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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  January 22, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PST

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ice in some places. not what we want. power outages alikely across the plains and great lakes. tune into fox weather, your winter weather headquarters. >> dana: before we go. >> bill: tee it up. >> dana: so not only did senator tim scott endorse former president trump in the 2024 election, he got engaged. he proposed to his girlfriend, mindy. saying he didn't want the day to be disturbed by anything political. that might not last long. tim scott may get his own proposal in the vp stakes. they're very happy. congratulations to both of them. she has children and tim scott dotes on. congratulations to them. harris faulkner will take you through the next hour. here she is.
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>> harris: welcome to bedford, new hampshire. i'm in the middle of a primary. 20 hours ago florida governor ron desantis dropped out. the two-person race between former president trump and ambassador nikki haley is getting pretty fierce. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." the political ads are hitting local television here like a storm. it is the eve of the first primary. just a week ago the nomination season kicked off with the iowa caucuses. desantis took a shot at haley as he exited the race yesterday calling her the old republican guard and then desantis endorsed trump. and again, i said it was getting interesting and hot. it is also getting very personal. >> here in new hampshire nikki haley has made an unholy alliance with rhino, never
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trumpers. >> i voted for donald trump twice. i agree with a lot of his policies. i was proud to serve america in his administration. but rightly or wrongly, chaos follows him. >> if you want a losing candidate who puts america last, vote for nikki haley. >> when he feels insecure or threatened he starts to call names. at the end of the day that's everything everybody doesn't want, right? >> harris: new polling in new hampshire like this monmouth university poll shows trump ahead among registered republicans by nearly 20 percentage points. haley beats him among undeclared voters, not by as much. however, new hampshire has that as its largest voting group. people who are undeclared. in "focus" now former white house speech writer marc thiessen, bryan llenas is up the road in manchester.
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we'll start with bryan. let's go there first, bryan. >> former governor nikki haley is making her first of five campaign stops today. this morning. the final push before tomorrow's primary. haley insists that those poll numbers are wrong. we do have another poll to show you. it shows this one actually shows what the race is like without governor ron desantis in it. it shows former president trump maintains a 19-point lead over haley. both candidates gained two points with desantis out. here is how trump reacted to the desantis endorsement. >> i was honored he endorsed me this quickly. it is not easy. he fought hard, spent a lot of money and a lot of people thought he would do well. i think he did the right thing. you know, i can talk about -- somebody else's campaign.
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i don't see a path for nikki at all. >> bill: 8% chose haley. 19% undecided. 54% say they would go with someone else. haley pushed back on the numbers after the desantis decision to drop out. >> that's what you think. i know the desantis voters love america and they wanted a new generational leader. they wanted a conservative that would go in there and clean up government. that's what we are going to do. >> we spoke to voters here in new hampshire who told us how they feel about the remaining two candidates. >> voting for donald trump. >> why is that? >> because national defense, sovereignty, economy, and immigration. >> i think trump gets himself in a lot of trouble and supported trump the last time. but i think it's -- it's a nice balance with her. >> she strikes me as a reaganite
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republican. a good solid conservative. >> trump, stop the bleeding at the border now. >> new hampshire is expecting record voter turnout and part of that could be because the weather is going to be great. 37 degrees is the high, much better than iowa. harris. >> harris: thank you very much, bryan. the sun is shining today. it is gorgeous. you can almost go out with shorts and they better be fur lined. good to see you, marc thiessen. fox news contributor, former white house speech writer and "washington post" column shift. >> not wearing shorts. >> harris: let's start with two points for haley and two points for trump after desantis drops. your thought. >> conventional wisdom most voters go to trump. it's a wash, if that poll is correct. we'll see what happens tomorrow. >> harris: this is the daily tracker, different polls.
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an up or down of a couple percentage points. the fact they would split, what does it tell you about the electric or yacht? >> it tells us ron desantis was weak in new hampshire and one of the reasons why he got out. his bet was on iowa and it didn't pay off. >> harris: that was that. >> you have to keep something in mind. donald trump is effectively the incumbent president for republican voters. this is like taking on -- reagan taking on gerald ford or ted kennedy taking on jimmy carter. it is hard. >> harris: those people weren't as popular as trump is now. >> he is getting a majority. a significant number of republicans also don't support him and want to move on. if you saw a national poll where joe biden had 51, 52 and somebody else had in the high 40s, you would be worried that the president was vulnerable. i'm worried that trump is vulnerable in november.
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>> harris: really. you are talking about the general there. "wall street journal" editorial board is asking the 2024 republican choice, a second chaotic trump term or a new conservative beginning? excerpt polls show americans want to move on from president biden and republicans have a choice to make about the alternative to offer voters in november. will it be the prospect of a second donald trump term with its inevitable turmoil and polarization or whether the gop look forward to forging a new conservative governing coalition? you might throw in the liberal media are continuing to go after him. it is unbelievable. i don't think we've seen anything like it in the open era. >> no, i don't think we have. my concern i would quibble with the "wall street journal." not a second trump turn. he was an incredible president. one of the greatest conservative presidents in my lifetime. my concern is there won't be a
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second trump turn. joe biden is the most vulnerable incumbent president and most unpopular president since polling began after world war ii. seven in ten people say is under water in every issue. donald trump is leading him by two points and tighten before election day. we haven't seen a lot of donald trump. he has been in the basement for the last three years. he hasn't been out there every day. he hasn't been in people's faces. >> he has been in the courtroom and balancing a lot of things. again, you have 91 indictments against him. something liberals wanted to run on. maybe the more impressive point is they are only statistically two points apart, biden and trump. >> perhaps. republican nominee should be crushing joe biden now and why i'm worried. and nikki haley is. she is the only candidate in
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double digits ahead of joe biden in multiple polls right now. there are a number of polls she is beating him by double digits and ahead of him in new hampshire by seven points in a general election. all the other republicans were behind. she would make new hampshire a swing state in the november election. so -- potentially. >> harris: the thing is, i mean, you are talking about someone who is a quasi-incumbent. nick -- can those leads against biden hold through the general election or are people siding with her because they don't want trump? we won't know that until they vote. i want to get to this. nikki haley picking up the endorsement of 2024 rival asa hutchinson. former arkansas governor posted this. anyone who believes donald trump will unite the country has been
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asleep over the last eight years. trump tries to divide america and will continue to do so. go nikki haley in new hampshire. from asa hutchinson in the iowa caucuses he was getting.2%. >> i'll alert the media. it won't make a difference. we were in iowa for the coverage. i was surprised he was still in the race. i didn't realize he hadn't dropped out. if this was a game of survivor, she is the last one on the island. >> harris: is it important that she stay in or get out? >> depends on what happens tomorrow night. everything hinges on new hampshire. if she has a good performance she will keep going. if she doesn't and donald trump crushes her it is probably over. >> harris: i'm going to a haley and trump event tonight. those will be decidedly very
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different audiences based on the electorate details that we know. if you were undeclared at this point, it doesn't mean you are undecided. quick thought. >> this attack on her that somehow the democrats are voting for her or independents are voting for her. why is that a negative? that's how you win presidential elections. ronald reagan beat jimmy carter because of the reagan democrats who became republicans. you want a candidate who can bring those people over. those people are going to vote for her if they can get in and vote for her is a strong thing. >> harris: i would make this point. anybody who wants to change their party tonight from republican to democrat cannot do that. that had to happen on october 6th. undeclared, which makes up the largest part of the voting state here of new hampshire, basically they walk in and -- >> those people will be undeclared independent candidates in swing states that
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will decide the election. >> harris: a sunny day in new hampshire. let's go moose walking. i think that's a thing. i don't know. good to see you. iran pays them to kill their enemies. the houthi terrorists targeting the u.s. military and international shipping lanes every chance they get. the houthi savages have now launched 35 attacks in the red sea since mid november. the pentagon has confirmed the deaths now of two navy seals. they went missing while on a mission to seize iranian weapons which were headed for the houthis. republicans say president biden is too weak for the task. >> we have to go back to maximum pressure. this administration has got to reverse course on its iran policy or we'll lose more service members. i think the administration is backing us into another protracted conflict in the middle east because of bad policies.
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>> harris: on saturday iran-backed killers carried out a missile attack on u.s. forces in iraq. several u.s. soldiers were injured. the "wall street journal" editorial board now is asking will iran pay any price for the latest assault? jennifer griffin, national security correspondent is with us from the pentagon. >> the biden administration is preparing for a larger military campaign against the houthis we're told. u.s. has launched seven rounds of air strikes on houthi military sites since january 11th. the last five strikes targeted and destroyed houthi anti-ship missiles in yemen prepared to launch into busy shipping lanes in the red sea of gulf of aden. a-18 super hornets from the u.s.s. eisenhower. since the massive strikes on over 60 targets at 28 locations on january 11th, two u.s.-owned
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and operated commercial vessels have been hit by the houthis, including one in the gulf of aden last week. no injuries were reported from the u.s. owned and operated bulk carrier ship and still deemed seaworthy. iran is behind the houthi attacks. i'll say iran is clearly funding, resourcing, they are are supplying and they are providing training. they are obviously very directly involved. there is no secret there. as the u.s. ramps up its maritime defenses iran's proxy groups in irrelevant rack and syria continue to attack u.s. troops. several service members suffered traumatic brain injuries after they launched over a dozen ballistics missiles and rockets where the bulk of the 2500 u.s.
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troops in iraq are stationed. showing just how serious an attack this was, the u.s. fired 15 patriot surface to arair missiles and yet the force managed to hit the base and injure the u.s. service members. the navy is mourning two of its best and brightest after the search two navy seals have been declared dead and part of a team that boarded a ship smuggling iranian miss will parts to yemen. one slipped into the water from the ladder of the ship these boarded and the other seal went in to attempt a rescue. a true hero. the u.s., japan and spain searched more than 21,000 square miles to locate these american heroes to no avail. harris. >> dana: god bless them and their families. >> harris: jennifer, thank you. president biden's war on energy
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is taken some hits. you know he wants the rest of us to drive electric and give up some of our home appliances. not so fast, joe biden. something just happened. plus the biden campaign is trying to claw back support from black voters. >> no administration has done as much for the african-american community as president biden and vice president harris. >> harris: but the president is under water in the polling of black voters on many key issues. charles payne joins me in new hampshire. there he is. bring me some tea, my friend.
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>> harris: we're in new hampshire. that's right outside. doesn't it look majestic? the state is so incredibly beautiful. i would wave but you still wouldn't see me. i'm inside the building. it is gorgeous. the bedford inn. we love it. we love the voters here, too. the biden campaign is looking for black voters to come back. americans indicating biden is not winning with a key voting block. a recent poll shows biden is losing on two top issues with black voters, more than half disapprove of biden's handling on the economy and inflation. the biden campaign seems to be ready to fight. >> when it comes to african-american voters i want to be very clear. no administration has done as much for the african-american community as president biden and vice president harris. we've come out of the gate with
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large things tar guested at african-american voters sending a clear signal that we don't take them for granted and we recognize they need to earn their support in this campaign. >> harris: a recent piece with this. when talking about economic concerns, black and latino voters are usually talking about inflation and there is good reason for this. not everyone was affected by inflation in the same way. inflation inequality got worse for blacks and latino families over the last two years. charles payne host of making money on fox business. first of all, i'm a little confused when they pick one person to speak for all of us and i guess they just think they know how every household works. tell us about the ones the biden administration is missing. >> first of all, what he said was an outright lie, it was an outright lie. it's hurtful because he talked about how they are organizing.
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they try to win the black vote than they put in to help black people. he almost admitted. we're organizing and getting there early. black consultants complain they give all the white consultants money because they take the black vote for granted. you know, here is the deal. black wealth, white wealth increased $50,000 on average since 2019 to 2022. and then on top of it the economic burdens of inflation have been absolutely enormous. beyond the lies is what has president biden been most passion nall about? he has been most passionate about things that help rich white people. paying off ph.d.s, college loans. paying off wealthy folks, giving them money to buy e.v.s. he has taken the earned income tax credit designed for poor households to get a babysitter
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so people can enter the workplace and giving it to couples making $3 hundred thousand a year. his passion is for the wealthiest people in the country. what did he do last year that was despicable. one of the things is tough when a democrat is elected one of the things i fear about black america. anything negative that happens to us won't get any air time. no one will talk about it. last year president biden allowed an emergency food stamp program to expire. didn't put up a fight at all. if trump had been in office this would be one of the number one, top three categories why did you let food stamps to poor americans expire? but -- so president biden is fighting tooth and nail for college graduates who make on average four to 5 million in their lifetime. 3 million more than a high school grad fighting for the grad to pay student loans and family making $3 hundred thousand to get tax credits for their children. they don't need them. it is families who want to get
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in the workplace. more than anything else it's the education. why hasn't black wealth kept up? we can't graduate with a seventh grade reading level. >> harris: there are parts of the country where they are struggling. >> places like new york city it's embarrassing and the death blow that is waking up black people, hal, look at social media. illegal immigrants getting off buses and jumping the line. >> harris: chicago. >> they are kicking black kids out of school to make room for illegal immigrants. >> harris: imagine when obama and biden go back for the dnc convention in chicago and the same people who have been holding news conferences, black families, begin to speak again. there are some brighter spots that are happening in the economy right now. we know them -- >> name them. >> harris: eventually the interest rates will come down.
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it may not be enough to happen before november. people may not feel it. >> if interest rates come down because the economy is lurching into a recession it's the ultimate 1-two punch. that's in the federal reserve's hands now. prices that have gone up don't come down. one of the things the media says. it's not down, the rate of growth has slowed so if i paid a buck for something i'm paying a buck 50 and the next month it's a buck 55 it is slow but still a buck 55 and i can't afford it. >> harris: they're trying to say it won't be $5 with inflation cooking at eight or 9%. they're trying to sell that. >> people of all stripes understand income inwill quality has never been worse. the wealthy have made so much more money under president biden than they could have made under any president ever. >> harris: we're a capitalist country and this is not about pushing against the people who
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have dreamed their dreams and they are getting wealthier, what you are saying it's a political gift because he is in office. that's what i understand. i have to let you go. quickly i want to say this. part of the reason why bidenomics didn't catch on for the bad things happening in the economy. they stopped talking about the economy. now that they want to start talking about it again in an election year it is difficult to catch up. the news was so bad for so long and it had the name bide noise. last thought. >> for instance last week we had consumer sentiment. it made a nice bounce but bouncing off -- imagine something falling from ten to five and bouncing to six. look at the direction it's moving. it is bouncing off an extreme low but still extremely low like prices are extremely high. bidenomics. >> harris: they are. packages are smaller for more stuff. we could talk for an hour but we can't. thank you. i appreciate it. >> i'm glad you gave me the
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opportunity to sell me some of the truth. >> harris: you were fired up. i love it. just hours until the polls open in new hampshire and president biden's name is not on the ballot. a third party threat to him is looming larger. plus both the president and former president trying to fend off attacks over their age. whether nikki haley can capitalize on voters' concerns. power panel is next. >> you look at the fact that both of these guys will be in their 80s and we have a lot going on. do you really want to do this? want to save money and get cash? for veteran homeowners, it's easy as 1-2-3. one: call newday and apply. two: take out an average of $70,000. three: pay off your credit cards
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it's amazing to me how many people write in about their dogs changing for the better. the farmer's dog is just our way to help people take care of them. ♪ the day you get your clearchoice dental implants makes every day... a "let's dig in" day... mm. ...a "chow down" day... a "take a big bite" day... a "perfectly delicious" day... - mm. [ chuckles ] - ...a "love my new teeth" day. because your clearchoice day is the day everything is back on the menu. a clearchoice day changes every day. schedule a free consultation. >> harris: nikki haley and her allies are leaning in hard on the issue of age for both joe biden and donald trump. >> you don't be surprised if you
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have someone who is 80 in office. their mental stability is going to continue to decline. that's just human nature. he have is not the same level in 2016. we see some of take decline. >> you have two nearly 80-year-olds fighting this thing out. that's a great example this is not the donald trump of 2016. lost his fast ball. >> harris: trump told political i don't mind being 80 but i'm 77. a big difference. i feel my mind is stronger now than it was 25 years ago. pat fallon not holding back. >> biden is a shadow of his former self and he doesn't have the mental acuity he once had. >> harris: biden primary challenger dean phillips agrees with that. at that stage of life it is impossible ultimately to conduct, prosecute the office of
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the american presidency in the way that this country and world needs right now. team biden is brushing it all off. >> when it comes to the president's age we have a simple formula for that. it's results. age equals wisdom equals results and experience. president biden, because of his age, has come to the table and brought people together from both sides of the aisle to deliver results for the american people. >> harris: i tell you, the principle deputy campaign manager is getting a lot of face time and working hard. power panel. guy benson, marie harf, also a fox news contributor. guy benson you were laughing shaking your head. you have to try to get out there. >> they have to say something. you, sir, will go say all the things. good luck. the problem for him and them is the american people have been watching this president now for well over three years. he says watch me.
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sometimes in the creepy whisper of his. the issue is we are. and the polling results are what they are. i get that donald trump is 77. he is not a spring chicken. but the american people do believe he has the mental acuity to do the job. they don't feel that way overwhelmingly about the incumbent. they can talk about wisdom and experience, that's great. but i think most people understand those are euphemisms now. >> harris: your rebuttal. >> nikki haley is making a good case here along with sununu that a lot of voters don't want either candidate who is almost 80. a lot of americans if they were given another choice. democrats will tell you, harris, they are much more worried about nikki haley in a general election than donald trump. you are seeing donald trump increasingly get confused on the campaign trail. he thought nikki haley was nancy pelosi. that clip is brutal. i think at the end of the day a lot of voters think both candidates are too old. donald trump and joe biden. then it comes down to who do you
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think would make a better president? who do you think your life would be better under? you have the biden administration talking about women's freedom and donald trump being the chaos candidate he always is. so i think age is baked into the contest between biden and trump so i think it comes down to who is going to rebuild the economy, continue doing that or who ising to be donald trump, candidate, that is an even match up. >> trump is ahead by double digits on the issue of the economy. biden has had an opportunity to help the economy but he is failing. >> i would say the economy is getting better. >> harris: historically we have seen trump struggle with suburban women. when it comes to the economy it's that or illegal immigration is one or two. it was number one for voters in iowa. always in the top three as you
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look across the country at future primaries we'll cover potentially. so then who really is doing well with the issues that are important to women? and i've talked to voters in new hampshire. women who tell me under president trump, i bought my dream home, under biden i may lose it. those are real dynamics on the ground. but let's move to this quickly. the biden campaign is down playing any concerns about a potential third party spoiler that would take votes away from biden. watch. >> at the end of the day there will only be two parties that have an ability to get to 270 electoral votes. joe biden as the democratic nominee and whoever merges from the extreme republican primary going on right now. we'll stay focused on the issues and make it about freedom and democracy. americans understand that and won't be fooled by anything else. >> harris: he has all the talking points, extreme republican primary. like the whole primary now is
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whatever he says it is. hilarious, poor guy. it is not even a holiday and have him working that much. dean phillips, also challenging president biden, floated a possible run for a third party ticket like no labels if, in fact, we see a trump-biden rematch. he will join us on "focus." right now he is joining a growing list of other potential and confirmed third party candidates. take a look. lawrence tribe hosted no labels is a lethal scam. it could end democracy if it tosses the 2024 presidential election into the house where each state has exactly one vote and you say what? >> it will end democracy by giving americans more choices? on the ballot? it's an absurd thing to say. i tend to believe that when push comes to shove at the end of an election cycle most people drift one way or another. democrat or republican.
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in 2016 trump and hillary clinton were very unpopular and combined for 94% of the popular vote. sometimes the hype around third parties is way overblown. it can make a difference but guess what? neither party is entitled to anyone's vote. they have to make the case. if there is someone else out there making a case and a few people want to vote for them that's what american democracy is. demonizing people for having choices is absurd. >> if there is a third party candidatesy here, they will almost certainly take votes from joe biden. because we know that donald trump has a hard ceiling on how many people are willing to vote for him. a lot of independents, suburban women really don't like him anymore since roe v. wade and -- >> harris: ask them about the economy. >> because of that donald trump has a ceiling. there are a lot of people we see it in polling who aren't convinced on joe biden yet.
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if there is a dean phillips or joe manchin or larry hogan who runs third party they'll take votes from the democrats and help donald trump get reelected and every democrat needs to be clear that would be the outcome of one of these vanity projects running as a third party. >> voters can make decisions for themselves. >> everyone should be clear if those choices are on the ballot. >> harris: everybody on your side of the aisle. you painted it as grim for democrats. good luck with that. great to see you both. troubles piling up for the district attorney in the trump georgia election interference case. new documents show fanly willis's married alleged lover spent all that money she paid him, $650,000, to work the case. now she could get dragged into his divorce case. that's right. his estranged wife has receipts she says show trips they took
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together. it gets juicy. president trump confident he will once again be the gop nominee and thinking about who will run on the ticket with him. >> the person that i think i like is a very good person. pretty standard. i think won't be that surprised. >> harris: we'll take a look at some of the people who could be his number two on a possible trump ticket. charlie hurt in "focus" next. for moms, from centrum. ♪ (this new mom here i go) ♪ ♪ (i am strong and brave) ♪ ♪ (i know) ♪ ♪ (with a little time for me) ♪ ♪ (no doubt i'll get through) ♪ ♪ (loving me is loving you) ♪ from centrum, the women's choice multivitamin brand. ♪ with fastsigns, create factory grade visual solutions to perfect your process. ♪
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and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. >> harris: well, calls are growing for fulton county, georgia district attorney fani willis to step down from the election interference case against former president trump. can she do the job with all that's going on? that's the question. she herself is snarled in a messy love triangle allegedly and faces calls for paying her alleged lover wade, $650,000. the biggest case of her career and paid him and now stuff
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happening. here is trump's attorney. >> i think there is a general concern in this country right now. this sheds light on that, martha, in that we're appointing these individuals to positions of power where they have access to taxpayer money and they are selecting cases to become more famous, not do the right thing. and then we see this slough of corruption that eventually comes down, including this story. >> harris: florida congressman byron donalds with this. the lord did not cause you to stumble into $6 hundred thousand in taxpayer money because you are sleeping with the lead prosecutor. there is prosecutorial misconduct. fani should be removed and disbarred. steve harrigan on the story in georgia. >> the fight today is over divorce proceedings, whether or not they should be unsealed and whether that district attorney fani willis should be forced to be deposed to give testimony in this divorce case. another hearing coming up next
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month will look at weather the two behaved improperly and whether they improperly used taxpayer money to take vacations. many are already beginning to say the district attorney should step aside. >> i think that the case is -- hasn't gone off the rails already, it is about to. and i don't see anything good coming from her staying in charge of the case at this point. and i think a lot of good can happen if she steps away. this is obviously a huge distraction. >> we've already gotten a hint what might be in those divorce proceedings. on friday lawyers for the wife released bank statements that show nathan wade bought plane tickets for himself and willis to go to miami and san francisco to take a caribbean cruise and rent a hotel in napa valley,
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california. >> harris: charlie hurt, some of thieves receipts he was talking about from travel came directly because the estranged wife, that's been part of her filing. fani willis is accusing wade of harassing her and damaging her professional reputation like allegedly sleeping around didn't do that? she is doing that also by subpoenaing her for a deposition in the divorce case. you want to win your divorce case and found a woman spending taxpayer money, that might do it. >> she is literally bringing the receipts and i think that it very much plays to donald trump's benefit because it is such a soap opera. when you think politics can't get crazier, this stuff happens. i think it undermines and reminds people that everywhere you have these highly partisan charges against donald trump,
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whether it's fulton county or new york city or washington, d.c. they are some of the most lawless places. this adds a whole veneer of grossness to it that i think helps him in his political argument that these are partisan charges. >> harris: let's talk about this case for a bit. legally i've been reading they cannot remove her from the role while this is going on. she has said she will not step away. so then they would need to put -- by the way, nathan wade, her alleged lover, worked as a municipal court judge mainly in traffic law and family law. and fox research found that he had never been involved litigating a felony. but he is in charge of the election interference case of donald trump. >> they have put so much effort into this case. >> harris: and money. >> and money as we saw with the receipts. and then meanwhile it's not like
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atlanta is the safest place to walk around at night. it is not like there aren't other crimes going on in atlanta. but this is their focus. again, you know, it goes back to the political argument that donald trump makes which is this is all partisan and has nothing to do with law and order. >> harris: former president trump is teasing supporters about a potential vice president choice even before a single ballot has been cast in tomorrow's new hampshire primary. high profile republicans are talking up their outspoken advocacy of trump and his policies. >> certainly if asked i would have to think about it. i will help him however i can. >> the only thing i want is four more years of donald trump and a republican majority in the senate, majority in the house and the white house, if i can help achieve that through my endorsement by being on the campaign trail in my home state of south carolina for the next four or five weeks and beyond, that's the goal. >> i won't get into any conversations with president
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trump. i said i would be honored to serve in the administration in any capacity. >> harris: in your thoughts. >> you have people like stefanik and scott getting a jump on the veepstakes doing their best to audition for the jobs. >> harris: do you see any one of them? >> anyone who says anything whether what they think they know something doesn't know what they are talking about. i don't think donald trump hints that -- he has somebody in mind. i think that is sort of a -- he is good at keeping people interested and keeping the attention, keeping the -- marketing. so i think that the big picture he has an embarrassment of riches. a lot of people are saying trying to discount ron desantis. i don't think you can discount him. >> harris: that's interesting, too. >> if you look at what he said about ron desantis, you know, it is politics. you get strange bed fellows, people make up. if it's in donald trump's best
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interest in the summer to hook up with ron desantis, he will. i will say, however, i think his comments about nikki haley were rather shermanesque, he said she is not presidential timber to say i'm saying this so you can hold me accountable to the fact that i said that. it was almost like a pledge and i always look at these things when he says -- when he discounts somebody, can you use those words in an ad against him? you could use the nikki comments against him. >> harris: very interesting. charlie hurt always bringing new stuff. good to see you. happy new year, not too late? thank you for watching "the faulkner focus." i'll be live tomorrow from new hampshire. it's gorgeous. we're so glad to be here. part of another chapter of history of politics being made in this country. god bless you. "outnumbered" is next.
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