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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  January 20, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PST

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marlo thomas: charlie's progress warms my heart, but memories of little angels like stacy are why we need your help. please become a saint jude partner in hope right now. [music playing] (crowd cheers) sore throat got your tongue? mucinex instasoothe sore throat medicated drops. uniquely formulated for rapid relief that lasts and lasts. that's my babyyy! -ow! get mucinex instasoothe. it's comeback season.
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>> nikki haley is backed by the deep state and the military-industrial conflicts. she's never seen a war she doesn't like. because of they know she is a full. >> 70% of americans say they don't want trump or biden. look at their approval numbers, they are in the tank. do we want to go into an election with two fellows that are going to be president and their 80s? >> donald trump is running for his issues, focusing on those issues that are personal to him. nikki haley is running on the donors issues which are funding her campaign. i am running on your issues and your family's issues. liz: republican candidates making the pitch to voters with the new hampshire primary just three days away. a new paul has donald trump holding a 17 point lead.
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nikki haley is campaigning as the trump alternative and hoping for a much-needed win in the granite state. notably absent, ron desantis polling in single digits in new hampshire and campaigning today in south carolina ahead of next month's primary. welcome to fox news live. eric:thanks for joining us. for new hampshire, we go to new mexico where there is another big story we are watching for you where alec baldwin, indicted on new involuntary manslaughter charges in the shooting death of halnya hutchins. you may remember similar charges were dropped in april. prosecutors say they have new evidence against the actor. christina coleman is live in los angeles with the latest.
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>> reporter: the grand jury indicted the star on in voluntary manslaughter charge with his role in the death of hutchins two years after she was shot during a rehearsal for the low-budget western film rest. baldwin was an actor in the movie and coproducer of the film and was pointing a prop gun at hutchins when it fired, killing the 42-year-old and injuring director joel sousa in october of 2,020 one. baldwin has repeatedly denied any wrongdoing, pulled back the gun's hammer. if convicted of involuntary manslaughter of 4th ° felony. >> it isn't a murder case, but in involuntary manslaughter. reckless disregard for the safety of others, to the safety
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protocols on the set. >> biden - baldwin wasn't charged with her death but three months later special prosecutors dropped the charge after getting new evidence indicating it had been modified before being delivered. however, a new analysis determined the trigger had to be pooled. defense attorney mark vera goes says there could be problems with the new evidence. >> they found another expert or forensic expert to reconstruct the gun and come up with another opinion after that reconstruction. the expert shopping you can always do, generally hallmarks of a civil case where you are fighting over money. i don't think it's something, in a fight for liberty in a criminal jurisdiction.
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>> reporter: in a statement attorneys for hutchins's family said we are looking for a trial which will determine if he should be convicted for the untimely death of halnya and baldwin is looking forward to a day in court. "cavuto coast to coast" thank you. ♪ >> polls show voters in the nation's first republican primary new hampshire saying immigration and border security are the top issue. new hampshire shares the northern border where migrant losses are. the front runner, donald trump, landing a major endorsement last night from former candidate tim scott. he was appointed by nikki haley. alexis mcadams is live in
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manchester, where trump is holding a rally tonight. >> reporter: it's a pretty cold day, snow flurries and support for the former president. i will step out of the way, remember this doesn't start for six or seven hours and there's been a line of people here for two already. it doesn't start until 7:00 tonight. take a look at these polls where the support is showing for the former president. the latest tracking poll that we've been watching closely, shows trump at 53%, haley 3%, haley at 36%, ron desantis sitting at 7%. this is a paul of republican primary voters taken on this daily basis. some voters tell me they don't watch the polls but trump does. run desantis and nikki haley have lost momentum and continued to fall. what do new hampshire voters care about?
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they tell me the border, they want a president who can handle the immigration issue. polling shows they trump -- trust trump's border policies. >> there are so many issues. >> immigration is one of the. immigration is number one. number 2 is education and number 3 is the economy. >> immigration, the border is my top number one. >> reporter: it is interesting. we hear about the southern border all the time, reports from eagle pass, texas, they are worried about the northern border, that is why they hammer that home, that includes nikki haley who has been uping her rhetoric and attacks against the former president. every time i turn on local tv i see attacks by her and those campaign ads. he has put out a lot of money. trump says he's probably not
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going to pick nikki haley as the vp, but she's not running for vp here. arthel: not a shot, thank you. eric: she is on her way to the third rally of the day. in new hampshire, right near the massachusetts border. reports say she's facing pressure to come in first or close second in the primary tuesday. new hampshire more competitive for her. ms. haley spoke moments ago, she was not stumping in 15 ° weather. how was the event? >> reporter: she's now going to head over to the third event of the day, she's taking questions
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inside now in peterborough, new hampshire. she has been laser focused on donald trump in these last few days trying to contrast herself to trump and doing that particularly by comparing trump to biden, both men will be too distracted by investigations. no one wants two 80-year-olds as president, haley turns 52 today, it's her birthday, this morning haley questioned whether trump is mentally fit enough for the job after he appeared to confuse haley with nancy pelosi. >> look at the rally last night. he blamed me for not allowing security at the capital for january 6th. i wasn't anywhere near the capital. look how many times he said it. are we going to go and have two 80-year-olds running for president? same reason i want mental
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competency tests for people in congress. we need people at the top of their game. >> reporter: the daily tracking poll has nikki haley second, she's one .36%, trump maintains his lead at 17 points, but the poll that haley loves to highlight, the polls that show her beating president biden. there is a new poll that shows her beating biden in new hampshire and the same poll shows trump losing to biden in new hampshire in a rematch. and spoke to independent voters that they are supporting haley. >> i'm not saying age is a big thing but needs to take a rest. >> i wanted chris christie. i've been paying attention to
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her campaign and i think she is a good alternative to trump. i don't like trump. >> i don't feel like he's presidential anymore. i want a strong presidential candidate. >> reporter: as for south carolina senator tim scott's endorsement of donald trump, nikki haley told me she's disappointed but not surprised by that endorsement. governor sununu of new hampshire found the endorsement disrespectful. in south carolina when she was governor of the state. eric: thank you. arthel: let's bring pollster lee carter, president of wilensky and partners. i want to start with senator tim scott's endorsement, and of
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the new hampshire primary. will this scott endorsement sink haley's presidential ship or did trump need this endorsement? >> i'm not sure trump needed this endorsement. i think he was going to do just fine in south carolina. he is ahead in all of the polls but it is significant we are seeing a lot of other republican candidates and members of congress line up behind donald trump. a lot of people see the writing on the wall, we are going to stand behind him. the other rumbling, this, trying to get that vp spot. it could be that he would make a good candidate for trump's vp. arthel: if he does get that spot, if he does get that endorsement, would that help donald trump become the
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president again? >> it could help him because he's a good counterbalance to donald trump where donald trump is seen as a leader he has also is also seen as unpredictable, aggressive and tim scott could be a good balance for that. arthel: back to new hampshire where chris sununu endorsed nikki haley. can sununu's endorsement propel haley to win new hampshire or at least keep the presidential ship afloat? >> i expect it to do more. looking at south carolina, that endorsement propelled biden to win south carolina. i expect to see something in new hampshire, we haven't seen that come out of the polls. the other thing, now that chris christie has backed out of the
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race i expected the polls to change more significantly than they have. it seems we are seeing shifts here and there, but the margins are staying similar. looks like donald trump is ahead of nikki haley. i thought she was in striking distance, that chris christie backed out, she would pick up the votes but that doesn't seem to be the case. none of it matters until the votes are counted tuesday. arthel: that is true, but here we are. what do you make of desantis skipping new hampshire today? >> reporter: there's not a chance that he's going to do it in new hampshire. he is only at 7 points. he was at 5. 5 points on average. there is not's not a chance he will make it. his last chance has got to be in later states but i don't see a path in south carolina. he says he's not going anywhere. he has money to stay in but not
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sure what his path is or why he stay and outside of what is strategy is. arthel: i have 40 seconds left. president biden is not on the democratic ballot in new hampshire. he declined to file last month reportedly because new hampshire wouldn't give up its first in the nation primary position to south carolina. however, biden is still predicted to win new hampshire on a right in vote. do you think this prediction is in jeopardy? would biden lose in august? >> he's going to be fine. no one is going to threaten him in new hampshire but i think it is an interesting move. what is also interesting is president biden is going to florida, a state he lost in 2020. why is he doing that? is it about donations? i think they are starting a strategy of trying to go where abortion is on about and that has been a big issue in florida and that is why he will be
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spinning time in florida with donors trying to get momentum going. his momentum and enthusiasm numbers are abysmal. only 18% of biden's supporters are extremely enthusiastic about supporting him and that is not going to carry people to the polls, not good for him. arthel: we will leave it there, thank you very much. eric: donald trump in new hampshire, ron desantis, president biden elsewhere. we have more on desantis pivoting to south carolina and new hampshire, looking at some different democratic options. will someone else win their? straight ahead on fox news live. two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪) directv sports central brings your games stats and scores together and now
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ arthel: with three days to go until new hampshire holds the first in the nation primary, ron desantis is campaigning in south carolina. trying to gain momentum in nikki haley's home state. richardson in myrtle beach has more in south carolina. >> ron desantis finished the first a three events.
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our usual place to be campaigning, 5 weeks before the south carolina primary. fielding questions from local voters in south carolina and a surf themed restaurant a mile away from the ocean. focused on his time as governor promising to declare an emergency at the border and dramatically downsize the federal government. a campaign aide says this weekend upswing for the state's away to pressure nikki haley to win her home state and to get out of the race. haley mentioned this is a 2 candidate race between her and donald trump. >> if you look at this constituency this is a great constituency for me being the only veteran is huge. it is a battery veteran - veteran heavy state. there is too many conservative voters for someone like nikki haley to when the state. that's obvious.
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>> reporter: south carolina is a great state, we hope they enjoy their vacation time here. desantis says his campaign is doing what it needs to accumulate delegates and has a good foothold an organization in south carolina. the super pac supporting desantis never backed down, hosting these events across the state, knocked trump for confusing nancy pelosi with nikki haley. we asked desantis about that, he noted trump would be the oldest president ever elected if he won, think and biden is too old doesn't absolve trump from the same criticism. desantis is scheduled to spend a weekend in south carolina before flying to new hampshire tomorrow night. arthel: thank you very much. eric: president biden stepping into new hampshire, he has friends pushing a right in campaign because the president is not an democratic primary ballot in the granite state. he told the dnc to make south
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carolina the first primary of 2,024. after that state put him over the top in 2,020, new hampshire did not comply with that and now there are fears the president could lose the state to a challenge because his name is not on the ballot. madison alworth joins us with the latest on the democratic party line. >> reporter: new hampshire is the first in the nation primary for over one hundred years so the democrats are moving forward with the election tuesday even though the dnc says they won't recognize the results of the primary. democrats in this area want to show their support for president biden. they are worried about the optics of a sitting president running for reelection losing to a lesser known candidate. the dnc has been accused of voter suppression for calling this primary, quote, meaningless. even biden's opponents think he should be on the ballot.
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neil cavuto asked dean phillips if he thought it was weird that biden was not on the ballot. >> it's more than weird. it's ridiculous. what do you tell people? >> somebody has to practice democracy in the united states. estate that takes it so seriously, shame on anybody who would try to attack those who are participating. >> reporter: phillips is not the only one disappointed with biden's decision to not be on the ballot. so are some of his supporters. >> he's making a big mistake. many of us who are strong democrats and strong biden supporters are disappointed. we are just trying to get his name on the ballot and he doesn't have the courtesy to put his name on the ballot so we don't have to stand here and say please put his name on the ballot. >> reporter: biden not be on about hasn't stopped friends from stumping for him.
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michelle wu and congressman rowe connor are here for the movement. when asked what it would look like a new hampshire supporters of the right in biden movements is a win is a win. they will take any vote as long as it is one more than the opponent's. eric: thank you. arthel:'s the us with more strikes on iran back to these in yemen while other iran proxies attack us forces at an airbase in iraq. the latest on the unrest in the middle east and fears of a wider spreading war coming up next. men tell us when they use just for men® to eliminate gray, there's a great "before and after". then, there's the 'after the after' that boost you get when you look and feel your best.
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migrant surge that continues and the park at the border that governor greg abbott says belongs to texas and they've been arresting migrants there. dana marie nichol has more on the stand off. >> reporter: i'm watching texas as they insert razor wire on cargo containers, clear deterrent from migrants trying to come from mexico across the river into shelburne park. as you mentioned texas has kicked out border patrol in shelby park and state troopers are arresting migrants who are caught tampering with razor wire trying to cross over with criminal press pass. arrested migrants will wait in jail until sentence. after that texas will turn migrants over to ice which they will then decide whether to deport or not. yesterday members of the texas state legislature got a tour of border operations.
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>> my feeling is the federal government is going to remove razor wire, texas troopers. >> reporter: the number of migrants crossing daily are down, texas dps told me others are attracting large groups. earlier this morning our cameras captured 100 people in eagle pass. they were taken to a processing center by us border patrol. last night customs and border protection showed us brand-new tactics migrants are using to climb over the border wall that stretches across the area. >> the new style ladder they are coming with is like rebar, it is lighter than the wooden ladders they were using.
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>> reporter: texas gps tells us they are cooperating with the us. any migrants on trains heading to the united states trying to cross over, will bus them further into mexico. eric: thank you. arthel: as the border dispute between the federal government and texas works its way through the courts president biden says he is ready to act on significant policy changes including asylum la reform. lucas tomlinson is live in delaware where the president is spending the weekend. what can you tell us about this? >> reporter: president biden is not ready to admit there's a crisis on the southern border but he did admit to jackie heinrich the southern border is secure. >> you said the border is secure. >> president biden: it is not.
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>> do you believe -- >> the policies have enabled any of this? >> president biden: i've asked for it. from judges -- >> reporter: another part of the world that's far from secures the middle east. today irani and backed forces launched a large-scale attack in iraq where the bulk of 2500 troops are based. patron missile batteries fired over 15 interceptors in an attempt to shoot down multiple ballistic missiles. it appears some got through. injuries to us forces were reported. us forces launching more airstrikes in yemen to take out missile launches. central command poised to strike commercial shipping again, a week of combat and the pentagon is not ready to call this a war. a former spokesman from us central command disagrees.
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>> we don't seek war, we don't think we are at war. we don't want to see a regional war. >> we are in a low-grade war, firing at them, they are firing at us. we are striking back. >> it has been more than a week since two seals from seal team 3 went missing carrying out a daring raid to intercept a shipment of uranian missile components bound for yemen. arthel: lucas tomlinson, thank you. eric: israel took out revolutionary guard officials in a missile attack, this as the us must also send iran a much stronger response to the irani and ballistic missiles that have been injuring our troops and attacking us, this as the largest opposition group on the nestle that an international account of assistance in iran has a report that details iran's
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revolutionary guard and supreme leader. lieutenant general keith kellogg, national security adviser to mike pence, cochairman at america first policy institute center for american society, always good to see you. we heard some comments. in your view is this a low-grade war with the us involved, israel involved and iran? >> thanks for having me. of course it is. when you get this volume call it what you want. if you are sitting on the ground, it is a war. or whatever you want to call it. here's what's interesting to me, lucas brought up, what happened with this barrage of missiles and another comment, you see the frustration in the
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military, led by general eric who is responsible for that, probably in the man structure of central command, the best organization we've got in the military and the missiles coming in, 1-for-1, with one missile coming in, when you think back on what we did to general soleimani, if there's more than that they are up in the game. we know where those missiles come from. the operations we have, in the airfields or missile batteries. they need to raise again a little bit. they target where these missiles are coming from until we get serious, they are going to keep doing it and be continual.
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we have been lucky and we will lose. eric: our troops are being injured and wounded from this. is real new where revolutionary guard officials in damascus, and killed them, should we do the same thing in some way against some of these irani and officials, these generals who are targeting us. >> a little stronger than anything. they are the ones that are leading. you can't hit them militarily. they need to go after leadership. i will say to those people in hezbollah if you don't think they will come after you you are wrong. and you can do that in various ways but we need to make a strike. don't care if we do it against leadership which is appropriate
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but the military targets. go to the houthis, there's only one who the leader, malika al houthi, he is the one, the most spiritual economically and they have been shedding our vessels, a clear target. eric: do you think we should take about? >> absolutely. we did the same thing to general soleimani, the supreme leader of iran, that he was next in line, we are vocal and upfront about it and told everybody if you go back to america you are vulnerable. what donald trump said the state of the union in january 2020 if you attack, if you attack an american, your life is forfeit. that was pretty clear. that's the message you send. that the only way to break the cycle of violence in the middle east. these tit-for-tats won't do it. they need to up the game and
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realize the risk involved. they've got to do it. i don't think it is in their dna to do it. eric: he is mentioned as directing office, the president behind this report from the national council of resistance of iran. they detail the brigadier generals, interrupting the houthis and other groups, look at what they say. the islamic revolutionary guard backing the houthis in yemen, the regime proxies interact, they are backing hezbollah, the weapons are going from ports in a man -- from djibouti to yemen. the houthis get their recruitment and training from iran so basically iran is completely sponsoring the houthis and directing these attacks so these tit-for-tats won't end until you go after the top of the chain. >> absolutely right. you've got to break the chain.
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brigadier general gandhi leads the task force, took over for general solomonic. go after summary like that and sent a message this cycle must stop and not doing very well militarily, not doing well, you can't do either, but you can sure do it on the diplomatic side. don't know why you are not doing it. lucas tomlinson i believe yesterday when he said dealing with that, when you've got advisors like president biden does and jake sullivan and lloyd austin i think they are reticent as well. don't think they want to do it because you don't do it it will continue. eric: it will continue unless you take that action, lieutenant general keith kellogg, great to see you. thank you. arthel: thank you.
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this experience tell you might have gone wrong with that? >> good afternoon. the pulsating flames that were trailing the engine is trademarks of engine failure, probably uncontained engine failure or bird strike but there was no evidence of feathers or bird debris. it mean something was ingested
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in the engine or a failure of apart that would cause the engine to have an uncontained explosion which would result in failure or the pilot having to shut down the engine as a result of a major malfunction. arthel: was behind the malfunctions? how does this happen? >> the incident with the engine on the 747, the issues we are seeing with the 737 max issues. from the time of the mcdonnell douglas boeing merger, a lot of reports that boeing is focusing on the bottom line and profits, has shifted.
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boeing has to step up again with these inspections. there are 500,000 parts on the airplane prior to this boeing doing a thousand inspections per day. human beings make mistakes, in fairness to boeing with the exception of what happened a couple years ago with the maxes, we used to see one major catastrophe a year. up until the issues with the max a couple years ago. arthel: ryan air's ceo had something to say or let me read this statement, we have been
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loud in our complaints about lack of quality control over boeing the last two years, not acceptable if aircraft get delivered at less than 1% out of covid. he says we are taking aircraft deliveries and finding small defects in things. did this impact airline passenger confidence? >> boeing does not have confidence, this is a major pr disaster. even with airbus, number one, overtook boeing. human beings are making mistakes. human beings do make mistakes. they step up the game with the
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inspections and audits on the assembly lines. the boeing ceo announced critical changes as far as allowing airline customers to impact production facilities and inspect aircraft with their engineers. the key is these audits and inspections, third parties come in to do these inspections in addition to regular boeing employees. todd: 1 is your assessment of the federal investigation into that flight and boeing in general? should you have confidence in those investigations? >> we should have confidence. boeing and ntsb do a phenomenal job of investigations and all work in concert with each other with the expertise and they do a phenomenal job and the faa with the steps they are taking
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will get a grasp of this. arthel: thank you for joining us today and we will be right back. ging ) customize and save with libberty bibberty. liberty bushumal. libtreally blubatoo. mark that one. that was nice! i think you're supposed to stand over there. oh am i? thank you. so, a couple more? we'll just...we'll rip. we'll go quick. libu smeebo. libu bribu. limu bibu...and me. doug: he's an emu! only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ (vo) if you have graves' disease, your eye symptoms could mean something more. that gritty feeling can't be brushed away. even a little blurry vision can distort things. and something serious may be behind those itchy eyes. up to 50% of people with graves' could develop a different condition
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eric: sport layouts it sports illustrated magazine putting the future of that publication, the group operating magazine have their license revoked. in the future of sports illustrated, cb. >> the licensing group behind sports illustrated tells fox the publisher didn't pay fees so the license was revoked. the publisher decided to lay off staffers. and the publishers, the one that got the boot, sports writers and commentators are questioning what lies ahead to the publication. they are hoping for stability.
11:56 am
>> every time the magazine came i would run to the mailbox, pick it up, and i read the first article. the apex of sports journalism, articles and everything about it when you go to work, you don't think the day is going to come. i was literally gutted when they were laid off especially the ones who had been there so long. >> reporter: while there have been promises for sports illustrated to continue it is not clear what that will look like. eric: hope that it does. thank you so much. time magazine, the photos, you
11:57 am
can read on the internet. >> i don't know life, don't know what those are. we are back. we are back at 4:00 p.m. eastern. the journal editorial report is next. hawaii, aloha, nice and warm, 75 °. rsticks needed. now covered by medicare for more people managing diabetes with insulin. visit
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12:00 pm
♪ finish. ♪ ♪


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