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tv   The Five  FOX News  January 20, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PST

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what allh are we good with? we're good with transgender. we're okay with that. but we're going to fight on christianit wity. maybe we're going to draw a line on christianity. are you kidding mechristia ? and the startling thing is, well, we're seeing thiserywhe everywhere. this isn't just sports. this is everywherere. jus. yeah, well, this has been. around for 2000 years. his story, i think they'll survive espn. all right. great to see you, dan. thanks so muchespn. >> thanks, laura. i hope you had fun with this show. i certainly did. it was a great week. don't forget, set your dvr so you always stay connected with us. check me out dvr so you on x ao the rest. cae rest. and forever. we have to make sure now and forever. >> jesse watters takes it from here.
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hello, everyone. i'm judge jeanine pirro, along with piers morgan, charlie hearst, martha maccallumh pier . it's 5:00 in new york city and this is the five.ready are you ready for the rematch? we'rfor the just four days awaym the nation's first presidential primary in,looks li new hampshire. but it looks like the general election is alreadhe genery gety started. both joe biden and donal gng std trump are ramping up the trash talk. >> my predecessors like to say y america is a failing nation. bls and my face, bless me, fatherat, creation, i mean, come on, a failing nation. and by the way, he wants to sea? the stock market crash. you know why he doesn't want he hoover? ext as i told you, he's already hoover. put he can't put two sentences together. he can't find the stairs offa lf
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a stage, which there are a lot of them up there. believe me, they're all overup o the place. he can't find his way off the stage when he makes a very . short. >> and it has to be short because it can't be long. trump isn't the only one takingt shots at biden. listen to what andrew yang had to say about president prden while endorsing democrat t presidential challenger and congressman dean phillipent >> a lot of americans have made up their minds about thi mades president and this economy, and telling them that it's better is not a working t it'sgy . >> the second thing is that the president is 81 years ol d. it's going to be tough to reinvent grandpa. >> he's not going to become a new candidate that grandpa line has got to staying because it's true. jog, becjoe acts like a grandpae time. the bibideg guy was just drinkig a triple milkshake and searching a congresswoman who wasn't even in the't even w.
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>> i got to go home right away. nog more, i'm sure you also want to mention the democrats first b ever this year. i just had my pictur?e. ere, >> oh, she couldn't be here, actually. that's not true. i got mixeot true.d up stuff. >> and while joe looks weak, trump looked stronie: whilg your than ever. senator tim scott will be endorsing trump later at a rally in concord, new hampshire. and scott, jusa rallt dropped ts tease. >> oh, man, i'm so excited for the announcement tonight. just tune in, pay attention, listen closely, and let's talk about four more years. >> okay, martha, i'll start with you. so joe biden is criticizing donald trump for saying that we are a failedticizing nation whei the truth is the economy is in the tank, inflationkn is out gom of control. we've got immigration not just eroding citiesration, , towns
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and villages, but bankrupting hospitals and crime is out of control without any solution in sight. >> mknowon i, i think back to president trump's inaugural address when he talke td about the thingsin that were really hurting in the country and he used the word. carnage at points. and i think then people understood that the country was headed in a direction that was that was scary, that was troublesom e. so then we had borders that we had to deal with covid. right. and it appears that the current president is not ingesting the feeling of the country. so, yes, i think if you askthin a lot of people and i thinkitn it's evident in many of the polls that peoplmany oe polls e concerned that the country is failing, that the country is falling behind. our great cities are not what they once were. that we are worried about the fact that our children aren't educated. who can graduate from high school in this country, barely able to read. so educat he is he failed oftene to to meet the moment of wheremomet people are in the country. >> and i think if he could speak to peopl w he coule in a y
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that reached them and had that kind of, you know, bill clinton feel your pain people believed him when he said that that he understoohr what was going on around the dinner table and that there's a disconnectis a and thk that you sense it all the time. that's why he's at 33%. that is an abysmal approval. han now, what happens in a heas dhet to head trump biden, i think, is anybody's gaffe that thatinte that's an interesting matchup. once again, we see what theod f swing state polls are quite they look good for trump right now. but i think you got to wonder if there'si think going to be a thirdo some party who kind of throws a wrench into some of the e around these numbers. and we'll see what happens. yeah, all right, piers. i mean happens, trump that joe n can't put two sentences together that he doesn't kno w. f way to walk off stage. of o what do people in europe think of donald trump, of joe f biden and the fact that, you knowac, got these issues? well, look, i know i'm in piers the official: chair tonight, but i've got nothing be let's be clear. s think democrat are sleepwalking into
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a ludicrous situation. >>s ar they mean two thirds of democrats think he's too old. >> two thirds of his own party think he's too old to run again. but he's on doing it. obviously, nobody wants to give up the most powerfuloing office in the world. i get that. but joe biden, to me, is a deadn man walking. and if the democrats don't wakae up fast to the reality of their candidate, the barely alive president against a resurgent donaldbarely trump who has just the biggest win at the iowa caucusth in republican history,h and who, by the way, in 2016, when he became 201 didn't even n in iowa. if that doesn't ring massive bells, then i don't know what does. and of course, the dynamic so different to 2020, because when joe biden ran against trump, then it was off the back of a ruinous pandemic, whicf ah ruin' a few of trump's calculations and would have been incrediblyct for anybody actually to win. and end of incrediblicult foy dt
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and biden run as the anti-trump candidate. well, he can'tn as an do that n now he has to run on his owno ru record. and asn on his martha 33% is it? i mean i don't any incumbentcumb president in history has won with that approvalentshistor rag at this stage. so to me, the democrats have to wake up, will they? will they get a new candidate in. al ratinw candidmaybe it's too y they've done it twice before. well, they've had incumbentwicet democrat presidents since world war ii who have stepped aside. sirld war who havei they shouldw otherwise, i've got to say, i did not think i'd be saying. this a year ago. i really didn't. i thought trump was done t trum. and then when you think c 91 criminal charges, he has to be donerimi. but it's bit like with king kong on top of the buildings here, the more they plunged into it, the more powerful it got. and i lookl he's at trump, and . i've known him a long time and my god, that guy's got resilience time, and he has gots a gate to his wind behind this g gate which sayats to me he thins
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he's going to win. and i think honestly, i suspect will be here in november. and if joe biden's up against him, trump wins. you know, tyrus biden. i if biden thinks that trumpf bi is the next herbert hoover,t ho i mean, he doesn't he doesn't understandoverhe numbers becaust his numbers on the economy are 30% were trump's was always 50 or over. fo you know i would have loved to someone follow up because there's no follow up questions anymore. how so? how is he? herbert hoover. and he? would be like, i don't want to talk about vacuums right now. >> he has absolutely no clue what's going on. >> but here's here's right now take the polls out of it. america is we are looked at.. we're a cowardice nation right now. we don't respect women. women. we had morning women in the in the senate talking about about their children. our representatives show up. they were attackedchildr. uo and that was the status quo. there's no reason to give upe up power because he's in power.andw andrew, who i respect, he's not. you can't reinvent grandpa,
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because he's not grandpa. he doesn't even claim his own cm grandchildre hgrandchin. there there's no reason becauseis of progress. democrats aren't runningthese ar country. these are not democrats. i have no problem losingt democm election to a great everything might not go my way, way but they're democrats. this is socialism and progressivism. using an elderly man who can'tp. remember what day of the week it is as their puppet. that's why he only has he can't put two sentences together. he puts three or four together. . at's the problem he's just a puppet and there is no in blue thate they're going to give that up because they are getting stuff tha that even 50 years that he's been in government, he's nevern been this far but he no clue what's going on. so there's no. and they're not going to run against trump. e no debthere will be no debates because he's not going to debate with a criminal. i've said it over and over agaidebatewith a cver ann. they're going to use all the. stuff they set up to not debate him. they're going to run to run th what they think is going to get him to the finish line.
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the problem is the american peopl e do not like being known as cowards, even with what's going on inng kno the middle east. if if england didn't down g, then we did it. t but when we're left to do something, we don't do it. we blow up empty buildings.we b and that's the problem. so then the economy matter.amerc americans don't feel good about brou country right now, periodao all right, charlie, martha brought up the issue of no labels and the possibility of a third party thndidatls, and e. how how do you think that that's going to. >> i think it probably we'll see something like that,rt whether it's them or some other third party candidate. what's kind of interesting about it whasting is, if you do, what is the third party candidate going to do? un o they're going to try to run on entirely trump's agenda becausnmp'se. y that's a winning agenda. and if you take the personalities out of it, donald trump winrsonalit s this election by, you know, with 60, 70%the ve of the vote. everybody agrees with donald trump on all of the issues. some unsolicited advice for joe biden don'dvice fot get into
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a trash talking contest with donald trump. nobody fares wel trump.l, thoses with donald trump, especially not you. joe bide,especin, it's not goinn to end well. >> and when when joe biden talks about ho joww trump trasht the country and says we're a failed nation and noion,, he'i >> that's like the the political version of a human shieldkeolitical where you say he's attacking america. no, he's not. he's sayinican -- g you're a far >> and you know what?e a you are a failure. r] and he talks about the economy and how trump wants the economy to fail. to, he's that the economy is ini shambles. as you point out, martha. m >> and and they're completely disconnected from that.. and, you know, you can look at the stock market and say, okay, the stock marketk ma settc new records, but and that's a classic mistake. litici the politicians failed politicians. politicians are going to lose. alwaysanns like make a go of the stockdoin markets. >> do it right. yeah it's not doing grea if yogf you can't afford groceries and people are complaining about itgroc and, it's all can be tied directly, directly
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to policies. >> that's right. all right. >> jne: comi. hocking update >> alec baldwin's worst drama, the hollywood actor couldprison be headed to prison yet a bizarr.e and free man. critics and audiences agree the btp, some of the most fun you can have at the movies. it's the body count. want to be right there. i did it for you. don't move. at subw. get on cheaper rated r. l play only in theaters right now. get a free footlong at subway like the new daily pretty buy . get one free. it's a pretty big deal. it's a pretty big deal. like me. order in the subway app todayr 3 type two diabetes. >> discover the olympic try.we >> discover the olympic try.we zonered my
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ so we are american made from beginning to end. shop now at show allegiance .com. >> our boy blue. >> i've told both candidate a shocking new twist in the fatal westin movie set shooting. alec baldwin could go to jailot now that aing. grand jury in nec mexico has indicted the actor on involuntary manslaughter charges in the death of cinematographer helena hutchins, who died after who d the actors prop gun fired
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a live of ammunitione on the film set. it's a dramatic turn of events just ago. those charges were dismissed. baldwin has stoo d the claim that he did not actually pullpul the trigger and let go of the hammer. f> the gun and the gun goes of and let go of the hammer. the gun the gun goes off at thn. moment. the trig did you say i was the one with the gun? that was a moment ago. it wasn't the script for the trigger to be pulled. pull the trigger. o yo why? i didn't pull the trigger. so you never pulled the trigger? no, no, no, no. he i would never point to kind of having to pull a trigger at them. never know. that was the trigger that i had . >> you don't want to go to spain and portugal. bubbles. lawyer pull lawyeays that theyt the new charges in court. >> but what changed? ial pr special prosecutors did a new analysis of the gun that wasosnv used and concluded the trigger had to have been pulled or depressed. judge jeanine, this l is everybody looks bad in this case. obviousl y. and the fact that the case was off and back on again.
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>> what is your what is your take on this? well, it that alec baldwin was indicted based upon evidence. >> he's now under indictment, two counts of involuntary manslaughter, which basically means that hhter, whe willfullyl disregarded the situation and the damageyarded th that cod that could happen. ank, i cute, loo the gun or i pulled the hammerd and i woulthd pull the triggerhn because that was a training that i had according to the fbi . that's a lie. and every cop i've ever worked every ce evern to,e it's a lie. >> first of all, you've got the the hammerfirs is cocked. and unless you pull the triggere that the the round is not going to come out of the gun. all right. but there was only one person who was pointing the gun at helena hutchins. only one person in his hand was on a pull the hammer back and had to pull the trigger. so what happened is they toowhad gun and they decided that they were going to do everythin tthag
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they can to see if there was a way that the gun would actually shoot the roundhave bee that live round that should never have been in the gun in the first place first p. d have >> and the only way they couldly have that happen is if you actually pulleds lyin the trigger. >> he's lying. according to the fbi, when acc he says he didn't pull the trigger. but the truth is, they had to actually a mallet to that gun to get the gun to actuallyle fire. so unless they they did that testing with the actualbasl gun, which has now beenh is t basically destroyed, which is the argument that thehe defense will use as a prosecutor, my response to that is, you've got to use that gun. you can't use another gun. you have to trto figy to figuret what makes this gun shoot. and it's just like dna. if you have dna in a criminal case, you only have one bit of it. you've have t of got to call the in. >> if you're going to destroy in ie e it because there's no other way to do it. >> right. so, tara, you're comfortable otn guns. you know, guns. one of the things that annoys me about this case is, first of alluns.s that a, they about n
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that was not top gun. it was an actual gun, it turns out. but yos anrgumenu this is this u that they make about how, oh,g u no, we were just running around. >> we were filming a shoot, filo and i pointed a loaded gun at somebody and it went off. if y a hunterexcuse and your excuse was to the was t police aftero , you shot somebody. >> oh, we were just playing around, pulling the trigger, yoig loaded guns at one another. >> you would go to jail for that? i've neveru would this excuse. >> well, i mean, dick cheney would argue thatd , but listen, i know alex would never do this i kn, but that's not what i'm about. gu. mith, gunsmith, gunsmith i've done four movies and i've done one. but i've done movies where i actually had w to hold guns.nsmith u when a gunsmith gives you the gun, they open it, show it. they say it's either hot or it's cold. hot means it's got the blanks in is inhing it. it cold mean there's nothing in it. once they hand you that gun, r e they their reputation their job is tha it they're handing you ai safe gun. so if he said to himm it, it's a
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hot gun and here's the deal. actors fiddle. he they sit there, he pulls, he pulls the hammer. but one of the golden rules is you never put your finger rector g in the you keep on the side, right? but then you'll have the director goes, it doesn't look real. so doesn' he puts his finger in th. he pulls it back.t it doesn't take much to pull the trigger. h to pulhe 1,000% pull the trigh but that's not the issue. he could literallyat issue pulld trigger eight times when that gun. and this is what happens with equithis isy and nepotism. unqualified person was how did the live rounds get in there? that's the question. somebody having target practice the night before didn't clean di the guns. and then a dirty gun was handed to alex saying it was clean.t wl the only argument there was if that he because he was the producer s and the director went out, grabbed the gun himself, walked in, didn't checkmself,check, wasn't, and then fired it then. and like i said, i'm not the judgaid, i'me. but then you have motive and you have all on him.on him
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>> but well, it goes back to the gun. but i thines back k being gener if that guy was taught how tota hunt, he would be taught. there'ughtnt, he w theres no sua safe gun. >> there's no such thing as safety net for every gunare r culture. ea >> and sure, they are creatingsc a scene in a movie witene ovie i show. and i agree with you. my question in this case has always the custody of the ammunition. the night before, there have been these stories that they were outside, you know that th, hannah gutier. reid was in charge of these guns. i want to know step by step what happened. how did that live round end up in that gun that endedhappenat on the table? and there are so many witnesses the llesse this. there are witnesses to what happened the night before. there are a lot of peopl eople who were in that room who saw do they know for a fact wherg when cey were goin he said, this gun is cold, you can use this gun now. e told i mean, if you're an actorl th and your talking to pulle the triggetrintr and, point it, you do have to rely on the people around you. now,people a he's in the movie. so if he created an unsafe filmo set and heme and somehow they gt
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their hands on that gun the night before and were surrounded then, i can seeg aro- the shooting. i mean, mr. unsympathetic to alec baldwin, who i think wh a lying, sniveling little rat who is also speno t the next two years after he killed this woman, not deliberatel womany dt murder somebody, he definitely fired the gun. he the trigger. i don't profess to be the world's greatest guns expert n . w th >> i think americans know that. but i do know that he diatd that and. responsi he pulled the trigger and he killed it. he's responsible for her death in thar t action.t all but he has always said in all these self-serving interviewsoff , i'm not responsible. i don't feel guilty reallyi dont >> really. a young woman on a movie set, which, by the way, he wasn't just an actor. he was a producer of this film. responsibloducer oe, actually, s the safety on set as well. like all the producers well, any were already having a lot of issues with safety that h e. must have been aware about. and if he wasn't aware of it, he should have been killed. >> p he's negligent is negligen it's a murder. she wrote theory, right.
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t reducethat whoever put the but in the gun, if he just told-- js that, is responsiblet he's responsible for the protocol, which i have a suspicion he did. in fact, most actors i've talked to have've m to me that y think he is responsible and they wouldn't have done wha what he did, which is go like that and pull the trigger. right. he e triggewho told you it was hotr cold? >> you don't take that shot >>l.hat was a rehearsa rehearsal? but the amazing thing is theyth have had probleme am ts with gus on that set and shootings and live rounds ons on the set.d he had notic.e he was in charge of the production. he should not have relied on anyone. his fingers should have been nowherne. should e near the well whereomu that trigger was. and for him to come out and,y say, you know, someone is responsible, but not mes res, is is a it's it's just a sad commentary on.-- that scene in which all of him and his wife the constant instagram victim adore. >> i don't want to see it.s i want to hear your son was killed in the makings person ofe
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crow with the same type of mistake but protocols were in orderng of "t and.ent to it was easy to tell where the mistake was and nobody went to jail. so that' jais the question is, y is this so easy? this should be so easy to prove. sobey to prove. easy to prove. well, no gun.s no gun is a safe gun. so jusa t remember that up. it pays to have a sugar brother. hunter biden's top financial finder a getting grilled by republicans. find out what he reveale outd n. >> no better job leads to a heart attack. >> do have life insurance? no, but we have life insurance ,john. >> i'm trying to find something we can afford. fortunately, in only a few minutes, blackhawk down. john. $500,000 policy for only $29 a month. and his wife and a $500,000 policy for only $21 a month. go to select qualcomm now and get the insurance
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least $5 million in hunter's tax bills. housin ofg, legal fees, accordig to a report he told house investigators that he had visitee d white house three timn while bankrolling the first family. he's alsg the firsto paying hunx ex-wife and the mother of his young ou-wift wedlock daughter. morris denies that there is any motivation for any of this, saying in part, quote, i do not. i did not and do not have any expectations for receiving fromt hunter's father or the biden administration. my only goal washe myminist and is to help my friend and client. meanwhile hunter is endings his months of defiance after finally agreeing to a privatntho deposition behind closed doors with house republicans. rehift going to happen nowse on february the 28th. it's a major shift after he wass seen pulling two political styles, one of which were which, where he showed for his deposition, only to blow it off and bash the investigationw . >> there is no fairness or decency in what these republicans are doing.
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they have lied over and overab about every aspect of my personal professional life. so much so that their liesse fas become the false facts believed by too many people. t >> remember that when he showed up at the other hearing and then when itheg. got too heated in there and people said things they didn't like, he got up and walked out. and who waths with him whe himne he got up and walked out? kevin morris. janinekevi i'm going to start with you on that. >> you know, this is hiso st brd i mean, i would love to know o.' maybe i actuallyt don't want to know the inside of this relationshiphe. r they met in 2019, he started paying off all of his bills. and i just see a pattern here of, you know, befriending, bilking, dumping, and then bk it angry. ak how long it takes. but i think it takesbefo before, these two start scrapping at each other. and kevin moore starts telling different storie s. know. you know, i don't know. here's what i do know. i mean, they're talking about maybey are t be $7 millio.
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and by the way, i just have tomm make a comment forent.. hunter biden talking about the republicans not having any decencs not hay. for this guy to even have the word decency coming out of his mouth. we'vng out of e every part of his bodys body that we don't want to see is reall y stunning because of that man that's gone. that's gone. gall yes.of okay. all right. so here's here's the thing that aughter]. m i don't really care about kevin moore. the only thing i care about,e oi he's a lawyer for the for the people who write south park. >> is he purchased hunter share or stake in a china investment inring joe biden's first year, allowing the first family to claim that they have divested themselves of any connection to communist chinese money. and so he buyschines, gets its m and then he gives the money. i mean, that's. a for me. but other than that, i could care less about this guy. but i'm just intrigued. i mean, why is this guy doing all of this, why is he trying to clear the decks for hunter biden is buying of this artwork
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after they only knew each other for a few months? >> yeah. any time you're a sugar brotherr in politics, you're losing badlrigued.y. >> it's.or a few but what's really strange about it is this. this >> charl actually may be the let terrible scandal that the biden family faces. i loved his statement talking about how he had no expectation of something in return for all of his money, which sort of reminds money, us of all th areas where hunter biden waswh money from china, ukraine, , all these different. places where they're saying, oh, no, of course there was no areakes expectation of something. >> but yes, there was. it kind of makes you wonde your whether or not there's. it's like it's almost like they're trying the whitee house house wants to talk about this because they don't want to talk about these othe don't wr where joe biden is completely involved. and then, of course, you have the advance white house advance team sent joe biden out to godeu speak today at at high school.l >> unfortunately, they picked a hunter high school.
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>> and so look at it the entire time she's talking she study hunter. hunter. so starting to think that maybe the white house maybe the white house is turnebe,d on hunter hi. okay. yeah. here's what do you think?cannot i can't get past the art, so g , with you. i don't really care about this guy, except that h et that he pd $850,000, 300 grand in cash. , the in loans that she didn't t expect to get back to hunter r now, my mother has a degree in fine art, but she got in hast exposed her great talent talented delight lighthe60s,. this is hunter biden's ah i would probably pay possibly my local flea market $10, maybe 15. >> you know how much it goes for? it goes for between 200 and $500,000 a piece. some of this stuff, right, for utter garbag -e. , so if you could get that for $10, you might also be, well, why you put it right. >> so he's obviously not n a proper artisott and why is thh
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guy paying almost money? why is he paying off his loans f . why is he doing all this stuff? -bviously, he's doing it for political access. he met hunter biden at a biden fundraiser. he's been to the white house three times and met joe biden. this guy b is a hollywoodokes hot shot. he smokes his bonds. he goes to see south because he works for them and he walks along to the white house. and, hey "sou, i with the that's why he's doing this. and that's why everything is up kindlo of and i have some ofi'vt the out with him to the hearings. suc >> like i like to say there'she. like no such thing as sugar brother. it's just suga daddy andr and ie story. >> this was hallmark. we all hav all e to. so let's just call it what itr] is. nobody let's ca, every guy who's made the mistake of putting a stripper through collegeanythg and never gets anything back knows that that sometimesr mike love is one sided. that's all that this is. it's jus tall thist a love affa.
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>> you know, just call it what it is. hor in situation? is th >> hunter okay. >> clearly no decency. oh, that's i don't know that to be true. but, you know, i do love man spe because nothing else is going to make a man spend money when it's a beautiful thing. ey's a it's a wonderfu, beautiful friendship. all right. so coming up next, a shocking video shows flames shootinshockt of an airplane and forcing an emergency landing. this is not, folks.ead. >> we're going to show you where this happened straight ahead . i'm a soccer mom and i have to go to i work hard and i want so i use my freedom, unlimitedea car and all my favorite soupted. so i use my freedom, unlimitedea >> i got it. r&b chase, freedom unlimited. how do you cash back? chase make more. >> what's yours? use kayak to compare hundreds travel centered ones.
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the original cocktail is a rock . they give it tea break to, like re-energized coffee runs. this discussion philosophy. we had the best soda place. it was like a throwback i tell you what, this is a very manly dance gone charlatans. let's drink our faces. by the way, he does take tips at the end of i never take two lemons before dinner. it ruins the appetite they have to you guys the lecture. can i give you some feedback as a bartender? you . i chose that song to be unsurprised to hear. >> welcome back. talk to the fastest first time. something seriously wrong with our skies. >> oh, my gowith ourd. oh, my god.
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>> fire one shocking new videosw showing flames shooting out of the engine of a boeinin shoot four seven cargo plane just taking off from miami airport last night. pilot making an emergency landing minutes later and nobody can try to be with that officialy las later. a softball sized hole was found thar the engine just adds to the growing list of scary airplane incidents. small plane not on a highwayisry in virginia this afternoon, authorities investigating the cause of emergency landing . luckily no injuries there either. and who can forget that door that blown out of an alaska airlines flight earlier this month, which also was plane.flying well, speaking of someone flying back to england on a boeing engined plane bto engla ? this one out. >> john, what do you think of what's going on with our airwayr airways. - all right. well, boeing has had 12 major equipment events in the last and years, and then they had two events with the door. the door plugswith the off and n they had one last night. and in japan night, the boeing airline had a problem where five people are killed. >> so my newve was if
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it's boeing, i ain't going to it. i'm not worried about becoming a poet. let me knoket becoming w. who f yeah. you know, as a guy who flies every week, i'm paying attentiolin to everything. but then again, it just goes back to that. we had the pandemiwe havc workfe got crumbled, then they came back with that wonderful thing of diversity equity hires. instead of hiring the best and brightesity, equing tht nowg people who are the first to put on a doo r on a plane.onest, and i'll be honest with you, i don't want the i wanm. and like i said, i said a million times, cold skin jo irrelevant, competent, know the skill set, know the job, and ifb. that means it's awho wa 60-year-old white man who's so white, he looks likelooks li thr >> but he can put a plane together. i love you, baby. give moue sullenberger any day. >> yes. yeah. >> ms back to this. issue of of failing. you know, i mean, we alwayo s have been a country that prided ourselves on a strong work ethiridec, being efficient, strn on getting everything right, you know, aig r in air travelths
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is just this amazing inventionye . and now i think things are sloppy. i think you feel it every time you go on a plane. a ply feelk you basicall y like on a cross-town bus. and if you get there in one piece, you know, i mean, i just plan that there's going to beac a delay. you know that the other day i came back from iowa like, okay, four or 5 hours waiting there to take off. it's like it's just like paret of travel. >> but thankfully, nobody in is was injured. s not >> so this is not the 737 max,th which has had all these problems. thisd al is a 747. but, you know, to your point, tyrus, thank god theto was not a die higher. he knew how to fly a plane anyd. landed and no one got hurt. yes. thank goodness. thank god for people to judge honine: thw rough that's w what i'm saying? >> and head of the faa.e pl well, let's figure it sorry them figure it out.let's >>go there's a problem with boeing planes. you know they got a problem. well, let's go to the boeing engine of music. madonna, brace yourselherself fe but may be too late to. the concert goers are suing madonna after her performanc sea 2 hours late in new york city. the band said they had a hard time gettingns and had to get uh
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early for work the next day. personally i would pay a million dollars an hour. madonna not to turn up and sing in front of me. i thin frontk she's a ludicrous' of what she used to be. so i don't really understand th on the first marthealat place, but i don't know. >> i don't mean to be mean, but i'm just tryina:m tryingg ft who is going to madonna concert anymore, honestly. i meanncerts a, think there's sg to be said fnglly ,for understanding, you know,de sort of. she was always kind of evolvinrt and doing the next thing and i feel like that kind of endedhiil at some point and now she's trying to revert and do the same thing that she always did. so i, i mean, i feel bad for these people who bought the tickets, but i'm just trying to figure out why t so ti pretty professionally if we were. >> secondly, on this show, lo's a livs show, ite show, alld break loose. so it would just be the 515ct tha back. right. but i would not like that. but i mean, the factt rollup two she's rolling up 2 hours late for an 830 call that used to be cool>> jea because like, you gos
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n roses and all the great bands . uld always be late but the show was so great that people didn't care. but norew, like, well, and to be fair to her, her face needs 2 hours to get there before she just it's not fair. >> you know, not the the surgeot and the team of scientists who put that thing back together agaiistsbackn. so i just it's scary. i wouldn't want to go to her concerts again.s this is what happens whenwh people they get in this lifestyle. they can't let it go. i don't understand why no one, you know, goes old gracefully. look, i'm not in the gray role. whi'grayy not you know, exactly. charlie, he's. he's letting it go. you're letting it goo, you, judge madonna verdict. >> well, first of all, if i go:u to a concertdge,eanine: and itr and 15 minutes later, she come s out at 1045 and she's supposed to come out at 830, i'd soould e to the problem was that a lotn of people i think it was in brooklyn they couldn't get transportationouldot home they had to work the next day. i mean that's just rude and no, i've seen her years ago. i've seen her. and i agrei have se with that
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with martha, you have to grow old gracefully. gracly.nanok healthy, you ca try to look hip and young and all that and take care of yourself. but i meang., she's ridiculous. >> i think, like me, you've grown old very gracefully. >> so what's your thought? i mean, getting more extreme, >> cg alternative.he los and she ought to embrace it. you know, when she lost met was she was she did the thing where she was drinking out of dog bowl. it was just like, that's. no, i miss that. , you're lucky. >> yeah, that's her fault. but because her face is so tight, she can't perform. >> that's a medical thing. so thing. what next? >> is fan mail friday, not something on tuesday. so i'm looking forwardng to this. >> oh, this again. get fan hits as mark center stage and is crushed by austach baby grand pianoe.. erty. >> you're replacing me. customize and save with libert♪y baby. he doesn't even have a mustache. only pay for what you need
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visit us at missile. do that again. you don't have to be rich, judge, but when you do friends like that, i'm allve tjudge, b . oh yeah. america it's fan mail friday tyra speed roundt'od judge, we'e starting with you. >> okay. i mber one, did you curounjudges during high school? never. i was. good girl. >> te. ve in piercirl. >> i don't even know what that question be. all right. very english of yo[lau >> tyrusu. >> you skipped school. you get your education to hang out with blokes. es?
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>> absolutely not. i'd put the odds in. yeah, i'm deepabsolute , charles.. course. yes, you did. yeah. i skipped french class. of cours e. really, martha?me i mean, number two, working in the girl. >> okay. what current trend, judge isis to look ridiculous in ten years? >> the thick eyebrowten years? s women have, they have these thick black eyebrows. they're going to look like. what's her name? ika gardnehave gardener from moe dearest. >> so the unibrow is out. yeah>> tyre unibro. identifying as gender fluid there we to walk around with your and your phone. hmm. i like that one, i think. yeah, i liker nose- one. yeah, i'm. i'm non-binary. that's what happens. whati'. okay. all right. what are you, the self-taugh yot judge? >> i don't want to tell you.eane sorry. ca: n i talk to what you mean? >> what have i taught myself? yes, i'm how to be a verry y: th annoying brit, and i'm very good at it. and that's hard to do because very, as you know are annoying. >> like everything i got, i didn't learn anything in schoo
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l. yeah, pretty much. yeah, i agree. i agree. martha:, a of charlie's fathert yeah, that's good one because everyone sometimes what is on the menu. >> this is going to be great. what is on the menu at your house when you cook dinner ther all well it depends on the season but there's always hummus and there's always like a potluck. a nation. i can make a roast or i can i ca. eatballs >> no judge can say no.wn yeah, i love to cook. >> i cook spaghetti. morgan which is a twist. on balinese rice and got a little like a meal and you have it witht with fine french . my father gave me two bits of advice in life always be polite to police officers and buy the best french wine bue you can afford. >> excellent advice for anybody. hmm. we're being sympathetidyc people steaks. >> i love to make bee pancakesen on sunday morning and it has to be absolutely 100% real. maple sirup warmed up. yeah. and poured ovep, warmeanr the tp with blueberries. yeah, that's what i farm in my house. >> yes.
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all right. okay. all right, judges, what's your favorite part of having pasnow day? well, if i don't have to go to work, just wrapping myself up in a blanket with my poor dog. watching. >> i mean, there you go. i was actually walking through centra>> pies park, sol park in. >> some guy thought i was harrison ford. a lot of likeday. that became my favorite, became my famous snow day drivinge and check out all the accidents. >> i love snowcidents on the h. i am crazy about snow. put on the fireplace, go outside and go cross-countr, ,run around the dogs and watch them in the snow. >> all right? yeah. a snowballow.yrus: a ball fig fu i'm undefeated. yeah. all right. one more thing is up next. that wasndd. "one good. >> also about making some money based on incredible true story . the romans get a job and she plays the lead. and director george clooney team of underdogs went way down. coach will make history show them and i already know show them and i already know the boys in the book
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one of the clues was it was called great prime ministers by johdue backn whittle. it was due back on june the 30th, 1979.course and of course we'v we had nine prime ministers since and it would be very, very hard to actually have a boo bhard tod called great british prime ministers. so we're delightedpiece of thise of vintage history is returns. remind us of the great days when we actually did have great prime ministers. how much was that? how much did it. f i was so thrilled to get it, by the way, you had to pay five, 12 bucks. >> yeah. all right. a local arkansas man known as the neighborhood cowboy put his lasso skillsoo to test. yesterday. he received a call from a neighbor asking fo ing for r help getting a stranded tarp off a frozen pon d to the cowboy. the cap is back home and safe ag with its mother seeing sliding right along. bab oh, it's a baby. oh, okay. y. okay. so a big career milestone. teret
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a doctor who kind of took itinn to an interesting place. workit's working in the emergeny room for 40 years. he's so excited that he's retie wid and so we wish him well. this is dr. phil. ing to he used to skate around the e.r. for a while. he and his wife are goinfoguage to move to spain for a year to learn the language and embrace spanisndh culture.e >> so care. is that how we got around in the e.r.? first, why we got it to be h retiring, got out of here. oh, i love that. all right, tigers. all right. d bye now. officer raises a kid in aissipp sledding competition. race. hernando, mississippi officer couldn't pass up bu hee ortunity for a sled rac ,but the race had a clear a winner from the get go. >> after one kid got off to a k running start. he was arrested later for cheatingid ocatc, leaving the kd headed catch up. managed to pass officer in the icy eed morey cross a policc officer doing stuff community. we need more stuff like that. out.t myand for more stuff in td you want to check out, you can check out my comedy tour upol
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in february. i'm also out in california, just about sold out in connecticut, massachusettou s more dates will be added. and of course, if you want a good read, check out my new book nuff said, available everywhere. it is a take us home"nuf. so before you do that, don't miss this weekend on sunday night, 7 p.m., the big weekend show we've guy benson, mollymce, line, kayleigh mcenany and myself livnde in new hampshire. now for this one more thing.ishg who needs triple-a when you've got an amish neighbor, a who's p got his suv stuck in a snow bank in tennessee so far as a tructo helpk pass without stog to help. but an amish neighbor brought wy his horses out and decided to pull it out the old fashioned wa y. epower >> and that's what we call. amish horsepower, very, very good old fashioned horse. i guess the police should have been arrested for speeding. yeah


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