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tv   FOX and Friends Saturday  FOX News  January 20, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PST

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may 5 it is the 9:00 a.m. hour on fox and friends at weekends on saturday, generally 20th. we are three days away from the first nation primary. tim scott is officially with president trump with new hampshire's governor is calling it a major snob to nikki haley. before rachel is clearly better at protecting sports outcomes and i am. will she be able to get it right on packers/49ers later today but we are going to find out. and hot diggity dog it's the job of a lifetime the oscar mayer team is on fox square with how you could drive the iconic wiener mobile. it is cold outside. quest fox and friend of final final hourof this weekend startw on a saturday ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ correct we are glad you're hx and friends on saturday. rachel: will come at you or talk about frank lloyd wright earlier in the last hour. there are lots of text coming from wisconsin and he was in from wisconsin. there is a house for sale in wisconsin it was one of his house it's about a million dollars per dissenter that listing. another thing i want to talk about is a shameless plug for my podcast we had the discussion of the eve of me getting into this whole sports thing. the discussion on my podcast
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this week is whether sports is distracting men if it is distracting men from saving america. are they putting their energy into sports and not into this mary masculinity job of saving america, what he think about this? your daughter made this point i wholeheartedly disagree with everett first about you healthy outlets in life that are not politicized and have passionate and superficial trivial tribalism. i am a big believer in the health of sports or society. secondarily i do not think people choose between a boating and going to a buffalo bills game. b6 idea. will: you think this is what they're saying? pete: do i know a lot of hard-core fans. there are plenty of people. will: it's not one because of the other. pete: i'm not as adamant as you are i think we have replaced so many of the masculine functions
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of wearing a jersey on sunday and cheering adamantly for that team that's too much a part of our identity. will: ila footballs much as anybody as you do. but i agree with you. pete: is not the coliseum of rome at the end of the empire. rachel: exactly prints before you not entertained? b6 96 of the top 100 programs are football games watch this over here not your country been destroyed over here. i think we get distracted. will: that is a good one, i am not debating that. rachel: you are debating him on it you just said no, he is right. we are the end of empire. stu varney what else is he going to say i haven't said it yet. rachel: you just made an argument why i was wrong. pete: i demolish his argument. rachel: and they go so i didn't say that. will: just on this whole interrupt who saying, you make a nice argument on the bread and circuses i think it's valid. i don't know what is going to say what a mess.
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[laughter] [laughter] pete: you just lost it. rachel: i'm going to tell you what actually happened to well. he tried to go against what i was saying. and then he made a great points, and then you wanted to change her position. that's what happened. will: i don't think politics should be that either. i don't think politics should be in the middle of the coliseum. pete: it should not be the center of it. will: this is a problem the left makes they make their vote in the voting booth there sacraments. it becomes not just their biggest >> duty when it comes to religion. i believe there's much more to citizenry than who you support for president. i'm not saying that is not important. i think being a good man and member of your community and giving back to where you live. and to meet sports as part of that. it's like you are a member of dallas because you love the cowboys i don't put these two things on equal playing field,
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politics and sports events at pe one or the other what it takes for peter to rob paul i don't think of the same. pete: i think we've gotten to the point that sunday has become more about football than going to church and then watching football for that's where you're cultural you start have a related problem. violent agreement here. [laughter] adamant. will: this is going to take a turn. rachel: 's a very interesting discussion f when he abruptly gt a little bit more check out the kitchen table this week. pete: that's what triggered this whole conversation. let's go to new hampshire this point of disagreement right now because it is the saturday before the tuesday big showdown in new hampshire. big news off the top, we talked about it tim scott and doris president trump, really significant because it nikki haley is from south carolina and so is tim scott. nikki haley appointed tim scott back in the day. governor chris who is supporting nikki haley had some things to
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say on this story about the endorsement from tim scott take a listen. >> first about tim scott would not have a job without nikki haley. nobody cares what tim scott thanks if they did he would not of been driven out of the race it months ago for the reason senators do not like nikki haley because she calls them out for being overpaid under worked and being a privileged nursing home for that's what congress and the u.s. senate have become. rachel: tim scott was like let's not talk about privilege when your daddy was governor check this out. >> i need to respond with to the criticism as well i want your thoughts on that. >> chris sununu's board on third base making his way home his father was a governor and his brother was a senator and for him to give advice on jobs third-place is a good place to do it from. >> not bad not a bad response. cooks kind of what you might expect at the end of a campaign.
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governor chris sununu look like he is pedaling really hard and going to throw anything out there you c can looks like tim t endorsing donald trump isn't important if you can acknowledge that it is significant. he is working really hard for her because this is a firewall for nikki haley in new hamp hampshire. but to say something nobody cares what tim scott thanks? tim scott is a pretty important voices either publican party. rachel: goes beyond the fact that he is a senator. what is significant about it is nikki haley did it ma make him e senator of south carolina. and he is from south carolina elected members kind of like to stick together and they have a lot of loyalty. they have a lot of interfacing interactions. the fact that he h is stepped ot and endorsed donald trump against nikki haley, who is from south carolina, and he is stupid that is a big deal politics. pete: it's not that chris sununu is is insincere.
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i don't think these endorsements mean that much. the insincere part of it is that nikki haley would love to have the endorsements. she would absolutely love to have tim scott's endorsement. and now that she doesn't he has undercut the value of the endorsement. >> is going to be interesting donald trump won overwhelmingly in iowa but new hampshire's really important spirit this tuesday is going to be interesting where that margin is a pretty could get a lot less interesting pretty quick if the polls hold and tropical runs away and then runs away in south carolina. it could be over quick. convalesce firewall. rachel: pete what would make it significant enough? pete: you have to win. but right now she's down by 15 points in the most recent poll. will: [inaudible] pete: a close call it would cause a immediate two-person race. will: the heading to south carolina. pete: of you -fest about the
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match up in south carolina but it would have to be very close. if it is a 15-point even 10-point or 20-point win, it's hard to argue with the polls in south carolina what they are which is 60 or 65% trump right now. that she is got in the path it's really important in new hampshire. rachel: it is embarrassing to losing your own states. that's like liz cheney kind of stuff. it's going to be embarrassing in south carolina. will: let's get to this. alex is the son of george soros he's taken over the open society foundation. he was in davos with the rest the world elite for the world economic forum. he gave a very eloquent presentation where he addressed, donald trump. >> is interesting to be an davos because donald trump is already the president. [laughter] and again in alma the united states it is a good thing because that was the davos
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consensus is always wrong. we are not a democracy with the person in the most folks when it's a democracy of states we have the electoral college. there are 50 states and there are a maximum seven but probably six states that matter. if you look at the blue wall states michigan, wisconsin, pennsylvania, the ones that trump one and took away from democrats when they beat hilary clinton. biden won them back and democrats have overwhelmingly won back since, you know, since then. i really look at those. out also look at arizona. at i would also look at georgia. i would look at nevada and possibly north carolina because you have a democratic governor's race. and if you look at those states, joe biden's g got a pretty good. >> it forgive us if you go online and see some of these
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clips there are entire sentences filled with -- he cannot get the sentence out. and the take away from me watching the entirety of that is our deletes are entirely unimpressive. there is nothing he said there that was insightful. we have 50 states we have an electoral cause are six or seven that mattered here are the six or seven the matter. well thank you very much welcome to. see if i did say wisconsin was the most important state. [laughter] that was my take away my other take what i'm best with the world economic forum i think they are at the root of everything going wrong they are actually driving much of the democrat policy. everything you hate about what the democrats are doing is being driven by the world economic forum because they have decided to use climate change as a way to drive these policies and get more centralized control in our government. that guy is worse than his dad that is what is interesting they control -- what you see her at
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the border for example a lot of those ngos are funded by george money. and so they are driving every policy you don't like i will say this as well. it has been interesting there's a couple people have shown up at the world economic forum who have actually stood up and said to them you guys are the problem. >> i collier millie did. >> are going to have kevin roberts on the program tomorrow from heritage foundation. rachel: he did that. that's another guy that told him to blank off. the truth is, this is a collection of weirdos, oligarchs, people who think they are god. they want to control your lives and create a digital prison for you to live in. want to control farming, get rid of it make you eat bugs. it's not a lie. these are the weirdest people and finally at the economic form they it admitted they are looking for new world order. some of the first times you've seen them say out loud a lot of the stuff we have been thinking.
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ththey are an very evil organization. rachel: i just agreed wisconsin. >> there are two peas in a pod. rachel: alex and i agreed wisconsin minnows important state to watch and that 2024. >> they think elites because of daddy in their mind but they're not impressive people they are hiding behind their fancy podiums. and they are stumbling all the way through. let's assemble through some headlines, rachel. rachel: turning to those headlines shocking new video out of new york city a woman purposefully plows into an nypd officer, a warning the footage you are about to see is graphic. no one careful, careful. rachel: luckily the officer is okay by the driver is behind bars this morning and is facing charges. according to court documents a suspect said she did it to teach the police a lesson.
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governor gavin newsom making a bold claim last night to real time with the democrat ins insia lot requiring gender-neutral toy displays is backed by the stores. >> department stores came to a supporting that they are the ones making a case for that there is not legislation that was enacted or initiated for my office but that is not something we woke up and said this is a top party for the state will be no the top priority is homelessness, housing, quality of life. [applause] actually hard to believe the stores went to him and said please make us have a gender-neutral toy section. such a liar. quick so good at it. rachel: you look so good doing it. rex wisconsin gavin newsom, china the world economic forum. they have lost her. rachel: not a villain but anyway. nuisance on the bill in 2021 and it went into effect on new year's day.
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stores with 500 or more employees must have a gender-neutral display or face a fine of up to $500. will: if you made me and pete guess he was in your top be in there at the this point. pete: top five? top three. rachel: own am just saying for a democrat. [laughter] questionnaire stops talking about it. removing onto his subject that we lampooned it still important to us. the green bay packers will take on the san francisco 49ers tonight on fox nfc divisional round frequency of the star football analyst, rachel right here. to help us preview the game let's bring in fox reporter jen hale. >> good morning, how are you? >> will the packers pull off a nether extending an impressive new upset? >> i know you had to be hurting last week. i am sorry about that one. i'm glad you are back this
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weekend. i was worried about you after the bad news and they dismantle the cowboys but let's start the case for the packers for their were therecertainly underdogs th seed. they have an entirely different team since about week 11. this started two and five, week seven of the regular season everyone had written them off. but he found his grieving is virtually unstoppable. since week 11 he has been a better than rockford when it comes to interceptions, two touchdown ratio and completion percentage those are two huge stats. and the other thing, erin jones that is a widely a veteran he ve knows how to get it done. well, that is who heard that cowboy so much they had no answer to defend the run. the 49ers have a great defense except the run so he does a lot of damage again today he is seen playing under pressure he thrives under it. those young receivers ali of your year one and two they don't know what they don't know and they don't seem to be bending one bit under the spotlight.
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i'm excited to watch jordan love to see if they can pull off another cutin versus the 49ers for the number one team as you guys know the favorite going into this so many people have their money on this since day one. to win the super bowl, not just go you've got pretty the wonder kid mr. irrelevant has been such an awesome story. you've got a loaded feel of the offense of weapons hello george, start tight and you have mccaffrey on the backfield white house, samuel and their summary different ways the 49ers can hurt jeff. again that defense again not great at stopping a run but really good at getting to the pastor they have the most sacks in the nfl this year's or jordan make sure you have a heads up today, nick and crew are going becoming hard for you. rachel: you know jena want to thank you last week when you are on, pete and i were sitting on the couch listening to you and your interview with the will and you said as rachel set your referencing my prediction.
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that was the first of many, many more sports reporters who were echoing my predictions and a referencing me. referencing me. [laughter] it was remarkable. we literally sat here and since it i just get mentioned by sports reporter as it rachel's right about something? >> i think you found another niche in your career progression oh, thank you. >> are going to embrace you with open arms. when you think about the fort myers offense? w no -- come on jen help me out. [laughter] quincy just said all the things big. >> tell that you're watching christian mccaffrey he is so tough and mean. oh my gosh that guy is unstoppable. all is a martial arts in the off-season gherkin football locker rooms because a status and nfl player. might one of the top five toughest guys i've covered in 15 years. rachel: that's what i was going to say it. [laughter] >> will be watching, thank you. >> thanks guys.
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>> he might think he's cute. >> will have to see a picture. he dates olivia to get that right? >> i don't know. coming up versus di now esg movement is collapsing. corporate america catching on to what investors they just want to make money? oscar mayer has the opportunity of a lifetime. how you could be the next driver of the iconic wiener mobile. ♪ she runs and plays like a puppy again. his #2s are perfect! he's a brand new dog, all in less than a year. when people switch their dog's food from kibble to the farmer's dog, they often say that it feels like magic. but there's no magic involved. (dog bark) it's simply fresh meat and vegetables, with all the nutrients dogs need— instead of dried pellets. just food made for the health of dogs. delivered in packs portioned for your dog. it's amazing what real food can do.
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♪ ♪. rachel: a new report is revealing how fed up millennial's and genet's the art with a woke of capitalism for ca survey from stanford university discovered plummeting support for companies aligning with environmental social and government principles esg pretty specially that negatively impacts the bottom line. so we thought we would ask an expert eight millennial for more insight. strategic wealth partners mark joins us now. mark, so it millennial's are turning their back on esg. i thought they were the big climate activists i guess what hurts their bottom line there like no thanks. >> without a doubt. when you think about esg it has been exposed.
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it is a fraud, it is a scam, it is a lie. it is a marketing ploy or investment firms charge higher fees they don't actually advance any real esg initiatives just cost investors more money and the interesting thing is the g and esg requires ethical business practices and transparency when you look at that esg funds they are transparent alright investors can now see right through them. so look i'm going to give you two examples. the first one, out court mr. global warming has his global equity fund which is an esg fund. there is a study he owns 42 stocks. eighteen of those stocks increased greenhouse gases from 2015 through 2021. so not very esg. millennial's comment jenna's er starting to realize, you look at these arbitrary esg scores how is it possible that phillip morris a tobacco company hasn't
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as anesg score of 84 while tesls to make everything they can to try to save the planet is at a 37, it is weird, it is arbitrary, it is random for. rachel: do see a lot of muskets had their stupid people out there trying to look good while doing evil. speaking of evil world economic forum and also black rock who have been pushing esg. why have they been doing that? >> you know, the whole esg pushing from black rock and larry fink in particular, it boils my blood. what larry fink and black rock are doing using all of our money my money, your money the viewers of money they are using our money that's an ets to flex their muscles and really coerce corporations and doing their dirty work. so a lot of people obviously are not very happy with that because when you look at the biggest holders of every single publicly traded company, right at the top you've gotten blackrock,
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vanguard, state street, it got the big etf companies they are the biggest shareholders they are going in there and pushing their agendas which is stakeholder capitalism not shareholder capitalism. rachel: they are not just using our money to push their climate fantasies but it is also hurting people ther there's a human rigs issue here. so much of the electric vehicles and things empowered by cobalt the ev batteries involves slave labor of children in africa. i wonder if some of that is waking millennial's up? another thing waking them up is the fact that home ownership among millennial's the age keeps getting higher and higher. i remember i got my first home and knows 28 or 29, little tiny house but it was mine i think it was 33 just a few years ago announced jumped all the way to 36. they are seeing so much of this woke capitalism is making the american dream much harder for
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them to achieve, correct? >> it makes it so much harder. it's one thing to say i'm going to do my part financially to save the planet and make the world a better place when i am living with my parents. [laughter] steve got to enter the real world you've got to move out and get your own house you start to realize what dhec? might wages have not kept up with inflation since biden took office. housing affordability is at an all-time low. for young americans to not be able to afford a house and not be able to stretch their paycheck so that it lasts all month they are beginning to realize hate wait a second, this esg stuff cost me money. and at the end of the day of pursuing esg cause means i can buy a house and i cannot put food on the table towards the end of the month, it is not for me. rachel: that's happening to virtually all americans who are not in the 1%. also credit to vivek ramaswamy who wrote woke capitalism
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alerted a lot of people as an insider into what a fraud in an rift this was. anyway, great talking to you mark, thanks for joining us. >> thanks rachel appreciate you have a great day. rachel: you've got a brick coming up to navy seals are still missing after they disappeared on a mission to intercept iranian weapons for the houthis rebels. more on the tensions in thend middle east. next. earning on my favori. aaaaaah. got it. earning on that éclair. don't touch it, don't touch it yet. let me get the big one. nope. -this one? -nope. -this one? -yes. no. what? the big one. they're all the same size. wait! lemme get 'em all. i'm gonna get 'em all! earn big with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours. (vo) if you have graves' disease, your eye symptoms could mean something more. that gritty feeling can't be brushed away.
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♪ ♪ >> u.s. military recovering iranian made missile warheads abound fbound for houthis terros during a ship boarding commission near somalia earlier this month. that mission went awry leaving to elitwo elite navy seals lostt sea. here now to discuss the tension in the middle is fox news correspondent lucas tomlinson. i saw this story, i knew you were the right guy to talk to about it. it has been very underreported
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there to navy seals that went missing and a high-stakes mission to interdict a boat at sea and it went sideways. what do you know? >> what pete, it turns out u.s. military action against those iranian backed tran eight is much more extensive than previously reported. that mission by seal team three came on the same day on july 11 the super hornets in the deck of the uss dwight d eisenhower launched and h has a first air strikes ordered from present biden against the houthis and yemen. on the same day the u.s. fighter jets were delivering a blow to the houthis in yemen the assault force and seal team three launched a daring raid against a ship off the coast of somalia and went awry when one of the seals fell off the ladder boarding in the middle of the night, night vision goggles very high-stakes print what his teammates saw his fellow seal fall off the ladder he jumped
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into now we have two missing navy seals it has been over a week now those two seals and operators have been missing for. >> or january 11 they were boarding at night in the middle of the ocean. one false, the other jumps in leave no man behind, rough seas. they ultimately captured the missiles and sunk the vessel, took all the prisoners. that they could afterward so the search is ongoing but i've got to believe there's not a lot of hope at this point. >> that is right has been over a week now. it is not likely they will be recovered for they are still missing i was there hoping for the best these are some the most superhuman men on the face of the planet your talk but the seal team it is notable this action came on the same day as the airstrike against yemen. u.s. forces have been carrying out strikes almost every date since over the past week it is notable at the pentagon the deputy press secretary said the u.s. is not at war right now and the former spokesman for u.s.
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central command which controls those forces in the region said the u.s. is now on a low-grade war with the houthis rebels and u.s. forces continue to be attacked in iraq and syria. president biden has ordered air trikes in recent weeks iraq, syria and yemen of course. >> why -- this is the type of mission that we would never have otherwise heard about, right? there are missions like this around the globe all the time with the late operators that are taking care of business and we do not deserve to know frankly because these things are clandestine. it there and spent little mention from the white house and the navy. i'm not suggesting anything nefarious. but is not really hit the news much. >> that his rights. president biden is not spoken about it. the white house is come up it's notable in thursday's press conference at the pentagon there was no update on the search for the missing seals it did not come up in the entire press briefing. it is certainly some concern
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there but it shows the united states is deeply involved in this war against the houthis. the u.s. keeps firing back at the houthis keep shooting at the commercial shipping and u.s. forces. you are right this is very expensive right now. >> no doubt, real quick we have a few reports this morning there were more attacks on u.s. forces in iraq. not necessarily clear where those attacks came from. but the pace of this continues and how much concern is there inside the pentagon this could spiral out of control? >> there is a lot of concern. u.s. forces in iraq and syria have been attacked nearly 140 time now you have about 2500 u.s. troops in iraq. about 900 neighboring in syria for the bulk of the u.s. forces are in the air base in iraq for the attacks are today this is all being done, controlled by i ironic using its proxy forces there is because of her much more forceful response when the bite administration to go with the source to hit targets inside
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iran. thirty-six lucas, you know our stuff and serve our country w well. thank you. pete: still had a child care worker calls on parents to stop letting social media raise ther children. it says tiktok is encouraging bullying. she joins us live with the important message. plus it is an opportunity to relish the oscar mayer weiner mobile is looking for drivers. we will tell you how you could land the job. ♪ "bring rings to beach wedding"? fedex presents: tall tales of true deliveries. ( ♪ ) (gasp, crowd cheering) just another day on the job. we did this for love. see what we can do for your business. fedex.
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♪ ♪ rising concerns over social media use among kids continues to grow its one child care worker takes a social media. calling on parents to wake up. >> you guys are allowing the internet to raise her children. i worked with fourth, fifth grade girls, sixth-grade girls, they should not have tiktok. these fourth grade girls are on the playground working. they are so mean and catty to each other. this is because parents are not monitoring there's children internet access. >> that was hannah siegel and she joins us now. hannah, great to have you on the show this morning. let's see what yo you have seen gives childcare worker eventually see on the playground. i'm curious what you see kids at what age with their nose and the phone?
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>> goodness gracious it starts as early as five. it starts as early as kindergarten now. just kids not having the emotional capacity to regulate emotions. they are not able to socialize. they do not have motor skills. because of those issues they present themselves in behaviors in the classroom. before i am no expert none of us know exactly when and how bit eighth grade has been our barometer that's probably too early to be honest it probably is too early but you are telling me you are seeing it at five years old a phone kids having phones? >> yes. it's almost like the classroom talk of who has the phone and who doesn't. so before you mention tiktok and to working what are kids taking away from the phone social media? >> the biggest thing i have seen
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is a growing up way too fast. the girls are sexualizing themselves they are dressing inappropriately. we have seen on social media the rise of the sephora girls. using retinal creams and stuff and the boys are watching youtube shorts and tiktok's and treating women wait they are seeing these older men treat women which is completely inappropriate they are treating their teachers that way. and it is just crazy. before you bring up a good point i'm having a real conversation with the what if my sense is on youtube all the time and i probably don't pay enough attention i think he is watching clash of clans or mine craft ideas are soccer shorts we probably do need to talk about what you learning about girls on youtube? so here is the question, why? why are parents outsourcing so much time with their kids to their phone?
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>> you know, i think a lot of it is sometimes parents just don't know how to spend time with the kids they do not know what to do with them when they are not in school they're not in sports the not x or curricular's, they just don't know what to do with them they do not go outside and play catch anymore. they don't go for walks, they don't ride bikes and so they put a tablet in front of their face they do not have conversations at the dinner table. and because of that the kids do not respect their parents to because they don't have a relationship you cannot have a relationship they have to coincide we cannot have no respect in that relationship. see for it's a combination of weakness and laziness weakness in that you want to let your kid tell you what to do as opposed to the other way around it's easier to go along and laziness, i've got things to do, so you do that. you have had first-hand expense i appreciate you sharing with us
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hannah thank you. >> thank you. pete come over to you. pete: commenting she is spot on. really good insights. interviewing skills pretty get d her answers, awesome. [laughter] just getting big turn out headlines because fox news alerts. israeli military carrying out strikes in southern lebanon over the past few hours. targeting at least two hamas terrorist for the eye df carried out has blood in the same region. this is after israel reported at least two missiles were fired by hezbollah fighters towards northern israel. and chat gtp parent company open ai is getting rid of its ban on using its technology for military purposes. the company quietly replacing its ban on weapons development military and warfare its terms of service with the new band on ona bringing harm to others. open ai spokesperson telling fox news digital there's national security use cases that aligned with our mission.
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ai soldiers. southwest airlines went above and beyond to reunite a little boy with a cherished friends. young jake was heartbroken when he accidentally left tiki, his stuffed animal tiger at the airport in nashville. the boys shedding tears of joy. the family think it those workers for going the extra m mile, those are your headlines. if gwen loses her stuffy it's a bad day so i understand that. let's check it in with our humn stuffy meteorologist adam for "fox weather" forecast what's up adam kuester. >> has a going, pete's. if you come and stand outside with me on fox square when the temperatures in single digits and you were to be on tv, you are going to get on tv. you guys are from texas where it's not a whole lot warmer house or time the city going to give a shout at anybody? >> it has been also been hi to my sister sally because it is great shout out to my family in caldwell, texas big. >> thank you for coming out standing with me it's cold here
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what's up with the temperatures across the country it's not a whole lot warmer. these are feels like wind chill in dallas right now 8 degrees, e if you live in the midwest temperatures are feeling like you are in the negatives. negative six in nashville. that's what we have a wind chil alert stretching from florida all the weight north across the northern plains getting up to the canadian border that is a hard freeze warning wrapping around the gulf of mexico. it is truly cold across the country. this will break as we get into it monday and tuesday those your weather headlines for now, tossing it back to you. >> greetings, good to see i have a rule i don't wave on tv but i would way back to that i am them waiting virtually. good to see you. calling all hot dog lovers you can drive the iconic oscar mayer weinermobile find out how to get the job.
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♪ ♪ >> we were telling you about it is for real. >> it exist for the oscar mayer weinermobile is here we are joined by mary cameron and ch chloe, both who have had the job
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for the last year. >> yes big. >> you drive that weinermobile across the country. you are sayin sitting right nowe want to apply they could apply the same job? >> we are looking for 12 new hot doctors right now through january 31, you can drive the american icon and seat behind the winch of a box it is competitive they pick 1200 people apply? >> usually we get over 2000 applications for this job. and only 12 and up cutting the mustard. [laughter] i like that. >> this is not a joke i applied on a graduated college i applied for this. no one said a word to me as to i swear. no response. >> you get the booby prize for fox news. [laughter] carts where you think adam fell short what are the requirements he probably did not have? have a cdl do you have to have one of those because i. >> you do not have cedia we do get lots of drivers training. what qualities we look for are people that have a taste for adventure and passion for people
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because you are interacting with people all across the country and you're traveling over 20000 miles every year. >> they told me there's no food in this truck they service smiles. >> they do, they did regrets trequestthis morning and have a? >> are of the smiles but look at you. [laughter] usually very excited about the weinermobile. >> it is iconic. how do people apply for this job? >> you will go online to oscar mayer's instagram there will be a link in the bio you will submit your cheesy cover letter and your resume and see if you cut the mustard, like chloe said. [laughter] >> this is amazing. >> you are, you are the. >> to make like a video or submitted in writing? >> is really just writing a resume, cover letter whatever you choosers more directions online and that link and a bio however you feel make it creative. >> how does it handle? it. >> it runs pretty smooth if you see us on the hot dog highways to give us a way for. >> i kinda thought you're going.
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[laughter] are you sad to see the job and a question. >> we have really relished our time as hotdogs were still six more months on the hot dog highways were going to make every moment count together is my copilot chili cheese red hypocrites which are favorites that you visited? >> oh my goodness you end up liking all of them for different reasons. i am from new york state's been really, really cool to build to drive to my home state of new york. >> be disappointed in that answer? >> i thought she was going to say hawaii or something too. >> as a drive to hawaii? >> it has been to hawaii it has. go on a boat, check it out go to oscar martin instagram page apply for the job that adam didn't get. >> me sit in there. yes adam go inside. [laughter] [inaudible] go and check it out. ♪ >> all right adam let me know.
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7:00 am
♪ ♪ finish. ♪ ♪ pete: fitting song for a fitting town. there will be some day drinking in buffalo ahead of their big game sunday night. adam: they did give me this. it's almost like it came through. [laughter] will: [inaudible] adam: yeah. that's what i miss. rachel: i find it so funny -- adam: i really applied. i'm not salty. [laughter] rachel: all right. awesome. pete: [inaudible] see you tomorrow. [inaudible conversations] ♪ ♪


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