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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  January 22, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm PST

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♪ ♪ >> sean: unfortunately, that is all the time we have left this evening. please tune in tomorrow night. our coverage of the new hampshire primary, kellyanne conway, tim scott, so much more. right here on our set with results of the new hampshire persons nation primary. anyway, please set your dvr. never miss an episode. ray gutfeld will put a smile on your face. [cheers and applause]
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♪ ♪ >> greg: okay. it feels good. yes. [laughing] stop it. stop it. keep going. i'm kidding. happy monday, everyone. so last week's "sports illustrated" announced they were laying off their entire staff. you could see it coming like a plus size model down a fashion runway. still this was a big deal for those of us who grew up when as i was required reading. nobody knows what that means. so it is said that "si" managed to go to an -- a mental institution in record time. if anyone wants to learn how not to run a company, "s.i." has
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your game plan. that is because the management tried almost everything they could to -- they could think of to drive clicks except for one tiny thing, keeping the focus on exports. you know the subject they were supposed to be illustrating instead of showing how to run a brand faster than it takes to chug a bud light? [laughter] what management should have tried is remembering what their loyal customers want, sports, straight up without the woke chaser. scores, stats, inspirational stories about athletes who only used a little bit of steroids. [laughter] those were the days. conversely, "s.i." for spirits to pronounce is far from unique. because with the left really wants is to ensure that none of us can think for ourselves. a moment you spend cheering for the home team is a moment you are not taking their approved thoughts about climate change, gender, or white your super bowl party is serving books instead of hot wings. when did they start going well?
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there was colin kaepernick taking any during the national anthem. many 49er fans also went to their knees praying kaepernick would be traded. and he was to people's republic of nike. [laughter] remember when he compared the nfl to slave owners and then sent in his letter begging them to take them back? that is like me begging kilmeade's family let me be a ball better —-dash pallbearer. he is the lie now. nick king lebron james, another millionaire kneeler. he also telegraphed his wokeism by being the coach and noticed he was always on page one. he talked about human rights. but only for certain humans. >> joe: could tie a toddler to a radiator and in a nike shoe switch off and lebron would only freak if the heat melted the shoe laces. then the u.s. women's soccer team joined in with the usual
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lectures, shaming and self-importance directed at the teams me supporters. you would find more events in an igloo. but it was no surprise that when chief troll megan rapinoe got injured on the way to losing the world cup, she blamed god. and god was like, go to hell. but "s.i." was still on it offering their favorite swimsuit issue to the woke god's. that brand was once a billion-dollar empire. i still remember as a teenager having paper cards where a boy should have never had a paper. [laughter] my toes. [laughter] in 2014, the swimsuit edition was taken over by their editor mgk and soon she brought this. now, look, i know beauty is in the eye of the beholder but my recollection of this swimsuit issue was more along the lines of kathy ireland, not a covered model the size of ireland. [laughter]
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having taken on fat shaming the next evening was ages in. by having an 82-year-old woman graced the cover, which left a lot of readers wondering, how long has that might've been in the water? [laughter] but that is martha stewart and she is not bad. and it made perfect sense. every sports that i know is interested in how to make a [indistinct]. the 233 edition also featured a mother who was seven months park and a bald black women who shaped of her hair as a form of protest. the readers, it was not just tom brady's for balls that were deflated. [laughter] all that was missing was trans. "s.i." featured two on the addition without indicating that the models were trans. i can only guess how many teenage boys had been emotionally scarred after putting out they rubbed one out to a chick who may have been a new jersey plumber named frank.
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i kid. finally, in november, it was really just revealed "s.i." was being written at least in part by an artificial intelligence program. computers were writing for the mac, which could explain this cover model. [laughter] as a former magazine editor, i can tell you it is all about market share. and targeting the tiniest of tiny percentages of a population while risking the loss of your entire reader base, it makes about as much business sense as the nra hiring alec baldwin. [laughter] now, of course, it is not just "s.i." that has caught the woke mind virus. look at forbes. the magazine focused on investing that now manages to be anticapitalist. what is next, good housekeeping promoting hoarders? gq promoting men. then there's teen vogue, marxist trust that reads like the
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communist manifesto written crown. it comes to the super bowl will feature not only the national anthem but also the black national anthem. is this really the way to bring the country together, a little bit of friendly apartheid. [laughter] ivanko the super bowl unites more people than hating maroon 5. and these assholes can't leave it alone. on x, the "s.i." swimsuit banner still reads opening eyes, speaking truth, changing minds. when it should have said, covering sports and then shutting the [bleep] up. [laughter] but i will take it. smattering. but they sure changed the minds of the readership who were heading over to outkick an barstool faster than lebron chasing a chinese paycheck. but bottom line is that cr tdi progressivism, wokeism, call what you will, it is a divisive coercive ideology that will never succeed for exactly those
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reasons. then you can, for the people who may implement it, that is the reason. so [bleep] them, too. americans don't want to be provided or coerced. they don't want to be told what to [bleep] raise issues on their own time. not ours. and if you force it on people's throats, they will throw it back up. it is whether progressives can ruin anything from girls in bikinis to sports. and if we don't stop them, our country. [cheers and applause] >> announcer: period. >> greg: welcome to nights guests. we hired two cars to bring him here tonight. for him and one for his hair. former gop presidential candidate, vivek ramaswamy. [cheers and applause] she is the attorney who puts lives on a gurney, host of the fox through crime podcast, emily compagno. [cheers and applause] he has got the brain of a comedian but the pace of your
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wife's boyfriend. comedian adam hunter. [cheers and applause] and licked the door of a boeing 737, she is often on his. new york times best-selling author kat timpf! [cheers and applause] to think many years ago, you were on this show because you just had written a book called "woke inc." which was about this very same issue. how much you are correct and why didn't anybody take your book as a warning sign, i say? >> vivek: it seems like these companies to as a how to. >> greg: yes. >> vivek: not exactly how i intended. it does not work. if you think about what is happening with "sports illustrated" now, you have a man identifying as a woman on the cover and now we have a bunch of employees who are identifying as unemployed. pretty soon, your pronouns are going to be hired. it is not the transition we're
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looking for. the transition is back to capitalism. then they say sports illustrated, it is not just the woke issue. the a.i. issue cracked me up, too. you want to know who those are of a.i. is in the united states of america? it is kamala harris. it ties the whole thing up as, it is the a.i. itself is actually now embedded with a lot of these woke doctrines. and so the more -- when these work journalists, when you actually have woke a.i. and i will say that, you know, in the next demonstration that needs somebody who is going to be in charge of a.i., at least make it somebody who can spell a.i., i would start with that. when we get there, i think we can get the wokeness out of a.i. and our culture and maybe sports illustrated. >> greg: in the fence, a cobbler is artificially par. [laughter] emily, you were a raiders cheerleader. i'm sure that you might have been in the pages of sports illustrated?
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>> emily: the last time i checked, still in business. my two takeaways are just like you said but less eloquently which is -- >> greg: do you talk faster than him? >> emily: probably. go woke and go broke. we see that here with "sports illustrated" and we saw that with bud light. that was a $15,000 ad campaign that they invested in for dylan mulvaney and they lost almost $30 billion. the proof is in the pudding. you go woke, you go broke. into the second take away is the a.i. displacement and this year, or last year, 233, a third of employers said they expect that they are going to give away some jobs to a.i. and almost have to say that they will. the seventh largest contributor to displacement and to your point, the fact that it has taken on that to characteristics of the book of the progressive left because that is who is writing the struggle, it is just going to get more and more and more. i mean, the only good news is that sort of, there's one more swimsuit issue coming out in the
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spring. but haley davidson is going to be on the cover. that might not be -- >> greg: i don't know who that is. that is the male turned female professional golfer, yes. there you go. >> emily: that was a joke. [laughs] >> greg: adam, was "s.i." a big part of your life? >> adam: i was. i remember kaepernick on the cover. my wife got his jersey so she spends more time on her knees. >> greg: you awful man! and you applaud that disgusting humor. blaming her husband right now. >> adam: if you're going to have a trans, you got to warn people. make it a for magazine. [laughter] >> greg: i thought that was clever. that is the crowd today. >> kat: if they are lizzo on next year .
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>> i'm watching with my kid, we were watching sesame street and big bird is now body positive bird. like, current month touch miss piggy. he is a vegan. you have to get permission from aloe before you tickle him. [laughter] it keeps going. >> greg: it does keep going. kat, my guess is you have never actually opened a hard copy of "sports illustrated." >> kat: no. can we put up a picture of that model you said was the size of ireland? the amount of people out there acting like you guys would not have sex with her, okay. okay, guys. every single one of you, and when you have ever slept with is better looking than that? shut the [bleep] up. [laughter] i also think that it had some
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issues just because it was a magazine. if you look even no matter what the girls and it looked like, i hear guys being like, there's hot chicks in that magazine. i got to go out and get make that object magazine so that i can look at hot chicks. we have the internet now and things are just different. >> greg: the other thing, though, when you are a talented person, you will leave something that is failing. and i think what happens is the people that stay at the product are the woke people because they are the least competent. because all you have to do is paired it. it gets more and more concentrated. you know? in the -- whatever product it is, what is left, it is a must look -- it is a zombie product that is engineered by -- so you have all of the smart people who are now at barstool or what is the other one. >> kat: also companies are probably more scared those are going to be the ones who will sue. >> that is true. yyou are safe if you are woke. comincoming up, trump carries ct
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[cheers and applause] >> greg: and so goes ron, leaving us with nikki and don. ron desantis dropped out of the race just two days before the new hampshire primary, which is too bad because donald trump had 27 new insults he was hoping to try. but that is after ron was polled in single digits in new hampshire and lost in our to track by 30 points. he was about as popular in iowa as a cold sore in a kissing booth. here he is sounding pretty relieved it is over with. >> if there was anything i could do to produce a favorable outcome, more campaign stops, more interviews, i would do it. but i can't ask our supporters to volunteer their time and donate their resources. we don't have a clear path to victory. it is clear to me that a
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majority of republican primary voters want to give donald trump another chance. they watched his presidency gets damaged by relentless resistance and they say democrats using l'affaire to attack him. i signed a pledge to support the republican nominee and i will honor that pledge. >> disgusting, right? he is actually honoring a pledge that he calls himself a politician. so travel picks up yet another endorsement but i wonder if he took the time to congratulate ron. >> i would like to take time to congratulate ron desantis and of course a really terrific person who i have gotten to know his wife, casey, for having ran a great campaign for president. and he ran a really good campaign. >> greg: oh, that is so donald. but did he, though. between his campaign and the super pacs supporting it, desantis spent tens of billions and still got trounced.
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i have not seen such wasteful spending since joy behar had her lips done. was it really a waste? it was worth it because for the longest time, the argument was to challenge a truck with the best alternative. almost as a stress test but also to give those who wanted a viable replacement to track to have one. and they got it. to got a few, actually. but it still was not nearly enough. trump won big. and that is despite him being attacked on offense legally and in the media. so there should be no more, why are we settling with trump? if you actually had the option, then you saw it further. it is luke singh to america, get off their gas guzzler and embrace this new electric revolution. well, the option was there. and they went with the gas guzzler. maybe in the future, we will consider it but not right now. so to continue with the metaphor, ron was a reliable accident. the republicans want a humvee with monster tars and a built-in propane grill that will drive over stalled previous', shooting lasers and playing god bless
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america with a bald eagle perched on the herd. [cheers and applause] vivek? i mean, it is a good point. you needed to have, i mean, you guys are great candidates. i mean, you and desantis, you were the first voice, the smartest guy in the room, desantis was the best governor. you know? you can't just say, oh, we are stuck with trump. >> vivek: desantis was an excellent governor. i know how hard a decision that was to make. that was not a decision i plan to make. i decided that night after i work at let's do the right thing for the country. and i'm glad ron made the right decision as well. i think he has an outstanding feature. i got to know him a certain amount through the process and i'm confident he cares about the country and he will have an impact on our politics going forward. >> greg: did you guys hang out a lot? >> we did not hang out a lot. [laughter]
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i think -- >> greg: barhopping? >> vivek: i was down. but i will say that you could be a good attorney general, but i will say this, there was one part of that that i think we should probably look at. and i think the super pacs have been all bad for american politics. the amount of money that you sent was wasted, i think a lot of that money was wasted because i think the voters could have had the choice without putting up those plastic 32nd tv ads on networks across the board, i work at new hampshire. it is all fake. the short run, move some members. i did not play that game. i wish we did not have to work that way either but it is better -- >> greg: you co could have given that to me. i would have put you on the show every night. [laughter] >> vivek: you know, once in a while is good. [laughter] i think this is an issue that republicans could own coming out of this. we should be the parts -- we
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want to get the influence of make money out of politics. the party of we the people and i think that could be a paper for our party going forward. >> greg: tax, don't use like how he say, i want to double-click on something. >> vivek: i'm like 8%. >> greg: hat, you called me in tears over this. >> kat: i would never call you if i was in tears. you would be the last person i want to talk about that. >> greg: because i would be laughing. how do you take this? >> kat: look, a lot of people are saying, what went wrong here? such a good governor who handled covid so well, how did this go so badly? i think part of it was that he pretty much never brought that up. all the covid itself and the freedom that florida had. he was, you like instead of talking about that, he was like, i'm going to run against drag queens. he got so into the drag queens are bad and the disney is bad. that honestly, i'm all for the parents' writes stuff.
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he went so far that some of it was sometimes anti-parents rights. i just don't want the government to tell me where i can bring my kids if i had them. stay tuned. maybe someday. one guy is like, do it! [laughter] but yeah, i think he was not even really that focused on the right things. but also, i think it was going to be trump no matter what. >> greg: what do you say, adam? you are an astute political analyst. >> adam: i don't know. his polls polls were rough. i have seen better polls at a strip club and that is the day shift. but it is crazy because people are going to vote for nikki haley. some people, because she is a woman. we had our first black president and then our first orange president and now our first that president. [laughter] [applause] [cheers and applause] i think anyone is better than that. i live in california and gas is
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so expensive. people are doing walk by shootings. you know. and there's more niels on the ground and nancy pelosi's forehead. i don't know why you dropped out. you were doing good. should have stuck in there. i don't know what is going to happen. >> greg: what about you, emily? you get the last word. >> emily: is just always strikes me as so -- it is really impressive to me when candidates, you know, suspend their campaign and then all of a sudden everyone else is like, i'm so honored to have your endorsement, everything is fine. i guess it is the cicilline in me. if someone even looks at me wrong, i'm like, i wish you nothing but that forever. you guys have such big hearts. i think what is interesting is what it might probably will happen in new hampshire. we know trump was ahead by nikki even before desantis dropped out. the question remains, how many independents and democrats will haley get? the bigger question is the fact that biden is not actually on
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the ticket. and we have someone named dana phillips running who is running hilarious ads of sasquatch looking for the president, where is he because he is nowhere and i think it is really going to be interesting how well he does because that might be what induces the sort of big name democrats to step in and be like, biden, get out of the way. >> greg: did you notice that they are never in the same room together. it is bizarre. and they are that ringers. put that in post. no, i'm serious. they look exactly -- yeah. it is creepy. >> adam: it is like sasquatch and joy behar. >> greg: how dare you insult sasquatch? up next, the leftist let's face a budget cut. with olay hyaluronic body wash 95% of women had visibly-better skin. and my skin is so much more moisturized.
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see the difference with olay.
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austedo xr may cause irregular or fast heartbeat, or abnormal movements. seek help for fever, stiff muscles, problems thinking, or sweating. common side effects include inflammation of the nose and throat, insomnia and sleepiness. ♪ as you go with austedo ♪ ask your doctor for austedo xr. ♪ austedo xr ♪ ♪ ♪ [cheers and applause] >> greg: thank you. stop it.
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stop it. stop it. the socialists are at it, so maybe it is time to eat some crow. the democratic socialist party of america is facing a seven-figure budget crisis. seven figures kit kat. and could lay off staff due to their staunch pro-palestinian step. members are having to sell having to sell their hammers and circles on ebay. and they can't even afford matches. now what they want to burn a flag, they have to rub two sticks together. the democratic socialist or behind the massive anti-israel pro-hamas protests that have caused widespread chaos and traffic jams across the country since the october 7th massacre in israel. but and when could have figured out the only people blocking highways, didn't have jobs or a reason for living. i would call these dumbasses cheap, except she did get once a
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year. yeah, go ahead. i will take it. i will take it. [applause] put all that ultra america hating terrorist supporting radicalism has come back to bite them in the ass. the organization is asking for volunteers to leave and it needed layoffs could come next week. that is turbo. if you're going to be a socialist, you should get paid for it. but how is this surprising? the idea of a socialist being able to manage a budget is like trusting your meal plan to li lizzo. i know. terrible. the good news, though, departing staff will receive a free shale -- jake weir verre t-shirt. adam, i was thinking about this. if let's say you are an employee at the socialist organization. shouldn't you offer to cut your salary in half? should i say, they she could have max elliott so they stay? isn't that -- >> adam: it is such an oxymoron.
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it is like bankable hillary clinton. but some of these groups like queers for palestine which is like chris christie for salads and people saying, free palestine. i'm jewish, and stop saying that. we love a good deal. but it is ridiculous. he will just assume because that if you are not as economically well off, then you are the underdog. you know? the white guy in basketball or the black eye in hockey, the asian guy in porn. [laughter] you know, -- >> greg: you know, annaleigh, in a way, the socialists did exactly what" as i" did. if you are a progressive socialist, are you thrilled to see them supporting death to israel chance?
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>> kat: no, and what i found so fascinating, the cost of these socialist. they said sydney persing of their budget were to pay for staff and that was over half a million dollars. why is so expensive? because these guys are showing up in davos and the grammys. so they are literally spending apparently i was half a million those on the most expensive plane tickets and train tickets and whatever to show up at the most coveted spots for everywhere to protest palestine and israel. so i obviously am glad they are disappearing. i feel like no 11 gets they are ready throughout the conversation of that they are socialists begging for others to bail them out to pay their bills. >> greg: exactly. kat, they need to have a libertarian capitalist on their staff. at least as their accountant or something. >> kat: i'm actually not good at math. morning costs money. you know. i don't understand how they would successfully brand themselves as being altruistic when it is not their own money
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that they want to give to people. it is like when those people say, i'm always down for adventure, it is like, no, no, no, you just don't have any responsibilities. i would also like to be in bali right now. you are not special. but you know, that is reality. and it is those that was -- is what most of us are saying. when you have to be careful with betty because cost. >> greg: vivek, how will they find work now? is this something that you see in a resume? >> vivek: not my cup of tea. i heard a story today. someone said tsa is firing a bunch of people and i heard that it was tsa. and i was thrilled. i called —-dash dsa, it is really just democrats standing around. and so my intellectual hero is [indistinct]. he wrote the constitution of
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liberty. that is what that road to serfdom looks like. that is the road to serve them right there. he said socialists understood economics, they were not be socialist. well, maybe they are not going to be socialist right now, when they are out of a job. they might realize how things actually work and a lot of those people are so young. you listen to what they were chanting, this is really bizarre, revealing, when they were chanting [indistinct], which is supposed to be their word for uprising, he listened carefully to some of the audio, they were chanting on many of these campuses, in -- >> greg: that is like a new product on taco bell. i will have that. coming up on the doman's brain grows back to pissing off progressive tax.
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there's news, and there's good news. like thousands of patients receiving free life changing surgeries, from volunteer doctors and nurses on hospital ships. all made possible by donations. we love good news.
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♪ can you see john fetterman is the next vp ♪ ♪ we can ♪
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[cheers and applause] >> greg: is it too much of a leap to see federman as veep? it is not a joke. betterment got smarter after his stroke. as dems take offense at fetterman's common sense, the former darling of the left now says progressive left him. as his party becomes more radical, fetterman has come under attack for refusing to support their insane positions. the guy had to get literal brain damage in order to realize that his party is a mess. [laughter] and -- [applause] and it has caused controversy that he just does not unde understand. >> i honestly don't understand why it is controversial to say we need a secure border. and i think two things can be to the same time, you can be very supportive of immigration but we also need to have a secure border. we want to provides the american
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dream for any migrant. but it seems very difficult when you have 300,000 showing up at our border to do that. i think we need to do a reset and we have to work together and develop a new comprehensive solution to that. >> greg: it is beautiful, actually. [applause] democrats created a monster and now he is training on them. as he recovered his mind, they left him behind. who would have thought having a stroke would be the best thing that ever happened to him? could it be fetterman's stroke was a stroke of genius. [laughter] whatever they did in his therapy, spread it around. there's plenty in washington who could benefit from it. >> president biden: i also want to mention deborah ross. where is deborah? i had my picture taken with her. that is probably why she left. [laughter] all kidding aside, anyway, oh, she cannot be here, actually. that is not true.
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i got mixed up. >> greg: wow, just hanging out with somebody who was not really there. [laughter] emily, i have to be honest, i still feel pretty bad for making fun of fetterman. i feel like i need to make public and private amends or something. because it turns out that he is like, he actually was probably doing, you know, dealing with a lot of stuff and now he is like, sensible. but way a minute. what is happening to me? >> emily: i know. >> greg: ha ha! that is hardy. >> emily: first of all, i will say this. i am always grateful for anyone holding an elected position and for his punt, a senate position but has common sense. so thank you. that aside, i feel like we just watch someone go through puberty in real time on our dime. i don't want to watch someone who sees the light and comes to jesus who in 2023 did jett bush like i'm the real progressive
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and i'm the most progressive and said, vote for me. he has been sort of a hack for many years and claiming that he is the most progressive and now that we are realizing where we are watching him realize that yes, you have to have a bit of common sense and they have left me. the energy crisis is what is happening to a lot of democrats. and now we're supposed to applaud. i'm grateful that someone who has a d before his name may be voting for common sense but i don't feel like we will see the progression and link. get something done then. >> greg: all right. what you think vivek? should we crush him like a bug? >> vivek: my back-rim before it was in biotech and i will say that every neurologist needs to study this man's brain. would have been is nothing short of a miracle. i will also say if this means more democrats need to wear hoodies, i'm fine with that. whatever gets the job done. i'm in this for the country.
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and so if somebody is saying the right thing and headed in the right direction and it is earnest and i was watching my first instinct is this some kind of shtick? i get the sense it is. anyone who has a space an earnest, heartfelt shims, they were not thinking when they were [indistinct]. but then they show up and occasionally they say, way a minute. i was reading the script and having independent parts. and i think we got to par that orals we create a disincentive for more people to do it. the other thing is the border now is officially a nonpartisan issue. that is a good thing that we should celebrate it. and i think if we own closing the border as a leading issue going into this campaign, for places like new york city to where we are across this country, i think this could be a landslide win and john fetterman proves it, keep that hoodie coming, brother. we have to have you. [applause] >> greg: you know, kat, at the opening thing said fetterman is deep. would it be if trump chose him across the aisle, said, i want
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this fellow over here, big guy, john. >> kat: i don't think that will happen. i agree with you. and i think independence law should be encouraged to think just because someone has thoughts outside of their party, it does not mean that they are now in the other one. but i'm just a little upset about the video we just washed. was the president hallucinating? and we're supposed to be okay with that? why isn't anyone going to tell us what happened? >> greg: i don't know. >> kat: if i started hallucinating on tv, people would ask question. >> greg: that is like an outtake from "the six cents." >> kat: so why did you think that you did? >> greg: yeah. >> kat: why did you take that you did? it is simple. what did you think you took a picture with her when she was not there? that you can see her at some point and think she was there?
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were you thinking of another time? i know this stuff happens all the time. it happens all the time. people are like, that is just joe being joe again. that is not enough for me. why did he think he took a picture with somebody who was not there? >> greg: but that is the first time people have seen that. it was buried. much like, well, there's a joke i was going to make. but i'm just going to leave the jokes to adam. >> adam: a part of me thinks biden is jealous that the migrants are just better than him. goodwill sends him clothes. but he is right about the border. it is more openlearn will smith's marriage right now. [laughter] so know if we are going to solve it. i think we need to capitalize it. we need to put obstacle course on the border, film it, call it mexican ninja warrior.
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>> greg: i like it. i like it pre-covid, up next, can taylor take a hint about her carbon footprint? [applause] every day can be extraordinary with rich, creamy, delicious fage total yogurt.
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here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. >> announcer: a story in five words. ♪ ♪ >> greg: taylor swift buys
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carbon indulgences. kat, she offsets her jet's carbon footprint by buying credits from developing countries, also known as carbon indulgences. is this delay for her to alleviate her guilt so she can still fly private? >> guilt -- i think when the story came out that's how she found out she was doing this. [laughter] and it's not a slam against her, at all. she is so rich and successful that she doesn't, like, know where her money goes. she has a team of people managing it. and they thought of this. when people hate on people for flying private, it's just, like -- you would if you could. >> greg: she can't fly public or commercial. that would be like you taking the bus, which you do. >> 100%. [laughter] >> taylor swift has more hits than hunter biden's crack pipe. [laughter] >> vivek? >> this is basically designed for the rich to excuse the behavior that they condemn in
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others. they can say vivek flew around, blah, blah, blah, and so did you, "but i have carbon offset." >> i fly privately but i don't use carbon offset. that's plant student we should not be happy about that. people forget basic facts. the amount of carbon dioxide in the earth's atmosphere is, relatively speaking, low compared to much of the earth's history and much of human history. these people fly in a private jet to davos, to muse about the climate change, these things don't make sense. you're flying private, you're emitting carbon. just shake it off, you know? [laughter] it is methane. that would be my advice to her. >> greg: he worked in a taylor swift song. you know how i hate that. >> now we have bad blood. [laughter] >> greg: stop it! >> blank space? i can't work that one in. >> greg: stop it! you are a grown man! you're not supposed to them of the name taylor swift songs!
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on the emily. didn't listen to taylor swift. >> i don't. but on this topic, i applaud her. here's why. because she is walking the walk. she stands for certain values that she deems correct in her mind, irrespective of the accuracy or the efficiency or whatever. she's doing what she is claiming she is supposed to do. i actually think this is great. even if she just found out about it today, that means he has employed a team around her where she says, these are the values we stand for, make sure it happens. >> greg: you are trying to get tickets to her show! >> no, i'm not! [laughter] i swear, i'm not! >> greg: i am never -- oh, my god, emily! you are pathetic! >> no! i am wrongly accused! good for her. anyone? >> greg: that's so cute.
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8:00 pm
>> greg: all right, we have time for one quick thought. vivek? >> last time i was in iowa at a gas station you told me to bring you some of fanta, so i thought i would give you a sip of iowa's finest. ask and ye shall receive. >> greg: you know what? this is my orange juice. it is natural, fanta. mmm. delicious. you know what fanta tastes like? bayer children's aspirin. god, i love those. all right, we are out of time. thank you, vivek. emily, adam hunter, kat timpf! i love you, america! [applause] >> good evening. i'm trace gallagher. it's 11:00 p.m. on east coast,


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