? >> kat timpf joins me now. why do you think that? >> i am very skeptical of shark attack stories in the summer. we do it every summer and every summer o it. s the wo >> it's the worst summer ever. do you think this is a big problem right now you t airplanes? i don't remember. another story of parhis is a bia plane just falling off or flying off during a flight aying, off during a flight and fact that some of the response to that involved people saying, well, you know, make sur ke s ce in case it happens,, that you have your baby strapped in. p no, i'm getting on a planela with the assumption that, in fact, the entire plane will remaiassumptin intact the e time. >> right. but i think that pete good a judge isn' thet t reallyto the exception to the rule. he's more how government kind of goeore s right. there's a lot of goingnd k to meetings and keeping up appearances rathereepip thanbst actually solving problems. >> absolutely. we were just talking before weel just on
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came on air. you and i both fly weekly. yeah. planese e both f a yes. what's the what's your biggest complaint? what the there's more delays than there used to be. i always ore dela get the first flight out because those are less likely to be delayed than the other ones. but there'use thossss definitely more delays than there used to be. it's so expensive and getting worse to fly. and they treat you as if, to bthey treat you as if, bothering them. >> you know, it's like, well, no, i paid to be on this planes a lot of money, actually. and i think it's getting worse. it's wand worse remains the boag process. >> oh, that's ridiculous. i know. you knows . >> what boarding number bheer you are. and i know you know what boarding they group, they have calledgdgroup have p five creates a wall. more securyee than our southernr border to keep group two from boarding. >> it's an impenetrabl froe wall that keeps this from being an orderly process. >> yeah, oall r people i know, and they really do that. it's like, okay, excuse me, i want to get on a plane. i live in it. i live on this plane. i know how this is my home. this is my hom me, know hoe. ths it's absolutely ridiculous. but also, you know, seeing it'ss and how thisjoke ing
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everything is such a joke. i really don't know how people r have gotten the idea that if you don't think the government is the best way to solve a proble them, that you don't c about that problem. i mean, look at everything that the guy touches, right? this is just a symptom of a larger issue. >> next thing you know, airplanes like the post officeo ,it's yeah, it's getting worse and worse, i think. and you know>> kat: what?ously. i you've got to take itha more seriously. so i wonder what happened t lockedguom.hat happened in the bathroom, you know, like, did they give you, like, a drink vouchethey giv dr or tht you something real for the trauma that you actually went througrah to drin, that you're sorry you had heat you're sorry you had >> all right. he's not mayor pete, but he's pete hegseth, 'sand he's next. >> sometimes john wrestleswa he takes well, the world's number one sleep aid brand and wakes up feeling like and wakes up feeling like himsel ♪ hit the rest to be your best
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with non habit forming. zeke. well, better days. >> start with zeke will meet what is going on on american campuses. what do our enemies want to influence? they want to influence the thought processes of our kids. if you see someone's pronoun the wrong way, you can get kicked out of college. the jewish kids are hiding in their dorm, afraid to go to class from the river to the sea. palestine must be free. that was allowed to be sat on campus. how did we get to this point and can we stand up to it? poison ivy with pete hegseth streaming now on fox nation. sign up at fox nation icon attention. this is an important message. if you suffer from lower back pain, get pain and shooting pain down your legs, you could be experian seeing a sciatic nerve pain attack. now researchers have discovered a simple switch to instantly turn your pain off. it's called be active. plus, the ingenious acupressure system that applies gentle, targeted compression to turn
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of the new fox nation show poison ivy. what's up, man? how you doing? ivey.i'm. let's do it. all right. first up, the biggest concern in biden's white house mightr not be inflation, the border or crime. it can it's be.e so m it's reported that white house staffers have so much time on their hands, ovey're fightinguctheir s they r over special candy with aer yoesidential seal on them. >> pete, i know about these boxes. you get them when you're a guest. i didn't that every third thursday, some staffers line up three and a half hours early outside the navy mess justouhe to get peanut m&ms with joe biden's signature and seal signt. you do but that's that is the work environment when you don't know who your bosn'hoss is,s is, yout know who's in charge. you've been in those environments before. but look, i don' wt really know the boss. >> i don't know. so i can kind of do whatever i want and i'm going to get some souvenirs for my parents who live in ohio and would really lov get e a package of peanut evidence to give to them free on the taxpayer. this is a group of people who have absolutely nothing theytt ofthing to do excepdime. walk out in protest of thewhit white house's position on israel and hamas.
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>> so they protest or get peanuts out. to next up, jill biden, who's running joe's campaign for him, stop by a highthe name school ih to speak to students. the name of that school. you ask hunter high, the jokes right themselves. >> and somebody needs to be fired. absolutely. i knowi know a lot of advanced people who do this for a living. your job is to make suree the site is secure, make sure it makes sense, makemake wor the backdrop works, make sure the podium placard alignsm with the message of the dayssag and so on. of td high, which it might be what he is currently. okay, they are.'s cho they decided to choose that school. someonoshighe said let's choose hunter high school right? and then on to we'rep of it we' going to allow that podium placard to be therause thee. thm i think it's because they're not actually dialed in with what a big problem thi l is for them. >> and so they live in such a bubble world that they neverle actually encounter this problem.
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>> and so here we are and everyone else is talking t ab hunteally about it. hunter high, hunter high. and finally, youy hey, you stay awake, falling asleep in front c to the tv can kill you. >> studies show that snoozing during your favorite tv show can lea diabed obesitd dias and obesity due to the ambient lighting from your television screen . nless disturbing your sleep habits. this is, of course, true unless you the tv on fox and you have one of those nielsen boxes. >>% th how there is an asteriskh in this study that if it's fox news, you get thinner and morein attractive and leaving it on all night long. bit.o just knohat thatw that is. >> but i dug into this studyes a little bit. okay, so it's diabetes. rer what imetlembe insulin resistance. a couple of other things. when you loo or when yk randomized act studies, they're not actually randomized anymore. >> really, this is actuallyed i they pulled was more fat. people got fattemogotr and. >> if you're fat, you're probably watching tv late into the night and so you stay fat. and then youyou have the have t to that as a result. so it makes sense if i just site on a couchnse.if i sleep.
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yes, when i'm lazy, i get fatter. yeah when. >> when i'm staying up, watching tv, eating sweets, drinking, i guess. and so this study kind studyrmsh of confirms what we already know. >> all right, pete, you have a neat rigu havew fox nation sp. it's available today. it's called poison ivy. >> here's a clip. the ivy league eight historic institutions previously dedicated to upholding hiadition and exceptionalism but buried within the open lawns and gothic hallsn lawns n unsettling truth for generations, we have entrusted these elite universities to our. future. uny, they succeeded. >> pete, it really does seem like their reputation is becoming known and withering away. >> it should, as i as. it should. and with october 7th, you saw out and out protesctobert that u supporting terrorist, which was a wake up call for a lot of donort ars and board members who had previously said, well, we know their left wing
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institutp e shines, but theyonsu never dug in deep enough to see what marxismt had done inside campus. so what we do with poison ivy is sort of pull back the curtain on. yes, these institutions were previously prestigious bac, ecte but they've been very effective. will we talk about this a lot? yeah, like.n ki they bring in ks now, now that are inclined to be woke already because the high schoolsbe arend are aly gone. and then it's like a finishing school for activisg schom. and it used to be that the professors were radical. now the kids are radical, too.wr and so you get these radical left-wing protests i ourf you wt to know how we're how we're losing our country, watch poison ivy. it's on fox nation right now ivy on? let's check it out on foxth nation. also, by the way, the will caien show is now streaming live at every day monday through thursdayvery day . go to or youtube, the fox news channel. joinlive a at 12friends. eastern. we'll see tomorrow morning on fox and friends and that's going do it for us tonight s it o


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