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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  January 23, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PST

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the meyer blair law firm at one 846 seven 3800 for a free no risk consultation that's one 804 six seven 3800. let us help you protect your rights. fox news is line from new hampshire from the candidates final pushes to the issue, swaying voters. bill hemmer and dana perino have critical insight on america's newsroom. then harris faulkner. smart analysis on the faulkner focus tomorrow live from new hampshire on fox news channel. >> all right. unfortunately, that is all the time w at ise have left this evening. please tune in tomorrow night. our coverage of the new hampshirour e. anne kellyanne conway, tim scott, reron donalds, so mucht, s more right here on our sets of with results of the new hampshire in the nation primary. anyway, please set your dvr and neveanywayr miss an episode of hannity. let not your heart be troubled. greg gutfeld will put a smile on your face
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. d. it feels great. yes, i stop it. it. stop it. keep. no, i'm kidding. happy monday, everyone, everyo. >> so last week,t we sports illustrated announcedek' were laying off their entire staff, but you could see it comingwelaying o like a plus sil down a fashion runway. those so this waofs a big deal for those of us who grew up when s.i. was required reading and also scotch guarding. nobody knows what that means. sod that s.i. managed to go from a national institution to a mental institution in record time. if any business majors want recorrn not to run a company, s.i. has your game plan.
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that's because the management tried almost everything they could to thin k, could o think of, to drive clicks. one tiny thing. keeping the focus on sports. g thyou know the subject they we supposed to be illustrating instead of showingre how to ruin a brand faster than it takes , t should bud light what management should have tried is rememberin havegst their loyal customers want. sports straight up without the wokeraight u scores, stats,s inspirational storie, s about athletes who only used a little bit of steroids. those were the days. unfortunately, as i pivothose wi rebounds to pronouns is far from unique becaustsnounce ie we left really wants is to ensure that none of us can think for ourselveus can fors. a moment you spent cheering for the home team is a moment you're not thinkingnge, their approved thoughts about climate change, gender or what youer, or wr super bowl pay should serve bugs instead of hot wings. so when did sports start going woke? well, therwhe was
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colin kaepernick taking a knee during the national anthem in responsere watakinge, many 4s also went to their knees, praying kaepernick would tra be traded, and he was to the people's republic of nike. coma remember when he comparedre the nfl to owners and then sent a nice letter begging them to take back? that's like me begging, kill me that ito family to me, be a pallbearer. i mean, he's still alive for noh w. next came lebron james, another millionaire, and miller, lebronp also telegraphed his wokeism by being photographed reading civil rights bookshes wokeis lie the autobiography of malcolm x. only problem is, fans noticed. >> he was always on page one. of course, he talked about rights, but only for certain humans. china could tionlye toddler to a radiator in a nike shoe sweatshop. atorand lebron would only freako the heat melted. >> the shoe laced s. then the u.s. women's soccer team joined in wit
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h the usual vomit of lectures, shaming and self-importance directedand at team's only supporters. true, you'll find more fans an igloo. but it was no surprise that when chief trol wl rapinoet got injured on the way to losing the world cup, she blamed god and god was like, go to. but rsi was still on it, offering up their famous swimsuit issue to the woke gods. >> that rag was once a billion the than the magazineion-do that spawned it. i still remember as a teenagerly having paper cuts where a boye should never had a paper bagnev wa toes. then in 2014, the swimsuit edition was taken over by wokes editorr editor m.j. day, and soi brought this. now, look, i know beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but mys recollection of the swimsuit ist e was more along the lineswi of kathy ireland, not a cover model. the sizere ireland having takenm
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on fat shaming. the next evil was ageisming by having an 82-year-old womanan graced the cover, which letw left a lot of readers wondering how long has that model beenas e in the water? r]and but that's martha stewart, and she's not bad. and it made perfecshe ist. how o >> every sports nut i know mak is interested in how to make a baked brie to impress your next book club. the 2023 edition also featured a model who was seven months pregnant and a bald black woman who shaved off her hair as a form of to the readers, it was wasn't just tom brady's footballsdeflat that were deflated. you know, all that was missing was trans. oh, yeah. as featured at least two on f the swimsuit edition without indicating that theae model wers trans, i guess i can only.een how many teenage boys had been emotionally scarred after finding out they rubbed one out to a chick who might have been a new jersey plumber named franen ak?
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i kid. finally, in november was revealed, s.i. wasg writ being ridden, at least in part by an artificialte intelligence program. computers were writing for the maprograg, which could expln this cover model. mer ma now, as a former magazine editor, i can tell you it's all abouga you it t share and tg the tiniest of tiny percentages of a population while risking while readeryour entir base makes about as much business sense as the nhra sensa hiring. >> alec baldwin. now, of course, it's not justs s.i. that'nos the woke mindus. virus. >> look at forbes, a magazin evestin on investing that now manages to be anti-capitalisg nt. od hu >> what's next? good housekeeping promoting horner'sseoting ho gq promoting. then there's "teen vogue", a marxist trash that reads like the communist manifesto
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in crayon. >> and where it comes now that this year's super bowl will once again feature not only the national anthemure noth but also the black national anthem. national ant to bringy the country together? a little bit of friendly apartheiartheid.d. anko t i mean, the super bowlhe unitest more peoplese than hating maroon five and these can't leave itshs alone. meanwhile, can't lea on the si t banner still reads opening eyes. speaking swimsuit banner truth i when it should have said covering sports and then up. shutting up. [lau but i'll take it. smattering. ofe itbut they sure changed thes of their readership who are heading over to outkick and barstool faster than lebron chasino oug chinese paycheck. >> bottom line is that de progressivism wokeism call it what you will. it's a divisive, coercive ideology that will never succeed for exactly thoser exac
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reasons. then again, for the people thent that isly thos the reason. o then to americans don't want to be divided or coerced. they want to be told what to iss believe. raise issues on your own timues not ours. and if you force it down people's throats, they'll thro throatw can it back up. it's why the progressives can ruin anything from girls anythin in bikinis to sports. and if we don't stop them, t our countrhey. well, i guess we hired two cars to bring him here tonight. one for him and one for his hair. thigop presidential candidate big fake ramaswamy sees[che the attorneyer who puts libs ona gurney. said that fox true crimeh emily campagnacr. f he's got that brain of a comedian. but the facea of your wife's boyfriend, comedian adam hunter
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. and like the daughter of a boeing 737, she's often unhinged times. best selling author and fox news contributor dr. debate. n many years ago you were on this show because you just written a book called woke ink, which wa bs about this very same issua . how much were you? correct. and why didn't anybody takre ce your book as a warning sign? i say. well, i meant it as a warning sign, but it seems like these companies took it as a how to. >> yes as it's not exactly howi intended it at the time but these locaactly hol comics,k to call it that, it just doesn't work. if you think about what's happenin.bout whag with sports illustrated now. what do you have? you have a man identifying as a woma on thn the cover, and now you have a bunch of employees who are identifyin g unemployed soon, . yes. and pretty soo ypronn their pros are going to be hire mounse. e and the fact this is not
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the transition. we're looking for the transition. we're looking fotr we're lor is back to capitalism. the other thing i want to say about sports illustrated, though, is it's no en they t just the work issue. >> the air issue cracked me up. yeah. do you wan tt to know who the czar of air is in the united states of america its actually? kamala harris. so kind of ties the ties, the whole thing upit tiethin iss the air itself is actually now embedded with a lot of thesehe r woke doctrines. and so the more you least woke journalists when you actuallyi have woke air and i will say that, you know, in the next administration, they need somebody else is going to be in charge of air, at least mak needsgoing toe somebody who can spell air. i'd start with that. yes. but if they ge., it then i thinw get the wokeness out of both the air and our culture and maybewokenesse sports illusd with back in business. >> i have to say, though, in defense, kamala >> greg: is artificially intelligent and genuinely unintelligent. yes. >> emily, you were a raiderse cheerleader, so i'm sure that you might have been in the pages of sportges of ss illustr
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>> it was a maxim. um. oh, hey i'm still in business. >> yeah. look, might do two takeaways are just like you said, but let's eloquently, whichan is teams are faster then probably go walk go broke. right. and we saw that. so we see that here with sports illustrated and then we sa we saw wat was that with bud light. >> that wa a00s a $15,000 addyla campaign that they invested in for dylan mulvaney. and they lost almostn $30billio. billion. >> the proof is in the pudding. you yo ing.u you go woke, you go broke. >> and then the second takeaway is the air displacemen awat. and, you know, this year ort last year, 2023, a third of employers said they expect that they're going to give away some joby some ts to and almostf say that they will. t it's the seventh largestt cont contributor to displacement. and to your point, the facrir tcteris that it's taken on the characteristics of the woke of the progressivtie left, that's who is writing this dribble. it's just going to get more anjd more and more. i mean, the only good news is that sort of there'sit iss one more swimsuit issue coming out in the sprinueg, but hailey
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davidson is going to be on the cover. >> now, that might not be th that miga they don't know who that is. that's the new do. yes. the thate malene the male turnee professional golfer. yes. ther y ere yoe you go. i'm a joke. that was later. yes, exactly. ye: that w s. adam was a big part of your life. >> it was like i remember when carpenter was on the coveri rem when i got my wife a jersey. >> so she spends more time on her knees. n he you awful mad?stin but. and you applaud that disgusting blmor. but blaming her husband right now, i look,g he i just tk you got to go. if you're going to have a trans people, you got to warn peopl people like make it up, make it a a pop up magazine. so i thought that was clever. thank you very much. crowd today out of a tough is th crowd but -- but yeah i mean: ie they're going to keep putting lids on next year in a defund the police bikini but it's not
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just sports illustrated i was watching like with my kid we were we were watching one sesamt street like big bird is now a body positive birdive at like kermit won't touch miss piggy. he's a vegan, you know, and you have to get permission elmo f pre tickle him. you knowro i just keep going it does keep kat my guess is you've never actually opened a hard copy of sports illustrated. ." >> no, no, not going to put upce a picture of that modelmode said was the size of ireland. yes. so everybodyl of the amount of people out there acting like you guys, like, wouldn't have sex her if she was a few extra pounds. like, okay oka, i didn't sayevei i would tell you guys. right. every single one of you,en you h everyone you've ever slept with is better looking than that. better le, shut. also t >> i also think that it hahid
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some issues just h it was a magazine. mareel like even that no matte what the girls and i look like i don't hear guys being like there', there's hot chicks in tg magazine. i got to go out and get me that hot chick magazine so i can looko out anect maga at h. there's the internet now, tht. hings are just differen >> yeah. the other thing, though, is when when you're a talented personen you a, you will leave something that's failing. and i think what happenss fail,o the people that stay at the product are the woke people because they're thekecauh least competent, because all you have to do is parrot it. sou have t it gets more and. more concentrated, you know, in the in the in whatever productsow? it is, what's left. it's almost like it's a zombielo producmbiet that is engineered so you have all the smart people are now at that barstool or what's the other one also probably companies are more scared those people are going to b areably more the ones who o >> yes, that's true. that's true. sue.e. saf you're woke. no one will sue you. all right. coming up up nexke.t, trump carries clout as ryan drops out.
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call 1-800- 14 71657 now or visit us at missile fund icon. e >> and so goes ron. leaving us with nikki and don ron desantis dropped out of the racedon. out o two days before w hampshire primary, which is too bad because donald had 27 new insults. he was hoping to try. >> but that's after ron was polling in single digits in new hampshir e and lost in iowa to trump by 30 points. true, he was about as popula waa iowa as a cold sore at a kissing booth. here he sounding pretty relieved. it's over with. if there was anythinr withg i cd do to produce a favorable outcome, more campaign stops interviews, i would do it. but i can't ask our supporters to volunteer their time and donate their resources if dona have clear pathclea to victory. it's clear to me that a
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majority of republican primaryrt want to give donald trump another chance. daey watch his presidencher chy get stymied by relentless resistance, and they see democrats usinma relresistang ty to attack him. i signed a pledge to supportfaio the republican nominee, and i will honor that pledge. disgusting, right. is actu he's actually honoring a pledge and he calls himself a politiciana. >> so trump picks up yet another endorsement. but i wonder if he took the time to congratulate ron. >> i'd like to take time to congratulate ron desantis c and, of course, a really terrific person who has gotten o to know his wife, casey, for having run a great campaign for president. he did foring . >> he ran a really good campaign. di and it's so donald. but did he, though, between sup his campaign and the super pac supporting it, desantis spent tens of millionsg and still goe trounced. i haven't seen such a waste
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of money since joy behar had her lips done. >> but was it really a waste? to me, it was worth it because for the longest time, the argument was to challenge a. trump with the best alternative almost as a stress test, but also give those who wantedar a viable replacement to trump to havepo trace won. tually and they got it. they got a few, actually, but it still.but it sot nearly e trump won big and that's despite him being attackedspitma on all fronts legally and in the media. so there should be no more. wh there shouly we settling wit? if you actually had the option and you saw itif you, it's liket saying to america, get off your gas guzzlerthei and embrace this new electric revolution. re and.he option was there >> they went with the gas guzzler. maybe in the future we will consider it. mansider ighbut not right now. so to continue with theo car metaphor, ron wacos reliable sedan, but republicans want s wantsilwith monster tire and a built in propane grill that will drive over stalled priuses, shootinivg lasers and playing god bless america with a bald eagle perched on the.
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vivek what do you mean? what do you mean? i mean, it's a good poin point. you needed to have. you needed to have. i mean, you are you guysand desa are great candidates. i mean, you indicated you werech the you were the fresh voice, the smartest guy in the roome. . desantis was the best governor. you know, you can't just say, yo aree stuck with trump that this was an excellent governor. i'm not going to knock him. i knowivek: de how hard of a den that is to make. it was for me, not a decision that i plannedwa make. make unte took about 20 minutes that night. and i decided on the spo to mt that after iowa, you see the way this is going. let's actually do the right thing foer i r. ad ron the country. and i'm glad ron made the right decision as well. i think he has an outstandindec. whatever it is, he's going to have an impact on the country that not a certain amount m a cert, the process. abo and i'm confident he cares about this country and he's going to have anutd he wil impan our politics going forward. guys, hang out a lot. we didn't hang out muc s hangh. ron paul, wasn't it? you know, i hear you guys.k
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i you know, i think the are-- hopping, you know i was down. but -- but i will say that he could be a good attorney general or something like that, to tell you the truth about ron but i will say thiwill ss is thd was one part of that that i think we should probably double click on ibly looks i think ther pacs have been all bad for american politics, democrats and republicans. it doesn't matter the amount of money that you said wasthe ae wasted. k >> i think a lot of that moneyth was wasted because i think the voters could have equally had putd choice without puttinp woose plastic 32nd tv ads on networks across the board in iowa or new hampshire. it doesn't matter. it's all fake plastirkit ialc ie short run. >> move some numbers. i didn't play that game. i put $30 million of my own hard earned money into the campaign. --wish it didn't have work that way either. but it's better than the super pacs. eou oould have given that to m . >> i would have put i would have put it put you on the show every night. ow well, you know what? once in a while it's good. yeahwhile is, think. i think it's bad, everybody. yes. but i do think that this is this is an issue the republicantuld own s can owe out of. this is we should be the party that says we wan -- wet to get o
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the influence of mega money out of politics. >> we're the partyut o, wek that the people. >> and i do think that could be a pivot for our party going forward. that's could bparty go did you like how he said i want to double click on something? yeah. >> why? he's like de vache. that's, why i got like 8%. >> yeah, i like that you called me this morning in tears over this. >> how are you taking off? >>would neve r call you if i was in tears. i'd be the last person i want to talk if i was upset becauseod i was laughing. yeah, yeah be. so how do you take this?lo well, look, a lot of peoplee sa are sayingyi what wrong here,sua right? he was such a good governor who handled covi good so well.f it how did this go so badly? i think part of it was that het prettyhe, like, never broughtndt that up. yeah, that's all the covid stuff. and, you knohew, the freedom that florida had, he was, you know, instead of doingad.un that, he was like, i'm going to run against drag queens. he got sgo into the drag queensn are bad and the disney is bad that honestly, i'm all for
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the parents rights stuff. that's not what i'm talking about. but he went so far that some oft was actually anti parents rights. like some of the laws were like you can't your child into what is an adult performance as determined by the government. i just want the government. an bri to tell me where i could bringng my kids if i had them. stay tuned maybe somedaykids if but one guy's like, do it. ink e but yeah, i think he was even w really that focusedalso, on the right thing. so but also, i think it was going to be trump no mattei thi? >> what?e an what do you say, adam? you were an astute political analyst. know. i don't know. i think his polls are rough. i thins polls were rk they're ls in a montana strip club a and that's in the day shift. but but it's crazy because people are going to vote for nikki hale iopley, some people t because she's a woman, because we had our first black president and we got our first orange president. and, you kno o blaw, now we havt dead president right? i think anyone's better than now. er tha in and like gas is so
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expensive. people are doing walk by shootings expen wal, you knoe like, there's more needles on the ground. and nancy foreheadls o, it's juy i don't know why you dropped out. you're doing good. yeah yout.. the >> i mean, she sort of stuck in there, but i don't know. i don't know what's goint isghab to happen. what about you, emily? you get the last worou emilyd. it just always strikes me as so. it's really impressive is real o when candidates, you know, suspend their campaign and thene all of a sudden, everyone else is like, i am so honored, to havm so hone your endorsemen. like, everything's fine. i guess it's the sicilian in me. but if someones it iinme. wrven looks at me wrong, i'm like, i wish you nothing but death foreveisr like her. i'm like, oh, my gosh, you guys are. you have such big hearts. i think what's really interesting actually, is what my welresting obablyl, probablyn in new hampshire. so we know that trump was aheaan of nikki by 17 points even before desantis dropped out. right. so the questioore desan, how mal independents and democrats will haley get? iden i me, the bigger questiong? is the fact that biden's not actually on the ticket.
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and we have someonne, deanho i phillips, running who's running hilarious ads of sasquatch looking for the president. where is he? because he's nowhereident, w ani think it's really going to be interesting how well he does, becausin he doesbecause that mit induces other sort of big name democrat to step in and be like, biden get out of the way. >> so you notice that dean phillips and desantis are never in the same. it's bizarre. >> it's bizarre. and they are dead ringers. i put that in post texasm together. no, sir. i'm sureseriou they look exactly. >> i noticed that. yeah. yeah. it's creepy. >> like sasquatch is like. yes, exactly. d joy how dare you impugn sasquatcbeh all right, up next, the left is not the face of budget cuts. >> my skin with o been so much smoother, so much more. it gets away with all
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stop it, stop that socialist are attic doh. t so maybe it's time to eat some crow. democr >> according to the "new york post", the democratic socialist party of americaatarti is facing a seven figure budget crisisge, seven figures cat and could lay out and could lay offf staff to their staunch pro-palestine palestinian stance. timer staus are so tough membere are having to sell their hammers in circles on eba hammey and they can't evn afford matches now. ey hav when they want to burn a flag, they have to rub two sticks together. the democratic socialists are behind the massive anti-israel pro-hamas protestsd that have caused widespread chaos and traffic jams across the country since the october 7th massacre in israel. out th but anyone could have figured out that the only people blocking highways, they don't have jobs or a reason for living. >> i call thesg. e dumb sheep, except sheep get groomed once a year. ge yeah, go ahead.
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i'll take it. i'll take it. but all that ultra hating terrorist supporting radicalism has come back to bite them in the come ba. and it couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of goose stepping voti-semites. the organization is asking for volunteers to leave and if needed , layoffs could come nextnext week. that's terrible. if you're going to b e a. you should get paid for it. but how is this surprising the idea of a socialist trusg able to manage a budge is like trusting your meal plan to lizzo. >>lan to i know. news, terrible. the good news, though, departing stafartingf receive ar che guevara t-shirt in lieu of health care benefits. ha! adam, i was thinking about this. >> if. okay, let's say you're an if at the socialist organization. shouldn't you offer to your say salary in half? so, like, should i say haved get half my salary so they stay. is that what associations their true. yeah, right. -i it's such an oxymoron.
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democratic socialist. it's like bankable. s likehillary, you know. but some of groups like quieres for palestine, which is like chris christie for salad liks, you know, and people saying, oh, free palestine, i'm jewisht. . >> stop saying that. we lov e a good deal.t but it's just it's people just assume because assum that if you're not as economically well off you then you're the you're the underdogderdog. know and they rr them like the white guy in basketball the the black guy in hockey, asian guy in de and it's just you know emily in a way the socially did exactly what s.i. did. they pushed their branatd areas that alienated their core audience. like if you're a soci socialist, are you thrilled to see them then supporting death to israel? >> chants. no
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. and what i found so fascinating was just the sheer costthey s of socialists to your point. so they saidai 60% of theird tht budget were to pay for staff, and that was over half a million dollars. you know why it's so expensive? because thes e guys are showing up in like davos and the grammys. apvos an are literally spending planrently almost half a million dollars on like the most expensive plane tickets and train tickets and whatever to show up at the most coveted spots for everywherets to protest palestil and israel. so i obviously i'm glad l they're disappearing, but i feel like no one gets the irony throughout 11 getsy are, the con of that. they're socialists begging for othersf to bail them out, to pay>> gre their bills. >> exactly. you know, kathy, they needed to have a libertariag: exactlyyt staff, at least as their accountant or something. i'm actually not very good at math. yeahm ally not, like money cost. >> you know, it's -- it's . d sut know they've been able to successfully brand themselves as being altruistic whenlves as .
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it's not their own money that they want to give to people. thato give t people say ,like, i'm always down for adventure. it's like, no, no, no. you just don't have any responsibility for it. yeah. i would also like to be in bali. right now. >> say you're not special, but yo u. was - that's reality. and it's that's what most of us whatn. ing whe we're saying, hey, you have to be careful of spending because stuff costs money. then they say you're a. >> but that's just reality talking. yeah. you know, the. how will they find work now? i mean, this is something that you see on a resume and go, i want this person. i mean, that's not cup of tea personally, but i'll tell you anyway, when i heard the story today was in the car,n somebody said dsa is firing a bunch of people. and d i heard it that it was tsa tapping and i was because i called tsa thousands standing around. yeah, yeah, i dsa and i'm like, oh, it's really just democratsa, standing around. >> yeah. tell me what the organization has been. and so, you knowd so my , i meay intellectual hero is friedrich von hayek, and he wrote the tinct] of liberty
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and road to serfdom. that's right. and that's what that road to serfdom that i like, becausethat i it's that picture right there. >> that's the road to serfdom right thers e theme. >> and what he said and, t you know, if socialists understood economics, they wouldn't be socialisthey s. well, maybe they're not going to be socialists right now and they're out of a job. they realize how thingsand a actually work. and a lot of those people are so young. you to what they werechanti chanting, even when they were chanting, this is really bizarrngs reallye but revealingn they were chanting intifada, which is supposed be their word for uprising, call for the end of israel. word for upr really careful to some of that audio they were chanting on many of these campusesf. >> in fact, tada! like they didn't even know the word that they were chantin. that's like a that's like a new a new product on taco bell of an infettati drugs. all right. coming up, benjamin's brain f progressives in h hackers. >> kate made progress with her mental health, but her so her caused unintentional movements in her face, hands and feet, called tardive or td. >> so her doctor prescribed
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it too much a leap to seee fe better men as veep? >> it's not a jokes veep fettert got smarter after his stroke as take offense at fetterman common sense democrat senator john fetterman, former darling of the left, now says progressives left him. as it's true. as his party becomes more radical, fetterman has for come under attack for refusing to support their insane positionto s. iteral the guy had to get literal brain damage in order to realize that his party is a[h mess and it's and it's causedant controversy that he just doesn't understand. >> i honestly don't understand whnd.y. it's controversial to say we need a secure border. thder.and i think two things can be true at the same time, you can be very supportive of immigration you can. but we also need to have a secure border. and i really i about w immigration is we want
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to provide the american dream for any migrant t but it seems very difficult when you have 300,000 people showing up encountered and at a border to do that. and i thinr o dok we need to do a reset and we have to work together and develop a new comprehensive solution to thatt. . >> it's beautiful, actually.democr the democrats created a monster and now he's turning on and as you recovered his mind, they lefrecoveret behind. and who would have thought having a stroke was the best thinaving ag that ever happened to him? could it be? fetterman stroke was a stroke f genius. whatever they dir]d it is, therapy. spread it around. there's plenty in washington who could benefit from it. >> no, it's fine. eborah ross was different this year. i just hadi had a picture taket with him. that's probably why she left. no kidding. the subway. oh, she couldn't be here,
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actually. that's not true. i got mixet true d up with.g: wow >> how so? i was just hanging out with somebody who wasn't reallyy there. >> yeah. emily, i have to be honest.stil i still feel pretty bad forl fe making fun of fetterman. i feel like i need to makeblic a public and private amendnds i something because it turns out that he's like he helike with a actually was probably doing, you know, dealing with a lot of stuff. and noff andis like,w he's, lik >> and i'm like, wait a minute. what's happening to meway a right? what a. s hard let's party. >> emii. okay. first of all of us, i am always gratefulam for anyone holding an elected position and for his at senate position that has common sense. so thank you. lik that aside, i feel like we just watched someone go through puberty in real time on our dime. i don't wantn ou to watch someos who sees the light and comes to , t who in 2020 tweeted jebdt bush, like, i'm the realke i'm progressive and i'm the mostor .
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progressive, and in his race said, vote for me and the most like he was. for ma's been sort of a hack for many years and claiming that he's the most progressive. and now that we are realizing or we're watching him realizreae that, yes, you have to have a bit of common sense. >> and they have left me. that's what that identity crisis is, what's happening to a lot of democrats. ot obut sort of watching it hap and feeling like now we're supposed to applaud. i'm grateful that someone who has a d before his name might actually be voting for common sense. but i don't feel like doill see likeprogression ,just get something done then. all right, now, what do you whatget you think vivek shd be given the benefit of the doubt or should we crush him like a a bug the way emily feel? well, i.? of my background before wasat ee in biotech, and i will say that every neurologistry needs . to study this man's brain, because what happened is nothing short ohave bee i wiracle. yeah. and i will also say, if this dea means more democrats need to wear hoodies, get rid of the suits and bring it updone. by whatever gets the job done.
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i'm in this for the country. ri and so, you know, if somebody is saying the right thing and heading in the right directioghn, it's earnest. and i was watching it. i wonder and my first instinct is this some kind of shticinctke i don't get the sense that it is. and so anybody who has an earnest, heartfelt chang hase, y sometimes i think a lot of politicians create a box for themselves because they weren't thinking when they were reading what super pacs handed them as their script. but then they show up and occasionallyshsionally way n wait a minute, i was just reading that script and actually have independent thoughtse scri. o par th >> mm-hmm. i think we got to applaud that. unless we create a disincentive for more people to dorals a dir. and the other thing is the border now is officially a nonpartisan issue. n it should have been in the first place. that's a good thing. and we should celebrat is a gon and i think that if we own closing the border as a leading issue, going into this campaign from places like new york city to where we are across this why, i think this coulde win be a landslide win. and john fetterman proves it. keep that hoodieanrman kee comi brother. >> you know, i'm happy to have you. you knowto havu. , pat, the opening t thing said. >> fettermanhe is veep will be t hilarious if trump chokes him across. the aisle said, i want i want
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this fella over here, big guy. john, i don't think that'll happen. e with you. i think independent thought should be encouraged. i think that just because justause somthoughts outsidethik their party doesn't mean that they're now in the other one. >> oth i think i mean, they're thinking independently, but i'm just a little upset about the videosset. what was was the presidentpresid hallucinatineng? and we're supposed to just be like, okay, with that? he was. anyone he was. why isn't anyone going to tell us what happened? i don't know. ng to teusi don't know that i sd hallucinating on tv. >> that people would ask. k quei >> yeah, exactly. that's like an outtake from the sixth sense. what's greg: t more, he's like,, no. i took a picture with. there he goes. wait a minute. i can't be. she's nonts."t i. i just told you. did you? so why did you think that you did? yeah did. >> kat why did you think that you did? she's not your asking. hink y it's very simple. why did you think you took a picture with her wheou n? she was out there. see did you see her at her some? you she was there.
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were you thinking of another time? no. it's like. i know this happens all the time. it happens all the >> so a lot of people like elizabeth joe biden know again, like, that's not enough for me. it's not for me. why dod he think it's like i kne that. i think that i bet that's the first time people have see n that, right?d. it was like it was buried. it was buried much like, well, that was a joke i was going to make. but you know what? >> i'm just going to leave the jokes to adam. i a part of me thinks fetterman is just jealous because the migrants just better than him. >> yeah. i mean, goodwill sends him him.e, but he's right about the border. >> i mean, it's more ope n. . >> and will smith's marriage right now. and i'm so. i know, but i don't know if we're going to solve it. capit >> i think that we needal to capitalize it like i think we should put obstacle course te the border film it. mexican ninja warrior and i like it. d, up
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i like it. all right. up next, can taylor take a hinnt about her carbon footprint? >> what is going on on american campuses? what do our enemies want to enforce? they want to influence the thought processes of our kids. if you see someone's pronoun in the wrong way, you can get kicked out of college. the jewish kids are hiding in their dorm, afraid to go to class. from the river to the sea, palestine must be free. that was allowed to be sat on campus. how did we get to this point? and can we stand up to it? poison ivy. pete hegseth streaming now on fox nation. sign up at fox nation .com . >> i'm jonathan lawson. if you're 50 to 85, this is anr. if you're 50 to 85, this is anr. important message so please write down the number on your screen. the lock. the lock. i want to talk to yo about isn't the one on your door. it's a rate lock for your life insuranc for any reason.e that , that once you're in short, your rate can never go u
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it's her jett's carbon footprint by buying credits from developin jet'sg countrieso known as carbon indulgences. it's jusopingt a way for her to alleviate her guilt so she can still fly privat cane guilt.i tn i don't even think i think when this story came out, that's how she found out she was doing this. and i'm about to slam against ad her at all. she's so rich and successfuleree that she doesn't like she doesn't like know where her money goes. >> she's like a team of people mat, though.has f people and they thought of this. so and also when people hate people like hate on people who are private, it's just like if you would. if you could. like -yeah. and i mean it can't she f can't fly public olyr commercial ,right? that'd be like you taking the bus which you do. s, i, i mean, taylor swift, scott morrison, hunter biden's cracks pipecrack . it's a bit vague. >> it it's basically designed for the rich to excuse the behavior that they condemn in others. vivek
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>> so it's like they could say, oh, they flew around, blah, blah, blah. and also did fw around need to c to have carbon offsets. >> yeah, i fly around privatelay and. i don't use carbon offsets. i thought of that actually. i think carbon dioxide offse is actually plant food and there's something we should be happy about. yeah, well, forget a lot of the basi hap tha c facts. you know, the amount of carbon dioxide in the earth's is at a relatively speaking, low compared to much of the earth'srelative history,h of human history. >> these people flying a private jet to davost to to me about the racially disparate impact of climate change. these two things don't make clime. i would tell taylor swift is,at listen, you find private em to shake itrbone, off, you know, emits a methane. you might immeasurable. yeah and that's obviously my advice my to you workedft so. and it's a taylor swift song that you know how i hate that now we have at bat now we>> have bad blood stop blank space can't work that when you are man grown ma!n yeah like supposed to know the name of taylor swift's song. th. mily.
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>> oh, close to holy, holy. emily, listen to taylor swifr s >> i don't. but you guys on this topic, i applaus topic,d her.alking here's why. t why? because she is walking off. she has all this money and she stands for certain values that sheor deems correct in her mind, irrespective of of the the accuracy, the efficiency or whatever she's doing, what she is claiming that she should do. like, i actually think this is great. and even if she just found outhi about it today, that means that she has employed a team around her whereed a where sayse are the values we stand for and make sure it happen. it make it happens.s to no, i don't get tickets. i swear i'm not. i swear i never oh, my god. i better know i'm wrong. ccused >> i'm wrongly accused!.good i get like if she is like she's doing that. so anyway, so cute.
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focus on this view. safe flight repair. >> safe like big place. all right, we have tim all rige. one quick thought, vivek. >> the last time i was in iowa at a gasvek?t station, greg ant you told me to bring you some fanta, so i thought i'd y give you a sip of iowa's finest . there you go to it.what >> you wait. this is my orange juice. you know , it's fanta. >> mm.cious. fantastic. delicious. take your time. you want to take advantage? >> tastes like bears, children, aspirihat fantn. irin god, i love those. all we're out of time. f! >> good evening, everyone. i'm laur >> laura: good evening, i'


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