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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  January 21, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PST

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hi, i'm jason. i've lost 228 pounds on golo. ♪ i don't ever want to go back to wearing a 4xl shirt or not being able to climb up stairs without taking a break. so i'm committed to golo for life. eric: start of the fox news
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alert iran targeting us the those of the tour on hate america blame for the increasing number of attacks against our troops in the middle east. our brave men and women now being injured. that, after iranian ballistic missiles and rockets hit the airbase in iraq. proxy groups backed by around blame for this but central command says a number of the u.s. personnel now being evaluated for traumatic brain injuries. it was w one of the largest attacks they say on our troops since he is really hamas were began. some are calling for president biden to do what ronald reagan did, take the action against the iranians directly as payback. hello welcome to "fox news live" i am eric shawn, hi arthel. arthel: hi eric, hello everyone i am arthel neville. now there have been at least 142 attacks on u.s. forces in iraq and syria over the last three months but u.s. central command says damage assessment on that base in iraq are ongoing but
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most of the missiles were intercepted. space bar fox news team coverage for your general jack keane standing by but he will tell us what the administration needs to do to stop this. but first let go to lucas tomlinson live in delaware is where the president has been spending this weekend. lucas? >> and eric, attack number 142 against u.s. forces inside iraq has been the largest yet in this conflict as you mention ballistic missiles being fired from western iraq by the proxy groups targeting airbase used by american forces in at least two soldiers were injured. this becomes 32 million-dollar reaper drone was blown out of the sky late last week that was the second time this has happened since early november. and of course the ballistic missile attack has the attention of the biden administration. >> it was a very serious attack using a capability ballistic missiles that pose a genuine
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threat through the skill of u.s. forces, and many if not most of those missiles were shot down before the impact of the base but some got through. x here are some u.s. central command approximate 6:30 p.m. last night baghdad time, multiple ballistic missiles and rockets were launched by militants in western iraq targeting the airbase but most of the missiles were intercepted by the basest air defense systems while others impacted the base damage assessments are ongoing. a number of u.s. personnel are undergoing evaluation for traumatic brain injuries at least one iraqi servicemember it was wounded. u.s. officials tell me that it leaves at 15 patriot interceptors were fired at the incoming ballistic missiles suit slipped through to american soldiers were wounded. senator tim scott says quote these attacks on our troops and assets need to stop now for every dollar president biden has released to iran is gone through endangering the lives of our service members and allies it is time for the biden administration to step up and
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address the threat from iran seriously and immediately yesterday at u.s. forces launched another round of airstrikes and a deck of the uss dwight d eisenhower using super hornets like this targeting arounds rebel army in yemen. this morning here in delaware, president biden went for breakfast and were held with a beat she did not speak to reporters who wanted to know what's going on in the middle east. eric: and what the ad ministration will do about it, lucas thank you. arthel: more on the step was to bring in fox news senior strategic analyst retired u.s. army general jacket cane. alright all right general, let'n here. a serious tactical missile attack with more than 15 u.s. patriot missiles launched to intercept. what does the escalation and sophistication levels indicate to you, general? >> well certainly iran is responding to the fact we have taken on the houthis beginning to conduct a sustained campaign against the trent eight which
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needs to be done. two things, one conduct eight sustained campaign to take down all of their capabilities which is finite. they just have x amount of rockets and missiles and a y amount of radar and command-and-control centers these are things we can get after comprehensively in stop the transshipment whether the going by sea or air we have just as much of it and aggressive campaign to do that for the eye iranians are reacting to that. i think we have to draw back a little bit here and think about the strategy we have with the eye iranians. this administration started out diplomatically trying to negotiate with iran to achieve stability in the middle east and that is not work the obama administration did much the same thing with the nuclear deal payf you and what their major clause in the nuclear deal was 15 years into it they could have nuclear weapons that's 2030. but the premise behind that was if you treated iran as a member of the international community
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respectfully it would likely curb their malign behavior in the middle east and if they acquired a nuclear weapon they would be a responsible nation does anybody on this planet now looking at that, believe that was ever possible? that has a blown up literally in our face. we have got to recognize there are not negotiate appeasement solutions with the eye iranians. they have upped their game, increase the capabilities of all the proxies in the region in these ensues in years of the negotiated nuclear deal. secondly we've got to recognize economically that we need to isolate iran. this administration pulled back on a trump administration sanctions, why a? to convince the eye iranians we were serious about renegotiating the nuclear deal. that has blown up in our face as well. we have got to get with the other nations piggyback to a maximum sanctions. isolate iran economically and they are not paying a price for
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any of this they are flush with the money because we have removed those sanctions they had the capability to resupply and energize these proxies which they are doing and i think doing rather successfully. and third is the military aspect of this. it is a a failed strategy to believe that we cannot attack iran's capabilities which are supporting the houthis, supporting hamas, supporting hezbollah supporting back the running back that would lead to all-out war with iran. iranians want no war the united states because they would lose their regime. so therefore we can escalate and at least begin with attack in the eye rgc capabilities which are fueling this war in terms of direction and training. the houthis were just recently at the training center. we have seen them training on the capabilities they are using right now to shut down the global supply chain.
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let's take that on in a measured way. it's not going to lead to all-out work will the iranians respond? of course they will but eventually that escalation will stop it will not lead to an all out war that is the fear of the administration has that paralyzes them from dealing with iran directly. arthel: you laid out a lot of great points as usual general your zinc documentation, diplomacy is not going to work basically punch the bully right in the nose and you feel the biden administration is afraid of doing that because their fear of further escalation you are saying that's not going to happen. go get it done and that's how to stop iran is out you're saying? >> yes pretty much so. i think there is evidence to support that. reagan did this in the late 1980s over a similar issue. the eye iranians were interfering with the traffic of persian gulf oil out of the middle east we were escorting it and they were taking us on we
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took down their oil platforms, their capabilities their patrol boats and naval bases to inflict the intervention and as a result of that they shut down. president trump made a decision to go after i rgc leadership namely that guy in charge, soleimani did they attack after that? yes but then they eventually shut down. i think the evidence is they are, iran does not want a war with the united states we have to have a comprehensive strategy it's not just military we've got to recognize appeasement is no longer a viable road here we've got to bring in our allies and partners to isolate iran both diplomatically, also economically i'm deal with them militarily as well. arthel: allies and partners on board at this whatever the u.s. may call as the correct strategy especially if they use the aggression that you talked about that would ultimately deter them and scare them away from their
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aggression. do you think the allies are on board with that? >> they would take some discussing with them. they have some of the same stripes this administration has they lack the spine to deal directly with iran and that is the reality of what we are dealing with. but if you put the facts in the case out there i think it is quite compelling. and many of them could be persuaded to step forward. after all we do have 12 nations involved in a multinational force trying to protect global shipping through the suez canal in the red sea that is already a start having some nations participating in that let's take the next step and isolate iran diplomatically and economically. arthel: i have to throw this out there because we have an election coming up and however many months now, 10 months now. i would imagine that has to be on the mind of the administration to not get the u.s. into further, more broad
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spread or you already pointed out to meet last cen night you d we are at war when i asked you that question. but the administration is concerned about spreading this further given what's happened in november if you could comment on that in 30 seconds because a child they really have to go, please. >> elections are part of the fabric of american life. that world out there has exploded before, during, and after elections. national leaders have to deal with that despite the elections they are facing. that is the reality. we cannot call the shots in the world out there. events happen, they take place we still have elections. we've got to be able to do both. deal with the world out there and pursue your own political goals. arthel: general jack keane, thank you. >> great talking to you, arthel. eric: speaking of elections here at home all eyes are on new hampshire. forty-eight hours to go until
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the first in the nation primary. the three top pulling republicans out stumping for last-minute boats except for florida governor ron desantis. he is spending most of this weekend in south carolina or he is focusing on that primary next month. over president trump is pulling way ahead of his challengers. looking to win new hampshire and build on his lead. meanwhile former un ambassador nikki haley hopes to sway some last-minute deciders. especially those undeclared voters in new hampshire who are the largest voting bloc in the granite state. take a look at the new daily tracking poll it shows are losing ground to the former president desantis, he trails them both in a distant third place. karl rove is here straight ahead with his analysis on this but first fox is alive across the snowy state whose motto is live free or die following the desantis campaign, bryan llenas on the campaign with nikki haley let's meet with alexis mcadams who is live in manchester the former president just rallied it
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last night and guess what he had top republican elected officials from south carolina. alexis talk about putting it in nikki haley's face, wow. >> hey eric, that is right he did have special guests on that stage really going after his competitors showing he has a lot of support across the country. not just here in new hampshire. eric, it is another very bitterly cold day here in the granite state f. that did not stop the trump supporter for waiting in lines for hours outside for hours just so they could hear the former president. he went after his competition sink they have no shot, watch. >> in short if you want a losing candidate who puts america at last, vote for either one of them, nikki haley or ron desantis. >> both candidates pushed back say they are doing just fine and are not worried about trumps criticism. but take a look trump is holding 50% support among likely republican primary voters
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according to this morning cnn unh poll here. his closest competitor former south china governor nikki haley is standing at 39%. desantis is trailing in a distant third less like the former president on stage at the southern new hampshire university of arena. he talked for about two hours focusing and on how he said he would secure the border and improve the economy. trump says his competition is not doing well that latest polls do show he has a commanding lead. going back to the pole you can see among new hampshire at registered republican voters, trump is by far the favorite is at 67% but look at this haley is doing much better among undeclared voters. this pope 58% see her as the top choice and undeclared voters made up the largest voting group in new hampshire and have been and a source of debate on the trail, listen. >> they're not going to win anyway they are not going to win anyway they're not even close but they're going to load it up with democrats and independents. we love it democrats want to vote for us we love independence especially the want to vote for
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us. but it's not what the party is about. but we know we are so close to the primary here in new hampshire? it's easier to turn on the local television station and all you see or campaign attack ads and flyers all over the place people here can feel it they are expecting a record voter turnot on tuesday. eric: are alexis very picturesque merrimack river thank you. arthel: it is gorgeous, gorgeous. meanwhile a change of plans for florida governor ron desantis he was to campaign in south carolina all weekend but decided to cut that short and had to new hampshire. the new travel schedule forced him to cancel some sunday morning tv appearances. madison is live in manchester with more. hate madison. >> hi arthel florida governor ron desantis is running a distant third here in new hampshire. but he does have a lot of it the attention on him today after abruptly canceling appearances on three major television networks that were all set to
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air this sunday morning canceling appearances on nbc, cnn aunt right here on fox. raising eyebrows everywhere leaving some to openly wonder what this means for the future of his campaign due to poor polling numbers his press secretary however posted this within an hour of the news breaking on xsan quotes that media hits were canceled due to a scheduling issue and will be rescheduled for the governor will be traveling sunday morning with the campaign has public events scheduled sunday evening through tuesday in new hampshire. now desantis had initially planned to be in south carolina all weekend but will now be making appearance here in manchester tonight at 5:00 p.m. but desantis held three events in south carolina yesterday. while he was in a myrtle beach desantis was asked directly whether south related trip was a sign that he didn't think he could earn any delegates in new hampshire. here's what he had to say. >> we are doing what we think we need to do to accumulate delegates.
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i think just making it clear we have got good footholds here. >> his foot hold it new hampshire less strong currently polling at 6%. supporters like congressman thomas and massie telling "fox news sunday" that is nothing to worry about. >> a while, we never had high expectations for new hampshire anyway i will be going to be going to new hampshire later today but the real fight is in south carolina and that is where nikki haley stumbles. she's going to miss expectations and not even when her own state. >> his campaign it sank desantis will be here through the primary on tuesday he'll talk to voters tonight at the farm bar and grill at 5:00 p.m. i'll send it back to you. >> i'll take it back here at madison, thank you very much. >> right now nikki haley is on her way to a second of six scheduled campaign stops today in the states. she just spoke with voters a few moments ago at mary and the diner and dairy.
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they are today shall be joined on the road by new hampshire governor who has endorsed her heat will try to help her win over voters. haley also earning the endorsement today of two of the states at major local newspapers who are backing her for president. brian it yet us at mary ann's at diner we are getting a sense of local views of ms. haley. hi brian. >> hey eric we are actually at the middle school former governor nikki haley just wrapped up one of the six events she has today. no one has spent more time in new hampshire then former governor nikki haley in fact her rivals of the one campaign stopped each today in new hampshire, she has six she had about 150 people here at the middle school for this event that wrapped up about a half-houhalfhour ago she will er day-to-day with a rally alongside tv very own judge judy who has endorsed her. haley has spent nearly $30 million on tv ads in the
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granite states. more than double trump and quadrupled desantis the campaign debuted a new three minute ad eric in new hampshire on monday at the day before the election featuring an endorsement by the mother of otto who died in 2017 fb taken hostage by north korea. it describes how haley encouraged her to stand up to north korea and demand justice for her son. yesterday haley attacked former president donald trump for cozying up to dictators. >> do you know what trump did? she would call me, or text me she was so upset because he would talk about the love letters he had with kim jong un. he would talk about the fact he didn't really think that kim jong un knew about the torture because kim told him that when the world is on fire you want to talk about a contrasting foreign policy? you do not befriend dictators. [cheering] [applause]
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>> today and haley received the endorsement of the boston globe editorial board the paper encouraging independent voters who normally would be inclined to participate in the democratic primary which is not competitive this year to vote in the republican quote for independent voters who can cast a ballot in either party's primary this ought to be the easiest call in a generation per your vote is going to matter a lot more in the republican race if you have an opportunity to help save the country from the alarming prospect of a second donald trump presidency. new hampshire does allow independent or undeclared voters to vote in the republican primary, registered democrats are not allowed to vote in that prime if they are expecting a record turnout on tuesday. >> alright brian, thanks so much. arthel: eight tragedy in the rio grande of texas and other migrt has drowned while trying to get into the united states. we have it live or port that is coming up next.o pr♪
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arthel: @tragedy at the southern part of the texas department of public safety reports finding the body of an illegal immigrant who drowned apparently while trying to cross the rio grande river. it is at least the fourth migrant drowning in just over a week. it comes as a bipartisan group
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of lawmakers led by texas congressman michael mcfall tours the border this weekend. danamarie is live in eagle pass, texas. what more can you tell us? >> arthel, you can see behind me a dangerous and shallow part of the rio grande were tens of thousands of migrants cross monthly over into the u.s. you can also see the razor wire lining the river as a clear deterrent but i witnessed texas military telling migrants do not cross, the current is strong. many still make the attempt and photos you are about to see art sensitive. yesterday we learned after and in the tactical marine unit did recover a body of an unidentified deceased and mail adult from a shallow portion of the river south of where we are now part in the last three years there've been 2300 illegal immigrant deaths as a result of drownings, heat exhaustion, vehicle accident in harsh environmental conditions.
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they tells us pose a drowning last week and a mother and two children to round on the rio grande. yesterday house foreign affairs committee chairman michael mccaul members of congress took a tour of the rio grande on both to see it work migrants are suppressing illegally each one spoke at a press conference there were a visibly frustrated with the current state of the border operations. >> there were 3.1 million people it came to the border. 2.5 border encounters. 600,000 getaways that's a 3.5. and then about 1.5 got allowed to come in one way or the other to the u.s. and that is not acceptable. the system cannot take this. >> texas a democrat emphasize both republicans and democrats need to work together on this crisis to see change. >> of needs to go back to the policies that work and get this thing done.
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8 million encounters, no legal status 300 on a terror watch list. >> another topic discussed was a drug smuggling from mexico into the united states. mccall is will the other group will travel to mexico city today to mate with the president and other mexican officials to talk about how they can stop the influx of fentanyl coming into the u.s. ducks remember lawmakers and next trip to the border as well. danamarie reporting from eagle pass, texas thank you. space bar how can the country really put a stop to the influx? joining us now congressman pat fallon as a republican from texas who serves on the armed services and oversight committee. the cause of drownings is another tragic reminder of the human cost of this crisis. can the two parties work
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together to finally end this? what do you want to see? >> eric, thank you for having me on. listen i really hope we can because we really have too. what we have seen in this administration for the last three years is a massive explosion of migrant crossings on our southern border. the data it shows this appeared under president obama and his first 34 months there's 1.5 million illegal encounters under president trump it was almost the same number almost a little but a larger bird under joe biden it was nearly 8 million in its first 34 months that's about eight and a half-million now. we really have to i was just at the border two weeks ago the number one think thing we asker patrol agents was, if there is one single thing we could do what would it be to do to change things they said r reinstitute white and mexico are those claiming asylum would wait in mexico whether case is adjudicated they said agents and they should know, what we have seen in the crossings would be
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reduced by 70% by just doing get one thing. eric: why, isn't that not being done? >> that's just it joe biden has a wide executive authority to fix this immediately. he really can take he could in u weight in mexico right now if you really look at the laws, he could stop migration from any particular country if he so chooses he has that authority is just choosing not to use it which he is catering unfortunately to his extreme left wishers not serve any one e well people we have seen politically as if they don't fix this is going to lose the election in november. along the southern border in texas most folks that lived there are from the hispanic. overwhelmingly they aren't leaving the democrat party in droves in becoming republicans. we have two were public congress members of from the board at that republican traditional areas. at one point we had three. they better fix it or they're going to pay the price at the polls for. >> talk about hispanic republicans what you think the far left and some of the
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progressives would do to the president if he enacted what you are calling for? >> they have got no other choice. if it were someone who was a lot more political savvy like barack obama or bill clinton on the democrat side they never would have let it get this bad. but joe biden is a shadow of its former self. i do think -- mickey does not have the mental acuity he once had. again look at the numbers they are record profits from the drug cartels. i mean eric, the last two years under president trump we caught three people a year on the terrorist watch list, three. last fiscal year is 169. chinese nationals crossing the border has spiked. russian nationals have spiked. in fact a few years ago there were only 323 chinese nationals on the southern border last year it was 24000. this is alarming i could teach a three credit college course in four months was going on the southern border people be alarmed. >> the president blames you guys.
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he says at the republicans passed the 14 billion-dollar border bill that he has up on the hill, this could be solved. what would you say to that? >> i would say dude june with te presidents doing? personnel it is distraction. think about a spigot. we want to stop the flood of illegal migrants. what the president's approach is is more buckets he wants more immigration judges to give out more migrants to adjudicate their asylum claims to have them come into the country. he was more border patrol agents but is not letting the border patrol agents enforce the law they are merely processing. why don't we turn off the spigot? the well my to do that is weight and mexico policy, redefined what credible fear is that institute e-verify, that will be something that would work. how about building walls and barriers, that also works to put an expedited removal. if someone goes all the way from ecuador they get to the nine states border they are told to wait in mexico they're going to call home and said this sucked it was very dangerous, it is very costly and i cannot even
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get in any way. so the folks that follow will come at all. eric: got one more from you it's a doozy. dan pfeiffer former advisor to president obama riding in the message she says this, he says quote in an article the republicans actually want a border crisis but they want a crisis at the border to help them in the election. the republicans see the border as a huge political vulnerability for president biden paid the republicans would rather have a crisis to exploit than actual solution, 20 seconds what is your answer to him? >> he's half right it is a complete disaster politically for joe biden but we want the border fixed. i love this country what this country to thrive i wanted to succeed there's 3.8 billion people in the world waiting to come in illegally respecting the laws and the rules of the country they want to be a part of so yes i would love it fixed. eric: the computer is cutting us off. thank you congressman. >> thanks.
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arthel: we are just two days away from the first primary vote on the republican presidential nomination calendar. new hampshire voters get their say tuesday and a one of a handful of open primaries across the country. so this is how it works. republicans and democrats ahead to their polling place to cast ballots their own party's election. here's the open part. undeclared voters can take place in either site if you are not registered you could sign up on site. for democrats this year is unusual. under new hampshire's state law it must be the first primary in the nation. but president biden and the dnc wanted to put south carolina first this year. so the dnc is awarding and no delegates in new hampshire president biden won't be on the ballot there.
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instead, dems are pushing right in biden campaign meantime republicans are battling for 22 delegates which candidates get based on results. let's bring in a karl rove former white house deputy chief of staff fox news contributor. currently need your whiteboard for that but i think our graphics worked out just fine i want to dive in right away look at the coveted undeclared voters in new hampshire. the republican primary and they are. trop, 40 haley 49%. and at desantis has a 4% what does this say to you? >> as you point out the odd thing about new hampshire is three to 3000 democrats 298 republicans, 298,000 republicans are three to 99000 unregistered that is to say independence they get to vote in whatever primary they want. we aren't likely to see a larger number participate in the republican primary because
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that's where the action is. among the independents who say they're going to vote in the republican primary, nikki haley is ahead but as you can see in the real clear politics average in average donald trump is ahead by about 15 points in the rolling average is probably tighter than that because that is an average with the older polls in as we get closer it appears she does have some momentum. the question will be how many independents come into myrna and can they propel her to victory or to a much closer and to the contest? >> based on the polls we have on your whiteboard as well desantis is at the bottom there. about desantis he canceled his sunday morning show appearances on three networks including hours late yesterday. and he changed his new hampshire schedule he was originally planning to be in new hampshire tomorrow focusing on south carolina all week but he is now holding events in new hampshire today. as my grandmother used to say you tell me.
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>> i cannot tell you that is really strange here he had a chance to be on national television on three networks which would give them a large number of viewers and instead he's doing something maybe it's traveling to new hampshire and after canceling new hampshire's attic new hampshire so do not ask me it is somewhat confusing. and emblematic of what his campaign has been in recent months which is a red hot mess. arthel: it has definitely been a little bit unusual to say the least. if i have producers drive time for one more or no? >> alright let me do one more than i want to take a look at this 500 likely new hampshire voters were asked who would be your second choice? today at 32% picked desantis. yesterday 34% said desantis friday 8:30 seven set said desantis. today 10% haley would be their second choice yesterday and friday at 7% picked haley.
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someone else but the 17-point average and those undecided on their second choice with 18% what is this tell you? >> it suggested nikki haley has momentum and ar ron desantis dos not. as ignoring the front runner and i wer with the final number thai will pulled was 48% on election day he got 51 and got 51 by going hard after vivek ramaswamy who supporters a second choice was donald trump. he started taking up the guy whose people are most likely to be coming towards him and has gotten vivek ramaswamy's endorsement in new hampshire as a result. but little different strategy at the end is trying to say everybody ought to get out of the contest so we could unite against joe biden. not as effective as of an answer as he had in the iowa caucuses but none the less he's got a
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15-point lead let's see if that holds up on primary night, tuesday. arthel: you will be here we will be watching former white house deputy chief of staff karl rove. thank you. >> thank you i arthel. arthel: we will be right back her skin was better, she was more active. if i can invest in her health and be proactive, i think it's worth it. visit (♪) there's two things a young man wanna be - a cowboy or a gangster. and a gangster's outta style. i got back to my roots... we come from a long line of cowboys. my grandfather, my great-grandfather,
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♪ ♪ arthel: israel a war against harassment and for several months. meanwhile hamas s is still not free any more hostages until that offensive and spit our own trey yingst was embedded with the israeli defense forces in gaza second largest city and got a rare look at the underground tunnel system. we've got that live. >> arthel, good afternoon today at 107 of the war between israel and hamas would do as a joint israeli forces as fighting rages on in the southern part of gaza the israelis uncovered new evidence of where hostages were
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held. >> is really gunner scans the windows of a building. troops move toward the front lines of the gaza strip. in the heart of a civilian neighborhood israeli tanks maneuvered through the dirt with fire fights in the distance. >> you can hear at the israeli forces are battling hamas militants blocks away cooks in the basement of a nearby home the entrance can only be described as held below earth. >> were going down now to 20 meters under the ground. down to the tunnel down to the prison. this is where they took the hostages when they lead them to the prison. >> dark and sweltering core doors are illuminated by porch lights and headlamps crouched but advancing wheat move carefully through the labyrinth of tunnels. >> right now we are deep under the second largest city. israeli forces behind me
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remained on high alert they have not yet been able to clear the maze of tunnels progress a larger room we find pots and pans alongside baby diapers are the tubes hamas used to store rocket propelled grenades. further into the complex small cells with iron doors match the description of where released hostages say they were held. >> we found children's drawings. we found dna this is a verified to be the hostages cell and a hostage compound. >> back above the ground the sounds of war, we get a closer look. recent analysis says around 50% of all buildings in gaza have been damaged or destroyed it. countless vulnerable palestinians left without homes or shelter. and as the war moves further south gazan civilians are running out of places to go. >> this is why in the north called the population almost three weeks before we entered
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into the area to move to a safer zone because at least there will be less casualties. >> israel has targeted that zone as well? what's of course. because in the north there was a huge tunnel system. >> with a growing humanitarian crisis for palestinian civilians israeli forces are expected to lower the intensity of their campaign in the coming weeks. the five excellent report, trey yingst. thank you. stay for just a static new york city alleges stocker of taylor swift is under arrest accused of trying to get into her apartment straight cb cotton is there at the scene. >> hi eric, one neighbor has reportedly seen the suspect hanging around the neighborhood for about a month or even sleeping on a building stoop at some point they said they called police a few times about this man but the handcuffs did not come out until he tried to break
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into her apartments. eyewitnesses telling the "new york post" this is the man who headed straight for her door at around 1:00 p.m. saturday afternoon nypd says its officers that arrived on scene at about 1:30 p.m. for report of a disorderly person who tried to open a door at the building. lisa source said they took the men into custody on an active warrant from back in 2017 for not answering a court summons for those who watch everything go down say the arrest was a pretty calm despite how scary it must have been for swift who was reportedly home at the time. now we have reached out to swift's team to see if despite the scary encounter whether she will still had for western new york this evening to watch her boyfriend kansas city chief tite and travis kelce take on the buffalo bills again we've reached out for more details on the incident to see how she is doing for it she has been spotted in the owners a box at these games quite a bit this season. back to you. so far she has been the center
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of attention at these games. see beat thank you and we will be right back. we're talking about cashbackin. not a game. not a game! we're talking about cashbackin. we're talking about cashbackin. we're not talking about practice? no. we're talking about cashbackin. we're talking about cashbackin. we're talking about cashbackin. not a game! we've been talking about practice for too long. -word. -no practice. we're talking about cashbackin. we're talking about cashbackin. i mean, we're not talking about a game! cashback like a pro with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cashback?
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chase. make more of what's yours. my name's cody archie. and i'm erica. cody: and we're first generation ranchers from central texas. erica: and because of tiktok, we're able to show people from all over the world where their food and fiber come from. cody: we have dorper sheep and we have beef cattle for the sole purpose of going into the food chain. we use tiktok as a tool to inform people of what we do and why we do it. there's just a plethora of knowledge and of information swapping going on there. tiktok is helping us protect this way of life for future generations. (dogs barking) - hey, we're here to get you. (whimpering) - it's okay. - don't be scared. - let's go. - that's a good job. - can i see him? - this is our home - and this is our room.
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eric: man, do those subzero temperatures have an icy grip on large parts of the country we are going to start thawing out midweek. adam has a work week for us.
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>> say they are, eric finally some good news if you're sick of all is really cold weather you get through today, things to improve. the stil so cold out there on s. middle of the country midwest currently look at 16 degrees. you add in the wind at 20 it feels like temperature feels like 3 degrees in chicago it gets cold deep into the south are getting down below freezing and a lot of these areas dallas stretching towards atlanta where they feels like temperatures into the 20s. currently, a lot of cold air out thetheir oath to showing you tht this does break down over the next couple of days you start to see warm air beginning to funnel and as you see more of the oranges that is indicating folks who are synced temperatures above average that is happening a whole lot more in the coming days. by the time you get into one wednesday we are really talking about maybe not record-breaking heat but compared to what we just saw some really warm air that's ultimately going be fun and in across the country that's going to be lingering almost for the entire week ahead. this is what the forecast looks
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like the timestamp is up in the corner you just see we go from the teens and single digits to suddenly back up into the 30s, back up into the 40s and in some cases you are looking at highs getting up in the 50s, 60 degrees. so very warm air finally funneling back into some of these regions. eric: adam assert arctic cold front and some fancy thing that is because it's cold? >> at a deep blast of cold air come in for the arctic coming in from portions of canada that's kind of settled in as blocked by high pressure system by the east and went toward the west that's broken down. we are in in and el nino pattera mild winters what we are expecting were about to get back to that. eric: we get cold like this again do you think i know you cannot forecast too far out. >> the big picture with this set up is a warmer winter. so it more of kind of what we are seeing this week should continue. stiffer get warmer if you are an icicle out there, adam thank
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you. arthel back to my icicle partner. arthel: [laughter] it is cold. i'm telling you what that goes inside of you you cannot warm up hot coffee, hot cocoa, nothing works. anyway we will keep a watch out. eric: get the hot topic at theo st. bernard. arthel: there you go, there you talking. 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪)
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this is our last chance to help save thousands of holocaust survivors who are suffering in the former soviet union today. the needs that these forgotten jews have are something beyond anything you can imagine. have you eaten this morning? i ate the carrot, so i ate half of it yesterday, and i had it today for breakfast. and this is what she ate in two days, one carrot. please pray for me! the international fellowship of christians and jews began this ministry to help elderly jews
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