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tv   The Five  FOX News  January 20, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PST

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>> hi i'm greg gut field and jesse waters not allowed tholed a balloon dana perino, the 5. ♪ ♪ democrats getting another warning on how their war on maga lead to a shellacking gp morgan telling to knock out of the extreme divisive maga crap. >> i wish the democrats would think a little more carefully when they talk about maga if you take a step be honest, there's right about nato -- kind of right about immigration, he grew the economy quite well -- tax reform worked. he was right about china. he wasn't wrong about so critical issues and that's why they're voting for him and i think people should be a little more respectful of our fellow citizens this negative talk about maga is going to hurt biden's election campaign. >> amen. don't trash trump supporters and don't call them racist but if
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liberals took that advice, msnbc turn into 24 hours of static and that pun wouldn't be able to smear half of the country. >> a vengeance tour this time around and if we talk about trump all of the time we need to talk about his voters. tom writings in the atlantic these particular voters want revenge as well. they are getting what they want. because they too are set on revenge. people didn't want to accept that it is not myc anxiety it is racial anxiety and demographic panic. greg: what happens when words get turned into deeds and feds went after maga supporters house republicans have evidence that federal investigators ask banks to search customer transactions by using terms mic maga and trump as part of a january a 6th investigation isn't everything part that have and government snooped on people who bought stuff at cabela bass pro shops and banks involved say they were
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just following orders. but jim jordan says that this is a big problem. >> at the request of government you've got banks, searching private transactions of their customers for key search terms key words, it looks like without any warrants and without legal process this is financial surveillance at its worst. >> dana again, i have to blow the five's horn we were sounding the alarm on this kind of rhetoric three years ago. we predicted that pushing the divisive stuff you're just going inevitably run out of victims. you're going end up with most of america wondering why do people hate me. >> called every name in the book since eight years right so there's the sunk cost. you keep calling them that it goes in one ear out thes orr nobody cares anymore. it it is meaningless -- at this point, and without hope -- then fear and anger --
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and hate are very powerful motivators i think that's what you saw kamala harris doing of the view scared to death they want voters to be scared. i took jamie diamond comments as a couple signs one that business community there is preparing for president trump to return to the white house. and -- also that the biden campaign is not listening to jamie diamond behind the scenes so he decided to say it -- in public right get a ton of attention it leads to the five and what it is getting also remember he contemplated running for president i'm sure white house is probably rolling their eyes but making news and a lot of sense he was on trump business diversity -- business advisory group, and he stayed on much longer that many of the others bob iger high tailed it quickly stayed on it until 2016 and telling in democs they should vote for haley
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because trump would be bad and he was transactional but bottom line message of treating people better -- is a good one. let's listen to it. >> how can you argue. pearce always a pleasure -- >> wonderful pob back. >> a little island called england we were talking about this in the green room that you know, you know, unless you kind of pump the brakes on this kind of rhetoric it is only going to get worse and the problem is as we show with reid if it is your profit center racial divisive rhetoric what are you going to do? >> my god the irony, i remember -- after 2016 i was in new york, and trump won and it was leak a ghost town like everyone in in a shock. and i went into the new york knicks next night, with my son, and by chance chris rock was next to a table. we got talking and i said -- what do you make of the election he said whatever, whatever -- i said why do you think trump wanted hilary last and you know
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why almost killed eight people don't go around saying he's killed nine i thought that was smart observation in other words as we would say don't overegg the souffle not stuff to go out with trump that is lijts and accurate and that's fine. but for eight years now -- there's been this constant barrage of wild overexaggeration whether the russia collusion, news new hitler blah, blah, and iftion rlg -- impressed by jamie diamond. i thought it was a smart take to remind people that not only are they not crazy trump supporters but they have legitimate reasons to think that trump would do a better job than joe biden running the country and he listed a number of things that trump achieved last time -- and you know, this -- took me back to what hillary clinton said about deplorables if you start branding 18 million americans as deplorable or crazy -- it is going to come back and bite you.
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and i think they are raging hysterically with wild exaggeration right into trumple's handle. >> turning him into a folk hero what he said here. all of the branding has turned into tracking of purchase decisions bit government. how do you -- how is this possible? what's your legal take on this? jeanine: legal take it is a fourth amendment violation and other day i spoke with the fact that -- the biden administration is before the supreme court on the murphy versus missouri case where the supreme, supreme court will decide as the lower courts have already decided whether or not the biden administration interfere with the freedom of speech, the first amendment. by forcing some of the social media companies whether it is facebook or youtube or x to only promote x then i say that not mean x but only promote one concept to another with suppressing conservative speech now you have the democrats who
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are openly violating the fourth amendment. you know they hate the second amendment because it was obama who said you know, those republicans they cling to god and guns or religion and guns. so you know, the amazing thing is that they will turn around and say you know, donald trump is a threat to democracy. but we're taking what your first amendment we want to take away your second and interfering with a fourth amendment search and resure and not just trump but going after every one of us said part of the deplorables and joy reed i don't know want to mention her name but she says that we want revenge that followers of trump want revenge just like americans in the 30s -- wanted fascism. i mean, where is she getting this stuff from? their job is to divide us, to hate us to call us names and use apocalyptic terms but this is where they lose. donald trump was president for four years and we still have a
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country. we had a great economic policy you ask a democrat jamie diamond he was right on immigration he was right on tax reform. and he was right on nato. that's what -- that's what jamie diamond said so you know they're just doing this to their -- to their loss in the end. >> jesse looking at how they're targettings people like you isn't it time to start operating your life under the radar -- maybe consider changing your identity instead of shop at a bass pro shop going vegan bakeries. why don't you, you should identify as a democrat a nonbinary democrat, just to put him off your screngt. >> how would that affect my two shows? >> i think it would make it better. >> you said. can't be any worse -- [laughter] i think well -- jessica -- >> well, waters -- [laughter] greg: and i'm a girl. [laughter] >> dank that is right we're witnessing trump repair his
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relationships with the business community remember that soured after the tillerson firing chinese trade war and fine people hoax. but all of these executives in wall street they live on the coast and they live in the cities and they can't help not notice the destruction. that these democrat policies have had with the migration, crime, remote work and money sees around corn e an see trump sliding into first place and saw the signal he sent at the fox town hall and victory speech in iowa and that was i'm going to laser focus on policy. i am going to work with democrats to enclue up the cities. i'm not going to have time for retribution because we're going to be having so much success and success is the best form of revenge and they see that. and they like that and that's a winning message clean cities -- secure the border. cheap energy no wars working together, if he sticks in a discipline way to that, there's
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no way he loses this election. now, joy reid are greg you know how -- i detest cable news hosts -- making broad sweeping generally generalizations she does not speak for white america. pete hegseth speaks for white america guy has been in every suburban diner in this country and she's never been to a suburban diner been to iowa and at her desk in manhattan and any time she sees maga is in nbc head quarters and passes security guard. this country cannot have an election where one side is demonized and -- you don't say how i've improved your life and joe biden -- he kind of has to demonize because -- if you look at the metrics he's not improved anyone's life. >> if you want to see how the it is better than january 6th because they overdid the
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souffle, nobodiments a fluffy souffle. that's a euphemism. woke congressman trying to troll republicans with a plan to trample the statue of liberty. ♪ ♪ ♪ voya ♪ there are some things that work better together. like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. presentation looks great. thanks. voya provides tools that help you make the right investment and benefit choices. so you can reach today's financial goals. that one. and look forward to a more confident future. that is one dynamic duo. voya, well planned, well invested, well protected.
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♪ ♪ ♪ watch out aoc. there's an even woker member of congress that is trying to hog the spotlight with stupid stunts and i'm not talking about fire marshal booming.
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say hello to gen-z congressman maxwell frost. in an attempt to stick it to the races republicans who believe in borders -- little maxi suggesting that gop wants to get rid of the statue of liberty. >> don't welcome immigrants if you plan to reject them if you keep pushing your bigots hr2 bill then pass this bill i've taken liberty of drafting for you it removes the statue of liberty our largest symbol that tells people to come here this is who you are removing fabric of america. >> sorry, max lady liberty -- ain't going anywhere and american people completely disagree with democrats open borderrings and insanity. i'll let them explain. >> i honestly have never spoken to as many concerned about the migrant issue as i have, you know, over the past year. people were calling radio stition that was just this week. you know, really, really complaining about that.
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so i've never seen working class people until this past year really, really express their frustration for the migrants. >> greg what did you think of little maxi's stunt. >> how stupid is this clown? excuse me maxi pad -- >> wow. >> we don't take down statute you take down statute taking down statute is the only form of aerobic exercise woke have without pulling down a statute they wouldn't have any upper body strength, the woke workout is three sets of looting, three sets of burning, followed by the stot statute pull and toss and stumbled into reality unfettered illegal immigration hurts minorities by drastically lowering wages and in new york you can see this delivery jobs i've seen from new arrivals i would like to get address and sending few copies of thomas
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books that explains incentive and how cheap labor in the illegal immigration that causes cheap labor creates -- a job loss among minorities another example of how the left hurts the people they claim to help. >> do you when you -- sending a package you have to write the god on the envelope. >> i don't know about that. >> more likely to get there. >> dana. i think the sort of -- connects well with our first block. because i believe immigration is the canary in the coal mine for all ills in the abc poll he was at 18% approval on immigration, so that was like max frost and buddies he goes to brunch with on sundays you know he goes to brunch. and biden is doing nothing about it. >> i hate brunch. >> biden is doing nothing about changing border policies and suing texas he's -- he's blaming texas national guardsmen for murder and then
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when proven wrong they won't take it back. and he won't take the republicans up on their offer to get money for ukraine -- and money for israel that biden wants but they're asking for tougher border enforcement maybe not able to swallow all of it but why not take republicans up on their offer and if republicans vote it down, run on that. and say i tried -- and if they take you on it then take credit for the fact you were able to stem the flow before the election. and why would he want to do that i want to point out something that -- is not just biden's job approval numbers that are going down. and this is why you're starting to see a lot of agitation including from people like -- jamie diamond of jpmorgan all of the polls are starting to come in for house democrats especially ones in kind of -- districts where you might be able to get a republican through and their numbers are away down biden is dragging down the entire ticket whereas trump would be able toll improve that maybe even keep the house for the republicans. >> do you hate brunch and what do you think of maxi? >> i don't like brunch and yongts like maxi is that all i
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have to say. okay. i want to say something about this statue of liberty it was a gift from france that came here 1886 at that time we had an immigration law in this country -- where you came here you have to be on ellis island and screened and you had to be documented. you had to be tested -- that you had to be vaccinated. and you could only come in if you have a sponsor or if you were self-reliant okay -- this guy doesn't know his history, and yet the truth is if you understood background of this statue of liberty it is a symbol of freedom and democracy. it doesn't mean everybody just show up and we'll take of you and that's why joe biden i believe is going to lose the election. assuming he's the guy that runs -- what is happening to the democrats now -- is that they are now -- it's not just the top tier that's talking but affecting everyone i don't know if you remember there was a veteran in staten island we talked about this a couple of months ago. where he had to be moved off a i
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think it was a -- some kind of a nursing home. and they moved him out he didn't have anywhere to go so they could move the immigrants in. the migrants, illegals in. and the same with a hospital in denver today 130 or 140 million in debt because of the illegals and americans are waiting in line for health care. forget about the fact that the americans have to pay for their health care and the illegals don't and then we've got taking our kids out of schools so illegals can go into the school. and hotels in new york city emptying out half the business so we can put illegals in. look, new york city and america can no longer handle this -- migrant crisis, and can you imagine if joe gets elected again and mayorkus impeachment hearings he didn't show up that's how much respect they have for democracy. [laughter] >> self-reliance do you think that should be -- a standard for admitting new
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americans as they call them? >> like bring a unique perspective i'm not american who has a visa that states i'm alien of extraordinary ability in the television industry. so rather qaingt americans call us aliens and try to get into a country. but you hit on something about his lack of knowledge about history. i can extrapolate on that because statue of liberty wasn't created to celebrate letting people into america. it was the opposite -- it was created to celebrate kicking out the british. i feel very strongly about this. because as you rightly say french historian abolitionist edward proposed a monument to commemorate u.s. independence, the perseverance of american democracy liberation of the nation's slaves so, in fact, it was celebrating the absolute opposite of what this clown wants us to believe the statue of liberty represents.
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it represented america winning its independence and democracy and the bed rock of any democracy is controlling your border. so he -- and every objective analysis of his history is a complete maxi. [laughter] >> oh. you are an extraordinary alien here -- >> that ability. ahead -- >> that's right. >> a little bit of a -- this alien you think weird -- audience. english language we took it from you. we didn't call you aliens if we call you -- >> go to your country say you're giving me a barrage of insults. ahead -- >> remind you -- >> i'm teasing. you're a lot less extraordinary when you keep blowing the brake. ahead, the new patriots coach makes very controversial statement about race. ♪ ♪
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dude? dog food in the fridge? it's not dog food. it's freshpet. real meat. real veggies. real weird. he was bad luck anyway.
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>> a new season of wokeness beginning with the nfl and patriots introducing mayo new head coach anne after splitting with bill belichick after 24 seasons and mayo is causing controversy after bringing up racism during his first press conference. >> i do see color because i believe if you don't see color you don't see racism because it goes back to black, white yellow it doesn't really matter. but it does matter so we can try to fix the problem that we all know we have. >> it's a stark contrast to what another black head coach said about race last season take a listen to this from tampa bay buccaneers coach todd bowles.
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>> we don't look at what color we are when we call against each other we know each other and i have great friends that coach in the league as well and we koangt ball and we don't look at color. >> interesting the contrast. so if you don't see color -- does that mean you can't be a racist jesse? >> i see color. i mean i can't deny -- i don't see color. i look at obama i see that he's half white -- >> but if -- >> you have to see color to see racism. i do agree with that statement but if all you see is color then all you're going to see is racism and that's the point i don't think this coach is like coach kaepernick bob kraft owner would never do that if this guy was asked a question, first black coach very special day for him. he answered the question -- perhaps seeing color is good when it comes to recruitment with hiring and insight but he knows if all he sees is color
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and he goes 0-16 he's done. and at levels like this judge where you're talking about the highest level of performance you can talk about nfl -- wall street, rocket science, performance trumps everything -- when that much money is on the line. and todd bowles was asked about him facing off against a black coach i think it was pittsburgh coach, they're both like -- in the lead for so many years if they don't give itecond thought they're just going up against their -- colleague and you know, the more they focus on race the less they're focusing on x's and o's and then it becomes a distraction. >> 56% of the nfl is black and 25 sct is white do you think the players see colors in their coaches? >> probably not. but, i mean, i empathize because imagine growing up black and last name is mayo -- [laughter] >> you know, but the problem is it is like --
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we gone over this before. but if you see color everywhere then you're going think racism is everywhere and you become a servant to single variable thinking which turns your world into a very small suffocating space -- which is why joy reid is hyperventilating if you look at the research when we were focused on being a color blind society we viewed racism as a vastly improving issue. and once we went from -- seeing that as an improvement to becoming hopeless it is now -- people see it as a big problem once we obsessed over it. and we kept introducing it to every issue -- including climate or the arts or the move whatever -- now it's -- it's like oh, my god we can't do anything about it and might give up. now you have like ceremonies that are segregated an that is seen as not racist. >> right -- >> play dates. >> and play dates.
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i know i'm not allowed. >> pearce what say you on this? >> look if i was following bill melugin check as coach and won six super bowls i would be getting my scooters in very we cannily. because he's going to be an impossible act to follow now the guy can turn around if all goes wrong and negative coverage is racist and i think it is a shame i like what other black coach said, because he kind of removed skin color from the equation. and by doing so you look at him as someone who got his job i'm sure this guy did. right he obl has, obviously, ben with patriots and judge me on the content of the character and performance of me and my players. because as you said, you know nearly two-thirds of the players are black. right, and 60% of the americans are white should we look at the -- disproportionate number of black players in the nfl and nba and
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say it is racist look -- it's not not look at it like that and it was a shame that the headlines from his first press conference may be as greg said been a naivety give him a chance first big moment and he wants first black coach there but it would be better for him to say if you turn and said you know what, let's forget the coverage and judge me on what my team does on the pitch and alawed it and move and it is -- it feels soccer field. if i'm playing the football the left field too. all right. manicure pitches and we take that as a compliment. i know. i know maybe it is a compliment. dana patriots are in need of a quarterback so does mayo go to colin kaepernick and may be tom brady will come out of retirement maybe. >> another white guy, i don't know anything about quarterbacks
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but media even sports media likes it when they talk about racism because it gets -- gets clicks so all of the coaches have to know that this is coming and you're going get this question so be prepared to get media train and figure out what you want to say because nfl crawled itself back from kaepernick stuff right so it is crushing it right now ratings are good and remember how bad it was they don't want any part of this either so if you're a person for the nfl smarten up get your people ready. >> good point. all right coming up next, it looks like the elite davos have a good time. >> so it is like -- you can only -- we'll tell you more about the voice of the forest -- [laughter] ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> i don't think they're playing this music at davos gathers in wits land for world economic forum, rich and powerful tackling climate change global complex and the rise of a.i. but one of the panelist is getting some attention check out this unique ceremony this was the opening performed by an indigenous woman who claims to be the voice of the forest. >> now i have -- [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] >> not worried about covid anymore. so john kerry spending his week at davos and railing against disinformation about electric
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cars even though we've seen them actually not work. we've seen this in the cold. watch. >> there's been a very, very clear policy which regrettably attacked by people who are engaged in high levels of disinformation. they've been trying to scare people about the range of the vehicles so there's range anxiety out there. >> greg disinformation about how we were ready for the transition. >> this is why they're saying disinformation is now the second most important issue behind climate because whenever you counter what they say -- they use that other issue of disinformation to protect themselves real point of davos to show off your wealth and status and parade as a moral virtue when you say i'm talking about climate everybody actually just hears so you were at davos you're rich it shows you money -- cannot erase neediness and insecurity and you mention this about the covid thing. if anybody other than an indigenous woman had done that
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can you imagine you would be charged with assault. because think about, think about what we had to do you know, you cough in your hand and wipe your hands on somebody's face. how was that not assault my goodness what if they all go in private jets and start another wave of a pandemic. morons -- >> attempt to murder. >> pearce show should we think about davos on your perspective? >> coughing thing actually in the last two months had four different conditions, flu bronchitis covid and walking pneumonia, ironic because you can't walk but i still got a cough so that video was trig egg for me i don't believe i'm so infectious but incase -- ♪[laughter] >> he's got so many -- in the hair he doesn't matter. >> just incase. >> thing about davos if you look at john kerry who is one of the
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world great hypocrites and keeps getting private jets and saying same thing i have to be here. well no since the covid pandemic, people have learned how to use i think on zoom you don't have to play around on private jets to have a conversation about climate change there's undenial underlying hypocrisy he talks about range anxiety weird phrase he came up with range anxiety about electric vehicles they have not enough range and we're all getting anxious. i have climate hypocrisy anxiety when i see people talking the way they do knowing they don't practice what they preach that gives me anxiety. truth about electric vehicles is they'll become less popular when cheaper than they are now when there are enough charging stations -- for them to be functioning as well if not better than -- and people don't break down in the snow and worry about -- actually diagnose in freezing temperatures.
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and they're not there yet. i think in 20 years time, this will be a historic conversation. but to try to stare down barrel of a camera and pretend that it is all honky door rei missing lines of cars -- broken down because they're run out. and there's no charging station, it is nonsense. >> jesse they should sell your book at davos. get it together. >> thank you dana. [laughter] preorder that right now off amazon i spoke to a couple of these people with climate anxiety -- who don't have babies because they're afraid how the world is going to end and goes back to how they were raised as children and the one with blessing ceremony and nationals to green wash this is native washes where you fly in a native and everybody is less guilty about strip mining the entire third world for rare earth minerals that's what green new deal tycoons are doing they're going to everywhere south of the equator hiring these locals penny is the dollar and then
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extracting like lithium and cobalt and nickel with heavy structural machinery and admit once they're responsible for something hay do this with crime. it is the media there's no migration crisis it is abbott there's no inflation but putin price hike. pearce is right if they build a battery that's better and put a charging station many biden is put zero -- we would have less anxiety. >> yep. >> to you judge. >> i mean the good news is that, you know, at least we have television 24/7 people can get a certain information -- you know, there is a parking lot of cars that are dead that are electric because they can't get the cable in to charge them. i mean, what scares me when a democrat talks about disinformation because it reminds me that more than anything they want to control us and they want to suppress the freedom of speech. they want to be the ones in
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charge of the right information. and you know, with respect to this woman i have to tell you i watched that twice. first of all, they would have us arrested if we kawfd on each other a couple of years ago those same people yet they sit there like bumps on a log smiling about it. like this woman is -- on everybody. and they're like yeah -- isn't that nice. >> i wonder what you could have gotten away with, right? stab him in the eye -- >> yeah. empleght probably did make them do covid tests before that just i imagine -- probably true. so incase you want to call up and tell us to correct the record gave them covid test fine. days of gossipping at the office are dead -- what we're going tell you why. >> went to the -- ♪ ♪ my daughter and i finally had that conversation. oh, no, not about that. about what comes next in life.
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>> lots of good old fashion awesome gossip and saying that days eavesdropping is oh and thanks to post pandemic return to the office wall street journal pointing out how workers are hiding out in all right -- privacy we say privacy booths or empty conference rooms turning their work places into quiet
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zones. well, i can only say that as a former tabloid gossip i find this development extremely disturbing, in fact, only earlier dana you were passing gossip to one of the coworkers and wouldn't let me see what it was. >> i will tell you this nothing to do with anybody who works at fox. >> that's true -- that is true. i think it is true i don't know. >> one of the reasons this is happening because we're under a noise assault there's so many noises happening everywhere. and you can't concentrate that's why people -- these open plant offices they don't work. and businesses go back and forth open plan not open plan open plan -- people need a little privacy to do their work and then they'll get back together -- at the water cooler and spill the tea. >> greg. office gossip is spice of life isn't it? >> development. dopamine rush did you know that brian kilmeade is gay -- gang a lot of weight. no. >> here's what sucks -- we live at a time now where gossip just doesn't exist, it is
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hard -- people have to be boring to keep their jobs for example, like, when you hear gossip about dana it is pointless like did you hear that she meditates for ten minutes in her office by the way almost hit the snooze alarm but didn't gossip. it is true. almost hit the snooze alarm that's our gossip. >> lots of gossip about myself even if it is untrue it makes you sound more interesting. are you from that camp? >> greg thinks gossip is dead we're talking about him behind his back all the day long. i love gossip i miss days when i was in the pod and my female colleague would take a call from her girlfriend -- boyfriend -- doesn't matter. get into a fight leave the pod crying and then come back and we would talk about it. it was social glue that kept us altogether. now, you can go to the little isolation chambers take call i feel like they're entertaining job offers in there. which they probably are. [laughter]
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i refuse to believe what they've told me about you. what is your view of this? >> my view is that -- just what dan ma said people just want to place where they can go and not be assaulted by everybody else talking and yelling, you need to do your work but i also think that hr has had a huge impact on gossip and water cooler syndrome because if you say someone like what do you gossip about she looked like hell in that dress she really did right and next thing in hr you can't talk about her that way and you know she has seen that guy. you can't talk about anything you lose your job. >> can't spread malicious gossip what is the world coming to? >> one more thing is up next. ♪ ♪ with the freestyle libre 3 system... know your glucose levels no fingersticks needed. all with the world's smallest and thinnest sensor. manage your diabetes with more confidence and lower your a1c.
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use kayak to compare hundreds of travel sites at once? i like to do things myself. is it efficient? of course not. but no machine is better than me. at booking travel. cleaning floors. anything. kayak. search one and done ♪ ♪ omg dana. >> i think you're going to like
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this guy a boss in portland, oregon, snow day no way this tiktok video is going after one employee revealed he twoangt great lengths to get everyone in for their shift include picking each up from their homes. some of the employees not too happy about that. they wanted a snow day -- and he also took all of them home saying you know what you're going to go to work. >> i like that. >> i like it too. short question with dana perino somebody at fox and chris in new hampshire his answers are pretty funny. >> tonight on my show, some dude named piers morgan -- jim and greg charcuterie remember when you're putting get meal worms. meal worms. have meal worms, banana kale, fish, because you never know -- when opossum will be visiting because they're packy eaters look at this little guy. delicious. >> i'll just eat the decoration.
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>> a little deviled eggs over there. >> i hate possums. >> and brunch. >> i know what to get you for your birthday. jesse -- >> remember last time pearce was on the show he expose himself as a cheater, fraud -- well -- for cheating at the egg and spoon race -- >> that's what it is. >> i was given this egg and as oppose award which right here acknowledges true champion right here pearce -- >> what does it say? >> biggest loser. i may consider a rematch but that was -- >> secret santa gift. >> noncheating winner. >> jesse waters prime time tonight dey thursday everybody come to celebrate. >> judge. >> a pin by the name of homer he loves bedtime for good reason let me tell you they tuck this pig in bed he gets a snack, blanky and plenty of love before
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lights go out. pigs are affectionate and mine never slept in my house. >> that's a real pig in a pig house and that's a charcuterie board. >> the nhs in scotland has a walk like a penguin so shows flag giving a penguin demonstration and waddle has feet pointed out walking flat-footed steps and ironically how jesse performed in the spoon race to lead him to get noncheating champion the biggest loser. jesse: we call that the romney -- that does it for us. have a great night. ♪ ♪ >> president biden finally admits to a pressing need for significant changes to his southern border policy


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