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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  January 22, 2024 5:00pm-6:01pm PST

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states during this presidential election. wisconsin, arizona, georgia, michigan, nevada, north carolina. they are hoping abortion will bring out the faithful to support joe biden. >> laura: i'm trying to figure this out. you are someone in ohio -- or, no, you are someone in new york, and no new jobs are coming to new york. terrible crime, all the mess and migrants. but you are supposed to vote for a democrat so there can be more abortions for women in mississippi? it doesn't make any sense to me. they're not going to expand prosperity, but abortions for everyone? raymond, i don't think it works. i know we are going to hear from the kelce brothers fans. that's all. jesse next, see you tomorrow night. >> jesse: welcome to
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"jesse watters primetime." tonight... >> the radical left democrats are supporting nikki haley for one reason. she's very easy to beat. >> you are just not as sharp as you used to be. >> jesse: trump, haley, and the vp race. it's all going down in new hampshire. >> it seems very difficult when you have 300,000 people showing up. we need a secure border. >> jesse: john fetterman is recovering, and the democrats hate it. >> i don't [bleep] tell any other human being what to say, what to think, and there's no leashes on any of them. >> jesse: the media, ufc, and free speech. plus... ucs outside freezing to death? do you think we would stand in line like that for nikki haley? ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> jesse: we are live from the
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great state of new hampshire, where, in less than 24 hours, the polls close and the people of the granite state will choose the republican nominee for president. already the party is rallying around one man. last night, florida governor ron desantis suspended his campaign, endorsed donald trump, and attacked nikki haley on his way out. >> trump is superior to the current incumbent, joe biden. that is clear. we can't go back to the old republican guard of yesteryear. >> jesse: this comes the same week that former candidates vivek ramaswamy and tim scott endorsed the former president. as you know, donald trump lives by a code of honor: once you endorse him, the past is the past. >> you said, will i be using the name "ron desanctimonious?" i said that name is retired. >> jesse: but one opponent is still standing.
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nikki haley. and it's getting ugly. >> on tuesday you can declare that the republican party is never going back to the days of a weak establishment candidate. you want a losing candidate who puts america last, v vote for nikki haley. >> chaos follows him, and we can't have a country in disarray and a world on fire and go through four more years of chaos. we won't survive it. >> jesse: so donald trump is heading into the new hampshire primary tomorrow night with about an 18-point average lead. and that doesn't even really factor in the dissent's dropout. to santa breaking to trump over to nikki about-1. haley is facing pressure to bow out. >> yesterday and today, they said that i should drop out for the good of the country to support donald trump. [crowd reacts] america doesn't do coronations. we believe in choices. we believe in democracy, and we
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believe in freedom. >> jesse: but not everybody believes nikki haley is going about this the right way. she was confronted by veterans over the weekend. watch this. >> do you think it's responsible for politicians to spend $100 million in iowa on tv ads which go to mainly new stations that have led to us for years, when there's homeless veterans out there that could use that money? when you didn't even come close to beating trump, and he spent like $100 million in tv ad money? >> do you know my husband is a veteran? a combat veteran? and you know that when the media doesn't tell the truth, the whole reason you put commercials on is to tell the truth of the media doesn't connect >> my point is you're not going to beat to trump, and all the money you are wasting could go to better causes. >> i appreciate that. >> jesse: to some people in nicky's crowd had other types of proposals.
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>> will you marry me? [laughter] >> are you going to vote for me? [laughs] >> i'm voting for trump. >> get outta here. >> jesse: she handled both of the situations fine, but that was tough. that's what new hampshire politics is. you get face-to-face with voters and you have to listen to everybody. in another forum, nikki haley says she was the victim of racism. >> we were the only indian family in our small southern town. i was teased every day for being brown. so anyone that wants to question it can go back and look at what i have said on how hard it was to grow up in the deep south as a brown girl. i know the hardships, the pain that come with racism. >> jesse: we feel sorry nikki was discriminated against back then, and we'll find out tomorrow night if stories like
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that will get traction with republican voters. now, trump contends that the haley campaign is a democrat flea flicker. listen. >> the people behind nikki are pro-amnesty does she like that connect pro china, pro-open borders, pro-war, pro-deep state, and pro biden. the radical left democrats are supporting nikki for a very similar reason, because they know she's easy to beat. >> jesse: how much enthusiasm is the haley campaign generating connect we sent our producer to a nikki haley event to find out. watch. ♪ ♪ >> what makes you most excited to vote for nikki haley? >> i am most excited about for her because i think we need somebody younger. >> she's a fresh start for our country. >> i think that she is a strong independent thinker. >> i wouldn't say i'm excited about her, to be honest. >> i do prefer nikki haley over donald trump? >> i think she's very honest,
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and i can't say that about him. >> what you think about the unaffiliated and democratic voters supporting nikki haley? >> well, people don't like trump, i understand that. so she's going to get a lot of support from people who don't like trump. >> if the election comes down to a rematch between trump and biden, who would you vote for? >> 100%, i would feel forced as i felt four years ago to vote for biden. >> jesse: well, if we learned anything from iowa, a majority of the base wants a total upheaval in washington. i'm not sure haley voters are sending the same message, that it was early, and maybe they hadn't had their coffee. last night trump hold of the big rally in rochester, new hampshire, and here is his message. >> you vote in this primary, it's a personal chance to score the ultimate victory over the liars, cheaters, and frauds trying to destroy america. we are going to have a whole different country. as soon as i lift my hand from the bible as your 47 president,
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i will seal the border, shut down the invasion of millions and millions of people coming into our country, and we will start an energy revolution. >> jesse: now, johnny begged me to let him go to the trump rally, and in order to shut him up, we got him a ticket. here's what he found out. ♪ ♪ >> when you think of president trump, was the first thing that comes to your mind connects >> winning. >> power. >> my celebrity crush. >> our first rock star superhero president. >> and, by the way, i didn't have to bring j.lo or jay-z. >> what issues that you devote? >> after shutdown the border. >> i want to be energy independent again. >> i'm sick of the green new deal hawks. >> get rid of the local ideology and the school. save the children. >> grabbed the children! save the children! >> how many rallies have you been to? >> you are a front row joe.
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not a front row sleepy joe, right? >> i would get covid to come to a rally. >> but you really don't have it? >> no! >> low-grade fever. ♪ ♪ >> everyone's talking about four more years. what does for more years mean to you? >> heaven. committed to this? heaven. >> unity within the american people. >> getting our lives back. >> i want 40 more years. >> so you want trump forever? >> you will never find anybody like president trump for many thousand years. >> you are right. >> is your favorite part of trump's first term connect >> no new wars. >> what other president has murch? >> l, joe biden is selling stocks. >> socks are great. many in the bank. ♪ ♪ >> the governor of the state endorsed nikki haley. >> he's a total rino. >> is a betrayal. >> it's his last name?
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>> sununu. >> no good. >> no, no, no, no! >> what do you think of nikki haley? >> it's important we unite as republicans. everything i've learned about her, i just think she's kind of crooked. >> ucs outside freezing to death? do you think we would stand outside like that for nikki haley? >> it's unsettling, right? >> ron desantis dropped out and endorsed trump. >> finally. i think he was just shooting himself in the foot. >> see that? >> if he sticks with trump and learns from him, that might be good. >> what was ron desantis thinking? he could beat trump? no one can beat trump. >> he's a true conservative but we will always remember he betrayed a friend. >> you live and you learn with these people, right? ♪ ♪ >> trump is going to be looking for a vice presidential pick. you should he choose? >> kristi noem. >> vivek ramaswamy. >> desantis.
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>> kim and ron desantis could be good teamwork. >> stop pussyfooting around. >> tell me about joe biden. >> he's a grandpa. >> i want him to do good. it's our country. i don't want him to fail, but he failed. >> he's got the iq of a sack of carrots. >> if you had to look into your heart and say something nice about joe biden, what would it be? >> i can't say anything nice. i can't. >> name me one! name me one! >> he's married to a school teacher. >> he likes the same kind of ice cream i do. >> by the way, i have a whole refrigerator full upstairs. ♪ ♪ >> do you know jesse watters? >> are you kidding me? i love jesse watters. >> what is your favorite part of his show? >> of course you! we wait until the end for you! >> johnny's good. >> this is your world. we only live in it. >> jesse: so the message from new hampshire is clear. republicans are ready to move on
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to the general. but one woman wants essay, and if nikki haley comes within single digits of donald trump here in new hampshire tomorrow, or beats him, obviously, she can justify staying in and waging another battle in south carolina. but south carolina is a month away. and if nikki haley doesn't over perform tomorrow, then she is a braver woman than i thought. because she will have to withstand a month of tongue lashing from the wicked trash tn politics. plus an avalanche of endorsements, a pressure campaign from republican voters to pack it in with grace, for the sake of the party's financial health and muscle tone. the general election is not going to be pretty and the republican party is only going to win when the party is fully supportive of the nominee. keep the focus like a laser on the threat to the american people, joe biden. but who am i to give anybody advice? the decision is yours.
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kellyanne conway is a former counselor to president trump and a fox news contributor. she joined me now. is the republican primary over? >> yes. donald trump will be the nominee. well, the voters don't look at biology or even chemistry. politics is about math and science. you have to have more delegates than the other person. >> jesse: are you saying nikki haley is not following the science? >> she's not following the science. those who follow the science knew enough to mask our 5-year-olds, that the moderate wing and the party, the establishment for which we are not going back, mitt romney and john mccain and folks like that, they had to choose a vice presidential candidate who is conservative because the base is so upset. donald trump isn't worried about any of that. he created the space, expanded to space. all the articles right now, jesse, talk about him versus joe biden and he was expanding or shrinking the relative parties. joe biden is losing hispanics and african americans and first-time young voters and
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independents, and he's losing them to donald trump. i'm asking the party to do what trump has been doing since last july, pivoting to a general election strategy and focusing on joe biden. desantis did a good thing. i think the best decision he made in the last year and a half was dropping out of the race. >> jesse: so kellyanne conway is asking the american body politic to pivot to the general election. but what happens if all these rich wall street guys keep handing nikki money? >> i would tell them they are always focused on things like esg and planned parenthood, this acronym, that acronym. focus on usa. get with it, because you already know that joe biden is raising taxes, increasing regulations, making us energy dependent, killing those keystone pipeline jobs on day one, and making us dependent on foreign dictators who don't even like this country and our people. >> jesse: is she staying in for clout? "i'm nikki haley, i'm going to take this as far as i can go, i'm going to stack up a couple delegates so i go into the convention with juice and leverage."
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is that the play? >> possibly. but also she has a big future. she's in her early 50s. people have to run again in 2028. biden or trump will be one term. but i think she's misreading the way maga looks at it with us. she left he administers an early, in september of 2018. that was a little early. and the reason i say that is just six weeks later was the midterm elections. we could have used her juice and tried to campaign for those senators. i hope she uses the goodwill she's built up to go out and campaign for the nominee, donald trump. and when he is stuck in blue city courtrooms, i really hope everyone will be out there picking up the slack. >> jesse: is the only way they're going to do it. all right, use your juice wisely. that's what we have learned. >> and give the money back.
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you're going to benefit so much from a second trump term. get on the right list, the one helping usa. that's accurate and they should think about, usa. >> jesse: kac, and other acronym i can't forget. thank you. "primetime" things we know who the eighth vp will be. straight ahead. ♪ ♪ providing for your family is a top priority. but what happens when you need affordable health care? christian health care ministries could save you up to 40% today. as a member, you can choose your provider without network restrictions. sign up at your convenience with our anytime enrollment. join a christian community that supports each other's medical expenses, offering peace of mind as you prioritize what's most important. enroll now at your chm dot org
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♪ ♪ >> jesse: as we said at the top, once vivek and desantis dropped out, republican voters have been guessing about trump's vp pick. i told my staff we are getting way ahead of ourselves here, but it's what everyone is talking about. so we are going to give the people what they want.
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politicians are already being asked about it. watch. do you want to be vice president? >> look, i want to serve this country in whatever way i can, jesse. that's why i've been in this race in the first place. >> i would help them however i can. >> the only thing i want is for more years of donald trump and a republican majority in the senate, a majority in the house, and the white house. if i can help achieve that through my endorsement, by being on the campaign trail in my home state of south carolina for the next four or five weeks and beyond, that is the goal. >> i'm not going to talk about any conversation with president trump, but i said i would be honored to serve in any capacity. >> i absolutely love the job i had. i think it's one of the best jobs i can ever ask for and i'm honored to serve as governor, and i hope i get to do it for the next seven years. >> jesse: these are just some of the candidates whose names have popped up. let's analyze. vivek is a sharp populace with
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youth on his side. also an interesting name for a bumper sticker, "trump ramaswamy. j.d. vance in ohio, ideologically attuned with trump, youngish, she or he can win a state, smart, little drama. senators tim scott, south carolina. got engaged this weekend, a vp with a wife is typically better than avp without one. will scott pull in more of the black vote? not sure. at least if on it, republican congressmen out of new york. kind of shifted from establishment to populists, blew up the harvard president, was obviously enjoying her audition. sarah huckabee sanders, arkansas governor and, as you know, former press secretary. you know she can talk the talk. other names we hear being bandied about, kristi noem, the south dakota governor.
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kari lake, certainly charismatic. we are even hearing about the alabama senator who my producers tell me denied our invitation to join our show twice, which now makes me think she doesn't like me. which would make her a terrible vp choice. national press secretary for the trump campaign, caroline levitt, joins us now. there's a secret name that i'm going to reveal later which i'm being told is in the running, but where is the president when it comes to picking the vp? >> as the president said yesterday, he has about 25% toward one person. that's not a lot, jesse. we are very much focused on winning the new hampshire primary tomorrow and then focusing our attention to taking the fight to joe biden, hopefully, if nikki haley decides to realize she has no pathway to the nomination in this race and will drop out. i don't know, genuinely. i don't know if the president even knows. i think he is still thinking
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about it. genuinely looking over the candidates. i will say this, he did tell fox news' very own bret baier yesterday that the most important quality for him is someone who he knows will make a great president after he's out of office. i think that's very important. >> jesse: that's interesting. we are having kari lake on later in the show. a saying she is in the running? >> i'm saying everyone's in the running. bill and i'm in the running? >> you could be! >> jesse: i can't take the pay cut. i heard kellyanne conway bring to our attention m marco rubio r vp. i hadn't seen his name on a list anywhere but i thought, that's interesting. >> l, i will say this, the republican party has a very deep bench. marco rubio endorsed the former president of united states as well as senator rick scott before ron desantis even dropped out of this race, showing the power president trump has from the great state of florida. and tonight here in new hampshire president trump
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will be joined by vivek ramaswamy, governor doug burgum, senator tim scott, all members of team trump. >> jesse: are you hearing what we are hearing, that tim scott got engaged because he thought he might be tapped for vp? is that true? >> i think he got engaged because he's a great man. >> jesse: he's in love! it's true love, everybody. thank you. >> thanks, jesse. >> jesse: the democrats used to love fetterman, but now he's recovering and it's a major problem. ♪ ♪ honey. nyquil severe honey. powerful cold and flu relief with a dreamy honey taste nyquil honey,
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♪ ♪ >> jesse: today the u.s. supreme court issued a decision we can't understand. in a 5-4 split decision, the court ruled the biden administration can begin cutting down greg abbott's border fence in texas. greg abbott had thrown up razor wire to prevent illegals from crossing into his state, and the white house argued that the razor wire was preventing them
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from doing their job. which apparently was letting illegals in. and the conservative justices dissented, but roberts and amy coney barrett sided with the liberal justices and said biden could cut the border wire. since the federal government has the authority to enforce border policy, the court found that the federal government is within its rights to not enforce border policy. that they have discretion. governor abbott says this isn't over. but what good is the federal government if it can't defend our border? that's almost the entire point of the federal government. and how our state supposed to defend themselves if the federal government won't? illegal immigrants are now issuing threats when they cross. listen. >> if you are smart enough, you will know who i am. but soon if you're going to know who i am. >> wow. the entitlement. >> believe me.
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i am much better than that. >> the entitlement, guys. wow. >> jesse: when a middle eastern migrant breaks into our country and tells us "you're going to know who i am pretty soon," that's the reason you leave up the razor wire. but democrats are now letting child sex offenders into the country, and then letting them walk free after they were arrested. an illegal alien from honduras was charged with child sex abuse and century city in virginia just let him out of jail. he violated 18 this summer and videotaped it, and a judge just let him out and kept ice in the dark. they caught him, but the migrant didn't go down without a fight. he punched a nice agent in the face during the takedown and the caught another charge. blaming republicans. >> they released an illegal immigrant from honduras who was charged with sexually assaulting a virginia minor. doesn't that go to show that, as record numbers of people appear
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at the border, you guys have no idea what kind of people are coming into this country? >> we need more resources, more funding. which is why we are having these negotiations on the hill. but republicans in the senate are working with us, republicans in the house or trying to get in the way. >> jesse: i'm sorry, i hate to be a stickler, but republicans in the senate is working with us? republicans in the senate is working with us? how about before you blame republicans who have nothing to do with our border policy you say, "i'm so site for the virginia teen who was brutally raped by a man who was in the country illegally." how about you start with, "i'm deeply troubled and saddened by this horrific sex crime committed on an american miner by a foreign national." that's what a normal person says when they hear about a crime like that. republicans in the house aren't getting in the way of anything,
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but there is one democrat who understands the issue. senator fetterman, who is recovering nicely, and no one is more excited about that than "prime time." >> i honestly don't understand why it's controversial to say we need a secure border. you can be very supportive of immigration, but we also need to have a secure border, and i think about immigration as we want to provide the american dream for any migrant. but it seems very difficult when you have 300,000 people showing up. >> jesse: the democrats loved fetterman when he was speaking gibberish. they said he was ch churchillian and possibly the next president of the united states. his wife was speaking on his behalf. everything was great. but fetterman returned his ability to speak and started making so much sense that the democrats have a problem. the democrats can't have a straight talking senator with common sense. no one will know their
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democrats. straight talking common sense politicians don't last long. they get chewed up and spit out. democrats can only tell the truth in secret. so we are worried about fetterman. if he keeps telling the truth, biden is going to indict him. arizona senate candidate carrie leg joins me now. so, the fetterman really got better quickly. that's not going to be good for the democrats. >> i don't know what medicine they gave him to wake them up, but he starting to make a little more sense. i agree with what he said, part of it, but the part of the american dream offering for people to cross the border, right now americans are having a hard time living the american dream and we need to start putting americans first. it is astounding that the biden administration is using every ounce of their energy to fight to allow this invasion on the border. they're obviously ignoring the constitution, the guaranteed clause, and suing texas and taking it all the way that
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supreme court is so that thousands can invade our border every single month, so that fentanyl can pour across and kill our young people, so crime can skyrocket on our streets in cities and communities. >> jesse: crime is everywhere. they are raping children and videotaping it, and democrats are letting them out of jail. i mean, what is the point of that, kari? >> it is unconscionable, and then, when you see what they're working on in the u.s. senate, those three senators including my opponent, kyrsten sinema -- i call it the sinema-schumer bill because it's outrageous. they want to give them work permits, allow them to stay in our country, and you see what's happening. if you've been at an airport lately it looks like a migrant encampment. it's outrageous. the american people are fed up and that is why -- i'm here in new hampshire and they are showing up in droves.
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>> jesse: no idea where they get those things. kari, your name was mentioned a couple segments back as a possible vp contender. have you given that any consideration? is that something you might enjoy doing? >> i'm running for u.s. senate. i see myself in the senate and helping america, to secure our border and make arizona a safer and better place to live in the u.s. senate. i'm here in new hampshire right now helping president trump and i really want to get him back in office, but i think we need to make sure, not only do we take back the white house, but we have got to have the majority in the senate. that majority runs right through arizona. if we don't have the majority in the senate, can you imagine how hard it's going to be for president trump to get things done? and this outrageous ruling by the supreme court just proves we need a law to build the wall and secure the border. we need a law to finally stop people from pouring across our border and destroying our
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country. that's what i'm willing and able to do, and starting on day one i'm going to help president trump do that. >> jesse: didn't even bring a parka? do you even own one if you're from arizona? you must be freezing up here, kari lake. good luck. >> i do have one, and it is sitting very close to me and i can't wait to put it back on. >> jesse: all right, stay warm. thanks so much. >> thanks, jesse. >> jesse: well, the ufc is now under assault. we will tell you what's going on. ♪ ♪ clogged gutters can cause big problems fast. until now.
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♪ ♪ >> jesse: the ufc had a big fight in toronto over the weekend, and the canadian sports press is about the same as the american sports press. you know, instead of asking about the sport, they ask about social justice. one reporter asked sean strickland about transgender pluralists in the prefight press conference prelisten. >> we've got a pretty supportive gay and lesbian community in the city. you said, if i had a gay son -- >> year part of the [bleep] problem. the elected justin trudeau.
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when he sees a bank account, you're just [bleep] pathetic. everything that's wrong with the world is because [bleep], and the best thing is the world is not buying it. the world is not buying your [bleep] [bleep] and [bleep] pedaling. this guy is the [bleep] enemy. you want to look at the [bleep] enemy to our world? it's that [bleep] right there. >> jesse: he's a fighter without a filter and that drives the media crazy. because if you don't respect the speech police, you don't respect them at all, and that's all the sniffling pretend journalists care about, the status they hold. their job becomes useless, because the only power they have over us is the power we give them. the crowd in canada, not fans of the prime minister. they were chanting "s credo" " all night long. we can't show it. we wanted to, but we can't. the strickland fight came down to the decision on the cards, and it was controversial. i admit i didn't see the site, but they could have been some
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home cooking. dana white said he might have won. >> i had it to happen two going into the last round , and i thought strickland won the last round. >> jesse: but the media isn't there for the fight, they were there to fight for the transgender rights. and they begged dana white to censor his fighters. >> you obviously give a long leash to your fighters about what they can say when they are up there with the ufc microphone, and you are getting into territory of homophobia, transphobia. is there -- >> i don't give anybody a leash. >> well, i'm saying -- >> a leash? free speech. you want me to control the people say? tell people what to believe? tell people -- i don't [bleep] tell any other human being what to say, what to think, and there's no leashes on any of them. what is your question? >> i was asking that question. i'll move on, though. >> yeah, probably a good idea.
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>> jesse: [laughs] pete hegseth, cohost of "fox & friends weekend" and "poison ivy" on fox nation. that was great. it's funny that he would expect censorship, because there is censorship everywhere. i guessed ufc is a place where t doesn't exist. >> it doesn't. ufc in the united states is one thing. the ufc in canada as a whole 'nother. they don't have the same first amendment protections. they are happy to censor speech. everything is politically correct. then the ufc shows that, which is basically like permanent locker room talk. this guide talks like the guys i served within the infantry. they make better argument than anybody else, but none of it could ever go on tv, and it all makes sense, and everyone listening -- i mean, the guy is wearing a shirt that says "a woman in every kitchen and a gun in every hand." >> jesse: i didn't even see that! >> what did you think he was going to say? nothing he is saying will be politically correct. you don't have to agree with
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what he said, and i'm sure dana white doesn't, but standing firmly behind the idea you should be allowed to say it is quintessentially and american. freedom of speech, except for miss information. freedom of speech, except for misgendering. >> jesse: why do these sports journalists ask about transgender rights? >> because it is gotcha. they want clickbait. will talks about this a lot. a lot of sports reporters actually hit the sports they cover. >> jesse: they do? >> they do. they want to find a wedge to get at these athletes who are smarter and faster and bigger than them and have hotter girlfriends than they do. so they are angry about it, so they try to ask gotcha questions. and throw them under the bus. >> jesse: it's like me, i hate the politicians i cover. but i'm not jealous of them. >> they want to clickbait headlined to make the ufc look like this ticketed -- these are guys that are savages that fight in the ring. what do you expect them to be, polite?
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>> jesse: you don't ask about transgender rights to these guys. you know the answer is going to be pretty bad. >> >> it's good first amendment adds good business. what are you going to do, try and control these guys? >> jesse: the sean strick linda fox news, pete hegseth telling it like it is. the media just pulled the old switcheroo. andrew yang, and "prime time" ♪ get help reaching your goals with j.p. morgan wealth plan, a digital money coach in the chase mobile® app. use it to set and track your goals, big and small... and see how changes you make today... could help put them within reach. from your first big move to retiring poolside -
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>> don't you hate it when you miss your favorite shows? >> it's the worst, but fox nation is about to change all that. >> that's right. now both ru and shows. >> "jesse watters primetime." >> and "hannity" on fox nation. ♪ ♪ >> jesse: trump is on track to be the republican nominee and chances are improving every day that the party coalesces behind him. that means democrats and the
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media need a plan d. impeachment, indictment, ballot-stripping, not working. so they're going to institutionalize him. >> donald trump is truly confused about who nikki haley is. he thinks somehow that she was in charge of security at the capitol on january 6th. clearly confusing her with nancy pelosi. >> joe biden is doing just fine. we are talking about the fact that, time and time and time again, donald trump, who is obviously, as ron desantis said, and as nikki haley says, is really confused up there. >> jesse: so trump called nancy nikki and now they are ready to invoke the 25th. but trump says he is sharper than ever. he took a test to prove it. >> i did say, what about a cognitive test? he said, you know, it's not that easy. i said, is it hard test? it can be hard.
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i said i have to take it, and i aced it. they always show you the first one. a giraffe, tiger, this, that, a whale. i guarantee, biden couldn't get number three. i think you'd probably get the whale. >> jesse: voters can judge for themselves. only 28% say biden is mentally fit. 47% say the same for trump. our very own stupid son of a bitch, peter doocy, asked about it today. >> why do you think it is that more and more people feel like, over time, president biden is getting less and less mentally sharp? >> which poll is this? >> abc has president biden's rating for health since may down five points, and her mental sharpness, down four points. >> i have to say, that's a little confusing for me. >> jesse: i think everything is confusing for her. andrew yang is a former
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presidential candidate and party cochair. what are you doing here in new hampshire? >> i'm supporting my guy, dean phillips, who is trying to upgrade from joe biden in the democratic party. i'm someone who thinks we need to move on from the battle of the 80-year-olds. dean is a spry 55 years old, please hockey, ceo of talenti gelato. let's go. >> jesse: . >> jesse: you debated joe biden. have you noticed a difference in his performance? >> i haven't been around him personally up close, but i've been talking to folks and they've noticed a decline. >> jesse: in what way? >> they say he is not as energetic, that sometimes he seems to lose concentration and focus, and the fact is that the guy is 81 years old. he would have to be highly unusual not to be experiencing something that's very natural. most americans want to turn the page from both biden and trump. 70% of americans say they would
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like to see a different generation take hold. >> jesse: even though trump said he aced his cognitive test? >> [laughs] again, we are talking about two guys in their 80s. >> jesse: he said he aced multiple. he doesn't think biden could even get the whale. >> i'm here saying that neither of these guys is what we need in 2025-2028 to actually solve the problems of this era. it's getting rougher and more complex all the time, including closing the border or enforcing the border in a way that makes sense to most americans. >> jesse: see you're just a rational bullock, regional problem solver and you think there's no place for you in the democrat party? >> people are finding the same thing and that's why so many independents now are trying to figure out where they stand. i think dean phillips can unify the country because he wants to have a nonpartisan bipartisan cabinet, to bring people together across party lines. and i would personally love to
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see it. i'm here for it. >> jesse: he's here for it and he's here for "prime time," his favorite show on fox news. he didn't tell me that at all, i just made it up. >> it's either you guys or gutfeld, i don't know. >> jesse: thanks, yang. speaking of the ufc, my wife, emma, sent me some photos from earlier this afternoon. it's the progression of a choke hold. there is jesse jr. and gg in the crib. now he's starting to wrap the arm around him and there is choke hold. night-night, gg. time for sleep. let's do some text messages. brian from vancouver, washington. how are the heated sidewalks in berlin new hampshire working out? they were only $800,000. beautiful. terry from virginia beach, virginia.
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trump and vivek's bumper sticker could be "trump-o-rama." i love it. i'm now change my vp choice. "how about fetterman for trump's vp?" i don't think it would work. i don't know if his wife is a fan, if you know what i mean. "any signs of bigfoot biden? we have not seen any sign of joe biden here." dean hasn't seen it, yang hasn't seen it, but we will let you know if there's a signing. harry from my below new jersey. "you need to rein that boy in." i need to put him on a leash like those canadian reporters want me to do. i need a leash and a whip. johnny is trouble. that's it for us tonight. dvr the show and always remember, i am watters, and this is my world. ♪ ♪


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