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tv   Hannity  FOX News  January 22, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PST

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obama. oh, i it. i've now changed my v.p. choice. i it.sarah new york. >> how about fetterman for trump's vp? >> ooh. i don't know i f that would work. >> i don't think fetterman wife's a fan, if you know what i mean. work.know if jim from texas. >> any sightings of bigfoot biden? we have not seen. any sign of joe biden here. dean hasn't seen it. seng hasn't seen it. >> but we'll let you know if there's a sighting. harry from marbleheaoud in new jersey. jonny is having too much fun at those trump rallies. you need nee rein that boy in. >> i need to put him on a leash like those canadian reporters want me to do. li a leash and some. >> i need a leash and a whip. jonny's trouble. that's all for us tonight. dvr the show and always remember. i'm waters, and this is my♪
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world. hannity and tonight, wedcasti are broadcasting live from bedford, new hampshire. ne the night before the primary. and at this hour, we we are monitoring are what is a hun unity rally in the granite state featurinitheg three forme 2024 hopefuls. senator tim scotfo 202t vivek ramaswamy and governor doug burgum, as they'r e with the current gop front runner, donald j. trump. we're going take you there live. he should be taking the stage any moment when the fifth president steps up to the podium. >> now, in the generalteps up tr election, president trump now leads biden more than ever. look at this morning consult poll 2024 tracking. new nd meanwhile in ne poll,w hampshire, trump is expected to win big in tomorrow's primaries. wheng into mass prim look at thl clear politics average, look at this. t "the washington post" 16 point lead. according to emerson, he's leading by n post," 16-poig 27 points. the later the latest inside advantage that would be the matt towery poll they nailed.
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>> look at that is up by 22 or more. that was 6237. the boston globe has him up cnn by 90. and the new fake new cnn poll has him up by 11. and last week, it was seven,. that same cnn found that the are santos supporters are more likely to back donald trump now that the florida governor has pulled out of this rachaernor d and governor desantis won't be thees 2024 th >> let me just say one thingin about him. and , he is without a doubt a leader in our current conservative movement. he's an american for us conservative, one of the most successfutl in florida's history. >> and you might recall. >> in 2018, governor desantis won the state of florida by aroungovernord 30,000 votes. four years later, he won reelection by more than 1.5 million. why he. he did e great job as governor for the people in the free state of florida. >>free sf florid he's a fighter. >> he always puts america first. he was especially true we saw
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this during the covid pandemicdp . and despite hysteria from the woke mob, he withstoodsterif all those attacks. >> he was one of the first governors in the country to rejec thet lockdowns. >> he opened schools in august of 2020, and he defended freedom. >> and the free state of florida is nod the frw my nef on top of everything. everythibut it is one of the hot destinations in the world and destg at a very rapid, rapid is pace. >> and of course, politics is a blood sport during thisgove primary. governor desantis was up against while someonrnor desanes capable of defying thl conventionals ca political gravity. but ron desantis is only only 45 45 years old. >> his future incredibly bright. and floridfuture, a lucky to ham as a governor. and now we're down to a two-person race betwee down dond trump and nikki haley. you do have to give nikki haley credit. nikko have to giveshe's the lasr standing, but she is in a pretty tough spot of tonight . >> not only is she losing, according to the real clear politicsaccord average byt but she is almost down by 30
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points in her home state of south carolina, according to the latest emerson poll. >> still, the former governor, stil is picking up support from an unlikely groupun of voterlikelys biden supporter. >> what's going on here? tak. yoloo >> so the undecided voter support on tuesday? yes, i think y joe joe biden,joi i am i voted for him in thede last election. >> i love the live free or>>ve f die state. i loveree new i love the people in new hampshire. i don't like their voting systemg syst. rats, th independents, democrats, they call it an open primary. they registecallr as independen democrats sometimes do. >> and then they can vote in ba basedblican primary on multiple, multiple reports. haley has a ton of support mul americans who will likely vote for biden regardleswhvotesf nikki haley won here in the new hampshire primary. >> i don't like that system. now. still, nikki haley has an uphill battle in new hampshire and trumllp expected to win, ife you believe the polls.
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but the only poll that really matter only pos, that will be tomorrow's primary. anything can happen. but if, in fact, log and lose by a pretty big margin, she will have an important decision to make.e wat and that is, does she want to go into her own state and risk losing by a big margin? in a moment, we'll take you live awe to that trump rall. but first, here with reaction. fox news contributor, former speake , fox ner, the house newtnewt gingrich. >> you are very confident after iowa gingrich. that you feel thy is over. i would assume position has not changed. what do you make h of the rise in polls? post iowa? >> and do you agree with me that i think ron desantis supporters are more likelye to go to president trump than like? y, nikki haley >> well, first of all, i agree with everything you said gover about governor desantis. i do think has a great futurno e, has been an extraordinarily good governor, and i hope that hnd i hope will stay active in public life. i thinn publick that i just did a newsletter for tomorrowor
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and gingrich re 60 pointing out this is about to be the longest general election in american history. i thinn americank it's somethin7 days from wednesday until day. donald trump tomorrow night will be the republican nominee. the ambassador, haley wise.ambas she'll finadd a graceful way, wa as governor desantis did, to get outvernor d of the race. if she's unwise, she will go to south carolina and she will be decisively in our home state. and that was a shrinker right now. you have to have great respect for her courago havee, rminat her determination, her energy, her articulationionergy, h. high she's about as high as she's ever going to get. everand i think if tomorrow nign ends, as matt towery suggestdss and i think he's right, it's going to be trump somewherritoe between 15 5
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30 points ahead of her. ahea, two primaries in a rowwel against the man who totalltwyy i dominates the party nationally. objectively, it is. it's over. and i think if that's what happens tomorrow night that i hope governor haley will decide that she's done her best, just as governor desantis did, but that,n fact in fact, this is now donald trump's party and we need to unify to defeat joe biden. i what we're seeing emerge, though, is a bench because let's say donald trump is the nominee and let's say he wins the general election in four years, there will be a real open primary and i would not be at all surprised to see people like governor desantis, people like nikki haley wanting to jump in then as welkki halelt point, they've got to calculate, you know, this four year interim period of time. now, we now see the biggest tim. number that donald trump is leading over, joe biden. we also see joe biden has the lowest poll numbern.s
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he's ever had, 33%. >> you see that he's losin g a big part of his base, african-americans, hispanis basc americans women, young people.op a big partle. of what we usually look at as the base of the democratic party. tha if that continues, how could he possibly comeow could? ty >> well, i mean, the objective reality is that had a performance level. this is a disastrous administration. biden's illegal immigrants alone would sink a normal candidate and it's just going to get worse, is not going to get better. chicago announced yesterday they have nochicag extra space. new york got so desperateyork g they kickeotd out american schoolchildren for the night and brought in illegal immigrants because it wasbroughrants so cold. i mean, every time people turn around the illegal immigrationl policy of biden, which is a deliberate policim biden, y to e the border and have the maximum number of people enter the u.s. illegally, that's blowing up
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on the democrats everywhere. second of the country is notot at all convinced by the woke left-wing radicalism. simple example. 6% of americans are willing to buy an electric vehicle. on n >> the biden administration wants to make that 100 percent. well, you can'tse 100%.t, in ae society, coerce 94% of the sountry into doing something they don't want to do. so i think on both policy i ground think os, on performance grounds, biden will get worse and worse, weakeet worser and w. democrats will become more and more terrified and i think this will be a bigger blowout than bigg. over carter i think that this is one of the amazing moments in american amaz americay and trump will hae over 280 days to crisscrossover the country, strengthen the republican 280os and campain among groups who normally see a republican. i mean, we'll will have the time nowe you to design a truee
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general election strategy of tou unify the whole country. and if you watch his tone, he has very correctly begun to move towards a unifying, bri bring us together solve problems. for example, fix the big cities, not something republicans normally talk about. ing repuso i'm encouraged that h could be a remarkablise generala election. >> but he does have potentialluy as many as four trials facing him. >> one impact do you seeing him. that having just pressess peop people off? i mean, i had a woman who i literally we were at a class of. in our giant doing some grocery shopping and a woman came upa wa to african-american works at the store. she said, you know, i'm no andt quite sure i'm for trump, but i hate what they're doing to him. whatand i think it's really unfr and it really bothers mebother. >> and i think that's true of almost every american. if they had picked one fight afr and gone after him legally on one ground, that might
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have made sense. but when you see them coming tht from every single angle and of course, now, but with a problem that fani willis has in nevada,e it begins to be a georgiagins theater of the absurd. you talk about county to county. yeah. >> fulton county d.a. wallace. well, they got problem s there. they have a lot of delays seemingly in the d.c. casedon'th as well. i don't think alvin bragg has even decided what he's actually charginalvin brg has hh in new york, which was the first set of charges. so, i mean first s, god only kns how that's going to work out. people. out., when people realize that the district of columbia voted 95% for biden, that the current judge, a radical l left winger, that the current prosecutoref is so out of thee e rules that the supreme court actually admonished him for having broken the rules and trying to another republican politician years ago.
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>> they're just going to sayitin t care this whole thing w is rigged and i don't care what they try to do to when it's rigged. the country is going to rally to the individual against all the establishment and all they're doing. i think they got trump the at nomination at least a month earlier. a mohi really thought he would get it by the time we got to super tuesday . i never dreamed he would get it by the end of the new hampshire primary, which was really pr stand of the non-trumpnont republicanrumps and it tells you that what's happened is the radical corrupt biden judicial department, the justices in department, has, in fact, so alienated people that given a choice, whatever trump's weaknessese choice may sometime, he is the person standing representing all of us who neede protection from an out-of-control left-wing government. >> and i think that gives him
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a strength that we have probably not seen in modern timee prs. >> wow. coming from you, a great historian. that's an amazing commen greattu newt gingrich, great to have you as always. thank you. now, tonight, the crisis at our southern border is a top issue for american voter top is. >> and now, after lying to our face the border, secure the border is closed for three plus years and pretending that that border was actually secure while joe biden is actually trying a new tactiic ,we have it on tape. take a look. sick about the money. >> oh.e sudden all of a sudden, according to joe, the border hasn't beenr secure for a decade. since he was vice president. >> but it's just not his fault. he wants you to believe there'ts nothing he can do. by the way, there's plenty that he can do. he doesn't need congress. d need cohe inherited secure be and yet he wants you to forgett about all those executive orders that he signed, making
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it easier to cross the border. illegally or all the aiding and abettingaiding that he's bel involved in with the illegal immigrants and all the money that has beel thn spent by the federal government, by states to pay forl and health care and education, etc. for people that didn't respect our laws, borders or sovereignty. he also wants you to ignore his battle with the state of texase hi, while the lone stp state attempts to fortify and secure their bordersts tcuro the job the federal government has failed to do. the biden administration faileah actually sued texas, took him all the way to the supreme court to sto suptop the from actually doing their job. and today, well, mission for joe biden's five four decision, the u.s. supreme court ruledn. fe that the federal government can shut down razor wire and other n barriers to free up illegal entry for now. here to respond texassenato senator ted cruz. >> senator, you're a constitutional scholar. r uz u i'm at the chief justice and amy coney barrett. them going along
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with the liberal minority here. the federal governmente. has ben aiding and abetting lawbreaking. joe biden has not upheld his his oath to our constitution to enforce the laws of our landoatution to >> what else does texas have available to them if they won't do the jom if theb, t to do it themselves. >> well, sean, that's exactly right. and listen, this decision makes me angry and even more angrythe is listening to joe biden just flat out lie and he knows he's lyinge , although actually given his mental condition, maybe he doesn't know he's lying. but anyonesn't kno rational tham aware of the world around him, would know that he was lying. he say s border is secure for ten years and just give me the money. well, you knowgive me the mone ? when joe biden became president three years ago, he inheritede lowest rate of illegal immigration in 45 yearimmigrs. redibl we have made incredible progress securing the bordere and. joe biden deliberately, systematically dismantled it a delibera. and if you look at the numbers, we went from the lowest rateat in 45 years to right now today, the highest ratenow, illegal
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immigration in history ever,ts 9.6 million illegal immigrants have come in under joe biden. and here's the thing to understand. he's not unhappytand. about that. to prev he doesn't want to solve it. he doesn't want to prevent it. he wants more. it was a deliberate decision. and when he asks ford a more money, it's not more money to build a wall. waoreit's not more money to sec. the border. >> he wants more money to process ss immigrants faster,o to move even more of them intote every city in america. he wants to take that 9.6llion million and make it 20 million. make it 30 million, makean it 40 million. it is an invasion and texas t is bearing the brunt. >> but every community in america is paying the price. coyou went the longest in terms of any one candidate back in 2016 against donald trump. i believe it ended afteryou ha indiana. >> you won wisconsin, if my memory serves me properlyd w it was you went further than anybody. you see what's here. poll
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you see these latest poll numbers out of new hampshire. i'd be shocked to believe that all of these polls that have trump up by you know, 18, 19, 20 plus points 20-pl are going to be that far off.e e maybe he'll win by five points. but itt by f still would be a big victory for him. what happens after that with nikk afteri risk going into here state where she's down 30 points and losing her home state? >> look, i think this race is over. >> i think week on your show, i endorsed donald trump. and the reason i endorseld trumd donald trump is i think he's won the primary. he's whe primaa were overwhelming. i stayed out of it to let the voters speak. vote you look at what happened in iowa. he won over over 51% of the vote. he won 98 ouvote, het of 99 coun that is overwhelmingti that isut a powerful outcome going in new hampshire and new hampshircotoe tomorrow. look, haley is close to trump in new hampshire. it's possibly ise that haley will be close. it's even possible that she wins in new hampshirlee because new hampshire allows
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independents to vote in the primarshire aly. are so about a third of the statein. are independents. they can show up tomorrow. and i' tomorrom not day. they can decide, do i want to vote democrat? do i want to vote republican? boston globe this weekend wrote an editorial urging every independenwrote ant don't vote n the democrat primary, vote in demorepublican primary to donald trump. they said, we don't like nikki haley, but we hate donalikd trump. so there's a chance nikki haley wins tomorrow. wibut whether she does or not, frankly, doesn't matter, because after that, it goes to south carolina. i think nikki haley will stick around to south carolinauth caro and she is going to lose her home state by double digits. and aftedouble digits.r that ise super tuesday, where she's down by huge margins. o i think this race is over. and so i hope we seeve the republican party comey together, unify to beat joe bide unifiedn, because the s of this administration anve frankly beesults ofn traink and a disaster for the country. >> we're going to gester fort tt president. >> he's now taking the stage. very quickly, how do you explain what i cal
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l this trump phenomenon that he defies all convention noravity political gravity, but the the quit the the old of politics obviously don't apply to him if he's arrested, you know, after all that he's been through. >> people now see this as aspert persecution, not prosecution. yes. is theprosecuty have they justy overreached now for the last seven years? >> and this is the resul is tht> . what lesson number one trump has has enormous numr one, back. >> he's got gutsy stands up and face. but numbers. two, he broke the democrat party. he broke the media. they hate. >> and so, look, i enjoyede conv the conversation between you and newt. newt was had there been one case, maybe it would have gone somewheresoms but there's a so obviously a persecution that people peeopld of seeing the government weaponized. that's a big part of why trump is winning thithat'sof whr decisively. >> all right. senator ted cruzy , we appreciate it. any thought that maybet. in four years you might jump back in
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yourself? bace got a racenning fo this year. i'm running for reelection in texas, chucection ik schumerr made me his number one target in the country. and so please comege to ted cruz .org, make a contribution. the democrats are goingred mi to spend $100 million trying to beat me. so go to ted crullz cruz .org. i need your help and i'll give you my word. i'm goin goingg to stand and fit along side donald trump to turn around and bring us back from the mess joe biden has given us. >>ve all >> wine really appreciate you being with us, senator ted cruz. this is a communitg wi ted cruzy that's going on in lew hampshire. looks like trump is going up to the podium. let's see. he apparently is. >> he's with senator tim scott ,massachusetts and ramaswamy and north dakota governor burgum. >> let's suzanne. i just visited or bur some overflowgu i rooms and you're not in an overflow room, j but this is crowded and outside. you got a lot of people. but that's lik e a right that'sl. like taking a poll when you get
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right now. so thank you very much. >> and hello, new hampshire. we are we are reallyhell going to rock in new hampshire and we're going to have a little fun tonight. efuand we can give you this. >> the last speech, i thinkecaue of it. it's a little sad, but we'll be back a lot because we're going to get we are your energy prices down. you know, we're going to get you energy down by i would say i would say a solid 50% within one year. i promise. >> tomorrow is the days goin that each and every one of you is going to cast the most important vote of your entirery life. this is a very, very importantp vote. when you step into that voting booth, you are goinginhat voti to be signaling that we want crooked joe biden, the worst president in the history of our countrresidenty. we got to get him out. his radical left lunatics, the entire sick political establishment in our nation' sd do capital. we're going to do things that we're going to do things right. we're going to bringgs right ark
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with your vote. you're going to put crooked joe and his protectors tooked jo on notice that we are coming in november. we're comingn november, th to te the beautiful, beautiful white house and we're going to run country the way it's supposed to be run, not the way it's the corrupt. the washington swamp has done everything in its power to take away your voice on tuesday. i believe that new hampshire will be the i would say, the place on earth for that period of time will speakrt the loudest of any other place. you know, we just got back from wel beautiful state, iowa. and the expectations. good. and we exceeded them by a lot. by a lot. we s it wasd in t actually a record in the history of the state. that was a recorhehistorte.d foe were doing. >> and everybody was a little bit surprisedody was they thought we were going to win by a lot, but we won by record stufwe bf. nobody has done betterno and we're going to do that here. i believe we're going to dto doo that here. now, you do have to doo on one thing.
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you have to get the democrate ts voting in a republican primary. >> what's that allg in t about? you know what that is? a that's a weak governor. that's a wea wearnork governor t would allow that. democrats are not supposed to be voting in republicanw primaries. do we agree? ent >> but get out and vote. and, you know, i spent a lotow of time in iowa saying thias. do we had very big polls just like. we do now. we just got some i in that fantastic polls. but assume you went down, please. okay. ed and and get out of bed and just get to vote. grab your neighbor, grabgo o everybody. you got to you got to go out because we have to win by biut gve to margins. and the reason we have to do that, our very simple you know what the reasodot,n in novembern have to send the signal that we're not playing gamesd . this country has gone to . this country has gone to .ave pp >> we have people pouring in our borders. nobody's everr anything like ite nobody knows where they're from. unvetted, unchecked, this a terrible thing is happening to our country and you have to get ouountry, ot in numbers, ev,
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you think we're going to win big. and i think we ae are. are. but you're going to havet to show it and we want to have that so that come novembertoav, we're going to be in a position where people are not and we have to stoption whe the cheati we're going to stop the cheating. cheating. the one way, way, you know, you win is when you swamp them, not not drainam, the swamp. build up the swamp in this case tomorrow, going to win new hampshire, and then we're going to defeat crooked joe.n, w and we are going to make america greag t again. and like you, thank you very much. and if you need information orat anything and. dot donaldhi j. trump dot com right and dot donald. trump dot com. thank you very much. thanry k you veryve muy day yeah thank you very much
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yeah that was that was handled very quickly by the way i that was that was handled that was handled in record timne . thank you. good job. job bac good job back there. thank you very much. every day the republican party is becoming more and r more unified. was thank you very much. that was a good job. boy, that was quic k. nine s that took about 9 secondecs. aue thank. every day the republican partyla is becoming more and more unified. and it is. and you see what happened. i mean, we hadted? very good competitor run, as you , ron den desantis ron desantis. and he fought hardis and he fought well. and now we have one left. we started off have on with reaf you add some democrats into it,
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we started off with 13 and now we're down to two people and think one person will be gone probably tomorrow and the other one will be gone in november. but now is the time forarty the republican party to come together. we to have to unify. that's why i'm delighted to be joined today b by a number of outstanding leaders, ous, eaders, powerful leader greatly respected leaders. and they're alsoers, unbelievabn competitors. and we're all on the same teambv ,100% focused on biden and beating him november. so i just want to introduce to you for just a few secondsn n a few people that have been incredible on the campaigncr thm trail. they've been really good. and they'll have a lot to do with what's happenin'sg in the country over the next four years. and i'm sure long beyond that. s >> do they please come here. you're right, ramesh. whe y so few words?,
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we wve you back. it's good to be back here. we will speak the truth and get this done. >> we are in the middle of a i war in thin thf s country. it's not between black anden b white orlack even between most democrats and republicans. it is between those of us who love this country and a fringe minorit thiy hates and the united states of america. and what we stand for between the permanent state and the everyday citizen and. right now, we need a commander in chief who will lead us towar. victory in this war. that is this man standing right here. if you want to seal the border, vote trump seal . if >> if you want to restore law and order in this country, vote trump. if you want to defeat the deep stat efeae, vote trump if you want wn to fight inflation, vote tot to trump. if you want to revive national prid re in this country, vote trump. if you want to revive.
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our national identity in this country, vote for trump. if you want to make america great again, vote trump. that's how we're going to win thise in novemberd like reagan delivered in 1980. that's what we're going to deliver. er donald trump is going to deliver this november, reunite thishi country. you you guys do your part. come out on tuesday night and this primary right here offg to defeat joe bidehtn in. november and our best days as al nation are still yet aheadmp, an of us. >> vote trump and that's how we do this. d that's we god, you and your fs and our united states vote.much >> thank you very much, vivek. we lovvie him. dynamo. he's a dynamhe io. >> so one of the most respected governors, one of the most respectegovernord governors in r country. brilliant guy,y, made a lotn fo
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of money. and then he said, let me run for office. we knoof.w about that. and he is truly from norths from dakota and done really ane, he' incredible job. and he's a friend of mine. become a friend of mine and a reallys . goodwyn doug burgum. doug, doug, when i became governor, it was the same nightn that donald trump was elected back in november 16. and the world changed because i've had an opportunity to serve underged, bec joe biden as president and donald trump. when donald trump wajosan president, our nation was safe and our nation was prosperous. tion wasjoe biden. his weakness has led to war. his weakness and his appeasement has led to our adversaries like iran and russia, making hundreds h of billions of dollars selling oiunillions l, china, economy, , national security. those are all three tied together. there's one candidate in this race that understandths how to
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make our nation more secure, our nation more prosperous. r nationit's person who did it n he was president before. that's donald j. at's >> trump.isaste biden has been a disaster on the economy. he's been a disaster on energyr and he's been a disaster on national security, including the border underl secu j. cities trump. our cities were safer. our country waere sas safer, ane were absolutely economically better off than we are tmically joe biden's energy policies are empowering our dictators poe and they're hurting our economy. they're raising the prices of whahurting our econ are raitu car, food on your table, and energy to heatr their home. we need donald trump. america needs donald trump andwy . the reason why we do is becausee he's the individual that knows how to solve these problems. he knows how to keep america safe. he knowsrica to make us moreperous. prosperous. and i want to tell you, i've go o tellt an ask for all of you in new hampshire. i've met a lot of you campaigning around the statenew but the ask is this, tamara,
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you've got to get out and bring your friends. you'veo get oud got to bring evy in vote because the eyes of the world are on new hampshireeyes o tomorrow. they're going to be looking at how you vote. we send this primaryoking at tow in new hampshire with a fantastic win and guess what? it's not just america. it's every foreign dictator. it's terrorist group is goingoue to be rethinking their plans th gothey know we'veth a strong and experienced president who will stand up preshe m and america and makeat again america great again. thank you. >> thank you very much. that is good. thaty, they did a very good job. >> did that. you're seeing a lot of them. and we have another one. everybody knows them. and today was a bis him g the b. story out there. >> he's engaged to be marrie en we never thought this was going to happen. what's going on? >> a very, very fine person, a man that we worked so and i worked so closely with. he was in the senate. he's been there now a longashe and one of the most respected
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people in all of washington. senator tim scott, south carolina. all right, all right. all right. you want four more yearslet me of donald trump? >> let me hear you screa hyom if you want the race to be over tomorrow, let me hear you scream. you count. >> y'all want four more yearsmao of low inflationf under donaldr trump. how many over four more yeard su of low crime and high law and order under donald >> trump?applau how do y'allse want me to stop talking so you can hear from
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your next president donald j. trump? oh, you. yeah. oh yeah. oh, all right. joining us now, president trumpi speaking tonight at a unity rally here in new hampshire. new we'll dip back in in a few minutes. joining us now on set, fox news contributor charliset,e hurt, the co-host of two hit shows the five and america's newsroom. >> and i will be her guest tomorrow, which is a great honor of mine. i've goti countdown clock.yo what do you make of where we are? >> it's interesting because, you know, we wer it'e in this vy place and 2016 and 2020 and in 2016, when we came here, there were still, i think eight candidates left. and it was at the new hampshire debate wheree eightit had whate
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called the murder suicide of marco rubiod uicide o betweet strategized between trump and chris christietween tr and justk of how much history is behind us in those eight years. very tumultuouthoss to get to a point where you are in a two-person race. nikki haley said all along that that's what she wanted and she did help winnow the field. >> right. she is still in it. she's here for tomorrow in new hampshire. the polls are not great for her. and i know if she got to the ra two-person race too late. but you see, with donaldto trum, they're bringing in doug burgum and vivek ramaswamy ti a cautious just because when you're lookingre at 40% of the
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voting population here who isth independene votit and they hav g to hurt trump and help nikki haley, i think, you know, it's -- it's too soon to say for certai soon ton. but if donald trump wins by, you know, 40 points or wins by two points, it's the difference betweenr by two it'sw death or a fast death. it's -- it's i don't see the trajectory is not going to change. thtrajectonowell, the number ofr that switched that was, i think the secretary of state's office said about's offic thousand tho and that ended in october. howeve the republican or
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democratic primary or not vote at all. >> and theren the y have been , organized efforts to get people to vote for nikki haleyto ,extend out what they think dill be a will for donal trump, spend more money, extend the the primary as long as possiblend the e therefore that benefits them in the long run. >> it's an interesting strategy. i don't think it'l is an interl work. and nikki haley has rejected that, saying i'm not trying to do that. do for methat'sto votenihaley ho to do that, we're going to turn them away. that's what she says. but i also think it's interesting , there's 40% independent here in nevada and new hampshire, excuse we bui have not in nevada yet, but in the country. >> do you see the recent gallupt poll? 43% of the country says that they are independenhet. rt so the both parties are the-- largest number ever. right. n: that tit's a large number. so both parties are shrinking. and so i'm really interested in goingh panking. forward. let's say that president trump sums up the nomination. how do let's spresid you go baca trump biden voter and say, give me, another shot that will be interesting messaging
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goinyou will need to getthat wig some of those people if he's going to win, the general, james carville said. >>al. and i pay attention when james speaks. i've had a number of debatese y. with debates with him over the years. >> fun guy, crazy but fun but smart, also. very.un , buand one of the things he sad is a third party independent run this year is going to get a hell of a lot of votes. >> and i think he's right. but i also don't think that that's going to hurt donald trump. i think that tha don't t hurts joe biden. >> and b, if it's no labels, if fifs r f k, i think and even i it's a never trumper person who wants to run and think that they're to be a spoiler for donald trump, i don't think it's going to work about joek ia manchin and tulsi gabbard. >> i think i think it hurt. i think itncand tuls all joe bi. i think that, you know, any alternative. donald as you know sean donald supporters are not like wavering. are no and the one thing that ws absolutely declared in iow
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and is true in all of these polls is, you know, the question for me waths have grown exhausted and do they want to movy wante on? >> they don't want to move on. they want to stay and they want th and they want to fight with this guy. and to me, you know, desantis's decision to get out. and his comments, i thought, were so interesting. to me, that was the most interestin d g was the part wherein he his analysis said, look, i did my besgt people want to stick with the guy that brought them this far andue they want to fight. >> and i think it's true. i like to. in national review, there was a headline by philip headlin kln that said that desantis was like peloton in a post-covidw, world, right? >> it was like, no,ar actually nigeria right now. i thought they were pretty good with what we had before. >> so that's that's a pretty good analogya pretty. the peop >> all right. who would be the people? and four years from now, when we'r e here, god willing, again, four years from now? >> well, i thought it was very interestin>> ig that behind the scenes what desanto was sayingt and his people were saying is that as he went around meeting voters, they might say to him, you're our guy in 2028. if
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trump weren't running, we'd be with you, but we're going to stick with him. there's no doubt wit he's hurt. >> you don't disagree. he is a young leading conservative young america first voice in the country, 100%, trel and he's an extremely competent executive, but he's not a greayt campaigner. and can you can you become a great campaigner oa great r it instinctual? >> i think that's an interesting question instinc?. p >> mean, i was notai that critical of his campaign, as others have been. >> i'll tell you, i learned a lot about him in the 90 debates. newsom oh, yeah. h >> i bet, because he came oute in the prepared and there was nothing fazed him.. you know, gavin came in with, you know, ever iy prepared lineu ready, you know, to fire out every bullet he had in hisy bull political gun. >> he's brilliant as running as an incumbent,l gun.brillian w in 2022 he had accomplishments to run on and people loved him. he beat charlie crist by by over 20 points in a swing statet of florida, which is no longerat a swing state. and so to me, the question is, does he end up running in 2028,2
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sort of as an incumbent? and th02ted as ae only way i ses if donald trump decides to pick e president.d of >> and i know it seemedmoniou everything seems kind of commodious right now, but i don's t think it's out of the question. i think that, you know, if donald trump decidesestion to s- he would be anointing him his successor. exactl he wouly. because as dana before we came on the air rightly pointed out ,if somebody the day afterhe day election day, whoever that vice president is, they're probably going to have an eye on thate re desk of donald trump, as with a red button that's nottt a nucleaon tha ther. >> but for diet coke. that's right. that's what they better have, a better political operation than kamala harris. well said. polie great to see. i'll see you on your show. i can't wait. charlie, good toow. see you.ur n all right. up next, our own sara carter speaking with voters right heretomo in new hampshire ahead of tomorrow's big primary. we'll show you what they said. o hannity continues. we're live in the first primaryt statst primae in the union,ay new hampshire. >> stay with us.
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all right. we are live in new hampshire ahead of tomorrow's first in the nation primary. and earlier tonight. sara well, our very own sara carter, she hit the streets right here in the graniteca to talkters abo with local voters about what they are expecting, who theyey are supporting and the issues that matter most to them. >> let's, ane issu listen to the people that matter. >> take a look. think it's going to happen? i think it all comes dow it alln to the independent voters. >> i think it's going to be a tight, tight race between trump mcginley. it's going to be a very tight, tight race between them. n i mean, both of them out and they both have good campaigns going in everything. but i think trump's goinghink t to get it. >> i think there is going to bhw trump victory. >> i just really want a woman to be president. i feelana woma like it's about timeee and it's been so long and i feel likn soe women can really i the country. >> nikki haley will stay in the
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race as long . there are folks that will fund her. so if the millions comill fund e keep her alive, she will stay in as long as she wants. but we maga voters are notot goi going back to politicianngs. >>a >> we're going to stick with donald trump. what are some of the issues that you think are going to be the biggesyok are goe tht are g? this vote? >> the border is firstthat and foremost that needs to be addressed. whoever is in office nbe. i just think for my future and like it's so expensive nowst ,even just gas, like gso everything is so expensive. i'm concerned about rising expei prices of food and gas and allng asthose things that hit>> the middle class. >> i wish i looked like, you know. all right. s sara joins us right now with more. nowi know it's cold out there, sara. >> thanks for working so hard. all right. generall anks fory speaking, did you get consensus where people are leaning? w, loo >> you know, look, i see a tonk, of support, sean, definitely a ton of enthusiasm fo supportro president trump. >> i am also seeing a lot of voters, those independentt se
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undecideds, you know, voters that are saying, look, you know, we ha haven't made our decision yet or these are the policy issues that were most about americans, of course, that new hampshire derers are very concerne about the border. >> they're very concerned about the economy. the economoncerned they is one e biggest issues, i think, that i've spoke to people with about here today. and i think they're going to lean that way. and as the candidates, as bothln trump and nikki haley make their final pitches, i think one thing is common among all votersommon am. >> this is really a vote right now against president biden. and that's something that i think that struck out very strongly. tpeople here feel abandoned. they feel abandoned by the democrats. pres feel abandoned by president biden. and we're seeing that a lot with the independent votern, an as well as those undecided voters that everyone's talking about. voters ttalkini mean, we'll havl tomorrow to know what's going to happen. but know what's goini think thee have spoken and the people will speak tomorrow. >>ow sean, and they certainly will.
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>> they always get the last word and rightly so. all right. joining us now, the co-host of the hit show the five, jessica tarlov, fox newsf contributor katy perry, obliged and outnumbered co-hos t kelly mcenany. >> you know, there's one issue in new hampshire that justs me irritates me, and that is i don't like this open primary. they have a lot of registered independents. indepeabout 4000 democrats4,000e that reregistered as independentat. me t so they could vote in the republican primary, some to, i would argue, wreak havoc the primary. >> i don't like that part,. but that's a big. t >> will that have a big effect tomorrow? well, i don't think that the d people who reregistered and they had to do that back in october. it wasn't something they could access. >> i thought it was like the 23rd, but it was while agore it wasn't, you know, a last minute. >> we'regoing to giv going to g" if you go. >> there are groups pushing very hard for independents>> set there. >> and that always happens that people want folks to meddl hap want foe in the syy they can. letting people remain an independen can.t is interestingn it's different. like in new york, for instance,
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where i vote. there are a lot of people i lot of frustrated that they have to register with a party to have an impact ampact att >> and so i went in whenm i lived in new york. i'm no longeno lonr a resident.k >> i've heard.e do you want to write a couple>> of articles about that sea? but i was able to register as ab conservativele new yorker. >> yeah, i saw i. but often the republican was also on the conservative ticket. >> oh, no. i just mean that if there's such a high number of people who identify fras an independent, it's frustrating to be pushed into a bucket. and so i think ius intt actuallk more reflective of you getting to make a choice that aligns with youe a chhatr policy prefe. f you can stay an independent and vote in the i dn democratic primary, i don't like it because it just lends itself s--o can work the other way around too. i just don't like it. it lends itself for people twao the metal and other parties business. and i think republicans ought to decidf to e who the republican nominee is, and certainly notnde democratnts having the option te of flip to vote in theus republican primary just
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to wreak havoc and then t vote for biden in the end. >> well, that mahat may be a fa. and, you know, people who are democrats who want to vote in then th republican primary by being independents, going back and changing their vote bet affiliation, that's something that they're only doing a short term benefithaey are oy do. cand and if you're a republican candidate trying to make your way through this proceso makers based on those ks of votes, that's not a sustainable thing. no white breadting instead of eating chicken and having some protein for for down the road. ein get soad we'll see if that plays out tomorrow and that impact. but i'm looking at democrats tomorrow. i mean, joe biden decided that in new hampshire was, to tr you know, is too white. so they were going to throwow new hampshirhampshire under thee move to south carolina. >> they had a little bit of this panic going on, did throw iowa and new hampshire. >> and now they're panicking about the fact that maybunder td joe biden looks so weak at this point in his candidacy to maintai tn this this, you know, stamina or lack of through the 2024 election against donald trump of all people the et , that that may add to the argument that he's so so and thatoing h
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democrats have to do something about it. and so the fact that to write hi tto tomorm in tomorrow, instd of just waving it off and saying he's strong enough to gstrongto go with out new ha, i think is a bigger story. >> i think that was a big mistake on their par t, kelly. oh, it was a huge mistake on their part. look, he came in. what was i cam, t, fifth place i hampshire. and so he said, we're going to move south carolinare up. >> it's more friendly to me politically. he's an incumbent president. incumbent presidents. incumbe, have a lot of power within the party. and the dnc is really at hisnd r will. but you could see a headline tomorrow. i don't think there's a reporter willing to write thisowi don't iswillin headlined see a headline tomorrow. of a percentage percent of the vote within his party than donalte withid trump in hit who is not an incumbent. there's a universe in which donald trump tomorro"w could get 60% of the vote and donald trump could look more likend lyndon johnson, who was a write in candidate who got, i believe it was 47%, eugene mccarthy just behind him. and then he ended up pulling oupercent,rthy just because.t wh >> exhibit, let me ask you this and i'll start with you, kelly. let's say donald trump, thesee these polls that we have now been saying for the last now
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showing trump up 17, 18, 19,0 20 points. >> i artomorrow in georgia, nikki haley, you've got an important decision e because now we'reto you talking about going into your home statr tatee and. you're already down 30 in the polls, not a margin that's nois up. i think she's run a great campaign. i thought ron desantis ran angn effective campaign in more ways than he got credit for. more wayall nine counties, for . but if you're nikki haley and you leave new hampshirl 99 e and you don't win new hampshire or iowa and you're going to go to your home state to go tyo, dl in? what do you think? four years from now? i'll try again. t is it's within single digits.y >> i don't see why you stay in nate cohn's. wrot nick cohn at thee,prevai "new york times" wrote, if she doesn't prevail in new hampshire,new hamp the only stas that look even somewhat friendly to her begin to be vermon t and the state of therict o district of columbia. so you've got options there,owne both of which are going to be drowned out by the fact that trump'sd out going to dominate in south carolina, dominate nevada, dominate on super tuesday. he
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so i don't see a path unless she thinks that she needs to be th number two or motiv there's some other motive involved, because if he gets majorityif h support, i mean,>>a you're going to lose your home >> shewant you can't say hasn't put in the work and done what she wanted to do on the campaiged to do on trailr >> but she's had a really rough week. she came in third in iowa. you have some of her big donors saying that they were goingthey to see her through south carolina and that they're going to wait and see what happens in new hampshire. niu have tim scott who has put into place in his senate seat by nikki halekkasy when she was the governor coming out endorsing president donald trump's being with himt and tont in new hampshire the night before this primary, where she's hoping to gaint in ham some last minute momentum to keep her campaign afloat. nancy mace campaigned and had nikki haley come out for her inc south carolina in a very tough reelection against a maga. very toutrump candidate. and nancy mace endorsed donald trump. so it's not just ca mattery bu of money. it's also a matter of, you know, support al unifd the party is unifying. and yeah, she'll have to decidyf
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what she's going to do. >> and i understand it's very difficult to say. i'm not going to say, especiallyfi- and a presidentil campaign, but the numbers show upsupport just in in a rematch. >> and it's going to be joe biden versus donald trump. okay. >> so joe biden is a cognitive mess. you agree? gnitive no. agree you don't agree with that? no, not at all. no, i certainly think that he d has slowed down from 2020 down a little. >> yea h. you want to you want to comment? yeah. >> i'll cover my own mark pockey haley mixed u with nancy pelosi one time up 5 hoursight wak for straight without making a mistake. >> rambling is notitg a speakins 5 hours straight, including things like look what happens when i put magnets in water and when i beat jake tapper. i wa mags like, fake chatter. i sound like real jessica. tarlov and it's not a small. thing. >> if joe biden ha d confused nikki haley and nancy pelosi. >> so they havnie in commokkn the first letter of their name so that they're going to make
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>> s. hativeh >> he has not had an incident free speech or appearance or even an actual speech orescort h somebody has the press escort him, stage left the stageft ore right because he has no clue where to set press. >> they don't want him to speak to reporters. they k ver they keep him on a very short leash for a reason. and that's what he suddenly names have to deal with what the nominee is. >> if you guys that people are sitting at home sianwatching donald trump talk about joe biden's going to get us into world war ii, or i need an id to buy " a loaf of bread l that we're going to buy. >> actually, this is all intentional. i'm trying," to throw you off the scent the man is bragging about passing out. this braggt me throw this runnib damage. >> find this amazingrain damageg joe biden has been a cognitive mess. and almost every night i've playedlmost ev tapes on this sh. and then there's three mistakes that donald trump i'there's m na the guy that aced the real cognitive test. go ahead theal cogni. the bottom line is the assessment of the american people. and you look at an
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y poll, ter. something usa today, it doesn't matter. the poll, nbc, abc, two thirds do not believe that joe biden's men fit to be president.a reas there's a reason why apparently his press team was in the white aps a tallybecauswhy of every time his agee is mentioned because he knows it's a huge problem him, his whole staff, the world worls the only one who doesn't know. jessica, i am going to send tapes to your house up, >> i a but actually down to five. and i love being here. you played me a montage of all the. but how embarrassing then for but how embarrassing then for trump her, as we can tell you,a, live from new hampshire. >> stay with us. my health was good until it significantr $60,00 health scare. >> we needed to act quickly because we had christian healthh care ministries. >> i went directly to the specialist. i wantedristiare minis. d this i they took care of all our medical bills, over $60,000r joining christian healthcare ministries. out netwrestrictit's one of thb we've ever made with his wife, his family. >> and this is ourle story. >> and this is ourle story. >> choose your doctor without network restrictions, all at an? affordable price. enroll any time at see ministriests power. enroll you shop for vitamins to
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the meyer blair law firm at one 846 seven 3800 for a free no risk consultation that's one 804 six seven 3800. let us help you protect your rights. fox news is line from new hampshire from the candidates final pushes to the issue, swaying voters. bill hemmer and dana perino have critical insight on america's newsroom. then harris faulkner. smart analysis on the faulkner focus tomorrow live from new hampshire on fox news channel. >> all right. unfortunately, that is all the time w at ise have left this evening. please tune in tomorrow night. our coverage of the new hampshirour e. anne kellyanne conway, tim scott, reron donalds, so mucht, s more right here on our sets of with results of the new hampshire in the nation primary. anyway, please set your dvr and neveanywayr miss an episode of hannity. let not your heart be troubled. greg gutfeld will put a smile on your face