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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  January 20, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PST

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griff: the new hampshire primary just days away now as two of the top three gop candidates make their final pitches to voters in the granite state. former president trump set to hold a rally tonight, nikki haley making her rounds while ron desantis spends his weekend in south carolina with over a month to go before the primary there. welcome to "fox news live," i'm griff jenkins. one more hour, gillian, here we go. gillian: do you think we can do it? we'll give it a try. i'm gillian turner. primaries this tuesday in new hampshire, president biden though not on the ballot following a dispute between the dnc and the state. we've got fox news coverage on the ground in new hampshire with madison alworth, bryan llenas and alexis mcadams. alexis, kick it off for us. >> reporter: it is a cold day here in new hampshire, but people are still out on the ground getting ready for primary day and that includes the candidates still trying to gain support. for the former president, donald
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trump, you don't have to look far to see he has a lot of support here. kind of the line in front of here, that's for the rally that doesn't start until 7:00 tonight, you guys. take a look here, you can also see that support in the latest polls in the state which we have been watching closely. it shows trump sitting at 53 percent, teally at 36% and ron desantis at 7 percent. this is a poll of republican primary voters in the state, and some voters tell me, hey, i don't even look at these polls. but donald trump sure does, saying his competitors have lost momentum. >> what happened to this guy? [laughter] one of the great self-destructions i think i've ever witnessed, steve. what do you -- [laughter] and she ain't doing too good either. she's down very low. we'll finish it off. this couldened it. -- could end it. if it's a big vote, it ends it. >> reporter: what do new hampshire voters or care about? the border. they want a president who can
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handle the immigration issues. right now voters say they like trump's policies. >> i think he did very well on the border the first time. >> i think the president try his best when he was president to close the border. i think he knows his way around washington now, and he will get the job done. more than i think any of the other candidates could have. >> reporter: and nikki haley is also talking about the border, telling people that she has had strong border policies and will fix the immigration problem in the united states. she spent big money on attack ads here in new hampshire. every time i turn on the local tv, that's all we're seeing on the screen. and trump said with those attacks going on he's, quote, probably not going to pick nikki haley to be his vp, he doesn't think what she -- she has what it takes. and, bryan, how does she feel
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about those ongoing attacks, bryan? >> reporter: hey, alexis. former above nikki haley says she's not running for vice president and certainly not running for second plaits. she's about to -- place. she's about to speak at an eventer behind me, she just wrapped up her first event of the day where she spoke to some 200 folks. now, over the last few days haley has been really focusing her attacks on former president donald trumping comparing him to president biden. she says both e men are too old to be president. trump is 77, biden is 81. haley turns 52 today. now, this morning haley implied trump is experiencing cognitive decline pointing out that at aap apoored to confuse haley with former house speaker nancy pelosi. [no audio]
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>> look at the rally last night. and he blamed me for not allowing security at the capitol for january 6th. i wasn't anywhere -- can. neil: i think he meant nancy pelosi. >> no, but look at how many times he said it -- neil: he did repeat it. >> the same reason i want mental competency tests for people in congress. we need people at the top of their game. >> reporter: the daily tracking poll released this morning shows haley in second place. her support is at 35% while trump's lead in new hampshire has grown to 18 points. so is a second place finish enough for hally's campaign? if -- haley's campaign? according to the popular new hampshire governor chris sununu, it is. neil: but if she doesn't one, that's okay too? >> oh, absolutely. no, no, no, she can win, she doesn't have to win. the goal was always the make it a one-on-one race, right in trump-haley. that's what we've got. i wanted it one-on-one by super
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tuesday. it's happening way sooner than that. >> reporter: as for south carolina, senator tim scott's endorsement of trump, sununu called it disrespectful considering that haley's the one that appointed scott to be the senator in south carolina when she was governor. and now over to my if colleague madison alworth who's covering the democratic primary. madison. >> reporter: thanks, bryan. so president biden is not only not in new hampshire, he's not on the ballot. this all happening after he destructed the dnc to make south carolina the first in the nation primary. new hampshire, which had held that title for a hundred year, did not comply. but that has not stopped his friends from hitting the granite state and stumping for him here. both boston mayor michelle wu and congressman ro khanna are here in new hampshire for a grassroots campaign called write in biden. the dnc has gone as far as to call the new hampshire primary, quote, meaningless which has led
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them to be accused of vote iser suppression. when mayor wu was asked about that, here's what she had to say. >> look, these are issues that are decided at the national level by the dnc. i don't have, a seat on that committee to have had a say in anything related to that. i'm here in my capacity as someone who can testify to how important it is that we keep moving forward in the direction we've been going. >> reporter: the reason for the write-in campaign is because local democrats fear the optics of an incumbent president running for re-election and losing the state to a lesser known challenger. surrogates for the president don't believe that will be a problem despite the challenges that a write-in campaign faces. >> i know dean phillips, he's a colleague, i know marianne williamson. it's a free country, everyone can run. but being president of the united states is a serious obligation. >> reporter: some political analysts believe that this
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write-in biden campaign needs to win by a big margin in order for this to be touted as a success. but supporters that we've spoken to say a win is a win even if it's by one point. gillian, i'll send it back to you. jill thank you, madison, there in nash what for us this afternoon. griff? griff: presidential candidate ron desantis is spending his weekend in the low country, in south carolina. rich edson is in myrtle beach now following if his campaign. hey, rich are. [inaudible conversations] [applause] >> reporter: hey, good afternoon, griff. you hear right now governor ron desantis is just wrapping up having taken questions for about a half hour from a number of different folks here and voters here in myrtle beach, south carolina. his opponents say his presence here in south carolina this weekend shows that he's just skipping new hampshire because he's got no chance there. the campaign says that's not the case, that he was there dallas evening and he plans to -- last
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even evening and he plans to return there as well. this weekend's swing through the state is a way to pressure former south carolina governor nikki haley to win her home state and, if not, to just get out of the race. haley has maintained this is already a two-candidate race between her and the front-runner, former president trump. in myrtle beach desantis just knocked his opponents. >> if donald trump is running really for his issues, he's focusing on those issues that are personal to him. nikki haley's running on the donors' issues which is what are funding her campaign. i'm running on your issues and your families' issues. that's my agenda. [applause] can someone tell me major achievements of nikki haley when she was governor? anybody? ♪ ♪ >> reporter: the super pac backing desantis, never back down, is hosting the governor in south carolina this weekend. the super pac has been shedding
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staff. after investing millions and months in iowa and finishing a distant second, an aide tells fox the desantis campaign is moving the majority of its staff here to south carolina. this afternoon desantis has more stops going near florence and columbia, the state capital where haley once governed the state. a desantis spokesperson says, quote, when nikki haley fails to win her home state, she'll be finished, and this'll be a two-person race. we're wasting no time in taking the fight directly to haley on her home turf. to this trip, a haley spokesperson says that they are welcoming the governor, governor desantis, to this state and say that he hopes he enjoys his vacation. griff? if. griff: clearly a little tom petty, won't back down, in the background. rich edson live from milter beach, thank you very much. gillian? gillian: for more on the ground from if snowy e new hampshire now, we are joined by one neil cavuto, anchor of "wore world
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with -- your world with cavuto." neil, great interviews with the nominees all morning long, the candidates, excuse me. want to start here: you talked to governor ron desantis. he had an interesting take on last week and what went down there with the former president. take a listen to you. >> he's a de facto incumbent president that is the most famous person in politics, and so that was telling, that you had half the people roughly that opted for someone else. gillian: what did you make of that? >> well, bottom line, donald trump won. he got more than half the vote, and he won 98 of 99 counties. and the governor, for all his efforts -- and he put herculean efforts into the state, all 99 counties visiting each and every one -- and didn't win a single one. it is what it is. you can talk about low voter turnout, all of that. but donald trump won. he's significantly up in new hampshire as well. that could change as you guys
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have been discussing, but the fact of the matter is, you know, moving to south carolina to fight there confuses a lot of people wondering what the strategy is. i guess he wants to eliminate nikki haley there in her home state where she was a two-term governor and then it's a two-man race. but to get to that math and to get to that type of a race, it would have to take a lot of dominoes falling at a exactly the same time. gillian: yeah. a lot of good luck, as you mentioned. >> yeah, right. gillian: while i have you, i want to make sure talk about the economy, some potentially good news for democrats, certainly for president biden, coming out this week. take a look at the polling. it tells us among republicans who were asked what is the most important issue facing the country today, only 16.5% of them said that is their number one issue. and then this poll on inflation, republicans were asked do you see inflation gown down and the -- going down and the
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economy improving in your day-to-day life, nearly 29% of republican voters actually said, yes. now, more than 50%, 5 52.5% of them, said not. but i was taken with the fact that that many republicans think that the economy's headed in the right direction under president biden. >> well, you know, gillian, maybe owing to my age, i've been there, done that. this perception of an economy versus the real economy. gillian: yeah. >> and i can remember george herbert walker bush running for re-election against bill clinton, and his argument was as we were in a recession that we were coming out of it, the worst was behind us. ironically, he was proven bright. -- can right. in the fourth quarter of that year in 1992 we were, indeed, coming out of it. but the perception made him lose his bid for reelection. bill clinton comes in, things were improving and the economy was beginning to rocket. the only reason why i mention
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that, gillian, is that the biden folks seem to think the improvement we're seeing in the economy -- it's not across the board. existing home sales are at a nearly three-decade low. still, there is more confidence, strong retail sales in general, people are still booking flights and booking vacation spots. that goes unaa baited. unabated. their balance sheets are good. the market just hit records, and they think that's the wind at their back and there's a delay, americans will get to see it. the difference between their recovery versus the george bush sr. recovery is the white house this time hopes that people have enough time to see it because we have another 10, 11 months total the election. the bush folks at the time had very little time to make that argument stick. that's their hail mary pass, but that's what they're sticking to. these numbers are beginning to be felt, americans are beginning to show that in some survey ises. not all a, as you pointed out, and it's hardly across the board, but that's how these things gain traction. they hope that there's the enough time to come to allow
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americans to see it. we'll see. gillian: so you're going to being anchoring, covering this primary, first in the nation primary starting today, moving new monday and coverage tuesday. what are the key indicators that you're looking for on tuesday night, or neil? if -- neil? >> well, you know, we have the vantage point of looking at it through the perspective of business as well. and when we look at that in new york, one of the big things you hear is they think the economic trend is their friend. it's why the market's hitting records, why company are reporting, by and large, earnings and numbers that are better than expected, that people are still buying. that's the backdrop for a lot of people who may more attention to the federal reserve than they are the white house. probably for good reason. the fed has a a lot more to control things than does the white house. so one of the angles i want to focus on from a perch in new york is that that is what the big money guys are hoping on and investors or in general are praying for, that this
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continues. the biden white house likes to believe that is what they're seeing and that is what they're buying, it can only help them. we shall see again. gillian: we shall see. i want to let you go back inside, but you're a pretty good interviewee, neil. we should do this again. >> it helps to have a good interview iser. by the way, i haven't complainedded once, i'm not a why were, but it's cold. gillian: we can tell. go back inside. thank you, neil. >> have fun. gillian: we'll be watching your coverage. griff: the i think the cold is afraid of kneel. the one and only, amazing neil if cavuto. fulton county district attorney fani willis is facing major backlash after a new court filing revealing the lead prosecutor in her georgia trump interference case bought flights her himself and -- for himself and willis are highlighting the relationship was not strictly a professional one.
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madison scarpino is live in atlanta with the latest. >> reporter: hi, griff. these new relations are certainly making things a lot messier and more complicated for the d.a. and her special prosecutor. in court filingses on friday, the attorneys for wade's estranged wife provided credit card statements showing trips purchased for both wade and willis. now, there were flights to miami for the two of them in october 2022, flights to san francisco in their name in principle 2023 as well as -- april 2023 as well as cruises, hotel stays and flowers. the attorney for one of trump's co-defendants alleges that willis benefited from the money that wade is making from if fulton county. also on friday, the fulton county board of commissioners has launched an investigation into whether or not willis acted improperly when she hired wade. wade had filed for divorce in 2021, the day after he was appointed special prosecutor by the d.a. wade has earned upwards of $650,000 since he
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started working on the case. >> this case is tainted from the start. it should never have been brought. it's all planned. it's election interference. the case should not stand, it should be completely wiped away and dismissed. >> reporter: and what happens next will be up to the judge overseeing the trump case. >> if these allegations are true, could lead to a whole host of things that the d.a. doesn't want to happen. she could be removed from the case, she could be held to have a conflict of interest, the case could potentially be dismissed if it's so structurally unsound. >> reporter: willis has been subpoenaed in wade's divorce case but says that she shouldn't have to be involved. there's a hearing on monday morning to make that decision. griff? griff: very interesting. madison scarpino, thank you very much. now, for more on the potential legal implications of this, kelly stimson joins us now, a former prosecutor and senior hell fellow at the
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heritage foundation. culley, thanks for being here in studio with us. this is really getting ugly. and and as you -- as a madison so eloquently laid out there, here is fani willis, the d.a., accused of hiring her married lover as a prosecutor, paying him more than $650,000 and allegedly taking vacations with benefiting, perhaps, from some of that money. let's just go right to what everyone's thinking which is should she be recusing herself today? >> yes. she should have done it yesterday. i mean, there are numerous problems with the fact that she's on this case above and beyond what your colleagues just said. number one, she got post-covid money to clear out the backlog of cases, but she used that money to hire an outside prosecutor. that's number one. it was against the rules. number two, he didn't get permission to hire him as an outside prosecutor. she has prosecutors in her own office she could have used, but she didn't.
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that was required by the rules. she -- he took actions in this case before he was sworn in, including indicting people before he was sworn in as a special prosecutor. that is bad. of course, we know about the trips and the amorous relationship. he's never tried a rico case, so he wasn't qualified in the first place. and, griff, honestly, any one of those reasons alone would be enough for any honest prosecutor to say is, you know what? i'm going to recuse myself. in the interest of justice, require it, perception of impartiality, we'll give it to another county and let them handle it. but when you add them up all together, this is an appellate lawyer's dream. even if this case goes to trial and she stays on and wade stays on and there's a conviction, this is appeal bonanza. griff: she, by the way, has not denied this affair. and the only really on camera we've seen of her was last weekend when she seemed to lob accusations of racism. watch here.
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>> i appointed three special counsels as is my right, to paid them all the same hourly rate. they only attacked one. first thing they say, oh, she gonna play the race card now. but, no, guys, isn't it them who's playing the race card when they only question one? griff: so one prosecutor was a white woman, one was a white man. , obviously, black man was, of course, nathan wade. so let me ask you this: do you foresee that this case against trump could get thrown out because of it? >> i don't think it's going to go that far. at least in the short term because the judge is going to hold a hearing on the 15th of february. he's going to ask basic questions, the same five issues i brought up. was post-covid money used to hire this guy, did you get permission from the county to hire this guy, has this guy qualified? she mentions two other prosecutors, she wasn't sleeping
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with them. that's not the issue. race is not the issue. who cares what she does in her private life. she's sleeping with subordinate who she hired who wasn't qualified, who wasn't sworn in. any one of those things could have that judge say, you know what? your office is recused. griff: it's going to be interested as this mays out. culley stimson, thanks for coming in. >> thanks, griff. gillian: coming up, a a whole hot of staffers over at "sports illustrated" suddenly find themselves out of a job. we'll get into it next. ♪ ♪ ♪ here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost.
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gillian: welcome back. former new york governor andrew cuomo has filed a lawsuit against new york's attorney general, leticia james, in an attempt to get documents related to his alleged sexual harassment released. he's facing two suits and argues he needs those documents from james in order to defend himself. griff: well, major changes coming to one of america's most iconic magazines following massive layoffs to the "sports illustrated" staff. c.b. cotton is live with more. hey, c.b. >> reporter: hi, griff. yeah, fans of sports illustrated past and present are now left wondering about the future of the iconic publication after the publisher announced mass leis. despite this -- layoffs. the group is making a promise to
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readers saying, quote, authentic brands group is here to insure that the brand of "sports illustrated," which includes it editorial arm, continues the thrive as it has for the past nearly 70 years. we are confident that going forward the brand will evolve and grow in a way that serves sports news readers, sports fans and consumers. now, the license aring group told fox how this all unfolded saying and confirming it never received its $3.75 million if quarterly license payment, so it terminated rights from publisher the arena group. as a result, that publisher announced, quote, significant layoffs according to the workers' union which represents stayers. people in the sports world, i'm talking announcers, athletes, writers, they're now on social media reminiscing about the magazine's gloryly -- glory days. jordan schultz, a current nfl insider, tells me that this is part of a bigger trend.
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>> you didn't have to be even the biggest sports fan or athlete to enjoy it because it was quite literally the pinnacle of greatness. it was everything you want in journalism. i think most sports fans realistically believe even before yesterday that the magazine was trending downward, that this was really just a matter of time. >> reporter: so publisher the arena group can tells me it will continue to produce "sports illustrated" until this situation is resolved. the group also tells me, griff, it's actively trying to regain the publishing license even though there are other contenders now in this race. back to you. give wow. growing up in the mid '80s as a teenager reading sports illustrated, it's hard to imagine we'd be where we are now. c.b. cotton, thank you very much. gillian? gillian: well, the mother e of a murdered alleged ms-13 gang member blamed biden officials for her daughter's death. she joins us next. ♪ ♪ if
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♪ ♪ griff: well, president biden admitting yesterday that the u.s. southern border is not secure, saying, quote, significant policy changes are needed. this as house republicans continue their push to impeach homeland security chief alejandro mayorkas. lucas tomlinson is live in rehoboth beach, delaware, with the latest. hey, lucas. >> reporter: according to a recent abc news poll, the president's approval rating for his handling of the southern border was a mere 18. president biden spoke to various mayors from around the country who were assembled at the white house yesterday where the president touched on this situation on the border. >> the questions for the speaker and the house republicans, are they ready to act as well? they have to choose whether they want to solve a problem or keep weaponizing issues to score political points against the president. i'm ready to solve the problem, i really am. massive changes. and i mean it sincerely.
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>> reporter: biden is not on the ballot in new hampshire, immigration's one of the top issues according to voters there ahead of the primary tuesday. last week president biden told me he didn't think there was a crisis on the southern border. yesterday our own jacqui heinrich had this impromptu exchange with biden at the white house where he admitted it is unsecure. >> -- you said the border is secure? >> no, it's not. [inaudible] i've said it for the last ten years, give me the money. >> reporter: do you believe your policies have enabled -- [inaudible] >> no. i've asked for -- [inaudible] everything from judges to -- [inaudible] >> reporter: perhaps one of the reasons the president is not on the ballot in new hampshire is because of his fifth place finish in 2020 where he finished
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behind elizabeth warren and just ahead of tom steyer, griff. griff: all right. lucas tomlinson live for us in rehoboth, thank you. ♪ ♪ gillian: as president biden acknowledges to fox news that the border is not, in fact, secure, fox cameras capture the arrest of migrants by texas border officials. this as the administration continues to be at odds with the state government there. dana marie mcnichol is in eagle pass, texas, at this hour with details for us. hi, dana marie. >> reporter: hi, gillian. as we speak, i'm watching texas install more razor wire on top of cargo containers, a clear deterrent. texas, they kicked out border patrol and now texas state troopers are arresting migrants who tamper with that razor wire, charging them with criminal trespassing. arrested migrants will wait in jail until sentenced. after that texas will turn the migrantsover to i.c.e. which
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will then decide whether they will be deported or not. yesterday members of the texas state legislature did get a tour of the border operations here, and they have a message for the biden administration. >> my personal message would be that the your policy positions and your decisions matter, and we have a true chaotic anarchy-type situation with people coming over by the thousands. >> reporter: although the number of migrants crossing daily here in shelby park are down, texas dps told me other spots along the border are still attracting large groups. early this morning our cameras captured a hundred people just west of where we are here in eagle pass. they were put into a van and taken to a processing center by u.s. border patrol. last night many -- in mcallen, texas, we were shown brand new tactics migrants are using to climb over the 30-foot wall. >> that's the new style lad or
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they're coming up with -- ladder. it's huge a rebar type. that's what they're using now. i guess it's a little lighter than the wooden ladders that they were using. >> reporter: now, texas dps tells us that the mexican state is cooperating with the united states. they are capturing migrants on buses, and they're sending them south. gillian? gillian: all right. dana marine mcnichol in eagle pass, thank you. griff? the. >> kayla fought for her or life that day with all that she had. and in the end, she lost to an individual that wasn't even supposed to be allowed in the country. this is a safety issue for everyone living in the united states. this could have been anyone's daughter. if we with had stricter border policies, my daughter would still be alive today. griff: emotional testimony on capitol hill this week as a mother blames government agencies for the rape and murder of her daughter by an alleged ms-13 gang member in the country
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illegally. joining us now is kayla hamilton's mother, tammy nobles, along with criminal defense attorney brian claypool. tammy, brian with, thank you for being here. tammy, as you may recall, our viewers don't know, but i was a reporter that day in the hearing before chairman mark green's committee, the homeland security committee. and it was really -- i was so struck and moved by your willingness to come before these lawmakers and before the entire nation to lay bare immeasurable grief that you have gone through in a case that could have been prevented had the immigration officials simply made a phone call on the murder of your daughter to find out that this man was a known member of a gang. >> yes. he is actually a minor.
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supposedly, he is a minor. we don't know his real age. griff: tammy, i want to ask you, the committee was -- so the democrats were not really quite as helpful, i think, as the republicans in trying to get to a practical standpoint, to ask someone with such a terrible experience what it is that needs to be done, what you would like to see done. is it -- do you want to see secretary mayorkas impeached? >> i -- yes, because this is he is not making sure that they are, that homeland security is doing their job. they failed kayla, they did not do their job. they didn't do the one phone call. they did not check his body, and they just allowed him into this
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country without even doing any kind of checks, and he was on the, he was listed as an ms-13 gang member in el salvador. griff: and chairman mark between was quite upset that mayorkas was not there to hear firsthand your testimony. here's a little bit of what he told us in the hallway. watch here. >> he has disregarded the laws passed by congress, disregarded court orders, and he can't come over here and explain himself while that mother is in there sharing the story of how her child died at the hands of someone who was released at our southern border? griff: brian, i want the turn to you because in the wake of this hearing and the chairman so upset, you have launched with tammy, i think, correct me if i'm wrong, the first ever wrongful death lawsuit against dhs, specifically for this type of situation. >> hey, griff, great to be with
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you. you're absolutely right. we are fed up. i'm a single father of a teenage daughter a little bit younger than kayla who was raped and murdered. is i'm a parent involved in this too. and we are tired of being held hostage in our own country. griff, dhs is the gatekeeper of that border. they owe a duty to protect citizens in this country. and when they catastrophically fail to do the most rudimentary measures, for example, lift up the shirt of this kid, what do they see? a gang-related tattoo. what does that mean? you're going back to el salvador. secondly, peck up the phone -- pick up the phone, make a phone call to the consulate. guess what? his name's on the list because he was a arrested in july of 2020 for being involved in illicit ms-13 gang in el salvador. had the border patrol done their job, he's gone, and kayla lives to get married, and kayla lives
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to have a tide. a child. that's why we're filing this lawsuit. griff: and tragically, kay kayla did not live. tammy, ats risk of having you, explain to viewers who may not know this story, i was horrified as the father of two daughters to learn that kayla actually called for help, called her boyfriend. can you describe for our viewers sort of what happened in that moment? >> as soon as this many murder orer -- this murderer broke into her room, she was asleep. she always kept her bedroom door locked. he broke into her room and, of course, she was startled. she grab canned her phone -- grabbed her phone, and right when she grabbed her phone, this ms-13 gang member grabs one of her phone cords and wraps it --
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tries to get her -- tries to wrap it around her neck but misses and gets it around her face. she's calling, it went to voicemail and somehow the phone was on the ground during the struggle, and he actually gets it around her neck and is choking her, and they are struggling. i have not heard this voicemail and i don't know if i ever can because i don't want to hear my daughter can struggling to breathe and struggling to live. and after he strangles her and he kills her, he rapes her and then he just leaves her on the floor like trash and then just goes -- [audio difficulty] if. griff: i don't know how any parent can bring themselves to listen to a voicemail as heart wrenching as that.
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tammy nobles, thank you for coming on here with us and, brian, i just want to give you one last word, and that is where do you go from here? what's the next steps in this lawsuit against dhs? >> yeah, griff. one other point i want to make it's not just dhs, it's health and human services as well. they are equally culpable because when this individual was allowed to cross the board werer, he's put in a holding facility. -- border, dhhs, griff, is required to make a phone call and find what's called a verified sponsor for this kid to go to, a relative. not another illegal immigrant. and they catastrophically failed kayla and this country. they let him go with somebody who's not a relative. he runs away from if that home a month later and ends up renting a room with kayla from another illegal immigrant. and after he murders and rapes kayla, he ends up placed in a group foster home by our pathetic dhhs where he could have murdered something else. that's why we're filing this
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lawsuit. we're going to get answers, and our federal government has blood on its hands. unless we take a stand now, hold them accountable, get answers, then this is going to continue to happen. griff: last ten seconds, tammy. you hold secretary mayorkas for the murder of your daughter? >> yes. because if they would have done their job or he would have made sure they did their job, my daughter would still be alive today. living her life and being able to experience the rest of what adults are experiencing, getting married, having a baby. griff: and such a bright future tammy they'lls, brian claypool, thank you for coming on. please keep us posted on any development cans in this case, and hour thoughts and prayers -- our thoughts and prayers with you, tammy, and your family. >> thank you. gillian: coming up, house speaker mike johnson is battling it out with republicans inside his own party. we'll get into it next.
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gillian: welcome back. a government shutdown was averted this week, but speaker of the house mike johnson is under fire from republicanses over the temporary spending bill. fox news senior congressional correspondent chad pergram has more from capitol hill for us. >> reporter: congress averted a partial government shutdown this weekend doing exactly what house speaker mike johnson pledged he wouldn't do, a third temporary spending bill. >> on this vote the yeas are 314, the nays are 108, two-thirds being in the affirmative, the rules are suspended and the senate amendment is agreed to. and without objection, the motion to reconsider is laid on the payable. >> reporter: a third punt on government funding infuriates conservatives. they wanted johnson to slash spending now. >> that is precisely what we're doing yet again, kicking the can down the road. that's what we do. it's what we do best in this chamber. en hoe more than 300 members voted yes on the interim bill, barely a
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majority of all republicans casting ballots voted yes. 107 gop yeas to 106 nays, less than half of all house republicans voted aye. democrats hauled most of the freight again. >> the american people are frustrated that this do-nothing republican congress can't get out of its own way. >> reporter: johnson pledged he wouldn't do any more emergency bills and then reneged. >> we need just a little bit more time on the calendars to allow that process to play out. >> reporter: johnson allies say there's a reason, the speaker needs an an assist from the redemocrats. >> it is the smallest republican majority if ever. i don't care who you put in the speaker's office, you're actually going to have a very difficult time trying to govern. >> reporter: democrats are in the minority but play an outsized role. >> we know that they are a dysfunctional majority. we mow that they do not have -- we know that they do not have actual votes to govern. >> reporter: johnson ooh's maneuvers mimic those of kevin
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mccarthy, but so far conservatives aren't ready the oust johnson. >> honestly, i'm not looking at that right now, but i think it's a good tool, and i'm glad it's still in place. >> reporter: conservatives are watching to see if johnson punts again or if he caves on a border security plan. on capitol hill, chad pergram, fox news. griff: all right. thank, chad. meanwhile, how new government funding for post-traumatic stress treatment is leaving veteran -- leading veterans to ecstasy and magic mushrooms. more on that coming up.
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griff: a growing number of vetted irans and active duty service members turning to psychedelic drugs for post-traumatic stress the treatment under provisions of the 2024 u.s. defense spending bill, the military will begin research and clinical trials to determine whether cannabis, magic mushrooms and other psychedelic drugs can treat veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress and traumatic brain injury. it's really quite unbelievable. you've got more than 17 veterans dying by suicide every day, the psychedelic research on substances such as a mdma, often referred to as ecstasy, the mushrooms, a heavy hallucinogenic and dnt could be
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revolutionary. congressman dan crenshaw is leading the charge, gillian, and they say because it's also including active duty, they may be able to treat the trauma earlier. gillian: pretty amazing if it's effective. griff: that's all for us this "fox news live." i'm griff jenkins. gillian: great to be with you as well. i'm gillian turner. thanks for watching. i think i changed my mind about these glasses. yeah, it happens. that's why visionworks gives you 100 days to change your mind. it's simple. anything else i can help you with? like what? visionworks. see the difference. .. medical bills are no longer a worry for our family.
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