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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  January 20, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm PST

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calm down. paul: all right. dan. >> my hit goes to air force second lieutenant madison march -- marsh, who in her spare time last week won the miss america contest. afterwards, lieutenant marsh admitted that she can't dance and can't sing, but she gave the judges a talk on her first solo may to 16 which gave her the confidence to go into the air force academy where she got a degree in physics with an emphasis on astronomy. i think we should also get a hit to the air forest academy. paul: all right, thank you, dan. excellent. and remember, if you have your own hit or miss, be sure to send it to us @jer on fnc. thanks to my fan and thanks to all of you for watching. i'm paul gigot, hope to see you right here next week. ♪ eric: well, the fulton county, georgia, district attorney caught up in a growing political fire storm.
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in a newly-released record, showing that t.a. fani willis traveled with the top prosecutor in the election interference case against -- former president donald trump, and that now is sparking calls to have willis recuse herself from the case. could the case be dropped, and will that happen? welcome to a new hour of "fox news live," i'm eric shawn. hi, arthel. arthel: hi, eric. hello, everyone, i'm arthel neville. credit card statements from prosecutor nathan wade show he paid for two trips with willis over the last two years. the statements were released in court filings by wade's wife as part of their divorce proceedings. willis is now fighting a subpoena related to that divorce and claims wade's spouse is trying to set fire to the trump case. counsel representing the district attorney responded in a new legal filing, quote: defendant jocelyn wade has conspired with interested parties in the criminal election
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interference case to use this civil discovery process to annoy, embarrass and oppress district attorney willis. madison scarpino is live in atlanta with the very latest on the legal turmoil. madison. >> reporter: hi, arthel. these new revelations making things a lot messier and more complicated for the d.a. and her special prosecutor. now, as you just said, in a court filing friday the lawyers for wade 's estranged wife provided credit card statements showing trips purchased for both wade and willis. now, there's plane tickets to miami for the two of them back in october 2022, flights to san francisco in their names in april 2023 as well as cruises, hotel stays and flowers. the attorney for one of trump's co-defendants alleges that willis benefited from the money wade is making from fulton county. now, also on friday the fulton county board of commissioners has launched an investigation into whether or not willis acted
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improperly when she hired wade. wade filed for divorce in 2021, the day after he was appointed special prosecutor by the d.a.. wade has earned upwards of $650,000 since he started working on the case. >> this case is tainted from the start. it should never have been brought. it's all planned. it's election interference. the case should not stand, it should be completely wiped away and dismissed. >> reporter: and what happens next will be up to the judge overseeing the trump case. >> if these allegation as are true, could lead to a whole host of things that the d.a. doesn't want to happen. she could be removed from the case, the case could potentially be dismissed if it's so structurally unsound. >> reporter: willis has been subpoenaed in wade's divorce case but says that she shouldn't have to be involved. there's a hearing in cobb county court on monday morning to make
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that decision. arthel? arthel: madison scarpino, thank you. eric. eric: next month the fulton county judge will hold a hearing on whether fani willis should be disqualified from president trump's georgia election case. will that happen? former federal prosecutor doug burns joins us now. doug, always good to see you. what do you think can's going to happen? do you think fani willis is going to be bounced or could the whole case be canned? >> first of all, this is two levels of conduct, real quick, eric, to talk about. one is, okay, she appointed somebody to prosecute the case who she was in a personal romantic, sexual relationship with. is that an appearance of impropriety, is it a con conflict of interest, those are perfectly valid questions. but the second area of discussion is was money funneled back to her benefit that was paid to him as counsel. i'm not so sure you necessarily get there the as much as people are arguing because, you know,
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they say he used that money for the tickets. i don't know that you can establish that. but the two legal questions, to your question, sorry, are: one, should she cause herself, or will the court remove her from the case. that's entirely possible. quite honestly, we'll have to see after this hearing. the second one, will the case be dismissed, i do not believe it will be dismissed because you would weigh is the indictment valid, is the case valid apart from all of this. so that's sort of a separate legal discussion. but i do see the very distinct possibility of her being off of this case. eric: and what would the -- let's take that first one first. what is the basic with legal basis of that? the conflict of interest, violation of state bar? situations tennessee mike roman, the defendant, arguing that there is a conflict of interest and that she should be thrown off. >> well, yeah. i mean, it's interesting because, you know, in these type of situations we talk about an
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actual conflict, but then we also a talk about the appearance of impropriety or the appearance of conflict. so here it seems, you know, very, very untoward, you know, to hire this individual. there are back issues that have to be analyzed, what are his qualifications. some people are saying he's never prosecuted a felony case. if that's true, that raises a lot of questions. was he being compensated, eric, more than the other special prosecutors who were engaged by fani willis' office to participate in this case? that's another serious area of inquiry. but, again, to answer your question, it's basically a conflict of interest because you have a personal relationship, and instead of objectively selecting, you know, who might be the best person for the job, the conflict is you selected him because of the relationship. eric: does it matter when the relationship allegedly may have started or what type of relationship it is? of course, the divorce proceedings the assumption is that it's some type of romantic
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relationship. she has claimed that the attacks are based on race, that it's racist. >> well, that's a great question with, you know, what type of relationship and does that matter. i mean, i've been, you know, around these rodeos for a long time, you know, and in some cases they turn around and say he appointed this guy and they're friends from 20 years ago, they went to school together, you know, things like that. but if it is a row plantic entanglement, i think it does make it more overt, eric, to be honest with you with. again, i think this hearing will be interesting. and then as far as the race card, the playing of that, i mean, i didn't really think that that was appropriate because i don't think the facts bear that out, quite honestly. eric: and if she recuses herself or if she's ordered off the a case, who takes it over? what happens? >> well, they'll bring in another prosecutor, you know, from that jurisdiction. finish ostensibly. it's funny you ask that, because some experts were saying apropos of the timeline because it's so
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critical, you know, vis-a-vis the election unlike a normal case, and they would say, oh, you'd have to start off over and it would take months and months, but theback to that was, no, they would probably name somebody who's already been involved in the case, eric, so that you don't lose a lot of time. eric: all right. doug burns. doug's got a lot of experience in these area as and knows this well. doug, thank you. always good to see you. >> my pleasure, eric. arthel: breaking news from the middle east. at least two american troops were injured after a missile attack at an air base in iraq earlier today. u.s. forces at the al assad air base came under attack by iran-backed proxy forces. meanwhile in yemen, u.s. forces launching their seventh attack on houthi targets in yemen today. lucas tomlinson is live in rehoboth beach, delaware, where president biden is spending the weekend. and, lucas, what are you hearing about that missile attack in
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iraq? >> reporter: well, arthel,ing a u.s. defense official tells me these were iranian-made missiles fired from inside iraq. these were ballistic missiles that had to be shot down by 15 u.s. army patriot interceptor missiles. you're not launching pate if lots at rockets or other, you know, small arms. you're going to launch these missiles at ballistic missiles and over 15 patriot missiles were launched. now, turning to what many say is another crisis closer to our borders on the u.s. southern border, president biden's been facing low poll numbers. only 18%, according to a recent abc news poll, think president biden is handling the southern border well. he spoke earlier to our own jacqui heinrich who admitted that the southern border is not secure. [inaudible conversations]
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>> reporter: so while president biden doesn't admit that the southern border's at a crisis level, he does say it's not secure. and while biden is not on the ballot in new hampshire, immigration's one of the top issues according to voters in the granite state ahead of the big primary on tuesday. many experts say president biden is not on the ballot because of his fifth place finish there in 2020. he finished just ahead of tom steyer and behind elizabeth warren. bernie sanders, of course, won that primary four years ago. today some democrats in congress acknowledge, along with the president, the border's not secure. >> -- a response to 14 democrats in the house believing that the president has open border policies? >> look, we've been very clear, we want to deal with what's going on at the border. that's why we're having these
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conversations, these negotiations in the senate with republicans and democrats. >> reporter: is it still the position of the administration that the border's secure? >> our position is that we need to do more at the border. >> reporter: congress, fresh off its spending deal that'll keep the u.s. government running for the next few weeks, at least until early march, but there's still that looming supplemental bill to fund israel and ukraine and, of course, extra money that house republicans say is desperately needed at the southern border. arthel? the. arthel: lucas tomlinson, thank you. eric? eric: meanwhile, our cameras catching state authorities in action, arresting alleged migrants who illegally entered the country. the lone star state accusing the biden administration of not doing enough, but the administration blaming republicans in congress for not passing president biden's $14 billion border bill. this as the two sides are still locked over in the battle
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concerning that park in which migrants kong regate when they -- kong regate when they come other from the rio grande. dana marie mcnichol is at the border in eagle pass with more on that battle over the piece of land in the park. hi, dana marie. >> reporter: good afternoon, erin. right now as we speak just to the left of me, i'm watching texas continue to install that razor wire on shipping containers, a clear detenter for those migrants trying to cross the river here at shelby dark. texas has kicked out border patrol, and now texas state troopers are arresting any migrants who are tampering with the razor wire, charging them with criminal trespassing. arrested migrants will wait in jail until sentenced. after that,s texas will turn the migrants over to i.c.e. which then they will decide whether they will be deported or not. although the number of migrants crossing daily here in shelby park are down, texas dps told me that other spots along the border are still attracting large groups. earlier this morning our cameras
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captured over 100 people walking just west of where we are now in eagle pass. they were put into a van and taken to a processing center by u.s. border patrol. last night in mcallen, texas, customs and border protection showed us new tactics migrants are using to climb over border wall that stretches across the area. >> that's the new style ladder they're coming with. it's like a rebar type. that's what they're using now. i guess it's a little lighter than the wood ladders that they were using. >> reporter: u.s. border patrol says they see three categories of people coming across; single adults, unaccompanied children and families. they tell us agents used to do a lot of dna testing at the processing center to make sure the adults crossing with the kids really are their parents. >> if we find out you're lie, we're going to prosecute you.
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and about 40 would step out of -- 40% would step out of line. but now we're not dna testing them anymore. apparently with this administration, there's no money for dna tests. >> reporter: back here at shelby park, dps told me if people are trying to cross and they have children and babies with them trying to cross over that razor wire, they will not be arrested; rather, handed other to border patrol. but if you are a single adult, you'll be put in handcuffs. arthel: all right. dana marie mcmix old, i'll take it back here. thank you very much. meanwhile, all eyes are on new hampshire ahead of the nation's first primary on tuesday. one republican candidate is looking to pull off a big upset while president biden is hoping to avoid is a potentially embarrassing loss. we're live in the granite state coming up next. ♪ those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar,
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arthel: well, it's the final days of campaigning before the nation's first primary e in new hampshire. nikki haley is stumping there this weekend hoping to pull off a major upset on tuesday over former president trump. she's now firing back at her former boss after he launched new attacks against her. bryan llenas is live on the campaign trail in new hampshire. hello, bryan.
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>> reporter: hey, arthel. well, former governor nikki haley is set to make her forty and final campaign stop of -- fourth and final campaign stop of the day here tonight. so far he's had about 100-200 people in packed rooms at her events for the day, and she has been laserrer focused on attacking former president donald trump. now, look, she says trump's attacking her because he's feeling, quote, threatened and insecure by her candidacy. haley turns 52 years old today, they've sung happy birthday to her at her campaign stops, and she says it's time for a new, younger president. trump is 77 years old, and haley says while he's not president biden, she's questioning trump's mental fitness after he appeared to confuse haley with former house speaker nancy pelosi. >> you look at the rally haas night. and he blamed me for not allowing security at the capitol for january 6th.
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i wasn't anywhere near -- neil: i think he meant nancy pelosi. >> but look at how many times he said it. are we really going to -- neil: he did repeat. >> that's why i want mental company e ten city tests for people in congress, we need people at the top of their game. >> reporter: the daily tracking poll released this morning shows hale hi still in second place. her support is up 1 point to 36% while trump's lead in new hampshire is at 17 points at this point. now, new mexico's republican -- new hampshire's republican governor, chris sununu, has been campaigning alongside haley. he told neil cavuto e that a second place finish for haley on tuesday in the granite state is good enough. neil: but if she doesn't win, do you still say that's okay? >> oh, absolutely. neil: you can't have it both ways. >> no, no. she can win, she doesn't have to win. the goal was to always make it a one on one race. that's what a we've go. in fact, i wanted it one-on-one by super tuesday. it's happening way sooner than
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that. finish. >> reporter: former presidential candidate governor asa hutchinson has dropped out of the race a few days ago and had not enforce force odored anyone if -- endorsed anyone, but he did post on x saying that he is rooting for nikki haley here in new hampshire. he says anyone who believes donald trump will unite this country has been asleep over the last eight year. >>s. arthel? arthel: bryan llenas, thank you. eric? if. eric: well, former president trump and nikki haley are making their case to new hampshire voters this weekend. governor ron desantis is not on the campaign trail in the granite state, he instead is stumping in south carolina. that's where he seems to be putting his efforts for that republican primary that's set for saturday, february 24th. rich edson live in myrtle beach, south carolina, with the very latest on the florida governor's scheduled today. hey, rich. >> reporter: good afternoon, eric. governor desantis began his day at the beach at a town hall
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event here. it's a pretty unique place, south carolina, to be getting to start your campaign day a couple of days just before the new hampshire primary, but they are really focusing on this state right now. according to a campaign aide, desantis' swing through south carolina is an attempt to pressure the former governor here, nikki haley, to drop out of the race if she, indeed, does not win the primary here in about five weeks. >> can someone tell me major achievements of nikki haley when she was governor? anybody? [inaudible conversations] >> gas tax. tried to raise the -- that's not an achievement. that's a bad one. [laughter] so nobody can say an achievement. i just think that's remarkable, because i can tell you, like, if you were in florida and we had, you know, hundreds of people, you started saying -- hands would shoot up. >> reporter: now, as governor, haley said a gas tax increase would need to accompany an income tax cut.
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haley has maintained this is already a two-candidate race between her and the front-runner, former president trump. after investing millions and months in iowa and finishing second, an aide tells fox the desantis campaign is moving the majority of its staff here here to south carolina. the super pac backing desantis, never back down, is hosting the above at events throughout south carolina this week. he's going to end up in the state capital this evening. the super pac has been dropping staff in super tuesday states. desantis says he's going to take this swing through south carolina this weekend, tomorrow evening he will head back up to new hampshire. earlier this week one of the u.s. senators from this state, senator tim scott, he endorsed former president trump. that means that both u.s. senators from south carolina and the state's governor have all backed the former president. back to you, eric. eric: all right, rich, thanks so much. arthel? arthel: and speaking of the former president and current gop front-runner, donald trump, he's set to rally his base again tonight in new hampshire.
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now, last night he got the enforcement of former candidate, south carolina senator tim scott. scott was appointed to the senate by trump's closest rival in new hampshire, then-governor nikki haley. let's bring in dante scala, an associate professor of political science at the university of new hampshire. so let's start here, and i want to ask you is new hampshire a must-win for nikki haley, or is second place good snuff and while we're at it, what do you make of desantis skipping new hampshire and going strange to south carolina?? -- straight to south carolina? >> well, starting with desantis, he had focused so much on iowa over the past few months that once iowa was gone, he really had very little in new hampshire in terms of a base of support. i mean, he had been out of sight, out of mind for new hampshire voters for a number of weeks. so i think it actually makes sense given the bad options he has in front of him, why not spend some time in south
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carolina is. for nikki haley, i think she has to do something to reset the conventional wisdom about the republican nomination which is that it's donald trump's for the taking. she needs a too close to call contest on tuesday night where the exit polls can't say who won and who lost. manager like that would -- something like that would at least give her a chance to reset the conventional wisdom about this race. arthel: you know, i heard in an earlier story, and i'll ask you this question, is nick -- nikki haley a will political threat to trump? and also are there any potential wrong moves for the president at this point? >> we'll know whether she's a political threat to trump by looking at what suburban voters are doing in new hampshire. that's the communities in the outer suburban ring of boston,s right on the border with
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massachusetts. i'm watching column-educated voters -- college-educated voters, voters who live in the suburbs who vote republican regularly. you know, nikki haley matches them in a lot of ways. same age, same educational background. will they go with her or with donald trump to make the difference between a close race here and a lopsided race here? arthel: and meanwhile, are there any potential wrong moves that trump can make at this point? finish. >> you know, i think he's, you know, in control in the sense that he's doing what he likes best. he's doing these big rallies and so forth. and he's, you know, he's not out there taking questions. very unlikely he's going to get in a gotsch. cha moment although he ran into a bit of one in terms of confusing nikki haley and nancy pelosi. but it's interesting how a lot of voters up here just seem locked in. a lot of republicans just seem to have made up hair minds already are, and they've made up
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their minds for the former president. finish. arthel: h america m. well, i want to talk about the democrats for a second because democratic congressman ro khanna of california, he had something to say on president biden's chances of winning as a write-in candidate in new hampshire. let's listen. >> i think new hampshire has always been a referendum on the economy. i mean, it is a place that looks at who has a good economic vision, who's going to deliver for working and middle class americans. and so if he wins here, i think it's showing that ordinary americans have confidence in joe biden's economic leadership. arthel: all right. so here we go. question to you, professor, i want to find out if you think that new hampshire voters will also take note of the fact that the democrats wanted to make south carolina the first in the nation primary and not new hampshire? is so as a result, reportedly that's why biden's not on the ballot, and he can't officially campaign there. but there is this write-off
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efforts going on. so will this hurt biden's chance s of winning in new hampshire or not? >> it is a factor. i mean, there has been a write-in effort going on now for weeks. and it's targeted toward democrats. you have to be a really loyal democrat the turn out for this democratic primary because it's gotten so little publicity compared to the republican side. so to me, the question is, you know, is there lingering bitterness toward president biden about the change in the primary schedule that essentially deseated new hampshire -- demoted new hampshire, or is there apathy toward joe biden. so i'm wondering whether, you know, does he get a significant majority of the vote even as the write-in, or is it closer to a 50-50 which would suggest maybe we should pay closer attention to the upcoming south carolina primary. finish. arthel: hmm. south carolina will definitely be something to watch.
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for the current president, for sure. finish hey, do you think, professor, as we bin to wrap here, do you think -- begin to wrap here, do you think it's time to reorganize or reimagine voting systems leading up to nominating conventions? and the general election? >> you know, it's -- one thing to keep in find about the process is that it's so long and complicated. you know, for instance, if joe biden decided two weeks if from now to get out of the race, it would be a calamity for the democrats just because it's such a train wreck in terms of primary deadlines and so forth. so one thing that to be -- to think about is should it be simpler and easier for parties to adapt to changing circumstances. finish. arthel: yeah, that's my question. that's what i mean by is it time to reorganize or reimagine the way this system currently is. >> right. arthel: you know, because --
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[inaudible conversations] yeah. go ahead, sir. >> yeah. should there be, you know, more party leadership, should parties be able to have more kind of in control in terms of choosing candidates versus the way we do it now. but it's a months-long process. it takes a couple of years for it to all unfold. is that just too long. arthel: you know, and as you were saying that, i mean, if more for some reason, excuse me, president biden wanted to get out of the race in two weeks, then suddenly there would be big problems. i mean, so it would be, make it difficult for him -- for someone else, i guess, according to what you're saying, to be presented as the nominee come august at the convention, is that what i'm understanding you to say? >> yeah, exactly. and the same on the republican side, for example, if donald trump decided, you know, because of one of his indictments and so forth decided to get out,
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similar circumstance. because we have this sequence of events, it's really difficult for parties to change in case something drastic happens. arthel: all right. university of new hampshire professor dante scala, thank you very much, sir. eric? >> you're welcome. eric: well, you know, for the first time ever north korean missiles now being used on the battlefield against ukraine. so the kim jong un partnership with vladimir putin, dangerous. what does it mean for the world and for us? gordon chang is here to tell us us next. ♪ ♪
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arthel: tensions are rising between israel and iran while the idf continues to root out hamas if terrorists in gaza.
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alex hogan is live in tel aviv with more. hi, alec. alex. >> reporter: hi, arthel, the idf chief spokesman announcing new findings, cells deep within the tunnels where hostages, as many as 20 of them, were likely held with little access to air and no sunlight. on top of the idf if finding all of this in hand unimis, the military also recently uncovered new weapons storage facilities there in that part of the gaza strip. now back here in israel, the families of the more than 130 hostages are demanding that the government strike a new ceasefire to bring them home. the u.n. claims 16,000 people in gaza have died, primarily women and children, and that at this current pace two mothers are dying every hour. and unicef says that 20,000 children have been born since the start of the war. 85% of the population is out of their home. meanwhile, new techs in the surrounding region. -- tensions. can explosion on sir rah -- syria a's capital has killed
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several members of iran's elite revolutionary guard. and iran's president says that the strike will not go unanswered. israel has not formally commented on this latest strike. but also new tension that we're seeing in the last day on the border of israel and lebanon. israeli strikes killed two people in a vehicle on the remember needs side of the border. hezbollah says it fired as many as three attacks toward israel over the haas day. arthel? arthel: alex hogan live in tel aviv, thank you very much, alex. eric? eric: well, vladimir putin is turning to kim jong un for help. north korea now providing weapons and ammo for putin's war against ukraine. russia firing north korean missiles on the battlefield. you know that could boost by i don't think pyongyang's arms business in other global markets. gordon chang joins us, senior fellow at the gatestone institute, author of the upcoming booklet, "china is going to war." gordon, always good to see you.
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man, talk about a partnership and a devilish, deadly duo, putin and kim jong un together? what does this mean now that they have this arms trade? >> it means that north korea now i is a major supplier not only to the war in ukraine, but also to the war in the middle east. after kim jong un met vlad is myrrh if putin -- vladimir putin last september, we started to see these increased shipments of north korean arms, over a million artillery shells and those short range ballistic e missiles. you know, right now iran has a lot of north korean weapons which it sends over to its terrorist proxies, and some of these tunnels rook like that they were -- look like they were actually made by the north koreans for iran. so we have north korea there, and we're not doing very much about i. we know what's going on. we see all of these freight trains going from north korea to russia, and what does the united states do? it says, oh, isn't that nice? eric: what could the administration to try and stop
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all this? i mean, it can't bomb the trains, but what type of actions, interdictions do you think can happen, for example, ships that have north korean am in addition, what can we do to try and stop this, if anything at all? maybe we can't. >> well, the first thing we can do is tighten the sanctions on russia and actually start to enforce them. but more important is to enforce sanctions on countries that are violating those sanctions. so, for instance, china which is also involved in all of this. china really needs access to the u.s. market right now because its economy is not growing at the reported 5.2% pace. they need to sell to americans, and we can take advantage of that. now, of course, we can do a lot even without interdicting shipping, but we have allowed all of this trade to go on for far too long. we have the tools to deal with it, non-military tools, and we're not using them. eric: and what is the state of the north korean if military hardware? and these missiles?
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are they accurate? are they sophisticated? and when coming up against wen defenses, you know, what's your view of the quality of this stuff? >> well, the russians aren't very happy with the artillery e shells, for instance, because some of them just are inert and some of them just misfire. i think what happened especially in the beginning of this trade after september was that north korea was taking old shells out of inventory, and those were not very good. as north korea cranks up and starts selling new equipment and new shells, this'll be much better. but the point here is that russia has been unhappy with what it's received. eric: and what does it mean if you've got a state, which is basically a military state, north korea, that can churn out this stuff while the reports have said we're lagging in terms of our ability to manufacture some of the ammunition to send to ukraine?
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>> north korea's a totalitarian state, so if it wants to ramp up something whether it's production or artillery shells, it can throw a lot of people into that effort whereas we're having real problems getting our companies to produce simple things. you know, forget about sophisticated planes, we're having problems with artillery shells, for instance. so we've got a long logistical train to settle, to deal with. north korea doesn't have so many problems. it's already a military state. and so ramping up a is a much easier tasting for them. -- task for them. eric: and you give us a sense, this is not new for kim jong un. they've been distributing ammunition and weapons across the globe for decades. >> yes. a lot to the middle east, a lot to africa. china has been watching this and permitting this and facilitating this trade. what's really dangerous is north
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korean ballistic missiles that have been sold to iran. i mean, if you have an iranian mistic missile, you scrape the paint off, it's basically a north korean one. and this is just -- this has just been going on for decades. and, again, the united states has known this and has allowed this to continue for reasons which, to me, are incomprehensible. eric: talk about a there rio, or kim jong june, vladimir putin, the ayatollahs, that's what we're facing -- >> and xi jinping. eric: of course. gordon, good to see you, as always. thank you. >> thank you, eric. eric: arthel? arthel: well -- thank you, gordon and eric. nearly 70 years after its first issue, "sports illustrated" is in carriage -- danger of shutting down. we'll tell you why, plus the latest own -- can on efforts to save the iconic magazine. that's up next. ♪ ♪ if
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♪ ♪ eric: well, massive layoffs affecting a significant number of staff members at the magazine "sports illustrated." now some fans are wondering if the storied, legendary magazine will ooh even survive. c.b. cotton following the latest from our new york city newsroom. >> reporter: hi, eric. yeah, this is a tough blow for fans, journalists and even athletes, but the licensing group which owns the "sports illustrated" brand tells us this is not the end. the company writing in part, quote, authentic brands' group is here to insure that the brand of "sports illustrated," which includes its editorial arm, continues the thrive as it has for the past nearly 70 years. we are confident that going forward the brand will continue to evolve and grow in a withdraw that serves sports news readers, sports fans and consumers. so the magazine's ownership group tells us this promise for a bright or future comes as it also seeks out a new publisher after the most recent one had its publishing rights squashed for not paying a $3.75 million
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quarterly license payment. the publisher then announced it would lay off most of its staffers according to the workers' union. these layoffs follow a series of recent challenges for the magazine. back in november you may remember "sports illustrated" was accused of publishing articles written by a.i.. accusations that were later blamed on a third party. jordan schultz, a former sports columnist and current nfl insider, says these rocky time it is really are not surprising. >> i think this always felt like it was coming. i think, you know, the digital age of sports consumption in media and also the fact that, you know, you've already seen so many layoffs across so many different platforms, i think the shift begun a decade plus ago. i remember as a well when e espn, the magazine, ceased to exist. that was another devastating day. >> reporter: yeah, i remember that too. so speaking to that shift,
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several "sports illustrated," several leaders of the magazine, i should say, were fired late last year. and the magazine was scaled back to only monthly issues in 2020, or eric. so more to watch with this one. eric: the legacy magazines, hope they can find a way to keep it going. c.b., thank you. arthel? arthel: a tragic loss for the family behind the hit show pawn stars. rick harrison, who runs the famous gold and silver pawnshop, is mourning the sudden death of his son, adam. madeleine rivera has more. >> reporter: pawn stars' rick harrison morning the loss of his son adam, a spokesperson confirming the 39-year-old died 06 an overdose saying the family is greatly saddened and asks for privacy as they grieve. it's unclear what substance adam died from and when and where he passed. yesterday rick posted a photo of his second son on instagram writing, you will always be in my heart. i love you, adam.
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according to tmz which was first to report the news, adam kept a low profile and at one point helped out the world famous gold and silver pawnshop but stepped away from the business. the las vegas police department is reportedly investigating his death. arthel? arthel: madeleine rivera, thank you. and, of course, we send our condolences to the harrison family. hm? you! your business bank account with quickbooks money, now earns 5% apy. 5% apy? that's new! yup, that's how you business differently. here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost.
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>> you know what we always say, just candidate -- wait, it'll change. these are my clients who i decided to bring down to the lake. >> how are you feel about the weather today? >> it's cold. the snow is so different. we're here looking at lake erie, and this is amazing. something different for us. eric: really is different
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because the snow kept coming in cleveland. the city facing more rounds of that heavy lake effect if snow this weekend. ironically, because of the warmer weather temperatures over lake erie. fox weather's nick kosir has more from cleveland. >> reporter: here we are in cleveland where the wind continues to blow. no more snow falling out of the sky, but it is blowing and drifting,s certainly going to be a concern as we've got the about 5-8 inchs of very powdery snow on the ground here. these are the shores of lake michigan, and in the warmer months you'd see waves out there. but we've got ice starting to form. lake are erie now about 20% frozen over, the ice extending all the way out to the break wall. earlier this week it was just here right along the lake shore. and so bitter cold temperatures have started to settle in. on the heels of the storm system that dropped all that lake-enhanced and lake effect snowfall. temperatures going to stay below
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freezing here as we head into the rest of this weekend and into early next week. winds gusting at about 20 and 30 miles per hour, also going to make those wind chill values brutally cold as we head into the next 12-24 hours or so. and blowing and drifting snow going to be the a concern. and this is really the biggest snow that cleveland has seen for quite some time. only recording 4.4 inches of snow before the onset of this event. last year they had their least snowy winter ever on record, and so cleveland here, the city by the lake, definitely had made up for lost time with this past event. reporting in cleveland, ohio, nick kosir, fox weather. arthel: oh. boy. thank you, nick. by the way, eric and i are back tomorrow at noon eastern with a lot more coverage of the new hampshire primary. we'll speak with fox news contributor karl rove and former new hampshire governor judd
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gregg. then stick around for "fox news sunday" at 2 p.m. eastern. shannon bream hosts from new hampshire and talks to campaign surrogates for all the g work p candidates. gop if candidates. and that's it for us for now. we're back at a noon eastern. eric: yeah, it is. all eyes on new hampshire. we'll have all the latest here on fox news. ♪ muck that's why you choose glucerna to help manage blood sugar response. uniquely designed with carbsteady. glucerna. bring on the day. - bye, bye cough. - later chest congestion. hello 12 hours of relief. 12 hours!! mucinex dm gives you 12 hours of relief from chest congestion and any cough, day or night. mucinex dm. it's comeback season. now try mucinex instasoothe sore throat medicated drops.
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