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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  January 22, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PST

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democrats and independents, given the stakes in this election, to go to the polls on tuesday go, down the list, fill in the circle for write in and write in joe biden's name. >> todd: 20 seconds to you, joe, how embarrassing are the optics shaping up to be for democrats? >> well, speaking of the swamp, the fact that democrats have so little confidence in joe biden that they moved their primary to south carolina up to be the first primary because biden took such a beating in iowa and new hampshire in 2020 that tells you everything you need to know about the process, todd and carley. whether biden is on the ballot or not in new hampshire is basically irrelevant. he will be the nominee. even though most democrats don't want him to run in 2024. donald trump looks like in the driver's seat for the same nomination on the republican side. in the end joe biden has a record that he has to run on as far as inflation, energy independence or lack thereof. crime, the border. >> todd: go to go joe. >> wars and foreign. we got to go. >> todd: "fox & friends" starts right now. >> carley: have a great day, everybody. ♪
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>> ainsley: it is 6:00 a.m., "fox & friends" right here on this beautiful monday morning. we are live from new hampshire. it's monday, january 22nd. and the news broke last night or yesterday afternoon, then there were two. tomorrow, is the all-important primary and this morning we have exclusive reaction from former president trump. lawrence spent the day with him. nikki haley, steve spent the day with her. and all the news on ron desantis dropping out of the race. >> look, he endorsed me. we have policies very similar, actually. i think those people will all come to me. >> i think his supporters are up for grabs. think about it. his supporters love america, they wanted a new generational leader. we give them that. >> steve: as you can see i went that hockey came game and the governor showed up and crashed the party. inside look on the last day. actually the penultimate day on the campaign with nikki haley
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out on the trail. seven stops, yesterday. >> all day every day. i have been doing this for 11 months now. whether it's at brewery or hockey game or town hall, it's anything and everything until the end. >> brian: what a time to follow her around with that breaking news. and then this. the kansas city breaks chiefs advancing: taylor swift appearance at the game. how about jason kelce shirtless celebrating forker his brother travis. suddenly the eagle's loss doesn't feel so bad. he was partying with the buffalo mafia. "fox & friends" starts right now. put a shirt on because your mornings are better with friends. i suggest. ♪ ♪ ♪ [marching band] ♪
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♪ ♪ [marching band] ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> steve: you've got the appreciate the fact that the bishop guertin high school joined us on this 12-degree monday. [cheers] >> steve: they are cheering themselves, absolutely the cardinals. they go to school about 17 miles down the road. and they joined us four years ago as of today. and they are back today because it is a big doings.
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we are here at the bedford village inn. as you can see right there, lawrence is at the red arrow in concord, new hampshire. >> lawrence: hey, good morning, family. that's dedication. now, it is the weather condition here is much better than iowa. but, make no mistake about it, it's still cold. >> steve: it is still cold. >> brian: lawrence, first thing i would apologize i read your line at the end. >> lawrence: it's okay. i like to share. >> ainsley: so excited to be here. >> brian: there is no way they would stop me in the middle and they did. [laughter] did that band from four years ago graduate? >> steve: i would imagine. >> brian: they left their uniforms behind. >> ainsley: four years ago we were here in this very room and we woke up everybody in this hotel with the marching band. all of the anchors on fox all day long were complaining about i cannot believe "fox & friends" had a marching band outside of my window this morning. >> brian: we have not learned
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our lesson. >> lawrence: do it again. >> steve: we are doing it again. last time we were here, my room was right back there. and so right through hannity, the shows were awake. i think we have all moved to another facility. >> brian: i'm not in this. >> ainsley: we're not staying in this hotel a lot of the crew is so we apologize. thank you for giving us good television. >> steve: yes, indeed. yesterday, when lawrence and i were on the ground already here in new hampshire, the news broke midafternoon that ron desantis had dropped out of the race, threw his support behind donald trump. and suddenly, nikki haley actually got what she wanted. she wanted nikki haley clearly the underdog going in to this week, she wanted a one-on-one, and she has got it now. >> ainsley: lawrence, you spent the day with donald trump. congratulations on that interview.
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now we are down to two. we started with 1 or 11 people in this race. now we are down to two. the big primary, the first in our country is tomorrow. >> brian: this is how it sounded. ron desantis made the tough decision to say i can't see a road to victory. watch. >> i am today suspending my campaign. i'm proud to have delivered on 100 percent of my promises. and i will not stop now. it's clear to me that a majority of republican primary voters want to give donald trump another chance. trump is superior to the current incumbent, joe biden. that is clear. i signed a pledge to support the republican nominee and i will honor that pledge. he has my endorsement because we can't go back to the old republican guard of yesteryear. a repackaged form of warmed over corporatism that nikki haley represents. >> brian: just to bring up what happens to his 5% to 7% in new hampshire, maybe south carolina, he said 62% of likely g.o.p. voters in new hampshire, who selected desantis first selected
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trump second. logic lawrence, would lead tout fact that donald trump will gain from this. >> lawrence: yeah. you got to give ron desantis credit though. is he america's most popular governor. very conservative, a hero to a lot of people within the conservative movement. but, look at the money. look at the path, and saying look i have got a little bit to continue but i just don't think that the republican party is ready for me to be the president just yet. and he kept his commitment. he said that he was going to support the nominee and by his logic, he feels like donald trump is gonna win it. also had the opportunity to ask the former president about ron desantis yesterday. this is what he had to say, watch. >> ron desantis, you supported him to be governor in florida. you tell the story about how you thought that in return he should have supported you. it's a loyalty thing for you.
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anyway, he divided to unare. now he is getting out of the race. >> yeah. >> lawrence: my question to you is there a moment where y'all can come back together because y'all really were friends before. is that possible? >> well, you know, i endorsed him. i didn't know him as well as you might think. i did endorse him. i had some fun with it because i watched somebody who was not in the race and all of the sudden he was in the race. and then he did a good job as governor. so i was happy with that but i was disappointed when they asked him whether or not he would run and he said enough to comment. to me when you say no comment that means you are running. and we took it -- i think i took it quite seriously. and it doesn't matter now because he got out. >> lawrence: that's water under the bridge now. >> totally. look, he endorsed me. we have policies very similar, actually. i think those poem will all come to me. >> lawrence: is there a possibility, since you say it's water under the bridge, he could be vice president or serve in your cabinet? he hasn't hasn't asked for any of those positions yet? >> no, he hasn't.
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>> lawrence: is there a possible joining of forces. >> probably unlikely. i have to be honest, everything is a possibility. i think it's highly unlikely. i have a lot of great people. i have great people that have been with me right from the beginning. >> lawrence: what is your message for someone who would have voted for ron desantis or supported them, what do you tell them now that he has endorsed of you? >> well, i think it's just -- it's sort of magnifies if i can say that because he and i had -- i want strong borders he wanted strong borders. i wanted low taxes, i gave you the largest tax cut in history. bigger than the ronald reagan tax cuts. he wants that i want a strong military. he want that he doesn't want wars, even though i may be even more so on that not wanting wars. we have wars in places that people never heard of before. we are losing talking about blood and wealth we lose so stupidly. and a lot of the things that he wanted, i wanted. and i think, -- i noticed people commentary all of those people that would be for him would be
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for trump. and so i was honored that he endorsed me this quickly. it's not easy. look, it's not easy. he fought hard. spent a lot of money. and a lot of people thought he would do well. you know, i was leading from the beginning, just so you understand and did i very well in florida. more votes than anybody ever got. i got more votes in florida than anybody ever got. he was doing well. and i think he did the right thing. you know, i can talk about somebody else's campaign. i didn't see a path. i don't see a path for her at all. >> lawrence: as you can see the former president said that's water under the bridge. evidence also said there is really no difference between him and ron desantis. and i think that's the point that i have been making all along as i travel across the country. it's not that the voters hate ron desantis. they actually like him. they feel he is the next generation of maga. they feel like the work that donald trump was doing before is unfinished. i think at some point you will see a ron desantis reemerge on
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the presidential stage. >> ainsley: only 45 years old. he was a beautiful family, a lovely family. a wonderful resume. sometimes when you are run a political campaign sometimes it's not your year. the base of donald trump said we want to give him another year possibly nikki haley we will learn a little bit more tomorrow. ron desantis ran the best campaign possible. he hit 99 counties in iowa. he was on the ground constantly e did the chuck grassley thing with hitting all the counties. he had major endorsements with the governor kim reynolds and then he had the governor, the evangelical leader in iowa bob vander plaats. he is a leading conservative. i don't think this is the end for him. >> steve: it's interesting because i talked to him in iowa. he will sounded like he was all in. just as far as you could possibly go. you know, and for him to drop out, the day -- pretty much right before the big primary, this is much like vivek dropped out last week, just before the big iowa caucuses, then they threw their support to donald
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trump, i wouldn't be surprised if ron desantis got a call from some his donors and said, you know what? you ran a good race, but it's time to say okay, it's not going to going to work for me this time. i wouldn't be surprised if they said drop out now and we will support you in a big way in 2028, which ultimately and you look at everything he said yesterday, is he very hopeful about the future. i did talk to nikki haley yesterday. the most people off on sunday before the big voting tomorrow and, of course, the thing about new hampshire, the voting, it's got to be in person, unless you do an absentee ballot. and that's due by tomorrow as well. so, she hit seven different events, all over the state. i was with her for a lot of them. and i was with her right after the news about desantis broke. and here is what she had to say. >> it's a faceoff. you vs. trump because desantis has dropped out. >> yeah.
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i mean, look, this somewhat we are waiting on. we said it is a two person race, it really have a two-person race we have a country to safe. do we want the same or a new generational conservative leader. i think people want a new generational leader. >> steve: as soon as he dropped out, he threw his support behind dotrump. does that mean his 6% go to trump. >> his swatter supporters are up for grabs. his supporters love america and they wanted a new generational leader. we give them that this is how do we go in a conservative direction and also do it in way that it's younger. it's not the names of the past but going forward with new solutions. people want that they are tired of the same old thing. >> brian: steve, the whole interview coming up in 15 minutes. quick thing on nikki haley. please quit saying she is not a conservative. because she appeals to moderate voters doesn't mean she is not a conservative. many people thought chris
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christie blue it had had a chance to unare. hottest governor in the country. mitt come any ended up being the no, ma'am to me. chris christie go run. go in iowa. i just got here. give me chance of being governor of new jersey first. by the time he was ready, the country wasn't ready ron desantis says i'm the hottest governor in the country. people say don't do what chris christie did and wait for you don't know what is going to happen in four years. get in now. not many people thought after 2022 trump was going to be this strong. in fact, very few. people said trump will be strong. but when it comes to the general election he can't win. little by little the polls have flipped on that and he is doing better and better in the general. joe biden's performance have dropped him to 33% approval rating. so if you are saying i like trump but he can't bin, you now can look at the polls and say well, he can win. and if you don't want to vote for him, that's fine. you can't say it's because he can't win. >> ainsley: polls are not always right. matt towery has the poll for insider advantage. last night polling people after ron desantis dropped out of the
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race to find out who new hampshire is going to go for. shows conducted yesterday, trump got 62%. haley will -- >> steve: not going to talk about polling tomorrow. that is fox's policy. the secretary of state here in the great state of new hampshire is predicting that tomorrow there will be a record turnout in 2020 they had 300,000 people show up for the primaries when bernie sanders won. never became president but nont they are suggesting it could be 320,000 it sounds like for the most part. it's going to come down to the independents, and this is the most important thing and when i was at all the nikki haley events pretty much everybody
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showed up was independent. 300,000 democrats in new hampshire. 300,000 republicans, so that's even. 400,000 undecideds or independents those are the ones who are going to really decide to the winner is from new hampshire. for the most part some polls came out yesterday. trump was leading two in one and 19 in another. big one is tomorrow. >> brian: 24 hours. >> lawrence: yeah. just to put a quick bow on this, i think we should be encouraged that there is going to be a battle of the ideology as well. i think ron desantis was correct when he says he aligns for with donald trump. i think the polling suggests that more of his voters align with donald trump. there are some republican voters that align with nikki haley. >> steve: of course. >> lawrence: and those policies of the traditional republican party. i think, you know, brian brings up the point is she
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conservative? she a conservative governor. but i think there is a difference in the ideology conservative ideology of the two. let the two duke it outs. >> ainsley: she gets a lot of independents and women, too. she is different than donald trump. coming up, a new op-ed details how weed is more dangerous than this lets on with a rise of kids in the er. >> brian: i always thought so, too. write in biden. the president's name will not be on the ballot. his reporters are getting creative. we have a live report aspects swirls that dean phillips is considering a third party run. >> steve: that's right. >> brian: we'll talk to him here by the way. >> steve: all part of our huge lineup this morning live from new hampshire. we have donald trump, nikki haley, sean hannity, bret baier, harris faulkner on deck. the bishop martin high school cardinals playing live where it's 11 degrees outside. that's your wake-up call.
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>> terrible news to get to here. two missing navy seals disappeared during operation off the coast of somalia are declared dead after a 10 day search. u.s. central command says 21,000 square miles were served but now recovery efforts are underway. the two seals were trying to board a ship smuggling houthi bound weapons when one fell into the water and the other went after him. a new "wall street journal" op-ed details the dangers of marijuana as the biden administration is attempting to downgrade the drugs. up to 11 percent of 18 to 22-year-olds use marijuana daily. and the same is true for americans 19 to 30-year-olds. accord together cdc there is a make rise in emergency room visits associated with marijuana kids and pregnant women 2017 to
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2021, 1375% increase in cases of kids six and younger ingesting edible c cannabis, if you beliee that nfc are tampa bay beating buccaneers. the kansas city chiefs will be headed to sixth strait afc championship game after beating the buffalo bills 27-24 is. >> second down lost right open. kelce has the touchdown. >> carley: this may be the shot of the game. you see it right there. shirtless jason kelce cheering on his brother. he is having a big old time. the bills fans throwing snow balls at patrick mahomes after the chief's victory because, they did. now we have the final four teams. the ravens will host the chiefs while the lions head to san francisco to battle the 49ers
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for the championship title. so that is football. let's move on to politics and weather. the primaries are kicking off tomorrow in new hampshire. will the weather allow voters to safely turn out for their candidates? usually turnout for the new hampshire primaries is about double that of the iowa caucuses, which last week saw voters braving record cold temperatures so what will tomorrow look like? let's check in senior meteorologist janice dean for fox weather forecast. >> janice: the pressure is on. i do think weather turnout was affected by the cold temperatures in iowa. new hampshire not so bad. actually, temperatures are a little warmer than average today. tomorrow as well. the snow comes in late in the day. so my advice to you is to get out early because the snow will start to come n the late afternoon and the evening. so, there's a couple of big cities in new hampshire. mainly cloudy skies. above average for the most part. and then the storm system starts to move in, i would say, 3:00
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p.m., 4:00 p.m. we could see a little bit of ice with that. that's going to be concerning. all snow as we get into the evenings, the dinnertime rush hour and overnight. so, again, early, early, early. get to your voting stations. here is your forecast for tuesday. we have got, again, temperatures in the upper 30's. close to 40 degrees in a lot of these areas. the snow will start to move in tomorrow afternoon. real quick, we have an ice storm happening across the u.s., arkansas, missouri and illinois. ice storm warnings are in effect. that means accumulating ice on the roads and the power lines really concerned for this area throughout the day today. so just be aware and obviously don't travel if you have an ice storm warning. we will keep you up to date on all of the above, steve, ainsley and brian over to you in new hampshire. >> steve: that's right. where it is currently 11 degrees and marching band outside. by the way, we were talking at the beginning how the marching band four years ago woke uneverybody in the building?
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>> ainsley: right. >> steve: top producers in new york received a message from somebody in the hotel turn off the band. >> ainsley: hope they are not out there in the cold. >> brian: whose idea is that? >> ainsley: they did sign up for the marching band. they are used to the football games. >> brian: i know, still. >> steve: last year, doesn't it seem like we were here last year? >> brian: whose idea was it to have the pandemic right after. that's the last time we saw each other whatever happened with that vaccine it. >> steve: it worked. millions of lives were saved. >> brian: we'll see. >> steve: republicans converges on the race today and tomorrow. one group missing from first in the nation primaries. that's participation from the
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dnc. joe biden is not on the ballot. >> ainsley: bryan llenas is braving this new hampshire cold weather out there this morning and he joins us now. hey, brian. bryan. >> hey, ainsley good morning, steve and brian. look, president biden opted to skip the first in the nation primary here in new hampshire and as a result his name will not be on the ballot tomorrow. that means in order for biden to win the democratic primary, people are going to have to write his name in. democrats have been holding write-in biden events throughout the last recent days. and they have one actually this morning here in manchester at 7:45. even if biden does win, he won't get any of the state's 10 delegates that's because no delegation will be awarded on the democratic side. this is punishment for new hampshire for violating democratic party rules by holding the first in the nation primary even though the dnc picks south carolina to now go first because it has a more diverse democratic voter base which was biden's idea. will biden win? it looks like it.
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according to a new cnn, unh poll 60% of likely democratic voters in new hampshire say they plan to write in biden. 10% choose minnesota congressman dean phillips. and while campaigning in new hampshire, phillips called biden unelectable and weak. he also said that he is open to run as a third party candidate on the no labels ticket if he thought it could help defeat former president donald trump. >> i will do anything it takes as long as the data supports it, to defeat the most dangerous man in the world. [applause] >> i'm disappointed at so many people who could have joined me on this stage to make the case together left me alone to do it. >> it's interesting guys because the "boston globe" chen doored former governor nikki haley urging independent voters to not waste their votes by program in the democratic primary and instead to vote in the republican primary to, quote: save the country from the
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prospect of a second donald trump presidency. right? >> i don't want to keep you throughout too long deek phillips is not halfway any he spent $2.7 million on tv digital ads nor than pete buttigieg and bernie sanders last time. he got money. utility matily depend on what the margins are tomorrow. look, if president biden is not taking this seriously, then i guess other people shouldn't be taking the results of new hampshire seriously. i think it's safe to say that regardless of the result here, even though phillips has put in a lot of effort here. he has the argument that he could continue moving forward i questions guess we will see. >> ainsley: has he been campaigning here a lot. unless you live in the rest of the country people don't know much about him. >> he has been.
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he has had a bunch of events. frankly over the last week, guys, i have been following nikki haley's events from. what i understand phillips has been holding his fair share of events here in new hampshire we will see. >> steve: we will indeed. bryan llenas joining us andean phillips join us "fox news live" new bedford, new hampshire about an hour from now. look at the ballot on the republican side and the democrat side, there are still 20, 25 candidates on each of the ballots. on the republican side, criticize christie is still on it. vivek is still on it what is interesting in addition to this write-in campaign for joe biden, there are also some pro-palestinians in new hampshire suggesting tomorrow that you write in cease-fire. when i was in a nikki haley event last night. somebody writing in new hampshire for ukraine. so there are some activists
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trying to get some traction with other stuff as well. >> brian: the reason why dean phillips is in he believes that joe biden and most people do is so vulnerable. at 33% approval rating. a michigan poll just came out. he is trailing donald trump in michigan. we know about the georgia poll trailing donald trump in georgia. he is trailing donald trump in pennsylvania. every battleground state except wisconsin joe biden is trailing. >> ainsley: it's so interesting that he is still winning with the democrats in new hampshire when he decided not to come to this state. other candidates campaigning like dean phillips and joe biden still coming out ahead. >> steve: because there are so many independents. there are more independents than there are democrats or republicans. so that's what -- that's the x factor going into tomorrow. also, coming up very shortly on the other side of a time-out, a "fox & friends" exclusive. i spent yesterday with nikki haley on the campaign trail as she learned the primary has become a two-person race. it's her and him.
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>> look, this is what we were waiting on. we said it was a two-person race it really is a two-person race. we think we have a country to save. >> brian: ron desantis officially ending his campaign for president. i will talk about that some other time. ♪ >> steve: that's cool. ♪ ♪ with rapiddry technology... that absorbs two times faster. hellooo clean and comfortable. always. fear no gush. i've never been healthier. shingles doesn't care. but shingrix protects. proven over 90% effective, shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions
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play now. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> brian: once again primary time for the first time in four years. >> ainsley: we are back in the same hotel we were in before.
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>> brian: same outfits. >> ainsley: thank you, chris. >> steve: thank you very much. i will give you a dollar later. i was just asking the kids from bishop guertin high school, which is about 17 miles away from here. they showed up to play us in and out of our segments today. i said, remember the movie where the kid is outside where it's really cold and he puts his tongue on the flag pole. >> ainsley: that's your you'll shoot your eye out story. >> steve: christmas story. i asked the kids with metal unstriment. do your lips ever stick to that no, because we are blowing hot air through it. >> brian: hope they get them in real quick. >> steve: they are in. >> brian: we have so much to talk about. now hours away from the primary and tomorrow and results at night. in iowa it happened within minutes of everything close. >> steve: happened before the voting was done. >> brian: it was crazy. governor ron desantis officially
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ending his campaign for president as nikki haley celebrates what she predicted after iowa a two-person race. >> steve: i was lucky enough to spend the day yesterday with nikki haley. she went to seven different events. here's a bunch of them. ♪ >> so less than 48 hours before primary day, i am currently at the largest gathering of potential new hampshire voters in the state. and ron desantis just dropped out that means essentially like a hockey game, it's a faceoff. trump vs. haley. >> this is what we were waiting on. we said it was two-person race it really have a two-person race. >> steve: as soon as he dropped out he threw his support behind trump. does that mean his 6% go to trump? >> no, i think his supporters are up for grabs. think about it, his supporters love america and they wanted a new generational leader. we give them that.
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>> steve: i think you are getting to him because the attacks are nonstop now. >> the radical left democrats are supporting nikki for a very simple reason because they know she is easy to beat. so if you want a losing candidate who puts america last vote for nikki haley. >> i know i'm getting to him because i know him well. the second he feels insecure or the second he feels threatened, he starts lashing out. i have said head-to-head trump loses to biden. i win by double digits. this is about how do we win in november. and, you know you can't win with crump. we're going to make sure you win with nikki haley. >> steve: let's dial in the governor on this. governor, she is surging. >> all the momentum, not just the elicking countiability she brings as a presidency. we win everything up and down the ballot. we are tired of losers. we are tired of losing. nikki brings a winning attitude to the entire team. it's awesome. >> we are super excited. >> nikki haley just walked. in what do you think? >> i think it's awesome. i'm glad to see her here and
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i'm -- i think she has a really good chance. >> steve: so, if you vote for nikki haley, as an independent a is that to get rid of joe biden on support donald trump. >> i think all. change in approach. they are not comfortable with each major candidate. >> steve: sounds like bob is going to vote for you on tuesday. >> i'm going to spend every day trying to make him proud. >> steve: the thing about new hampshire is it all comes down to retail politics. >> that's right. >> steve: you go go to the hockey game and brewery. she is going to all of these places. that's how you win, right? >> that's it. it's about the connection more than anything. trump hasn't done it. he comes in, flies, in does a town hall and leave. never stayed stagnant. nikki catches up. our the wind are at her sails. >> two more days. >> steve: a huge event tonight at exdoor high school. tuesday is judgment day. judgment day. >> now you have a judge. >> please welcome america's
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judge, judge judy heinlein. >> i traveled 1700 miles today to say that this is the person who has to lead our country in 2024. otherwise, i'm going to be very disappointed. and you don't want to be around he when i'm disappointed. >> steve: no. i have seen that for a long time. >> that's outrageous. outrageous. >> i'm done, you're gone good by. >> everybody knows the judge speaks hard truth. she always has. she is known for speaking her mind. i'm thrilled she is going to do that for us. >> that is an easy task because it comes from my heart because i have got no skin in the game except as an american, as a grandma. as a mother. >> steve: judge judy between her and donald trump now. >> he should not be president. we don't want a barnyard bully as president. we want to listen to somebody who has got the facts that the world respects.
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>> steve: she would also be historic. she would be the first woman president. >> i would vote for her if she were a frog. when you have the merchandise it doesn't matter if you are a man or a woman. she has my support because she is right for the job. it's a joy for me to be able to say to you, ladies and gentlemen, the next president of the united states, nikki haley. [cheers and applause] >> steve: so, as you see right there at the end at the exeter high school last night verdict is in she says if you can, vote for nikki haley. >> brian: she has already put $4 million. bought ads in south carolina. regardless of how it does. theoretically because we heard the same thing with desantis. regardless of whatever namps in new hampshire she is going to be fighting for three weeks. >> ainsley: if she wins in new hampshire she goal on to south carolina.
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what if donald trump wins in new hampshire and the polls are right? does she go into south carolina? or does she drop out before? >> steve: you would think it would be hard for her to drop out of her home state. >> ainsley: you don't want to walk in your home state. >> brian: and lose. >> ainsley: not win. >> steve: we were just talking about this. tonight nikki haley on all the tv stations here in new hampshire going to run a 3-minute commercial with otto wwarn beer's mother donald trump kisses up to dictators and wrote love letters to kim jong un, and she, the mother is going to talk about donald trump. >> a lot of people would say they liked how donald trump would visit with vladimir putin and kim jong un even though he agrees with the policies. to have a relationship might be easier negotiate. >> brian: argue: also shows you too she is not holding back.
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>> ainsley: how did you end up running into the judge? that was cool? >> steve: she was at the exeter high school appearing on behalf of him. ainsley: what did you think of chris sununu? >> steve: a block said ron desantis is the most popular governor in motorcycle, listen, chris sununu is super popular here. keep in mind he won across the board. he won with republicans and independence. and he won with democrats. he is great governor. >> brian: is he a great guy not going to be doing this anymore. he is done. >> steve: i had a beer with him last night he is a good guy. >> brian: i want you to write that off. >> steve: they were bought. >> ainsley: i thought it was dry january. >> steve: okay. maybe it was nonalcoholic. >> ainsley: desantis is officially out. here is what trump had to say about it all. >> i was disappointed when i asked him whether or not he would run and he said no comment. to say me when it says no comment. that means you are running.
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i think i took it quite seriously it. doesn't matter now because he got out. >> brian: lawrence had that exclusive interview. now he is getting the pulse of the people at the red arrow diner, next. ♪
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[applause] [cheers] lawrence lawrence welcome back. i got amanda, and you co-own this place. >> i do. >> lawrence: not just famous for all these lovely folks coming here but the food. you have had different candidates try your food. what candidate tried this right here. >> president trump ordered this in 2016. because of it tall nature we named it the trump tower burger. >> lawrence: he actually tried this when it wasn't even named the trump tower. >> that's correct. >> what do we have here? >> pb and c waffles. dean phillips ordered this when he came in with the chicken rice soup. >> lawrence: eggs and waffles. >> nikki haley would have ordered this scrambled eggs, waffles and her favorite black tea. >> all the candidates destroy this food?
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>> trump definitely destroyed it. [laughter] >> lawrence: thank you so much. let's talk about some of the folks about who they plan on voting for. sir, who is your candidate? >> i voted for president trump last two times. the only concern i have this time is the fact he only had four years. there is so much to do. i think four years isn't enough but i will probably vote for him again. >> ma'am, who do you plan on supporting. >> i plan on voting for donald trump. >> why is that? >> national defense, our sovereignty, the economy, and immigration. those are my top issues. >> lawrence: thank you so much. ma'am. ma'am, who do you plan on supporting in this election. >> i plan on supporting trump. >> why is that? >> actually, the same reason this nice lady said right behind me, the border, healthcare and also elementary education. >> your friend over here is supporting who? >> nikki haley. >> you are all still able to be friends. >> we are. >> lawrence: tell me why you are supporting the governor. >> i think she is a breath of fresh air.
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i like her -- she is not conservative enough but she is right there in the middle and i kind of like that i have a couple issues but i think she would be great fort country. i think she is smart -- i think she is brilliant, actually. >> lawrence: this is the nikki haley table. this is the women for haley and i had the opportunity to talk to them earlier and i want you to hear from them. ma'am, why are you supporting nikki haley. >> i'm ready for a new generation of conservative leadership tired of the chaos of the past and i think she will bring common sense solutions to the white house. >> lawrence: i asked you even if nikki haley because of the polling coming out, if nikki haley doesn't get it, do you think you are able to support trump if he is the nominee and you said. >> first and foreclosure most let me say that i'm confident she is going to have a strong showing in new hampshire and beyond but i'm a political operative, i worked for house leadership, and rnc and so i'm ready for change. and i will not be supporting him if that was the case.
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>> lawrence: what about you, ma'am, who do you plan on supporting. >> i'm supporting nikki haley for sure. i'm a christian conservative woman. and i'm ready for nikki to heel the wounds that are present in our country tribune today. most importantly i'm a mom. we need a future for our children. that's a lot brighter than the future than either biden or trump presents right now. >> lawrence: you are said you are not concerned about the polling. >> i'm not concerned about the polling because the only poll that matters is new hampshire voters voting on tuesday. and i believe they're going to come out strong for nikki haley. >> lawrence: thank you so much, ma'am. i will get you next hour, ma'am. trump spoke toes and nikki haley folks. it's getting closer and closer to election time. the first primary in the country and all starts here in new hampshire, guys. >> steve: we're in new hampshire, too. not new york: >> lawrence: guys, they
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corrected the record for me. it's not concord it's. >> it's kon-kerd. >> i'm from the south we say concord. >> brian: we are one nation. >> steve: good tease for your show on saturday night. >> ainsley: nevada, other people say nevada. great job, lawrence. >> brian: what could a second term under president trump look like? lawrence asked him. >> the first two things i'm going to do is the border. and energy because energy is so big it solves a lot of problems. >> ainsley: more from that exclusive interview at the top of the hour as the bishop guertin high school marching cardinals play us out. ♪ ♪ then psoriatic arthritis. cosentyx works on both for me. people with psoriasis on their nails
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