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tv   Cavuto Live  FOX News  January 20, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PST

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>> you know, they like to call me the numbers geek here at fox because, well, i'm the numbers geek here at fox and one number that stood out to me is the notion, well, winning a primary, winning a caucus, versus the expectations for that primary or for that
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caucus. if you do better than expected you're off to the races, however, if you do worse than expected, it could be the end of the race. i'm thinking back at a time in 1968 when lyndon johnson actually won the new hampshire primary, but barely so. a fella named eugene mccarthy had almost taken the state outright and changed everything. not too long after that, lyndon johnson, the president of the united states, who was expected to run for reelection, did not and all because he won a state by far less than most thought. that was then, hard to say what happens now. all right, it's all about the perception, isn't it? welcome back to cavuto live, we're in new hampshire where we're three days out and voters will get their say finally and not prompter readers, in the first of the nation primary. a lot of the republican candidates certainly, this is the last minute rush, if you will, before the big day.
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now, you heard from ron desantis a short time ago and we'll be talking to nikki haley what she thinks about that and comments the frontrunner, donald trump was saying about her. hey, alexis. >> neil, welcome to town in new hampshire when you say with the accent, i can't do with my chicago accent so i won't try. and former president donald trump has lots of activity on the ground and expected to have a pretty good rally in a number of hours telling his supporters, hey, i feel confident here, but telling them they still need to get out and vote because he doesn't have it on lock, watch. >> we just don't want you to take anything for granted. this is what i spent all last week saying, don't take it -- because we want to win by big margins, we don't want to just win. >> earlier today, representative stefanik was out talking on trump's behalf. the former president has been
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stumping in the granite state almost every day, this week with rallies across the granite state. the polls we have been watching closely on the ground shows trump 53%, haley 36% and desantis, on a daily basis like we heard from iowa, president trump is warning voters they need to get out and vote and really show that support at the polls, not just at the rallies. speaker to voters we've spoken to them and the issue they care about the most, the border. >> immigration is number one. number two is education. and number three is the economy. >> immigration, the border is my top number one. >> and those voters, neil, say they trust donald trump the most out of these three candidates to handle the border
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issue because we talk about the southern border all the time and the northern border is what they care about, too. on the screen, a live look at the large rally here in manchester, new hampshire. what's different, too, at the rallies, they're selling all of this gear, pro trump t-shirts and a lot of activity on the ground compared to other events i've been at, neil. >> alexis mcadams following all of that and we're following nikki haley crisscrossing the state like nobody's business right now, she's trying to narrow that gap in a state she used to consider to have to win and you heard chris sununu saying she doesn't have to win, but just has to place very well, whatever that means. nikki haley had some sort of perspective on this. >> happy birthday wishes are in order, governor, happy birthday. >> thank you so much, i appreciate it. neil: are you having any time to celebrate? >> no, we have a country to save. we'll be all over new hampshire today and crisscrossing, and it's important and this is what
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it's all about. i think a year from today will be inauguration day. neil: that's right. >> and when you think about that, you think about the heaviness of what's happening, what americans are feeling with the economy, with the border, with, you know, the lack of transparency and education and our kids not reading, but the wars around the world. neil: yeah. >> there's a lot there and we've got to get this right. neil: you know, last night, i don't know if it was a birthday bummer ahead of time, but tim scott, as you know, endorsed donald trump, were you surprised or disappointed? >> look, south carolina is a blood sport and i have dealt with the old guard and the fellas for a long time. neil: you appointed him senator. >> i did and it was the right thing. neil: did you feel like, hey. >> no, i mean, look, everybody has a decision to make and they have to live with their decision. he'll have to live with his. what i know, we're going to continue to go forward. trump focused a lot of time getting as many washington insiders elected officials, endorsements as he can. if you notice, i haven't tried to do any of that for the
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simple reason of, in south carolina, you won't see a lot of legislative endorsements for me because i forced them to have to show their votes on the record, forced them to have ethics reform and called out republicans and democrats for spending and vetoed half a billion of their spending. in congress i said we need to have term limits, mental competency tests. if they can't get a budget on time they're not going to get paid. i have never gone and tried to get as many elected officials endorsements as i can i'm not who i'm fighting for. neil: is there something else going on, or something personal, an animus there. we picked up on the campaign? no, you'll have to ask him. i was never anything, but good to him. what you do, you make the best decisions. i tried to make the best decisions as governor and as ambassador. he made this decision, that's his to live with. mine is to focus on making sure we're touching as many-- >> did he call you ahead of time and tell you he was going
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to do this? >> he did not. neil: a lot of people are saying, that's the ticket with the donald trump nomination, and that's his running mate. >> i think he's going to be disappointed when he doesn't win. neil: speaking of trump, he's revved up the name calling with you, and now a new nickname for you is nimra, it's a play off your birth name, then it's nimrada, a lot of people are interpreting that as racial zingers. >> politics is not personal for me. neil: what do you think of that. >> this is what he does when he feels insecure and threatened. i worked with him and started lashing out. neil: he never did that when you worked with him. >> he said i was tough, and the best u.s. ambassador, and told everybody don't mess with me she's a killer, going to make sure she keeps america strong
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and he praised me and we had that. this is what i'll tell you about, this is why we have a choice, we either stick with the same or we go forward. you've got, whether it's joe biden or donald trump, they take politics so personally. we can't have a country in disarray and a world on fire and have these fellas have thin skins and name calling and do all of these things. i look at it 70% of americans don't want to see a trump-biden rematch for a reason. look at the fact that both of these guys are going to be in their 80's, a lot going on, do you really want to do that. neil: do you think he's appealing to the base of that that likes comments like nimra and like that. >> to me i don't sit there and push people away, that's with the republican party, i bring them in. and what's happening with the republican party, who is a good republican, the bad republican, the right republican, the wrong
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republican. there was a poll that came out yesterday and shows in new hampshire, i beat biden. donald trump loses new hampshire by 7 points. you look at the general head to heads, it's going to be a nail-biter of elections i don't know if we'll win on a good day, trump is up by 2. i defeat biden by 17 points and that's a wall street journal poll. trump called it a dirty poll and it was his that did it. look at what happened last night. here you go and trump has been saying all kinds of lies and said i raised taxes, i didn't. he proposed a 25 cent gas tax increase. he said i didn't want to secure the border, i passed toughest when he was governor. i passed voter i.d. in 2012 when nobody was talking about voter i.d. so, i've been-- i was a tea party governor all
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that, but he can say those things what gets me you look at the rally last night and he blamed me for not allowing security at the capitol for january 6th. i wasn't anywhere near. neil: i think he meant nancy pelosi. >> look how many times he said it. neil: is that old age? >> then he's gone and said he defeated barack obama. i'm not saying that this is a joe biden situation, but i'm saying, are we really going to go and have two 80 year olds running for president. neil: he did repeat that a number of times. >> over and over. neil: do you think it should get attention? >> whether the media reports it or not. the same reason i want mental competency tests for people in congress. we need people at the top of their game, we need people focusing on national security. these are people making decisions on the future of our economy, do we really want them throwing out names and getting things wrong when they're 80 and having to deal with putin and xi and kim in north korea? we can't do that.
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this is not-- i voted for trump twice. i agree with a lot of his policies, but rightly or wrongly, chaos follows him and you look at the mannerisms and a year from today, do we really want our kids growing up in a country where you're not sure whether it's joe biden or donald trump, i don't know that trump can beat biden, but dealing with a situation where the leaders say we don't have people at the top of their game. i'm doing this i don't want my kids to live like this. neil: a year from today, you hope just the opposite, what do you think a second term of donald trump would be like? >> well, what worries me is, if you look at the fact, he's someone who praises dictators often and we've got a war in europe, a war in the middle east, north korea testing inter-continental ballistic missiles capable of hitting the u.s. and china on the march. what did he do?
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he praised them during covid. and with north korea. i deal with them every day and they laugh at that, don't take it seriously and we've got too make sure we're doing everything to prevent wars. my husband is deployed right now. i don't want any man or woman to have to go fight in a war, but in order to prevent wars you've got to be at the top of your game and make sure that you're letting those countries know what you expect of them. biden and trump are caught up in investigations and other things. none of them are talking about the future of this country and the vision in which we're going to go forward. that's a problem. and then you look at both of them, put us trillions in debt. our kid are never going to forgive them for that. neil: and governor, you're making good points, but it's falling on deaf ears in new hampshire. you trail here, do you have to win here? >> it's not falling on deaf ears in new hampshire, it's
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falling on deaf ears with the media. neil: we look at the polls, right. so you don't buy the polls or you think you can win this? >> well, a poll three days ago said i was tied with trump at 40. a poll yesterday said i was down with trump by 15 points. to me, the polls going to matter on tuesday, what i will tell you-- >> can you win the state? >> it not about winning the state. i've been consistent i want to be strong in iowa and stronger in new hampshire and stronger in south carolina. neil: strong in new hampshire doesn't necessarily mean willing, a strong second? >> we won't know until the numbers come out. we want to be continue to be strong and i want to be stronger than i was in iowa and south carolina. neil: what do you think of ron desantis going into south carolina. >> i don't think you skip states. you don't leapfrog which state you want to play in and which you don't. he's been invisible in new hampshire, invisible in south carolina and closer to zero than he is to me in either one of the states, that's his choice if that's what he wants to do. >> he had said of the endorsement of tim scott that
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it's a blow to nikki haley. >> i mean, look, i won that state twice as governor. i know south carolina very well. no endorsement is going to be a blow to me because when i ran against the longest serving legislator in south carolina i didn't get a single endorsement. when i ran as governor, i ran against a lt. governor, an attorney general, very popular congressman i was nikki who, and 3% in the poll. the old guard didn't want me and did the same thing that's happening now. i didn't carry went through, fought and won anyway, when you fight for the people the people fight back for you. when you fight for elected officials and endorsements, that doesn't get anything they have wasted time on endorsements. what i'm making sure i don't focus on the politicians, i focus on the people on the ground and that's what we've done we're getting hundreds of people at our rallies, last night and the night before. people want something
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different. it's not about liking donald trump or not. we can't afford to not win in november. we can't afford to get this wrong and when you look at those polls, i win every single swing state. donald trump does not. we can't have a president kamala harris, and what i've said to everybody, don't complain about what happens in a general election if you don't really play in this primary. because we can't afford to president kamala harris and it's all over if that happens and joe biden's not going to last and we've got to get past the fact that we're going to keep putting the same people in there that are not moving our country forward, but holding us back and living in the past. we can't continue to do that. neil: governor, thank you very much. try to have a bit of birthday cake or something along the way, but very good seeing you. >> thank you, go to nikki and join us, we're going to do this. neil: she got the nikki in there. and a nonborder state after this.
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>> that the border is secure? >> no, it's not. (inau (inaudible) >> a lot of people say the president has not paid attention to what's going on in the border and it's a big issue, getting an earful from a lot of big city mayors gathering in washington, most of them democratic mayors i might point out and it's a political issue even if you're nowhere near the border. the last time i checked 2000 miles from eagle pass, texas where you've find our danamarie mcnicholl how things are looking there. >> there's a huge change in policy here for years migrants were able to cross that river and here into shelby park with no deterrents. now, texas kicked out border patrol and also installed hundreds of feet of razor wire
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behind me. another change in policy to note is that texas is now arresting migrants who illegally cross the razor wire in shelby park. texas dps tell me arrested migrants are charged with criminal trespassing and wait in jail until sentence and after that turn them over to ice which will decide whether to deport. as texas continues to fortify the border, the federal government is suing texas to gain full access to this park and ability to potentially remove this razor wire as it sees fit. yesterday, members of the texas state legislature got a tour of border operations. >> my feeling is the federal government is going to remove razor wire, i hope our texas troopers just put it right back. >> last night, in mcallen, texas, customs and border patrol show us new tactics to climb over the 30-foot wall, a new style ladder they're coming
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up with made out of rebar and light wire. now, here in shelby park, we're seeing a lot less people cross the border, the numbers are significantly lower, but in other places like mcallen, we're still seeing people cross the border in dangerous ways. >> danamarie, thank you very much. i want to go to new hampshire institute of politics, st. anselm college and he knows of what he speaks. and i'm glad you spell it n-e-i-l, the imposters with n-e-a-l. and what is happening here. >> the 24% believe it's the number one issue for them and a lot of that is it boils down, crimes, drugs, all kind of things, and the fear that other people are doing things that might affect you.
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>> who is capitalizing on that in this state? >> in this state, there's no doubt about the fact that donald trump really dominates on the immigration issue and immigration isn't probably the right word for it, but he's dominated that and he's able to put it right into the wall and other issues, but if you look at like, say, ron desantis' numbers with immigration, he doesn't do very well which is rather interesting. neil: i'm wondering, though, how it sorts out. you can be vocal on the issue and get lost in the sauce, right? how does it punch through? >> it really can get lost. if your interview a few minutes ago with nikki haley was rather interesting, she didn't highlight on that, she hit on trump's age and she can beat joe biden, she didn't talk a lot about immigration, the second biggest issue. i think if they're looking at the data, looking at the fact that trump really takes this one and move onto other issues. neil: is it his race to lose?
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a lot of people look at the polls and say yeah, it's his to lose. >> the polls after vivek ramaswamy dropped out and chris christie did. since then we haven't seen a lot. nikki haley turned up the energy you saw in your interview. she's moving and doing a sort of tougher challenge. neil: it's not too late to be doing that? >> not at all. neil: there have been wild swings. >> and new hampshire's a state that does do that, where all of a sudden they'll say, hey, we like this challenger, let' give them the benefit of the doubt. neil: how much will new hampshire to iowa setting the tone. we don't want to reinforce what they just did. >> in new hampshire we're proud granite staters and we don't like to say that other states influence us. they saw his speech now is the time for us to unify behind one person. i think that's an interesting message that he conveyed. the next day he was back to being the normal candidate he is. but that unification message
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rang through with media here. neil: and in the meantime here, we told you about how joe biden is not on the democratic primary ballot here and told you and you met williamson democrat who is. and another fella i want you to meet is dean phillips. 's on that ballot and he's here, too. we're travelling all across america, talking to people about their hearts. wh-who wants to talk about their heart! how's the heart? how's your heart? how's your heart? -it's good. -is it? aah, i don't know. -it's okay. - it's okay! yeah. good. -you sure? - i think so. how do you know? it doesn't come with a manual, and you like ooh, i got the 20,000-day checkup, right?
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>> it is weird not having the president of the united states featured on the democratic primary ballot in new hampshire, but dean phillips is. madison has been exploring that part of the ledger, if you will. she joins us out of nashville. madison. >> hi, neil. so president biden is not just not here in new hampshire, like you said, he's not even on the
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ballot. all this have happening after he instructed the dnc to make south carolina the first in the nation primary and new hampshire did not comply. president's not here, but his friends sure are. we have different events throughout the state today for write-in biden. democrat mayor boston, michelle wue and congressman ro khanna here in the granite state for a campaign called write-in biden. to get democrat voters to write the president's name at the bottom of the ballot on tuesday. the reason for the write-in campaign local democrats fear the optics for an incumbent president for reelection and losing to a lesser-known challenger. the mayor had this to say about the president this morning. >> we have a very important choice ahead of us. and we need a leader with the temperament, with the tenacity, and with the team around them
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to move us forward. we have that leader now. >> that's right. [applause] >> so, wu spent time talking about some of the president's accomplishments in washington, but the majority of her team is talking about former president trump and emphasizing that they cannot see a former president go back to the oval office. this is just the first event of the day and it's cold here in new hampshire as i'm sure you know, neil, but a lot of the movements will be outside because this is a grass roots campaign. we'll send it back to you. neil: thank you very much, madison. and dean phillips is with us right now, the presidential candidate, minnesota congressman, here prominent candidate whose birthday is today, nikki haley and you. >> good to see you, neil. neil: happy birthday. >> thank you. neil: the democratic president is not on the battle. it's a little weird. >> more than weird, it's ridiculous. neil: what do you tell people. >> i tell people somebody has
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to practice democracy in the united states, in the state that takes it so seriously and shame on anybody who would try to attack those who are participating. we have a crisis in participating. neil: you could get potentially good numbers from enough ticked off people like a fella named gene mccarthy against lyndon johnson. do you see something like that happening? >> a weak democratic candidate, war around the world, crisis at the border and cost crisis in the united states, and people had enough. and nikki haley was on before me, 70% of the country does not want a biden-trump rematch. why are not democrats running for president. they're not listening to people. that's why i'm here. neil: we hear there are other democrats shopping their names around. and california governor newsom, but you're in the race and marion williamson in the race and should it be the focus of guys like you who are risking and putting it on the line in
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the race than someone coronated outside. >> if you aspire to be the president of the united states, leader of the free world, hop in, don't sit on the side lines. someone tried to do it. i tried to get the better known names than i to do so, but the absence of willingness to do what you do in a time like this, meet the moment and put your country over the personal aspirations. neil: or your party. >> and marion williamson says the party can't-- >> and our country was established to prevent the very coronation that we're seeing expressed right now and that's why marion williamson and i are trying to wake people up. it's a hypocrisy of democracy. neil: as bad as what you might think the president is doing by ignoring you guys is, he's even or slightly better money in a general election poll against donald trump. does that surprise you? >> to me, the numbers are
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showing something different, neil, in the battle ground states, donald trump beats joe biden. joe biden is facing historically low approval numbers and look it, i invite trump supporters to take a look at me. get to know me. i have no animus towards you, but i do against the former president. and i think we have two candidates not appropriate for the leader of the united states for what we're considering, costs, chaos, artificial intelligence. neil: do you think that joe biden is just too old? >> look it, i think that both men are at a stage in life where they cannot ably lead us to the future and that's what the country is saying. first, would the country not be better off if we had a nikki haley, dean phillips match-up this november and i think that's what the country is looking for, maybe there's a reason we both have our birthdays. neil: and what an about a no labels ticket? >> i'm a democrat and i think it's important to reestablish the decency, integrity and
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policy positions of democrats. i'm a humphrey democrat. neil: hubert humphrey a fellow that emerged. >> a clinton democrat. >> very close. >> socially reasonably, fiscally responsible and yes, we've got to take care of ourselves here, take care of americans and that's what intend to do. neil: a fellow minnesotan. >> i had a plate of pancakes this morning. neil: that's a good substitute. in the meantime, we're following the candidates crisscrossing the state as alluded to a short time ago. that's, i believe, nikki haley. and this back and forth will continue until election day and we're monitoring that and much more after this. (♪) some people just know that the best rate for you is a rate based on you, with allstate. because you know that just because it fits in the cupholder doesn't make it 'to-go'. and you know how to brake, without breaking everything.
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. jacqui: >> all right. counting down on the days. bryan llenas has been all over the state trying to get a gauge
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of what people are thinking ab about, hey, bryan. >> neil, look, right now nikki haley is in keene, new hampshire at a country club and then she'll drive to peterboro for the second event. a live look at the event in keene where she's speaking to voters and she plans on making four stops today. she had seven stops yesterday as she makes a final push to convince voters she's the clear alternative to former president donald trump. she's been comparing him to president biden, saying both are too old. trump 77 and biden 81 compared to haley who turned 52 today. >> they don't like the fact that i say we should have mental competency tests for over people 75.
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we all know people who are 75 who can run circles around us and then we know joe biden. right? congress is now the most privileged nursing moment in the country. >> according to today's daily tracking poll, haley remains in second place, 35% support. gone up and down a point or so, trump 53% and that's jumped in the past couple days. all along chris sununu has gone all out to campaign in her name. and he predicted she would win by a landslide and that's not an exaggeration. and last hour he told you that was never the expectation. the expectation is to build off haley's third place finish in iowa. >> come out iowa strong. >> she went from 2% to 20% in one point. neil: she's third. >> one point behind desantis.
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neil: if she doesn't win, you still say that is okay. you have it both ways? >> the goal is to have trump-haley, i wanted it one-on-one before super tuesday and it's happening way sooner than that. >> haley has said in the last couple of days she wants to do better than in iowa and she shall see. she's focused on making it a two-way race with desantis in south carolina, neil. neil: we shall we, my friend. bryan llenas in peterboro, new hampshire. and next, the former new hampshire governor endorsing nikki haley like the present governor. governor, good to have you. >> thank you. good to be on. neil: it's interesting, governor, i've talked not only to the governor, but the present governor, talking about nikki haley and now the present governor, chris sununu who say, you know, we don't have to win
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here. we can do very well, well, that's definitely changed. they weren't saying that a couple of weeks ago. what happened? >> well, i think there's been a little slowing of her momentum, but i think she still has significant momentum and i do think this is a one-on-one race. i personally don't think that trump can get to 50%. i don't believe in the polls, they're consistently wrong in new hampshire. also, the most telling thing that's happened in the last 24 hours is the fact that our secretary of state is probably one. most talented people at calling elections that i know it said that this is going to be the largest turnout in the history of republican primaries in new hampshire. that means there are a lot of people going to the polls and i think people know, if you're for trump, you're for trump, but i don't think that the people going to the polls, this large movement towards of the electorate to vote necessarily bodes well for president trump. i think they'll see the independents coming in as they
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can in our state and other folks supporting other candidates coming over to haley. this is a two-person race and as a two-person race, i think that haley is going to do very well in new hampshire. neil: what do you make of the strategy that donald trump employed certainly the last couple of days when she rises in the polls to swat her down hard. and lately a couple of things such as a speech, he referred to her as nimra, and i don't know if it's he referring her birth name, but some of her people interpreted thats an a racist slap. what did you think of that? >> well, president trump says some things which are truly inappropriate, unconscionable, sort of the name caller in chief is one of his talents. but i'm more concerned about his policies. i mean, you look at nikki haley. what is she presenting? she's presenting a positive, upbeat, forceful, strong image
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and agenda. president trump he's wrapped around the wheel of revenge and anger, and that's not going to get us anywhere as a party. i think it would be very hard for trump to win a general election. independents control the swing states and usually educated women, at least they are in new hampshire, mostly, and they're not going to vote for trump. so i think we need a new face in our party. somebody who is positive, somebody who is aggressive and strong and she reflects that whereas trump is from the past and honestly is wrapped around the past with his anger. neil: could you support him if he were the party's nominee? >> well, who is he going to be running against? i couldn't vote for joe biden for sure. i never admit to dean phillips, but he seemed rational although i don't see myself voting to a democrat. the last few times he's run, paul ryan, and i suspect somebody else to write in, it will depend, i haven't decided finally.
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he's not going to be the nominee, hopefully, nikki haley will be hopefully. neil: thank you. >> thank you for having me on. neil: a lot will depend on the turnout on tuesday and the weather now it's nothing like iowa and a lot of people have been making fun of me for picking on the cold in iowa. it's cold here, too, but not as cold. but i don't want you to think i have nothing to whine about after this. ♪ ♪
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>> you know, the fascinating backdrop for this entire iowa caucus is back to another issue. all right. that's when we were in iowa, you know, i might have mentioned once or twice. it was incredibly cold. now, a lot of people say, neil,
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it was a little cold. no, no, no, and someone else said, wait a minute, you're making a big deal when there's a minus number in front of the number? yeah, when it's a minus 35 degrees, i did. now, it's not nearly so bad here, i want to just stress that, but i did wake up this morning, very, very early to form america the country and my usual drill, they were talking real-feel temperatures, i think, chris, minus 10 something like that. thank you, thank you, and you add the real-feel and gets you back to minus 35, though it doesn't, but, they're bragging how much better the conditions are and adam klotz lets me know, oh, it could be a lot worse, neil, as if, adam. what are we looking at, my friend. >> i think you're right. you're right, really cold negative 10, negative 30, no matter what you step outside that does not feel good. here your current temperatures across the country. new hampshire included. you're seeing plenty of cold spots.
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12 in chicago, 2 out in kansas city, add in the wind chill the real-feel that neil was talking about and feels like, widespread. negative 2 in nashville, and negative 10 in atlanta and it's cold all the way out to the southern stretches of the country. that's why we've got the wind chill alerts stretching the northern plains the midwest, and southeast. florida is getting in on this action and cold for millions and millions of millions of americans, sitting around 280 million americans are currently seeing temperatures well below average. we've got these freeze alerts stretching down along the gulf coast. and florida included, stretching over to texas and cold for almost everybody, but what about new hampshire in particular? well, currently you're looking at temps there into the teens, but that feels-like temperatures zero, negative 1, 2 # zero, it's cold out there. will it hold?
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neil, you're packing up. a warm-up there, monday, tuesday, temperatures close to 40 degrees. and that's going to be really across the entire country, sos this what you see here today. all of the folks dealing with the cold air, that falls apart tomorrow. by the time you get to monday and i'm starting to show you more of these orange colors that means temperatures are above average. so finally, finally after the last 10 days or so for really cold weather for almost everybody, we're about to see if they warm up, neil. neil: let me see if i've got this straight, when bret and martha get here it's about 40 degrees. >> right. neil: when i'm here it's minus 40. >> exactly right. neil: i might have exaggerated. >> that's what's happening. neil: thank you for that, adam. always enjoy listening to you, adam klotz, he's good on this stuff. i'm not one to complain because it's my duty to help you out no matter the conditions, right, chris? no matter the conditions. it's always perfect diner
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weather here, and there's a great one. one particular one in this state. man. after this. there are some things that work better together. like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. voya helps you choose the right amounts without over or under investing across all your benefits and savings options. so you can feel confident in your financial choices. ♪ they really know how to put two and two together. voya, well planned, well invested, well protected.
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>> candidates crisscrossing the state, where they love to go though, is usually diners. you'll find a good many there, including all the major candidates when it comes to this particular haunt in this state, very, very popular. it's called the red hour diner in manchester, new hampshire. i believe there are a couple of others, but this is of note, it has pictures and labels of famous candidates, actors, actresses popped in and out of that. amanda, the co-owner and chief operations officer kind enough to join us. you run an institution, i didn't know it was such a big deal. and it's a very tiny space.
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>> yes, it is tiny. thank you for having me. neil: what have you seen of the candidates and how do they work a crowd in that room? >> so they actually-- (inaudible) the constituents directly in the eyes and reach out. neil: okay. we're having some sound problems hopefully they can fix it. i was there very early this morning about 6:00. and a couple of people in there right now, but it did allow me time to get access to your bakery case and that's why you're missing several pies. one of the things i noticed with this and hopefully things are improving sound-wise, amanda, is everyone, and i mean everyone goes there. it's a rite of passage for a candidate, isn't it? >> if you want to get into the white house-- >> all right. i apologize for that.
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just not working out here, but one of the things i like about that diner and other diners, it's a great americanization here since the early days when we saw ron desantis here, a lot of candidates, and donald trump and a host of others, but it's a great stop for candidates who want to try things out. i saw some great pictures of a very young barack obama, very young bill clinton, but it is part of that iconic tradition where americans gather and make sure that they gather in places that are a lot of fun. a diner like that is a lot of fun. one of the things i want to update you on especially for the show and where we stand on, nikki haley in the latest polls trail by 10 points or so. and those polls, you've heard a good deal about that. we'll explore that in more detail and the rest of the gang at fox will be, because they have been particularly erratic and all over the map and a number of people made mention of that to me, unlike iowa that
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kind of stayed in the range, these tend to spike and fall very, very quickly. now, the big developments with nikki haley and whether she benefits from some of the big changes, like chris christie dropping out of the race, vivek ramaswamy dropping out, could just as easily be beneficial to donald trump. it's in the eye of the beholder here. chris sununu will be with nikki haley throughout much of the day and she's considered to be the first serious challenge right now to donald trump here. if she doesn't make a go of it here it's hard to make at that stays for other states, but hard to know for sure, sure bets are a long way out. you need 1215 votes to close the deal for the republican nomination. after this someone is going to have maybe 30 or 40 delegates. that's a long way and the fight goes on.
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9:00 am
hi, i'm stacey, and i've lost 60 pounds on golo. (guitar music) this belt i used to wear, way down at the first and second notch, it's the only thing i've kept from before losing weight and i'm keeping this because i'm never going back. ♪ i'm gonna hold you forever... ♪ ♪ i'll be there... ♪ ♪ you don't... ♪ ♪ you don't have to worry... ♪ >> president biden admitting now to fox news, the


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