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tv   FOX and Friends Saturday  FOX News  January 20, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PST

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will: t the 7:00 a.m. hour of "fox & friends" weekend on january 20th. this video is graphic and captures a shocking moment a new york city driver intentionally plows into nypd officer. pete: after claudine gay's disastrous capitol hill testimony. harvard is developing anti-semitism task forces. rachel: cowboys cheerleaders claiming that packers players were mocking them during their playoff game last sunday. we're going to break down the standoff in the pop culture roundup in the next hour. fox first weekend starts right now.
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♪ ♪ pete: you've heard those lyrics and not many bikinis in that and snowy, cold morning and i didn't catch the town name. will: troy. rachel: troy. pete: good morning, troy, ohio. stay warm. it's cold all over the place. rachel: even in tennessee. pete: like zero and got down in the teens during the day and snow every r. rachel: that's why you left minnesota. pete: 100% right. will: what is it in minnesota?
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negative 30. pete: negative 15 with feet of snow. rachel: i'm in new jersey and there's snow and kids are loving it. will: watched a soccer game streaming and i like the 21st century. i can be in new york to host a show and watch on my ipad or phone, and you do this as well, watch our boys play a game. looked real cold in texas last night. soccer game, you know, with the beanies on and gloves and just running around. pete: that's called half the year in minnesota or wisconsin. rachel: all those people trying to shovel out in buffalo to get to their seats. pete: hardy bunch. a hardy bunch. another place where it's a little chilly. not as cold as iowa, which is record breaking and new hampshire is where all the candidates are headed right now and it is saturday and on
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tuesday is the new hampshire primaries and a lot is at stake there about where this race will go especially on the republican side. if you take the dial on the rhetoric, it's starting to move up and up and up between nikki haley and donald trump because they're vowing for the outcome there in new hampshire. a little bit of what both of them said on the trail yesterday. >> i have so many differences with donald trump. i think he spent way more of our tax dollars than he should have and from a foreign policies standpoint, it's not time to be friends with [inaudible] and [inaudible] >> i know nikki very well and worked for me for a listening type. she'd not be able to hand that will position.
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she would not be able to handle the onslaught. with all of that being said within the republican party, i want to bring unity and within the nation i want to bring unity. you know, unity will come from success. rachel: interesting, he said she's not smart enough or tough enough. the chaos part and look at donald trump years and his campaign, the chaos is coming from the left. you create chaos when you make up a lie called russia collusion. you create chaos when you use the federal government and state houses to take somebody off the ballot. pete: you're exactly right and the dust cloud comes from the fact that he's taken on so many
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entrenched instances and everyone has come at him as a result and does that translate in the minds of republican primary voters in new hampshire and this is sort of nikki haley's last stand is new hampshire and this is a state where if you're going to say this is a two-person race, you have to show it really is. you have to win somewhere. it was ron desantis pouring it all in on iowa and didn't work and nikki haley pouring it all in on new hampshire. will: alexis mcadams asked governor desantis that he was looking for an off ramp. hear's what he said. >> are you looking for an off ramp and poll asking lower here and focused on 2028, what's your answer for that? >> going in political time and focused on 2024 and we've got to
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get our act together as a party and there's warning signs about the 2020 election and they've told people they'd like to see something different. will: you done want to become a suit sayer and throw down the bones and read the vie voodoo on what things are happening and it's all there and seeing that. rachel: i had the exact same impression, will. will: it's not should or should or is or is not and you'll be defined by the volume of your enemy or opponent. in listening to donald trump talk about nikki haley, i don't hear the volume of resolve that he has use when had talking about ron desantis.
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not as boisterously opposed and people talking about nikki haley as his vice presidential candidate. rachel: no way. will: i preface with should or shouldn't and rachel filtering should i like or not. not whether or not will it happen or not happen. rachel: it won't happen. will: i'm getting at there's an open discussion and politico wrote about it this week and probably back to the should or shouldn't part of this, we all three would agree, answer is should not. she's a huge departure from the america first agenda he represents. there's no debate and this is an advocacy and trying to understand the world around he. there seems to be a debate on him winning the general election and i dent see him attacking her the same way. pete: he went at her a little more than usual and look at speech last night even.
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i don't think she was ever as big of a threat as ron desantis in early 2023. he came off a historic victory flipping the entire state red and the momentum looked like this could be the front runner and the guy. all the training was on ron desantis and it is find the off ram and take for the problem for the off ram and you're driving and about to hit e. can i make it to the next exit? right now the desantis campaign is on e. the question is you could have taken an exit 70 miles ago and you didn't. when mar-a-lago was raided or iowa, take it and looking at new hampshire, polling at 6% and you're not in the conversation in south carolina, now you've lost three straight states and spent hundreds of millions and you're not winning anything. if you want to be the standard person in the future, make calls now. otherwise you're rolling on e.
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nikki h haley as vice president and the immediate reaction was heck no. they believe there would be a push to put her in and they'd take out donald trump and she'd become the de facto person and that's what the establishment wants and that's the neocons wants and the unify party wants and she's that candidate. let's be clear. i think there'll be a revolt among the base if donald trump tries that. pete: and she said i won't do it. rachel: would she do it? of course she'd want to. it's not going to happen because there'll be an absolute revolve among the base and she's so outside of the policy and political step of the republican
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party and blue collar america first and working class party. >> you don't have to convince yourself and don't have to convince me and many watching. it's if the campaign is convinced. rachel: cpi campaign? will: trump campaign. rachel: even don jr. has weighed in on this. pete: the conversation he's continued to have about law and order supporting and backing our cops and safe streets and getting rid of the radical das for the people and one example is blaring again on new york post and driven by hate, this is sahara dulla, 24 and allegedly ran down -- not allegedly but ran down an nwpd officer and breaking his leg. we'll show you the video. it is graphic so if you have
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kids in the room, have them look away. remember when you see this, this was intentional. watch. will: she was going the wrong way. pete: high on mareen apparently going the wrong -- marijuana apparently going the wrong way. will: she's studying criminal justice? rachel: really? will: and counsels kids against drug use. pete: mentors kids against drug use. rachel: that's so gross. will: i told the cop i wanted to go straight and he wouldn't move, so i hit him, i did it on purpose. pete: when you say f these cops, it's a lesson to him apparently is what she told investigators. rachel: wow. pete: because her belief is there'll be no consequences for this effectively. rachel: if you live in new york
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city, pretty good chance she's right. pete: imagine being that police officer and this is what you're up against. let's go up to boston. claudine gay, president of harvard has been let go and still has a job and make as lot of money on harvard faculty. harvard has to do something and if you have var harvard, you haa campus with rampant anti-semitism and have to address it. harvard's interim president allen garmin versus frequency announced a task force or two on campus. here's a quote from the interim harvard president "reports of anti-semitic and islam phobic act haves groan and belongings of these group haves been undermined. we need to understand why and how this is happening and what more we might do to prevent it". help me out, guys. we definitely saw after october 7 lots of rampant
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anti-semitism and claudine gay told congress what they were doing and depends on the context and got into plagiarism and all that. harvard says we have anti-semitism and islam phobia problem. that's what they co. they're saying let's lump in islam phobia too. will: we've had this discussion and it's rearranging the death chairs saying the focus should be on anti-semitism. it's on ideology that requires you to see people through identitytarian lens and then rank them according to who is the most oppressed. pete: they're incapable. they've written that off. will: then you have to write off the constitution. this is a joke. the task force is a joke. jonathan head of the adl already said that jewish people need to be a bigger part of the dei pictures.
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will: you're buying into the totem pole saying we need to be on there too and have an open diggs cushion of where we rank. that's the only path out of this. reject the totem pole. pete: we're not gelfand dataing any from harvard and that's why i've written them off and sent my degree back. it's an irredeemable constitution. i hate to say that. at the very least, you can be clear that from the river to the sea or anti-jewish statements are unacceptable on campus. tough lump in anotherrism to cover it up. is there rachel: the
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conservatives are vilified on campus even more. conservatives are persona non-grava on campus and their speakeers are shouted down and those speaker withs that point of view are totally canceled and isolated on campus and vilified and frankly there's no other jewish professors on campus and not a lot of conservative professors and not even seeing that point of view and you were with another harvard alum. two harvard alums. pete: yes. we'll leave that for another day. rachel: it's not dec disparaging way. pete: kal kaylee is another hard
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grad and how did the ivy league that trains ministers and going to the front line of lunatic land with totem pole and critical race theory and everything exported across the country. i sat down with kaylee on the conversations. the ivy league considered the mecca of free speech and had many students demand safe spaces from what they call conservative hate speech. >> it's so sad and i think back on my days of academia and around the time trump-appointed came on the scenes, it brought on a special kind of anger out of students and radicalism at the time the big issue especially in the law school campus was michael brown and darren wilson. well, before the facts would come out or any questions were even asked, the students went
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ballistic, didn't wait on the facts that most lawyers would do and to the great credit of the harvard law school mark and anyone with a pro police view veterans and she had to tell students when a shared space is made open for protests and dills cushion and the free space that define that require every member of the community has the right to use this space and express their views. when a liberal dean has to tell students conservatives are allowed to speak, it's really problematic. pete: the students have driven it but the school board are allowing it. some places full their money back and we go behind the curtain on poison ivy. it's worth the update. will: check it out. now a few additional headlines. department of homeland security is facing $100 million lawsuit over the murder of maryland
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woman with autism. allegedly at the hands of an ms13 member who was in the u.s. illegally. the teen gang member is accused of killing kayla hamilton inside of her apartment in 2022 days before her 20th birthday. the wrongful death suit cites prosecutors that dhs never confirmed the suspect had required sponsorship to live in the u.s.. chicago is now the latest blue city to consider banning gas stoves. a democratic lawmaker is planning to introduce a measure next week to prohibit the use of natural gas in new buildings. other cities that have already proposed or already implemented a ban include new york city, seattle, and los angeles. rachel: can i look at that map. think of all the problems those cities have. will: gas stoves. rachel: it's the best way to cook. will: women's college hoops and making history with her team's win over oregon.
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>> a dominant performance from eighth ranked team in the nation. and tara vanderveer with the most wins in college basketball history. will: tieing the all time record in her 38th season. she'll get the chance to pass coach k tomorrow. would be fun for you to do this. rachel: i would not have said that name. i just saw it was how it was spelled. will: there's a bunch of letters up there? rachel: yeah, super impressed by you. pete: were vell known coach. pat summit at tennessee and she was -- i don't know her. will: geno. pete: i don't know tara. maybe three different schools or whatever but congratulations.
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rachel: who was the other guy? i said his name wrong like the whole internet exploded and mad at me. pete: arguably one of the greatest college coaches. rachel: i said nick sabin and the internet exploded on me. will: hit one good shot and can't say the word sabin. pete: leave it with the packers. investigation is underway after the feds asked bank tosser and have filter customer transactions with terms like tram and maga. former fbi agent nicole parker calls the surveillance alarming and she is next. i bought the team! kevin...? i bought the team! i put it on my chase freedom unlimited card. and i'm gonna' cashback on a few other things too... starting with the sound system! curry from deep. that's caaaaaaaaash. i prefer the old intro!
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rachel: documents show federal investigators asked banks to comb through transactions for terms like maga and trump in the aftermath of january 6. mixer our next guest is a former fbi agent calling out lack of due process and fox news contributor nicole parker joins us now. nicole, is this common place our
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federal agencies would be searching some of the other key words that were part of it and bass pro shop, cabela's, and apparently the bible was up here. jaire this is alarming but not shocking because the pattern is seen over and over with the federal government and fbi doing things of this nature. let me put context here and former fbi agent working at the fbi when january 6 occurred, i will tell you this is the number one priority for the department of justice and fbi. it is on the fbi's website and see it right now saying that the investigation into the january 6 capitol riots is the largest ever investigation that fbi has conducted and i have this for cement 11 terrorist attacks in new york city and in my opinion, september 11, it was much more
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dangerous to the country than january 6 and that's not how the fbi sees it and all hands on dc for january 6 and in their view, and&the threat are those that supported donald trump and the maga movement on january 6. they think it's completely justified and rachel: i find this so incredibly shocking this is happening and i'm wondering what's happening that so many are being released and justify spying on americans and going through the financial records and what happens now? >> more and more people are coming forward and they find
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what is happening despicable and within the agency, there's good people holding the line and they're the ones that are speaking and you happen exposing this type of information and myself is getting bank records and private sector and connections to circumvent that process and went to the banks and saying this is a major national security threat and inquiries to help themselves and stop being a potential attack and that's what a lot is for and they tracked the debit and credit expenses between january 5 and january 7 in the dc area and then they went back to them around january 15th of 2021 and said the inauguration is coming up and look for these things and who fits into these categories and we can prevent bad from happening again. they justified all of it and banks were all hands on deck and
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potential national security threat and we're all partners in this. that's how they do it. rachel: shame on the banks for cooperating with the fbi. will: that reminded me of a scene if the wire and they are looking for a wiretap and said not everything is about terrorism and our department dedicated to stopping terrorism and they're not investigated because the response saying not everything is about january and have all the resources going to january 6. >> there was an aggressive amount of violence and federal buildings destroyed and what did the fbi do about that? january 6 comes along and all hands on deck and continuing to investigates it and on the fbi's home page and making it a
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career. will: thank you, nicole. rachel: thank you. that's why it's so important to get to the bottom of what actually happened on january 6. glad we had her on today. coming up, michigan parents suing their daughter's school district after they say they were kept in the dark as she socially transitioned and they'll join us live to discuss the legal fight ahead. it's time to feed the dogs real food, not highly processed pellets. the farmer's dog is fresh food made with whole meat and veggies. it's not dry food. it's not wet food. it's just real food. it's an idea whose time has come.
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information from parents. the parents join us now along with their attorney christine wagner, ceo and council of alliance defending freedom. dan and jennifer, thank you for being here and courage to speak out on this and fight out with the school district and chloroly the school district thought they could hide with you. they've dug in and said, hey f kids want to transition at cool. you don't deserve to know? >> correct. how long it was going on when changing the name of your daughter or whatever they were doing and how did you find out? >> well, we're unsure at this point still how long it was going on, but the way we found out was while working with the school to figure out how to best help our daughter academically with her struggles with autism, it came to our attention that they were transitioning our daughter and that came about because one of the school staff had inned a versus frequency
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taintly forgot to change the -- inadvertently forgot to change the boy na names and pronouns fr her they were changing on official documents. pete: they accidently sent you a official document with the new name and pronouns and said what is this? jennifer, when they say socially transitioned, what are they doing? are they encouraging her to change? >> they were encouraging her to be a boy. they were calling her by a boy's name and referring to her with male pronouns. pete: i don't understand what any of that has to do with education by the way. we're talking about a school context. christine, what kind of st standings do the meads have here in terms of this issue?
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>> parents love their children most and know their children best and the sky violated the meads constitutional rights in what they did. it's important that we understand this policy isn't isolated and it's actually we see policies like this across the united states, which is why defending freedom is taking action on the issues and it's why we're so grateful for dan and jennifer willing to stand up and say this is wrong. pete: it's exactly right, dan and jennifer. stand up and doing this and challenging the school district. do you trust that school with your daughter at this point? >> no, that's why we pulled our daughter out of the school and she's homeschooled now. >> yeah. >> doing well. pete: doing well and responding to it? >> absolutely. she's like a different child now. >> yes. pete: you know what, you speaking out is going to help other families watching right now take another look at what their public school is doing and
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whether or not their kid could thrive in another context. thank you both so much. keep us updated on the case. >> thank you. pete: god bless and your daughter. "fox & friends" reached out to rockford public school district and they declined to comment. the crazy ideas come from the ivy league. they started there and make our way to the classrooms. poison ivy on fox nation explains how the institutions went wrong and poisoned so many minds. all right, still ahead, andrew yang endorses a democrat for president. >> i'm proud to endorse tonight, congressman from minnesota, dean phillips. the president is 81 years old. it's going to be tough to re-invent grandpa. pete: the yang gang is back. dean phillips campaign adviser breaks down why demo democrats e ditching biden. that's next.
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will: democrat dean phillips campaigning in new hampshire and the biden campaign skips the democrat primary and helping bernie sanders campaign sail to victory in the state in 2016 and 2020. he's now joined phillips as hi presidential campaign adviser.
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jeff weaver joining us now. thankers for being with us on the program big moment for dean phillips in new hampshire and joe biden is not really participating, not throwing all of his weight into new hampshire but it seeps the kind of state that also has shown independent streak to go away from whatever is suggested by the democratic national committee. >> yeah, let me tell you this. you say joe biden has not put his weights behind it. but they're spending millions of dollars and filling mailbox withs digital mail and making phone call through an out of state super pack. they say they're not here but they're here and they're very, very afraid they're going to lose here. this campaign is moving forward, the excitement on the ground is growing and crowds are growing. we think we're going to surprise people here in new hampshire. i think we're going to beat them outright but we're going to do better than people think. it's going to spark a movement across the country and getting a
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nominee on the democratic side that can beat donald trump. don. will: the current polling from new hampshire it looks like, joe biden at 58%, dean phillips about 10%, marianne williamson 5%. you advised bernie sanders and we mention that had in the past. he certainly has dealt with a lot of things behind the scenes that cut his campaigns at the achilles or kneecap or whatever it may be. one could argue taking measures to coalesce behind hillary clinton and joe biden and experiencing anything similar with dean phillips? >> yes, and it's been widely reported to keep dean phillips off the ballot and in florida it's being canceled all together with the intent to ward the delegates to joe biden without a
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single digits florida voter without a opportunity to vote. it's happened in north carolina and if they tried to massachusetts, thankfully the secretary of state will overturn that and do it in wisconsin and wisconsin democrats reacting in a very undemocratic way. but what's really important in the election, those folks that don't want donald trump to become president. there's many conservatives that don't want donald trump to become president. we have got to make sure that the election in november is not donald trump versus joe biden. i want to speak to new hampshire independents and many looked to nikki haley as a potential way to beat donald trump. her polling in new hampshire is going way down and very unlikely she's going to prevail here and meaning her campaign is probably over after south carolina the only way we'll keep this from being a trump biden race is to defeat president biden in the primary. the polling you showed earlier is who out of date. there's polling showing dean
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phillips at 28% and rising. i would say, look, dean phillips has a better chance at this point of beating joe biden than nikki haley does of beating donald trump. i encourage independents in new hampshire who are very powerful this this election to come over to the dean phillips side. will: your point is well take and it doesn't look good for joe bide ton beat donald trump so who can beat donald trump? bit way, you just got this endorsement. here's andrew yang. >> i'm proud to endorse the next president of the united states and three term congressman from minnesota, dean phillips. the president is 81 years old, it's going to be tough to re-invent grandpa. he's not going to become a new candidate. know what i mean? will: quickly, jeff, we've heard andrew yang make his case and we heard you make your case for the alternative that would be done phillips. you've worked on bernie sanders, you've worked on dean phillips and laid out for us here this morning the antidemocratic measures that have been put into
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place to stop your candidate. what are we supposed to make of a party and administration that actively talks about democracy being on the ballot and undercutting democracy 9/11 their own primary? >> look, antidote to democracy is democracy and people in new hampshire, get out and vote and folks in new hampshire, i want to make a special appeal to independents in new hampshire f. you come out and vote for dean phillips and we surprise here on tuesday, you know, we'll go obstrontosouth carolina and micd this will be a real race and people will have a real choice and nominate a candidate that can beat donald trump. will: continuing to preach to the fact that democracy is at threat while the democratic party doesn't want to participate. >> let me say this well. the antidote to democracy is democracy.
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fight aauthoritarianism and thank you very much. will: still ahead, dramaen o the football field. a cowboys cheerleader claims the packers insulted her squad. why is america's youth so obsessed with skincare? charly arnolt and rachel will tackle it all in their pop culture roundup. ♪ providing for your family is a top priority. but what happens when you need affordable health care? christian health care ministries could save you up to 40% today. as a member, you can choose your provider without network restrictions. sign up at your convenience with our anytime enrollment. join a christian community that supports each other's medical expenses, offering peace of mind as you prioritize what's most important. enroll now at your chm dot org ♪ stay ahead of your moderate—to—severe eczema,
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to possibilities. we're easterseals.
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rachel: it's time for another pop culture roundup and this time we have charly arnolt and the late greatest in all of the hollywood drama. we're going to start off with the cowboys cheerleaders because they're saying they were getting mocked by the players. what happen there had, charly? >> i don't know. people take things too sensitively and it's playoff season and maybe they were saying things they should pay attention to. our chief leaders are better than yours and maybe that's what happened. rachel: the cowboys cheerleaders, might be hard to beat that. think it's true? >> i would have to imagine that football players probably weren't talking about that and
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think they had more important pressing issues to worry about like beating the cowboys and they do look beautiful and i don't know how to help the women. rachel: from baby bo botox and supporting kids and obsession with skin young girls 9, 10, 11 and going to sephora and getting rashes and using retinols from thins not age appropriate. >> i knew three different brands, noxemia and nutragena and then fancy with proactive. they have the most perfect skin in the youth and wish i had this skin and didn't have to do anything. rachel: social media is driving this and kids are going from 9-20 because they're influencers are in their 20s and trying to be like them. i think it's a very negative
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trend. >> very dangerous. rachel: and also potentially dangerous. another thing even more dangerous, i think this is awful. so there's a new prime video, amazon prime, it's a cartoon called has been hotel and tells tales from hell and sympathizes with l lucifer as a dreamer and he's been cast out of heaven so unfairly by god, and the hero of the whole series is lucifer's daughter, who's a princess. this is insane. supposedly -- >> are we surprised? there's so much ridiculous propaganda for kids in terms of programming. rachel: this is next level. lucifer and his daughter is the heros of the cartoon. >> protagonist for satan. here we are and important for parents to be mindful of what
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they're watching. flip on a cartoon and think it's age appropriate. it's a cartoon. what could go wrong? there's a lot and it's one more extreme example. rachel: if you walk in and see this, might think okay, it's just a cartoon. saying it's for adults but kids are watching it. this is dangerous stuff. bad, bad. >> i wonder about the [ it will control, would have -- parental control, would it filter out or not? rachel: great point. outkick, bobby and he wrote the greatest sports article of all time and best headline ever it says this is better at predicting sports than will cain and clay travis. >> you can take over outkick. be known now and we'll kick clay out and be the newfounder of outkick. rachel: we can do a show. >> you did great on your segment. wish you wouldn't have gotten caught looking at notes otherwise who would have known. rachel: i know. credit to bobby buzz he gave me
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good lessons in football. >> are we seeing more in the sports realm? rachel: i'll try. >> beat out will and pete on the daily basis. rachel: i had the most fun ever watch ago game and making fun of will and the cowgirls and, you know, all that. it was great. >> are you watching the playoff this is weekend? rachel: i'm going to watch. >> who are you pulling for? rachel: packers of course. >> who's going to win in your view? >> that's a great question. i would love to see the packers and it's a cool story. there's a lot of teams with very interesting stories in the playoffs right now. the lions especially being one of them. rachel: will says he's backing the packers of last weekend. >> okay. rachel: thank you, c had, arly. >> thank you. rachel: she's rumored on trump's vp short list. elise stefanik and she's joining us in the next hour.
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