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tv   Jeffreys Book of Names  FOX News  January 21, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm PST

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israel. all of the conservative values that he partnered with our antid anti- cunning and tight liberty i think we can do better than good. we need leadership an we need someone who knows how to build a team how to lead and how to win we are losing our country and il of your listeners would agree we all have -- our children have less afraid and that you and i had growing up. trey: thank you, god bless you, take care of yourself. thank you for spinning part of your send it with us. we hope you have a great week ahead until next week you can find us online or on the trey gowdy podcast. good night from south carolina. >> previous version of this special jeffrey's book of
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names. discussing a lawsuit aired on fox news on january 7, 2024. during the show, we stated that bill gates visited the island 28 times, and quote, can't remember why. and implied this mr. gates received massages, those statements are incorrect and not found in unsealed documents we retract the statements and atal apologize to mr. gates mr.for the error. >> growing fallout, shocking my profile names are being named from a list celebrities. >> former driver who claimed that he would get paid $200 for each 16 or 17-year-old looking girl he dropped off at epstein's mansion. >> we see an e-mail between
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people indicating bill clinton walked into offices of "vanity fair" and threatened journalists, despite articles about his quote good friend jeffrey epstein. >> we're aware that the fbi, has video footage of comes and going from the epstein residents. >> this new batch of documents lawyers for virginiverge and ghislaine maxwell discuss pictures as possible evidence, other names unsealed include michael jackson, david copperfield, and attorney alan dershowitz. >> what were the people doing in this sorts world? >> welcome toeverry's book of names i am your host
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junow deceased sex trafficker, and pedophile jeffrey epstein. we can confirm the names of prominent people associated with epstein in this special we will take a deep dive into the revelations. i am here with charlie gasperino, who interviewed jeffrey epstein several times, prominent civil attorney richard roth. and charlie langston u.s. associate editor at daley mail. -- the daily mail. welcome to you, i'm excited about getting your take on this. i'll start with you charlie. >> is it possible you could
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be on that island and not be a pedophile. >> sure. in fact. cameron diaz, leo de dicaprio. >> the people who were named in documents are not all pedophiles or people who went to the island or met epstein, names mae brags about or names that girls overheard, this not the black book. >> anything that surprised you. >> notion, one of reasons that judge released this information we knew all of team's names were already out there in public.. , including clinton and former president, it just she knew it was already public information. >> rich. the court should never had the name sealed in first place. andtep
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>> there no reason why you have to -- the information which anything other than victims should always be revealed. if bill clinton if donald trump or bill richard son were the come found, pedophile island or boca with him, why does he have an interested to be protected. >> charlie, you interviewed epstein, any names that surprised you. >> i was under uni knew i lot of people, j.p. morgan and bear stearns, j.p. morgan was friends with number two person there. jeff state's, i know that he knows more people there are more rich people who did, with him, i got his number from a bi billionaire, i
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will not say his name. >> i read it in your article. he gave me the number, this guy is a household name, his connections are deep, broad, vast, this does not do it much justice really. >> so release doesn't dig deep enough in terms of -- ch-- >> chief ch stephen hawkings. >> he said, you can i a reward to any of virginia's friends that come forward and help prove her allegations are false. the strongest is clinton dinner and new version in the virgin islands that stephen hawking participated in an underage orgy.
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>> if it was ridiculous enough for epstein to be denying it probably done happen. >> in a less woke era it would be a "saturday night live" hit. >> let's keep moving. >> richard, you know judge prescott, i know her a competent federal judge. why where were jane and john does, why were they protected, why were the recorded sealed. >> this all happened before judge preska, she was at the bench at the time, had a litigation, a definition lawsuit by virginia giuffre, against ghislaine maxwell. there' a lot of court records, depositions and motions that were provided that everyone wanted sealed at the time, the judge decides there is a public interest in revealing it
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versus a private interest in not harming anyone, in this new law the in front of judge preska. court had to go through analysis, the judge said i'm not disclosing the victims, but, that is private that is embarrassing. . i will disclose information which is already in public did take a origin time, some of the -- long time, some of the jane does and john does said fine disclose it, she said i'm releasing a couple couple hundred documents. >> charlie, these names are not t the black book, which i understand the justice department now has, we can talk about justice department, but, these are names from a lawsuit where jeffrey sues ghislaine
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maxwell saying you defamed me, why jane does? was there any name that needed to be protected, i get you protect victims, but if they are coconspirators this not something private. >> not everyone what has been named can a coconspirate or a con firmed associate of epstein. people are referenced because, you know victims and people who were associated with epstein were asked, did you meet leoardo de capri or cate blanchett, he named dropped all of the a-listers in his conversations they were included in document. in terms of the case was sealed, because it is a sensitive topic with victims
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of sexual abuse e and assault, everyone was a jane or john doe, there are a few people still protected because they have made claims which suggest their lives will be put in danger if i are named in connection with epstein, one jane doe in particular said he lives in a culturalry conservative country if her name is revealed she'll be threatened. >> maybe her mai name is already out there. but there are names that judge is taking longer to assess whether they should be released is that correct? how long will it take. >> the victim's names should never be released. >> we agree. >> public -- is strong, and public interest is we're entitled to know, so long as you are not a victim, who was involved with epstein, there is no -- bill clinton,
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named them there is no privacy interest, this no dvd from different former governor of state of new york. >> you talking about sp spitzer. >> number one, new york types said give us the names, and -- >> they were released. >> now, charlie, less wexer in the billionaire behind victoria secret, they were pals. >> early pals, they had a falling out, epstein was a "high net worth" broker, he was never a hedge h fund manager, he if you have a broker, jeffrey epstein was that times 10 he was a really good broker he worked at berns bear stearns and he was fired
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from bear stearns, they had to fire him. they stayed that touch with him, bear stearns as he was going out on his own, was his bank of choice, he did business with bear stearns to the day it died in 2008 and taken over by j.p. morgan, in that time, he was what is nona as "high net worth" broker, people say, what could he have added to the mix or given leon black of apollo, i asked j jimmy, that he was really good at tox code, he know the tax code, he was self taught, better than anyone he met, he was a broker that could give you insight how to save money, i'm not rich, we do better than most americans but, there is a whole, of servicing the uber rich on wall street level have to know about art and
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their yachts and about tax law, he was good at those, he did it for wexner and a few other people including leon black of apollo. >> he took a big hit because of this. >> his reputation did, the problematic as a journalist, just because you say hello jeffrey epstein, does not mean you are a pedophile, we should point out there have been two people pit in jail on that whole thing or one person convicted the other arrested. jeffrey epstein, arrested and killed himself or died. and that is one other is ghislaine maxwell, nobody there is no evidence that bill clinton is you know likes young girls or whatever. >> well, speaking of that there was a statement by one of the witnesses who epstein says clinton likes them young. >> what does that mean. >> >> you are right. >> angle is not enough to
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make to conclude bill clinton was hanging out with young women but it because raise our eyebrows. >> you have to -- you have to know is whether they knew that was go on, you might not be a pedophile, but that is a valid point. but, if you were hanging out with jeffrey epstein and you had knowledge of what he was doing, that is not okay. >> there is a moral and legal issue. >> i agree. >> we'll be back with more after this break.
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>> do you know if they a real. >> we're aware that the fbi, has video f footage of coming and going proepstein residents that is footing we would like to get, i have said this is not about celebrity this is about criminal activity, we need to know who was associated and affiliated with jeffrey epstein. >> frederick, she worked for epstein, so did one of the young girls she heard ep' talking on phone with sp frederick. >> she heard him say, he is in hawaii can we find him girls.
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>> i was tell you, this, to charles point, he was a network, i represented him, he was a member of board of trustees, i knew him. not that way, but my point that he had was very with -- well within -- intermingling with wealthy and rich and sophisticates in new york, some of them, i agree went cross that line. >> it came to networking and certain things, but, you know i'll give you another scene. in is like about two years before he was untouchable.
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he was still let to palm beach community, they thought he screwed up once with a 17 year old, she in palm beach area, with rich people, i can't remember the name, there was a house party, a friend of mine of there a billionaire, he walks into his house with a very young woman, all of the women at the party start to talk there is jeffrey epstein. how old is this girl? she could have been from 16 -- >> the thing is -- >> the kicker, he had, he came in with her. didn't care, was like screw you everyone. talked to people, he had black lovers on, one with an embroaders z screw the other with an embroiders you. >> let's talk about prince andrew, that was a great, a
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puppet. they put the puppet on virginia's lap. and i, satt on andrew's lap. and put the the puppet on virginia's breast and andrew put his hand on my breast. >> prince andrew is coming out in the worst shape, we knew about his connection with epstein, and accused of. giuffre of sexual assault but we get more details, we hear about the puppet and a photo that exists lord knows where out there of him touching a young girl a b's breast and now accused of taking part in an under age orgy. prince andrew since his brother asended to throne, he has been trying to weasel
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his way back to the inner royal circle. thinking to himself if we move past it they get forgotten, now it has come back up, there is no way that the door is shut and bolted. there is no way he is getting back in to royal inner circle. i think we have to ask. do these allegations and documents, give investigators even more reason to pressure andrew to under grow questioning, he said i'm happy to help he has yet to speak with authorities. >> after this interview, he believed with bbc not capable of giving any answer. >> he used -- >> he described dancing with you, and you sweating, and she went on to have a -- >> there is a s slight
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problem with the sweating, because, i, i have a peculiar medical condition, that i don't sweat, i didn't sweat at the time. and that was, when? yet at the time, i had suffered w what i describe as overdose of adrenaline when i was shot at, almost impossible for me to threat, only because that i didn't a number of things i am starting to coit again, i am afraid there is a medical condition to say i can't do it. >> don't chai change the channel, we'll be right back after the break.
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>> welcome to fox news live, i am marianne officerty in raffety in los angeles, ron desantis is suspending his campaign for president, making that announcement in a video posted on social media, he endorsed former president trump as republican party's nominee in 2024, desantis' decision nearly a week after his placed second behind
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trump in iowa caucuses. >> all eyes on trump's last standing rival nikki haley. >> and death toll in gaza rising to new high. hamas controlled health ministry saying that palestinian death toll has surprised 25 thousand people. and u.n. confirms that women and children are main victims of war with 16,000 killed since october, back to jeffrey's boo book of names. one of the biggest things we learned in last night release of claim about bill melugin, the former president, walked into "vanity fair" and threatened them to not write sex trafficking articles about his good friend. clthey pointed us to a
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tell graph article that says there are no -- support the claim. carter told telegraph this is did not happen. >> governor bill richardson, senator mitchell, talking about politicians, i don't like seeing george michelle and governor richardson what do they get from epstein. >> what did larry summers get. >> i don't know anything. >> there is a finance thing. >> for all we know he managed their money, besides voyeuristic value of this, what is the legal value, seems -- >> 10 >> in 2002, da from palm beach had victims come forward with case.
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united states -- >>a alex acosta, swoops in takes case from local da and hangs on to it for two years,y say if epstein is a money manager they will go to money laundering and into all of his files, no, for two years they pulled back on the case, then give to do local d.a. and he getting a year in jail. >> i agree with you, that -- >> the truth. >> i would say, the take it one step further did they lock at bank records. >> they didn't. >> that is bad, that is where -- >> why were they protects him. >> i know -- a political exacter costa -- alex acost ai don't think he is on the take. >> he is stupid. >> maybe. he is not that stupid. >> how do you give a guy 8victims at-this-point. >> you know -- in the 80s.
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>> that question, should be and i asked that question, to alan dershowitz, if this happened in between, you know case getting started. >> a high power defense attorney. >> you hired alan, you hire ken starr, i am leaving a few out. >> ken star, alan dershowitz, and u.s. attorney -- >> they did, they went after each and every alleged victim. and took them down 50 notches and said bring to us court. they decided not to. >> that is hogwash. the girls when came forward had more hutzpah than alex acosta had as u.s. attorney he did not have the balls. >> probably true. >> it is true. >> you are say ago that acosta was scared of dershowitz is what you are
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saying. >> or did not have a good pace. >> please. >> the question was, does it make a difference? i could it does, because as charlie said, there is stuff coming out now. if stuff equipments out which could maybe implicate someone else in a criminal scheme bring it on whether prince andrew or bill clinton or donald trump that could very well -- we have a big statute limitations but that is what prosecutors are looking for. >> why is to taking so long. >> the u.s. different of justice has the black book they are protecting -- >> you had three administrations of doj, we had bush, obama, trump. and now biden is is protecting jeffrey epstein? >> why is -- >> that is 4. >> let's go back. >> i'm just.
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>> no. >> charlie. >> no, that is not fair, because, it was once it was sealed, not up to the executive branch. >> justice department. >> justice department, a judge. >> one that call parents domestic terrorists. >> highway about -- how about os jpt. >>-- and justice department. >> there is a massive scheme, massive. >> that is why they are now saying, it is embarrassing. >> can they release the names in the black book. >> i don't, if they committed a crime and judge preska has to lock at this they should, as much as we said people who knew epstein who were not involved. >> she can't say. >> if you were his friend, his colleague, and you go on a plane with him, how do you not know. >> if you go it his island, pedophile island.
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>> or. >> anyone that went on that plane. >> if i'm his lawyer. >> when did they start calling p pedophile island, you know, a while back, grant issue not -- when all of this stuff started emerging. >> does raise issue, when did they call it that? who stephen hawkings? >> loads of documents out there. >> and that had be released. more on this topic coming up next.
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>> new release includes deposition of a former driver who claimed he would be paid $200 for each 16 or 17-year-old looking girl he dropped off at epstein m
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mansion, tony also alleged from epstein, and ghislaine maxwell and d d would go to clubs to pick up girls. >> the name hahas not come out,. >> it may yet. >> jeff staley. >> who she. >> the number two guy at j.p. morgan for a long time, he was considered jamie dimon's possible successor, he ran a we wealth management, opening up epstein to the world there was taken side of j.p. morgan why are we doing business with him, stale i stepped in and stopped them from deplatforming epstein,
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that is wh where i think it getting interesting, you see one thing about snow white, this stuff that is insane. i think that is where you know, we could -- you have to go to the money trail. and you know this is interesting, stephen hawkings and bill clinton likes them young, but if you want to do what you are suggesting you better start at j.p. morgan and trace money bank record thes who paid for the flights who was on the flight. >> who was on the flight. >> you only get that, you get it from tracing that money trail they are not doing that. >> the question is why have they not done that. >> i don't that i agree, that kind of financial world names, were not on the list, i agree that is where the true story will lie.
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but we have to remember that documents that have been released this time, come from a lawsuit that was you know, involving a girl who was 16 or 14 at the time. she is not going to have been someone who would havi recognize head of wealth management of j.p. morgan he will recognize celebrities. >> you know, the might not, i am not a lawyer, you are, you might not need her to recognize them. what is interesting j.p. morgan, one of reasons why they -- some people try to deplatform him from j.p. morgan, some of his money transferred kicked off a suspicious activity report, you get the reports when things loosh w leak weird. >> following that money trail. >> why. >> where is money going in eastern europe. >> why in 2024, this has
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been around for 20 years. >> when epstein was indicted die southern district in new york money laundering was a part of it epstein was never made to answer because he died, i believe he was killed. i think that the -- what i did for a living, i and the truth is that the whole idea of his hanging himself, you know from a bed that is in high. >> the guards paid off. >> the guards -- first, the camera didn't work there was a guy who never worked that place before. >> federal lock up is no run like -- like apple. >> by the way he after. >> the crap show. >> he said, that -- >> i have been there. >> he said this a guy he was in cell with, i prosecuted actually, had tried to kill him, remember there were marks on his neck they moved him to is a more secure prplace when was less secure. >> pedophiles and jail don't
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last long. >> i will well aware of that. >> he did not have answer hearfor his crimes and ernno one else had to. >> i think he killed himself, you could tell he was planning for it. >> he was arrogant. >> there is evidence he was planning, yes arrogant, he moved his assets to vir virgin island he was planning to screw the victims. >> again. >> to kill himself, or to do that so no one could access to during the trial. >> he was in france. >> why did he come back from france. and roman polanski is still in france. >> a great question, i'm help make your point, first question that jimmy cain asked. why did he come back from france. where did a hire reed w
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wine garth ern at his lawyer, i go with someone like lead weingarten, i am making your case but i still think he killed himself. >> he was arrogant had denied the claims. either he knew he was guilty and he killed himself, i think a narcissist like that there is no way. >> he owed everyone from british throne to president to israel, why would he think he could not get away. >> now he was toast. >> why, 80 victims he is not test. toast. >> he was toast. >> he -- we'll never knows answer. >> well, i agree with charlie, i could he killed himself. >> what were guards doing. >> charlie and i disagree. >> i am with you.
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come on give my a break, we'll be right back after the break, don't change the channel. woman: who's that, who is that? cole: this is my puppy! woman: cancer. it's different in a child. because your child is still growing. charlie: i had 14 rounds of chemo. there's thousands and thousands of kids all over the world who need help. girl: it is my first time having cancer.
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and it's the very worst. spokesman: saint jude children's research hospital works day after day to find cures and save the lives of children with cancer and other life threatening diseases. woman: it's scary to watch your kid battle and fight for their lives. spokesman: 1 in 5 children diagnosed with cancer in the us will not survive. woman: childhood cancer is hard. it's a long road. you just have to give. you have to give someone that hope. and especially with them being so young. spokesman: please, call, go on line, or scan the qr code for only $19 a month. families never receive a bill from saint jude for treatment, travel, housing, or food, so they can focus on helping their child live. man: she grew up in this. so when we go to st. jude, she's happy, because that's her home.
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every time i take her to the doctor, she's excited because she gets to play. and that's all because of saint jude. spokesman: when you call or go online with your credit or debit card right now, we'll send you this saint jude t-shirt you can wear to show your support to help saint jude save the lives of these children. woman: [non-english speech] spokesman: let's cure childhood cancer together.
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>> if bill mel -- bill clinton pressured "vanity fair." >> i don't see anything that is viable, we're not dealing with a government entity, when are rights or property taken that sa is actionable. this is by invite only if you pay fee to watch their contend, it discloses the el facts elephant
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in the room. there is no cause of act to get redress. >> where do we go. >> here? >> bank records if you want to do it right. >> first let's get the rest, see if there are maybe more stephen hawkings out there. >> not necessarily -- >> you never had believed would have gone to the island. >> we know that this defamation lawsuit is not giving us evidence that is sufficient to really say they molested a young girl unless, even in pages they read. no one indicated anything other than prince put his hand on someone's breast. >> i spoke with a former prosecutor the other day who made a good point, this will make your case and money maybe yours, if you know
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some cases they don't go the attract step. ekesex sta step, sam bankman-fried is in jail for 8 years for ripping off people, there were bank records with him, people he did money transfers with they stopped that case, they decided to not bring the case it would have implicated so many democratic politicians who threw money at him, it is same, they have to go for bank records or this is just us. >> chatting about nothing. >> i don't think that new release of rest of the indictments will provide the money trail that we really need. what it will provide is renewed public interest and hopefully, renewed demands for this case to move forward. >>ly the -- >> if it does great, it not it will fizzle out. >> let me ask you, ghislaine maxwell, is in jail.
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she says of all people who did this, the woman is in jail. i hate it, when they say my this and my that, she had the black book, she could have cut a deal, why didn't see. >> well, if you buy into and a-- a speculation. is is safer to go to the book. >> an argument why she was murdered. >> i am old enough to remember henry hill, they ratted out some of the most nastiest people, she really thinks that stephen hawkings will kill her. >> jane doe 107 is being released on january 22. >> there is a witness
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protection program. >> to give ghislaine maxwell that opportunity. >> you have the black book. >> i wonder. >> he got 20 years. >> the black booka not that big a deal. >> i think it is the whole deal. >> what will it say, this guy had sex with this woman. >> he likes brunettes and blonds. >> i don't know if that is true. >> agent 14 to 16. >> i don't know if that is true, you get black book i would love to see it, the spitzer trial, he said who attended prostitution location and when they were there, this is a black book of what bill clinton likes 16-year-olds. >> i don't see it. >> who kept the black book, epstein. >> you think she auley wrote that down or ghislaine maxwell. >> i don't know -- >> i don't know if. bill clinton likes them young. >> i don't think if we're talking about an actual black book, but we're talking about is records,
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phone numbers. >> they left a paper trail of their crime? >> well, look at how much paymepaper we have thus far, e-mails between ghislaine maxwell and ep epstein. >> remember when you are conjuring that there was a black book that said bill clinton likes them young, blond, 15. >> then. >> wait. >> i didn't say bill clinton. >> you finds girl and you have her testify. we'll be right back after the break.
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>> this is my favorite picture of bill clinton, hanging in jeffrey epstein's apartment thank you for joining us, if you want more, watch the final hours of jeffrey epstein on "fox nation." and as always, tune in to see me on the 5 every night 5:00 p.m. eastern on fox news channel. ♪ ♪


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