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tv   FOX and Friends Sunday  FOX News  January 21, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PST

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have an outbreak of slavery going on in our southern bordert our country so that a party is back, in full of the slavery last time, is no democratic thing and what is joe biden then one of democrats doing to hard-working red-blooded americans, who either taxes and destroying garcia driving up the price of food, utility bills, there through the roof and housing if you get it, rent is through the roof, healthcare and how about in black communities, has education we, bursting the cold house doors from preventing other blacks kids from going to other schools because they broke buffy support all of that joe biden is really god bless you and i will see you ♪ ♪
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♪ [national anthem] ♪ ♪ [national anthem] ♪ ♪ [national anthem] ♪
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♪ pete: closing our nation's anthem out with a beautiful with shot of a rainbow. we've got a snow-covered house with a very stealthy flying american flag. rachel: how wig is the flag thae yours are bigger. pete: the flag on our property? it's bigger. rachel: yours is like used car lot -- pete: that's what we're going for. [laughter] are car dealership sized flag. not quite that big. good morning, by the way. thanks for your photos -- will: do you take it up or down? pete: no, i keep it lit. i can't take it up and down, but i keep it lit. i think that's e what you have to do, you make sure it's lit. which we do. and i try to tribe some of those photos for you because don't forget, guys, when we're talking on tv, there are also people listening on siriusxm radio like my wife right now driving from
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florida to nashville through alabama. do what you can this morning to be descriptive with your words -- rachel: hi, jen. hi, jen. will: -- you leave behind. pete: no. will: he is going to relay the images to you in audio form. he's here for all of the audience. pete: will dressed in an intelligent blue and green suit and rachel is dressed like a snowman a little bit, a nice, white outfit. rachel: what? pete: it's an all-white outfit. will: get him, rachel. [laughter] rachel: i don't even know what to say. pete: the abominable snowman. will: it's worse! ray you know what i had to say -- will: i think you look like an ice princess. rachel: an ice princess? will: that's not good in. pete: no, ice queen, that's not
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good. rachel: i'm wearing ear running -- earrings that my daughter and our neighbor started a jewelry store in our house. pete: that's homemade? >> this is homemade by margarita, savannah, my neighbors. anyway -- can. will: [inaudible] [laughter] pete: i know. i felt it coming. i don't know why. sometimes -- you guys know this -- will: the a abominable snowman comment -- pete: only at the top of the show will i sometimes sweat, and then i'm good for the rest of the hour. rachel: it's called menopause. someone is sweating. pete: let's land this plane. will: new hampshire, primary, polling. here's what it looks like right now. donald trump, 55. nikki haley, 36. ron desantis town to 6 points. nikki haley going at donald
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trump here as we enter the home stretch in new hampshire. >> do we really want to go into an election with two fellas that are going to be president in their 8 to -- 80s? that's not ageism that i'm saying here. we see that biden has changed so much over two years. i'm not saying anything derogatory, but when you're dealing with the pressures of a presidency, we can't have someone else that we question whether they're mentally fit to do this. >> she talks about, yeah, we don't need 80-year-old -- well, i don't mind being 80, but i'm 77. that's a big difference. they always like to mention age. different people, different strokes, right? my mind is stronger now than it was 25 years ago. is that possible? [cheers and applause] i really do. finish now biden can't say that. pete: so, yeah, they're going
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with back and forth. i want to go back to that poll for a second because that the poll is, i think, maybe one of the last ones we'll get. and if it plays out like iowa, that would be yet another commanding victory for donald trump. the cross-tabs on this poll are 55% trump, 36% haley. show that 88 president of these voters are east not at all likely or not very likely to change their minds. so with a 4.4% margin of error and a 19 president -- 19-point lead for donald trump, it's highly unlikely that she -- that's the only name of the game, how close can haley get. that's why you should watch and check it out, but that could be a decisive race ender if then you go to south carolina and the numbers look the same. rachel: so last night some interesting news dropped which is that the governor desantis canceled a few very key media hits. the campaign secretary for desantis, brian griffin, said the media hits were canceled due
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to a scheduling issue and will be rescheduled. the governor will be traveling sunday morning with his campaign and has public events sunday evening through tuesday in new hampshire. the governor was also on hugh hewitt's hoe where he was talking about -- show where he was talking about i should have had ads out right at the gunning of my campaign -- beginning of my campaign, but i waited until late in the summer. some of the pundits that i saw during a discussion about this said that they had intimate knowledge that he was the one who said he didn't want to put ads out right away. but it kind of doesn't really matter in the end, the candidate owns the campaign. i think it's interesting he's saying, no, i'm not leaving yet, i've got some other events, but you don't start talking about regrets if you're on the move, if you're on the up and up, and it's very clear this campaign has hit roadblocks. will: i think he was scheduled for "meet the press" this
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morning. pete: there's also some unsubstance sainted reports they're pulling back on media ads also. another thing you wouldn't do if you're pedal to the metal. it feels like the campaign looking for the exit, looking for the offramp. you don't want to be closing in on new hampshire with the articles being written about you saying, you know, how does he find an onramp to run in 2028. you've got to make the call. this slow dip your feet in the water, are we in, are we out, oh, 6%, we're going to south carolina. if that holds as well, i don't see -- can. rachel: i think the question is in 2028, everybody knows this, he's got to be looking -- somewhere underneath all the regrets and the questions and, you know, thinking back what i could have is, should have done, but somewhere in the back he is thinking about 2028 or at least the people who like him and supported him are thinking about that. pete: absolutely. rachel: i guess in 2028 does it
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matter if he gets out in new hampshire or north carolina, do those things matter. pete: i think the taste in your mouth matters, right, amongst the base. rachel: by 2028. pete: just impressions that you leave do have some level of a lasting -- do i have a warm glow? desantis ended it the right way. i think that's what they should be focused on right now. rachel: i think that's a fair point, pete. will: this is one of the most fascinating story thes featured on the cover of "the new york post". it's got senator john fetterman, and it reads, left out. it's the continued seeming evolution of john fetterman, senator from pennsylvania. but he's saying t not an evolution. in fact, he's saying it's not that i've changed, it's that the description of what is a progressive has changed. he says it's not so much that the left that i left the title, the title left me. increasingly, progressives moved
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and my greated into positions that i don't agree with, and i really just feel much more comfortable just being a democrat. we have a crisis at our border, and it can't be controversial that we should have a secure border. we have democratic cities across the nation that have brought the issue to the forefront, and they deserve to be supported. and i believe, ultimately, they will be supported from a federal level. rachel: yeah. this transformation of john fetterman or maybe a return was not on my bin with go card. -- bingo card. pete: no. [laughter] rachel: i did not expect john fetterman to be the voice of reason on the democrat, in the democrat party. and i'm wondering is this sincere? is it, i mean, we saw some poll numbers in pennsylvania that were very troubling. but, to be fair, there's a lot of problems in pennsylvania right now. a lot of it because of what's happening at the border -- can. will: what poll numbers? if i think it's sincere. rachel: you do? will: i think it is. what poll numbers do you -- can. rachel: we were on the show, i
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think it was last weekend, and something came up about pennsylvania, and i was, like, oh, this is, this looks like this might be an explanation for why -- i don't know if they were polled about issues, i'm having a hard time remembering, but i remember that on the couch i said, oh, this might be a reason why. will: i think he's in touch with his base, constituents. rachel: yeah. the working class democrats, the real democrats, the rust belt democrats. not these progressive, coastal elites. will: right. rachel: they don't understand what's happening. he may feel that or may just be reflecting what they feel. pete: i think that's more of what it is, reflecting what they're feeling, his constituent, as opposed to seeing numbers that say, okay, it's advantageous for me to make a more moderate position, i just think the guy -- i'm no psychologist, but you have a brush with death like that and here you are, i'm just going to be honest. i'm going to call it like it is. it could go the other direction, who knows? it feels a little rudderless at
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this point. rachel: yeah. pete: but if it's grounded in common sense and reflecting the will of your actual voters, then that's a good can thing. maybe he's not part of the ap chaired -- captured class, and so he's able to speak freely and wear hoodies. rachel: he's definitely a liberal. he's super radical, but he seems to be coming around on some of these -- will: so much of the consensus of the left is driven by, as you describe, coastal elites. whatever it is, you know, ivy league ideology, and it's not just, oh, that's the part that gets the attention. no, it is actually the part that is driving the cultural agenda. and so for him to buck that is interesting in that he's either principled and brave or more in touch with his constituents as we're talking about and then still brave. if. pete: or he's never going to be invited to the cool kids' table anyway -- will: that's the other issue. he was invited to the cool kids'
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table, he left it. rachel: he was. will: we're going to have jon levine on 9:to ian time, he's -- can 9:20 ian time, he's a new york post columnist. rachel: can i say something really fast, it sparked in my mind. i read, somebody was talking about the appeal of trump, and they said he's the cool guy who then went to the back of the class and started speak up for the kids in the back who are always getting bullied, right? that was sort of the reference to how the working class people -- same thing here. he was at the cool table but now he seem to be going back and saying i'm going to speak for you in pennsylvania. so it's interesting. pete: and it could end up having the consequence of being a very formidable candidate when up for reelection in pennsylvania in a way where if you just go the radical left direction, it's hard to defend that. rachel: especially in this environment, that's true. president all right, a few additional headlines. two u.s. soldiers are hurt after an iranian-backegrp of iraqi
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militants launched a barrage of missiles on a u.s. military base in western iraq yesterday. defense officials two suffered con cushions. they are -- can concussions, they are expected to be polk. this makes at least 142 attacks on american bases in iraq and syria over the last 3 months. and the head of the world health organization says a new virus that's 20 times deadlier than covid could be on its way. health officials are calling it disease x. so far the disease is theoretical, good to know. theoretical disease? okay. but scientists say they're preparing for the next global pandemic. the w.h.o. says they're hoping countries sign the pandemic tree the city to get ready to face disease, and. rachel: by the way, that's what this is all about. in june, there's a pandemic treaty that would basically hand over our sovereignty, our rights
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and response to the pandemic -- pete: so now we just need the virus. rachel: be wary. this is very, not enough attention coming to this. glad we're covering that in our headlines, thank you. pete: now let's go to football, rachel. lamar jackson scoring three of his four touchdowns in the second half to lead the ravens to a 34-10 win over the houston texans booking baltimore a spot. now over to the packers blowing it in san francisco. the 49ers taking the lead late with christian mccaffrey's touchdown leaving green bay one more chance with the season on the line. >> realistically need at least 25 yards. love, pressure up the middle. runs away, throws across his body, and that is picked! 49ers have it! [cheers and applause] rachel: it wasn't an embarrassing defeat like with the cowgirls, but it was fine. [laughter] i mean, it wasn't great, but it wasn't so bad.
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will: still kicking, huh? pete: still kicking. even when she's down she's kicking you because your more down. niners take down rachel's pearks, 24-21. their fourth nfc championship appearance in the last five years. bills take on the chiefs today and the lion withs play the b -- bucs. rachel: what are your prediction on that? president i'd like to see the lions win and then that chiefs-bills game -- will: i'm excited. pete: i'm excited. they've played each other so many times, the bills have not been able to get past the chiefs, but this game is in buffalo. will: love from the packers remind you of anything? pete: are you trying to remind me of a brett favre throw? one of the greatest seasons -- will: you mow the cardinal rule, right? pete: what you don't do in that moment? will: you never if what? rachel: you never kick someone when they're down?
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[laughter] pete: well, that's a good cardinal rule. maybe if you learn that one -- will: you never throw across your body. never throw across your body. never throw back across the field. pete: that's what jordan love did and that's what brett favor did -- brett favre did. rachel: chiefs or bills? pete: bills. will: bills. pete: and you? rachel: in honor of taylor swift and just to tick you guys off -- [laughter] pete: there you go. let's stick with football because you saw jim harbaugh, we played a little bit of his sound yesterday. he was at the pro46 life rally, very cool to see him there. head coach of the national championship michigan wolverines. well, his brother, john, coaches for the raven ares. they're a power duo. he's the head coach, and and at the press conference after their playoff win, he did what is true to form for that family, and he referenced the bible.
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listen. >> greatness, power, glory, victory and honor belong to you, because everything in heaven and on earth belongs to you. the kingdom belongs to you, lord. pete: what a great perspective. will: pretty cool. pete: we talked about that yesterday, football, the obsession with football. he said, sure, that was great, but all of this belongs to you with, this outcome. rachel: why are you laughing? [laughter] will: i'll tell you why. pete: go ahead. will: because with you, go, jim harbaugh, his brother coaches the ravens, and that was news to you. [laughter] if it's just like, oh, we're breaking news all over the mace here. [laughter] rachel: fox news alert for me. all right. [laughter] you guys, if you want -- listen, this is the most engaged i've been in sports -- will: i'm into it. rachel: you're kind of kicking me while i'm down. [laughter] we just talked about this cardinal rule. will: this is the fun part.
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we're doing it. now i'm having fun. rachel: all right. get with the program. women will i'm glad you're in the tent. pete: i'd like to vote her out of the tent. [laughter] will: teen tiktok crisis, a north carolina school forced to believe bathroom mirrors so people can stop skipping class to film tiktoks. pete: plus, written-ins -- write-ins getting creative since joe biden's name won't be on the new hampshire ballot. rachel: a warning that -- our next guest says this is a massive threat to our food supply. he explains. ♪ -- can to place i've never been. ♪ til you put me down. ♪ oh, i knew you were trouble when you walked in. ♪ shame on me now. ♪ took me to places i'd never been. ♪ now i'm lying on the cold, hard ground ♪ oach to pet food.
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i think he's having a midlife crisis i'm not. you got us t-mobile home internet lite. after a week of streaming they knocked us down... dial up speeds. like from the 90s. great times. all i can do say is that my life is pre-- i like watching the puddles gather rain. -hey, your mom and i procreated to that song. oh, ew! i think you've said enough. why don't we just switch to xfinity like everyone else? then you would know what year it was. i know what year it is.
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will: a government watchdog report is sounding the alarm that the biden administration is failing to properly track foreign ownership of u.s. farmland saying, quote, the usda cannot report reliable information to congress or to the public about where or how much u.s. agricultural land is
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held by foreign persons. pete: the most recent report from 2021 shows chinese entities own almost 400,000 acres across 28 states. rachel: our next guest warns that this is the most urgent issue facing our nation and our food supply. virginia farmer and national black farmers' association president john boyd jr. joins us now. john, it's so great to have you back on the show. i agree with you, this is a massive concern. i'm wonder, why can't our government track it? is it that they are under shell companies? what's the problem here? >> well, it starts from the top. i think the president hasn't done a great job at making china, the threat of china a priority, or you know? china come over here and own 400,000 acrers of america's farm ground, and we can't go to china and purchase any land there? and what it does is put farmers, american farmers out of business. if usda a, this administration
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had put a farm moratorium in place like i've been asking on your show, it would, you know, help prevent some of these sales, these auctions that china's coming heaver here run -- over here running up prices for america's farmland. they're stealing seed technology from america's farmers, soybeans and corn that i have to pay $60-70 a bag for this technology, china's over here stealing i. that's a threat to america's agriculture farm belt in this country. it's national security where they're buying land next to military bases. all of these things are happening on this administration's watch, and they haven't said anything about it, about how to put a law in place to prevent china from buying america's farmland. that should be the first thing that they should do, you know? if they can repeal if definitely for america's farmers, then they can put a few sentences in a bill the stop china from purchasing american farmland. they should be able -- they
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shouldn't be able to come to america and buy america's companies like smithfield foods. this goes on and on and on, and it's been going on very quietly in this country, buying land from america's farmers. farmers need good farm ground in order to expand their farming operations because we're the only people in this country that don't get a raise by minimum wage. we have to do it by production, america's commodities, corn, meat and soybeans, somebody america's farmer do better than anybody, china's stealing that technology. will: it's almost 400,000 acres owned by chinese entities, and it looked like 50,000 acres in texas. it looked like the most pure acreage, utah, virginia, north carolina, missouri. any consistency, john, into the types of farms if and ranches that are targeted by chinese entities? i know cotton the's big in texas, but you just named soy and some orr products as well,
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or is it just all farmland? >> it's definitely good farm ground and definitely soybeans, corn. china's still the number one purchaser of soybeans from the united states. could possibly be one of the reasons why the administration doesn't want to stand up to them. but somebody has to take a strong leadership approach towards china and say, you know what? enough is enough. we're not able to do these things in your country, you shouldn't be able to come to the united states with no curtail whatsoever and purchase america's best farm ground and steal technology from america's farmers. somebody should be done here. farmers are the hardest working people. we can work 24/7, and we never would catch up, you know? and this administration hasn't done enough to keep america's farmers or the farm. and the number one thing they could have done was stopped farm foreclosures. that would stop china from showing up at these farm auctions and purchasing america's farm ground. rachel: yeah.
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they're pricing small farmers, good men and women, right off the market. also, by the way, they own two of our five largest food -- meat processing plants as well. so they're taking over that as well. i just love that you come on and raise the flag on this. we wish washington would pay more attention. it's a really, really important issue, john. thanks for joining us. will: thanks, john. >> thank you so much is. and to congress out there, put some laws in place that's going to stop china from purchasing american farmland. rachel: amen. pete: real straight forward, it's common sense. rachel: seems like we might just need a new president to make that happen. it's such an obvious thing that needs to be done and hasn't been done. it says something about the president. pete: and plenty of folks in the captured class. rachel: 100%. pete: still ahead, we're just two days out from the new hampshire primary, so what issues do the granite state voters care most about. rachel: we're asking the new hampshire gop chairman next. ♪
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♪ my name's brian hoeflinger, and because of tiktok, i have the power to educate people
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knell at the american federation for children and joins us now. corey, thanks for being here. no surprise that the nea, the biggest teachers union, is going to fight back. because last year was a banner year for school choice. now they're trying to tell parents it's bad, and you're rousest if you support it? -- racist racist. >> it's a bold strategy. let's see if it works out for them, calling parents racist for wanting more of a say in their kids' education. this really goes to show you that they have no logical capabilities at all, and these people are, they're teach thing millions of children all across the country, they're unintentionally making the case for school choice. they're providing free advertising for school choice during school choice week which is absolutely glorious, actually. our momentum is going to continue because families aren't going to be silenced into submission. they're going to be emboldened to push back even harder. and the momentum's going to continue in 2024. we have states like tennessee, louisiana, mississippi, georgia.
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they're all on deck to expand school choice even further. look, this attack from the teachers unions, it just reeks of desperation. they've hit rock bottom. they're grasping at straws to do whatever they can to try to trap other people's kids and in their failing government schools. that's not going to work anymore. families are fed up. pete: corey, i've also -- i've begun to see some studies they're trying to push or ped -- peddle that say, well, outcomes are worse when you have school choice. speak to that, if you would. >> there are 29 studies on the subject of school choice competition. 26 of the 29 studies find positive effects. school choice is a rising tide that lifts all boats. the public schools actually up their game in response to competition -- pete: yes. >> and, obviously, getting more of a choice your kids are going to be better off because parents know their kids better than anybody. certainly more than bureaucrats sitting in offices hundreds of miles away. so you get an opportunity, your kids are going to be better off
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on academics. but also just choosing a school that aligns with your values. parents don't want to send their kids to institutions where they feel like they're being brainwashed for 13 years. pete: you mentioned some of the states, i know tennessee is one of them where there's an ongoing debate. yes, democrats fight against it, but you sometimes get some republicans that are hesitant too. what's your argument to republicans that are hesitant about going all in for school choice? >> then they're not republicans. [laughter] this is a gop litmus test issue. it's on the republican party platform. in texas, 88% of texas primary voters supported school choice on the ballot. they'll make this argument to try to have their cake and eat it too. these are the same guys endorsed and funded by the teachers unions already. in texas 16 republicans running for re-election who voted against school choice last year, they were all endorsed or funded by the teachers unions, and they opponents who support school choice, so we're probably going to get a new house in texas that
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is more supportive of school choice. they'll say we live in rural areas, so we don't have to vote for this. but it's an ideologically bankrupt argument. on one hand they'll say they don't have a lot of choices, but they'll also say this is going to destroy their schools. it's not going to. why would that hurt your schools? voters in rural areas are very supportive of school choice, and rural schools like west virginia have universal school choice. pete: and if you believe your school is great and you want to keep it, you can continue to choose that school. it's all about competition forcing everybody to up their game. corey deangelis, thanks for everything you've done in 2023, and if let's hope you have another banner year in '24. appreciate your time. >> absolutely. thank, pete. pete: by the way, we reached out to the new york stock exchanger a, the partnership for the future of learning. it's always coded names, for a statement, they did not give us a response. all right. candidates make their final pitch to new hampshire voters just two days away from the
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first in the nation primary. new hampshire's gop chairman on the granite state's top issues, that is next. ♪ ♪ ( ♪ ♪ ) start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand.
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constant contact delivers the marketing tools your small business needs to keep up, excel, and grow. constant contact. helping the small stand tall. with the price of just about everything going up during inflation, we thought we'd bring our prices down. so to help us, we brought in a reverse auctioneer. which is apparently a thing. mint mobile, unlimited premium wireless. can i get 30, 30 bidder get 30 bidder get 20, 20, 20, bidder get 20, 20, bidder get 15, 15, 15, 15. just 15 bucks a month. sold! mint mobile premium wireless. let's check his tongue for steroids. mint mobile premium wireless. 15, 15, bidder bid 15, bidder bid 15 15 15 and... sold! what brand of coffee do you drink?
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>> on tuesday every one of you is making a decision. it's a decision to either go with more of the same or to move forward. the majority of americans have said they disapprove of trump
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and biden. look at their approval numbers. they are in the tank. >> if we have four more years of bind, that's going to accelerate the decline of this country. we can't have that. we need to reverse the decline. [applause] and to do that, you've got to deliver big victories. >> the washington swamp has done everything in its power to take away your voice, but this tuesday it is finally going to turn your way. with your vote, you are going to send a message straight to crooked joe biden, the worst president in the history of our country. will: gop hopefuls making their way to new hampshire voters ahead of tuesday's crucial primary, so what are voters looking to hear? new hampshire gop chair grist eggert joins us now -- chris egg e earth. coming out of iowa, it was fairly clear not only that donald trump was the choice and the preference of voters, but it was fairly clear that immigration and the economy were the top issues in iowa. what do you expect to hear in exit polling from people from
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new hampshire? if what are the top issues for voters or? >> i believe it's, their the same issues. immigration is very is important even though, you know, we're far from the southern border, we do have a northern border, and the impact of the open border is really in the drug abuse and drug overdoses. almost every family in new hampshire somehow if's been touched, and so the southern border, very, very important. we've also got our first home heating bills recently, and and the price of energy is just incredibly high compared to last year. and so the economy and immigration, i think, they're going to be the same issues in new hampshire as they were in iowa. will: just as a quick follow-up, you say almost every family in new hampshire's been touched by the effects of drugs. are you speaking particularly about the rise of fentanyl? >> yes. and if it's not somebody in your immediate family, a neighbor, a friend, a coworker's family,
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someone you know at school. it's a very, very, very big problem here, and we've got to cut off the supply and the demand. but the border is what we're looking at for a presidential candidate to get under control. we also had a brazilian mass if murderer picked up in new hampshire this past summer and four mexicans being smuggled over the northern board border. so having mexicans being smuggled through the northern border really kind of opened our eyes that this illegal cartel of smuggling is working both ends of the border. will: let's take a look at where polling suggests new hampshire voters are heading into the primary. 55% for donald trump, 36% for nikki haley, 6% for ron desantis. you're on the ground, you're in the state. is it your sense that that polling is accurate? >> it feels about right. we're we were at a rally with president trump's team last night in the large auditorium,
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and it was electric. his supporters are passionate. they're very engaged, and they're going to come out and vote. we're going to have record turnout, i believe. but youal have the other -- you also have the other side which is basically nikki haley supporters and the non-donald trump or the non, you know, not never trump focus, but people want an alternative to donald trump. they're flocking to nikki haley. so i think we're going to have big turnout on both sides, pro-trump and negative if trump. so turnout, over 300,000 is what we're expecting. will: you know, it's not getting a lot of attention, we did an interview yesterday we one of the campaign surrogates for dean phillips, but the democrats are also conducting a primary in new hampshire. joe biden isn't on the ballot. he's pushing for a big write-in campaign. do you think that -- what do, and i know you're the republican party chairman, but, what do you expect to see from democrats in new hampshire? will they write in joe biden? >> i believe they will.
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there was a big push and a lot of money spent, and surrogates from the administration have been coming to the state. they're basically playing in the gray area of the hatch act, and they're up here touting the administration. they are pushing for a big write-in. dean phillips has been working, but the democratic establishment's been kind of keeping him down. and so they're not really having a fair fight on the democrat side. we're hoping that the voters do not, you know, do the equivalent of a political stockholm syndrome and vote for the guy who doesn't want to be on the ballot. you know, we're hoping that people send a message that you can't skip a primary and then hope that people write you in. that's pretty ridiculous, you know, from our perspective. will: well, chris, you have the nation's attention. enjoy the spotlight for the next couple of days right there in your state of new hampshire. thank you. >> thank you. will: all right. rachel, over to you. rachel: thank you, will. turning now to your headlines,
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rioters pushed over cars and even setting a government house on fire in mexico this weekend after local police officers were accused of killing a man. the reuters report says he was killed right outside his grandmother's house after he wouldn't stop his car at a police checkpoint. mexican officials say four officers have been detained for suspected homicide. a north carolina middle school is getting rid of mirrors in restrooms after officials say that the students are skipping class to record tiktok videos. they say some children leave the classroom up to eight times a day just to make social media posts. pete: why don't you just get rid of the phones? rachel: yeah, thank you. that's what they do at my kids' school, nobody's allowed to have phones. a spokesperson says since they've taken down mirrors -- [laughter] it's so backwards, they, quote, have seen a drastic decrease in bathroom visits from students asking to be excused just to make videos. and those are your headlines.
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pete: we had to take mirrors out of adam's bathroom because he was making tiktok videos. [laughter] rachel: because he's handsome. all right. let's check in with meteorologist adam klotz -- adam: i don't even know what to say about that. la a laugh it's still cold outside, right? we see 1 degree in chicago, 22 here in new york city. cold air really settled in across the eastern after half of the -- half of the country. we have one more day. the win chill continues to be the big issue. it feels like -3 currently in nashville. those wind chill advisory alerts are still in place across the midwest all the way down to a good chunk of florida. wind chill advisory there. take a look at this, this is now tomorrow's forecast. things are changing, i promise. temperatures climbing up into the 40s. i run you into tuesday, still getting a little bit warmer, even warmer on wednesday. so this big cold snap we're talking about, it is finally coming to an end. even 60s by the time we get
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towards thursday. rachel, tossing back over to you guys. rachel: all right. thank you, adam. coming up, biden posting three years with the dream team but with nightmare approval ratings, it e doesn't feel like american security. ♪
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♪ rachel: the fastest growing latino group in the u.s., and many immigrants fleeing economic collapse, corruption and socialist leadership are reportedly giving a big boost to conservative candidates across the world. our next guest seeing this firsthand, 'em grated from venezuela himself, and he joins us now. a lot of people, you know, a few years ago so much emphasis is on how many people were leaving ukraine because of the war, but the biggest diaspora, the biggest refugee crisis in the world is venezuela. almost 8 million people. >> that's right. you know, international organizations don't like to talk about this, but the largest refugee crisis in the world is not syria, it's not ukraine, it's not even afghanistan. it's actually venezuela. rachel: right. >> that's because venezuelans are not fleeing a war, they're fleeing socialism. and that's why we're voting to center-right parties in general. rachel: it's been interest,
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they've left -- many of them are here, in fact, they're the fastest growing latino population growing here in the united states, but they've gone to argentina, ecuador, they've gone to spain. and in those countries they're also affecting the politics. in fact, they say cubans warned us, now we're warning you is sort of their message when they come to new countries, correct? >> yeah. you know, i can see it in my family who now lived a lot of them in spain, i have people in italy, i have friends in argentina, colombia, peru, everywhere. and the top two issues when they leave is do you oppose as a politician in this new country the venezuelan regime and, two, do you support free enterprise. that's why we're naturally aligned to parties on the right. rachel: yeah. and the election was, you know, obviously, a bombshell election, a game-changer for venezuela or so many people hope it will be. but that was really a lot of venezuelans, i mean, obviously among many of the around argentine population as well
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putting up tiktok accounts. social media in argentina, the right-wing social media ecosystem became a big thing, and they were posting, venezuelans posting tiktok videos saying, hey, don't go down this path, we know what it's like. could that happen here? do you think we could see that kind of impact on our election for venezuelans? >> we will see especially over the next 10 years in florida, because what you have to see is that over half of the venezuelan population in the united states is concentrated in florida which is still a swing with state. i think, you know, the estimates are continuing as they are, the venezuelan-american voting age population will be the largest, second largest immigrant voting bloc in florida right after cubans within a few years. so they're going to have a huge political impact here in the u.s., they're going to have a huge political impact in colombia where there are 2.5 million venezuelans. so just wait. this will be much bigger impact than the cubans and hopefully
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for the better to learn from the experience of venezuela that socialism does not work. ray yeah. they know it firsthand. they're raising the flag saying don't do it. [laughter] it's really interesting conversation. thanks so much, daniel. >> thank you, rachel. rachel: all right. coming up, novaking djokovic -- novak djokovic has the perfect response to a heckler who yelled, get vaccinated, right before he served. that viral moment up ahead. ♪ if ♪ i'm gonna hold you forever... ♪ ♪ i'll be there... ♪
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