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tv   The Five  FOX News  January 22, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PST

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>> donald trump does well in a conservative religious state like iowa and does well in a state like new hampshire that cuts more independent voters and the like. that's a good want to punch, is it not? >> i think it is. the thing about donald trump that we have seen. it's amazing really. i have never seen anything like it. he has a real clue whether republican primary voters that is without precedent. he continues this now. this is someone who has been on the ballot quite a bit. he's been in the public eye for quite a while. this continues despite all the controversy, courtrooms, everything else. he's got likely with these voters. >> indeed he does, good seeing you again. a lot at stake. continuing coverage. "the five." ♪ ♪
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>> hello, everyone. i'm dana perino along with jesse watters and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city and new hampshire. and this is "the five." ♪ ♪ we've got here in the g.o.p. primary went down to 2. we are one day away from the primary and new hampshire. all eyes on donald trump and nikki haley nikki haley. the last candidate standing after a massive shake up the race florida governor ron desantis dropping out and endorsing the former president. >> it's clear to me that a majority want to give donald trump another chance. he superior to the current incumbent, joe biden. that is clear. i signed a pledge to support the republican nominee. i will honor that pledge. >> who is going to come out on top tomorrow? the latest polls show trump is ahead by nearly 20 points. the former president getting 57% of the vote compared to 38% nikki haley gets. here is president trump sounding up on the race.
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>> what are you going to do with the name? name is officially retired as of this moment. we are retiring that name. totally, as far as i'm concerned, he endorsed me. with nikki, i'm very upset with her. she said i would never rent. a great president. she worked for me for 2.5 years. she was okay, not great. she was okay. she said to everybody, when she left, i will never run against the president. >> nikki haley might be banking on some democrats and independents to save the day according to a new report. they say that a handful of left-leaning groups have popped up across new hampshire with a goal of persuading the states undeclared voters who make up 42% of the voting population and are eligible to vote in either party's probe -- the former south carolina governor -- >> it is a fact that you decline over time. it is a fact that you slow down.
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when i'm saying is that country is in disarray. their world is on fire. we need somebody at the top of their game. you've got donald trump in a courtroom today. and you've got him and joe biden giving us more of the same. they are both talking about grievances of the past, vendettas, and their investigations. we need a new generational conservative leader that's got to be focused on how we are going to get america back on track for our kids. >> jesse watters here in new hampshire with me and then our great crew there in new york. it's going to be a good five. nikki haley had said for a long time she wanted to get this to a two-person race. is that in time for her to make a big dent tomorrow night? >> i want to know what he's wearing. he looks like he is in new hampshire and i've been manhattan. >> i found that in your closet. >> stay out of my closet. it is so different to see these two men. if you cross him, he will indict
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you or deny you secret service protection. if you cross trump, it's about honor. he lives by a different account. if does something for you, and you are perceived as disloyal, perhaps you have been appointed to a cabinet position nor bid endorsed because of endorsement, you are not allowed to run against him. then you will get a nickname. all of a sudden, if you drop out and endorse, that nickname is over. i would assume -- you know, jessica, that i never make predictions anymore. just for the sake of argument, if nikki does not win and eventually does have to suspend and endorse, i'm sure, birdbrain will be retired, and everything can come together and we can get it together. we just happen to say that. this is barbaric, this politics stuff. nikki also has to be careful, because she can't be too vicious and savagely attacked the president as being mentally
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incapacitated. just no way democrats wouldn't do that to joe biden or go after hunter. you don't want to hand the other side too much ammo where you wound them so drastically that they end up limping into the general. i'm not telling her how to read her campaign, but i am. she just has to calculate what is best for her and see over the horizon and see what is good for the party as a whole, long-term. >> what's on your mind today? >> i think it is interesting that nikki haley comes out and says we need someone who is really on top of their game. she was the one who was asked, what was the cause of the civil war? she plowed her that so badly. a third grader could have answered it better than she did. you know, she may have a false sense of confidence now, given that the new hampshire primary involves independent voters who make up 40% of the electorate. they can vote for either major party candidate.
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it said their interest to vote for nikki so that trump doesn't look as strong. he is the one they don't want to run against. she can drag out judge judy. there were other judges who don't thinks that she is necessarily the best candidate. having said all that, i think nikki's days are coming to an end to back. and trump beats in double digits, then she is out of new hampshire, because she goes to south carolina. she can even win it around stayed where she was the governor. you have got tim scott, the senator perdue on the governor now, the lieutenant governor. everyone in south carolina is supporting donald trump. she could talk about how this is a two-person race when it was a 3-person race. the truth is that, i don't think she's got a lot of support going forward. i do want to mention one thing about donald trump. i was very impressed the way he handled ron desantis stepping out of the race. it was almost like, for all the
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noise, it was a whisper that desantis left. i thought trump was very nice to him. more importantly, i was impressed with the fact that donald trump, former president trump talked about casey desantis. he gave her kudos. he said she worked very hard. she's a lovely woman. i kind of like that. let's come together, all of us. let's just say this. if he gets to 60, it's over for her. she's out, she's gone. >> what do you think? >> i want to congratulate jessica on a successful transition. >> did you call me jessica? >> i think he is talking about jessica who is somewhere in h here. >> i want to look back at ron desantis. even though the campaign wasn't
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the best, he actually did a great job, and he did a great service. he basically stressed tested trump, and removed to the what-ifs from 2024. you have then never trumpers and the naysayers who said if only we had a competent alternative, right? if we have a normal candidate, you know, as an option to trump. all we wanted an alternative to trump. you got it. you got the best governor in the country, and it didn't make a dent. it is pretty impressive. desantis just reeks of confidence. he succeeds wherever he goes. yet, it still didn't happen. it is because that is probably not the right time for him, and it is the right time again for trump. it feels inevitable. despite all the obstacles of the media and the law fair and the competitors, trump still breezing through the finish line. i have a metaphor.
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so many people are pushing electric vehicles on the american public. the american public still prefers the gas guzzling. it doesn't make the evs pad. this is at time yet. and so, trump is basically -- he is a red, white, and blue tint on the big rig blaring "free bird" as that runs over every woke previous in its path. it desantis is just a great car. he will be needed later, just not right now. >> i like the metaphor very m much. your political analysis. we are down to her to train candidates in new hampshire. the last time we were here, they were so many in 2016. they were left at the race. >> good to be back around the table. you can go in here today. a couple of things. new hampshire has been a place where you get surprises sometimes. we talked about a week or so ago, and new hampshire,
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hillary clinton beat obama. even trump back in '16. you don't quite know. those rooms up there where democrats and republican primaries and vice versa. we will see what happens. the polling data has been pretty consistent. and been pretty accurate. it looks like the president -- former president had is interesting. it looks like he may hold it. i slightly differ with greg on that desantis had this regard. i don't disagree with his confidence by the fact that i would have campaigned differently. he's making faces at me. i would have campaigned differently if i were him. for whatever reason, it didn't work. you have to wonder if in 4 years more, maybe it will. maybe the hour analogy is the one. he reminds me -- we have these candidates every 4 years. most of the times, scott walker when he was supposed to be invincible.
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it didn't happen. donald trump, whatever you want to say about him, democrat or republican is one of the best political athletes that we have seen in any era. he has shown that again. i come back to how he was so conciliatory and magnanimous the night he went back in iowa. the question came out again as he watched desantis. i thought his exit from the race, his speech was the best speech i'd heard him give during the campaign. campaigns are funny. if you can't raise money, you think you're going to be threatened, you get out of these races. we are about to come tomorrow night see the beginning of the longest presidential campaign in the history of the country. >> can i ask you something real quick before we go to break? what is wall street thinking right now about these cand candidates? >> i can't speak for all of them. i saw where nikki haley has a fund-raiser planned by some of the great minds on the street and some of the great financiers
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of early next week. and she doesn't do well, there are going to be a lot of -- to get out. >> can i ask you a question? what is that thinking on "sesame street"? >> you are asking me? >> well, i was unable to go there today. i'm looking forward to it tomorrow. >> can i ask you a question? what is the thinking on "brokeback mountain?" [laughter] >> what do you mean, we've got to go? i was hoping to keep it going. an embarrassing loss in new hampshire with a right in campaign. use the musical of bringing textile manufacturing back to america. we're taking the best fibers our farm can produce, spinning it at one location,
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>> grab your pencils, democrat. after joe took his name off the ballot to prioritize the race in south carolina. you follow that. the secretary of state's office says as long as the intent of the name is clear, the vote will likely count for biden. we are not sure if the big guy or corn pop was a bad dude will make the cut. it's a fun way to invoice -- dean phillips. >> going to demonstrate that are incontinent incumbent president -- he can actually do what has been promised for generations. >> to your point, is not standing in front of the press.
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he's not answering questions are doing town halls. he won't do debates. he's a good man. i don't think he has a cognitive issues. he's 81 years old. he's in decline. >> black voters are souring on biden on issues like the economy. jim clyburn wants to blame that on this information. >> i am concerned with the reporting of this. when i see these numbers, my goodness. if there is any truth to the numbers -- which i don't believe them. i talked to black people all the time. i don't know where those numbers are coming from. when you ask a question, and someone is basing their opinion on incomplete information or misinformation, there's a lot of misinformation going on here. there are a lot of things being said that's just not true. >> i also talk to black people all the time. i.e. harold. if you actually believe that it
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is misinformation? >> i don't. i take polls. when you see a poll, if you don't believe that it may be right, you've got to look at the particulars of it. i think that poll is probably accurate. once you get into a joint race between trump and biden, maybe those numbers change a bit. i think we ignore those numbers at our own peril. i think of six months from the today, economy is better, consumer sentiment is improving. if it continues on this path, any incumbent president would be in any position as they had into a general election. gas prices is a big moniker. where that is on memorial day will have an indicator of what may happen in the election. it is shortsighted and misguided. i think president obama has shared with president biden, he's got to think about this thing more seriously in the campaign is to be more agile and speak to these voters. this is the right way to lose
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these voters. the correct way is to believe that poll and to craft a strategy to help reverse those numbers. >> judge. there is this right and effort, do you think joe forgot that he was behind this change at the beginning, and he doesn't remember? >> i am so glad that you asked me that question. joe biden decides that he wants to change the rules. new hampshire has been the first state in the presidential primary. joe gets his pals at the dnc to change the rules. they are the one who helped hilary along and got rid of sanders. you remember this. that's not a question. is rhetorical. okay? peter rex -- south carolina goes first. why? because south carolina is where he wins with jim clyburn. if you are 81 and in decline, jim clyburn is an 83. that might understand why he doesn't understand the polls.
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he directs the dnc to have south carolina to go first. since new hampshire has a state law that requires that they go down, he says, okay, what we are going to do is, we are going to make sure that we get people to write me and so i don't lose to williamson and dean phillips. people in new hampshire saying, poor joe. joe changed it. here we go. the dnc says, no delegates will be awarded based on what happens in new hampshire. biden is unwilling to debate. he doesn't want to be in new hampshire. he's not gonna go there. he wants to be coordinated. we know what happened the last time the democratic candidate wanted to be coordinated. that would be gallery. as a relates to jim clyburn, if you are under 50, 32% of the blocks are with you. if you are over 50, 65% are with you that's a real problem for
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joe biden. i don't think it's going to do as well as he thinks he's gonna do in south carolina. >> joe is asking people to write in his name. perhaps that is what jill does on his name tag in case he ever gets lost. i got to be failing in joe biden's name when you vote? >> no, in the interest of full transparency, my uncle is in charge of the write-in is a democrat. state senator here. i just got off the phone with him. he said they had to do it because the rule is in the state constitution. they have to have a primary. the dnc made a dumb decision. they wanted to show their support for joe biden. they raised money for signs, and for all their grassroots efforts. is this thing going to be close? is he barely going to put away this dean character? he goes, i don't care. if he wins by one vote, it's fine with me. i also talk to black people too.
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harold tells me that black americans are not happy with joe biden. the only thing they have delivered to the black community is a legal spirit >> there you go. >> last word to you, dana. right again by name, is that of active campaigning? >> his name is nick kenney's part of the new hampshire institute of politics. apparently, when they first put out the advertisement about doing the writing campaign, they spelled biden's name wrong. that might be why you can mark x. it is embarrassing for us to be have to do this. he listened to the far left members and activists of his party who said new hampshire is too white. new hampshire has a lot of history. we have already established that there there are many college educated white people who live in new hampshire.
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that is making up a big part of the president's base. he should want to make sure that they are happy. i do think biden might eke it out. we are talking about how new hampshire can often surprised. maybe he is the surprise is not on the republican side this time around. it could be on the democratic side. i will be watching that and bill hemmer on the billboard tomorrow. >> coming up, joe biden makes a stunning admission on the open border. he wants to blame republicans for it.
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♪ ♪ >> president biden finally speaking some truth about the border he left wide open. as usual, it comes to little too
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late. after that thing and millions of illegal immigrants, the big guy is finally admitting that our southern border is not secure. but then, he blamed the republicans for the crisis. >> you said that the border is secure. >> president biden: no, it's not. i have to wait -- i have set up for the last ten years. give me the money. the question is where the speaker and house republicans. are they ready to act as well? they have to choose whether they want to solve a problem or keep weaponizing issues to score political points against the president. i'm ready to solve the problem. massive changes. i mean that sincerely. >> maybe biden should start listen to john fetterman. he's becoming the democratic voice of reason on the border crisis. listen to what he just said. >> i honestly don't understand why it is controversial to say we need a secure border and the various support of immigration.
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we also need to have a secure border. we want to provide the american dream for any migrant. it seems very difficult when you have 300,000 showing up at our border to do that. >> migrants are turning a new york city park into a giant toilet. "the new york post" reporting how migrants left and cups of urine in one neighborhood. i will start with you. biden says the border has not been secured the last ten years. he said, i have said at for the last ten years. why hasn't he fired mae arcus who has lied to congress under both? >> as we sit here this evening, and looks as if the senate republicans and democrats have found a way to come to an agreement about how to address this awful broken border that we have. it's going to get more money for
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law enforcement. i think the critical things you have to do. i wish it had the wall and it also. it looks as if this is what they are able to do together. it appears that president trump -- who talks about this issue a lot intelligently. it has been reported that he has called members of the house and urged them not to agree to this deal and not to negotiate with democrats on this. dan crenshaw a republican congressman from texas who is a smart guy and a veteran over the weekend said, how many more thousands of illegals are we going to let in before we do a deal? if we believe that we are going to advantage joe biden by doing an immigration deal or border deal and we are not going to do it for that reason, doing not arrest people because we may help democratic mayors? do we not keep them in jail because you might help a democratic mayor? of course not. they only have a 2-seat majority in the house. they control the white house.
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a time-honored american tradition of compromising. it's a good starting point. i think it is a really strong piece of legislation. it hasn't been released yet. if they have a deal, support the deal. that's give more money to the border and build the wall and reform the asylum process. if that doesn't work, we will come back and do something else. >> the answer to your problems is more money, but the rabbit is in the money and where does it go? should it go to a wall? no wall and it's the won't agree to a wall. and was the democrats who got rid of all the construction material that was left after trump left for the wall. should he be given to locals for schools and hospitals that are gone on there like that in denver? should we dictate where that money goes? >> i guess so. i think they need more sex ed. finding cups in the park,
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finally had nowhere to go for my fox yearly drug test. i will be right there. why is it that only when elections loom, the democrats come to reality? i think there needs to be a deal made. we waited so long for the democrats to come to the table. they only care about boats and not people. we need to have monthly elections. the democrats will actually care. i have to say, i have to take my hat off even though i'm not wearing want to have better men. he has proved me wrong. and it feels good to be wrong, because it gives you hope that we are -- the worst instincts about people aren't always correct. it's a sign like jamie dimon, there are some adults returning to the table. that dads are coming home to clean out the house and the kegger. all the partyers that have destroyed this company. we might be growing up. probably wrong.
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>> i think you are right. >> i hope i am. >> the question is, how much work do we need from congress? how about you just build that wall? >> biden could stop the flow if he wanted to like that, but it is i want to. he wants to squeeze cash out of congress and did something. he's just doing this, because it is an election year. he's got the ukraine money tied up in a border deal. that's the only reason. you could give him a trillion more dollars is a catch and release. a trillion dollars more in debt. we send the department of education a billion dollars every year. to the schools get any better? no. i knew biden was bad on the border because he is not the best father. that man can't say no to his own son. he can't say stop. you can't have consequences for actions. that is what you need. you need a man in charge on the border to say this is not going to be allowed. if you do break in, this is what is going to happen to you.
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it seems like the democrats liked when he couldn't talk. remember how they thought -- you couldn't understand a word he said. when his chief of staff was running the show. now all of a sudden, he is recovering, thank god, and he starts making sense. everyone in d.c. and the democratic party -- can you believe this guy? he's going to be a real problem over here. i'm with greg. it feels good to be wrong. it feels better to be right but it feels good to be wrong. >> how does any of what is going on in congress are joe biden finally admitting that the border is not secure help cities like new york that's cutting back on law enforcement protection as chicago because of the people who are already here? >> certainly not. for a president biden, his biggest vulnerability going at the election that is coming from all demographics. one thing i would do if i were the members of congress on the house side is i would take a montage of every single time
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that karine jean-pierre has said the border is secure. i would splice them altogether and make them watch it. it's probably 15 minutes long. and then i would turn at his impeachment hearing and say, do you still maintain that the border is secure? when he says yes, i am assuming you could play the biden clip that says absolutely, it's not. that might be a way to wrap that up. >> up next, our favorite white house when abby is back gavin newsom trying to steal the new hampshire spotlight. ♪ ♪
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>> attack republicans and called out his own party for not being tough enough on the g.o.p. >> the reason i started to go into those red states and take on desantis and doing ads in these red states is i didn't feel my party was doing enough. it was crt one year and est ndi. these guys keep coming. i thought there was timidity in our party. i thought we needed to call the stuff out. bill maher wasn't ready to let governor newsom off the hook. running a secret campaign for president. i was a lieutenant governor. it's amazing. >> eyes and then you're going to run for president one day. we know it is not this year. i'm not going to even go there. >> is not bad he's thinking about the presidency in a couple of years. i think he is right. when you think about it? >> i think he has watched
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"american psycho" too many times. christian bale has nothing on this guy. he's like the rich kid buttering up his dying uncle as he is him to croak. he's out on the hallway clutching a my pillow. the moment the nurse leaves, he's putting it down on joe. he talks about -- she makes this weird comment about desantis, about bei, esd, and crt. what he fails to mention is that gavin newsom was wrong on all of that. desantis was right on all those three letter entities about how they are helping to destroy a company by going after a country by going after equal opportunity meritocracy. we even have democrats admitting that reverse racism is actually racism. i know he jokes about desantis. at least desantis is running for the offense in public. not sneaking around like a political cat burglar.
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>> would you advise governor newsom to do what he's doing or would you have a different set of advice for him? >> i don't think he would ever take my advice. i think you should focus on his own state. last year, they ended up with a $90 billion surplus. this year, they have a $73 billion deficit. how do you do that? it was fetterman actually who said, go to the bathroom or get off the pot. if you are going to run, run. bill maher is making fun of joe biden, kind of, saying the cognitive capabilities are in question. newsom just laughs along. he does seem to be playing too cute by half. >> what are your thoughts on this? >> i think it is then wink and then. i'm not really running this y year. it's interesting the way he kind of categorizes the division between the red states and the blue states. they weren't strong enough.
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when he is very divisive. them versus us. how he gloated when ron desantis got out of the race with, you know, there's a fire sale on ron desantis merged today. at least as you say, ron desantis got in the race. gavin newsom is being very sneaky about it. i don't know what's going on. he says he is doing it because he believes in women's rights. if you believe in women's rights, why are you allowing transgender's to ruin a lot of women's hopes and dreams? you can say that the governor before you created at law but you've done nothing to protect young women. all hat and no cattle i think. >> i like that one. >> i am with dana. go to the bathroom or get off the pot. >> of all of us on "the five," one would say you looked almost like gavin newsom. what are your thoughts about governor newsom?
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>> i'm going to consider that a compliment, jessica, thank you very much. you are not showing your pregnancy at all. i would say that biden is in a long-distance relationship with the democratic party. newsom keeps showing up when biden is out of town. at a field hockey game and all of a sudden come he's at the orchard when she is apple picking when their friends. just the right amount of proximity to let her know that he is there. wait a second, he is in china? he's on bill maher the sunday before their primary. greg is right. desantis could have cat burglared it. i'm going to take casey to d.c. for dinner and maybe go to the tampa bay bucs and shoot down the mexico city to meet the mexican president. either way i think works. >> he is doing something right. coming up, bad guys beware. "america's most wanted" is coming up on fox.
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sensation, "america's most wanted" is now coming back to fox. john waltz has been hunting bad guys for 40 years and he's not done yet. >> before the documentary, there was "america's most wanted," then show that brought true crime to tv is that with a man who started it all. >> i am host of "america's most wanted." we are more connected than ever. you can help solve cases like never before. >> new episodes will be available on demand on fox nation. helping his dad cohosted the new episodes. how did you decide to bring the show back? >> well, fox was my home for 25 years. i hosted "america's most wanted." i loved working for fox. we had become a lawless society. fbi and marshals contact me saying you've got to saddle up. you've got to get back in the game.
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rob wade from fox that i love you guys to come. we are here. tonight we are going to be the premier. >> we are excited to have you. i'm excited of how technology has changed over the last two decades and what new perspective that brings to the show. >> you are absolutely right. new technology has allowed us to analyze new technology. genealogy. social media as well. we always harness the power over the public. we have the ability to harness the internet detectives and internet sleuths and really about them to work. they are sharing information in real time. i that harnessing them can lead to incredible captures. >> first of all, john -- both of you. kudos for coming back. more importantly, you have done so much to help law enforcement for decades. myself. i remember when we were looking
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for robert, you had a segment on that case. i want to thank you on behalf of law enforcement around the country for the work that you have done. how do you see this show going forward differing if at all from what you have done over the past years? >> first, let me say that you are a kick judge and a kick prosecutor. i appreciate that. a lot has changed. technology is a big thing. we are in this lawless society. dana was talking about the border. we never had to deal with that in the old days. i caught 1200 of the world's worst uncatchable guys, at 17 guys off the fbi's ten most wanted. no -- recovered 61 strange -- most estranged or objected to kids was dead within four hours.
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dana was right about the border. it's a new challenge for us. we had mayorkas on the hearing 1.5 months ago i kept asking him, how many unaccompanied minors have you pushed across the border? one of the congressman said, 85,000. we said, did you dna swab them in case you got -- the kids to the border. you've got ms-13 grabbing them. they are charging the parents and saying the kids are going to work in the ritz-carlton as a maid or a bus boy. they had them right to ms-13. we asked them, did you take a dna swab in case one of these kids -- we are talking 6-17 wind up dead. did you take a picture of them? did you ask them what country are they from? we are too busy. 85,000 kids were pushed across the border. nobody knows where they went. we are in this violent, violent society in this lawless society. never seen anything like it. i've been doing this for years.
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number one in the world and mass murderers, 29 school shootings last year. new orleans is per capita of the most dangerous murder capital of the world. what happened to america? we have fallen apart. it is so dangerous. we are facing a lot of challenges. we are doing -- we are doing the case of a 17-year-old girl. 107,000 deaths, 300,000 people overdose. 107,000 deaths this girl, 17 years old went online on snapchat. they have drug dealers that have menus. what kind of drug deal want today? she was studying for a test. she took an adderall, she was dead into o hours. it's the playground for, sex traffickers. there's so much more sophisticated. challenge on our hands. >> great job. god bless. thank you guys so much.
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♪ time for omt. what have you got tonight? >> greg: great show tonight. vivek is joining us with emily compagno two of the fastest talkers on earth. kat timpf and adam hunter. greg where is jesse's moose. he couldn't find his hair care products. we sent out some reporters. we found out it ended up on the tarmac. this is a roller filled with jesse's hair care products that had been left on the tarmac and then blown away in the wind there is why jesse's hair system looks so shabby, we will try to get that to you as soon as possible, jesse. >> jesse: i got the sticky bag claim ticket. >> now we know we need airtag on
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that hair product, jesse. >> jesse: we are live from new hampshire, we are at haley and trump rallies. we will bring that to you tonight at 8:00 eastern. >> dana: i had trey gowdy on parrino on politics podcast that just posted a few moments ago. you can check that one out. harold, do you have a great one more thing for us tonight? >> nic dunlap, amateur golfer, university of alabama sophomore won the 2024 american express championship over the weekend. he was not able to sex the $1.5 million price because he is a an amateur. >> greg: is he a dude. >> dana: why do we have shah shot when he didn't make it? >> harold: i didn't put that together. >> judge jeanine: where does the money go? >> dana: who can we blame? >> dana: i'm going to blame greg because it's fun. that's it for everybody. have a great night. see you tomorrow. >> bret: if somebody in new hampshire wanted to write in gutfeld's name do they add the expon


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