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tv   FOX News Sunday  FOX News  January 21, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PST

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shannon: "fox news sunday" islio
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days before the first in the nation primary. i am shannon bream gop candidates are making their last pitches to voters. ♪ which is not going to make it she has no chance the quickest he things i have no chance or hope why is he writing millions of ads against me? shannon: after the showing in iowa caucuses from campaign targets nikki haley rolls out a big endorsement from her home state. >> we need donald trump. shannon: rhonda said to shift its focus away from his poor polling in new hampshire. or just a lot of real estate between now and the south carolina primary in terms of political time to cook to have the boat will begin keep surrogates from all three campaigns. south carolina congressman ralph norman for nikki haley. kentucky congressman tong was massive for ron desantis ohio et csenator jd vance of her donald trump. >> there is no better place to see retail politics. to realize where they come from why they're here.
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shannon: then the house and senate find a financial band-aid find a short-term spending bill to keep the government up and running for now. but talk aboard to secure the deal this southern border and aid for ukraine and israel hangs in limbo. >> therapy no money for ukraine. no money for israel. unless you stop the abuse of parole. exodus and the necessity about ukraine funding i'm going to say the status quo is unacceptable progress or sunday panel weighs in as a speaker faces growing pressure from the left and the rights. plus, by then not on the ballot in the grand estate. we'll go behind the effort to get him votes anyway. >> either joe biden is not on the ballot in new hampshire, we are going to write him in big rexall right now on "fox news sunday." ♪ ♪ ♪ hello from bedford for special
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new hampshire primary edition of "fox news sunday." the granite state has been for the haley campaign hopes to make their mark in this race, recent polling showing her closing the gap with a front runner former president trump. but brand-new numbers out this morning show he is widening his need in new hampshire over nikki haley to 19 points with florida governor desantis trailing the pack at a distant third period while republican hopefuls five pfeiffer 22 delegates two days from now zero delegates are up for grabs on the democratic side after a heated dispute between the dnc and new hampshire over which estate gets to cast a primary votes first in a moment we will be joined by a surrogate for the trump campaign ohio republican senator jd vance. but first we have live team coverage on the ground fox news senior national correspondent rich edson in myrtle beach, south carolina were desantis has had much of his stuff box correspondent alexis mcadams in new hampshire, will start with
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alexis good morning there. >> hi good morning from manchester, new hampshire we can tell you everywhere you look you can tell it is about to be primary time here in the granite state. you see campaign attack ads on the local tv stations and flyers all over town. voters are are noticing as the candidates make their final push. the final countdown is on in the granite state. german and as the rally's rage on former president trump continues to dominate the race. former south kind governor nikki haley has been more competitive leaving for the governor desantis trailing behind. >> new hampshire will never let us down. >> what we've got to start getting this right new hampshire can be the solution for. >> me back on the different parts of new hampshire and look forward to doing first in the nation for. >> new hampshire has been the first in the nation primary state for more than a century. and every four years sits in the political spotlight.
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a role new hampshire governor who has endorsed nikki haley says voters take seriously. >> is your dad has said i would fix corn and new hampshire picks a presence is that still true? like "that's what he said." our main role is to narrow the field progress trump is watching those polls closely bred former president working to maintain momentum adding another endorsement, this often south carolina senator tim scott and still slamming his competition. >> nikki hale never secure the border or stop the fentanyl that is killing thousands and thousands of new hampshire citizens. guards were things going on? this is what he does what he feels insecure this is what he does when he feels threatened i worked with him, i know exactly how he is precooked the ongoing fight for those undeclared voters has been a major focus. registered democrats cannot vote in the republican primary and vice versa. but undeclared voters can. at nearly three to 50000 they make up the largest voting bloc in the states. no matter what their party they
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care about the same issues. >> immigration. illegals going across the border. >> i think the economy right now with the interest rates that went up. >> for gun rights, immigration foreign policy. >> officials say they expect to record voter turnout. in new hampshire on tuesday. shannon: are right alexis mcadams life you're new hampshire, thank you very much read ron desantis is currently more than 800 miles away in south carolina. trying to boost its primary chances and nikki haley's home state. box correspondent rich edson joins us live from myrtle beach, south herman hello rich. next the primary here is nearly five weeks away. governor desantis says he is returning to new hampshire. the campaign said he has canceled a handful of television interviews they s said he will reschedule them. the trump campaign maintains the canceled appearances show the end is near for the desantis campaign. >> i got off the plane i did not know whether i was in south
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carolina, or new hampshire because it was 30 degrees progress for the governor desantis campaigns as they are wasting no time taking the fight to former governor nikki haley's home state. desantis opened his swing through south carolina fielding questions from voters in myrtle beach promising to declare an emergency at the border. /the size of the federal government. the campaign aide said the pressure is on haley to win her home state. if not to get out of the race for. >> i think pretty clearly there is just too many conservative voters here for someone like nikki haley to win the state. i think that is obvious for. >> haley has maintained this is already a two candidate race. between her and the front runner former president trump to this trip haley spokesperson said south carolina is a great state they hope to santos team enjoyed their vacation time for. >> he is been invisible in new hampshire's been invisible in south caroline is closer to zero then he is to me and neither one of those states. that's his choice if that's what he wants to do progress a desantis campaign denied
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skipping new hampshire pointing out the governor was there friday. says he will return ahead of this week's primary after investing millions and months in iowa finishing a distant second just ahead of haley and ate it tells fox desantis campaign is moving the majority of its staff here to south carolina. the state were trump has polled well as he is done across the country in endorsing trump center tim scott joins fellow senator from south carolina lindsey graham on in the states governor henry mcmaster. >> desantis has no events listed today for south carolina. he has a campaign event tonight in manchester, new hampshire. shannon: all right rich edson reporting in south carolina, thank you. here in new hampshire been talking to voters that they get ready to head to the polls on tuesday per these are savvy consumers for they have heard from the contenders many multiple times you are going to hear from these voters throughout the show today. here's one of our first chats. >> okay at lowest, what i find so interesting as you want to the trump event. he waited outside the freezing
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cold and snow you are here at a desantis event but you are voting for someone else? >> yes somebody for nikki. >> was a difference with her that she when you over? >> no baggage. >> joining us now as a surrogate for the trump inmate ohio center jd vance. welcome back to "fox news sunday" per you heard what lois told me there she said there is no baggage with nikki haley that is something i've heard again and again from people here who are opting not to choose president trump as her primary choice in new hampshire what is your argument to them about what nikki haley continues to say from the campaign trail is a choice for chaos? >> first about i think trump is way out ahead in new hampshire but nationally that's very important to remember. my response to that vote it would be nikki does have baggage she just has not faced the onslaught of years of media tax of super pac attacks that donald trump has faced and frankly the fact trump is still standing and still leading in the polls against joe biden suggests he
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has real political resilience a lot of people are choosing nikki haley think she is the low baggage candidate. in reality she is the candidate the democrats have not teed off on but they will tee off on her if she is the nominee she won't be but if she is she will face exactly what donald trump's face for the past six years i do not think she will survive it i certainly do not think she will win the presidency through it that is opening to let the guy has shown resilience at so many to nominate. shannon: posted voters decide here let's break it down a little more. others i talked to follow this argument about how nikki haley does head to head against president biden here she is making that point in one of her routine points now and campaign stump speeches. >> is going to be a nailbiter of an election we are going to end up holding our breath again. i meant every one of the same general election polls and i beat biden by 17 points. shannon: something or resonate people here a couple of voters i talked to who made that point as well.
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>> tom and linda, okay have you made a decision? are you here to get more information where you guys at? >> were here to get more information but i'm sort of leaning towards nikki. shannon: okay, why? >> i think she's got the best chance to beat joe biden. shannon: you have seen the polls, not all of them are the wide range nikki haley's dated at points most of them are closer but she is in all the head-to-head polls involved in the gop the one who seems to do best against the president. so what do you tell the voters who say that's why they are choosing her? >> first of all i saw a poll yesterday that suggested donald trump did much better against joe biden the nikki haley does so i don't think that's true of anything close to the majority of the polls but again go back to something i said a little bit earlier nikki haley is not face the democrat media machine for six years we have to ask ourselves not with the polls will say today, but what will
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the polls they would democrats run ads a sink nikki haley wants to/or social security so that she can send more money to foreign countries? that is exactly what they're going to do because that is in fact what nikki haley says she wants to do out on the campaign trail we have to member negative ads and the messaging behind them if i could just finish, they really do make an impact and we have to ask ourselves who was the most resilient candidate in the face of the democratic machine? i don't know anybody can look at the last six years as a that is anybody but donald trump request to be fair i don't think on the campaign trail she's telling people she's going to cut social security to send money to other countries in butts, we pressed her on that she does talk about potentially raising retirement age of people now in their 20s entering the system so definitely talking about changes to entitlement under foreign policy certainly breaks with former president as well will talk little bit more about that. in the meantime government desantis is out there saying there is a reason they want president trump to win. he thanks is to benefit the other side. here's his take.
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>> they are invested a trump domination because they want the election to be about the legal issues, the criminal cases, all of these thing the liberal media likes that they know that will help the democrats. >> both to show the president would lose some support from folks who say he'd be at his choice if he was convicted. with that in mind tell gop voters this is a gamble you're going to have to take. how do you convince them it is worth that? >> i am sorry i just don't think ron's a point passes the smell test there for their trying to dare than they can to remove him from the ballot. even moderate democrats are coming o up things on the trips there using it donald trump did not pass constitutional muster the idea that democrats won him to be the nominee when they are throwing everything it's the wild throw him off the ballot is in saying nobody actually believes that i think broadly speaking republican voters recognize and only was donald trump a good president in the past, he will be a good
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president in the future and he has survived the machine. i have tasted a little bit of this most republican politicians taste some small piece of this trump has faced an onslaught of character assassination hundreds of millions of dollars may be billions of dollars of attack ads. surviving in the face of that is maybe the most important signal i whether you are a winning candidate i think trump has survived it better than anyone i've seen in politics. shannon: a couple fresh polls out we have the suffolk poll that puts president trump at 55% haley at 36, desantis at six but we just got the cnn poll that hasn't much closer trump at 50%, haley at 39 and desantis again at 6% for you the largest group in new hampshire is undeclared. they can vote in a gop primary there are a couple of newspaper editorials today endorsing nikki haley telling people if you are independent get out, save the country vote in the gop primary that is a substantial group of people here, how concerned are you about them showing up and not choosing president trump on
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tuesday? except to draw a distinction between independent independent-minded a lot will vote for dump truck liberal many from massachusetts are moving to new hampshire they are never going to vote for republican nominee even if it's nikki haley they're just trying to play spoiler to donald trump. i think republicans really have to ask ourselves do we want liberal suburbanites from massachusetts to choose our nominee or do we want to choose our nominee as a republican and independent-minded conservatives. if we choose our nominee donald trump is going to win is going to win handily by the way this campaign strategy of getting liberals to vote for you and republican primary does not work nationally it won't work in south carolina pretty won't work in ohio, it won't work in most other states we actually need to select our nominee of the voters who we can actually get not with go to try to play spoiler because they hate donald trump and the republican party. shannon: nikki haley said she welcomes us a board of democrats and independents that we should have a big tent party as
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republicans. thus the president not agree? the president certainly agrees i come from a party of ancestral democrats who migrated to the republican party in large part because of donald trump's message but it is one thing to get democrats are open-minded to vote for you it is another thing to get democrats who are never going to vote for republicans to vote for you. we've got to be a big tent party but with people who have an open mind that would democrats are just hate donald trump i went to play spoiler. shannon: okay ohio senate j deviance thank you for your time today, good to see you. cap next sarah gets in the haley and desantis campaigns as one contender decide to skip the sunday shows and another celebrate the birthday on the campaign trail. ♪ ♪ you don't have to wait until retirement to start enjoying your plans.
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when she got to respect nikki haley brady got to diss respect desantis they do not have what it takes at this time in history to be able to move this country back in its rightful place of opportunities, security, and promise. shannon: also the trump supporters i spoke to here in new hampshire pretty told me he doesn't like the other candidates but he does not think they are equipped to handle our current challenges in the same way the former president has been we are joined now by circuits for those two republican campaigns have grown a republican congress meant ralph normand represented the haley campaign. and thomas massie represented the desantis campaign we began with congressman norman. welcome, good to see her this morning. >> five to be with you, shannon.
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shannon: started to pulls out the sthis one of the suffolk pos trump 55% and nikki haley backbite 19 buoyancy of the cnn poll has a closer bit nikki haley back by double digits and 11 percentage points. how did she change the conversation with 48 hours to go here new hampshire? >> well, the polls are one th thing, shannon. what nikki is that when she announced in february's basically showcased her vision for the country. she showcased her talents. she was the only candidate who has gone up in the polls she is not on down. she is attracting the crowds because people like what they hear. and shannon, she has the it factor she attracts voters from all different sides because they like her and they like what she is saying and her optimism. what she will do in the remaining days in new hampshire and what she will do in south carolina is to continue what she has been doing which is telling
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the american people what her vision is and she will deliver on it. shannon: you heard was senator vance had to say that she is trying to attract liberal voters and people who don't really care about goper conservative ideals is not going to be a winning strategy in the general election were she to make it there what doto make of his comments? >> well, senator vance knows when you go in front of an audience you do not ask are you democrat? are you republican? you make the case for why they should vote for you and that is what nikki does and he knows that. that nikki gives people a reason to vote for her and that is what is so attractive about her and that is why she is gaining. people like what they see and again the polls show that she will do very wellin new hampshire. she will do very wellin south carolina. shannon: you were once a supporter of president trump so much so you voted against certifying some the electoral college votes are generally six. at what point and for what
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reason did you pivot away to now support one of his biggest rivals? >> a couple of things and i called president trump. his policies were great what he did was great for the country particularly what biden is doing it now but it is time for a change. i think the youth, nikki just turned 52 she is 25 years younger than donald trump right i am sorry when you have a president like the pressures they are going to be facing when you see what they're going to have to do to attract new talent into congress and the senate you've got to go to work doing that. nikki will do that. another big thing people need to know donald trump can only give you four years that's like a football team can only play half of the game. it's going to take eight years to get this country straight nikki's youth and the fact she can give eight years i would also make the argument it's released three years because the last are of a term is political. like you are seeing now.
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president trump is going to be tied up in legal fights. weaning semi that can come in and work. the criticism that he has of heard the only reason he is doing that is because she is gaining in the polls. and he knows she is a serious threat this is a two-person race now. shannon: let's talk about why the critique said collector president you hyped eight years potentially a bore here's what he said the other night about her foreign policy. >> nikki haley is backed by the deep state of the military-industrial complex. she has never seen a war she doesn't like. shannon: he called her a globalist what is your response question. >> the warranty picker for ambassador to the united nations? that's what the greatest pics he made if she was there and why did he praise her for her toughness? for the way she dealt in israel, with the capitol. note that's just political talk and donald trump knows that.
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and that same thing he got her confused yesterday with nancy pelosi january 6 with the national guard. i would say 25 years ago he would not have made that mistake but he kept saying nikki haley did this with that national guard he was talking about nancy pelosi that's another example he would not have made that mistake if he was younger. shannon: let me ask you before you go why are you one of the only elected officials in south carolina who is backing her up why isn't she doing better in the polls there? >> i went with nikki because i work with her but she and i came into legislature in 2005 at the same time. i see what she can do, shannon. she is a tireless worker and i know it shall differ the country. she's the only one that's gone up in the polls she will continue to go up that is why they are criticizing her like they are.
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i don't have any problem with that. i like or we are. i like the fact that what she is doing i'll be with her in south carolina as i was in iowa when wherever she needs us. shannon: are at congress meant ralph normand thank you for your time this morning. >> my pleasure for joining us now congressman thomas massie's surrogate for the desantis campaign good to see again, grossman. both pulls out this morning a pretty dire for your candidate. both the suffolk poll in cnn poll have governor desantis at just 6%. there's a lot of talk about why he canceled appearances on sunday shows is it because he doesn't want to talk about the numbers? >> you know we never had high expectations for new hampshire anyway nikki is exploiting a corquirk of their primary whichs that undeclared, i.e. democrats can vote in a republican primary. i'll be going to new hampshire later today but the real fight is in south carolina that is where it nikki haley stumbles.
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she's going to miss expectations and not even when her own state. shannon: let's talk about governor desantis and the fact he has tried to make his pitch in iowa, new hampshire, everywhere he has been that he is a covid who gets things done u.s. me too do something i have a success rate here's might legislative record he is contrasted that against governor haley and trump there's a number things he promise he did not get done why do you think that is not resonating better with voters? is it a choice of policy versus personality? why isn't that landing with voters? >> on the talk about that difference and talk about why it may not be resonating. first of all the main thing i hear from people back home as they are mad no one is held accountable in washington d.c. i think we need to hold trump accountable he did not build the wall he did not get mexico to pay for it he ran up $7.8 trillion in debt. he fumbled the repeal i gave an
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accommodation and award to doctor fauci to shut down our country is not held any to hold them responsible let's hold that guy accountable. contrast that with ron desantis he reduce the debt 25% he fired the d.a. he got the walk is out of their schools and the universities. any bandit china from buying land there. he has got a great contrast they do not want to talk about it they do but will not debate him now neither nikki haley nor the president because the record is so stellar and neither of them have much to run on but why is and it resonating? people have rallied to trump's defense because they've been indicted several times. i feel compelled to rallied to his defense. that's an attack on all of us but here is the problem. this summ is summer and they are going to be litigating these cases and the court and they are going to ripen into conviction. we are going to talk about the finer ports whether you could
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pay a pouring star with your campaign money or if you should write it off as a business expense. the lawsuit itself is ridiculous. the underlying facts are not disputed people are going to recoil from that went all that stuff starts coming out this summer. the polls that show him beating a biden, those are going to switch very quickly. shannon: a lot of folks i talked to here who are trump supporters that he is her choice for tuesday here in new hampshire. all of those cases against him only made them double down and their support. we will see if that continues as this to progress. you are one of very few people in congress he was actually campaigning for someone who is not president trump what you have said quote it is a political risk. how much do you think all those congressional endorsements in the neighborhood of about 140 at this point are about a fear of a president trump versus love his policies, let him think he's the best candidate. what kind of price you think you would pay if he wins? >> either trump antibiotics he came at me for opposing the
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cares act is only congressman who did i said it was going to cause inflation. it would cause shortages and by the way it funded the mail in ballots and spent two truly does contrast that with ron desantis he called me up while everyone is hating on me including that president and said i'm going to open our economy make sure kids go to school. now trump came at me and i wonder might reelection i'm not worried about it but i think there are a lot of those endorsements are not wholehearted endorsements they are either afraid he will get involved in their primaries or they are afraid if he does when he will be vindictive. ron desantis can work with anybody. there is no vindication expected from him after he wins that's just the way it is a sort of bullying tactics of the former president. shannon: if he finishes third here as he is expected to do in new hampshire and also in south carolina, what is the future path for him? >> it is a great question but he
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was second in iowa and she was third period she will be at second he will be third in new hampshire she is not even on the ballot in nevada. and iran is for them to go to south carolina she's going to lose this. i think what we are seeing is the only way you can beat to trump if it's a head to head race between two people and the question is that person going to be nikki haley or ron desantis? nikki haley's ideology is somewhere in the zip code of john mccain, mitt romney and liz cheney she said hilary clinton was her inspiration. she has a ceiling and these primaries that are closed primaries were only republicans can vote of about 35%. she could not beat the donald trump rate ron desantis can. and as i said as these indictments it go into convictions i would learn about the details in the stuff his poll numbers are going to go upside down against biden will see iran is no someone who can n in november. shannon: all right congressman massie for the desantis team,
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thank you very much for a quick thank you shannon. shannon: up knuckle grandson the group including bret baier who's got some scoop on president trump. here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost.
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>> it made me more passionate to support him as i felt there is a lot of political motivation in trying to get him out of the washington d.c. political arena. >> i don't like trump i think is to crash. and biden. there is nobody else coming up to the plate like haley is progrprogressive florida we lovr governor we think he'd be a great president. we just love his ideals. everything is done for florida was tender for the nation. >> he's here and want to see his governor. shannon: had been here in new hampshire speaking to voters ahead of the presidential primary on tuesday, two days ago polls show homer president trump is still the front runner nikki haley and second, time to break it down at the sunday group
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sheet of political anchor anchor a special report on the fox news channel bret baier, anchor executive editor of the story on fox news chfox news channel marm and bret hume box chief analyst. we've got the a-team in there but we got the big leagues it's good to see you guys this morning. bret, last night you are out and got to have a little chat with over president trump it we want to buy a little bit about many issues but this is about the deep stakes. >> you said in our town hall that you had an idea or you might've already decided about your vp pick. when you think you'll make that? >> never has had that much of an effect on an election which is an amazing thing both election and primary it's never really had much of an effect i may or may not release something over the next couple of months but there's no rush that it won't have any impact at all. the person i think i like is a very good person, pretty standard i think people will be
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that surprised. but i would say this probably 25% chance it would be that person for. >> that is senator tim scott on the list now question he's a great guy he endorsed me there is an example nikki comes from south carolina, tim is from south carolina but if you look the governor, a great governor another senator, lindsey we like lindsey. but henry mcmaster knows her very well and he endorsed me it's very hard for a governor to endorse somebody i mean henry mcmaster was lieutenant governor under her and he endorsed me. almost everybody in south carolina has endorsed me. what is that tell you? shannon: you ask about the vice presidential and then we get into that critique of one of the current rivals. >> went through a lot of things action this interview will be putting out a lot today. in the vp think he did say and our town hall he had come to a conclusion he knew who it was and may be at a later point he would tells who it was. he said that's a 25% chance but
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that's a good person who's thinking about. i think his thought process over all was that he feels he's in a good place. this rally here was really well attended was really packed heat likes that. he thanks it's a pole in and of itself. and, at the end of that rally he brought out the south carolina figures to say the next stop is going to be even bigger. shannon: i would agree the events i've gone to hear the been trauma focused events even when he is not there is got a sarah get there, they are a packed house. that is eight measure of how people are feeling here on the gun he talk about cognitive ability ta talk about legal fig, all kinds of things and martha, one thing sassy trump voters the lady was like oh no it's maybe double down even more in supporting him. they see it as his team has always seen as a plus not a minus. >> that soundbite is extraordinary it encapsulates a lot of what we are for the trump
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voters. they feel they have a need to be there for him, right? they say he is being attacked so more than ever we need to be there for him it. i would point out in early 2023 ron desantis was pulling in first place in new hampshire and what have you had in the interim? you had all of these successive indictments and court dates. he would back for court dates he did not need to be at over the course of the last week so he clearly knows is a very astute politician these are helping him you hear here in the soundbitem that woman. shannon: and nikki haley tries to woo these undeclared we know it's the biggest pool of voters here in new hampshire she is trying to woo politico it says it this way both sides she has got to deliver two messages one to up moderates who largely disliked trump's and another to conservatives who seem quite comfortable with him it's an exercise in needle threading under the best of circumstances. she has gained on him here but can she close it any further? what's it doesn't look like it,
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does it? the premise here is that the attacks against her are that she is attracting democrats and independents who might not normally be republican. while art nominee who would attract voters from outside the party. but that's the message coming against her now and at the moment given what we are seeing in the pulling and so forth and given the reduced expectations announced by people who are supporting her here that she is looking for second place and she hopes it will be close but it doesn't look that way. shannon: on the other side of the ticket, president biden is not even on the ballot has been a lot of fighting will explain that a little later about what will happen with dnc. he is got folks here saying it could be very embarrassing to come out the tuesday with the headlight he loss of his democratic contest though it is unsanctioned bigots will see, thanks for having me on, happy sunday. i think president biden the real take away at right now for the democrats are two things.
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first, the bo border security is the number one issue on republican voters minds and i would contend independent even if you're not a border state the border states have been pushed north in this conversation. two, the chaos around president trump is not going to go away it now because it's not going to go if in the legal issues but you have two chief opponents desantis and haley race in this over and over again that will be used much like some of things that dean phelps may be saying that president biden will be as against them. ththe democrats are banking on o things that one is health choice in women's health rights continue to be in the forefront in the economy continues to improve and consumer sentiment improves what we find ourselves six months throughout the different kind of economic state and a movement on the part of the american voter president biden will be in a better position. biden has one big a challenge majority of democrats wish there might be another person running on top of the ticket. i wish i was six/seven i am not i don't know if that will come true if that will cause them not to vote for biden.
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but what brit said is what democrats on the flip side hope for. to be able to attract independent republican voters may be concerned about the chaos of the women's health issues. but if donald trump or whomever it is both tracked on the border this is a jump ball come november. could she mention issue of abortion around the time of year we marked the end versus roe v wade the supreme courts gotten rid of it. ap reports president joe biden's reelection team is preparing a nationwide series of events and advertising campaign focus of the battle over abortion rights. highlighting what democrats believe it will be a potent political weapon against likely republican nominee donald trump. written they say it is worked for them and these elections are. >> it certainly did work for them in 2022 i think. there are counter arguments to be made the republicans have not really done it very well because a lot of what democrats support in terms of abortion is the position of abortion with such availability at so long through
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presidency a majority of the country does not support so republicans have a case to make they just have not made it and unless and until they do it will be a good issue for the democrats but it's not on rebuttable. shannon: the present vice president having events on that of the next couple days panels to not go far will sue again in a minute cap next senators are closing and we think on a bipartisan deal on the border it faces major opposition from the house gop and now former president trump is threatening to blow up a bipartisan compromise the panel's take on what comes next when we come back. when we had a significant health scare, we needed to act quickly. because we had christian healthcare ministries. i went directly to the specialist i wanted. they took care of all our medical bills. over $60,000. joining christian healthcare ministries is one of the best decisions we've ever made. we're the suarez family, and this is our chm story.
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>> youcook should turn the microphone off. i am paying for this microphon. [cheering] shannon: ronald reagan leading up to the 1980 new hampshire primary george h.w. bush but paid for by the campaign in the attempt to take control asked for the mic to be cut leaving the future president to utter a line that went down in history we turn back now to the panel. along with what's happening on the campaign trail this a lot of shenanigans in washington as well they're fighting over the senate border deal you do not of the contours we have some idea that coming together. we're told it's dead on arrival in the house and now potential of the speakership of mike johnson is almost update house gop is the headline for politico today already considering the future without johnson. stilt martha, can washington get its act together. >> are. >> good action question brit mike johnson finds himself in the same position kevin
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mccarthy's in paris he gets in there sees the reality is how slim the margin is in terms of what he can get across the finish line. the issue that it's become so compelling in this environment and washington is immigration. urban centers across the country heavily blue areas who are very upset about what's going on with immigration, they went more than a deal that appears true through more money at the problem and continue to support your credit it has become very troublesome i look at the morning show host who says working-class people are very upset over this migrant crisis the tenor on this issue has changed dramatically despite johnson and a very tough position. shannon: you noted this has moved north i hear about from voters all over the place in new hampshire they're very worried about the border even other much closer to the north than the south they're worried about ares happening down south. congressman danna crenshaw talking about here is an accusation some republicans are not going to let this go because
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they think it is a good issue for them and they do not want to give a winter president biden. he's quoted as saying how many hundreds of thousands of illegals would you allow the country just because it might help your chances of the election? he said he ran again the border secure and if you are not working toward that end you are a traitor. >> @it is a tough tough issue. a lot of people want to solve it but there are not the votes to solve it. with that slim majority in the house they went hr two which is immigration bill that they passed. they would like that. not some watered down what they call watered down senate compromise. we have not even seen the language of the senate compromise as of yet. it is a powerful issue. i thought as a powerful issue prior to 2022 abortion threat to democracy turned out to a bigger issue than we thought it would be pretty thing to martha's point not just for border states but all over the country and democrats to harold's point earlier, are feeling the back end of some of these discussions the white house does not have a good answer on these things.
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shannon: harold to got democrats begging and calling out this demonstration publicly that is a very difficult optic for the white house par but at the samee polls show from ours to everybody else out there pulling this the present is a disaster on the border. >> if there is a deal to be had, i served in congress it seems like a 100 years ago but it was only 20 years ago we used to try to like the country to higher ground for if you have an opportunity to pass to policies at the border, reform the asylum process but put more law enforcement there. why wouldn't you do it? for president trump it confounds me a bit on border security immigration it's encouraging republicans to blow up the compromise date cr crenshaw had right i don't believe him on a lot of stuff but he's exactly right how many more illegals you want to come in if you believe you're going to advantage the other party bypassing policy? or tell me we want to arrest criminals going to help democratic mass it will put people in jail because you're going to help the democrat run for congress and the senate?
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that is nonsense. if they get a good deal the ship pass it. shannon: you been watching for decades is not unfixed in washington. >> this controversy was a speaspeakers job on the line supposedly. it is a wonderful example of what the republican party is referred to as a stupid party because what we have here is a tiny little majority who can barely do anything pretty only control one house there's a very severe limits on what you can ever hope to do. here's a chance to do something at these guys with the whole enchilada. all their wish list on the border. maybe if they had a full majority in the white house they could do. but you cannot do it this way and if you decapitate your leadership yet again after all of this, that really isn't definition politically stupid. shannon: i cannot imagine watch them go through more candidates, more rounds of voting, weeks and weeks of not having a speaker we'll see if the threats
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materialize in the meantime the present struggling on the border he's also struggling on foreign policy. one of the most recent polls on this, has him away upside down. approved 35% disapprove 59% and bret, this comes at the same thing people are now asking questions about how he's handling israel, is there daylight between him and the prime minister? >> that's a really big question. think how the white house has handled israel has split democrats in a number of different constituencies. if you look around the world of the hot spots that are happening it's only increasing it's only getting more chaotic. as the white house campaigns against former president trump about chaos you look around the world the trump campaign says remember the world under president trump that is their pitch it was not as chaotic. they are on the back end of tough decisions. >> democrats will have to acknowledge the abraham accord something was critical in the
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middle east so we don't this president had not talked to netanyahu for about a month ap sank this their relationship has repeatedly rebuffed biden's calls for solvency gumming up with the u.s. president believes is a locking durable peace in the middle east the offside elusive two state solution which the prime minister said not going to happen. >> not going to happen. the security of israel will not allow for a two state solution at this point we know there have been frosty conversations the one that have have much of the white house and netanyahu. one end it with this conversation is over apparently on the part of president biden. i think the president has not -- make itself the first time this does happen, articulated where he stands on this issue and a way that's helping americans and his voters the democrat voters, independent voters understand whwhat he says of this. the other thing is for some kind of solution to happen you need to have the support of the arab
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countries and leadership from the air of coun countries to hee that happen. and so far we are not saying seeingpresident biden's push fot in the way people can get behind and see him as a leader on this issue. shannon: panel, thank you very much is good to see all of you will objects president biden is in danger of losing his primary hearing here on tuesday. we will explain why the incumbent is in trouble with the allies are doing to try to save him, up next. i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪)
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♪ shannon: okay. most of the focus is on the gop primary here in new hampshire. there's a compelling story brewing on the other side of the aisle. that the incumbent, president joe biden, may not if win his party's primary tuesday night. here's the back story on why. >> i'm writing in joe biden. shannon: that's right, the current president of the united states is not on his party's
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primary ballot here in new hampshire. democrats have been haggling for more than a year over their primary calendar, forcing early states iowa and new hampshire to fight for their key spots at the top. new hampshire's state law mandates that it is the first in the nation if primary, a position it refused to cede. but the dnc has officially put south carolina at the front of the line, meaning new hampshire democrats are essentially holding an unsanctioned primary that won't get to award any delegates. much to the consternation of candidate marianne williamson who is on the ballot. >> shame on you. shame on you. you don't protect democracy by suppressing democracy. shannon: the president stood with his e party and stayed off the ballot, but now his allies are crisscrossing the granite state pushing a write-in campaign, hoping to help biden avoid the optics of the headlines proclaiming him the loser of new hampshire's primary.
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>> i believe president biden will win, and it's going to be a hard fought victory. that's a big with deal. shannon: though some volunteers told us they aren't thrilled about being put in this position. >> i think he's making a big mistake, rain he doesn't have the courtesy to put his name on the ballot, so we don't have to stand here and say, please, put his name on the ballot. it's very disappointing. shannon: there's also a sense of pride among locals fighting to help the president score a win come tuesday even though they're disappointed with the dnc's decision to bump new hampshire. >> we are trying to show the democratic national committee that our election is not mean beingless, that we're going to show we still support biden. shannon: so president biden is almost certain to fare better than he did here in the 2020 the primary where he finished among the democratic candidates. he went on, of course, to rebound in south carolina9 with the help of congressman jim clyburn.
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that state is now the first recognized democrat contest of the cycle. and fox news will have complete coverage of the new hampshire voting on tuesday. that is it for us today. we will spread out, keep you informed on what voters here have to say as we head into this final day of getting ready for the first primary sanctioned by are republicans, not by democrats this time around here in new hampshire. i'm shannon bream. have a great week. we'll see you next "fox news sunday is." ♪ ♪


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