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tv   FOX and Friends Saturday  FOX News  January 20, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PST

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more dates will be added. and of course, if you want a good read, check out my new book nuff said, available everywhere. it is a take us home"nuf. so before you do that, don't miss this weekend on sunday night, 7 p.m., the big weekend show we've guy benson, mollymce, line, kayleigh mcenany and myself livnde in new hampshire. now for this one more thing.ishg who needs triple-a when you've got an amish neighbor, a who's p got his suv stuck in a snow bank in tennessee so far as a tructo helpk pass without stog to help. but an amish neighbor brought wy his horses out and decided to pull it out the old fashioned wa y. epower >> and that's what we call. amish horsepower, very, very good old fashioned horse. i guess the police should have been arrested for speeding. yeah
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♪ o say can you see ♪ ♪ by the dawn's early light ♪ ♪ what so proudly we hailed♪ ♪ at the twilight's last gleaming♪ ♪ whose broad stripes and bright stars ♪ ♪ through the perilous fight ♪ ♪ o'er the ramparts we watched ♪ ♪ were so gallantly streaming ♪ ♪ and the rockets' red glare ♪ ♪ the bombs bursting in air ♪ ♪ gave proof through the night ♪ ♪ that our flag was still there ♪ ♪ o say does that star spangled banner yet wave ♪
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♪ o'er the land of the free ♪ ♪ and the home of the brave ♪ will: good morning and welcome to "fox and friends" as pete hegseth calls out the inanimate objects accompanying your photos next to the american flag, rocket, basketball net. and a statue of a horse. pete: right through the statue of the horse. rachel: i have a little snowman in front of my house. pete: it is fun to watch it melt into a pile of sticks. will: it was fun for six hours, then it is not fun.
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>> the one trip, then multiple changes of clothing and -- will: it is dirty and snow goes from white to new york city, gray. pete: that the new york city thing. rachel: kids love snow. will: it is good to see you, both of you. rachel: it was coming in a little hot this morning but i made it. pete: someone else made it to new hampshire yesterday and what was not a surprise per se because it was to use earlier in the day but tim scott previously said he wasn't endorsing anybody in the republican primary. he was running for president a few months ago. he took to stage in concorde, new hampshire alongside donald trump and officially endorsed him. watch.
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>> he's a senator from south carolina. fantastic man, tim scott. >> new hampshire! we need a president who doesn't see black or white. a president who sees americans as one american family. and that is why i came to the very warm state of new hampshire to endorse the next president of these united states. donald trump. >> good man and very respected man and appreciate that he came all the way over, you can put it out over truth, got to go with truth, it's the best, we put it out and just a respected
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guy and having his endorsement means a lot. rachel: his from south carolina, we saw that with ron desantis, how so many federal elected officials from the state of florida did not endorse him. it was a big deal they went with trump. i don't think people outside politics understand the relationships built in the state and what a big deal it is when you don't support somebody from your own state, here is tim scott who was appointed to the office of senator by nikki haley. and then she appointed him and he became the first black senator from that state to be a sender and it is a big deal that he didn't endorse his own state governor. he is exactly --
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will: he did a bit. it was like we will secure the border and donald trump and by the end the audience knew. will: it is not a version i've seen before of tim scott. pete: he is fired up. he was playing to the crowd. rachel: ron desantis and nikki haley had something to say. >> i thought scott had already endorsed him. i think that is a blow to nikki haley. i do think that she has really lost ground here. >> it is disappointing but not surprising, we are seeing the washington insiders go towards trump. interesting from a guy who says he wants to drain the swamp, you are not going to drain the swamp that way but we are moving on. it is not about endorsements from elected officials as much as we want the endorsements from the people of new hampshire.
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pete: i likely desantis answer. i thought he already endorsed him. i feel like that was the assumption, eventually tim scott, you're exactly right. it is an affront to go outside your state and endorsed somebody, a big deal when republican senators of florida endorsed tim scott. i don't think a lot of these endorsements carry a lot of weight at this point. people are making their decisions based on the candidate, but does show momentum for donald trump going into new hampshire. will: why somebody from your own state doesn't want to endorse you, no question there. will: the more consequential part of this is tim scott, is he a viable candidate for vice president? i think tim scott is definitely among the people being considered. the reason i come back to tim scott and i'm not suggesting he is going to be the vice president. pete and i had the conversation we had last week off the wall.
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it's much easier to say why someone shouldn't be an to argue why someone should be. many of them are all sitting. many don't have a lot to offer on the resume so it's easy to come up with why you shouldn't, hard to come up with why someone should be the vice president. >> a second term of donald trump, the vice president, that is a tough one. i think he is on the list no doubt. rachel: i think he is low on the list. i don't think when you look at the policy positions, they are not a great match. i really enjoyed seeing vivek ramaswamy with donald trump this week. that was -- there. will: -- pete: we had an extensive conversation about that.
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too much of an independent streak. you could see it in the endorsement. two alphas on stage. rachel: there was little of that, a little bit of upstaging. enough. >> you've got to have someone who will support the agenda, support the man. be interesting. will: one of the people in position is congresswoman alisa stefanik. to the border. jackie heinrich pressed president biden on whether he believes the southern border is secure, his answer might surprise you. >> how to publicans trying to impeach mayorkas. are you on the same page with prime minister netanyahu?
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>> president biden: it is not. hasn't been for the last 10 years. >> have your policies enabled any of this? >> president biden: i have asked for thousands more. pete: good to get that access but not an admission of anything. had bitten unsecure for 10 years now that i've been asking for the money and thousands more of everything. will: if it has not been secured for 10 years than you are saying it was never secure under donald trump, we haven't had a copperheads of immigration reform. will: he was vice president before that. if you think the border is not secure and you've been at the
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levers of power for that long. then why do you tolerate something like this, you can't put it on republicans. that's absurd. pete: 10 years as a made up number, made that up in the moment. who knows what he meant to cover with of that but again, you know this, always asking for money and it is not to build a wall to reinforce the wall. rachel: border patrol, travel agents, get them onto flights that we pay for for which they get on with far less security checks than the average american, it is really a slap in the face to the american people. look at this. will: if he's trying to shift the blame to republicans, no one believes it and you would have to argue from a position of stasis, it's a constant
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problem, we can't fix it. day one with executive orders, explained to me how it's republicans problem on your self admittedly insecure border. pete: if it's an attempt to backtrack in front of the election -- rachel: all you have to do is remain in mexico. half the problem is solved. he simply doesn't want to do it. it is deliberate, on purpose, they are trying to change america in some way. i don't know if it is to overwhelm the system and call's in and build back better or maybe -- pete: where's the billback better? if you want to secure the border, a moat with crocodiles. whatever it takes. it is 12:00, 12 minutes into the show, let's do some headline starting with this.
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the pentagon confirming navy fighter jets carried out another round of strikes against the houthis in yemen. us forces destroying three anti-ship missile launchers that were aimed toward the southern red sea, this is the sixth round of retaliatory strikes the us has carried out since last thursday. the uranian bacterial group has staged at least 35 attacks on international shipping in the past two months. how many times you bomb a country before you are at war with a country, pushing the envelope on that. another one here. in a report revealing foreign developers from countries like china, russia and iran own at least 40 million acres of us farmland including land near american military bases in 37 states, the number could be higher. the government countability officers, quote, without improving its internal processes the usda cannot report reliable information to congress or the public about where and how much us
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agricultural land is held by foreign persons. inflation is hitting taco bell. customers not happy about it. one woman going viral after finding a seat from over a decade ago. >> from 2012 to five burrito's total. $2.59. $2.59. can you even get anything from taco bell for $2.59 anymore. talk about inflation. will: they are saying -- >> a 5 flavor burrito costs one dollar and $0.30 so it is one dollar, add them up, in 2,012, now it cost $3.69. will: it is free at my house.
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will: that wasn't a taco. it was a 5 layer burrito. do you do it like the -- the seasoning and it? >> we have very good -- >> you don't do shredded ground beef? and seasoning the packet. you don't do that? how do people make tacos? that is the only way. you are not telling me what -- i think you probably do that. >> will: i think you might use the seasoning. rachel: i don't use taco seasoning, use coriander, chili powder. the taco seasoning has a lot of other weird ingredients.
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with your testosterone levels. will: check out this headline. with testosterone. will: check this headline. rachel campos duffy is better at producing sports than will cain and clay travis. rachel: this is the greatest sports headline of all time. i can't tell you. it is just amazing. you get these google alerts with your name. i've never had any - so many sports outlets reference may. >> because of your brilliance on this game, this matchup played out the way it played out but here's how rachel predicted. rachel: the cowboys in the end are jokers. i don't trust that.
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it's too many interceptions. will: you looked down at your notes and then turned to me, she looked at her notepad, i don't trust that. will: it goes with management. late in the game. it resonates with me because dad gets too many interceptions. will: that's not true. will: it turned out to be true. >> the clip is you are right and you did a nice job and bobby did a great job. rachel: like he is -- i am daniel, he's mr. miyagi and i'm learning from the master. pete: what struck me about that clip, you could see the glow of
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your anticipation in the game. the pregame anticipation glove excitement. going to win. i love that feeling. rachel: tolerably what happened during the game, the exchange. i was tweeting over -- texting these guys and it was weird, i thought this was what you were supposed to do every time there's an interception, every time there's a touchdown, we are friends, we text each other so i was talking to will about his cowgirls and he was not responding. he was so -- it was like silence. >> massive violation of man protocol. will: at which point i had to chime in and be like you are over your skin. will: she texted me after every interception, every touchdown. on twitter she's out there liking people, don't think that
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went unnoticed. people like will stinks and just bang. will: i thought that was what guys did. pete: you harass them on the first touchdown but after that you let the man suffer alone. rachel: i have to tell you i've never had more fun watching a game. it was so fun. i was hardly watching. i was more, a touchdown, let me -- i was like swinging and text and it was so fun. will: you get another chance to watch. niners play the packers on fox today so i don't think you will be watching it as actively as last week but if you are a packers fan -- i don't care who wins this game. will: after last week.
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rachel: good choice. rachel: alec baldwin charged again in a fatal rust shooting and convicted killer scott peterson gets new hope after 20 years in jail. our legal roundup is next. will: this cowboy is a winner, crazy video, the man used a lasso to rescue a cash on a frozen pond. ♪ makes every day... a "let's dig in" day... mm. ...a "chow down" day... a "take a big bite" day... a "perfectly delicious" day... - mm. [ chuckles ] - ...a "love my new teeth" day. because your clearchoice day is the day everything is back on the menu. a clearchoice day changes every day. schedule a free consultation. 1 down, 9 to go. hey, what are you doing out here?
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i think he's having a midlife crisis i'm not. you got us t-mobile home internet lite. after a week of streaming they knocked us down... dial up speeds. like from the 90s. great times. all i can do say is that my life is pre-- i like watching the puddles gather rain. -hey, your mom and i procreated to that song. oh, ew!
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i think you've said enough. why don't we just switch to xfinity like everyone else? then you would know what year it was. i know what year it is. will: alec baldwin is facing a new indictment and the rest movie said shooting, involuntary manslaughter charge. for the 20 and 21 death of halnya hutchins. joining us astrologer rebecca rose goodwin. what do you make of this new development? >> i predicted this about a year ago. someone is dead. she was a victim of some sort of negligence. no one is claiming alec baldwin
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intentionally did this. he is being indicted, was indicted on charges of involuntary manslaughter which is negligent homicide. letter jerry decide what happened. he said he didn't pull the trigger, the prosecution says they have experts who say the gun would never have discharged without pressure being put on the trigger. letter jerry decide which no one is saying it was intentional, but somebody has to be responsible for live rounds on a gun in a set, there should have been apsley no ammunition. will: just as a quick follow-up, lehmans question. is every accident somehow therefore criminal negligence? is there not -- this isn't to defend alec baldwin. i'm curious, the end result is somebody died, sometimes is that just not a bad accident? >> absolutely, but here we are looking at as safety issue onset. there was a live round of ammunition that should never be on a movie set.
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let's talk about who did it, let's have a jerry look at all the evidence, look at the prosecution, present evidence, no one is saying alec baldwin is necessarily criminally responsible, but let the jury decide that. something went wrong. we went to los angeles cover the innocence project is taken up the case of scott peterson. >> the innocence project is saying there's no evidence the prosecution has not given to the defense at the time of the trial, let's see what it is. the innocence project is extremely respected in this area of finding evidence and presenting it, but we don't know what that evidence is. once we know what that evidence is, once the trial court knows what the evidence is we will see how the case proceeds. he has been taken off of death row and facing life
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imprisonment, because the appeals court found bias in how the jury was selected during the initial trial. will: let's move to new york, the trial attorney in the committal case against the subway hero daniel penny who took down ralph neely who many describe as threatening. his motion to dismiss his been denied by the trial judge. 's attorney says he's not surprised by this. you are not surprised as well. >> he was indicted. what a trial judge will do is say let a jury decide. there are too many fact in issue the the judge can't determine, let a judge look at the evidence and the facts and decide if this is self defense. was this man acting in self-defense and in defense of others against someone in imminent danger? was he going to hurt them? was he going to kill them?
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was this probable force used to restrain someone who was posing a danger to someone else's life. will: i don't think this represent a great leap of bad judgment by the judge. if you look at bad judgment look at the da for pursuing these charges or potentially see how it plays out, a jury of his peers in new york and how they see this incident. that's what we need to decide if new york is a place that embraces heroes or makes criminals out of people who stand up to someone who does wrong. >> when we see the fact in this case it will be clear he was -- someone was imminent threat of danger. will: still had. attention builds mafia, you are needed at the stadium to shovel snow again. tomorrow after game against the chiefs. adam will tell us how much snow buffalo can expect. the storm didn't stop thousands of demonstrators from marching for life in dc. our next guest braved the storm with a group's campaign to make
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live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. will: 70 million americans are under winter chill alerts as a blast of arctic air suites east, the great lakes region digging out after getting buried with lake effect snow. in buffalo, bill's mafia is shoveling out of their stadium before sunday night's game against the chiefs. adam klotz is here with the fox weather forecast. >> reporter: i'm standing outside because if i wasn't, how would we know how cold it is. it is very cold outside. millions of americans are experiencing it this morning and will for the rest of the weekend. let's show you the temperatures, these are wind chill temperatures, what it feels like when you are outside, 8 ° on fox square. in the midwest plenty of places in the negatives, negative 7 in
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nashville. we have wind chill alert across the country from florida getting to the canadian border all wrapped around the golf of mexico, we have frost and freeze alert as we deal with incredible cold air. the good news is this will break by monday and returned to warmer temperatures. tossing it back to you. rachel: thank you so much. thousands of pro-life demonstrators gathering in the nation's capital, for the 51st annual march for life. the action will continue with the national pro-life summit. cheryl siebert is the cofounder of every life it was there yesterday and she joins us now. so great to have you. tell us about your company. >> every life is the first pro-life diver company that believes every child is a gift
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from god deserving of love, protection and celebration, we provide a premium high-performing product and we give back, we are all about helping parents who have chosen life or their babies, we donate to pregnancy centers and urgent need and we are here for parents who are passionate about shopping in alignment with their values. we need people standing for life and we are proud to be available, we launched in july, the fastest growing diaper company america has ever seen. rachel: i heard about you. i'm going to go out and purchase them now. my last baby is still in diapers and we need to start shopping in ways that align with our values and put a giant billboard in times square, floating elon musk. >> elon musk, having children is saving the world. every life we want to one hundred% endorse that message,
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we put a simple powerful statement underneath that says make more babies, we believe that we need more children in this world, not less. it is sad to see how many women especially in their fertile years are saying i don't want children or i'm going to put it off and realize later on they wish they would've started sooner in life and a lot of that is because they -- message being projected to from climate change rattle, depopulation control ideologies and we are saying we need more children and children are not an inconvenience, they are not a burden, not a threat to our earth, they are the opposite, they are the thing we need to feed a healthy nation, we need strong families, that's how we prosper, how we grow children, they are hope, our future, our legacy. we hope by putting this billboard up loud and proud in times square, it will tell
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america and encourage moms and dads to have more children because that is how we continue on and have a strong nation. >> population control people have been doing their work for many decades and we are seeing the fruits of that. great to see a counter message going out from you and these as powerfully and culturally influential as elon musk, mother theresa once said saying there is too many children is like saying there's too many flowers. couldn't agree more. i love your message, you can be sure you have another customer in me. i will get on my phone right now and make sure i order from you. i love it, the message is make more babies. i'm doing my part. america, get on board, thanks for joining us. >> appreciate it. the new hampshire primary is just three days away, so who will come out on top, we talk to granite state voters next.
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>> new hampshire voters get their say on tuesday in the primary. let's break down how it works. voters head to their local polling place to cast their ballot. republicans and democrats vote in their own elections but undeclared voters can take part on either side and if you are not currently registered, you can sign up on site to vote for
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republican or democrat. for the democrats this year is unusual. state law for new hampshire to be the first primary in the nation but that's at odds with biden in the party's pick of south carolina to be first so the dnc is warning no delegates in the contest and president biden will not be on the ballot. instead they are pushing a write in campaign for him ultimately, no delegates at stake, democrats and republicans are battling for 22 which go out proportionately based on how many votes each gets. joining us are two new hampshire republican voters. debbie morse and michelle right. there are 22 delegates at stake. the election is coming soon. what issue matters most to you and what candidate are you leaning toward right now?
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>> i'm leaning towards donald trump and i would say my most important issue this election is immigration. >> you feel his first term he delivered on wanting to secure the border, it has gotten worse and you want to go, you want them to take another swipe at it? >> absolutely. she he handled it very well. will: issue that matters most for you and candidate you are looking at as a new hampshire voter. >> good morning. i am behind nikki haley, the most important topic i think is immigration and border security. will: you feel like she would do a better job than donald trump, hence you are supporting her? >> yes. i think she has great experience. donald was the president and had a go at it but she has really good plans. i think she can do the job, she
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understands it's a dynamic situation, not just about building a wall but figuring out why people are coming here from other countries all over the world, it's very complex and i think she can handle that and taken on. will: you probably saw tim scott endorsed donald trump. did that have any impact on you? do you feel why is he endorsing him, his from the same state as nikki haley? what your reaction? >> i will say yes, that was disappointing and to say it wasn't would not be honest so i think he has to go with where he thinks his best bet is, the fact that she is from south carolina, they both are i was surprised she didn't -- he didn't support her. and i think true nikki haley followers are going to be behind her it's not going to impact them.
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will: one of the criticisms nikki haley has made and ron desantis and donald trump as well, the policies without the chaos, the dust cloud comes with it. what do you say to those that make that argument against candidate supporting donald trump? >> i understand it. i don't always agree with him and the way he handles certain situations but i will tell you this, he's an outsider, just the simple fact that the lawsuits and pressure being put on him right now i feel are 100% political, i think he is angry and he is fed up and i think the people see it, the fact that he is an outsider not from washington means a lot to me because we need to clean house, he's the candidate to do it. i don't feel that nikki haley has the fortitude to handle what needs to be done in
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washington especially behind closed doors. in terms of outside the voters. will: it will be really interesting. let me put up up all of where we stand now. the recent paul we have a new hampshire. it has donald trump at 52%, haley at 35, desantis at 6, still a fraction of undecided. let's say that holds. let's say it stays right there. and then it goes to south carolina. is there a point that you would say it looks like trump's race? >> i think that is not inevitable but if that were the case, then that is what you would think. it's hard for me to look down that road, looking at tuesday, to see, she is going to win on tuesday, i think there are a lot of people that support her on both sides. will: you make a great point, the voters haven't spoken yet. tuesday will tell us a lot.
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polls tell us one thing. voters going to the polls are what really matters. thank you for your time this morning. let's toss it to rachel for a few headlines. rachel: headline starting in georgia, under investigation for allegedly misusing county funds, with nathan wade. officials demand she had over information related to wade's appointment, that her lover in the 2,020 trump election interference case. records show wade use taxpayer funds to purchase 800 on a nappy valley hotel stay and $5700 on cruise trips among other expenses. those documents backing up allegations that the two had an appropriate relationship. attacks on houses of worship are the largest threat to religious freedom in 2024 according to an angry report
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from the us conference. church officials say tensions are simmering over the israel hamas war and the supreme court decision overturning roe versus wade. plus there could be even more trouble ahead of the 2,024 election. a story that makes us smile. are cowboy coming to the rescue of a calf wrapped in a frozen pond in northeast arkansas. he skillfully uses his last so to pull the calf to safety. he says he's the go to cowboy in the area for saving livestock. this is the first time he pulled an animal off the ice. afterwords the calf was reunited with his mommy and those are your headlines. coming up, another blue city making moves towards banning gas stoves, we will tell you where. we are celebrating national cheesecake with some great recipes next.
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will: time to say cheese because today is national cheese lovers day.
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rachel: chef eric levine, from 317 main st. . >> happy national cheese day. we have lots of fun stuff but let's start with the most important thing which is cheese curd. most people think, who don't understand what cheese curd is it is chatter, that's all it is so people think it is like -- it's just yellow she's compared to regular cheddar and everyone loves barat so we have some fresh barada here and this is our barbecued brisket with cheddar, this is our cuban. on top here we have our blue cheese bacon bites which are big it. always a lot of fun and our super bowl party, different cheese balls, is it peak on? this is peanuts and it is
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cheddar. you just take it, role it really nice and chop up some different types of nets, roland on, the easiest way to go about it. of course we have our biscuits and cheddar as in cheddar, that is our wild mushroom potato chip and you have to pay homage to desert so cheese, a big cheesecake right here. you try everything and from our other restaurant a couple different types of pasta. we have our pizza which is beautiful, the best pizza, it's one of our restaurants and farmingdale. and this is served with a pizza ball which is very unique. edible ball which is one of those -- that is actually a
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pizza ball with barada put on top of that. another dish we do with a little bit of cheese sauce. one of those things you can do ahead of time and it's a lot of fun. the other thing i want to talk about, this cheese, parmesan. most people purchase pre-grade parmesan which is a set. you purchase these, and people have no idea how long it sits on the shelf. how easy is it to get a nice little block and just great it your self. what i want you to try, the difference. what is it like when you great it fresh compared to buying that? we graded this fresh yesterday and i did this. take the difference in what was just done compared to this. always better. so you can tell the difference. rachel: most of the time it's not the day before.
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>> it loses its freshness, loses its freedom, loses its pop as with different types of cheese. you want to take a contrast, cheddar on the outside compared to this aged cheddar, this was 24 months and this was 10 months as opposed to parmesan which is aged for ten months, has a bite to it. you can tell the difference in age compared to something that was just processed which people who made the mistake of not paying attention to these details, that's the difference when it comes to cheese. 317. will: thank you very much, thank you. don't go anywhere. the best t was to invest with vanguard for my retirement. the second best? stay healthy enough to enjoy it.
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